
class FeaturePoint(self)

Bases: BasicFeature

Class that defines a 2D point visual feature \(s\) which is composed by two parameters that are the cartesian coordinates \(x\) and \(y\) .

In this class \(x\) and \(y\) are the 2D coordinates in the image plane and are given in meter. \(Z\) which is the 3D coordinate representing the depth is also a parameter of the point. It is needed during the computation of the interaction matrix \(L\) .

The visual features can be set easily from an instance of the classes vpPoint , vpDot or vpDot2 . For more precision see the vpFeatureBuilder class.

Once the values of the visual features are set, the interaction() method allows to compute the interaction matrix \(L\) associated to the visual feature, while the error() method computes the error vector \((s - s^*)\) between the current visual feature and the desired one.

The code below shows how to create a eye-in hand visual servoing task using a 2D point feature \((x,y)\) that correspond to the 2D coordinates of a point in the image plane. To control six degrees of freedom, at least four other features must be considered like two other point features for example. First we create a current ( \(s\) ) 2D point feature. Then we set the task to use the interaction matrix associated to the current feature \(L_s\) . And finally we compute the camera velocity \(v=-\lambda \; L_s^+ \; (s-s^*)\) . The current feature \(s\) is updated in the while() loop.

#include <visp3/visual_features/vpFeaturePoint.h>
#include <visp3/vs/vpServo.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpServo task; // Visual servoing task

  vpFeaturePoint sd; //The desired point feature.
  // Set the desired features x and y
  double xd = 0;
  double yd = 0;
  // Set the depth of the point in the camera frame.
  double Zd = 1;
  // Set the point feature thanks to the desired parameters.
  sd.buildFrom(xd, yd, Zd);

  vpFeaturePoint s; //The current point feature.
  // Set the current features x and y
  double x;  // You have to compute the value of x.
  double y;  // You have to compute the value of y.
  double Z;  // You have to compute the value of Z.
  // Set the point feature thanks to the current parameters.
  s.buildFrom(x, y, Z);
  // In this case the parameter Z is not necessary because the interaction matrix is computed
  // with the desired visual feature.

  // Set eye-in-hand control law.
  // The computed velocities will be expressed in the camera frame
  // Interaction matrix is computed with the desired visual features sd

  // Add the 2D point feature to the task
  task.addFeature(s, sd);

  // Control loop
  for ( ; ; ) {
    // The new parameters x and y must be computed here.

    // Update the current point visual feature
    s.buildFrom(x, y, Z);

    // Compute the control law
    vpColVector v = task.computeControlLaw(); // camera velocity
  return 0;

If you want to build your own control law, this other example shows how to create a current ( \(s\) ) and desired ( \(s^*\) ) 2D point visual feature, compute the corresponding error vector \((s-s^*)\) and finally build the interaction matrix \(L_s\) .

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
#include <visp3/visual_features/vpFeaturePoint.h>

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;

int main()
  vpFeaturePoint sd; //The desired point feature.
  // Set the desired features x and y
  double xd = 0;
  double yd = 0;
  // Set the depth of the point in the camera frame.
  double Zd = 1;
  // Set the point feature thanks to the desired parameters.
  sd.buildFrom(xd, yd, Zd);

  vpFeaturePoint s; //The current point feature.
  // Set the current features x and y
  double x;  // You have to compute the value of x.
  double y;  // You have to compute the value of y.
  double Z;  // You have to compute the value of Z.
  // Set the point feature thanks to the current parameters.
  s.buildFrom(x, y, Z);

  // Compute the interaction matrix L_s for the current point feature
  vpMatrix L = s.interaction();
  // You can also compute the interaction matrix L_s for the desired point feature
  // The corresponding line of code is : vpMatrix L = sd.interaction();

  // Compute the error vector (s-sd) for the point feature

An other fully explained example is given in the tutorial-ibvs.

Default constructor that build a visual feature.



Default constructor that build a visual feature.


Build a 2D point visual feature from the point coordinates in the image plan \(x\) and \(y\) .


Overloaded function.


Overloaded function.


Get the value of \(Z\) which represents the depth in the 3D camera frame.


Get the value of \(x\) which represents the x coordinate of the point in the image plan.


Get the value of \(y\) which represents the x coordinate of the point in the image plan.


Initialize the memory space requested for 2D point visual feature.


Compute and return the interaction matrix \(L\) .


Print to stdout the values of the current visual feature \(s\) .


Function used to select the \(x\) subset of the point visual feature.


Function used to select the \(y\) subset of the point visual feature.


Set the value of \(Z\) which represents the depth in the 3D camera frame.


Set the value of \(x\) which represents the x coordinate of the point in image plan.


Set the value of \(x\) , \(y\) and \(Z\) .


Set the value of \(y\) which represents the x coordinate of the point in the image plan.

Inherited Methods


Return the dimension of the feature vector \(\bf s\) .



Indicates who should deallocate the feature.


Get the feature vector dimension.




Indicates who should deallocate the feature.







Set feature flags to true to prevent warning when re-computing the interaction matrix without having updated the feature.


Get the feature vector \(\bf s\) .



Select all the features.




Default constructor that build a visual feature.













class BasicFeatureDeallocatorType(self, value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object

Indicates who should deallocate the feature.


  • user

  • vpServo

__and__(self, other: object) object
__eq__(self, other: object) bool
__ge__(self, other: object) bool
__getstate__(self) int
__gt__(self, other: object) bool
__hash__(self) int
__index__(self) int
__init__(self, value: int)
__int__(self) int
__invert__(self) object
__le__(self, other: object) bool
__lt__(self, other: object) bool
__ne__(self, other: object) bool
__or__(self, other: object) object
__rand__(self, other: object) object
__ror__(self, other: object) object
__rxor__(self, other: object) object
__setstate__(self, state: int) None
__xor__(self, other: object) object
property name : str
class BasicFeatureSelect(self, value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object

Indicates who should deallocate the feature.


  • user

  • vpServo

__and__(self, other: object) object
__eq__(self, other: object) bool
__ge__(self, other: object) bool
__getstate__(self) int
__gt__(self, other: object) bool
__hash__(self) int
__index__(self) int
__init__(self, value: int)
__int__(self) int
__invert__(self) object
__le__(self, other: object) bool
__lt__(self, other: object) bool
__ne__(self, other: object) bool
__or__(self, other: object) object
__rand__(self, other: object) object
__ror__(self, other: object) object
__rxor__(self, other: object) object
__setstate__(self, state: int) None
__xor__(self, other: object) object
property name : str
class FeaturePointType(self, value: int)

Bases: pybind11_object


  • X

  • Y

__and__(self, other: object) object
__eq__(self, other: object) bool
__ge__(self, other: object) bool
__getstate__(self) int
__gt__(self, other: object) bool
__hash__(self) int
__index__(self) int
__init__(self, value: int)
__int__(self) int
__invert__(self) object
__le__(self, other: object) bool
__lt__(self, other: object) bool
__ne__(self, other: object) bool
__or__(self, other: object) object
__rand__(self, other: object) object
__ror__(self, other: object) object
__rxor__(self, other: object) object
__setstate__(self, state: int) None
__xor__(self, other: object) object
property name : str

Default constructor that build a visual feature.

buildFrom(self, x: float, y: float, Z: float) visp._visp.visual_features.FeaturePoint

Build a 2D point visual feature from the point coordinates in the image plan \(x\) and \(y\) . The parameter Z which describes the depth, is set in the same time.

See the vpFeaturePoint class description for more details about \(x\) and \(y\) .

dimension_s(self) int

Return the dimension of the feature vector \(\bf s\) .

display(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. display(self: visp._visp.visual_features.FeaturePoint, cam: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters, I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray, color: visp._visp.core.Color = vpColor::green, thickness: int = 1) -> None

Display point feature.


Camera parameters.




Color to use for the display.


Thickness of the feature representation.

  1. display(self: visp._visp.visual_features.FeaturePoint, cam: visp._visp.core.CameraParameters, I: visp._visp.core.ImageRGBa, color: visp._visp.core.Color = vpColor::green, thickness: int = 1) -> None

Display point feature.


Camera parameters.


color Image.


Color to use for the display.


Thickness of the feature representation.

error(*args, **kwargs)

Overloaded function.

  1. error(self: visp._visp.visual_features.FeaturePoint, s_star: visp._visp.visual_features.BasicFeature, select: int = FEATURE_ALL) -> visp._visp.core.ColVector

Compute the error \((s-s^*)\) between the current and the desired visual features from a subset of the possible features.

The code below shows how to use this method to manipulate the \(x\) subset:

// Creation of the current feature s
vpFeaturePoint s;
s.buildFrom(0, 0, 1);

// Creation of the desired feature s*
vpFeaturePoint s_star;
s_star.buildFrom(1, 1, 1);

// Compute the interaction matrix for the x feature
vpMatrix L_x = s.interaction( vpFeaturePoint::selectX() );

// Compute the error vector (s-s*) for the x feature
s.error(s_star, vpFeaturePoint::selectX());

Desired visual feature.


The error can be computed for a selection of a subset of the possible point features.

  • To compute the error for all the two point features use vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL . In that case the error vector is a 2 dimension column vector.

  • To compute the error for only one of the point component feature ( \(x, y\) ) use one of the corresponding function selectX() or selectY() . In that case the error vector is a 1 dimension column vector.


The error \((s-s^*)\) between the current and the desired visual feature.

  1. error(self: visp._visp.visual_features.BasicFeature, s_star: visp._visp.visual_features.BasicFeature, select: int = FEATURE_ALL) -> visp._visp.core.ColVector

Compute the error between two visual features from a subset of the possible features.

getDeallocate(self) visp._visp.visual_features.BasicFeature.BasicFeatureDeallocatorType
getDimension(self, select: int = FEATURE_ALL) int

Get the feature vector dimension.

get_Z(self) float

Get the value of \(Z\) which represents the depth in the 3D camera frame.


The value of \(Z\) .

get_s(self, select: int = FEATURE_ALL) visp._visp.core.ColVector

Get the feature vector \(\bf s\) .

get_x(self) float

Get the value of \(x\) which represents the x coordinate of the point in the image plan. It is one parameter of the visual feature \(s\) .


The value of \(x\) .

get_y(self) float

Get the value of \(y\) which represents the x coordinate of the point in the image plan. It is one parameter of the visual feature \(s\) .


The value of \(y\) .

init(self) None

Initialize the memory space requested for 2D point visual feature.

interaction(self, select: int = FEATURE_ALL) visp._visp.core.Matrix

Compute and return the interaction matrix \(L\) . The computation is made thanks to the values of the point features \(x\) and \(y\) and the depth \(Z\) .

\[\begin{split}L = \left[\begin{array}{c}L_{x} \\L_{y}\end{array}\right] = \left[\begin{array}{cccccc} -1/Z & 0 & x/Z & xy & -(1+x^2) & y \\0 & -1/Z & y/Z & 1+y^2 & -xy & -x \end{array}\right]\end{split}\]

The code below shows how to compute the interaction matrix associated to the visual feature \(s = x\) .

// Creation of the current feature s
vpFeaturePoint s;
s.buildFrom(0, 0, 1);

vpMatrix L_x = s.interaction( vpFeaturePoint::selectX() );

The code below shows how to compute the interaction matrix associated to the visual feature \(s = (x, y)\) .

// Creation of the current feature s
vpFeaturePoint s;
s.buildFrom(0, 0, 1);

vpMatrix L_x = s.interaction( vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL );
select: int = FEATURE_ALL

Selection of a subset of the possible point features.

  • To compute the interaction matrix for all the two point features use vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL . In that case the dimension of the interaction matrix is \([2 \times 6]\)

  • To compute the interaction matrix for only one of the point component feature ( \(x, y\) ) use one of the corresponding function selectX() or selectY() . In that case the returned interaction matrix is \([1 \times 6]\) dimension.


The interaction matrix computed from the point features.

print(self, select: int = FEATURE_ALL) None

Print to stdout the values of the current visual feature \(s\) .

vpFeaturePoint s; // Current visual feature s

// Creation of the current feature s
s.buildFrom(0, 0, 1);

s.print(); // print all the 2 components of the feature
s.print(vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL);  // same behavior then previous line
s.print(vpFeaturePoint::selectX()); // print only the x component
select: int = FEATURE_ALL

Selection of a subset of the possible point features.

  • To print all the two point features use vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL .

  • To print only one of the point component feature ( \(x, y\) ) use one of the corresponding function selectX() or selectY() .

static selectAll() int

Select all the features.

static selectX() int

Function used to select the \(x\) subset of the point visual feature.

This function is to use in conjunction with interaction() in order to compute the interaction matrix associated to \(x\) .

This function is also useful in the vpServo class to indicate that a subset of the visual feature is to use in the control law:

vpFeaturePoint s;
vpServo task;
// Add the (x) subset features from the 2D point
task.addFeature(s, vpFeaturePoint::selectX());
static selectY() int

Function used to select the \(y\) subset of the point visual feature.

This function is to use in conjunction with interaction() in order to compute the interaction matrix associated to \(y\) .

This function is also useful in the vpServo class to indicate that a subset of the visual feature is to use in the control law:

vpFeaturePoint s;
vpServo task;
// Add the (y) subset features from the 2D point
task.addFeature(s, vpFeaturePoint::selectY());
setDeallocate(self, d: visp._visp.visual_features.BasicFeature.BasicFeatureDeallocatorType) None
setFlags(self) None

Set feature flags to true to prevent warning when re-computing the interaction matrix without having updated the feature.

set_Z(self, Z: float) None

Set the value of \(Z\) which represents the depth in the 3D camera frame.

set_x(self, x: float) None

Set the value of \(x\) which represents the x coordinate of the point in image plan. It is one parameter of the visual feature \(s\) .

x: float

math:x value to set.

set_xyZ(self, x: float, y: float, Z: float) None

Set the value of \(x\) , \(y\) and \(Z\) . \(x\) and \(y\) represent the coordinates of the point in the image plan and are the parameters of the visual feature \(s\) . \(Z\) is the 3D coordinate in the camera frame representing the depth.

set_y(self, y: float) None

Set the value of \(y\) which represents the x coordinate of the point in the image plan. It is one parameter of the visual feature \(s\) .

y: float

math:y value to set.