
class ColorDepthConversion

Bases: pybind11_object




Project color image point to depth frame.

Inherited Methods







__init__(*args, **kwargs)
static projectColorToDepth(I_depth: visp.core.ImageUInt16, depth_scale: float, depth_min: float, depth_max: float, depth_intrinsics: visp.core.CameraParameters, color_intrinsics: visp.core.CameraParameters, color_M_depth: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix, depth_M_color: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix, from_pixel: visp.core.ImagePoint) visp.core.ImagePoint

Project color image point to depth frame.

I_depth: visp.core.ImageUInt16

Depth raw image.

depth_scale: float

Depth scale to convert depth raw values in [m]. If depth raw values in I_depth are in [mm], depth scale should be 0.001.

depth_min: float

Minimal depth value for correspondence [m].

depth_max: float

Maximal depth value for correspondence [m].

depth_intrinsics: visp.core.CameraParameters

Intrinsic depth camera parameters.

color_intrinsics: visp.core.CameraParameters

Intrinsic color camera parameters.

color_M_depth: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Relationship between color and depth cameras (ie, extrinsic rgb-d camera parameters).

depth_M_color: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Relationship between depth and color cameras (ie, extrinsic rgb-d camera parameters).

from_pixel: visp.core.ImagePoint

Image point expressed into the color camera frame.


Image point expressed into the depth camera frame.