Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Overloaded function. |
Implementation of a generic 2D array used as base class for matrices and vectors. |
Class that provides tools to compute and manipulate a B-Spline curve. |
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters. |
Class that implements the Canny's edge detector. |
Class that defines a 3D circle in the object frame and allows forward projection of a 3D circle in the camera frame and in the 2D image plane by perspective projection. |
This class represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) client. |
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations. |
Class to define RGB colors available for display functionalities. |
Creates a colormap class to be able to recolor an image with different grayscale values into some corresponding color values, for better visualization for example. |
Bridges over other frameworks like OpenCV. |
Class that defines a 3D cylinder in the object frame and allows forward projection of a 3D cylinder in the camera frame and in the 2D image plane by perspective projection. |
Class that defines generic functionalities for display. |
Direct or inverse exponential map computation. |
Interface with the image for feature display. |
Font drawing functions for image. |
This class derived from vpArray2D<double> implements the 6 by 6 matrix which transforms force/torque from one frame to another. |
Class that defines what is a generic geometric feature. |
Base class for all video devices. |
Class for generating random number with normal probability density. |
Gaussian filter class. |
Class to compute a gray level image histogram. |
Declaration of the peak (maximum value) in a gray level image histogram. |
Declaration of the valey (minimum value) in a gray level image histogram. |
Implementation of an homogeneous matrix and operations on such kind of matrices. |
Class that defines a 2D circle in an image. |
Convert image types. |
Definition of the vpImage class member functions. |
Drawing functions for image. |
Various image filter, convolution, etc... |
Definition of the vpImage class member functions. |
Definition of the vpImage class member functions. |
Various mathematical morphology tools, erosion, dilatation... |
Class that defines a 2D point in an image. |
Definition of the vpImage class member functions. |
Definition of the vpImage class member functions. |
Various image tools; sub-image extraction, modification of the look up table, binarisation... |
Definition of the vpImage class member functions. |
File and directories basic tools. |
This class provides a generic Kalman filtering algorithm along with some specific state model (constant velocity, constant acceleration) which are implemented in the vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation class. |
This class provides two solvers for Linear Programs. |
Class that defines a 3D line in the object frame and allows forward projection of the line in the camera frame and in the 2D image plane by perspective projection. |
This class provides an implementation of some specific linear Kalman filters. |
Provides simple mathematics computation tools that are not available in the C mathematics library (math.h) |
Implementation of a matrix and operations on matrices. |
Various conversion functions to transform primitives (2D ellipse, 2D line, 2D point) from normalized coordinates in meter in the image plane into pixel coordinates. |
This class defines shared methods/attributes for 2D moments. |
This class defines the orientation of the object inside the plane parallel to the object. |
Class handling the surface moment. |
Class handling the normalized surface moment that is invariant in scale and used to estimate depth. |
This class defines the 2D basic moment \(m_{ij}\) . |
This class defines several 2D (translation+rotation+scale) invariants for both symmetric and non-symmetric objects. |
This class defines the double-indexed centered moment descriptor \(\mu_{ij}\) . |
This class initializes and allows access to commonly used moments. |
This class allows to register all vpMoments so they can access each other according to their dependencies. |
Class describing 2D gravity center moment. |
Class describing 2D normalized gravity center moment. |
Class for generic objects. |
Class that defines mouse button identifiers. |
Implements the Munkres Assignment Algorithm described here . |
This class represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) network. |
The class permits to use a Particle Filter. |
The class permits to use a Particle Filter. |
Various conversion functions to transform primitives (2D line, moments, 2D point) from pixel to normalized coordinates in meter in the image plane. |
This class defines the container for a plane geometrical structure. |
Class that defines a 3D point in the object frame and allows forward projection of a 3D point in the camera frame and in the 2D image plane by perspective projection. |
Defines a generic 2D polygon. |
Implements a 3D polygon with render functionalities like clipping. |
Implementation of a pose vector and operations on poses. |
This class provides a solver for Quadratic Programs. |
Implementation of a rotation vector as quaternion angle minimal representation. |
Class that defines a RGBa 32 bits structure that is used to build color images. |
Class that defines a RGB 32-bit floating point structure that is used to build color images. |
Defines a rectangle in the plane. |
Defines an oriented rectangle in the plane. |
This the request that will transit on the network. |
Contains an M-estimator and various influence function. |
Implementation of a rotation matrix and operations on such kind of matrices. |
Implementation of a generic rotation vector. |
Implementation of row vector and the associated operations. |
Implementation of a rotation vector as \(R(x,y,z)\) Euler angle minimal representation. |
Implementation of a rotation vector as \(R(z,y,x)\) Euler angle minimal representation. |
Implementation of a rotation vector as \(R(z,y,z)\) Euler angle minimal representation. |
Contains various estimators for scale. |
This class allows a serial port communication between 2 devices. |
This class represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) server. |
Class that defines a 3D sphere in the object frame and allows forward projection of a 3D sphere in the camera frame and in the 2D image plane by perspective projection. |
Base class for methods detecting the drift of the mean of a process. |
Class that permits to perform Exponentially Weighted Moving Average mean drft tests. |
This class implements the Hinkley's cumulative sum test. |
Class that permits to perform a mean adjusted Cumulative Sum test. |
Class that permits a Shewhart's test. |
Class that permits a simple test comparing the current value to the standard deviation of the signal. |
This class provides a mask on a vpColVector . |
Definition of the vpSubMatrix class that provides a mask on a vpMatrix . |
This class provides a mask on a vpRowVector . |
Implementation of a rotation vector as \(\theta {\bf u}\) axis-angle minimal representation. |
Class that defines what is a feature generic tracker. |
Class that consider the case of a translation vector. |
Defines a 2D triangle. |
This class implements a basic (IPv4) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) client. |
This class implements a basic (IPv4) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) server. |
This abstract class defines the interface to draw the sigma points for the Unscented Kalman filter. |
This class defines a class to draw sigma points following the E. |
Class for generating random numbers with uniform probability density. |
This class permits to use Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) to tackle non-linear problems. |
This class derived from vpArray2D<double> implements the 6 by 6 matrix which transforms velocities from one frame to another. |
This class intends to simplify the creation of xml parser based on the libxml2 third party library. |
XML parser to load and save intrinsic camera parameters. |
XML parser to load and save an homogeneous matrix in a file. |
XML parser to load and save an oriented rectangle in a file. |