Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-17)
1 /*
2  * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
3  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2024 by Inria. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
10  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
11  *
12  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
13  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
14  * Edition License.
15  *
16  * See for more information.
17  *
18  * This software was developed at:
19  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
20  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
21  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
22  * France
23  *
24  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
25  * Inria at
26  *
27  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
29  */
31 #include <cmath> // std::fabs
32 #include <limits> // numeric_limits
33 #include <vector>
35 #include <visp3/core/vpMatrixException.h>
36 #include <visp3/core/vpTrackingException.h>
37 #include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
38 #include <visp3/me/vpMe.h>
39 #include <visp3/me/vpMeEllipse.h>
43 #endif
48  : m_K(), m_iPc(), m_a(0.), m_b(0.), m_e(0.), m_iP1(), m_iP2(), m_alpha1(0), m_ce(0.), m_se(0.), m_angleList(), m_m00(0.),
49  m_thresholdWeight(0.2), m_alphamin(0.), m_alphamax(0.), m_uc(0.), m_vc(0.), m_n20(0.), m_n11(0.), m_n02(0.),
50  m_expectedDensity(0), m_numberOfGoodPoints(0), m_trackCircle(false), m_trackArc(false), m_arcEpsilon(1e-6)
51 {
52  const unsigned int val_2 = 2;
53  const unsigned int val_6 = 6;
54  m_alpha2 = val_2 * M_PI;
55  // Resize internal parameters vector
56  // K0 u^2 + K1 v^2 + 2 K2 u v + 2 K3 u + 2 K4 v + K5 = 0
57  m_K.resize(val_6);
58  m_iP1.set_ij(0, 0);
59  m_iP2.set_ij(0, 0);
60 }
63  : vpMeTracker(me_ellipse), m_K(me_ellipse.m_K), m_iPc(me_ellipse.m_iPc), m_a(me_ellipse.m_a), m_b(me_ellipse.m_b), m_e(me_ellipse.m_e),
64  m_iP1(me_ellipse.m_iP1), m_iP2(me_ellipse.m_iP2), m_alpha1(me_ellipse.m_alpha1), m_alpha2(me_ellipse.m_alpha2), m_ce(me_ellipse.m_ce),
65  m_se(me_ellipse.m_se), m_angleList(me_ellipse.m_angleList), m_m00(me_ellipse.m_m00),
66  m_thresholdWeight(me_ellipse.m_thresholdWeight),
67  m_alphamin(me_ellipse.m_alphamin), m_alphamax(me_ellipse.m_alphamax), m_uc(me_ellipse.m_uc), m_vc(me_ellipse.m_vc),
68  m_n20(me_ellipse.m_n20), m_n11(me_ellipse.m_n11), m_n02(me_ellipse.m_n02),
69  m_expectedDensity(me_ellipse.m_expectedDensity), m_numberOfGoodPoints(me_ellipse.m_numberOfGoodPoints),
70  m_trackCircle(me_ellipse.m_trackCircle), m_trackArc(me_ellipse.m_trackArc), m_arcEpsilon(me_ellipse.m_arcEpsilon)
71 { }
74 {
75  m_meList.clear();
76  m_angleList.clear();
77 }
79 double vpMeEllipse::computeTheta(const vpImagePoint &iP) const
80 {
81  double u = iP.get_u();
82  double v = iP.get_v();
84  return (computeTheta(u, v));
85 }
87 double vpMeEllipse::computeTheta(double u, double v) const
88 {
89  double A = (m_K[0] * u) + (m_K[2] * v) + m_K[3];
90  double B = (m_K[1] * v) + (m_K[2] * u) + m_K[4];
92  double theta = atan2(B, A); // Angle between the tangent and the u axis.
93  if (theta < 0) { // theta in [0;Pi] // FC : pourquoi ? pour me sans doute
94  theta += M_PI;
95  }
96  return theta;
97 }
100 {
101  vpMeSite p_me;
102  vpImagePoint iP;
103  std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator end = m_meList.end();
104  for (std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator it = m_meList.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
105  p_me = *it;
106  // (i,j) frame used for vpMESite
107  iP.set_ij(p_me.m_ifloat, p_me.m_jfloat);
108  p_me.m_alpha = computeTheta(iP);
109  *it = p_me;
110  }
111 }
114 {
115  // Two versions are available. If you change from one version to the other
116  // one, do not forget to adapt, for a correct display of an arc
117  // of ellipse, vpMeEllipse::display() below and
118  // vp_display_display_ellipse() in modules/core/src/display/vpDisplay_impl.h
119  // so that the two extremities of the arc are correctly shown.
122  // Version that gives a regular angular sampling on the ellipse, so less
123  // points at its extremities
124  double co = cos(angle);
125  double si = sin(angle);
126  double coef = m_a * m_b / sqrt((m_b * m_b * co * co) + (m_a * m_a * si * si));
127  double u = co * coef;
128  double v = si * coef;
129  iP.set_u((uc + (m_ce * u)) - (m_se * v));
130  iP.set_v(vc + (m_se * u) + (m_ce * v));
132  // Version from "the two concentric circles" method that gives more points
133  // at the ellipse extremities for a regular angle sampling. It is better to
134  // display an ellipse, not necessarily to track it
136  // (u,v) are the coordinates on the canonical centered ellipse;
137  double u = m_a * cos(angle);
138  double v = m_b * sin(angle);
139  // a rotation of e and a translation by (uc,vc) are done
140  // to get the coordinates of the point on the shifted ellipse
141  iP.set_uv((m_uc + (m_ce * u)) - (m_se * v), m_vc + (m_se * u) + (m_ce * v));
142 #endif
143 }
146 {
147  // Two versions are available. If you change from one version to the other
148  // one, do not forget to change also the reciprocal function
149  // computePointOnEllipse() just above. Adapt also the display; see comment
150  // at the beginning of computePointOnEllipse()
153  // Regular angle sampling method
154  double du = pt.get_u() - uc;
155  double dv = pt.get_v() - vc;
156  double ang = atan2(dv, du) - m_e;
157  if (ang > M_PI) {
158  ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
159  }
160  else if (ang < -M_PI) {
161  ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
162  }
164  // for the "two concentric circles method" starting from the previous one
165  // (just to remember the link between both methods:
166  // tan(theta_2cc) = a/b tan(theta_rs))
168  double co = cos(ang);
169  double si = sin(ang);
170  double coeff = 1.0 / sqrt((m_b * m_b * co * co) + (m_a * m_a * si * si));
171  si *= m_a * coeff;
172  co *= m_b * coeff;
173  ang = atan2(si, co);
174 #endif
176  // For the "two concentric circles" method starting from scratch
177  double du = pt.get_u() - m_uc;
178  double dv = pt.get_v() - m_vc;
179  double co = ((du * m_ce) + (dv * m_se)) / m_a;
180  double si = ((-du * m_se) + (dv * m_ce)) / m_b;
181  double angle = atan2(si, co);
182 #endif
184  return angle;
185 }
188 {
189  double num = m_n20 - m_n02;
190  double d = (num * num) + (4.0 * m_n11 * m_n11); // always >= 0
191  if (d <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
192  m_e = 0.0; // case n20 = n02 and n11 = 0 : circle, e undefined
193  m_ce = 1.0;
194  m_se = 0.0;
195  m_a = (m_b = (2.0 * sqrt(m_n20))); // = sqrt(2.0*(n20+n02))
196  }
197  else { // real ellipse
198  m_e = atan2(2.0 * m_n11, num) / 2.0; // e in [-Pi/2 ; Pi/2]
199  m_ce = cos(m_e);
200  m_se = sin(m_e);
202  d = sqrt(d); // d in sqrt always >= 0
203  num = m_n20 + m_n02;
204  m_a = sqrt(2.0 * (num + d)); // term in sqrt always > 0
205  m_b = sqrt(2.0 * (num - d)); // term in sqrt always > 0
206  }
207 }
210 {
211  const unsigned int index_0 = 0;
212  const unsigned int index_1 = 1;
213  const unsigned int index_2 = 2;
214  const unsigned int index_3 = 3;
215  const unsigned int index_4 = 4;
216  const unsigned int index_5 = 5;
217  m_K[index_0] = m_n02;
218  m_K[index_1] = m_n20;
219  m_K[index_2] = -m_n11;
220  m_K[index_3] = (m_n11 * m_vc) - (m_n02 * m_uc);
221  m_K[index_4] = (m_n11 * m_uc) - (m_n20 * m_vc);
222  m_K[index_5] = (((m_n02 * m_uc * m_uc) + (m_n20 * m_vc * m_vc)) - (2.0 * m_n11 * m_uc * m_vc)) + (4.0 * ((m_n11 * m_n11) - (m_n20 * m_n02)));
223 }
226 {
227  m_n20 = 0.25 * ((m_a * m_a * m_ce * m_ce) + (m_b * m_b * m_se * m_se));
228  m_n11 = 0.25 * m_se * m_ce * ((m_a * m_a) - (m_b * m_b));
229  m_n02 = 0.25 * ((m_a * m_a * m_se * m_se) + (m_b * m_b * m_ce * m_ce));
230 }
233 {
234  const unsigned int index_0 = 0;
235  const unsigned int index_1 = 1;
236  const unsigned int index_2 = 2;
237  const unsigned int index_3 = 3;
238  const unsigned int index_4 = 4;
239  const unsigned int index_5 = 5;
240  // Equations below from Chaumette PhD and TRO 2004 paper
241  double num = (m_K[index_0] * m_K[index_1]) - (m_K[index_2] * m_K[index_2]); // > 0 for an ellipse
242  if (num <= 0) {
243  throw(vpTrackingException(vpTrackingException::fatalError, "The points do not belong to an ellipse! num: %f", num));
244  }
246  m_uc = ((m_K[index_2] * m_K[index_4]) - (m_K[index_1] * m_K[index_3])) / num;
247  m_vc = ((m_K[index_2] * m_K[index_3]) - (m_K[index_0] * m_K[index_4])) / num;
248  m_iPc.set_uv(m_uc, m_vc);
250  double d = (((m_K[index_0] * m_uc * m_uc) + (m_K[index_1] * m_vc * m_vc) + (2.0 * m_K[index_2] * m_uc * m_vc)) - m_K[index_5]) / (4.0 * num);
251  m_n20 = m_K[index_1] * d; // always > 0
252  m_n11 = -m_K[index_2] * d;
253  m_n02 = m_K[index_0] * d; // always > 0
257  // normalization so that K0 = n02, K1 = n20, etc (Eq (25) of TRO paper)
258  d = m_n02 / m_K[index_0]; // fabs(K[0]) > 0
259  unsigned int Ksize = m_K.size();
260  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Ksize; ++i) {
261  m_K[i] *= d;
262  }
263 }
266 {
267  std::cout << "K :" << m_K.t() << std::endl;
268  std::cout << "xc = " << m_uc << ", yc = " << m_vc << std::endl;
269  std::cout << "n20 = " << m_n20 << ", n11 = " << m_n11 << ", n02 = " << m_n02 << std::endl;
270  std::cout << "A = " << m_a << ", B = " << m_b << ", E (dg) " << vpMath::deg(m_e) << std::endl;
271 }
273 void vpMeEllipse::sample(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, bool doNotTrack)
274 {
275  // Warning: similar code in vpMbtMeEllipse::sample()
276  if (!m_me) {
277  throw(vpTrackingException(vpTrackingException::fatalError, "Moving edges on ellipse not initialized"));
278  }
279  // Delete old lists
280  m_meList.clear();
281  m_angleList.clear();
283  int nbrows = static_cast<int>(I.getHeight());
284  int nbcols = static_cast<int>(I.getWidth());
285  // New version using distance for sampling
286  if (std::fabs(m_me->getSampleStep()) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) {
287  std::cout << "Warning: In vpMeEllipse::sample() ";
288  std::cout << "function called with sample step = 0. We set it rather to 10 pixels";
289  // std::cout << "function called with sample step = 0, set to 10 dg";
290  m_me->setSampleStep(10.0);
291  }
292  // Perimeter of the ellipse using Ramanujan formula
293  double perim = M_PI * ((3.0 * (m_a + m_b)) - sqrt(((3.0 * m_a) + m_b) * (m_a + (3.0 * m_b))));
294  // Number of points for a complete ellipse
295  unsigned int nb_pt = static_cast<unsigned int>(floor(perim / m_me->getSampleStep()));
296  double incr = (2.0 * M_PI) / nb_pt;
297  // Compute of the expected density
298  if (!m_trackArc) { // number of points for a complete ellipse
299  m_expectedDensity = nb_pt;
300  }
301  else { // number of points for an arc of ellipse
302  m_expectedDensity *= static_cast<unsigned int>(floor((perim / m_me->getSampleStep()) * ((m_alpha2 - m_alpha1) / (2.0 * M_PI))));
303  }
305  // Starting angle for sampling: new version to not start at 0
306  double ang = m_alpha1 + (incr / 2.0);
308  // sample positions
309  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_expectedDensity; ++i) {
310  vpImagePoint iP;
311  computePointOnEllipse(ang, iP);
312  // If point is in the image, add to the sample list
313  // Check done in (i,j) frame)
314  if (!outOfImage(iP, 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
315  unsigned int is_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_i());
316  unsigned int js_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_j());
317  if (inRoiMask(m_mask, is_uint, js_uint) && inMeMaskCandidates(m_maskCandidates, is_uint, js_uint)) {
318  const unsigned int crossSize = 5;
319  vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP, crossSize, vpColor::red);
321  double theta = computeTheta(iP);
322  vpMeSite pix;
323  // (i,j) frame used for vpMeSite
324  pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
327  const double marginRatio = m_me->getThresholdMarginRatio();
328  double convolution = pix.convolution(I, m_me);
329  double contrastThreshold = fabs(convolution) * marginRatio;
330  pix.setContrastThreshold(contrastThreshold, *m_me);
331  m_meList.push_back(pix);
332  m_angleList.push_back(ang);
333  }
334  }
335  ang += incr;
336  }
338  if (!doNotTrack) {
340  }
341 }
344 {
345  if (!m_me) {
346  throw(vpTrackingException(vpTrackingException::fatalError, "Moving edges on ellipse tracking not initialized"));
347  }
348  unsigned int nb_pts_added = 0;
349  int nbrows = static_cast<int>(I.getHeight());
350  int nbcols = static_cast<int>(I.getWidth());
351  const unsigned int range_default = 2;
353  unsigned int memory_range = m_me->getRange();
354  m_me->setRange(range_default);
356  // Perimeter of the ellipse using Ramanujan formula
357  double perim = M_PI * ((3.0 * (m_a + m_b)) - sqrt(((3.0 * m_a) + m_b) * (m_a + (3.0 * m_b))));
358  // Number of points for a complete ellipse
359  unsigned int nb_pt = static_cast<unsigned int>(floor(perim / m_me->getSampleStep()));
360  double incr = (2.0 * M_PI) / nb_pt;
362  // Detect holes and try to complete them
363  // In this option, the sample step is used to complete the holes as much as possible
364  std::list<double>::iterator angleList = m_angleList.begin();
365  std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator meList = m_meList.begin();
366  const double marginRatio = m_me->getThresholdMarginRatio();
367  double ang = *angleList;
368  ++angleList;
369  ++meList;
371  while (meList != m_meList.end()) {
372  double nextang = *angleList;
373  if ((nextang - ang) > (2.0 * incr)) { // A hole exists
374  ang += incr; // next point to be checked
375  // adding only 1 point if hole of 1 point
376  while (ang < (nextang - incr)) {
377  vpImagePoint iP;
378  computePointOnEllipse(ang, iP);
379  if (!outOfImage(iP, 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
380  unsigned int is_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_i());
381  unsigned int js_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_j());
382  if (inRoiMask(m_mask, is_uint, js_uint)) {
383  double theta = computeTheta(iP);
384  vpMeSite pix;
385  pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
388  double convolution = pix.convolution(I, m_me);
389  double contrastThreshold = fabs(convolution) * marginRatio;
390  pix.setContrastThreshold(contrastThreshold, *m_me);
391  pix.track(I, m_me, false);
392  if (pix.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) { // good point
393  ++nb_pts_added;
394  iP.set_ij(pix.get_ifloat(), pix.get_jfloat());
395  double new_ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP);
396  if ((new_ang - ang) > M_PI) {
397  new_ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
398  }
399  else if ((ang - new_ang) > M_PI) {
400  new_ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
401  }
402  m_meList.insert(meList, pix);
403  m_angleList.insert(angleList, new_ang);
404  }
405  }
406  }
407  ang += incr;
408  }
409  }
410  ang = nextang;
411  ++angleList;
412  ++meList;
413  }
415  // Add points in case two neighboring points are too far away
416  angleList = m_angleList.begin();
417  ang = *angleList;
418  meList = m_meList.begin();
419  vpMeSite pix1 = *meList;
420  ++angleList;
421  ++meList;
422  while (meList != m_meList.end()) {
423  double nextang = *angleList;
424  vpMeSite pix2 = *meList;
425  double dist = sqrt(((pix1.get_ifloat() - pix2.get_ifloat()) * (pix1.get_ifloat() - pix2.get_ifloat()))
426  + ((pix1.get_jfloat() - pix2.get_jfloat()) * (pix1.get_jfloat() - pix2.get_jfloat())));
427  // Only one point is added if two neighboring points are too far away
428  if (dist > (2.0 * m_me->getSampleStep())) {
429  ang = (nextang + ang) / 2.0; // point added at mid angle
430  vpImagePoint iP;
431  computePointOnEllipse(ang, iP);
432  if (!outOfImage(iP, 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
433  unsigned int is_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_i());
434  unsigned int js_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_j());
435  if (inRoiMask(m_mask, is_uint, js_uint)) {
436  double theta = computeTheta(iP);
437  vpMeSite pix;
438  pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
441  double convolution = pix.convolution(I, m_me);
442  double contrastThreshold = fabs(convolution) * marginRatio;
443  pix.setContrastThreshold(contrastThreshold, *m_me);
444  pix.track(I, m_me, false);
445  if (pix.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) { // good point
446  ++nb_pts_added;
447  iP.set_ij(pix.get_ifloat(), pix.get_jfloat());
448  double new_ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP);
449  if ((new_ang - ang) > M_PI) {
450  new_ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
451  }
452  else if ((ang - new_ang) > M_PI) {
453  new_ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
454  }
455  m_meList.insert(meList, pix);
456  m_angleList.insert(angleList, new_ang);
457  }
458  }
459  }
460  }
461  ang = nextang;
462  pix1 = pix2;
463  ++angleList;
464  ++meList;
465  }
467  // Try to fill the first extremity: from alpha_min - incr to alpha1 + incr/2
468  meList = m_meList.begin();
469  pix1 = *meList;
470  unsigned int nbpts = 0;
471  // Add - incr/2.0 to avoid being too close to 0
472  if ((m_alphamin - m_alpha1 - (incr / 2.0)) > 0.0) {
473  nbpts = static_cast<unsigned int>(floor((m_alphamin - m_alpha1 - (incr / 2.0)) / incr));
474  }
475  ang = m_alphamin - incr;
476  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbpts; ++i) {
477  vpImagePoint iP;
478  computePointOnEllipse(ang, iP);
479  if (!outOfImage(iP, 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
480  unsigned int is_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_i());
481  unsigned int js_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_j());
482  if (inRoiMask(m_mask, is_uint, js_uint)) {
483  double theta = computeTheta(iP);
484  vpMeSite pix;
485  pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
488  // --comment: pix dot setContrastThreshold of pix1 dot getContrastThreshold() comma *m_me
489  double convolution = pix.convolution(I, m_me);
490  double contrastThreshold = fabs(convolution) * marginRatio;
491  pix.setContrastThreshold(contrastThreshold, *m_me);
492  pix.track(I, m_me, false);
493  if (pix.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) {
494  ++nb_pts_added;
495  iP.set_ij(pix.get_ifloat(), pix.get_jfloat());
496  double new_ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP);
497  if ((new_ang - ang) > M_PI) {
498  new_ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
499  }
500  else if ((ang - new_ang) > M_PI) {
501  new_ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
502  }
503  m_meList.push_front(pix);
504  m_angleList.push_front(new_ang);
505  }
506  }
507  }
508  ang -= incr;
509  }
511  // Try to fill the second extremity: from alphamax + incr to alpha2 - incr/2
512  pix1 = m_meList.back();
513  nbpts = 0;
514  if ((m_alpha2 - (incr / 2.0) - m_alphamax) > 0.0) {
515  nbpts = static_cast<unsigned int>(floor((m_alpha2 - (incr / 2.0) - m_alphamax) / incr));
516  }
518  ang = m_alphamax + incr;
519  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nbpts; ++i) {
520  vpImagePoint iP;
521  computePointOnEllipse(ang, iP);
522  if (!outOfImage(iP, 0, nbrows, nbcols)) {
523  unsigned int is_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_i());
524  unsigned int js_uint = static_cast<unsigned int>(iP.get_j());
525  if (inRoiMask(m_mask, is_uint, js_uint)) {
526  double theta = computeTheta(iP);
527  vpMeSite pix;
528  pix.init(iP.get_i(), iP.get_j(), theta);
531  double convolution = pix.convolution(I, m_me);
532  double contrastThreshold = fabs(convolution) * marginRatio;
533  pix.setContrastThreshold(contrastThreshold, *m_me);
534  pix.track(I, m_me, false);
535  if (pix.getState() == vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) {
536  ++nb_pts_added;
537  iP.set_ij(pix.get_ifloat(), pix.get_jfloat());
538  double new_ang = computeAngleOnEllipse(iP);
539  if ((new_ang - ang) > M_PI) {
540  new_ang -= 2.0 * M_PI;
541  }
542  else if ((ang - new_ang) > M_PI) {
543  new_ang += 2.0 * M_PI;
544  }
545  m_meList.push_back(pix);
546  m_angleList.push_back(new_ang);
547  }
548  }
549  }
550  ang += incr;
551  }
552  m_me->setRange(memory_range);
554  if (m_meList.size() != m_angleList.size()) {
555  // Should never occur
556  throw(vpTrackingException(vpTrackingException::fatalError, "Lists are not coherent in vpMeEllipse::plugHoles(): nb MEs %ld, nb ang %ld",
557  m_meList.size(), m_angleList.size()));
558  }
560  return nb_pts_added;
561 }
563 void vpMeEllipse::display(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness)
564 {
565  vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse(I, m_iPc, m_a, m_b, m_e, m_alpha1, m_alpha2, col, thickness);
566 }
568 void vpMeEllipse::display(const vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness)
569 {
570  vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse(I, m_iPc, m_a, m_b, m_e, m_alpha1, m_alpha2, col, thickness);
571 }
573 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, bool trackCircle, bool trackArc)
574 {
575  unsigned int n = 5; // by default, 5 points for an ellipse
576  const unsigned int nForCircle = 3;
577  m_trackCircle = trackCircle;
578  if (trackCircle) {
579  n = nForCircle;
580  }
581  std::vector<vpImagePoint> iP(n);
582  m_trackArc = trackArc;
584  vpDisplay::flush(I);
586  if (m_trackCircle) {
587  if (m_trackArc) {
588  std::cout << "First and third points specify the extremities of the arc of circle (clockwise)" << std::endl;
589  }
590  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
591  std::cout << "Click point " << (k + 1) << "/" << n << " on the circle " << std::endl;
592  vpDisplay::getClick(I, iP[k], true);
593  const unsigned int crossSize = 10;
594  vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP[k], crossSize, vpColor::red);
595  vpDisplay::flush(I);
596  std::cout << iP[k] << std::endl;
597  }
598  }
599  else {
600  if (m_trackArc) {
601  std::cout << "First and fifth points specify the extremities of the arc of ellipse (clockwise)" << std::endl;
602  }
603  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
604  std::cout << "Click point " << (k + 1) << "/" << n << " on the ellipse " << std::endl;
605  vpDisplay::getClick(I, iP[k], true);
606  const unsigned int crossSize = 10;
607  vpDisplay::displayCross(I, iP[k], crossSize, vpColor::red);
608  vpDisplay::flush(I);
609  std::cout << iP[k] << std::endl;
610  }
611  }
612  initTracking(I, iP, trackCircle, trackArc);
613 }
616 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, std::optional<std::vector<vpImagePoint>> &opt_ips, bool trackCircle, bool trackArc)
617 #else
618 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, std::vector<vpImagePoint> *opt_ips, bool trackCircle, bool trackArc)
619 #endif
620 {
622  if (!opt_ips.has_value())
623 #else
624  if (opt_ips == nullptr)
625 #endif
626  {
627  initTracking(I, trackCircle, trackArc);
628  return;
629  }
631  if (opt_ips->size() != 0) {
632  initTracking(I, *opt_ips, trackCircle, trackArc);
633  return;
634  }
636  unsigned int n = 5; // by default, 5 points for an ellipse
637  const unsigned int nForCircle = 3;
638  m_trackCircle = trackCircle;
639  if (trackCircle) {
640  n = nForCircle;
641  }
642  opt_ips->resize(n);
643  m_trackArc = trackArc;
645  vpDisplay::flush(I);
647  if (m_trackCircle) {
648  if (m_trackArc) {
649  std::cout << "First and third points specify the extremities of the arc of circle (clockwise)" << std::endl;
650  }
651  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
652  std::cout << "Click point " << (k + 1) << "/" << n << " on the circle " << std::endl;
653  vpDisplay::getClick(I, (*opt_ips)[k], true);
654  const unsigned int crossSize = 10;
655  vpDisplay::displayCross(I, (*opt_ips)[k], crossSize, vpColor::red);
656  vpDisplay::flush(I);
657  std::cout << (*opt_ips)[k] << std::endl;
658  }
659  }
660  else {
661  if (m_trackArc) {
662  std::cout << "First and fifth points specify the extremities of the arc of ellipse (clockwise)" << std::endl;
663  }
664  for (unsigned int k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
665  std::cout << "Click point " << (k + 1) << "/" << n << " on the ellipse " << std::endl;
666  vpDisplay::getClick(I, (*opt_ips)[k], true);
667  const unsigned int crossSize = 10;
668  vpDisplay::displayCross(I, (*opt_ips)[k], crossSize, vpColor::red);
669  vpDisplay::flush(I);
670  std::cout << (*opt_ips)[k] << std::endl;
671  }
672  }
673  initTracking(I, *opt_ips, trackCircle, trackArc);
674 }
676 void vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const std::vector<vpImagePoint> &iP,
677  bool trackCircle, bool trackArc)
678 {
679  m_trackArc = trackArc;
680  m_trackCircle = trackCircle;
681  // useful for sample(I):
682  leastSquare(I, iP);
683  if (trackArc) {
684  // useful for track(I):
685  m_iP1 = iP.front();
686  m_iP2 = iP.back();
687  // useful for sample(I):
690  if ((m_alpha2 <= m_alpha1) || (std::fabs(m_alpha2 - m_alpha1) < m_arcEpsilon)) {
691  m_alpha2 += 2.0 * M_PI;
692  }
693  }
694  else {
695  m_alpha1 = 0.0;
696  m_alpha2 = 2.0 * M_PI;
697  // useful for track(I):
698  vpImagePoint ip;
700  m_iP1 = (m_iP2 = ip);
701  }
703  sample(I);
704  track(I);
706  vpDisplay::flush(I);
707 }
710  const vpImagePoint *pt2, bool trackCircle)
711 {
712  const unsigned int index_0 = 0;
713  const unsigned int index_1 = 1;
714  const unsigned int index_2 = 2;
715  const unsigned int index_3 = 3;
716  const unsigned int index_4 = 4;
718  m_trackCircle = trackCircle;
719  if ((pt1 != nullptr) && (pt2 != nullptr)) {
720  m_trackArc = true;
721  }
722  // useful for sample(I) : uc, vc, a, b, e, Ki, alpha1, alpha2
723  m_uc = param[index_0];
724  m_vc = param[index_1];
725  m_n20 = param[index_2];
726  m_n11 = param[index_3];
727  m_n02 = param[index_4];
731  if (m_trackArc && pt1 && pt2) {
734  if ((m_alpha2 <= m_alpha1) || (std::fabs(m_alpha2 - m_alpha1) < m_arcEpsilon)) {
735  m_alpha2 += 2.0 * M_PI;
736  }
737  // useful for track(I)
738  m_iP1 = *pt1;
739  m_iP2 = *pt2;
740  }
741  else {
742  m_alpha1 = 0.0;
743  m_alpha2 = 2.0 * M_PI;
744  // useful for track(I)
745  vpImagePoint ip;
747  m_iP1 = (m_iP2 = ip);
748  }
749  // useful for display(I) so useless if no display before track(I)
750  m_iPc.set_uv(m_uc, m_vc);
752  sample(I);
753  track(I);
755  vpDisplay::flush(I);
756 }
764 {
767  // recompute alpha1 and alpha2 in case they have been changed by setEndPoints()
768  if (m_trackArc) {
771  if ((m_alpha2 <= m_alpha1) || (std::fabs(m_alpha2 - m_alpha1) < m_arcEpsilon)) {
772  m_alpha2 += 2.0 * M_PI;
773  }
774  }
775  // Compute the ellipse parameters from the tracked points, manage the lists,
776  // and update the expected density (
779  if (plugHoles(I) > 0) {
780  m_numberOfGoodPoints = leastSquareRobust(I); // if new points have been added, recompute the ellipse parameters and manage again the lists
781  }
783  const unsigned int minNbGoodPoints = 5;
784  if (m_numberOfGoodPoints <= minNbGoodPoints) {
785  sample(I);
789  // Stop in case of failure after resample
790  if (m_numberOfGoodPoints <= minNbGoodPoints) {
791  throw(vpTrackingException(vpTrackingException::notEnoughPointError, "Impossible to track the ellipse, not enough features"));
792  }
793  }
795  // remet a jour l'angle delta pour chaque vpMeSite de la liste
796  updateTheta();
797  // not in getParameters since computed only once for each image
798  m_m00 = M_PI * m_a * m_b;
800  // Useful only for tracking an arc of ellipse, but done to give them a value
803 }
831 void vpMeEllipse::display(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A,
832  const double &B, const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha,
833  const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness)
834 {
835  vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse(I, center, A, B, E, smallalpha, highalpha, color, thickness);
836 }
865 void vpMeEllipse::display(const vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A, const double &B,
866  const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha,
867  const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness)
868 {
869  vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse(I, center, A, B, E, smallalpha, highalpha, color, thickness);
870 }
871 #endif // Deprecated
874 void vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A,
875  const double &B, const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha,
876  const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness)
877 {
878  vpDisplay::displayEllipse(I, center, A, B, E, smallalpha, highalpha, false, color, thickness, true, true);
879 }
881 void vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse(const vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A, const double &B,
882  const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha,
883  const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness)
884 {
885  vpDisplay::displayEllipse(I, center, A, B, E, smallalpha, highalpha, false, color, thickness, true, true);
886 }
unsigned int size() const
Return the number of elements of the 2D array.
Definition: vpArray2D.h:429
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:191
vpRowVector t() const
void resize(unsigned int i, bool flagNullify=true)
Definition: vpColVector.h:1148
Class to define RGB colors available for display functionalities.
Definition: vpColor.h:157
static const vpColor red
Definition: vpColor.h:198
static bool getClick(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool blocking=true)
static void displayEllipse(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &center, const double &coef1, const double &coef2, const double &coef3, bool use_normalized_centered_moments, const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness=1, bool display_center=false, bool display_arc=false)
static void displayCross(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &ip, unsigned int size, const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness=1)
static void flush(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
Class that defines a 2D point in an image. This class is useful for image processing and stores only ...
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:82
double get_j() const
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:125
void set_ij(double ii, double jj)
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:320
double get_u() const
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:136
void set_u(double u)
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:335
void set_uv(double u, double v)
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:357
void set_v(double v)
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:346
double get_i() const
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:114
double get_v() const
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:147
unsigned int getWidth() const
Definition: vpImage.h:242
unsigned int getHeight() const
Definition: vpImage.h:181
static double deg(double rad)
Definition: vpMath.h:119
Class that tracks an ellipse using moving edges.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:96
double m_n20
Second order centered and normalized moments .
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:473
double m_arcEpsilon
Epsilon value used to check if arc angles are the same.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:487
double m_e
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:429
void computePointOnEllipse(const double angle, vpImagePoint &iP)
void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness=1)
double m_alpha2
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:447
vpImagePoint m_iPc
The coordinates of the ellipse center.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:421
double m_vc
Value of v coordinate of iPc.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:471
unsigned int m_numberOfGoodPoints
Number of correct points tracked along the ellipse.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:481
void computeKiFromNij()
unsigned int plugHoles(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
void computeNijFromAbe()
void getParameters()
void printParameters() const
double m_uc
Value of u coordinate of iPc.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:469
bool m_trackCircle
Track a circle (true) or an ellipse (false).
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:483
void computeAbeFromNij()
vpColVector m_K
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:419
double m_m00
Ellipse area.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:455
double m_alphamin
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:463
std::list< double > m_angleList
Stores the value in increasing order of the angle on the ellipse for each vpMeSite.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:453
bool m_trackArc
Track an arc of ellipse/circle (true) or a complete one (false).
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:485
void initTracking(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool trackCircle=false, bool trackArc=false)
double m_a
is the semi major axis of the ellipse.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:423
unsigned int leastSquareRobust(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
double m_alpha1
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:442
void leastSquare(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &iP)
double m_b
is the semi minor axis of the ellipse.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:425
double m_alphamax
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:467
double computeTheta(const vpImagePoint &iP) const
Definition: vpMeEllipse.cpp:79
double m_se
Value of sin(e).
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:451
double m_n02
Second order centered and normalized moments .
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:477
unsigned int m_expectedDensity
Expected number of points to track along the ellipse.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:479
void updateTheta()
Definition: vpMeEllipse.cpp:99
vpImagePoint m_iP2
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:438
double m_n11
Second order centered and normalized moments .
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:475
virtual void sample(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool doNotTrack=false) VP_OVERRIDE
vpImagePoint m_iP1
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:434
void track(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
virtual ~vpMeEllipse() VP_OVERRIDE
Definition: vpMeEllipse.cpp:73
double m_ce
Value of cos(e).
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:449
static void displayEllipse(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A, const double &B, const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
double computeAngleOnEllipse(const vpImagePoint &pt) const
Performs search in a given direction(normal) for a given distance(pixels) for a given 'site'....
Definition: vpMeSite.h:68
Point successfully tracked.
Definition: vpMeSite.h:86
void setDisplay(vpMeSiteDisplayType select)
Definition: vpMeSite.h:264
double m_ifloat
Subpixel coordinates along i of a site.
Definition: vpMeSite.h:103
double convolution(const vpImage< unsigned char > &ima, const vpMe *me)
Definition: vpMeSite.cpp:227
void init()
Definition: vpMeSite.cpp:70
double m_alpha
Angle of tangent at site.
Definition: vpMeSite.h:109
vpMeSiteState getState() const
Definition: vpMeSite.h:283
double get_ifloat() const
Definition: vpMeSite.h:195
double m_jfloat
Subpixel coordinates along j of a site.
Definition: vpMeSite.h:105
double get_jfloat() const
Definition: vpMeSite.h:201
void setContrastThreshold(const double &thresh, const vpMe &me)
Definition: vpMeSite.h:303
void track(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpMe *me, const bool &test_contrast=true)
Definition: vpMeSite.cpp:282
void setState(const vpMeSiteState &flag)
Definition: vpMeSite.h:273
Contains abstract elements for a Distance to Feature type feature.
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:62
void initTracking(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
const vpImage< bool > * m_mask
Mask used to disable tracking on a part of image.
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:319
vpMeSite::vpMeSiteDisplayType m_selectDisplay
Moving-edges display type.
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:323
void track(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
vpMe * m_me
Moving edges initialisation parameters.
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:313
static bool inRoiMask(const vpImage< bool > *mask, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
bool outOfImage(int i, int j, int border, int nrows, int ncols)
const vpImage< bool > * m_maskCandidates
Mask used to determine candidate points for initialization in an image.
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:321
std::list< vpMeSite > m_meList
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:311
static bool inMeMaskCandidates(const vpImage< bool > *meMaskCandidates, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
void setRange(const unsigned int &range)
Definition: vpMe.h:415
double getThresholdMarginRatio() const
Definition: vpMe.h:300
void setSampleStep(const double &sample_step)
Definition: vpMe.h:422
double getSampleStep() const
Definition: vpMe.h:275
unsigned int getRange() const
Definition: vpMe.h:268
Error that can be emitted by the vpTracker class and its derivatives.
@ notEnoughPointError
Not enough point to track.
@ fatalError
Tracker fatal error.