- class TemplateTrackerZone(*args, **kwargs)¶
A zone is defined by a set of triangles defined as vpTemplateTrackerTriangle .
A zone can be initialized either by user interaction using mouse click in a display device throw initClick() , or by a list of points throw initFromPoints() .
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone) -> None
Default constructor.
__init__(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, z: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone) -> None
Copy constructor.
Overloaded function.
Add a triangle to the zone and update the bounding box.
Remove all the triangles that define the zone.
Copy all the triangles that define zone Z in the current zone (*this) and update the zone bounding box.
Overloaded function.
Modify all the pixels inside a triangle with a given gray level.
Return the area of the template zone.
Return a rectangle that defines the bounding box of the zone.
Overloaded function.
See getMinx() , getBoundingBox()
See getMiny() , getBoundingBox()
See getMaxx() , getBoundingBox()
See getMaxy() , getBoundingBox()
Return the number of triangles that define the zone.
Return a zone with triangles that are down scaled by a factor 2.
Overloaded function.
Overloaded function.
Initialize a zone in image I using mouse click.
Initialize the zone using a vector of image points.
Inherited Methods
Overloaded function.
- __init__(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
__init__(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone) -> None
Default constructor.
__init__(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, z: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone) -> None
Copy constructor.
- add(self, t: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerTriangle) None ¶
Add a triangle to the zone and update the bounding box.
- Parameters:
- t: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerTriangle¶
Triangle to introduce in the zone.
- copy(self, z: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone) None ¶
Copy all the triangles that define zone Z in the current zone (*this) and update the zone bounding box.
- Parameters:
- z: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone¶
Zone with a set of triangles provided as input.
- display(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
display(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray, col: visp._visp.core.Color = vpColor::green, thickness: int = 3) -> None
If a display device is associated to image I , display in overlay the triangles that define the zone.
- Parameters:
- I
- col
Color used to display the triangles.
- thickness
Thickness of the triangle lines.
display(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, I: visp._visp.core.ImageRGBa, col: visp._visp.core.Color = vpColor::green, thickness: int = 3) -> None
If a display device is associated to image I , display in overlay the triangles that define the zone.
- Parameters:
- I
- col
Color used to display the triangles.
- thickness
Thickness of the triangle lines.
- fillTriangle(self, I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray, id: int, gray_level: int) None ¶
Modify all the pixels inside a triangle with a given gray level.
- getBoundingBox(self) visp._visp.core.Rect ¶
Return a rectangle that defines the bounding box of the zone.
See getMinx() , getMiny() , getMaxx() , getMaxy()
- getCenter(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
getCenter(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone) -> visp._visp.core.ImagePoint
Return the position of the center of gravity of the zone.
getCenter(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, borne_x: int, borne_y: int) -> visp._visp.core.ImagePoint
Return the position of the center of gravity in a given area.
- Parameters:
- borne_x
Right coordinate of the area to consider.
- borne_y
Bottom coordinate of the area to consider.
- getMaxx(self) int ¶
See getMinx() , getBoundingBox()
- Returns:
The maximal x coordinate (along the columns of the image) of the points that are in the zone.
- getMaxy(self) int ¶
See getMiny() , getBoundingBox()
- Returns:
The maximal y coordinate (along the rows of the image) of the points that are in the zone.
- getMinx(self) int ¶
See getMaxx() , getBoundingBox()
- Returns:
The minimal x coordinate (along the columns of the image) of the points that are in the zone.
- getMiny(self) int ¶
See getMaxy() , getBoundingBox()
- Returns:
The minimal y coordinate (along the rows of the image) of the points that are in the zone.
- getNbTriangle(self) int ¶
Return the number of triangles that define the zone.
See getTriangle()
- getPyramidDown(self) visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone ¶
Return a zone with triangles that are down scaled by a factor 2.
- getTriangle(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
getTriangle(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, i: int, T: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerTriangle) -> None
A zone is defined by a set of triangles. This function returns the ith triangle.The following sample code shows how to use this function:
vpTemplateTrackerZone zone; ... for (unsigned int i=0; i < zone.getNbTriangle(); i++) { vpTemplateTrackerTriangle triangle; zone.getTriangle(i, triangle); }
- Parameters:
- i
Index of the triangle to return.
- T
The triangle corresponding to index i.
getTriangle(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, i: int) -> visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerTriangle
The following sample code shows how to use this function:
vpTemplateTrackerZone zone; ... for (unsigned int i=0; i < zone.getNbTriangle(); i++) { vpTemplateTrackerTriangle triangle = zone.getTriangle(i); }
- Parameters:
- i
Index of the triangle to return.
- Returns:
The triangle corresponding to index i.
- inZone(*args, **kwargs)¶
Overloaded function.
inZone(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, i: int, j: int) -> bool
- Parameters:
- i
Coordinates of the pixel to test.
- j
Coordinates of the pixel to test.
- Returns:
true if the pixel with coordinates (i,j) is in the zone defined by a set of triangles, false otherwise.
inZone(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, i: float, j: float) -> bool
- Parameters:
- i
Coordinates of the pixel to test.
- j
Coordinates of the pixel to test.
- Returns:
true if the pixel with coordinates (i,j) is in the zone defined by a set of triangles, false otherwise.
inZone(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, i: int, j: int, id_triangle: int) -> tuple[bool, int]
- Parameters:
- i
Coordinates of the pixel to test.
- j
Coordinates of the pixel to test.
- id_triangle
Index of the triangle that contains the pixel (i,j).
- Returns:
A tuple containing:
true if the pixel with coordinates (i,j) is in the zone defined by a set of triangles, false otherwise.
id_triangle: Index of the triangle that contains the pixel (i,j).
inZone(self: visp._visp.tt.TemplateTrackerZone, i: float, j: float, id_triangle: int) -> tuple[bool, int]
- Parameters:
- i
Coordinates of the pixel to test.
- j
Coordinates of the pixel to test.
- id_triangle
Index of the triangle that contains the pixel (i,j).
- Returns:
A tuple containing:
true if the pixel with coordinates (i,j) is in the zone defined by a set of triangles, false otherwise.
id_triangle: Index of the triangle that contains the pixel (i,j).
- initClick(self, I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray, delaunay: bool = false) None ¶
Initialize a zone in image I using mouse click.
- Parameters:
- I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray¶
Image used to select the zone.
- delaunay: bool = false¶
Flag used to enable Delaunay triangulation.
If true, from the image points selected by the user, a Delaunay triangulation is performed to initialize the zone.
A left click select a image point;
A right click select the last image point and ends the initialisation stage. In that case at least 3 points need to be selected by the user.
If false, the user select directly points as successive triangle corners. Three successive points define a triangle. It is not mandatory that triangles have one edge in common; they can define a discontinued area.
A left click select a triangle corner;
A right click select the last triangle corner and ends the initialisation stage. The number of points that are selected by the user should be a multiple of 3. For example, to select a zone as two triangles, the user has to left click five times and finish the selection on the sixth corner with a right click.
- initFromPoints(self, I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray, ip: list[visp._visp.core.ImagePoint], delaunay: bool = false) None ¶
Initialize the zone using a vector of image points.
- Parameters:
- I: visp._visp.core.ImageGray¶
Image to process.
- delaunay: bool = false¶
If true, a Delaunay triangulation is perfomed on the vector of image points. This functionality is only available if ViSP is build with OpenCV >2.3 third-party.
If false, the vector of image points describe triangles. Its size is then a multiple of 3.