- class KalmanFilter(*args, **kwargs)¶
This class provides a generic Kalman filtering algorithm along with some specific state model (constant velocity, constant acceleration) which are implemented in the vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation class.
The state evolution equation is given by:
\[\begin{split}{\bf x}_k= {\bf F}_{k-1} {\bf x}_{k-1} + {\bf w}_{k-1} \\\end{split}\]where \({\bf x}_{k}\) is the unknown state at iteration \(k\) .
The measurement equation is given by:
\[{\bf z}_k = {\bf H} {\bf x}_k + {\bf r}_k \]where \({\bf z}_{k}\) is the measure (also named observation) at iteration \(k\) .
The predicted state is obtained by:
\[{\bf x}_{k|k-1} = {\bf F}_{k-1} {\bf x}_{k-1\mid k-1} \]\[{\bf P}_{k \mid k-1} = {\bf F}_{k-1} {\bf P}_{k-1 \mid k-1} {\bf F}^T_{k-1} + {\bf Q}_k \]where
\({\bf x}_{k|k-1}\) is the prediction of the state,
\({\bf P}_{k \mid k-1}\) is the state prediction covariance matrix.
Filtering equation are:
\[{\bf W}_k = {\bf P}_{k \mid k-1} {\bf H}^T \left[ {\bf H P}_{k \mid k-1} {\bf H}^T + {\bf R}_k \right]^{-1} \]\[{\bf x}_{k \mid k} = {\bf x}_{k \mid k-1} + {\bf W}_k \left[ {\bf z}_k - {\bf H x}_{k \mid k-1} \right] \]\[{\bf P}_{k \mid k} = \left({\bf I - W}_k {\bf H} \right) {\bf P}_{k \mid k-1} \]where \({\bf W}_k\) is the filter gain.
Notice that there is a recursion for the inverse covariance
\[{\bf P}_{k \mid k}^{-1}= {\bf P}_{k \mid k-1}^{-1} + {\bf H}^T {\bf R}^{-1} {\bf H} \]where \({\bf P}_{k \mid k}^{-1}\) is the inverse of the covariance matrix.
ViSP provides different state evolution models implemented in the vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation class.
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.KalmanFilter) -> None
Construct a default Kalman filter.
The verbose mode is disabled by default
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.KalmanFilter, n_signal: int) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.KalmanFilter, size_state: int, size_measure: int, n_signal: int) -> None
Construct a Kalman filter.
The verbose mode is disabled by default
- Parameters:
- n_signal
Number of signal to filter.
Overloaded function.
Update the Kalman filter by applying the filtering equations and increment the filter iteration ( vpKalmanFilter::iter ).
Return the iteration number.
Return the size of the measure vector \({\bf z}_{(k)}\) for one signal.
Return the number of signal to filter.
Return the size of the state vector \({\bf x}_{(k)}\) for one signal.
Initialize the Kalman filter.
Update the Kalman filter by applying the prediction equations.
Set the number of signal to filter.
Sets the verbose mode.
Inherited Methods
Overloaded function.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.KalmanFilter) -> None
Construct a default Kalman filter.
The verbose mode is disabled by default
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.KalmanFilter, n_signal: int) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.KalmanFilter, size_state: int, size_measure: int, n_signal: int) -> None
Construct a Kalman filter.
The verbose mode is disabled by default
- Parameters:
- n_signal
Number of signal to filter.
- filtering(self, z: visp._visp.core.ColVector) None ¶
Update the Kalman filter by applying the filtering equations and increment the filter iteration ( vpKalmanFilter::iter ).
The filtering equation is given by:
\[{\bf x}_{k \mid k} = {\bf x}_{k \mid k-1} + {\bf W}_k \left[ {\bf z}_k - {\bf H} {\bf x}_{k \mid k-1} \right] \]where \({\bf W_k}\) is the filter gain computed using the formula:
\[{\bf W_k} = {\bf P}_{k \mid k-1} {\bf H}^T \left[ {\bf H P}_{k \mid k-1} {\bf H}^T + {\bf R}_k \right]^{-1} \]and where the updated covariance of the state is given by
\[{\bf P}_{k \mid k} = \left({\bf I} - {\bf W}_k {\bf H} \right) {\bf P}_{k \mid k-1} \]or in a symmetric form
\[{\bf P}_{k \mid k} = {\bf P}_{k \mid k-1} - {\bf W}_k {\bf S}_k {\bf W}^T_k \]with
\[{\bf S}_k = {\bf H P}_{k \mid k-1} {\bf H}^T + {\bf R}_k \]- Parameters:
- z: visp._visp.core.ColVector¶
Measure (or observation) \({\bf z}_k\) provided at iteration \(k\) .
- prediction(self) None ¶
Update the Kalman filter by applying the prediction equations.
The predicted state is given by
\[{{\bf x}}_{k|k-1} = {\bf F}_{k-1} {\bf x}_{k-1\mid k-1} \]and the state prediction covariance by
\[{\bf P}_{k \mid k-1} = {\bf F}_{k-1} {\bf P}_{k-1 \mid k-1} {\bf F}^T_{k-1} + {\bf Q}_k \]