- class TemplateTrackerWarp¶
Compute the distance between a zone and its associated warped zone.
Get the number of parameters of the warping function.
Set the number of parameters of the warping function.
Warp a triangle and store the result in a new zone.
Warp a zone and store the result in a new zone.
Inherited Methods
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
- getDistanceBetweenZoneAndWarpedZone(self, Z: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, p: visp._visp.core.ColVector) float ¶
Compute the distance between a zone and its associated warped zone.
- Parameters:
- Z: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone¶
Zone to consider.
- p: visp._visp.core.ColVector¶
Parameters of the warping function.
- getNbParam(self) int ¶
Get the number of parameters of the warping function.
- Returns:
Number of parameters.
- warpTriangle(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerWarp, in: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerTriangle, p: visp._visp.core.ColVector, out: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerTriangle) None ¶
Warp a triangle and store the result in a new zone.
- Parameters:
- in
Triangle to warp.
- p
Parameters of the warping function. These parameters are estimated by the template tracker and returned using vpTemplateTracker::getp() .
- out
Resulting triangle.
- warpZone(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerWarp, in: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, p: visp._visp.core.ColVector, out: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone) None ¶
Warp a zone and store the result in a new zone.
- Parameters:
- in
Zone to warp.
- p
Parameters of the warping function. These parameters are estimated by the template tracker and returned using vpTemplateTracker::getp() .
- out
Resulting zone.