Example on a linear case study on how to use Unscented Kalman filterΒΆ

This example shows how to use an Unscented Kalman filter in Python.

This example is a linear case study. It is not what is intended for the Unscented Kalman filter, but it permits to get familiar with the different classes that are used.

The state vector and measurements are explained in the C++ example.

""" @example ukf-linear-example.py
 Example of a simple linear use-case of the Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). Using a UKF
 in this case is not necessary, it is done for learning purpose only.

 The system we are interested in is a system moving on a 2D-plane.

 The state vector of the UKF is:
        \textbf{x}[0] &=& x \\
        \textbf{x}[1] &=& \dot{x} \\
        \textbf{x}[1] &=& y \\
        \textbf{x}[2] &=& \dot{y}

 The measurement \f$ \textbf{z} \f$ corresponds to the position along the x-axis
 and y-axis. The measurement vector can be written as:
      \textbf{z}[0] &=& x \\
      \textbf{z}[1] &=& y

 Some noise is added to the measurement vector to simulate a sensor which is
 not perfect.

from visp.core import ColVector, Matrix, UnscentedKalman, UKSigmaDrawerMerwe

# For the Graphical User Interface
  from visp.gui import Plot
  has_gui = True
  has_gui = False
import numpy as np

def fx(x: ColVector, dt: float) -> ColVector:
  Process function that projects in time the internal state of the UKF.

  :param x: The internal state of the UKF.
  :param dt: The sampling time: how far in the future are we projecting x.

  :return ColVector: The updated internal state, projected in time, also known as the prior.
  return ColVector([
  	x[0] + dt * x[1],
  	x[2] + dt * x[3],

def hx(x: ColVector) -> ColVector:
  Measurement function that expresses the internal state of the UKF in the measurement space.

  :param x: The internal state of the UKF.

  :return ColVector: The internal state, expressed in the measurement space.
  return ColVector([

def add_state_vectors(a, b) -> ColVector:
  Method that permits to add two state vectors.

  :param a: The first state vector to which another state vector must be added.
  :param b: The other state vector that must be added to a.

  :return ColVector: The sum a + b.
  return a + b

def residual_state_vectors(a, b) -> ColVector:
  Method that permits to subtract a state vector to another.

  :param a: The first state vector to which another state vector must be subtracted.
  :param b: The other state vector that must be subtracted to a.

  :return ColVector: The subtraction a - b.
  return a - b

def generate_Q_matrix(dt: float) -> Matrix:
  Method that generates the process covariance matrix for a process for which the
  state vector can be written as (x, dx/dt)^T

  :param dt: The sampling period.

  :return Matrix: The corresponding process covariance matrix.
  return Matrix(
  	[[dt**3/3, dt**2/2, 0, 0],
  	[dt**2/2, dt, 0, 0],
  	[0, 0, dt**3/3, dt**2/2],
  	[0, 0, dt**2/2, dt]])

if __name__ == '__main__':
  dt = 0.01 # The sampling period
  gt_dx = 0.01 # The displacement along the x-axis between two timesteps
  gt_dy = 0.005 # The displacement along the y-axis between two timesteps
  gt_dX = ColVector([gt_dx, gt_dy]) # The displacement vector between two timesteps
  gt_vx = gt_dx / dt # The velocity along the x-axis
  gt_vy = gt_dy / dt # The velocity along the y-axis
  proc_var = 0.000004 # The variance of the process function
  sigma_x_meas = 0.05 # The standard deviation of the measurement noise for the x-axis measurement
  sigma_y_meas = 0.05 # The standard deviation of the measurement noise for the y-axis measurement

  # The object that draws the sigma points used by the UKF
  drawer = UKSigmaDrawerMerwe(n=4, alpha=0.3, beta=2, kappa=-1, resFunc=residual_state_vectors, addFunc=add_state_vectors)

  P0 = Matrix(np.eye(4) * 1.) # The initial estimate of the state covariance matrix
  R = Matrix(np.eye(2) * 0.01) # The measurement covariance matrix
  Q = generate_Q_matrix(dt) * proc_var # The process covariance matrix
  ukf = UnscentedKalman(Q, R, drawer, fx, hx) # The Unscented Kalman Filter instance

  # Initializing the state vector and state covariance matrix estimates
  ukf.init(ColVector([0., 0.75 * gt_vx, 0., 0.75 * gt_vy]), P0)

  # Initializing the Graphical User Interface if the needed libraries are available
  if has_gui:
    num_plots = 4
    plot = Plot(num_plots)
    plot_titles = [
      'Position along X-axis', 'Velocity along X-axis',
      'Position along Y-axis', 'Velocity along Y-axis'
    plot_y_units = [
      'Position (m)', 'Velocity (m/s)',
      'Position (m)', 'Velocity (m/s)'
    plot_legends = ['GT', 'Measure', 'Filtered']

    # Initializing the subplots
    for plot_index in range(num_plots):
      plot.initGraph(plot_index, len(plot_legends))
      plot.setTitle(plot_index, plot_titles[plot_index])
      plot.setUnitY(plot_index, plot_y_units[plot_index])
      plot.setUnitX(plot_index, 'Time (s)')
      for legend_index in range(len(plot_legends)):
        plot.setLegend(plot_index, legend_index, plot_legends[legend_index])

  gt_X = ColVector(2, 0.) # Ground truth position
  z_prec = ColVector(2, 0.) # Previous measurement vector

  for i in range(100):
    # Creating noisy measurements
    x_meas = gt_X[0] + np.random.normal(0.0, sigma_x_meas)
    y_meas = gt_X[1] + np.random.normal(0.0, sigma_y_meas)
    z = ColVector([x_meas, y_meas])

    # Filtering using the UKF
    ukf.filter(z, dt)

    # Getting the filtered state vector
    Xest = ukf.getXest()

    # Computing the noisy velocity from the measueremnts
    vX_meas = (x_meas - z_prec[0]) / dt
    vY_meas = (y_meas - z_prec[1]) / dt

    # Update the GUI if available
    if has_gui:
      plot.plot(0, 0, i, gt_X[0])
      plot.plot(0, 1, i, x_meas)
      plot.plot(0, 2, i, Xest[0])

      plot.plot(1, 0, i, gt_vx)
      plot.plot(1, 1, i, vX_meas)
      plot.plot(1, 2, i, Xest[1])

      plot.plot(2, 0, i, gt_X[1])
      plot.plot(2, 1, i, y_meas)
      plot.plot(2, 2, i, Xest[2])

      plot.plot(3, 0, i, gt_vy)
      plot.plot(3, 1, i, vY_meas)
      plot.plot(3, 2, i, Xest[3])

    # Updating ground-truth position
    gt_X += gt_dX

    # Updating last measurement for future computation of the noisy velocity
    z_prec = z

  input('Press enter to quit')