
class SimulatorViper850(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: RobotWireFrameSimulator, Viper850

Simulator of Irisa’s Viper S850 robot named Viper850.

Implementation of the vpRobotWireFrameSimulator class in order to simulate Irisa’s Viper850 robot. This robot is an ADEPT six degrees of freedom arm.


This class uses threading capabilities. Thus on Unix-like platforms, the libpthread third-party library need to be installed. On Windows, we use the native threading capabilities.

This class allows to control the Viper850 arm robot in position and velocity:

  • in the joint space ( vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME ),

  • in the fixed reference frame ( vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME ),

  • in the camera frame ( vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME ),

  • or in a mixed frame ( vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME ) where translations are expressed in the reference frame and rotations in the camera frame.

End-effector frame ( vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME ) is not implemented.

All the translations are expressed in meters for positions and m/s for the velocities. Rotations are expressed in radians for the positions, and rad/s for the rotation velocities.

The direct and inverse kinematics models are implemented in the vpViper850 class.

To control the robot in position, you may set the controller to position control and then send the position to reach in a specific frame like here in the joint space:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMath.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpSimulatorViper850.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpSimulatorViper850 robot;

  vpColVector q(6);
  // Set a joint position
  q[0] = vpMath::rad(10); // Joint 1 position, in rad
  q[1] = 0.2;             // Joint 2 position, in rad
  q[2] = 0.3;             // Joint 3 position, in rad
  q[3] = M_PI/8;          // Joint 4 position, in rad
  q[4] = M_PI/4;          // Joint 5 position, in rad
  q[5] = M_PI;            // Joint 6 position, in rad

  // Initialize the controller to position control

  // Moves the robot in the joint space
  robot.setPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q);

  return 0;

The robot moves to the specified position with the default positioning velocity vpRobotViper850::defaultPositioningVelocity. The setPositioningVelocity() method allows to change the maximal velocity used to reach the desired position.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMath.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpSimulatorViper850.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpSimulatorViper850 robot;

  vpColVector q(6);
  // Set q[i] with i in [0:5]

  // Initialize the controller to position control

  // Set the max velocity to 40%

  // Moves the robot in the joint space
  robot.setPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q);

  return 0;

To control the robot in velocity, you may set the controller to velocity control and then send the velocities. To end the velocity control and stop the robot you have to set the controller to the stop state. Here is an example of a velocity control in the joint space:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMath.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpSimulatorViper850.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpSimulatorViper850 robot;

  vpColVector qvel(6);
  // Set a joint velocity
  qvel[0] = 0.1;             // Joint 1 velocity in rad/s
  qvel[1] = vpMath::rad(15); // Joint 2 velocity in rad/s
  qvel[2] = 0;               // Joint 3 velocity in rad/s
  qvel[3] = M_PI/8;          // Joint 4 velocity in rad/s
  qvel[4] = 0;               // Joint 5 velocity in rad/s
  qvel[5] = 0;               // Joint 6 velocity in rad/s

  // Initialize the controller to position control

  for ( ; ; ) {
    // Apply a velocity in the joint space
    robot.setVelocity(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, qvel);

    // Compute new velocities qvel...

  // Stop the robot

  return 0;

It is also possible to measure the robot current position with getPosition() method and the robot current velocities with the getVelocity() method.

For convenience, there is also the ability to read/write joint positions from a position file with readPosFile() and savePosFile() methods.

To know how this class can be used to achieve a visual servoing simulation, you can follow the tutorial-ibvs.

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850) -> None

Basic constructor

  1. __init__(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, display: bool) -> None



Overloaded function.


Overloaded function.



Overloaded function.



Overloaded function.


Get the geometric transformation \(^c{\bf M}_e\) between the camera frame and the end-effector frame.


Get the twist transformation \(^c{\bf V}_e\) from camera frame to end-effector frame.


Get the robot jacobian expressed in the end-effector frame.


Get the robot jacobian expressed in the robot reference frame also called fix frame.


Overloaded function.


This method enables to initialise the joint coordinates of the robot in order to position the camera relative to the object.


This method enables to initialise the pose between the object and the reference frame, in order to position the object relative to the camera.


Moves the robot to the joint position specified in the filename.


Read joint positions in a specific Viper850 position file.


Save joint (articular) positions in a specific Viper850 position file.


Set the intrinsic camera parameters.


This method enables to set the minimum and maximum joint limits for all the six axis of the robot.


Overloaded function.





Stop the robot.

Inherited Methods



Saturate velocities.



Set the color used to display the object at the desired position in the robot's camera view.


Compute the forward kinematics (direct geometric model) as an homogeneous matrix.


Set the parameter which enable or disable the singularity management.



Compute the inverse kinematics (inverse geometric model).



Return the transformation between the wrist frame and the end-effector.



Get the current camera model projection type.




List of possible tools that can be attached to the robot end-effector.




Get the pose between the object and the robot's camera.






Compute the inverse kinematics (inverse geometric model).


Specify the thickness of the graphics drawings.



Return the coupling factor between join 5 and joint 6.



Get the parameters of the virtual external camera.


Overloaded function.


Overloaded function.


Get the maximal translation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.



This function gets the robot constant parameters from a file.


Set the flag used to force the sampling time in the thread computing the robot's displacement to a constant value; see setSamplingTime() .



Overloaded function.



Overloaded function.


Overloaded function.


Compute the forward kinematics (direct geometric model) as an homogeneous matrix \({^f}{\bf M}_e\) .




Get the external camera's position relative to the the world reference frame.



Compute the transformation between the fix frame and the wrist frame.



Return robot degrees of freedom number.




Robot control frames.






Set the maximal rotation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.


Get the geometric transformation between the end-effector frame and the force/torque sensor frame.



Get the pose between the object and the fixed world frame.


Set the color used to display the object at the current position in the robot's camera view.


Set the external camera point of view.


Get minimal joint values.


Activates extra printings when the robot reaches joint limits...



Set the pose between the object and the fixed world frame.



Get the maximal rotation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.



Robot control frames.



Set the color used to display the camera in the external view.


Set the maximal translation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.





Get the current tool type.


Set the desired position of the robot's camera relative to the object.



Get the robot jacobian \({^f}{\bf J}_w\) which express the velocity of the origin of the wrist frame in the robot reference frame also called fix frame.



Get maximal joint values.


Get the geometric transformation between the end-effector frame and the camera frame.


Return the sampling time.





Overloaded function.








































class ControlFrameType(self, value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object

Robot control frames.


  • REFERENCE_FRAME: Corresponds to a fixed reference frame attached to the robot structure.

  • ARTICULAR_FRAME: Corresponds to the joint state. This value is deprecated. You should rather use vpRobot::JOINT_STATE .

  • JOINT_STATE: Corresponds to the joint state.

  • END_EFFECTOR_FRAME: Corresponds to robot end-effector frame.

  • CAMERA_FRAME: Corresponds to a frame attached to the camera mounted on the robot end-effector.

  • TOOL_FRAME: Corresponds to a frame attached to the tool (camera, gripper…) mounted on the robot end-effector. This value is equal to vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME .

  • MIXT_FRAME: Corresponds to a “virtual” frame where translations are expressed in the reference frame, and rotations in the camera frame.

__and__(self, other: object) object
__eq__(self, other: object) bool
__ge__(self, other: object) bool
__getstate__(self) int
__gt__(self, other: object) bool
__hash__(self) int
__index__(self) int
__init__(self, value: int)
__int__(self) int
__invert__(self) object
__le__(self, other: object) bool
__lt__(self, other: object) bool
__ne__(self, other: object) bool
__or__(self, other: object) object
__rand__(self, other: object) object
__ror__(self, other: object) object
__rxor__(self, other: object) object
__setstate__(self, state: int) None
__xor__(self, other: object) object
property name : str
class DisplayRobotType(self, value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object


  • MODEL_3D


__and__(self, other: object) object
__eq__(self, other: object) bool
__ge__(self, other: object) bool
__getstate__(self) int
__gt__(self, other: object) bool
__hash__(self) int
__index__(self) int
__init__(self, value: int)
__int__(self) int
__invert__(self) object
__le__(self, other: object) bool
__lt__(self, other: object) bool
__ne__(self, other: object) bool
__or__(self, other: object) object
__rand__(self, other: object) object
__ror__(self, other: object) object
__rxor__(self, other: object) object
__setstate__(self, state: int) None
__xor__(self, other: object) object
property name : str
class RobotStateType(self, value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object

Robot control frames.


  • REFERENCE_FRAME: Corresponds to a fixed reference frame attached to the robot structure.

  • ARTICULAR_FRAME: Corresponds to the joint state. This value is deprecated. You should rather use vpRobot::JOINT_STATE .

  • JOINT_STATE: Corresponds to the joint state.

  • END_EFFECTOR_FRAME: Corresponds to robot end-effector frame.

  • CAMERA_FRAME: Corresponds to a frame attached to the camera mounted on the robot end-effector.

  • TOOL_FRAME: Corresponds to a frame attached to the tool (camera, gripper…) mounted on the robot end-effector. This value is equal to vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME .

  • MIXT_FRAME: Corresponds to a “virtual” frame where translations are expressed in the reference frame, and rotations in the camera frame.

__and__(self, other: object) object
__eq__(self, other: object) bool
__ge__(self, other: object) bool
__getstate__(self) int
__gt__(self, other: object) bool
__hash__(self) int
__index__(self) int
__init__(self, value: int)
__int__(self) int
__invert__(self) object
__le__(self, other: object) bool
__lt__(self, other: object) bool
__ne__(self, other: object) bool
__or__(self, other: object) object
__rand__(self, other: object) object
__ror__(self, other: object) object
__rxor__(self, other: object) object
__setstate__(self, state: int) None
__xor__(self, other: object) object
property name : str
class ToolType(self, value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object

List of possible tools that can be attached to the robot end-effector.


  • TOOL_MARLIN_F033C_CAMERA: Marlin F033C camera.

  • TOOL_PTGREY_FLEA2_CAMERA: Point Grey Flea 2 camera.

  • TOOL_SCHUNK_GRIPPER_CAMERA: Camera attached to the Schunk gripper.

  • TOOL_GENERIC_CAMERA: A generic camera.

  • TOOL_CUSTOM: A user defined tool.

__and__(self, other: object) object
__eq__(self, other: object) bool
__ge__(self, other: object) bool
__getstate__(self) int
__gt__(self, other: object) bool
__hash__(self) int
__index__(self) int
__init__(self, value: int)
__int__(self) int
__invert__(self) object
__le__(self, other: object) bool
__lt__(self, other: object) bool
__ne__(self, other: object) bool
__or__(self, other: object) object
__rand__(self, other: object) object
__ror__(self, other: object) object
__rxor__(self, other: object) object
__setstate__(self, state: int) None
__xor__(self, other: object) object
property name : str
__init__(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. __init__(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850) -> None

Basic constructor

  1. __init__(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, display: bool) -> None

getCameraParameters(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getCameraParameters(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, cam: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters, image_width: int, image_height: int) -> None

Get the current intrinsic camera parameters obtained by calibration.


The image size must be : 640x480 !


In output, camera parameters to fill.


Image width used to compute camera calibration.


Image height used to compute camera calibration.

  1. getCameraParameters(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, cam: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters, I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray) -> None

Get the current intrinsic camera parameters obtained by calibration.


The image size must be : 640x480 !


In output, camera parameters to fill.

  1. getCameraParameters(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, cam: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters, I: visp._visp.core.ImageRGBa) -> None

Get the current intrinsic camera parameters obtained by calibration.


The image size must be : 640x480 !


In output, camera parameters to fill.

  1. getCameraParameters(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper850, cam: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters, image_width: int, image_height: int) -> None

Get the current intrinsic camera parameters obtained by calibration.


This method needs XML library to parse the file defined in vpViper850::CONST_CAMERA_FILENAME and containing the camera parameters.


Third method needs also an access to the files containing the camera parameters in XML format. This access is available if VISP_HAVE_VIPER850_DATA macro is defined in include/visp3/core/vpConfig.h file.

  • If VISP_HAVE_VIPER850_DATA macro is defined, this method gets the camera parameters from const_camera_Viper850.xml config file.

  • If this macro is not defined, this method set the camera parameters to default one.

The code below shows how to get the camera parameters of the camera attached to the robot.

#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpRobotViper850.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpViper850.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vp1394TwoGrabber.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpImage<unsigned char> I(480, 640);

#ifdef VISP_HAVE_DC1394
  vp1394TwoGrabber g;

  // Acquire an image to update image structure
  g.acquire(I) ;

  vpRobotViper850 robot;
  vpViper850 robot;

  vpCameraParameters cam ;
  // Get the intrinsic camera parameters depending on the image size
  // Camera parameters are read from
  // /udd/fspindle/robot/Viper850/current/include/const_camera_Viper850.xml
  // if VISP_HAVE_VIPER850_DATA macro is defined
  // in vpConfig.h file
  try {
    robot.getCameraParameters (cam, I.getWidth(), I.getHeight());
  catch(...) {
    std::cout << "Cannot get camera parameters for image: " << I.getWidth() << " x " << I.getHeight() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Camera parameters: " << cam << std::endl;

In output, camera parameters to fill.


Image width used to compute camera calibration.


Image height used to compute camera calibration.

  1. getCameraParameters(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper850, cam: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters, I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray) -> None

Get the current intrinsic camera parameters obtained by calibration.


This method needs XML library to parse the file defined in vpViper850::CONST_CAMERA_FILENAME and containing the camera parameters.


Third method needs also an access to the files containing the camera parameters in XML format. This access is available if VISP_HAVE_VIPER850_DATA macro is defined in include/visp3/core/vpConfig.h file.

  • If VISP_HAVE_VIPER850_DATA macro is defined, this method gets the camera parameters from const_camera_Viper850.xml config file.

  • If these two macros are not defined, this method set the camera parameters to default one.

#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpRobotViper850.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpViper850.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vp1394TwoGrabber.h>

int main()
  vpImage<unsigned char> I(480, 640);

#ifdef VISP_HAVE_DC1394
  vp1394TwoGrabber g;

  // Acquire an image to update image structure
  g.acquire(I) ;

  vpRobotViper850 robot;
  vpViper850 robot;

  vpCameraParameters cam ;
  // Get the intrinsic camera parameters depending on the image size
  try {
    robot.getCameraParameters (cam, I);
  catch(...) {
    std::cout << "Cannot get camera parameters for image: " << I.getWidth() << " x " << I.getHeight() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Camera parameters: " << cam << std::endl;

In output, camera parameters to fill.


A B&W image send by the current camera in use.

  1. getCameraParameters(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper850, cam: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters, I: visp._visp.core.ImageRGBa) -> None

Get the current intrinsic camera parameters obtained by calibration.


This method needs XML library to parse the file defined in vpViper850::CONST_CAMERA_FILENAME and containing the camera parameters.


Third method needs also an access to the files containing the camera parameters in XML format. This access is available if VISP_HAVE_VIPER850_DATA macro is defined in include/visp3/core/vpConfig.h file.

  • If VISP_HAVE_VIPER850_DATA macro is defined, this method gets the camera parameters from const_camera_Viper850.xml config file.

  • If these two macros are not defined, this method set the camera parameters to default one.

#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpRobotViper850.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpViper850.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vp1394TwoGrabber.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpImage<vpRGBa> I(480, 640);

#ifdef VISP_HAVE_DC1394
  vp1394TwoGrabber g;

  // Acquire an image to update image structure
  g.acquire(I) ;

  vpRobotViper850 robot;
  vpViper850 robot;

  vpCameraParameters cam ;
  // Get the intrinsic camera parameters depending on the image size
  try {
    robot.getCameraParameters (cam, I);
  catch(...) {
    std::cout << "Cannot get camera parameters for image: " << I.getWidth() << " x " << I.getHeight() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Camera parameters: " << cam << std::endl;

In output, camera parameters to fill.


A color image send by the current camera in use.

getCameraParametersProjType(self) visp.core.CameraParameters.CameraParametersProjType

Get the current camera model projection type.

getCoupl56(self) float

Return the coupling factor between join 5 and joint 6.

This factor should be only useful when motor positions are considered. Since the positions returned by the robot are joint positions which takes into account the coupling factor, it has not to be considered in the modelization of the robot.

getDisplacement(self, frame: visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, displacement: visp.core.ColVector) None
getExternalCameraParameters(self) visp.core.CameraParameters

Get the parameters of the virtual external camera.


It returns the camera parameters.

getExternalCameraPosition(self) visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Get the external camera’s position relative to the the world reference frame.


the main external camera position relative to the the world reference frame.

getForwardKinematics(self, q: visp.core.ColVector) visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Compute the forward kinematics (direct geometric model) as an homogeneous matrix.

By forward kinematics we mean here the position and the orientation of the camera relative to the base frame given the six joint positions.

This method is the same than get_fMc(const vpColVector & q).


See get_fMc(const vpColVector & q)


See getInverseKinematics()

q: visp.core.ColVector

A six dimension vector corresponding to the robot joint positions expressed in radians.


The homogeneous matrix \(^f{\bf M}_c\) corresponding to the direct geometric model which expresses the transformation between the base frame and the camera frame.

getInternalView(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getInternalView(self: visp._visp.robot.RobotWireFrameSimulator, I: visp._visp.core.ImageRGBa) -> None

Get the view of the camera’s robot.

According to the initialisation method you used, the current position and maybee the desired position of the object are displayed.


: The objects are displayed thanks to overlays. The image I is not modified.

  1. getInternalView(self: visp._visp.robot.RobotWireFrameSimulator, I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray) -> None

Get the view of the camera’s robot.

According to the initialisation method you used, the current position and maybee the desired position of the object are displayed.


: The objects are displayed thanks to overlays. The image I is not modified.

getInverseKinematics(self, fMc: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix, q: visp.core.ColVector, verbose: bool = false) int

Compute the inverse kinematics (inverse geometric model).

By inverse kinematics we mean here the six joint values given the position and the orientation of the camera frame relative to the base frame.

The code below shows how to compute the inverse geometric model:

vpColVector q1(6), q2(6);
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMc;

vpViper robot;

// Get the current joint position of the robot
robot.getPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q1);

// Compute the pose of the camera in the reference frame using the
// direct geometric model
fMc = robot.getForwardKinematics(q1);
// this is similar to  fMc = robot.get_fMc(q1);
// or robot.get_fMc(q1, fMc);

// Compute the inverse geometric model
int nbsol; // number of solutions (0, 1 to 8) of the inverse geometric model
// get the nearest solution to the current joint position
nbsol = robot.getInverseKinematics(fMc, q1);

if (nbsol == 0)
  std::cout << "No solution of the inverse geometric model " << std::endl;
else if (nbsol >= 1)
  std::cout << "Nearest solution: " << q1 << std::endl;


See getForwardKinematics() , getInverseKinematicsWrist

fMc: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Homogeneous matrix \(^f{\bf M}_c\) describing the transformation from base frame to the camera frame.

q: visp.core.ColVector

In input, a six dimension vector corresponding to the current joint positions expressed in radians. In output, the solution of the inverse kinematics, ie. the joint positions corresponding to \(^f{\bf M}_c\) .

verbose: bool = false

Add extra printings.


Add printings if no solution was found.The number of solutions (1 to 8) of the inverse geometric model. O, if no solution can be found.

getInverseKinematicsWrist(self, fMw: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix, q: visp.core.ColVector, verbose: bool = false) int

Compute the inverse kinematics (inverse geometric model).

By inverse kinematics we mean here the six joint values given the position and the orientation of the camera frame relative to the base frame.

The code below shows how to compute the inverse geometric model:

vpColVector q1(6), q2(6);
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMw;

vpViper robot;

// Get the current joint position of the robot
robot.getPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q1);

// Compute the pose of the wrist in the reference frame using the
// direct geometric model
robot.get_fMw(q1, fMw);

// Compute the inverse geometric model
int nbsol; // number of solutions (0, 1 to 8) of the inverse geometric model
// get the nearest solution to the current joint position
nbsol = robot.getInverseKinematicsWrist(fMw, q1);

if (nbsol == 0)
  std::cout << "No solution of the inverse geometric model " << std::endl;
else if (nbsol >= 1)
  std::cout << "Nearest solution: " << q1 << std::endl;


See getForwardKinematics() , getInverseKinematics()

fMw: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Homogeneous matrix \(^f{\bf M}_w\) describing the transformation from base frame to the wrist frame.

q: visp.core.ColVector

In input, a six dimension vector corresponding to the current joint positions expressed in radians. In output, the solution of the inverse kinematics, ie. the joint positions corresponding to \(^f{\bf M}_w\) .

verbose: bool = false

Add extra printings.


Add printings if no solution was found.The number of solutions (1 to 8) of the inverse geometric model. O, if no solution can be found.

getJointMax(self) visp.core.ColVector

Get maximal joint values.


A 6-dimension vector that contains the maximal joint values for the 6 dof. All the values are expressed in radians.

getJointMin(self) visp.core.ColVector

Get minimal joint values.


A 6-dimension vector that contains the minimal joint values for the 6 dof. All the values are expressed in radians.

getMaxRotationVelocity(self) float

Get the maximal rotation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.


Maximum rotation velocity expressed in rad/s.

getMaxTranslationVelocity(self) float

Get the maximal translation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.


Maximum translational velocity expressed in m/s.

getNDof(self) int

Return robot degrees of freedom number.

getPosition(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getPosition(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, q: visp._visp.core.ColVector) -> None

  2. getPosition(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, q: visp._visp.core.ColVector, timestamp: float) -> float

  3. getPosition(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, position: visp._visp.core.PoseVector) -> None

  4. getPosition(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, position: visp._visp.core.PoseVector, timestamp: float) -> float

getPositioningVelocity(self) float
getRobotState(self) visp.robot.Robot.RobotStateType
getSamplingTime(self) float

Return the sampling time.


Sampling time in second used to compute the robot displacement from the velocity applied to the robot during this time.

getToolType(self) visp.robot.Viper850.ToolType

Get the current tool type.

getVelocity(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. getVelocity(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, q: visp._visp.core.ColVector) -> None

  2. getVelocity(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, q: visp._visp.core.ColVector, timestamp: float) -> float

  3. getVelocity(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType) -> visp._visp.core.ColVector

  4. getVelocity(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, timestamp: float) -> tuple[visp._visp.core.ColVector, float]

get_cMe(self, cMe: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Get the geometric transformation \(^c{\bf M}_e\) between the camera frame and the end-effector frame. This transformation is constant and correspond to the extrinsic camera parameters estimated by calibration.

cMe: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Transformation between the camera frame and the end-effector frame.

get_cMo(self) visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Get the pose between the object and the robot’s camera.


The pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

get_cVe(self, cVe: visp.core.VelocityTwistMatrix) None

Get the twist transformation \(^c{\bf V}_e\) from camera frame to end-effector frame. This transformation allows to compute a velocity expressed in the end-effector frame into the camera frame.

cVe: visp.core.VelocityTwistMatrix

Twist transformation.

get_eJe(self, eJe: visp.core.Matrix) None

Get the robot jacobian expressed in the end-effector frame.

To compute \(^e{\bf J}_e\) , we communicate with the low level controller to get the joint position of the robot.

get_eMc(self, eMc: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Get the geometric transformation between the end-effector frame and the camera frame. This transformation is constant and correspond to the extrinsic camera parameters estimated by calibration.


See get_cMe()

get_eMs(self, eMs: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Get the geometric transformation between the end-effector frame and the force/torque sensor frame. This transformation is constant.

eMs: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Transformation between the the end-effector frame and the force/torque sensor frame.

get_fJe(self, fJe: visp.core.Matrix) None

Get the robot jacobian expressed in the robot reference frame also called fix frame.

To compute \(^f{\bf J}_e\) , we communicate with the low level controller to get the joint position of the robot.

get_fJw(self, q: visp.core.ColVector, fJw: visp.core.Matrix) None

Get the robot jacobian \({^f}{\bf J}_w\) which express the velocity of the origin of the wrist frame in the robot reference frame also called fix frame.

\[\begin{split}{^f}J_w = \left(\begin{array}{cccccc} J_{11} & J_{12} & J_{13} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\J_{21} & J_{22} & J_{23} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\0 & J_{32} & J_{33} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\0 & -s1 & -s1 & c1s23 & J_{45} & J_{46} \\0 & c1 & c1 & s1s23 & J_{55} & J_{56} \\1 & 0 & 0 & c23 & s23s4 & J_{56} \\\end{array} \right) \end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{l} J_{11} = -s1(-c23a3+s23d4+a1+a2c2) \\J_{21} = c1(-c23a3+s23d4+a1+a2c2) \\J_{12} = c1(s23a3+c23d4-a2s2) \\J_{22} = s1(s23a3+c23d4-a2s2) \\J_{32} = c23a3-s23d4-a2c2 \\J_{13} = c1(a3(s2c3+c2s3)+(-s2s3+c2c3)d4)\\J_{23} = s1(a3(s2c3+c2s3)+(-s2s3+c2c3)d4)\\J_{33} = -a3(s2s3-c2c3)-d4(s2c3+c2s3)\\J_{45} = -c23c1s4-s1c4\\J_{55} = c1c4-c23s1s4\\J_{46} = (c1c23c4-s1s4)s5+c1s23c5\\J_{56} = (s1c23c4+c1s4)s5+s1s23c5\\J_{66} = -s23c4s5+c23c5\\\end{array} \end{split}\]


See get_fJe() , get_eJe()

q: visp.core.ColVector

A six-dimension vector that contains the joint positions of the robot expressed in radians.

fJw: visp.core.Matrix

Robot jacobian \({^f}{\bf J}_w\) that express the velocity of the point w (origin of the wrist frame) in the robot reference frame.

get_fMc(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. get_fMc(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper, q: visp._visp.core.ColVector) -> visp._visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Compute the forward kinematics (direct geometric model) as an homogeneous matrix.

By forward kinematics we mean here the position and the orientation of the camera relative to the base frame given the joint positions of all the six joints.

\[^f{\bf M}_c = ^f{\bf M}_e \; ^e{\bf M}_c \]

This method is the same than getForwardKinematics(const vpColVector & q).


See getForwardKinematics(const vpColVector & q), get_fMe() , get_eMc()


Vector of six joint positions expressed in radians.


The homogeneous matrix corresponding to the direct geometric model which expresses the transformation between the base frame and the camera frame (fMc).

  1. get_fMc(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper, q: visp._visp.core.ColVector, fMc: visp._visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) -> None

Compute the forward kinematics (direct geometric model) as an homogeneous matrix.

By forward kinematics we mean here the position and the orientation of the camera relative to the base frame given the six joint positions.

\[^f{\bf M}_c = ^f{\bf M}_e \; {^e}{\bf M}_c \]


See get_fMe() , get_eMc()


Vector of six joint positions expressed in radians.


The homogeneous matrix \(^f{\bf M}_c\) corresponding to the direct geometric model which expresses the transformation between the fix frame and the camera frame.

get_fMe(self, q: visp.core.ColVector, fMe: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Compute the forward kinematics (direct geometric model) as an homogeneous matrix \({^f}{\bf M}_e\) .

By forward kinematics we mean here the position and the orientation of the end effector with respect to the base frame given the motor positions of all the six joints.

\[\begin{split}{^f}M_e = \left(\begin{array}{cccc} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} & t_x \\r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} & t_y \\r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} & t_z \\\end{array} \right) \end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{l} r_{11} = c1(c23(c4c5c6-s4s6)-s23s5c6)-s1(s4c5c6+c4s6) \\r_{21} = -s1(c23(-c4c5c6+s4s6)+s23s5c6)+c1(s4c5c6+c4s6) \\r_{31} = s23(s4s6-c4c5c6)-c23s5c6 \\\\r_{12} = -c1(c23(c4c5s6+s4c6)-s23s5s6)+s1(s4c5s6-c4c6)\\r_{22} = -s1(c23(c4c5s6+s4c6)-s23s5s6)-c1(s4c5s6-c4c6)\\r_{32} = s23(c4c5s6+s4c6)+c23s5s6\\\\r_{13} = c1(c23c4s5+s23c5)-s1s4s5\\r_{23} = s1(c23c4s5+s23c5)+c1s4s5\\r_{33} = -s23c4s5+c23c5\\\\t_x = c1(c23(c4s5d6-a3)+s23(c5d6+d4)+a1+a2c2)-s1s4s5d6\\t_y = s1(c23(c4s5d6-a3)+s23(c5d6+d4)+a1+a2c2)+c1s4s5d6\\t_z = s23(a3-c4s5d6)+c23(c5d6+d4)-a2s2+d1\\\end{array} \end{split}\]

Note that this transformation can also be computed by considering the wrist frame \({^f}{\bf M}_e = {^f}{\bf M}_w *{^w}{\bf M}_e\) .

#include <visp3/robot/vpViper.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpViper robot;
  vpColVector q(6); // The measured six joint positions

  vpHomogeneousMatrix fMe; // Transformation from fix frame to end-effector
  robot.get_fMe(q, fMe); // Get the forward kinematics

  // The forward kinematics can also be computed by considering the wrist frame
  vpHomogeneousMatrix fMw; // Transformation from fix frame to wrist frame
  robot.get_fMw(q, fMw);
  vpHomogeneousMatrix wMe; // Transformation from wrist frame to end-effector
  robot.get_wMe(wMe); // Constant transformation

  // Compute the forward kinematics
  fMe = fMw * wMe;
q: visp.core.ColVector

A 6-dimension vector that contains the 6 joint positions expressed in radians.

fMe: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

The homogeneous matrix \({^f}{\bf M}_e\) corresponding to the direct geometric model which expresses the transformation between the fix frame and the end effector frame.

get_fMo(self) visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

Get the pose between the object and the fixed world frame.


The pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

get_fMw(self, q: visp.core.ColVector, fMw: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Compute the transformation between the fix frame and the wrist frame. The wrist frame is located on the intersection of the 3 last rotations.

\[\begin{split}{^f}M_w = \left(\begin{array}{cccc} r_{11} & r_{12} & r_{13} & t_x \\r_{21} & r_{22} & r_{23} & t_y \\r_{31} & r_{32} & r_{33} & t_z \\\end{array} \right) \end{split}\]


\[\begin{split}\begin{array}{l} r_{11} = c1(c23(c4c5c6-s4s6)-s23s5c6)-s1(s4c5c6+c4s6) \\r_{21} = -s1(c23(-c4c5c6+s4s6)+s23s5c6)+c1(s4c5c6+c4s6) \\r_{31} = s23(s4s6-c4c5c6)-c23s5c6 \\\\r_{12} = -c1(c23(c4c5s6+s4c6)-s23s5s6)+s1(s4c5s6-c4c6)\\r_{22} = -s1(c23(c4c5s6+s4c6)-s23s5s6)-c1(s4c5s6-c4c6)\\r_{32} = s23(c4c5s6+s4c6)+c23s5s6\\\\r_{13} = c1(c23c4s5+s23c5)-s1s4s5\\r_{23} = s1(c23c4s5+s23c5)+c1s4s5\\r_{33} = -s23c4s5+c23c5\\\\t_x = c1(-c23a3+s23d4+a1+a2c2)\\t_y = s1(-c23a3+s23d4+a1+a2c2)\\t_z = s23a3+c23d4-a2s2+d1\\\end{array} \end{split}\]
q: visp.core.ColVector

A 6-dimension vector that contains the 6 joint positions expressed in radians.

fMw: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

The homogeneous matrix corresponding to the transformation between the fix frame and the wrist frame (fMw).

get_wMe(self, wMe: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Return the transformation between the wrist frame and the end-effector. The wrist frame is located on the intersection of the 3 last rotations.

wMe: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

The homogeneous matrix corresponding to the transformation between the wrist frame and the end-effector frame (wMe).

init(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. init(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, tool: visp._visp.robot.Viper850.ToolType, projModel: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters.CameraParametersProjType) -> None

Initialize the robot kinematics with the extrinsic calibration parameters associated to a specific camera.

The eMc parameters depend on the camera.


Only perspective projection without distortion is available!


See vpCameraParameters , init()


Tool to use.

  1. init(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper850) -> None

Initialize the robot with the default tool vpViper850::defaultTool .

  1. init(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper850, camera_extrinsic_parameters: str) -> None

Read files containing the constant parameters related to the robot tools in order to set the end-effector to tool transformation.


Filename containing the camera extrinsic parameters.

  1. init(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper850, tool: visp._visp.robot.Viper850.ToolType, projModel: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters.CameraParametersProjType) -> None

Set the constant parameters related to the robot kinematics and to the end-effector to camera transformation ( \(^e{\bf M}c\) ) corresponding to the camera extrinsic parameters. These last parameters depend on the camera and projection model in use and are loaded from predefined files or parameters.


If the macro VISP_HAVE_VIPER850_DATA is defined in vpConfig.h this function reads the camera extrinsic parameters from the file corresponding to the specified camera type and projection type. Otherwise corresponding default parameters are loaded.


See init(vpViper850::vpToolType, const std::string&) , init(vpViper850::vpToolType, const vpHomogeneousMatrix&)


Camera in use.

  1. init(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper850, tool: visp._visp.robot.Viper850.ToolType, filename: str) -> None

Set the type of tool attached to the robot and transformation between the end-effector and the tool ( \(^e{\bf M}c\) ). This last parameter is loaded from a file.

The configuration file should have the form below:

# Start with any number of consecutive lines
# beginning with the symbol '#'
# The 3 following lines contain the name of the camera,
# the rotation parameters of the geometric transformation
# using the Euler angles in degrees with convention XYZ and
# the translation parameters expressed in meters
CAMERA CameraName
eMc_ROT_XYZ 10.0 -90.0 20.0
eMc_TRANS_XYZ  0.05 0.01 0.06


See init ( vpViper850::vpToolType , vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType ), init ( vpViper850::vpToolType , const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)


Type of tool in use.


Path of the configuration file containing the transformation between the end-effector frame and the tool frame.

  1. init(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper850, tool: visp._visp.robot.Viper850.ToolType, eMc_: visp._visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) -> None

Set the type of tool attached to the robot and the transformation between the end-effector and the tool ( \(^e{\bf M}c\) ).


See init ( vpViper850::vpToolType , vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType ), init(vpViper850::vpToolType, const std::string&)


Type of tool in use.


Homogeneous matrix representation of the transformation between the end-effector frame and the tool frame.

initScene(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. initScene(self: visp._visp.robot.RobotWireFrameSimulator, obj: visp._visp.robot.WireFrameSimulator.SceneObject, desiredObject: visp._visp.robot.WireFrameSimulator.SceneDesiredObject) -> None

  2. initScene(self: visp._visp.robot.RobotWireFrameSimulator, obj: str, desiredObject: str) -> None

Initialize the display. It enables to choose the type of scene which will be used to display the object at the current position and at the desired position.

Here you can use the scene you want. You have to set the path to the .bnd file which is a scene file. It is also possible to use a vrml (.wrl) file.


Path to the scene file you want to use.

  1. initScene(self: visp._visp.robot.RobotWireFrameSimulator, obj: visp._visp.robot.WireFrameSimulator.SceneObject) -> None

  2. initScene(self: visp._visp.robot.RobotWireFrameSimulator, obj: str) -> None

Initialize the display. It enables to choose the type of scene which will be used to display the object at the current position. The object at the desired position is not displayed.

Here you can use the scene you want. You have to set the path to the .bnd file which is a scene file, or the vrml file.


Path to the scene file you want to use.

initialiseCameraRelativeToObject(self, cMo: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) bool

This method enables to initialise the joint coordinates of the robot in order to position the camera relative to the object.

Before using this method it is advised to set the position of the object thanks to the set_fMo() method.

In other terms, set the world to camera transformation \({^f}{\bf M}_c = {^f}{\bf M}_o \; ({^c}{\bf M}{_o})^{-1}\) , and from the inverse kinematics set the joint positions \({\bf q}\) that corresponds to the \({^f}{\bf M}_c\) transformation.


false if the robot kinematics is not able to reach the cMo position.

initialiseObjectRelativeToCamera(self, cMo: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

This method enables to initialise the pose between the object and the reference frame, in order to position the object relative to the camera.

Before using this method it is advised to set the articular coordinates of the robot.

In other terms, set the world to object transformation \({^f}{\bf M}_o = {^f}{\bf M}_c \; {^c}{\bf M}_o\) where \({^f}{\bf M}_c = f({\bf q})\) with \({\bf q}\) the robot joint position

move(self, filename: str) None

Moves the robot to the joint position specified in the filename.


See readPosFile

filename: str

File containing a joint position.

parseConfigFile(self, filename: str) None

This function gets the robot constant parameters from a file.

filename: str

File name containing the robot constant parameters, like the hand-to-eye transformation.

static readPosFile(filename: str, q: visp.core.ColVector) bool

Read joint positions in a specific Viper850 position file.

This position file has to start with a header. The six joint positions are given after the “R:” keyword. The first 3 values correspond to the joint translations X,Y,Z expressed in meters. The 3 last values correspond to the joint rotations A,B,C expressed in degres to be more representative for the user. Theses values are then converted in radians in q . The character “#” starting a line indicates a comment.

A typical content of such a file is given below:

#Viper - Position - Version 1.0
# file: "myposition.pos "
# R: A B C D E F
# Joint position in degrees

R: 0.1 0.3 -0.25 -80.5 80 0

The code below shows how to read a position from a file and move the robot to this position.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpSimulatorViper850.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpSimulatorViper850 robot;

  // Enable the position control of the robot

  // Get the current robot joint positions
  vpColVector q;        // Current joint position
  robot.getPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q);

  // Save this position in a file named "current.pos"
  robot.savePosFile("current.pos", q);

  // Get the position from a file and move to the registered position
  robot.readPosFile("current.pos", q); // Set the joint position from the file

  robot.setPositioningVelocity(5); // Positioning velocity set to 5%
  robot.setPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q); // Move to the joint position


See savePosFile()

filename: str

Name of the position file to read.

q: visp.core.ColVector

The six joint positions. Values are expressed in radians.


true if the positions were successfully readen in the file. false, if an error occurs.

static saturateVelocities(v_in: visp.core.ColVector, v_max: visp.core.ColVector, verbose: bool = false) visp.core.ColVector

Saturate velocities.

The code below shows how to use this static method in order to saturate a velocity skew vector.

#include <iostream>

#include <visp3/robot/vpRobot.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  // Set a velocity skew vector
  vpColVector v(6);
  v[0] = 0.1;               // vx in m/s
  v[1] = 0.2;               // vy
  v[2] = 0.3;               // vz
  v[3] = vpMath::rad(10);   // wx in rad/s
  v[4] = vpMath::rad(-10);  // wy
  v[5] = vpMath::rad(20);   // wz

  // Set the maximal allowed velocities
  vpColVector v_max(6);
  for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
    v_max[i] = 0.3;             // in translation (m/s)
  for (int i=3; i<6; i++)
    v_max[i] = vpMath::rad(10); // in rotation (rad/s)

  // Compute the saturated velocity skew vector
  vpColVector v_sat = vpRobot::saturateVelocities(v, v_max, true);

  std::cout << "v    : " << v.t() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "v max: " << v_max.t() << std::endl;
  std::cout << "v sat: " << v_sat.t() << std::endl;

  return 0;
v_in: visp.core.ColVector

Vector of input velocities to saturate. Translation velocities should be expressed in m/s while rotation velocities in rad/s.

v_max: visp.core.ColVector

Vector of maximal allowed velocities. Maximal translation velocities should be expressed in m/s while maximal rotation velocities in rad/s.

verbose: bool = false

Print a message indicating which axis causes the saturation.


Saturated velocities.

static savePosFile(filename: str, q: visp.core.ColVector) bool

Save joint (articular) positions in a specific Viper850 position file.

This position file starts with a header on the first line. After convertion of the rotations in degrees, the joint position q is written on a line starting with the keyword “R: “. See readPosFile() documentation for an example of such a file.


See readPosFile()

filename: str

Name of the position file to create.

q: visp.core.ColVector

The six joint positions to save in the filename. Values are expressed in radians.


true if the positions were successfully saved in the file. false, if an error occurs.

setCameraColor(self, col: visp.core.Color) None

Set the color used to display the camera in the external view.

col: visp.core.Color

The desired color.

setCameraParameters(self, cam: visp.core.CameraParameters) None

Set the intrinsic camera parameters.

cam: visp.core.CameraParameters

The desired camera parameters.

setConstantSamplingTimeMode(self, _constantSamplingTimeMode: bool) None

Set the flag used to force the sampling time in the thread computing the robot’s displacement to a constant value; see setSamplingTime() . It may be useful if the main thread (computing the features) is very time consuming. False by default.

_constantSamplingTimeMode: bool

The new value of the constantSamplingTimeMode flag.

setCurrentViewColor(self, col: visp.core.Color) None

Set the color used to display the object at the current position in the robot’s camera view.

col: visp.core.Color

The desired color.

setDesiredCameraPosition(self, cdMo_: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Set the desired position of the robot’s camera relative to the object.

cdMo_: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

The desired pose of the camera.

setDesiredViewColor(self, col: visp.core.Color) None

Set the color used to display the object at the desired position in the robot’s camera view.

col: visp.core.Color

The desired color.

setDisplayRobotType(self, dispType: visp.robot.RobotWireFrameSimulator.DisplayRobotType) None
setExternalCameraPosition(self, camMf_: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Set the external camera point of view.

camMf_: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

The pose of the external camera relative to the world reference frame.

setGraphicsThickness(self, thickness: int) None

Specify the thickness of the graphics drawings.

setJointLimit(self, limitMin: visp.core.ColVector, limitMax: visp.core.ColVector) None

This method enables to set the minimum and maximum joint limits for all the six axis of the robot. All the values have to be given in radian.

limitMin: visp.core.ColVector

The minimum joint limits are given in a vector of size 6. All the value must be in radian.

limitMax: visp.core.ColVector

The maximum joint limits are given in a vector of size 6. All the value must be in radian.

setMaxRotationVelocity(self, maxVr: float) None

Set the maximal rotation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.

setMaxTranslationVelocity(self, maxVt: float) None

Set the maximal translation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.

setPosition(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setPosition(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, q: visp._visp.core.ColVector) -> None

  2. setPosition(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, frame: visp._visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, pos1: float, pos2: float, pos3: float, pos4: float, pos5: float, pos6: float) -> None

  3. setPosition(self: visp._visp.robot.SimulatorViper850, filename: str) -> None

Move to an absolute joint position with a given percent of max velocity. The robot state is set to position control. The percent of max velocity is to set with setPositioningVelocity() . The position to reach is defined in the position file.

This method has the same behavior than the sample code given below;

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/robot/vpSimulatorViper850.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpColVector q;
  vpSimulatorViper850 robot;

  robot.readPosFile("MyPositionFilename.pos", q);
  robot.setPosition(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, q);


See setPositioningVelocity()


Name of the position file to read. The readPosFile() documentation shows a typical content of such a position file.

setPositioningVelocity(self, vel: float) None
setRobotState(self, newState: visp.robot.Robot.RobotStateType) visp.robot.Robot.RobotStateType
setSamplingTime(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. setSamplingTime(self: visp._visp.robot.RobotWireFrameSimulator, delta_t: float) -> None

Set the sampling time.

Since the wireframe simulator is threaded, the sampling time is set to vpTime::getMinTimeForUsleepCall() / 1000 seconds.


Sampling time in second used to compute the robot displacement from the velocity applied to the robot during this time.

  1. setSamplingTime(self: visp._visp.robot.RobotSimulator, delta_t: float) -> None

Set the sampling time.


Sampling time in second used to compute the robot displacement from the velocity applied to the robot during this time.

setSingularityManagement(self, sm: bool) None

Set the parameter which enable or disable the singularity management.

setVelocity(self, frame: visp.robot.Robot.ControlFrameType, velocity: visp.core.ColVector) None
setVerbose(self, verbose: bool) None

Activates extra printings when the robot reaches joint limits…

set_eMc(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. set_eMc(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper, eMc_: visp._visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) -> None

Set the geometric transformation between the end-effector frame and the tool frame (commonly a camera).


Transformation between the end-effector frame and the tool frame.

  1. set_eMc(self: visp._visp.robot.Viper, etc_: visp._visp.core.TranslationVector, erc_: visp._visp.core.RxyzVector) -> None

Set the geometric transformation between the end-effector frame and the tool frame (commonly a camera frame).


Translation between the end-effector frame and the tool frame.


Rotation between the end-effector frame and the tool frame using the Euler angles in radians with the XYZ convention.

set_fMo(self, fMo_: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) None

Set the pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

fMo_: visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix

The pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

stopMotion(self) None

Stop the robot.