This class allows to instantiate a template tracker using image registration algorithms [10] [11] . |
The algorithm implemented in this class is described in [1] and [31] . |
The algorithm implemented in this class is described in [1] and [31] . |
The algorithm implemented in this class is described in [1] and [31] . |
Overloaded function. |
This class consider the affine warping model \(M\) with parameters \(p=(a_1, a_2, a_3, a_4, a_5, a_6)\) such as |
This class consider the homography warping model \(M\) with parameters \(p=(h_1, h_2, h_3, h_4, h_5, h_6, h_7, h_8)\) such as |
Construct an homography SL3 model with 8 parameters initialized to zero. |
This class consider the RT (rotation, translation) warping model \(M\) with parameters \(p=(\theta, t_u, t_v)\) such as |
This class consider the SRT (scale, rotation, translation) warping model \(M\) with parameters \(p=(s, \theta, t_u, t_v)\) such as |
This class consider the translation warping model \(M\) with parameters \(p=(t_u, t_v)\) such as |
The algorithm implemented in this class is described in [18] and [31] . |
The algorithm implemented in this class is described in [18] and [31] . |
A zone is defined by a set of triangles defined as vpTemplateTrackerTriangle . |