#include <visp3/detection/vpDetectorDataMatrixCode.h>
#include <visp3/detection/vpDetectorQRCode.h>
#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayFactory.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
#if (defined(VISP_HAVE_ZBAR) || defined(VISP_HAVE_DMTX)) && \
std::shared_ptr<vpDisplay> display;
try {
#if (defined(VISP_HAVE_ZBAR) && defined(VISP_HAVE_DMTX))
int opt_barcode = 0;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (std::string(argv[i]) == "--code-type" && i + 1 < argc) {
opt_barcode = atoi(argv[++i]);
else if (std::string(argv[i]) == "--help" || std::string(argv[i]) == "-h") {
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [--code-type <0 for QR code | 1 for DataMatrix code>] [--help] [-h]"
<< std::endl;
if (opt_barcode == 0)
detector = new vpDetectorQRCode;
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_ZBAR)
detector = new vpDetectorQRCode;
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_DMTX)
bool status = detector->
std::ostringstream legend;
if (status) {
std::vector<vpImagePoint> p = detector->
for (size_t j = 0; j < p.size(); j++) {
std::ostringstream number;
number << j;
delete detector;
std::cout <<
"Catch an exception: " << e.
getMessage() << std::endl;
if (display != nullptr) {
delete display;
static const vpColor blue
static const vpColor green
std::vector< std::vector< vpImagePoint > > & getPolygon()
vpRect getBBox(size_t i) const
size_t getNbObjects() const
std::vector< std::string > & getMessage()
virtual bool detect(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)=0
Class that defines generic functionalities for display.
static bool getClick(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool blocking=true)
static void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void displayCross(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &ip, unsigned int size, const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness=1)
static void flush(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void displayRectangle(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &topLeft, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const vpColor &color, bool fill=false, unsigned int thickness=1)
static void displayText(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &ip, const std::string &s, const vpColor &color)
error that can be emitted by ViSP classes.
const char * getMessage() const
static void read(vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &filename, int backend=IO_DEFAULT_BACKEND)
Class that defines a 2D point in an image. This class is useful for image processing and stores only ...
unsigned int getHeight() const
Defines a rectangle in the plane.
std::shared_ptr< vpDisplay > createDisplay()
Return a smart pointer vpDisplay specialization if a GUI library is available or nullptr otherwise.
vpDisplay * allocateDisplay()
Return a newly allocated vpDisplay specialization if a GUI library is available or nullptr otherwise.