Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2024-11-21)
vpImagePoint Class Reference

#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>

Public Member Functions

 vpImagePoint ()
 vpImagePoint (double ii, double jj)
 vpImagePoint (const vpImagePoint &ip)
virtual ~vpImagePoint ()
double get_i () const
double get_j () const
double get_u () const
double get_v () const
bool inRectangle (const vpRect &rect) const
bool inSegment (const vpImagePoint &start, const vpImagePoint &end) const
vpImagePoint nextInSegment (const vpImagePoint &start, const vpImagePoint &end) const
vpImagePointoperator= (const vpImagePoint &ip)
vpImagePointoperator+= (const vpImagePoint &ip)
vpImagePointoperator-= (const vpImagePoint &ip)
vpImagePointoperator/= (double scale)
vpImagePointoperator*= (double scale)
void set_i (double ii)
void set_j (double jj)
void set_ij (double ii, double jj)
void set_u (double u)
void set_v (double v)
void set_uv (double u, double v)

Static Public Member Functions

static double distance (const vpImagePoint &iP1, const vpImagePoint &iP2)
static vpRect getBBox (const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &ipVec)
static double sqrDistance (const vpImagePoint &iP1, const vpImagePoint &iP2)


VISP_EXPORT bool operator== (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT bool operator!= (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+= (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, int offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, unsigned int offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, double offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- (const vpImagePoint &ip1, int offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- (const vpImagePoint &ip1, unsigned int offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- (const vpImagePoint &ip1, double offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator* (const vpImagePoint &ip1, double scale)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator/ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, double scale)
VISP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const vpImagePoint &ip)

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

VISP_EXPORT bool operator== (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT bool operator!= (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+= (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, int offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, unsigned int offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, double offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- (const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- (const vpImagePoint &ip1, int offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- (const vpImagePoint &ip1, unsigned int offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- (const vpImagePoint &ip1, double offset)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator* (const vpImagePoint &ip1, double scale)
VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator/ (const vpImagePoint &ip1, double scale)
VISP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const vpImagePoint &ip)

Detailed Description

Class that defines a 2D point in an image. This class is useful for image processing and stores only the 2D coordinates given in sub-pixel.

If you want to define a point thanks to its coordinates given in meter in the object frame, the camera frame or the image plane, you have to use the class vpPoint.

In this class, the 2D coordinates are not necessary integer values. It is easy to manipulate the given coordinates in the two frames used in ViSP : the (i,j) coordinates and the (u,v) coordinates. The two following images illustrate the two coordinate systems.

An instance of the vpImagePoint class corresponds to a particular point. Thus, if you change the point coordinate using the method set_i(double i), it produces the same effect than if you used the method set_v(double v). These two methods change the same private attribute. It is also true for the two methods set_j(double j) and set_u(double u).
AROgre.cpp, AROgreBasic.cpp, BSpline.cpp, SickLDMRS-Process.cpp, catchAprilTag.cpp, catchImagePoint.cpp, catchLineFitting.cpp, catchParticleFilter.cpp, displayD3D.cpp, displayGTK.cpp, displayOpenCV.cpp, grabRealSense2_T265.cpp, manDisplay.cpp, mbot-apriltag-2D-half-vs.cpp, poseVirtualVS.cpp, readRealSenseData.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DCamVelocityKalman.cpp, servoAfma62DhalfCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6AprilTagIBVS.cpp, servoAfma6Ellipse2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6FourPoints2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoAfma6FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur_integrator.cpp, servoAfma6FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_des.cpp, servoAfma6MegaposePBVS.cpp, servoAfma6Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6Point2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6Points2DCamVelocityEyeToHand.cpp, servoAfma6Segment2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoBebop2.cpp, servoBiclopsPoint2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoFlirPtuIBVS.cpp, servoFrankaIBVS.cpp, servoPololuPtuPoint2DJointVelocity.cpp, servoPtu46Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoSimuFourPoints2DPolarCamVelocityDisplay.cpp, servoUniversalRobotsIBVS.cpp, servoViper650FourPoints2DArtVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoViper650FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur-SR300.cpp, servoViper650FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoViper650Point2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoViper850FourPoints2DArtVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoViper850FourPoints2DArtVelocityLs_des.cpp, servoViper850FourPoints2DCamVelocityLs_cur.cpp, servoViper850FourPointsKinect.cpp, servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity-jointAvoidance-basic.cpp, servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity-jointAvoidance-gpa.cpp, servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity-jointAvoidance-large.cpp, servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity.cpp, servoViper850Point2DCamVelocity.cpp, servoViper850Point2DCamVelocityKalman.cpp, templateTracker.cpp, testCameraParametersConversion.cpp, testClick.cpp, testConnectedComponents.cpp, testConvert.cpp, testDisplayScaled.cpp, testDisplays.cpp, testFloodFill.cpp, testGenericTracker.cpp, testGenericTrackerDepth.cpp, testImageCircle.cpp, testImageDraw.cpp, testImageNormalizedCorrelation.cpp, testImageTemplateMatching.cpp, testKeyPoint-2.cpp, testKeyPoint-3.cpp, testKeyPoint-4.cpp, testKeyPoint-5.cpp, testKeyPoint-6.cpp, testKeyPoint.cpp, testMouseEvent.cpp, testNurbs.cpp, testPolygon.cpp, testRealSense2_D435_align.cpp, testRealSense2_D435_opencv.cpp, testRealSense2_T265_images_odometry.cpp, testRealSense2_T265_images_odometry_async.cpp, testRealSense2_T265_odometry.cpp, testRobotAfma6Pose.cpp, testRobotViper850Pose.cpp, testTrackDot.cpp, testVirtuoseWithGlove.cpp, testXmlParserRectOriented.cpp, trackDot.cpp, trackDot2WithAutoDetection.cpp, trackMeCircle.cpp, trackMeEllipse.cpp, trackMeLine.cpp, trackMeNurbs.cpp, tutorial-apriltag-detector.cpp, tutorial-autothreshold.cpp, tutorial-barcode-detector-live.cpp, tutorial-barcode-detector.cpp, tutorial-blob-tracker-live-firewire.cpp, tutorial-blob-tracker-live-v4l2.cpp, tutorial-brightness-adjustment.cpp, tutorial-canny.cpp, tutorial-circle-hough.cpp, tutorial-detection-object-mbt2-deprecated.cpp, tutorial-detection-object-mbt2.cpp, tutorial-draw-circle.cpp, tutorial-draw-frame.cpp, tutorial-flir-ptu-ibvs.cpp, tutorial-flood-fill.cpp, tutorial-homography-from-points.cpp, tutorial-hsv-range-tuner.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-display.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-camera.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-robot-afma6.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-robot-viper.cpp, tutorial-image-colormap.cpp, tutorial-image-viewer.cpp, tutorial-klt-tracker-live-v4l2.cpp, tutorial-klt-tracker.cpp, tutorial-matching-keypoint-SIFT.cpp, tutorial-matching-keypoint-homography.cpp, tutorial-matching-keypoint.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-read.cpp, tutorial-megapose-live-single-object-tracking.cpp, tutorial-munkres-assignment.cpp, tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-all.cpp, tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-pf.cpp, tutorial-pf.cpp, tutorial-pose-from-planar-object.cpp, tutorial-pose-from-points-image.cpp, tutorial-pose-from-qrcode-image.cpp, and tutorial-ukf.cpp.

Definition at line 81 of file vpImagePoint.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpImagePoint() [1/3]

vpImagePoint::vpImagePoint ( )

Default constructor that initialize the coordinates of the image point to zero.

Definition at line 88 of file vpImagePoint.h.

◆ vpImagePoint() [2/3]

vpImagePoint::vpImagePoint ( double  ii,
double  jj 

Default constructor that initialize the coordinates of the image thanks to the parameters $ ii $ and $ jj $.

Definition at line 93 of file vpImagePoint.h.

◆ vpImagePoint() [3/3]

vpImagePoint::vpImagePoint ( const vpImagePoint ip)

Copy constructor.

Initialize the coordinates of the image point with ip.

ip: An image point.

Definition at line 101 of file vpImagePoint.h.

◆ ~vpImagePoint()

virtual vpImagePoint::~vpImagePoint ( )


Definition at line 103 of file vpImagePoint.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ distance()

◆ get_i()

double vpImagePoint::get_i ( ) const

Gets the point coordinate corresponding to the $ i $ axes in the frame (i,j).

The value of the coordinate along the $ i $ axes.
See also
get_j(), get_u(), get_v()
catchAprilTag.cpp, tutorial-canny.cpp, tutorial-flood-fill.cpp, and tutorial-hsv-range-tuner.cpp.

Definition at line 114 of file vpImagePoint.h.

Referenced by VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::addContourPoint(), vpNurbs::computeCurveDersPoint(), vpImageTools::crop(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::crossesEastBorder(), vpDisplayGTK::displayArrow(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayArrow(), vpDisplayGTK::displayCross(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayCross(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayDotLine(), vpDisplayGTK::displayImageROI(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayImageROI(), vpDisplay::displayLine(), vpKeyPoint::displayMatching(), vpDisplayWin32::displayRectangle(), distance(), vpImageDraw::drawArrow(), vpImageDraw::drawCross(), vpImageDraw::drawDottedLine(), vpImageTools::extract(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::findContours(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::floodFill(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::followBorder(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::fromTo(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::getFeaturesForDisplay(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbtDistanceLine::getModelForDisplay(), vpPolygon3D::getNbCornerInsideImage(), vpImage< Type >::getValue(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initMovingEdge(), vpDot::initTracking(), vpMeLine::initTracking(), vpDot2::initTracking(), inSegment(), vpImage< Type >::insert(), vpImageTools::interpolate(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::inTriangle(), vpTriangle::inTriangle(), vpRect::isInside(), vpPolygon::isInside(), vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation(), nextInSegment(), vpImage< Type >::operator()(), vpRectOriented::operator=(), vpMeTracker::outOfImage(), vpMeEllipse::plugHoles(), vpNurbs::removeCurveKnot(), vpMeEllipse::sample(), vpMeLine::sample(), vpMeNurbs::seekExtremitiesCanny(), vpRectOriented::setOrientation(), vpRectOriented::setPoints(), vpRectOriented::setSize(), sqrDistance(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::updateMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::updateMovingEdge(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::visitNeighbors(), and vpRectOriented::vpRectOriented().

◆ get_j()

double vpImagePoint::get_j ( ) const

Gets the point coordinate corresponding to the $ j $ axes in the frame (i,j).

The value of the coordinate along the $ j $ axes.
See also
get_i(), get_u(), get_v()
catchAprilTag.cpp, testImageDraw.cpp, tutorial-canny.cpp, tutorial-flood-fill.cpp, and tutorial-hsv-range-tuner.cpp.

Definition at line 125 of file vpImagePoint.h.

Referenced by VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::addContourPoint(), vpNurbs::computeCurveDersPoint(), vpImageTools::crop(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::crossesEastBorder(), vpDisplayGTK::displayArrow(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayArrow(), vpDisplayGTK::displayCross(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayCross(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayDotLine(), vpDisplayGTK::displayImageROI(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayImageROI(), vpDisplay::displayLine(), vpKeyPoint::displayMatching(), vpDisplayWin32::displayRectangle(), distance(), vpImageDraw::drawArrow(), vpImageDraw::drawCross(), vpImageDraw::drawDottedLine(), vpImageTools::extract(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::findContours(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::floodFill(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::followBorder(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::fromTo(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::getFeaturesForDisplay(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbtDistanceLine::getModelForDisplay(), vpPolygon3D::getNbCornerInsideImage(), vpImage< Type >::getValue(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initMovingEdge(), vpDot::initTracking(), vpMeLine::initTracking(), vpDot2::initTracking(), inSegment(), vpImage< Type >::insert(), vpImageTools::interpolate(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::inTriangle(), vpTriangle::inTriangle(), vpRect::isInside(), vpPolygon::isInside(), vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation(), nextInSegment(), vpImage< Type >::operator()(), vpRectOriented::operator=(), vpMeTracker::outOfImage(), vpMeEllipse::plugHoles(), vpNurbs::removeCurveKnot(), vpMeEllipse::sample(), vpMeLine::sample(), vpMeNurbs::seekExtremitiesCanny(), vpRectOriented::setOrientation(), vpRectOriented::setPoints(), vpRectOriented::setSize(), sqrDistance(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::updateMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::updateMovingEdge(), VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME::visitNeighbors(), and vpRectOriented::vpRectOriented().

◆ get_u()

double vpImagePoint::get_u ( ) const

Gets the point coordinate corresponding to the $ u $ axes in the frame (u,v).

The value of the coordinate along the $ u $ axes.
See also
get_i(), get_j(), get_v()
catchParticleFilter.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DCamVelocityKalman.cpp, testConvert.cpp, testImageDraw.cpp, testRealSense2_D435_align.cpp, testRealSense2_D435_opencv.cpp, trackDot.cpp, trackDot2WithAutoDetection.cpp, tutorial-flood-fill.cpp, tutorial-klt-tracker-live-v4l2.cpp, tutorial-klt-tracker.cpp, tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-all.cpp, and tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-pf.cpp.

Definition at line 136 of file vpImagePoint.h.

Referenced by vpMeEllipse::computeAngleOnEllipse(), vpImageCircle::computeAngularCoverageInRoI(), vpImageCircle::computePixelsInMask(), vpPose::computePlanarObjectPoseFromRGBD(), vpCalibration::computeStdDeviation(), vpCalibration::computeStdDeviation_dist(), vpMeEllipse::computeTheta(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpDot2::defineDots(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayCircle(), vpCalibration::displayData(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayLine(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayPoint(), vpDisplayGTK::displayRectangle(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayRectangle(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayText(), vpImageDraw::drawEllipse(), vpImageDraw::drawLine(), vpDisplayWin32::flushDisplayROI(), vpDot2::getDistance(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::init(), vpPolygon::isInside(), vpMath::lineFitting(), vpRect::moveCenter(), vpHomography::project(), vpColorDepthConversion::projectColorToDepth(), vpHomography::projection(), vpDot2::searchDotsInArea(), vpRect::set(), vpRect::setBottomRight(), vpRect::setTopLeft(), vpDot::track(), vpDot2::track(), vpRect::vpRect(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::vpTemplateTrackerTriangle(), and vpCalibration::writeData().

◆ get_v()

double vpImagePoint::get_v ( ) const

Gets the point coordinate corresponding to the $ v $ axes in the frame (u,v).

The value of the coordinate along the $ v $ axes.
See also
get_i(), get_j(), get_u()
catchParticleFilter.cpp, servoAfma4Point2DCamVelocityKalman.cpp, testConvert.cpp, testImageDraw.cpp, testRealSense2_D435_align.cpp, testRealSense2_D435_opencv.cpp, trackDot.cpp, trackDot2WithAutoDetection.cpp, tutorial-flood-fill.cpp, tutorial-klt-tracker-live-v4l2.cpp, tutorial-klt-tracker.cpp, tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-all.cpp, and tutorial-pf-curve-fitting-pf.cpp.

Definition at line 147 of file vpImagePoint.h.

Referenced by vpMeEllipse::computeAngleOnEllipse(), vpImageCircle::computeAngularCoverageInRoI(), vpImageCircle::computePixelsInMask(), vpPose::computePlanarObjectPoseFromRGBD(), vpCalibration::computeStdDeviation(), vpCalibration::computeStdDeviation_dist(), vpMeEllipse::computeTheta(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpDot2::defineDots(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayCircle(), vpCalibration::displayData(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayLine(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayPoint(), vpDisplayGTK::displayRectangle(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayRectangle(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayText(), vpImageDraw::drawEllipse(), vpImageDraw::drawLine(), vpDisplayWin32::flushDisplayROI(), vpDot2::getDistance(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::init(), vpPolygon::isInside(), vpMath::lineFitting(), vpRect::moveCenter(), vpHomography::project(), vpColorDepthConversion::projectColorToDepth(), vpHomography::projection(), vpDot2::searchDotsInArea(), vpRect::set(), vpRect::setBottomRight(), vpRect::setTopLeft(), vpDot::track(), vpDot2::track(), vpRect::vpRect(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::vpTemplateTrackerTriangle(), and vpCalibration::writeData().

◆ getBBox()

vpRect vpImagePoint::getBBox ( const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &  ipVec)

Computes and returns the bounding box.

ipVec: Vector of input image points.
Bounding box of the points.

Definition at line 467 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ inRectangle()

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE bool vpImagePoint::inRectangle ( const vpRect rect) const

Check if an image point belongs to a rectangle.

rect: the rectangle.
Returns true if the point belongs to the rectangle.

Definition at line 51 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

References vpRect::getBottom(), vpRect::getLeft(), vpRect::getRight(), and vpRect::getTop().

Referenced by vpPlot::navigate().

◆ inSegment()

bool vpImagePoint::inSegment ( const vpImagePoint start,
const vpImagePoint end 
) const

Test if the image point belongs to a segment represented by two image points.

[in]start: Segment start image point.
[in]end: Segment end image point.
True if current image point belongs to the segment. False otherwise.

To see how to use this function, a code snippet is given in nextInSegment().

See also

Definition at line 162 of file vpImagePoint.h.

References get_i(), and get_j().

Referenced by vpColorDepthConversion::projectColorToDepth().

◆ nextInSegment()

vpImagePoint vpImagePoint::nextInSegment ( const vpImagePoint start,
const vpImagePoint end 
) const

Considering current image point, returns the next image point that belongs to the segment [start,end].

[in]start: Segment start image point.
[in]end: Segment end image point.
Regarding current image point, next image point that belongs to the liSegmentne [start,end].

The following sample code shows how to use this function to find all the pixels that belong to the segment defined by 2 image points with coordinates [10,12] and [20,16]:

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint start_pixel(10, 12);
vpImagePoint end_pixel(20, 16);
for (auto curr_pixel = start_pixel; curr_pixel.inSegment(start_pixel, end_pixel);
curr_pixel = curr_pixel.nextInSegment(start_pixel, end_pixel)) {
std::cout << "pixel: " << curr_pixel << std::endl;
if (curr_pixel == end_pixel) break;
Class that defines a 2D point in an image. This class is useful for image processing and stores only ...
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:82

It produces the following output by printing all the pixels belonging to the segment:

pixel: 10, 12
pixel: 11, 12.4
pixel: 12, 12.8
pixel: 13, 13.2
pixel: 14, 13.6
pixel: 15, 14
pixel: 16, 14.4
pixel: 17, 14.8
pixel: 18, 15.2
pixel: 19, 15.6
pixel: 20, 16
See also

Definition at line 220 of file vpImagePoint.h.

References get_i(), and get_j().

Referenced by vpColorDepthConversion::projectColorToDepth().

◆ operator*=()

vpImagePoint& vpImagePoint::operator*= ( double  scale)

Operator *=.

Definition at line 282 of file vpImagePoint.h.

◆ operator+=()

vpImagePoint & vpImagePoint::operator+= ( const vpImagePoint ip)

Operator +=.

This operator can be used to compute the center of gravity of a set of image points.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
std::vector<vpImagePoint> ip(2);
ip[0].set_ij(100, 200);
ip[1].set_ij(300, 400);
vpImagePoint cog(0,0);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<ip.size(); ++i)
cog += ip[i];
cog /= ip.size();
std::cout << "cog: " << cog << std::endl;

Definition at line 87 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator-=()

vpImagePoint& vpImagePoint::operator-= ( const vpImagePoint ip)

Operator -=.

Definition at line 270 of file vpImagePoint.h.

◆ operator/=()

vpImagePoint & vpImagePoint::operator/= ( double  scale)

Operator /=.

This operator can be used to compute the center of gravity of a set of image points.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
std::vector<vpImagePoint> ip(2);
ip[0].set_ij(100, 200);
ip[1].set_ij(300, 400);
vpImagePoint cog(0,0);
for(unsigned int i=0; i<ip.size(); ++i)
cog += ip[i];
cog /= ip.size();
std::cout << "cog: " << cog << std::endl;

Definition at line 123 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator=()

vpImagePoint& vpImagePoint::operator= ( const vpImagePoint ip)

Copy operator.

Definition at line 244 of file vpImagePoint.h.

◆ set_i()

◆ set_ij()

◆ set_j()

◆ set_u()

◆ set_uv()

void vpImagePoint::set_uv ( double  u,
double  v 

Sets the point coordinates in the frame (u,v).

u: The desired value for the coordinate along the $ u $ axes.
v: The desired value for the coordinate along the $ v $ axes.
See also
set_i(), set_j(), set_u(), set_v()
testKeyPoint-5.cpp, testKeyPoint-6.cpp, and tutorial-flood-fill.cpp.

Definition at line 357 of file vpImagePoint.h.

Referenced by vpMeEllipse::computePointOnEllipse(), vpDot2::defineDots(), vpImageDraw::drawEllipse(), vpTemplateTrackerZone::getCenter(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::getCorners(), vpMeEllipse::getParameters(), vpMeEllipse::initTracking(), vpMeEllipse::leastSquareRobustCircle(), and vpMeEllipse::leastSquareRobustEllipse().

◆ set_v()

◆ sqrDistance()

double vpImagePoint::sqrDistance ( const vpImagePoint iP1,
const vpImagePoint iP2 

Compute the distance $ |iP1 - iP2| = (i_1-i_2)^2+(j_1-j_2)^2 $

iP1: First point
iP2: Second point
the distance between the two points.

Definition at line 495 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

References get_i(), get_j(), and vpMath::sqr().

Referenced by vpMarkersMeasurements::likelihood(), vpMeNurbs::localReSample(), and vpMeNurbs::sample().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator!= [1/2]

VISP_EXPORT bool operator!= ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns true if ip1 and ip2 are different; otherwire returns true.

Definition at line 153 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator!=() [2/2]

VISP_EXPORT bool operator!= ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns true if ip1 and ip2 are different; otherwire returns true.

Definition at line 153 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator* [1/2]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator* ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
double  scale 

Returns a vpImagePoint with coordinates multiplied by a scale factor.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip*2: " << ip*2 << std::endl; // new coordinates (200, 400)
return 0;

Definition at line 387 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator*() [2/2]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator* ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
double  scale 

Returns a vpImagePoint with coordinates multiplied by a scale factor.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip*2: " << ip*2 << std::endl; // new coordinates (200, 400)
return 0;

Definition at line 387 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+ [1/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns a vpImagePoint which is the sum of $ ip1 $ and $ ip2 $.

Definition at line 170 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+() [2/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns a vpImagePoint which is the sum of $ ip1 $ and $ ip2 $.

Definition at line 170 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+ [3/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
double  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset added to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip+12.34: " << ip+12.34 << std::endl; // new coordinates (112.34, 212.34)
return 0;

Definition at line 264 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+() [4/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
double  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset added to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip+12.34: " << ip+12.34 << std::endl; // new coordinates (112.34, 212.34)
return 0;

Definition at line 264 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+ [5/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
int  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset added to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip+10: " << ip+10 << std::endl; // new coordinates (110, 210)
return 0;

Definition at line 208 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+() [6/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
int  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset added to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip+10: " << ip+10 << std::endl; // new coordinates (110, 210)
return 0;

Definition at line 208 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+ [7/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
unsigned int  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset added to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip+10u: " << ip+10u << std::endl; // new coordinates (110, 210)
return 0;

Definition at line 236 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+() [8/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
unsigned int  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset added to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip+10u: " << ip+10u << std::endl; // new coordinates (110, 210)
return 0;

Definition at line 236 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+= [1/2]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+= ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns a vpImagePoint which is the sum of $ ip1 $ and $ ip2 $.

Definition at line 180 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator+= ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns a vpImagePoint which is the sum of $ ip1 $ and $ ip2 $.

Definition at line 180 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator- [1/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns a vpImagePoint which is the difference between $ ip1 $ and $ ip2 $.

Definition at line 275 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator-() [2/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns a vpImagePoint which is the difference between $ ip1 $ and $ ip2 $.

Definition at line 275 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator- [3/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
double  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset subtracted to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip-12.34: " << ip-12.34 << std::endl; // new coordinates (87.66, 187.66)
return 0;

Definition at line 359 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator-() [4/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
double  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset subtracted to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip-12.34: " << ip-12.34 << std::endl; // new coordinates (87.66, 187.66)
return 0;

Definition at line 359 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator- [5/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
int  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset subtracted to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip-10: " << ip-10 << std::endl; // new coordinates (90, 190)
return 0;

Definition at line 303 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator-() [6/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
int  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset subtracted to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip-10: " << ip-10 << std::endl; // new coordinates (90, 190)
return 0;

Definition at line 303 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator- [7/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
unsigned int  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset subtracted to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip-10u: " << ip-10u << std::endl; // new coordinates (90, 190)
return 0;

Definition at line 331 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator-() [8/8]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator- ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
unsigned int  offset 

Returns a vpImagePoint with an offset subtracted to the two coordinates.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip-10u: " << ip-10u << std::endl; // new coordinates (90, 190)
return 0;

Definition at line 331 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator/ [1/2]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator/ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
double  scale 

Returns a vpImagePoint with coordinates divided by a scale factor.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip/2: " << ip/2 << std::endl; // new coordinates (50, 100)
return 0;

Definition at line 415 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator/() [2/2]

VISP_EXPORT vpImagePoint operator/ ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
double  scale 

Returns a vpImagePoint with coordinates divided by a scale factor.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpImagePoint ip(100, 200); // Create an image point with coordinates i=100, j=200
std::cout << "ip: " << ip << std::endl; // coordinates (100, 200)
std::cout << "ip/2: " << ip/2 << std::endl; // new coordinates (50, 100)
return 0;

Definition at line 415 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator<< [1/2]

VISP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const vpImagePoint ip 

Writes the image point coordinates ip to the stream os, and returns a reference to the stream. Writes the first coordinate along the i axis and then the second one along the j axis. The coordinates are separated by a comma.

The following code

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
std::cout << "Image point with coordinates: " << ip << std::endl;
return 0;
void set_j(double jj)
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:309
void set_i(double ii)
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:298

produces the output:

Image point with coordinates: 10, 11.1

Definition at line 456 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

VISP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const vpImagePoint ip 

Writes the image point coordinates ip to the stream os, and returns a reference to the stream. Writes the first coordinate along the i axis and then the second one along the j axis. The coordinates are separated by a comma.

The following code

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpImagePoint.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
std::cout << "Image point with coordinates: " << ip << std::endl;
return 0;

produces the output:

Image point with coordinates: 10, 11.1

Definition at line 456 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator== [1/2]

VISP_EXPORT bool operator== ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns true if ip1 and ip2 are equal; otherwire returns false.

Definition at line 135 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.

◆ operator==() [2/2]

VISP_EXPORT bool operator== ( const vpImagePoint ip1,
const vpImagePoint ip2 

Returns true if ip1 and ip2 are equal; otherwire returns false.

Definition at line 135 of file vpImagePoint.cpp.