Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-01-24)
vpColVector Class Reference

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for vpColVector:

Public Member Functions

 vpColVector ()
VP_EXPLICIT vpColVector (unsigned int n)
 vpColVector (unsigned int n, double val)
 vpColVector (const vpColVector &v)
 vpColVector (const vpColVector &v, unsigned int r, unsigned int nrows)
VP_EXPLICIT vpColVector (const vpRotationVector &v)
VP_EXPLICIT vpColVector (const vpPoseVector &p)
VP_EXPLICIT vpColVector (const vpTranslationVector &t)
VP_EXPLICIT vpColVector (const vpMatrix &M)
 vpColVector (const vpMatrix &M, unsigned int j)
VP_EXPLICIT vpColVector (const std::vector< double > &v)
VP_EXPLICIT vpColVector (const std::vector< float > &v)
 vpColVector (vpColVector &&v)
void clear ()
std::ostream & cppPrint (std::ostream &os, const std::string &matrixName="A", bool octet=false) const
std::ostream & csvPrint (std::ostream &os) const
vpColVectordeg2rad ()
vpColVector extract (unsigned int r, unsigned int colsize) const
double frobeniusNorm () const
vpColVector hadamard (const vpColVector &v) const
double infinityNorm () const
void init (const vpColVector &v, unsigned int r, unsigned int nrows)
void insert (unsigned int i, const vpColVector &v)
std::ostream & maplePrint (std::ostream &os) const
std::ostream & matlabPrint (std::ostream &os) const
vpColVectornormalize ()
vpColVectornormalize (vpColVector &x) const
double & operator[] (unsigned int n)
const double & operator[] (unsigned int n) const
vpColVectoroperator= (const vpColVector &v)
vpColVectoroperator= (const vpPoseVector &p)
vpColVectoroperator= (const vpRotationVector &rv)
vpColVectoroperator= (const vpTranslationVector &tv)
vpColVectoroperator= (const vpMatrix &M)
vpColVectoroperator= (const std::vector< double > &v)
vpColVectoroperator= (const std::vector< float > &v)
vpColVectoroperator= (double x)
vpColVectoroperator= (vpColVector &&v)
vpColVectoroperator= (const std::initializer_list< double > &list)
bool operator== (const vpColVector &v) const
bool operator== (double v) const
bool operator!= (const vpColVector &v) const
bool operator!= (double v) const
double operator* (const vpColVector &v) const
vpMatrix operator* (const vpRowVector &v) const
vpMatrix operator* (const vpMatrix &M) const
vpColVector operator* (double x) const
vpColVectoroperator*= (double x)
vpColVector operator/ (double x) const
vpColVectoroperator/= (double x)
vpColVector operator+ (const vpColVector &v) const
vpTranslationVector operator+ (const vpTranslationVector &t) const
vpColVectoroperator+= (vpColVector v)
vpColVector operator- (const vpColVector &v) const
vpColVectoroperator-= (vpColVector v)
vpColVector operator- () const
vpColVectoroperator<< (const vpColVector &v)
vpColVectoroperator<< (double *x)
vpColVectoroperator<< (double val)
vpColVectoroperator, (double val)
int print (std::ostream &s, unsigned int length, char const *intro=0) const
vpColVectorrad2deg ()
void reshape (vpMatrix &M, const unsigned int &nrows, const unsigned int &ncols)
vpMatrix reshape (unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols)
void resize (unsigned int i, bool flagNullify=true)
void resize (unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols, bool flagNullify)
void stack (double d)
void stack (const vpColVector &v)
double sum () const
double sumSquare () const
vpRowVector t () const
std::vector< double > toStdVector () const
vpRowVector transpose () const
void transpose (vpRowVector &v) const
Inherited functionalities from vpArray2D
unsigned int getCols () const
double getMaxValue () const
double getMinValue () const
unsigned int getRows () const
unsigned int size () const
void resize (unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols, bool flagNullify=true, bool recopy_=true)
void insert (const vpArray2D< double > &A, unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
bool operator== (const vpArray2D< double > &A) const
bool operator!= (const vpArray2D< double > &A) const
vpArray2D< double > hadamard (const vpArray2D< double > &m) const

Static Public Member Functions

static vpColVector cross (const vpColVector &a, const vpColVector &b)
static vpColVector crossProd (const vpColVector &a, const vpColVector &b)
static double dotProd (const vpColVector &a, const vpColVector &b)
static vpColVector invSort (const vpColVector &v)
static double median (const vpColVector &v)
static double mean (const vpColVector &v)
static vpMatrix skew (const vpColVector &v)
static vpColVector sort (const vpColVector &v)
static vpColVector stack (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
static void stack (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
static double stdev (const vpColVector &v, bool useBesselCorrection=false)

Public Attributes

double * data


class vpMatrix
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const vpColVector &v)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, vpColVector &v)

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

vpColVector operator* (const double &x, const vpColVector &v)
enum  vpGEMMmethod
bool operator== (const vpArray2D< double > &A) const
bool operator== (const vpArray2D< float > &A) const
void vpGEMM (const vpArray2D< double > &A, const vpArray2D< double > &B, const double &alpha, const vpArray2D< double > &C, const double &beta, vpArray2D< double > &D, const unsigned int &ops=0)

Inherited I/O from vpArray2D with Static Public Member Functions

vpArray2D< double > insert (const vpArray2D< double > &A, const vpArray2D< double > &B, unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
static bool load (const std::string &filename, vpArray2D< double > &A, bool binary=false, char *header=nullptr)
static bool loadYAML (const std::string &filename, vpArray2D< double > &A, char *header=nullptr)
static bool save (const std::string &filename, const vpArray2D< double > &A, bool binary=false, const char *header="")
static bool saveYAML (const std::string &filename, const vpArray2D< double > &A, const char *header="")
static vpArray2D< double > conv2 (const vpArray2D< double > &M, const vpArray2D< double > &kernel, const std::string &mode)
static void conv2 (const vpArray2D< double > &M, const vpArray2D< double > &kernel, vpArray2D< double > &res, const std::string &mode)
static void insert (const vpArray2D< double > &A, const vpArray2D< double > &B, vpArray2D< double > &C, unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
unsigned int rowNum
unsigned int colNum
double ** rowPtrs
unsigned int dsize

Detailed Description

Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.

This class provides a data structure for a column vector that contains values of double. It contains also some functions to achieve a set of operations on these vectors.

The vpColVector class is derived from vpArray2D<double>.

The code below shows how to create a 3-element column vector of doubles, set the element values and access them:

#include <visp3/code/vpColVector.h
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpColVector v(3);
v[0] = -1; v[1] = -2.1; v[2] = -3;
std::cout << "v:" << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < v.size(); ++i) {
std::cout << v[i] << std::endl;

Once build, this previous code produces the following output:


You can also use operator<< to initialize a column vector as previously:

#include <visp3/code/vpColVector.h
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpColVector v;
v << -1, -2.1, -3;
std::cout << "v:" << v << std::endl;

If ViSP is build with c++11 enabled, you can do the same using:

#include <visp3/code/vpColVector.h
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpColVector v({-1, -2.1, -3});
std::cout << "v:\n" << v << std::endl;

The vector could also be initialized using operator=(const std::initializer_list< double > &)

using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
v = {-1, -2.1, -3};
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:191

JSON serialization

Since ViSP 3.6.0, if ViSP is build with JSON for modern C++ 3rd-party we introduce JSON serialization capabilities for vpColVector. The following sample code shows how to save a pose vector in a file named col-vector.json and reload the values from this JSON file.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
std::string filename = "col-vector.json";
vpColVector v({ 1, 2, 3, 4 });
std::ofstream file(filename);
const nlohmann::json j = v;
file << j;
std::ifstream file(filename);
const nlohmann::json j = nlohmann::json::parse(file);
v = j.get<vpColVector>();
std::cout << "Read homogeneous matrix from " << filename << ":\n" << v.t() << std::endl;
vpRowVector t() const

If you build and execute the sample code, it will produce the following output:

Read homogeneous matrix from col-vector.json:
1 2 3 4

The content of the pose-vector.json file is the following:

$ cat col-vector.json
ClassUsingPclViewer.cpp, ClassUsingPclViewer.h, UniversalRobotsSavePosition.cpp, calibrate-hand-eye.cpp, catchAprilTag.cpp, catchArray2D.cpp, catchColorConversion.cpp, catchEigenConversion.cpp, catchJsonArrayConversion.cpp, catchLuminanceMapping.cpp, catchMathUtils.cpp, catchParticleFilter.cpp, catchQuaternion.cpp, catchRotation.cpp, exponentialMap.cpp, frankaSavePosition.cpp, grabRealSense2_T265.cpp, homographyHLM2DObject.cpp, homographyHLM3DObject.cpp, homographyHartleyDLT2DObject.cpp, homographyRansac2DObject.cpp, manServo4PointsDisplay.cpp, manServoMomentsSimple.cpp, manSimu4Dots.cpp, manSimu4Points.cpp, mbot-apriltag-2D-half-vs.cpp, mbot-apriltag-ibvs.cpp, mbot-apriltag-pbvs.cpp, mbtGenericTrackingDepth.cpp, mbtGenericTrackingDepthOnly.cpp, moveAfma4.cpp, moveBiclops.cpp, movePioneer.cpp, movePtu46.cpp, perfColVectorOperations.cpp, perfGenericTracker.cpp, perfMatrixMultiplication.cpp, pf-nonlinear-complex-example.cpp, pf-nonlinear-example.cpp, photometricMappingVisualServoing.cpp, photometricVisualServoing.cpp, photometricVisualServoingWithoutVpServo.cpp, quadprog.cpp, quadprog_eq.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DCamVelocityKalman.cpp, servoAfma62DhalfCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6AprilTagIBVS.cpp, servoAfma6AprilTagPBVS.cpp, servoAfma6Cylinder2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6Cylinder2DCamVelocitySecondaryTask.cpp, servoAfma6Ellipse2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6FourPoints2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoAfma6FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur_integrator.cpp, servoAfma6FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_des.cpp, servoAfma6Line2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6MegaposePBVS.cpp, servoAfma6Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6Point2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6Points2DCamVelocityEyeToHand.cpp, servoAfma6Segment2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6SquareLines2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6TwoLines2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoBebop2.cpp, servoBiclopsPoint2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoFlirPtuIBVS.cpp, servoFrankaIBVS.cpp, servoFrankaPBVS.cpp, servoKinovaJacoCart.cpp, servoKinovaJacoJoint.cpp, servoMomentImage.cpp, servoMomentPoints.cpp, servoMomentPolygon.cpp, servoPioneerPanSegment3D.cpp, servoPioneerPoint2DDepth.cpp, servoPioneerPoint2DDepthWithoutVpServo.cpp, servoPololuPtuPoint2DJointVelocity.cpp, servoPtu46Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoSimu3D_cMcd_CamVelocity.cpp, servoSimu3D_cMcd_CamVelocityWithoutVpServo.cpp, servoSimu3D_cdMc_CamVelocity.cpp, servoSimu3D_cdMc_CamVelocityWithoutVpServo.cpp, servoSimu4Points.cpp, servoSimuAfma6FourPoints2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoSimuCircle2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoSimuCircle2DCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoSimuCylinder.cpp, servoSimuCylinder2DCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoSimuCylinder2DCamVelocityDisplaySecondaryTask.cpp, servoSimuFourPoints2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoSimuFourPoints2DCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoSimuFourPoints2DPolarCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoSimuLine2DCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoSimuPoint2DCamVelocity1.cpp, servoSimuPoint2DCamVelocity2.cpp, servoSimuPoint2DCamVelocity3.cpp, servoSimuPoint2DhalfCamVelocity1.cpp, servoSimuPoint2DhalfCamVelocity2.cpp, servoSimuPoint2DhalfCamVelocity3.cpp, servoSimuPoint3DCamVelocity.cpp, servoSimuSphere.cpp, servoSimuSphere2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoSimuSphere2DCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoSimuSphere2DCamVelocityDisplaySecondaryTask.cpp, servoSimuSquareLine2DCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoSimuThetaUCamVelocity.cpp, servoSimuViper850FourPoints2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoUniversalRobotsIBVS.cpp, servoUniversalRobotsPBVS.cpp, servoViper650FourPoints2DArtVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoViper650FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur-SR300.cpp, servoViper650FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoViper650Point2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoViper850FourPoints2DArtVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoViper850FourPoints2DArtVelocityLs_des.cpp, servoViper850FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoViper850FourPointsKinect.cpp, servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity-jointAvoidance-basic.cpp, servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity-jointAvoidance-gpa.cpp, servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity-jointAvoidance-large.cpp, servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoViper850Point2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoViper850Point2DCamVelocityKalman.cpp, simulateCircle2DCamVelocity.cpp, simulateFourPoints2DCartesianCamVelocity.cpp, simulateFourPoints2DPolarCamVelocity.cpp, sonarPioneerReader.cpp, takktile2-control.cpp, templateTracker.cpp, testColVector.cpp, testComedi.cpp, testDisplacement.cpp, testFeatureSegment.cpp, testForceTorqueAti.cpp, testForceTorqueAtiNetFTSensor.cpp, testForceTorqueIitSensor.cpp, testFrankaCartForceTorque-2.cpp, testFrankaCartForceTorque.cpp, testFrankaCartVelocity-2.cpp, testFrankaCartVelocity-3.cpp, testFrankaCartVelocity.cpp, testFrankaGetPose.cpp, testFrankaJointPosition.cpp, testFrankaJointTorque.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocity-2.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocity-3.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocity.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocityLimits.cpp, testGenericTracker.cpp, testGenericTrackerDepth.cpp, testImageFilter.cpp, testKalmanAcceleration.cpp, testKalmanVelocity.cpp, testMath.cpp, testMatrix.cpp, testMatrixInitialization.cpp, testOccipitalStructure_Core_imu.cpp, testPixhawkDroneVelocityControl.cpp, testPixhawkRoverVelocityControl.cpp, testPoint.cpp, testQbSoftHand.cpp, testRealSense2_D435_align.cpp, testRealSense2_SR300.cpp, testRealSense2_T265_images_odometry.cpp, testRealSense2_T265_images_odometry_async.cpp, testRealSense2_T265_imu.cpp, testRobotAfma6Pose.cpp, testRobotBebop2.cpp, testRobotFlirPtu.cpp, testRobotViper650-frames.cpp, testRobotViper850-frames.cpp, testRobotViper850.cpp, testRobotViper850Pose.cpp, testSvd.cpp, testTukeyEstimator.cpp, testTwistMatrix.cpp, testUniversalRobotsCartPosition.cpp, testUniversalRobotsCartVelocity.cpp, testUniversalRobotsGetData.cpp, testUniversalRobotsJointPosition.cpp, testUniversalRobotsJointVelocity.cpp, testViper650.cpp, testViper850.cpp, testVirtuose.cpp, testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp, testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp, testVirtuosePeriodicFunction.cpp, tutorial-flir-ptu-ibvs.cpp, tutorial-homography-from-points.cpp, tutorial-hsv-segmentation-pcl-viewer.cpp, tutorial-hsv-segmentation-pcl.cpp, tutorial-hsv-segmentation.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-display.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-image-tracking.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-json.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-ogre-tracking.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-ogre.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-plotter-continuous-gain-adaptive.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-plotter-gain-adaptive.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-plotter.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-camera.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-robot-afma6.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-robot-viper.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts.cpp, tutorial-image-simulator.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-full.cpp, tutorial-panda3d-renderer.cpp, tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-all.cpp, tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-pf.cpp, tutorial-pf.cpp, tutorial-pioneer-robot.cpp, tutorial-pose-from-planar-object.cpp, tutorial-simu-pioneer-continuous-gain-adaptive.cpp, tutorial-simu-pioneer-continuous-gain-constant.cpp, tutorial-simu-pioneer-pan.cpp, tutorial-simu-pioneer.cpp, tutorial-template-tracker.cpp, tutorial-ukf.cpp, ukf-linear-example.cpp, ukf-nonlinear-complex-example.cpp, and ukf-nonlinear-example.cpp.

Definition at line 190 of file vpColVector.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpColVector() [1/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( )

Basic constructor that creates an empty 0-size column vector.

Definition at line 198 of file vpColVector.h.

◆ vpColVector() [2/13]

VP_EXPLICIT vpColVector::vpColVector ( unsigned int  n)

Construct a column vector of size n.

Elements are not initialized. If you want to set an initial value use vpColVector(unsigned int, double).

Definition at line 205 of file vpColVector.h.

◆ vpColVector() [3/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( unsigned int  n,
double  val 

Construct a column vector of size n. Each element is set to val.

Definition at line 210 of file vpColVector.h.

◆ vpColVector() [4/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const vpColVector v)

Copy constructor that allows to construct a column vector from an other one.

Definition at line 215 of file vpColVector.h.

◆ vpColVector() [5/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const vpColVector v,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  nrows 

Construct a column vector from a part of an input column vector v.

v: Input column vector used for initialization.
r: row index in v that corresponds to the first element of the column vector to construct.
nrows: Number of rows of the constructed column vector.

The sub-vector starting from v[r] element and ending on v[r+nrows-1] element is used to initialize the constructed column vector.

See also

Definition at line 177 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References init().

◆ vpColVector() [6/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const vpRotationVector v)

Constructor that initialize a column vector from a 3-dim (Euler or $\theta {\bf u}$) or 4-dim (quaternion) rotation vector.

Definition at line 200 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ vpColVector() [7/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const vpPoseVector p)

Constructor that initialize a column vector from a 6-dim pose vector.

Definition at line 208 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ vpColVector() [8/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const vpTranslationVector t)

Constructor that initialize a column vector from a 3-dim translation vector.

Definition at line 216 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ vpColVector() [9/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const vpMatrix M)

Constructor that creates a column vector from a m-by-1 matrix M.

vpException::dimensionErrorIf the matrix is not a m-by-1 matrix.

Definition at line 232 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< Type >::getRows().

◆ vpColVector() [10/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const vpMatrix M,
unsigned int  j 

Constructor that takes column j of matrix M.

Definition at line 224 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getCols().

◆ vpColVector() [11/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const std::vector< double > &  v)

Constructor that creates a column vector from a std vector of double.

Definition at line 245 of file vpColVector.cpp.

◆ vpColVector() [12/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( const std::vector< float > &  v)

Constructor that creates a column vector from a std vector of float.

Definition at line 253 of file vpColVector.cpp.

◆ vpColVector() [13/13]

vpColVector::vpColVector ( vpColVector &&  v)

Member Function Documentation

◆ clear()

void vpColVector::clear ( )

Removes all elements from the vector (which are destroyed), leaving the container with a size of 0.


Definition at line 290 of file vpColVector.h.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< double >::dsize, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpMbTracker::createCylinderBBox().

◆ conv2() [1/2]

vpArray2D< double > vpArray2D< double >::conv2 ( const vpArray2D< double > &  M,
const vpArray2D< double > &  kernel,
const std::string &  mode 

Perform a 2D convolution similar to Matlab conv2 function: $ M \star kernel $.

M: First matrix.
kernel: Second matrix.
mode: Convolution mode: "full" (default), "same", "valid".
Convolution mode: full, same, valid (image credit: Theano doc).
This is a very basic implementation that does not use FFT.

Definition at line 1053 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ conv2() [2/2]

void vpArray2D< double >::conv2 ( const vpArray2D< double > &  M,
const vpArray2D< double > &  kernel,
vpArray2D< double > &  res,
const std::string &  mode 

Perform a 2D convolution similar to Matlab conv2 function: $ M \star kernel $.

M: First array.
kernel: Second array.
res: Result.
mode: Convolution mode: "full" (default), "same", "valid".
Convolution mode: full, same, valid (image credit: Theano doc).
This is a very basic implementation that does not use FFT.

Definition at line 1067 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ cppPrint()

std::ostream & vpColVector::cppPrint ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::string &  matrixName = "A",
bool  octet = false 
) const

Print to be used as part of a C++ code later.

os: the stream to be printed in.
matrixName: name of the column vector, "A" by default.
octet: if false, print using double, if true, print byte per byte each bytes of the double array.

The following code shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
v[i] = i;
v.cppPrint(std::cout, "v");

It produces the following output that could be copy/paste in a C++ code:

v[0] = 0;
v[1] = 1;
v[2] = 2;
See also
print(), matlabPrint(), maplePrint()

Definition at line 963 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

◆ cross()

static vpColVector vpColVector::cross ( const vpColVector a,
const vpColVector b 

Compute and return the cross product of two 3-dimension vectors: $a \times b$.

a: 3-dimension column vector.
b: 3-dimension column vector.
The cross product $a \times b$.
vpException::dimensionErrorIf the vectors dimension is not equal to 3.
See also
crossProd(), dotProd(), operator*(const vpColVector &)

Definition at line 1259 of file vpColVector.h.

Referenced by vpMbtDistanceLine::buildFrom(), and vpPlane::init().

◆ crossProd()

vpColVector vpColVector::crossProd ( const vpColVector a,
const vpColVector b 

Compute and return the cross product of two vectors $a \times b$.

[in]a: 3-dimension column vector.
[in]b: 3-dimension column vector.
The cross product $a \times b$.
vpException::dimensionErrorIf the vectors dimension is not equal to 3.
See also

Definition at line 764 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and skew().

Referenced by vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpPose::coplanar(), vpMbTracker::createCylinderBBox(), vpMath::lookAt(), vpThetaUVector::operator*(), vpPose::poseLagrangePlan(), and vpImageSimulator::setCameraPosition().

◆ csvPrint()

std::ostream & vpColVector::csvPrint ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print/save a column vector in csv format.

The following code

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
std::ofstream ofs("log.csv", std::ofstream::out);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
v[i] = i;

produces log.csv file that contains:


Definition at line 984 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

◆ deg2rad()

vpColVector& vpColVector::deg2rad ( )

Converts a column vector containing angles in degrees into radians and returns a reference to the vector.

A reference to the vector with values expressed in [rad].
See also

Definition at line 380 of file vpColVector.h.

Referenced by vpRobotViper650::getPosition(), vpRobotViper850::getPosition(), vpRobotViper650::getVelocity(), vpRobotViper850::getVelocity(), vpRobotViper650::init(), vpRobotViper850::init(), vpRobotViper650::readPosFile(), vpRobotViper850::readPosFile(), vpRobotBiclops::readPositionFile(), vpRobotPtu46::readPositionFile(), vpRobotViper650::setPosition(), and vpRobotViper850::setPosition().

◆ dotProd()

double vpColVector::dotProd ( const vpColVector a,
const vpColVector b 

◆ extract()

vpColVector vpColVector::extract ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  colsize 
) const

Extract a sub-column vector from a column vector.

r: Index of the row corresponding to the first element of the vector to extract.
colsize: Size of the vector to extract.
vpException::fatalErrorIf the vector to extract is not contained in the original one.
for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
// v1 is equal to [0 1 2 3]^T
vpColVector v2 = v1.extract(1, 3);
// v2 is equal to [1 2 3]^T
vpColVector extract(unsigned int r, unsigned int colsize) const
Definition: vpColVector.h:405
void stack(double d)
catchLuminanceMapping.cpp, catchRotation.cpp, testColVector.cpp, testForceTorqueAti.cpp, testForceTorqueAtiNetFTSensor.cpp, and testForceTorqueIitSensor.cpp.

Definition at line 405 of file vpColVector.h.

References vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction(), vpRobotUniversalRobots::setPosition(), vpLinProg::simplex(), vpLinProg::solveLP(), and vpQuadProg::solveQPi().

◆ frobeniusNorm()

double vpColVector::frobeniusNorm ( ) const

Compute and return the Frobenius norm $ ||v|| = \sqrt{ \sum_{v_{i}^2}} $ of all the elements $v_{i}$ of the column vector $ \bf v $ that is of dimension $ m $.

The Frobenius norm if the vector is initialized, 0 otherwise.
See also
testSvd.cpp, tutorial-pf.cpp, ukf-linear-example.cpp, ukf-nonlinear-complex-example.cpp, and ukf-nonlinear-example.cpp.

Definition at line 926 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References sumSquare().

Referenced by vpServo::computeProjectionOperators(), vpMbTracker::createCylinderBBox(), and vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::planeIsInvalid().

◆ getCols()

◆ getMaxValue()

double vpArray2D< double >::getMaxValue

Return the array max value.


Definition at line 339 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ getMinValue()

double vpArray2D< double >::getMinValue

Return the array min value.


Definition at line 341 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ getRows()

◆ hadamard() [1/2]

vpArray2D< double > vpArray2D< double >::hadamard ( const vpArray2D< double > &  m) const

Compute the Hadamard product (element wise matrix multiplication).

m: Second matrix;
m1.hadamard(m2) The Hadamard product : $ m1 \circ m2 = (m1 \circ m2)_{i,j} = (m1)_{i,j} (m2)_{i,j} $

Definition at line 641 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ hadamard() [2/2]

vpColVector vpColVector::hadamard ( const vpColVector v) const

◆ infinityNorm()

double vpColVector::infinityNorm ( ) const

Compute and return the infinity norm $ {||v||}_{\infty} = max\left({\mid v_{i} \mid}\right) $ with $i \in \{0, ..., m-1\}$ where m is the vector size and $v_i$ an element of the vector.

The infinity norm if the matrix is initialized, 0 otherwise.
See also

Definition at line 951 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction(), vpAdaptiveGain::operator()(), and vpLinProg::rowReduction().

◆ init()

void vpColVector::init ( const vpColVector v,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  nrows 

Initialize the column vector from a part of an input column vector v.

v: Input column vector used for initialization.
r: row index in v that corresponds to the first element of the column vector to construct.
nrows: Number of rows of the constructed column vector.

The sub-vector starting from v[r] element and ending on v[r+nrows-1] element is used to initialize the constructed column vector.

The following code shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
int val = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<v.getRows(); ++i) {
v[i] = val++;
std::cout << "v: " << v.t() << std::endl;
w.init(v, 0, 2);
std::cout << "w: " << w.t() << std::endl;
void init(const vpColVector &v, unsigned int r, unsigned int nrows)

It produces the following output:

v: 0 1 2 3
w: 1 2

Definition at line 182 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpColVector().

◆ insert() [1/3]

vpArray2D< double > vpArray2D< double >::insert ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
const vpArray2D< double > &  B,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c 

Insert array B in array A at the given position.

A: Main array.
B: Array to insert.
r: Index of the row where to add the array.
c: Index of the column where to add the array.
Array with B insert in A.
Throw exception if the sizes of the arrays do not allow the insertion.

Definition at line 1081 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ insert() [2/3]

void vpArray2D< double >::insert ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c 

Insert array A at the given position in the current array.

Throw vpException::dimensionError if the dimensions of the matrices do not allow the operation.
A: The array to insert.
r: The index of the row to begin to insert data.
c: The index of the column to begin to insert data.

Definition at line 497 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ insert() [3/3]

void vpColVector::insert ( unsigned int  i,
const vpColVector v 

Insert a column vector.

i: Index of the first element to introduce. This index starts from 0.
v: Column vector to insert.

The following example shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
for (unsigned int i=0; i < v.size(); ++i)
v[i] = i;
std::cout << "v: " << v.t() << std::endl;
for (unsigned int i=0; i < w.size(); ++i)
w[i] = i+10;
std::cout << "w: " << w.t() << std::endl;
v.insert(1, w);
std::cout << "v: " << v.t() << std::endl;

It produces the following output:

v: 0 1 2 3
w: 10 11
v: 0 10 11 3
testColVector.cpp, and testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp.

Definition at line 801 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVSWeights().

◆ invSort()

vpColVector vpColVector::invSort ( const vpColVector v)

Return a column vector with elements of v that are reverse sorted with values going from greatest to lowest.


#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpColVector v(10);
v[0] = 5; v[1] = 7; v[2] = 4; v[3] = 2; v[4] = 8;
v[5] = 6; v[6] = 1; v[7] = 9; v[8] = 0; v[9] = 3;
std::cout << "v: " << v.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << "s: " << s.t() << std::endl;
static vpColVector invSort(const vpColVector &v)


v: 5 7 4 2 8 6 1 9 0 3
s: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
See also

Definition at line 594 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< Type >::getRows().

◆ load()

static bool vpArray2D< double >::load ( const std::string &  filename,
vpArray2D< double > &  A,
bool  binary = false,
char *  header = nullptr 

Load a matrix from a file.

filename: Absolute file name.
A: Array to be loaded
binary: If true the matrix is loaded from a binary file, else from a text file.
header: Header of the file is loaded in this parameter.
Returns true if success.
See also

Definition at line 669 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ loadYAML()

static bool vpArray2D< double >::loadYAML ( const std::string &  filename,
vpArray2D< double > &  A,
char *  header = nullptr 

Load an array from a YAML-formatted file.

filename: absolute file name.
A: array to be loaded from the file.
header: header of the file is loaded in this parameter.
Returns true on success.
See also
servoFlirPtuIBVS.cpp, servoFrankaIBVS.cpp, servoFrankaPBVS.cpp, servoUniversalRobotsIBVS.cpp, servoUniversalRobotsPBVS.cpp, tutorial-flir-ptu-ibvs.cpp, tutorial-hsv-segmentation-pcl-viewer.cpp, tutorial-hsv-segmentation-pcl.cpp, and tutorial-hsv-segmentation.cpp.

Definition at line 783 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ maplePrint()

std::ostream & vpColVector::maplePrint ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print using Maple syntax, to copy/paste in Maple later.

The following code

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
v[i] = i;
std::cout << "v = "; v.maplePrint(std::cout);

produces this output:

v = ([
[0, ],
[1, ],
[2, ],

that could be copy/paste in Maple.

See also
print() matlabPrint(), cppPrint()

Definition at line 995 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

◆ matlabPrint()

std::ostream & vpColVector::matlabPrint ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print using Matlab syntax, to copy/paste in Matlab later.

The following code

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
for (unsigned int i=0; i<v.size(); ++i)
v[i] = i;
std::cout << "v = "; v.matlabPrint(std::cout);

produces this output:

v = [ 0, ;
1, ;
2, ]

that could be copy/paste in Matlab:

>> v = [ 0, ;
1, ;
2, ]
v =
See also
print(), cppPrint(), maplePrint()

Definition at line 1008 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

◆ mean()

double vpColVector::mean ( const vpColVector v)

Compute the mean value of all the elements of the vector.


Definition at line 691 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::size(), and sum().

◆ median()

double vpColVector::median ( const vpColVector v)

Compute the median value of all the elements of the vector.


Definition at line 703 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpMath::getMedian(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ normalize() [1/2]

vpColVector & vpColVector::normalize ( )

Normalize the column vector.

Considering the n-dim column vector $ {\bf x} = (x_0, x_1, \ldots, n_{n-1})$ normalize each vector element $ i $:

\[ x_i = \frac{x_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}x^2_i}} \]

A reference to the normalized vector.
catchQuaternion.cpp, testColVector.cpp, and testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp.

Definition at line 582 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References sumSquare().

Referenced by vpCameraParameters::computeFov(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::computeNormalVisibility(), vpMbTracker::createCylinderBBox(), vpMbtPolygon::isVisible(), vpMath::lookAt(), and vpRBProbabilistic3DDriftDetector::update().

◆ normalize() [2/2]

vpColVector & vpColVector::normalize ( vpColVector x) const

Normalize a column vector.

Considering the n-dim column vector $ {\bf x} = (x_0, x_1, \ldots, n_{n-1})$ normalize each vector element $ i $:

\[ x_i = \frac{x_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=0}^{n-1} x^2_i}} \]

[in,out]x: As input, the vector to normalize, as output the normalized vector.
A reference to the normalized vector.

Definition at line 575 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References sumSquare().

◆ operator!=() [1/3]

bool operator!= ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A) const

Not equal to comparison operator of a 2D array.

Definition at line 523 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ operator!=() [2/3]

bool vpColVector::operator!= ( const vpColVector v) const

Compare two column vectors.

v: Vector to compare with.
true when their respective size or their values differ, false when their size and values are the same.

Definition at line 529 of file vpColVector.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [3/3]

bool vpColVector::operator!= ( double  v) const

Compare a column vector to a floating point value.

v: Floating point value to compare with.
true when at least one value of the vector differ from the floating point value v. false when all the vector values are equal to v.

Definition at line 531 of file vpColVector.cpp.

◆ operator*() [1/4]

double vpColVector::operator* ( const vpColVector v) const

Operator that performs the dot product between two column vectors.

vpException::dimensionErrorIf the vector dimension differ.
See also

Definition at line 116 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, vpArray2D< Type >::size(), and vpArray2D< double >::size().

◆ operator*() [2/4]

vpMatrix vpColVector::operator* ( const vpMatrix M) const

Multiply a column vector by a matrix.

M: Matrix.
The resulting matrix.

Definition at line 144 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator*() [3/4]

vpMatrix vpColVector::operator* ( const vpRowVector v) const

Multiply a column vector by a row vector.

v: Row vector.
The resulting matrix.

Definition at line 132 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator*() [4/4]

vpColVector vpColVector::operator* ( double  x) const

Operator that allows to multiply each element of a column vector by a scalar.

x: The scalar.
The column vector multiplied by the scalar. The current column vector (*this) is unchanged.
v[0] = 1;
v[1] = 2;
v[2] = 3;
vpColVector w = v * 3;
// v is unchanged
// w is now equal to : [3, 6, 9]

Definition at line 296 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator*=()

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator*= ( double  x)

Operator that allows to multiply each element of a column vector by a scalar.

x: The scalar.
The column vector multiplied by the scalar.
v[0] = 1;
v[1] = 2;
v[2] = 3;
v *= 3;
// v is now equal to : [3, 6, 9]

Definition at line 312 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator+() [1/2]

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE vpColVector vpColVector::operator+ ( const vpColVector v) const

Operator that allows to add two column vectors.

Definition at line 60 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator+() [2/2]

vpTranslationVector vpColVector::operator+ ( const vpTranslationVector t) const

Operator that allows to add a column vector to a translation vector.

t: 3-dimension translation vector to add.
The sum of the current column vector (*this) and the translation vector to add.
v[0] = 4;
v[1] = 5;
v[2] = 6;
t2 = v + t1;
// t1 and v leave unchanged
// t2 is now equal to : 5, 7, 9
Class that consider the case of a translation vector.

Definition at line 74 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and t().

◆ operator+=()

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator+= ( vpColVector  v)

Operator that allows to add two column vectors.

Definition at line 90 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator,()

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator, ( double  val)

This operator could be used to set column vector elements:

#include <visp3/code/vpColVector.h
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpColVector v;
v << -1, -2.1, -3;
std::cout << "v:" << v << std::endl;

It produces the following printings:

v: -1 -2.1 -3
See also

Definition at line 444 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator-() [1/2]

vpColVector vpColVector::operator- ( ) const

Operator that allows to negate all the column vector elements.

vpColVector r(3, 1);
// r contains [1 1 1]^T
vpColVector v = -r;
// v contains [-1 -1 -1]^T

Definition at line 278 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator-() [2/2]

vpColVector vpColVector::operator- ( const vpColVector v) const

Operator subtraction of two vectors this = this - v

Definition at line 161 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator-=()

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator-= ( vpColVector  v)

Operator that allows to subtract two column vectors.

Definition at line 103 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator/()

vpColVector vpColVector::operator/ ( double  x) const

Operator that allows to divide each element of a column vector by a scalar.

x: The scalar.
The column vector divided by the scalar. The current column vector (*this) is unchanged.
v[0] = 8;
v[1] = 4;
v[2] = 2;
vpColVector w = v / 2;
// v is unchanged
// w is now equal to : [4, 2, 1]

Definition at line 328 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator/=()

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator/= ( double  x)

Operator that allows to divide each element of a column vector by a scalar.

x: The scalar.
The column vector divided by the scalar.
v[0] = 8;
v[1] = 4;
v[2] = 2;
v /= 2;
// v is now equal to : [4, 2, 1]

Definition at line 320 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator<<() [1/3]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator<< ( const vpColVector v)

Copy operator. Allows operation such as A << v

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpColVector A, B(5);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<B.size(); ++i)
B[i] = i;
A << B;
std::cout << "A: " << A.t() << std::endl;

In column vector A we get:

A: 0 1 2 3 4

Definition at line 421 of file vpColVector.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/3]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator<< ( double *  x)

Assignment operator. Allow operation such as A = *v

The following example shows how to use this operator.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
size_t n = 5;
double *B = new double [n];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
B[i] = i;
A << B;
std::cout << "A: " << A.t() << std::endl;
delete [] B;

It produces the following output:

A: 0 1 2 3 4

Definition at line 427 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator<<() [3/3]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator<< ( double  val)

This operator could be used to set column vector elements:

#include <visp3/code/vpColVector.h
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpColVector v;
v << -1, -2.1, -3;
std::cout << "v:" << v << std::endl;

It produces the following printings:

v: -1 -2.1 -3
See also

Definition at line 437 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, and resize().

◆ operator=() [1/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( const std::initializer_list< double > &  list)

Set vector elements and size from a list of values.

list: List of double. Vector size matches the number of elements.
The modified vector.
#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
c = { 0, -1, -2 };
std::cout << "c:\n" << c << std::endl;
It produces the following printings:
See also

Definition at line 495 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, and resize().

◆ operator=() [2/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( const std::vector< double > &  v)

Initialize a row vector from a standard vector of double.

Definition at line 357 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References resize().

◆ operator=() [3/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( const std::vector< float > &  v)

Initialize a row vector from a standard vector of float.

Definition at line 367 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References resize().

◆ operator=() [4/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( const vpColVector v)

Copy operator. Allow operation such as w = v.

vpColVector v(6, 1);
w = v;

Definition at line 377 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum.

◆ operator=() [5/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( const vpMatrix M)

Transform a m-by-1 matrix into a column vector.

Handled with care; M should be a 1 column matrix.
vpException::dimensionErrorIf the matrix has more than 1 column.

Definition at line 344 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator=() [6/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( const vpPoseVector p)

Operator that allows to convert a pose vector into a column vector.

Definition at line 410 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator=() [7/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( const vpRotationVector rv)

Operator that allows to convert a rotation vector into a column vector.

Definition at line 399 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator=() [8/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( const vpTranslationVector tv)

Operator that allows to convert a translation vector into a column vector.

Definition at line 388 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator=() [9/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( double  x)

Set each element of the column vector to x.

Definition at line 451 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator=() [10/10]

vpColVector & vpColVector::operator= ( vpColVector &&  v)

Overloaded move assignment operator taking rvalue.

Definition at line 473 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< double >::dsize, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator==() [1/3]

bool vpArray2D< double >::operator== ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A) const

Equal to comparison operator of a 2D array.

Definition at line 519 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ operator==() [2/3]

bool vpColVector::operator== ( const vpColVector v) const

Compare two column vectors.

v: Vector to compare with.
true when their respective size and their respective values are the same, false when their size or values differ.

Definition at line 503 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpMath::equal(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator==() [3/3]

bool vpColVector::operator== ( double  v) const

Compare a column vector to a floating point value.

v: Floating point value to compare with.
true when all the values of the vector are equal to the floating point value v, false otherwise.

Definition at line 518 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpMath::equal(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

double& vpColVector::operator[] ( unsigned int  n)

Operator that allows to set a value of an element $v_i$: v[i] = x

Definition at line 635 of file vpColVector.h.

References vpArray2D< double >::data.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

const double& vpColVector::operator[] ( unsigned int  n) const

Operator that allows to get the value of an element $v_i$: x = v[i]

Definition at line 640 of file vpColVector.h.

References vpArray2D< double >::data.

◆ print()

int vpColVector::print ( std::ostream &  s,
unsigned int  length,
char const *  intro = 0 
) const

Pretty print a column vector. The data are tabulated. The common widths before and after the decimal point are set with respect to the parameter maxlen.

sStream used for the printing.
lengthThe suggested width of each vector element. The actual width grows in order to accommodate the whole integral part, and shrinks if the whole extent is not needed for all the numbers.
introThe introduction which is printed before the vector. Can be set to zero (or omitted), in which case the introduction is not printed.
Returns the common total width for all vector elements.
See also
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const vpArray2D<Type> &A)
testColVector.cpp, and testTwistMatrix.cpp.

Definition at line 812 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpMath::maximum().

◆ rad2deg()

vpColVector& vpColVector::rad2deg ( )

Converts a column vector containing angles in radians into degrees and returns a reference to the vector.

A reference to the vector with values expressed in [deg].
See also

Definition at line 1053 of file vpColVector.h.

Referenced by vpRobotViper650::setPosition(), vpRobotViper850::setPosition(), vpRobotViper650::setVelocity(), and vpRobotViper850::setVelocity().

◆ reshape() [1/2]

vpMatrix vpColVector::reshape ( unsigned int  nrows,
unsigned int  ncols 

Reshape the column vector in a matrix.

nrows: number of rows of the matrix
ncols: number of columns of the matrix
The reshaped matrix.
See also
reshape(vpMatrix &, const unsigned int &, const unsigned int &)

Definition at line 777 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References reshape().

◆ reshape() [2/2]

void vpColVector::reshape ( vpMatrix M,
const unsigned int &  nrows,
const unsigned int &  ncols 

Reshape the column vector in a matrix.

M: the reshaped matrix.
nrows: number of rows of the matrix.
ncols: number of columns of the matrix.
vpException::dimensionErrorIf the matrix and the column vector have not the same size.

The following example shows how to use this method.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
int var=0;
vpMatrix mat(3, 4);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
for (int j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
mat[i][j] = ++var;
std::cout << "mat: \n" << mat << std::endl;
vpColVector col = mat.stackColumns();
std::cout << "column vector: \n" << col << std::endl;
vpMatrix remat = col.reshape(3, 4);
std::cout << "remat: \n" << remat << std::endl;
void reshape(vpMatrix &M, const unsigned int &nrows, const unsigned int &ncols)
Implementation of a matrix and operations on matrices.
Definition: vpMatrix.h:169

If you run the previous example, you get:

1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
column vector:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12

Definition at line 784 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< double >::dsize, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by reshape().

◆ resize() [1/3]

void vpColVector::resize ( unsigned int  i,
bool  flagNullify = true 

Modify the size of the column vector.

i: Size of the vector. This value corresponds to the vector number of rows.
flagNullify: If true, set the data to zero.
vpException::fatalErrorWhen ncols is not equal to 1.
ClassUsingPclViewer.cpp, catchJsonArrayConversion.cpp, perfMatrixMultiplication.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DCamVelocityKalman.cpp, servoViper850Point2DCamVelocityKalman.cpp, testColVector.cpp, and testRealSense2_T265_images_odometry_async.cpp.

Definition at line 1143 of file vpColVector.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

Referenced by vpMatrix::add2Matrices(), vpCylinder::changeFrame(), vpLine::changeFrame(), vpPoint::changeFrame(), vpSphere::changeFrame(), vpCircle::changeFrame(), vpRobotAfma6::checkJointLimits(), vpLinProg::colReduction(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::computeDesiredFeaturesPCL(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::computeDesiredFeaturesSVD(), vpServo::computeError(), vpRBSilhouetteCCDTracker::computeErrorAndInteractionMatrix(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::computeInteractionMatrix(), vpMbtFaceDepthDense::computeInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpRBFeatureTracker::computeJTR(), vpMbTracker::computeJTR(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::computeNormalVisibility(), vpPose::computeResidual(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMatrix::cond(), vpFeatureMoment::duplicate(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::eigen2visp(), vpMatrix::eigenValues(), vpFeatureLuminance::error(), vpFeatureLuminanceMapping::error(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::estimateFeatures(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::estimatePlaneEquationSVD(), vpThetaUVector::extract(), vpRBDenseDepthTracker::extractFeatures(), vpRobotFranka::getCoriolis(), vpQbSoftHand::getCurrent(), vpRobotAfma4::getDisplacement(), vpRobotAfma6::getDisplacement(), vpRobotViper650::getDisplacement(), vpRobotViper850::getDisplacement(), vpRobotFranka::getForceTorque(), vpRobotViper650::getForceTorque(), vpRobotViper850::getForceTorque(), vpRobotFranka::getGravity(), vpOccipitalStructure::getIMUAcceleration(), vpOccipitalStructure::getIMUData(), vpOccipitalStructure::getIMUVelocity(), vpAfma6::getInverseKinematics(), vpViper::getInverseKinematicsWrist(), vpRobotFlirPtu::getJointPosition(), vpRobotKinova::getJointPosition(), vpPlane::getNormal(), vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography::getParam(), vpRobotFranka::getPosition(), vpRobotKinova::getPosition(), vpRobotUniversalRobots::getPosition(), vpRobotAfma4::getPosition(), vpRobotAfma6::getPosition(), vpRobotViper650::getPosition(), vpRobotViper850::getPosition(), vpRobotBiclops::getPosition(), vpRobotPololuPtu::getPosition(), vpRobotPtu46::getPosition(), vpSimulatorCamera::getPosition(), vpSimulatorPioneer::getPosition(), vpSimulatorPioneerPan::getPosition(), vpQbSoftHand::getPosition(), vpLuminanceDCT::vpMatrixZigZagIndex::getValues(), vpRobotFranka::getVelocity(), vpRobotBiclops::getVelocity(), vpRobotPtu46::getVelocity(), vpRobotPioneer::getVelocity(), vpRobotAfma4::getVelocity(), vpRobotAfma6::getVelocity(), vpRobotViper650::getVelocity(), vpRobotViper850::getVelocity(), vpPoint::getWorldCoordinates(), hadamard(), vpLuminanceMapping::imageAsVector(), vpMeTracker::init(), vpCircle::init(), vpCylinder::init(), vpLine::init(), vpPoint::init(), vpSphere::init(), vpRobotBiclops::init(), vpFeatureDepth::init(), vpFeatureEllipse::init(), vpFeatureLine::init(), vpFeaturePoint::init(), vpFeaturePoint3D::init(), vpFeaturePointPolar::init(), vpFeatureSegment::init(), vpFeatureThetaU::init(), vpFeatureTranslation::init(), vpFeatureVanishingPoint::init(), vpFeatureLuminanceMapping::init(), init(), vpImageSimulator::init(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::init(), vpFeatureLuminance::init(), vpKalmanFilter::init(), vpRobotAfma4::init(), vpRobotAfma6::init(), vpRobotViper650::init(), vpRobotViper850::init(), vpFeatureMoment::init(), vpTemplateTrackerMIESM::initCompInverse(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::initInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::initInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initInteractionMatrixError(), vpRBSilhouetteCCDTracker::initVVS(), vpRBSilhouetteMeTracker::initVVS(), vpMatrix::kernel(), vpRobust::MEstimator(), vpMatrix::multMatrixVector(), vpMatrix::nullSpace(), operator,(), operator-(), operator<<(), vpFeatureLuminance::operator=(), operator=(), vpSubColVector::operator=(), vpPose::poseVirtualVSrobust(), vpPoint::projection(), vpCircle::projection(), vpCylinder::projection(), vpLine::projection(), vpSphere::projection(), vpRobotAfma4::readPosFile(), vpRobotAfma6::readPosFile(), vpRobotFranka::readPosFile(), vpRobotUniversalRobots::readPosFile(), vpRobotViper650::readPosFile(), vpRobotViper850::readPosFile(), vpRobotBiclops::readPositionFile(), vpRobotPtu46::readPositionFile(), vpLinProg::rowReduction(), vpLinProg::simplex(), vpLinProg::solveLP(), vpQuadProg::solveQPi(), stack(), vpMatrix::stackColumns(), vpMatrix::sub2Matrices(), vpMatrix::svdEigen3(), vpMatrix::svdLapack(), vpMatrix::svdOpenCV(), vpFeatureMoment::update(), vpGenericFeature::vpGenericFeature(), vpImageSimulator::vpImageSimulator(), vpMeEllipse::vpMeEllipse(), vpRBSilhouetteControlPoint::vpRBSilhouetteControlPoint(), vpTemplateTracker::vpTemplateTracker(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::vpTemplateTrackerMI(), vpTemplateTrackerSSD::vpTemplateTrackerSSD(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDESM::vpTemplateTrackerSSDESM(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCC::vpTemplateTrackerZNCC(), and vpViper::vpViper().

◆ resize() [2/3]

void vpColVector::resize ( unsigned int  nrows,
unsigned int  ncols,
bool  flagNullify 

Resize the column vector to a nrows-dimension vector. This function can only be used with ncols = 1.

nrows: Vector number of rows. This value corresponds to the size of the vector.
ncols: Vector number of columns. This value should be set to 1.
flagNullify: If true, set the data to zero.
vpException::fatalErrorWhen ncols is not equal to 1.

Definition at line 1159 of file vpColVector.h.

References vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ resize() [3/3]

void vpArray2D< double >::resize ( unsigned int  nrows,
unsigned int  ncols,
bool  flagNullify = true,
bool  recopy_ = true 

Set the size of the array and initialize all the values to zero.

nrows: number of rows.
ncols: number of column.
flagNullify: if true, then the array is re-initialized to 0 after resize. If false, the initial values from the common part of the array (common part between old and new version of the array) are kept. Default value is true.
recopy_: if true, will perform an explicit recopy of the old data.
catchArray2D.cpp, catchJsonArrayConversion.cpp, catchParticleFilter.cpp, perfMatrixMultiplication.cpp, perfMatrixTranspose.cpp, testMatrix.cpp, testMatrixDeterminant.cpp, testMatrixInverse.cpp, testMatrixPseudoInverse.cpp, and testSvd.cpp.

Definition at line 362 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ save()

static bool vpArray2D< double >::save ( const std::string &  filename,
const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
bool  binary = false,
const char *  header = "" 

Save a matrix to a file.

filename: Absolute file name.
A: Array to be saved.
binary: If true the matrix is saved in a binary file, else a text file.
header: Optional line that will be saved at the beginning of the file.
Returns true if success.

Warning : If you save the matrix as in a text file the precision is less than if you save it in a binary file.

See also

Definition at line 874 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ saveYAML()

static bool vpArray2D< double >::saveYAML ( const std::string &  filename,
const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
const char *  header = "" 

Save an array in a YAML-formatted file.

filename: absolute file name.
A: array to be saved in the file.
header: optional lines that will be saved at the beginning of the file. Should be YAML-formatted and will adapt to the indentation if any.
Returns true if success.

Here is an example of outputs.

vpArray2D::saveYAML("matrix.yml", M, "example: a YAML-formatted header");
vpArray2D::saveYAML("matrixIndent.yml", M, "example:\n - a YAML-formatted \
header\n - with inner indentation");
static bool saveYAML(const std::string &filename, const vpArray2D< Type > &A, const char *header="")
Definition: vpArray2D.h:972

Content of matrix.yml:

example: a YAML-formatted header
rows: 3
cols: 4
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
double * data
Address of the first element of the data array.
Definition: vpArray2D.h:148

Content of matrixIndent.yml:

- a YAML-formatted header
- with inner indentation
rows: 3
cols: 4
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
See also

Definition at line 972 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ size()

◆ skew()

vpMatrix vpColVector::skew ( const vpColVector v)

Compute the skew symmetric matrix $[{\bf v}]_\times$ of vector v.

\[ \mbox{if} \quad {\bf v} = \left( \begin{array}{c} x \\ y \\ z \end{array}\right), \quad \mbox{then} \qquad [{\bf v}]_\times = \left( \begin{array}{ccc} 0 & -z & y \\ z & 0 & -x \\ -y & x & 0 \end{array}\right) \]

v: Input vector used to compute the skew symmetric matrix.
servoSimu3D_cMcd_CamVelocityWithoutVpServo.cpp, and testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp.

Definition at line 738 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

Referenced by crossProd(), and vpFeatureThetaU::interaction().

◆ sort()

vpColVector vpColVector::sort ( const vpColVector v)

Return a column vector with elements of v that are sorted with values going from lowest to greatest.


#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpColVector v(10);
v[0] = 5; v[1] = 7; v[2] = 4; v[3] = 2; v[4] = 8;
v[5] = 6; v[6] = 1; v[7] = 9; v[8] = 0; v[9] = 3;
std::cout << "v: " << v.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << "s: " << s.t() << std::endl;
static vpColVector sort(const vpColVector &v)


v: 5 7 4 2 8 6 1 9 0 3
s: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
See also

Definition at line 619 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< Type >::getRows().

◆ stack() [1/4]

vpColVector vpColVector::stack ( const vpColVector A,
const vpColVector B 

Stack column vectors.

A: Initial vector.
B: Vector to stack at the end of A.
Stacked vector $[A B]^T$.
C = vpColVector::stack(A, B); // C = [A B]T
// C is now an 8 dimension column vector
See also
stack(const vpColVector &)
stack(const vpColVector &, const vpColVector &, vpColVector &)

Definition at line 652 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References stack().

◆ stack() [2/4]

void vpColVector::stack ( const vpColVector A,
const vpColVector B,
vpColVector C 

Stack column vectors.

A: Initial vector.
B: Vector to stack at the end of A.
C: Resulting stacked vector $C = [A B]^T$.
vpColVector::stack(A, B, C); // C = [A B]T
// C is now an 8 dimension column vector
See also
stack(const vpColVector &)
stack(const vpColVector &, const vpColVector &)

Definition at line 659 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and resize().

◆ stack() [3/4]

void vpColVector::stack ( const vpColVector v)

Stack column vectors.

v: Vector to stack to the existing one.
vpColVector v1(3, 1);
// v1 is equal to [1 1 1]^T
vpColVector v2(2, 3);
// v2 is equal to [3 3]^T
// v1 is equal to [1 1 1 3 3]^T
See also
stack(const vpColVector &, const double &)
stack(const vpColVector &, const vpColVector &)
stack(const vpColVector &, const vpColVector &, vpColVector &)

Definition at line 650 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References stack().

◆ stack() [4/4]

◆ stdev()

double vpColVector::stdev ( const vpColVector v,
bool  useBesselCorrection = false 

Compute the standard deviation value of all the elements of the vector.

perfColVectorOperations.cpp, and testColVector.cpp.

Definition at line 714 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, vpArray2D< Type >::size(), and sum().

◆ sum()

double vpColVector::sum ( ) const

Return the sum of all the elements $v_{i}$ of the column vector $ \bf v $ that is of dimension $ m $.

The value

\[ \sum_{i=0}^{m-1} v_i \]

catchLuminanceMapping.cpp, perfColVectorOperations.cpp, photometricMappingVisualServoing.cpp, tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-all.cpp, and tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-pf.cpp.

Definition at line 900 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpLuminancePCA::learn(), mean(), and stdev().

◆ sumSquare()

◆ t()

vpRowVector vpColVector::t ( ) const

Transpose the column vector. The resulting vector becomes a row vector.

catchEigenConversion.cpp, movePtu46.cpp, servoAfma6Cylinder2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6Cylinder2DCamVelocitySecondaryTask.cpp, servoAfma6Ellipse2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoBebop2.cpp, servoBiclopsPoint2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoPtu46Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoSimu3D_cMcd_CamVelocity.cpp, servoSimu3D_cMcd_CamVelocityWithoutVpServo.cpp, servoSimu3D_cdMc_CamVelocity.cpp, servoSimuFourPoints2DPolarCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoSimuSphere2DCamVelocityDisplaySecondaryTask.cpp, testColVector.cpp, testComedi.cpp, testDisplacement.cpp, testForceTorqueAti.cpp, testForceTorqueAtiNetFTSensor.cpp, testForceTorqueIitSensor.cpp, testFrankaCartForceTorque-2.cpp, testFrankaCartForceTorque.cpp, testFrankaCartVelocity-2.cpp, testFrankaCartVelocity-3.cpp, testFrankaCartVelocity.cpp, testFrankaGetPose.cpp, testFrankaJointPosition.cpp, testFrankaJointTorque.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocity-2.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocity-3.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocity.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocityLimits.cpp, testKalmanAcceleration.cpp, testKalmanVelocity.cpp, testMatrix.cpp, testMatrixInitialization.cpp, testPoint.cpp, testRobotViper650-frames.cpp, testRobotViper850-frames.cpp, testRobotViper850.cpp, testUniversalRobotsCartPosition.cpp, testUniversalRobotsCartVelocity.cpp, testUniversalRobotsGetData.cpp, testUniversalRobotsJointPosition.cpp, testUniversalRobotsJointVelocity.cpp, testVirtuose.cpp, testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp, testVirtuosePeriodicFunction.cpp, tutorial-homography-from-points.cpp, tutorial-hsv-segmentation-pcl-viewer.cpp, tutorial-hsv-segmentation-pcl.cpp, tutorial-hsv-segmentation.cpp, and tutorial-pioneer-robot.cpp.

Definition at line 533 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpRBFeatureTracker::computeCovarianceMatrix(), vpMbtFaceDepthDense::computeInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpRBSilhouetteControlPoint::computeMeInteractionMatrixError(), vpServo::computeProjectionOperators(), vpRobotBiclops::getPosition(), vpRobotBiclops::getVelocity(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional::initHessienDesired(), operator+(), vpForwardProjection::print(), vpServo::print(), vpMeEllipse::printParameters(), vpPose::printPoint(), vpServoData::save(), vpRobotKinova::setPosition(), vpRobotBiclops::setVelocity(), vpRobotPololuPtu::setVelocity(), vpLinProg::simplex(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr(), and transpose().

◆ toStdVector()

std::vector< double > vpColVector::toStdVector ( ) const

Converts the vpColVector to a std::vector.

The corresponding std::vector<double>.
perfColVectorOperations.cpp, and testColVector.cpp.

Definition at line 461 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, and vpArray2D< double >::size().

Referenced by vpRobotUniversalRobots::get_fMe(), vpRobotUniversalRobots::setPosition(), and vpRobotUniversalRobots::setVelocity().

◆ transpose() [1/2]

vpRowVector vpColVector::transpose ( ) const

Transpose the column vector. The resulting vector becomes a row vector.

See also
tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-all.cpp, and tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-pf.cpp.

Definition at line 540 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References t().

◆ transpose() [2/2]

void vpColVector::transpose ( vpRowVector v) const

Transpose the column vector. The resulting vector v becomes a row vector.

See also

Definition at line 542 of file vpColVector.cpp.

References t().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ from_json

void from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
vpColVector v 

Retrieve a vpColVector object from a JSON representation.

j: JSON representation to convert.
v: Converted object.

Definition at line 1566 of file vpColVector.h.

◆ insert()

void vpArray2D< double >::insert ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
const vpArray2D< double > &  B,
vpArray2D< double > &  C,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c 

Insert array B in array A at the given position.

A: Main array.
B: Array to insert.
C: Result array.
r: Index of the row where to insert array B.
c: Index of the column where to insert array B.
Throw exception if the sizes of the arrays do not allow the insertion.

Definition at line 1096 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ operator*()

vpColVector operator* ( const double &  x,
const vpColVector v 

Allows to multiply a scalar by a column vector.

Definition at line 1040 of file vpColVector.cpp.

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool operator== ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A) const

Definition at line 1313 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool operator== ( const vpArray2D< float > &  A) const

Definition at line 1332 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ to_json

void to_json ( nlohmann::json &  j,
const vpColVector v 

Convert a vpColVector object to a JSON representation.

j: Resulting json object.
v: The object to convert.

Definition at line 1559 of file vpColVector.h.

◆ vpGEMM()

void vpGEMM ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
const vpArray2D< double > &  B,
const double &  alpha,
const vpArray2D< double > &  C,
const double &  beta,
vpArray2D< double > &  D,
const unsigned int &  ops = 0 

This function performs generalized matrix multiplication: D = alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*op(C), where op(X) is X or X^T. Operation on A, B and C matrices is described by enumeration vpGEMMmethod().

For example, to compute D = alpha*A^T*B^T+beta*C we need to call :

vpGEMM(A, B, alpha, C, beta, D, VP_GEMM_A_T + VP_GEMM_B_T);
void vpGEMM(const vpArray2D< double > &A, const vpArray2D< double > &B, const double &alpha, const vpArray2D< double > &C, const double &beta, vpArray2D< double > &D, const unsigned int &ops=0)
Definition: vpGEMM.h:414

If C is not used, vpGEMM must be called using an empty array null. Thus to compute D = alpha*A^T*B, we have to call:

vpGEMM(A, B, alpha, null, 0, D, VP_GEMM_B_T);
vpException::incorrectMatrixSizeErrorif the sizes of the matrices do not allow the operations.
A: An array that could be a vpMatrix.
B: An array that could be a vpMatrix.
alpha: A scalar.
C: An array that could be a vpMatrix.
beta: A scalar.
D: The resulting array that could be a vpMatrix.
ops: A scalar describing operation applied on the matrices. Possible values are the one defined in vpGEMMmethod(): VP_GEMM_A_T, VP_GEMM_B_T, VP_GEMM_C_T.

Definition at line 414 of file vpGEMM.h.

◆ vpGEMMmethod

enum vpGEMMmethod

Enumeration of the operations applied on matrices in vpGEMM() function.

Operations are :

  • VP_GEMM_A_T to use the transpose matrix of A instead of the matrix A
  • VP_GEMM_B_T to use the transpose matrix of B instead of the matrix B
  • VP_GEMM_C_T to use the transpose matrix of C instead of the matrix C

Definition at line 53 of file vpGEMM.h.

◆ vpMatrix

friend class vpMatrix

Definition at line 192 of file vpColVector.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ colNum

unsigned int vpArray2D< double >::colNum

Number of columns in the array.

Definition at line 1103 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ data

◆ dsize

unsigned int vpArray2D< double >::dsize

Current array size (rowNum * colNum)

Definition at line 1107 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ rowNum

unsigned int vpArray2D< double >::rowNum

Number of rows in the array.

Definition at line 1101 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ rowPtrs

double ** vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs

Address of the first element of each rows.

Definition at line 1105 of file vpArray2D.h.