- class ThetaUVector(*args, **kwargs)¶
Implementation of a rotation vector as \(\theta {\bf u}\) axis-angle minimal representation.
Class that consider the case of the \(\theta {\bf u}\) parameterization for the rotation.
The vpThetaUVector class is derived from vpRotationVector .
The \(\theta {\bf u}\) representation is one of the minimal representation of a rotation matrix, where \({\bf u} = (u_{x} \; u_{y} \; u_{z})^{\top}\) is a unit vector representing the rotation axis and \(\theta\) is the rotation angle.
From the \(\theta {\bf u}\) representation it is possible to build the rotation matrix \({\bf R}\) using the Rodrigues formula:
\[{\bf R} = {\bf I}_{3} + (1 - \cos{ \theta}) \; {\bf u u}^{\top} + \sin{ \theta} \; [{\bf u}]_{\times} \]with \({\bf I}_{3}\) the identity matrix of dimension \(3\times3\) and \([{\bf u}]_{\times}\) the skew matrix:
\[\begin{split}[{\bf u}]_{\times} = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & -u_{z} & u_{y} \\u_{z} & 0 & -u_{x} \\-u_{y} & u_{x} & 0 \end{array} \right) \end{split}\]From the implementation point of view, it is nothing more than an array of three floats with values in [rad].
You can set values [rad] accessing each element:
vpThetaUVector tu; tu[0] = M_PI_4; tu[1] = M_PI_2; tu[2] = M_PI;
You can also initialize the vector using operator<<(double) :
tu << M_PI_4, M_PI_2, M_PI;
Or you can also initialize the vector from a list of doubles if ViSP is build with c++11 enabled:
tu = {M_PI_4, M_PI_2, M_PI};
To get the values [rad] use:
double tux = tu[0]; double tuy = tu[1]; double tuz = tu[2];
The code below shows first how to initialize a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector, than how to construct a rotation matrix from a vpThetaUVector and finally how to extract the theta U angles from the build rotation matrix.
#include <iostream> #include <visp3/core/vpMath.h> #include <visp3/core/vpRotationMatrix.h> #include <visp3/core/vpThetaUVector.h> #ifdef ENABLE_VISP_NAMESPACE using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME; #endif int main() { vpThetaUVector tu; // Initialise the theta U rotation vector tu[0] = vpMath::rad( 45.f); tu[1] = vpMath::rad(-30.f); tu[2] = vpMath::rad( 90.f); // Construct a rotation matrix from the theta U angles vpRotationMatrix R(tu); // Extract the theta U angles from a rotation matrix tu.buildFrom(R); // Print the extracted theta U angles. Values are the same than the // one used for initialization std::cout << tu; // Since the rotation vector is 3 values column vector, the // transpose operation produce a row vector. vpRowVector tu_t = tu.t(); // Print the transpose row vector std::cout << tu_t << std::endl; }
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector) -> None
Default constructor that initialize all the 3 angles to zero.
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tu: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector) -> None
Copy constructor.
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, M: visp._visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, p: visp._visp.core.PoseVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, R: visp._visp.core.RotationMatrix) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, rzyx: visp._visp.core.RzyxVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, rzyz: visp._visp.core.RzyzVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, rxyz: visp._visp.core.RxyzVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, q: visp._visp.core.QuaternionVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tu: visp._visp.core.ColVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tu: list[float]) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tux: float, tuy: float, tuz: float) -> None
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from 3 angles in radians.
#include <visp3/core/vpThetaUVector.cpp> #ifdef ENABLE_VISP_NAMESPACE using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME; #endif int main() { vpThetaUVector tu(0, M_PI_2, M_PI); std::cout << "tu: " << tu.t() << std::endl; }
It produces the following printings:
tu: 0 1.570796327 3.141592654
Overloaded function.
Overloaded function.
Extract the rotation angle \(\theta\) and the unit vector \(\bf u\) from the \(\theta {\bf u}\) representation.
Get the rotation angle \(\theta\) from the \(\theta {\bf u}\) representation.
Get the unit vector \(\bf u\) from the \(\theta {\bf u}\) representation.
Inherited Methods
Overloaded function.
Numpy view of the underlying array data.
- return:
The corresponding std::vector<double>.
Set the size of the array and initialize all the values to zero.
Return the number of rows of the 2D array.
Return the number of columns of the 2D array.
Overloaded function.
Overloaded function.
Return the number of elements of the 2D array.
Return the sum square of all the elements \(r_{i}\) of the rotation vector r(m).
Overloaded function.
Overloaded function.
Perform rotation chaining / rotation multiplication using the theta.u rotation representation.
- __eq__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
__eq__(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D) -> bool
__eq__(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D) -> bool
__eq__(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D) -> bool
- __getitem__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
__getitem__(self: visp._visp.core.PoseVector, arg0: int) -> float
__getitem__(self: visp._visp.core.PoseVector, arg0: slice) -> numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector) -> None
Default constructor that initialize all the 3 angles to zero.
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tu: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector) -> None
Copy constructor.
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, M: visp._visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, p: visp._visp.core.PoseVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, R: visp._visp.core.RotationMatrix) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, rzyx: visp._visp.core.RzyxVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, rzyz: visp._visp.core.RzyzVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, rxyz: visp._visp.core.RxyzVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, q: visp._visp.core.QuaternionVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tu: visp._visp.core.ColVector) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tu: list[float]) -> None
__init__(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tux: float, tuy: float, tuz: float) -> None
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from 3 angles in radians.
#include <visp3/core/vpThetaUVector.cpp> #ifdef ENABLE_VISP_NAMESPACE using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME; #endif int main() { vpThetaUVector tu(0, M_PI_2, M_PI); std::cout << "tu: " << tu.t() << std::endl; }
It produces the following printings:
tu: 0 1.570796327 3.141592654
- __mul__(self, tu_b: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector) visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector ¶
Perform rotation chaining / rotation multiplication using the theta.u rotation representation. See: this answer for some details about the maths.
- __ne__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
__ne__(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D) -> bool
__ne__(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D) -> bool
__ne__(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D) -> bool
- __setitem__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
__setitem__(self: visp._visp.core.PoseVector, arg0: int, arg1: float) -> None
__setitem__(self: visp._visp.core.PoseVector, arg0: slice, arg1: float) -> None
__setitem__(self: visp._visp.core.PoseVector, arg0: slice, arg1: numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64]) -> None
- buildFrom(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, M: visp._visp.core.HomogeneousMatrix) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Converts an homogeneous matrix into a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, p: visp._visp.core.PoseVector) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Converts a pose vector into a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector copying the \(\theta {\bf u}\) values contained in the pose vector.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, R: visp._visp.core.RotationMatrix) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Converts a rotation matrix into a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, rzyx: visp._visp.core.RzyxVector) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from an Euler z-y-x representation vector.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, zyz: visp._visp.core.RzyzVector) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from an Euler z-y-z representation vector.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, xyz: visp._visp.core.RxyzVector) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from an Euler x-y-z representation vector.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, q: visp._visp.core.QuaternionVector) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from a quaternion representation vector.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tu: visp._visp.core.ColVector) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from a 3-dim vector.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tu: list[float]) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from a 3-dim vectors.
buildFrom(self: visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector, tux: float, tuy: float, tuz: float) -> visp._visp.core.ThetaUVector
Build a \(\theta {\bf u}\) vector from 3 angles in radian.
- static conv2(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
conv2(M: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, kernel: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, mode: str) -> visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D
conv2(M: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, kernel: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, res: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, mode: str) -> None
conv2(M: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, kernel: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, mode: str) -> visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D
conv2(M: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, kernel: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, res: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, mode: str) -> None
- extract(self) tuple[float, visp._visp.core.ColVector] ¶
Extract the rotation angle \(\theta\) and the unit vector \(\bf u\) from the \(\theta {\bf u}\) representation.
The following example shows how to use this function:
#include <visp3/core/vpThetaUVector.h> #ifdef ENABLE_VISP_NAMESPACE using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME; #endif int main() { vpHomogeneousMatrix M(0, 0, 1., vpMath::rad(10), vpMath::rad(20), vpMath::rad(30)); double theta; vpColVector u; M.getRotationMatrix().getThetaUVector().extract(theta, u); std::cout << "theta: " << theta << std::endl; std::cout << "u : " << u.t() << std::endl; }
See getTheta() , getU()
- Returns:
A tuple containing:
theta: Rotation angle \(\theta\) in rad.
u: 3-dim unit vector \({\bf u} = (u_{x},u_{y},u_{z})^{\top}\) representing the rotation axis.
- getTheta(self) float ¶
Get the rotation angle \(\theta\) from the \(\theta {\bf u}\) representation.
The following example shows how to use this function:
#include <visp3/core/vpThetaUVector.h> #ifdef ENABLE_VISP_NAMESPACE using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME; #endif int main() { vpHomogeneousMatrix M(0, 0, 1., vpMath::rad(10), vpMath::rad(20), vpMath::rad(30)); std::cout << "theta: " << M.getRotationMatrix().getThetaUVector().getTheta() << std::endl; std::cout << "u : " << M.getRotationMatrix().getThetaUVector().getU().t() << std::endl; }
See getTheta() , extract()
- Returns:
Rotation angle \(\theta\) in rad.
- getU(self) visp._visp.core.ColVector ¶
Get the unit vector \(\bf u\) from the \(\theta {\bf u}\) representation.
The following example shows how to use this function:
#include <visp3/core/vpThetaUVector.h> #ifdef ENABLE_VISP_NAMESPACE using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME; #endif int main() { vpHomogeneousMatrix M(0, 0, 1., vpMath::rad(10), vpMath::rad(20), pMath::rad(30)); std::cout << "theta: " << M.getRotationMatrix().getThetaUVector().getTheta() << std::endl; std::cout << "u : " << M.getRotationMatrix().getThetaUVector().getU().t() << std::endl; }
See getTheta() , extract()
- Returns:
3-dim unit vector \({\bf u} = (u_{x},u_{y},u_{z})^{\top}\) representing the rotation axis.
- hadamard(self, m: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D) visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D ¶
- insert(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
insert(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, r: int, c: int) -> None
insert(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, B: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, r: int, c: int) -> visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D
- static insertStatic(A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, B: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, C: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, r: int, c: int) None ¶
- numpy(self) numpy.ndarray[numpy.float64] ¶
Numpy view of the underlying array data. This numpy view can be used to directly modify the array.
- resize(self, nrows: int, ncols: int, flagNullify: bool = true, recopy_: bool = true) None ¶
Set the size of the array and initialize all the values to zero.
- Parameters:
- nrows: int¶
number of rows.
- ncols: int¶
number of column.
- flagNullify: bool = true¶
if true, then the array is re-initialized to 0 after resize. If false, the initial values from the common part of the array (common part between old and new version of the array) are kept. Default value is true.
- recopy_: bool = true¶
if true, will perform an explicit recopy of the old data.
- static save(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
save(filename: str, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, binary: bool = false, header: str = ) -> bool
save(filename: str, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, binary: bool = false, header: str = ) -> bool
save(filename: str, A: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D, binary: bool = false, header: str = ) -> bool
- sumSquare(self) float ¶
Return the sum square of all the elements \(r_{i}\) of the rotation vector r(m).
- Returns:
The value
\[\sum{i=0}^{m} r_i^{2}\].
- t(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
t(self: visp._visp.core.RotationVector) -> visp._visp.core.RowVector
Return the transpose of the rotation vector.
t(self: visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D) -> visp._visp.core.ArrayDouble2D
__hash__ =