Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2024-11-15)
#include <memory>
#include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpIoTools.h>
#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayFactory.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpImageDraw.h>
std::string toString(const std::string &name, int val)
auto fmt = name.c_str();
int sz = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, fmt, val);
std::vector<char> buf(sz + 1); // note +1 for null terminator
std::sprintf(, fmt, val);
std::string str(buf.begin(), buf.end());
return str;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
bool opencv_backend = false;
std::string npz_filename = "npz_tracking_teabox.npz";
bool print_cMo = false;
bool dump_infos = false;
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
if (std::string(argv[i]) == "--cv-backend") {
opencv_backend = true;
else if ((std::string(argv[i]) == "--read" || std::string(argv[i]) == "-i") && (i+1 < argc)) {
npz_filename = argv[i+1];
else if (std::string(argv[i]) == "--print-cMo") {
print_cMo = true;
else if (std::string(argv[i]) == "--dump") {
dump_infos = true;
else {
std::cout << "Options:" << std::endl;
std::cout << " --cv-backend use OpenCV if available for in-memory PNG decoding" << std::endl;
std::cout << " --read / -i input filename in npz format" << std::endl;
std::cout << " --print-cMo print cMo" << std::endl;
std::cout << " --dump print all the data name in the file" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Read file: " << npz_filename << std::endl;
std::cout << "OpenCV backend? " << opencv_backend << std::endl;
visp::cnpy::npz_t npz_data = visp::cnpy::npz_load(npz_filename);
if (dump_infos) {
std::cout << npz_filename << " file contains the following data:" << std::endl;
for (visp::cnpy::npz_t::const_iterator it = npz_data.begin(); it != npz_data.end(); ++it) {
std::cout << " " << it->first << std::endl;
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_height = npz_data["height"];
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_width = npz_data["width"];
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_channel = npz_data["channel"];
int height = *<int>();
int width = *<int>();
int channel = *<int>();
std::cout << "height: " << height << std::endl;
std::cout << "width: " << width << std::endl;
std::cout << "channel: " << channel << std::endl;
std::cout << "Color mode? " << (channel > 1) << std::endl;
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_camera_name = npz_data["camera_name"];
// For null-terminated character handling, see:
std::vector<char> vec_arr_camera_name = arr_camera_name.as_vec<char>();
const std::string camera_name = std::string(vec_arr_camera_name.begin(), vec_arr_camera_name.end());
std::cout << "Camera name: " << camera_name << std::endl;
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_px = npz_data["cam_px"];
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_py = npz_data["cam_py"];
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_u0 = npz_data["cam_u0"];
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_v0 = npz_data["cam_v0"];
vpCameraParameters cam(*<double>(), *<double>(), *<double>(), *<double>());
std::cout << "Cam: " << cam << std::endl;
vpImage<unsigned char> I(height, width);
vpImage<vpRGBa> I_display(height, width);
std::shared_ptr<vpDisplay> display = vpDisplayFactory::createDisplay();
display->init(I_display, 100, 100, "Model-based tracker");
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_nb_data = npz_data["nb_data"];
int nb_data = *<int>();
std::cout << "Number of images: " << nb_data << std::endl;
// Load all the images data
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_vec_img_data_size = npz_data["vec_img_data_size"];
int *vec_img_data_size_ptr =<int>();
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_vec_img = npz_data["vec_img"];
unsigned char *vec_img_ptr =<unsigned char>();
std::vector<unsigned char> vec_img;
size_t img_data_offset = 0;
// Load all the poses
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_vec_poses = npz_data["vec_poses"];
double *vec_poses_ptr =<double>();
assert(arr_vec_poses.shape.size() == 2);
assert(arr_vec_poses.shape[1] == 6);
size_t pose_size = arr_vec_poses.shape[1];
std::vector<double> times;
for (int iter = 0; iter < nb_data; iter++) {
// std::copy(vec_img_ptr + img_data_offset, vec_img_ptr + img_data_offset + vec_img_data_size_ptr[iter],
// std::back_inserter(vec_img));
vec_img = std::vector<unsigned char>(vec_img_ptr + img_data_offset, vec_img_ptr + img_data_offset + vec_img_data_size_ptr[iter]);
double start = vpTime::measureTimeMs(), end = -1;
if (channel > 1) {
vpImageIo::readPNGfromMem(vec_img, I_display, backend);
else {
vpImageIo::readPNGfromMem(vec_img, I, backend);
vpImageConvert::convert(I, I_display);
img_data_offset += vec_img_data_size_ptr[iter];
const std::string str_model_iter_sz = toString("model_%06d", iter) + "_sz";
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_model_iter_sz = npz_data[str_model_iter_sz];
size_t model_sz = *<size_t>();
for (size_t i = 0; i < model_sz; i++) {
char buffer[100];
int res = snprintf(buffer, 100, "model_%06d_%06zu", iter, i);
if (res > 0 && res < 100) {
std::string str_model_iter_data = buffer;
visp::cnpy::NpyArray arr_model_iter_data = npz_data[str_model_iter_data];
if (arr_model_iter_data.shape[0] >= 5) {
if (std::fabs(<double>()[0]) <= std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) { // line feature
vpImagePoint(<double>()[3],<double>()[4]), vpColor::red, 3);
vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo(vpTranslationVector(vec_poses_ptr[pose_size*iter], vec_poses_ptr[pose_size*iter + 1], vec_poses_ptr[pose_size*iter + 2]),
vpThetaUVector(vec_poses_ptr[pose_size*iter + 3], vec_poses_ptr[pose_size*iter + 4], vec_poses_ptr[pose_size*iter + 5])
if (print_cMo) {
std::cout << "\ncMo:\n" << cMo << std::endl;
vpDisplay::displayFrame(I_display, cMo, cam, 0.025, vpColor::none, 3);
std::cout << "Mean time for image decoding: " << vpMath::getMean(times) << " ms ; Median time: "
<< vpMath::getMedian(times) << " ms ; Std: " << vpMath::getStdev(times) << " ms" << std::endl;
vpDisplay::getClick(I_display, true);
delete display;
std::cerr << "Error, a missing display library is needed (X11, GDI or OpenCV built with HighGUI module)." << std::endl;
std::cerr << "You also need to enable npz I/O functions" << std::endl;
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters.
static const vpColor red
Definition: vpColor.h:217
static const vpColor none
Definition: vpColor.h:229
Class that defines generic functionalities for display.
Definition: vpDisplay.h:178
static bool getClick(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool blocking=true)
static void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void displayFrame(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, double size, const vpColor &color=vpColor::none, unsigned int thickness=1, const vpImagePoint &offset=vpImagePoint(0, 0), const std::string &frameName="", const vpColor &textColor=vpColor::black, const vpImagePoint &textOffset=vpImagePoint(15, 15))
static void flush(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
Implementation of an homogeneous matrix and operations on such kind of matrices.
static void convert(const vpImage< unsigned char > &src, vpImage< vpRGBa > &dest)
static void drawLine(vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2, unsigned char color, unsigned int thickness=1)
Image IO backend for only jpeg and png formats image loading and saving.
Definition: vpImageIo.h:128
Use embedded stb_image library.
Definition: vpImageIo.h:133
Use OpenCV imgcodecs module.
Definition: vpImageIo.h:131
static void readPNGfromMem(const std::vector< unsigned char > &buffer, vpImage< unsigned char > &I, int backend=IO_DEFAULT_BACKEND)
Definition: vpImageIo.cpp:1409
Class that defines a 2D point in an image. This class is useful for image processing and stores only ...
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:82
static double getMedian(const std::vector< double > &v)
Definition: vpMath.cpp:322
static double getStdev(const std::vector< double > &v, bool useBesselCorrection=false)
Definition: vpMath.cpp:353
static double getMean(const std::vector< double > &v)
Definition: vpMath.cpp:302
Implementation of a rotation vector as axis-angle minimal representation.
Class that consider the case of a translation vector.
VISP_EXPORT npz_t npz_load(std::string fname)
std::map< std::string, NpyArray > npz_t
Definition: vpIoTools.h:130
std::shared_ptr< vpDisplay > createDisplay()
Return a smart pointer vpDisplay specialization if a GUI library is available or nullptr otherwise.
vpDisplay * allocateDisplay()
Return a newly allocated vpDisplay specialization if a GUI library is available or nullptr otherwise.
VISP_EXPORT int wait(double t0, double t)
VISP_EXPORT double measureTimeMs()
std::vector< size_t > shape
Definition: vpIoTools.h:124
std::vector< T > as_vec() const
Definition: vpIoTools.h:112