Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-28)

#include <visp3/me/vpMeEllipse.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for vpMeEllipse:

Public Member Functions

 vpMeEllipse ()
 vpMeEllipse (const vpMeEllipse &me_ellipse)
virtual ~vpMeEllipse () VP_OVERRIDE
void display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness=1)
void display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness=1)
vpColVector get_nij () const
vpColVector get_ABE () const
double getArea () const
vpImagePoint getCenter () const
unsigned int getExpectedDensity () const
unsigned int getNumberOfGoodPoints () const
vpImagePoint getFirstEndpoint () const
double getHighestAngle () const
vpImagePoint getSecondEndpoint () const
double getSmallestAngle () const
void initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool trackCircle=false, bool trackArc=false)
void initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, std::optional< std::vector< vpImagePoint >> &opt_ips, bool trackCircle=false, bool trackArc=false)
void initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &iP, bool trackCircle=false, bool trackArc=false)
void initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpColVector &param, vpImagePoint *pt1=nullptr, const vpImagePoint *pt2=nullptr, bool trackCircle=false)
void printParameters () const
void setEndpoints (const vpImagePoint &pt1, const vpImagePoint &pt2)
void setThresholdRobust (double threshold)
void track (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
Public Member Functions Inherited from vpTracker
vpColVector get_p () const
vpColVector get_cP () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void displayEllipse (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A, const double &B, const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
static void displayEllipse (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpImagePoint &center, const double &A, const double &B, const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)

Public Attributes

Public Attributes Inherited from vpTracker
vpColVector p
vpColVector cP
bool cPAvailable

Protected Member Functions

void computeAbeFromNij ()
double computeAngleOnEllipse (const vpImagePoint &pt) const
void computeKiFromNij ()
void computeNijFromAbe ()
void computePointOnEllipse (const double angle, vpImagePoint &iP)
double computeTheta (const vpImagePoint &iP) const
double computeTheta (double u, double v) const
void getParameters ()
void leastSquare (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &iP)
unsigned int leastSquareRobust (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
void leastSquareRobustCircle (const double &um, const double &vm, unsigned int &k, vpColVector &w)
void leastSquareRobustEllipse (const double &um, const double &vm, unsigned int &k, vpColVector &w)
unsigned int plugHoles (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
virtual void sample (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool doNotTrack=false) VP_OVERRIDE
void updateTheta ()

Protected Attributes

vpColVector m_K
vpImagePoint m_iPc
double m_a
double m_b
double m_e
vpImagePoint m_iP1
vpImagePoint m_iP2
double m_alpha1
double m_alpha2
double m_ce
double m_se
std::list< double > m_angleList
double m_m00
double m_thresholdWeight
double m_alphamin
double m_alphamax
double m_uc
double m_vc
double m_n20
double m_n11
double m_n02
unsigned int m_expectedDensity
unsigned int m_numberOfGoodPoints
bool m_trackCircle
bool m_trackArc
double m_arcEpsilon
Protected Attributes Inherited from vpMeTracker
std::list< vpMeSitem_meList
unsigned int m_init_range
int m_nGoodElement
const vpImage< bool > * m_mask
const vpImage< bool > * m_maskCandidates
vpMeSite::vpMeSiteDisplayType m_selectDisplay

Public Member Functions Inherited from vpMeTracker

void display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
void display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I)
void display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpColVector &w, unsigned int &index_w)
unsigned int getInitRange ()
vpMegetMe ()
std::list< vpMeSite > & getMeList ()
std::list< vpMeSitegetMeList () const
int getNbPoints () const
void init ()
void initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
unsigned int numberOfSignal ()
bool outOfImage (int i, int j, int border, int nrows, int ncols)
bool outOfImage (const vpImagePoint &iP, int border, int nrows, int ncols)
void reset ()
void setDisplay (vpMeSite::vpMeSiteDisplayType select)
void setInitRange (const unsigned int &r)
virtual void setMask (const vpImage< bool > &mask)
virtual void setMaskCandidates (const vpImage< bool > *maskCandidates)
void setMe (vpMe *me)
void setMeList (const std::list< vpMeSite > &meList)
unsigned int totalNumberOfSignal ()
static bool inRoiMask (const vpImage< bool > *mask, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
static bool inMeMaskCandidates (const vpImage< bool > *meMaskCandidates, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)

Detailed Description

Class that tracks an ellipse using moving edges.

In this class, an ellipse is defined as the set of image points $ (u,v) $ (for more information about the image frame see the vpImagePoint documentation) that satisfy the homogeneous equation:

\[ K_0 u^2 + K_1 v^2 + 2K_2 u v + 2K_3 u + 2K_4 v + K5 = 0 \]

with $K_0 = n_{02}$, $K_1 = n_{20}$, $K_2 = -n_{11}$, etc. (see Eq. (25) of Chaumette TRO 2004 paper [6])

If $ K_0 = K1 $ and $ K_2 = 0 $, the ellipse is a circle.

The six parameters are stored in the private attribute K.

An ellipse is also represented thanks to five parameters that are the center $ (uc,vc) $ of the ellipse and either:

  • three normalized moments $ n_{ij} $ of order 2,
  • or the semi major axis $ A $, the semi minor axis $ B $ and the ellipse orientation $ E \in [-\pi/2;\pi/2] $ defined by the angle between the major axis and the u axis of the image frame.

For more details, see [6]. The following figure illustrates these parameters.

The example below available in tutorial-me-ellipse-tracker.cpp and described in Tutorial: Moving-edges tracking, section Ellipse tracking shows how to use this class.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
// #undef VISP_HAVE_V4L2
// #undef VISP_HAVE_DC1394
// #undef VISP_HAVE_CMU1394
#if (defined(VISP_HAVE_V4L2) || defined(VISP_HAVE_DC1394) || defined(VISP_HAVE_CMU1394) || \
((VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION < 0x030000) && defined(HAVE_OPENCV_HIGHGUI)) || \
#include <visp3/sensor/vp1394CMUGrabber.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vp1394TwoGrabber.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vpFlyCaptureGrabber.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vpRealSense2.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vpV4l2Grabber.h>
#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayFactory.h>
#include <visp3/me/vpMeEllipse.h>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp> // for cv::VideoCapture
#elif (VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION >= 0x030000) && defined(HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEOIO)
#include <opencv2/videoio/videoio.hpp> // for cv::VideoCapture
int main()
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
std::shared_ptr<vpDisplay> display;
vpDisplay *display = nullptr;
try {
int opt_device = 0; // For OpenCV and V4l2 grabber to set the camera device
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_V4L2)
std::ostringstream device;
device << "/dev/video" << opt_device;
std::cout << "Use Video 4 Linux grabber on device " << device.str() << std::endl;
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_DC1394)
(void)opt_device; // To avoid non used warning
std::cout << "Use DC1394 grabber" << std::endl;;
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_CMU1394)
(void)opt_device; // To avoid non used warning
std::cout << "Use CMU1394 grabber" << std::endl;;
(void)opt_device; // To avoid non used warning
std::cout << "Use FlyCapture grabber" << std::endl;;
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_REALSENSE2)
(void)opt_device; // To avoid non used warning
std::cout << "Use Realsense 2 grabber" << std::endl;
rs2::config config;
config.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_COLOR, 640, 480, RS2_FORMAT_RGBA8, 30);;
#elif ((VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION < 0x030000) && defined(HAVE_OPENCV_HIGHGUI))|| ((VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION >= 0x030000) && defined(HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEOIO))
std::cout << "Use OpenCV grabber on device " << opt_device << std::endl;
cv::VideoCapture g(opt_device); // Open the default camera
if (!g.isOpened()) { // Check if we succeeded
std::cout << "Failed to open the camera" << std::endl;
cv::Mat frame;
g >> frame; // get a new frame from camera
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_V4L2) || defined(VISP_HAVE_DC1394) || defined(VISP_HAVE_CMU1394) || defined(VISP_HAVE_FLYCAPTURE) || defined(VISP_HAVE_REALSENSE2)
#elif ((VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION < 0x030000) && defined(HAVE_OPENCV_HIGHGUI))|| ((VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION >= 0x030000) && defined(HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEOIO))
g >> frame; // get a new frame from camera
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_DISPLAY)
display = vpDisplayFactory::createDisplay(I, 0, 0, "Camera view");
display = vpDisplayFactory::allocateDisplay(I, 0, 0, "Camera view");
std::cout << "No image viewer is available..." << std::endl;
vpMe me;
vpMeEllipse ellipse;
bool quit = false;
while (!quit) {
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_V4L2) || defined(VISP_HAVE_DC1394) || defined(VISP_HAVE_CMU1394) || defined(VISP_HAVE_FLYCAPTURE) || defined(VISP_HAVE_REALSENSE2)
#elif ((VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION < 0x030000) && defined(HAVE_OPENCV_HIGHGUI))|| ((VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION >= 0x030000) && defined(HAVE_OPENCV_VIDEOIO))
g >> frame;
vpDisplay::displayText(I, 20, 20, "Click to quit", vpColor::red);
ellipse.display(I, vpColor::red);
if (vpDisplay::getClick(I, false)) {
quit = true;
catch (const vpException &e) {
std::cout << "Catch an exception: " << e << std::endl;
if (display != nullptr) {
delete display;
int main()
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV)
std::cout << "Install a 3rd party dedicated to frame grabbing (dc1394, cmu1394, v4l2, OpenCV, FlyCapture, "
<< "Realsense2), configure and build ViSP again to use this tutorial."
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "Install OpenCV 3rd party, configure and build ViSP again to use this tutorial." << std::endl;
Firewire cameras video capture based on CMU 1394 Digital Camera SDK.
void open(vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
Class for firewire ieee1394 video devices using libdc1394-2.x api.
void open(vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static const vpColor red
Definition: vpColor.h:198
Class that defines generic functionalities for display.
Definition: vpDisplay.h:178
static bool getClick(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool blocking=true)
static void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void flush(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void displayText(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &ip, const std::string &s, const vpColor &color)
error that can be emitted by ViSP classes.
Definition: vpException.h:60
void open(vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void convert(const vpImage< unsigned char > &src, vpImage< vpRGBa > &dest)
Class that tracks an ellipse using moving edges.
Definition: vpMeEllipse.h:96
void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness=1)
void initTracking(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool trackCircle=false, bool trackArc=false)
void track(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
Definition: vpMeSite.h:78
void setDisplay(vpMeSite::vpMeSiteDisplayType select)
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:232
void setMe(vpMe *me)
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:260
Definition: vpMe.h:134
void setRange(const unsigned int &range)
Definition: vpMe.h:415
void setLikelihoodThresholdType(const vpLikelihoodThresholdType likelihood_threshold_type)
Definition: vpMe.h:505
void setThreshold(const double &threshold)
Definition: vpMe.h:466
void setSampleStep(const double &sample_step)
Definition: vpMe.h:422
Definition: vpMe.h:145
void acquire(vpImage< unsigned char > &grey, double *ts=nullptr)
bool open(const rs2::config &cfg=rs2::config())
Class that is a wrapper over the Video4Linux2 (V4L2) driver.
void open(vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
void setScale(unsigned scale=vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_SCALE)
void setDevice(const std::string &devname)
std::shared_ptr< vpDisplay > createDisplay()
Return a smart pointer vpDisplay specialization if a GUI library is available or nullptr otherwise.
vpDisplay * allocateDisplay()
Return a newly allocated vpDisplay specialization if a GUI library is available or nullptr otherwise.
trackMeCircle.cpp, trackMeEllipse.cpp, and tutorial-me-ellipse-tracker.cpp.

Definition at line 95 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpMeEllipse() [1/2]

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE vpMeEllipse::vpMeEllipse ( )

Basic constructor that calls the constructor of the class vpMeTracker.

Definition at line 47 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References m_alpha2, m_iP1, m_iP2, m_K, vpColVector::resize(), and vpImagePoint::set_ij().

◆ vpMeEllipse() [2/2]

vpMeEllipse::vpMeEllipse ( const vpMeEllipse me_ellipse)

Copy constructor.

Definition at line 62 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

◆ ~vpMeEllipse()

vpMeEllipse::~vpMeEllipse ( )


Definition at line 73 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References m_angleList, and vpMeTracker::m_meList.

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeAbeFromNij()

void vpMeEllipse::computeAbeFromNij ( )

Computes the length of the semi major axis $ a $, the length of the semi minor axis $ b $, and $ e $ that is the angle made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame $ (u,v) $. They are computed from the normalized moments $ $ n_{ij} $.

Definition at line 187 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References m_a, m_b, m_ce, m_e, m_n02, m_n11, m_n20, and m_se.

Referenced by getParameters(), and initTracking().

◆ computeAngleOnEllipse()

double vpMeEllipse::computeAngleOnEllipse ( const vpImagePoint pt) const

Compute the angle of a point on the ellipse wrt the ellipse major axis.

pt: Image point on the ellipse.
The computed angle.

Definition at line 145 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References vpImagePoint::get_u(), vpImagePoint::get_v(), m_a, m_b, m_ce, m_e, m_se, m_uc, and m_vc.

Referenced by initTracking(), leastSquareRobust(), leastSquareRobustCircle(), leastSquareRobustEllipse(), plugHoles(), and track().

◆ computeKiFromNij()

void vpMeEllipse::computeKiFromNij ( )

Computes the parameters $ K = {K_0, ..., K_5} $ from the center of the ellipse and the normalized moments $ n_{ij} $. The parameters $ K $ are such that $ K0 = n02, K1 = n20 $, etc. as in Eq (25) of Chaumette 2004 TRO paper.

Definition at line 209 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References m_K, m_n02, m_n11, m_n20, m_uc, and m_vc.

Referenced by initTracking().

◆ computeNijFromAbe()

void vpMeEllipse::computeNijFromAbe ( )

Computes the normalized moments $ n_{ij} $ from the $ A, B, E $ parameters as in Eq (24) of Chaumette 2004 TRO paper after simplifications to deal with the case cos(e) = 0.0

Definition at line 225 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References m_a, m_b, m_ce, m_n02, m_n11, m_n20, and m_se.

◆ computePointOnEllipse()

void vpMeEllipse::computePointOnEllipse ( const double  angle,
vpImagePoint iP 

Compute the coordinates of a point on an ellipse from its angle with respect to the main orientation of the ellipse.

angle: Angle on the ellipse with respect to its major axis.
iP: Image point on the ellipse.

Definition at line 113 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References m_a, m_b, m_ce, m_se, m_uc, m_vc, vpImagePoint::set_u(), vpImagePoint::set_uv(), and vpImagePoint::set_v().

Referenced by initTracking(), leastSquareRobustCircle(), leastSquareRobustEllipse(), plugHoles(), sample(), and track().

◆ computeTheta() [1/2]

double vpMeEllipse::computeTheta ( const vpImagePoint iP) const

Computes the $ \theta $ angle that represents the angle between the tangent to the curve and the u axis. This angle is used for tracking the vpMeSite.

iP: The point belonging to the ellipse where the angle is computed.

Definition at line 79 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References vpImagePoint::get_u(), and vpImagePoint::get_v().

Referenced by plugHoles(), sample(), and updateTheta().

◆ computeTheta() [2/2]

double vpMeEllipse::computeTheta ( double  u,
double  v 
) const

Computes the $ \theta $ angle that represents the angle between the tangent to the curve and the u axis. This angle is used for tracking the vpMeSite.

u,v: The point belonging to the ellipse where the angle is computed.

Definition at line 87 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References m_K.

◆ display() [1/5]

void vpMeTracker::display ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

Display the moving edge sites with a color corresponding to their state.

  • If green : The vpMeSite is a good point.
  • If blue : The point is removed because of the vpMeSite tracking phase (contrast problem).
  • If purple : The point is removed because of the vpMeSite tracking phase (threshold problem).
  • If red : The point is removed because of the robust method in the virtual visual servoing (M-Estimator problem).
  • If cyan : The point is removed because it's too close to another.
  • Yellow otherwise.
I: The image.

Definition at line 254 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpMeSite::display(), and vpMeTracker::m_meList.

Referenced by vpMeTracker::display(), initTracking(), vpMeLine::reSample(), and vpMeLine::track().

◆ display() [2/5]

void vpMeEllipse::display ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const vpColor col,
unsigned int  thickness = 1 

Display the ellipse or arc of ellipse

To effectively display the ellipse a call to vpDisplay::flush() is needed.
I: Image in which the ellipse appears.
col: Color of the displayed ellipse.
thickness: Thickness of the drawing.
trackMeCircle.cpp, trackMeEllipse.cpp, and tutorial-me-ellipse-tracker.cpp.

Definition at line 563 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References displayEllipse(), m_a, m_alpha1, m_alpha2, m_b, m_e, and m_iPc.

◆ display() [3/5]

void vpMeTracker::display ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
vpColVector w,
unsigned int &  index_w 

Displays the status of moving edge sites

I: The image.
w: vector
index_w: index

Definition at line 272 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpMeTracker::display(), vpMeSite::getState(), vpMeTracker::m_meList, vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION, and vpMeSite::setWeight().

◆ display() [4/5]

void vpMeTracker::display ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I)

Display the moving edge sites with a color corresponding to their state.

  • If green : The vpMeSite is a good point.
  • If blue : The point is removed because of the vpMeSite tracking phase (contrast problem).
  • If purple : The point is removed because of the vpMeSite tracking phase (threshold problem).
  • If red : The point is removed because of the robust method in the virtual visual servoing (M-Estimator problem).
  • If cyan : The point is removed because it's too close to another.
  • Yellow otherwise.
I: The image.

Definition at line 263 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpMeSite::display(), and vpMeTracker::m_meList.

◆ display() [5/5]

void vpMeEllipse::display ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I,
const vpColor col,
unsigned int  thickness = 1 

Display the ellipse or arc of ellipse

To effectively display the ellipse a call to vpDisplay::flush() is needed.
I: Image in which the ellipse appears.
col: Color of the displayed ellipse.
thickness: Thickness of the drawing.

Definition at line 568 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References displayEllipse(), m_a, m_alpha1, m_alpha2, m_b, m_e, and m_iPc.

◆ displayEllipse() [1/2]

void vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const vpImagePoint center,
const double &  A,
const double &  B,
const double &  E,
const double &  smallalpha,
const double &  highalpha,
const vpColor color = vpColor::green,
unsigned int  thickness = 1 

Display the ellipse or the arc of ellipse thanks to the ellipse parameters.

I: The image used as background.
center: Center of the ellipse.
A: Semi major axis of the ellipse.
B: Semi minor axis of the ellipse.
E: Angle made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame $ (u,v) $ (in rad).
smallalpha: Smallest $ alpha $ angle in rad (0 for a complete ellipse).
highalpha: Highest $ alpha $ angle in rad (2 $ \Pi $ for a complete ellipse).
color: Color used to display the ellipse.
thickness: Thickness of the drawings.
See also

Definition at line 874 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References vpDisplay::displayEllipse().

Referenced by display().

◆ displayEllipse() [2/2]

void vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I,
const vpImagePoint center,
const double &  A,
const double &  B,
const double &  E,
const double &  smallalpha,
const double &  highalpha,
const vpColor color = vpColor::green,
unsigned int  thickness = 1 

Display the ellipse or the arc of ellipse thanks to the ellipse parameters.

I: The image used as background.
center: Center of the ellipse
A: Semi-major axis of the ellipse.
B: Semi-minor axis of the ellipse.
E: Angle made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame $ (u,v) $ (in rad)
smallalpha: Smallest $ alpha $ angle in rad (0 for a complete ellipse)
highalpha: Highest $ alpha $ angle in rad ( $ 2 \Pi $ for a complete ellipse)
color: Color used to display th lines.
thickness: Thickness of the drawings.
See also

Definition at line 881 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References vpDisplay::displayEllipse().

◆ get_ABE()

vpColVector vpMeEllipse::get_ABE ( ) const

Gets the ellipse parameters as a 3-dim vector containing $ A, B, E $.

The 3-dim vector containing $ A, B, E $ corresponding respectively to the semi major axis, the semi minor axis and the angle in rad made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame $ (u,v) $, $ e \in [-\pi/2;pi/2] $.
See also
getCenter(), get_nij(), getArea()

Definition at line 166 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ get_cP()

vpColVector vpTracker::get_cP ( ) const

Return object parameters expressed in the 3D camera frame.

Definition at line 95 of file vpTracker.h.

◆ get_nij()

vpColVector vpMeEllipse::get_nij ( ) const

Gets the second order normalized centered moment $ n_{ij} $ as a 3-dim vector containing $ n_{20}, n_{11}, n_{02} $ such as $ n_{ij} = \mu_{ij}/m_{00} $

The 3-dim vector containing $ n_{20}, n_{11}, n_{02} $.
See also
getCenter(), get_ABE(), getArea()

Definition at line 144 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ get_p()

vpColVector vpTracker::get_p ( ) const

Return object parameters expressed in the 2D image plane computed by perspective projection.

Definition at line 93 of file vpTracker.h.

◆ getArea()

double vpMeEllipse::getArea ( ) const

Gets the area of the ellipse corresponding also to the zero order moment of the ellipse.

The ellipse area.
See also
getCenter(), get_nij(), get_ABE()

Definition at line 187 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ getCenter()

vpImagePoint vpMeEllipse::getCenter ( ) const

Gets the center of the ellipse.

See also
get_nij(), get_ABE(), getArea()

Definition at line 194 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ getExpectedDensity()

unsigned int vpMeEllipse::getExpectedDensity ( ) const
Expected number of moving edges to track along the ellipse.

Definition at line 199 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ getFirstEndpoint()

vpImagePoint vpMeEllipse::getFirstEndpoint ( ) const

Gets the first endpoint of the ellipse arc (corresponding to alpha1, not alphamin) when an arc is tracked.

See also

Definition at line 212 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ getHighestAngle()

double vpMeEllipse::getHighestAngle ( ) const

Gets the highest $ alpha $ angle of the moving edges tracked $ \alpha_{max} \in [\alpha_min;\alpha_2] $.

See also

Definition at line 220 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ getInitRange()

unsigned int vpMeTracker::getInitRange ( )

Return the initial range.

Value of init_range.

Definition at line 146 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ getMe()

vpMe* vpMeTracker::getMe ( )

Return the moving edges initialisation parameters.

Moving Edges.
trackMeCircle.cpp, trackMeEllipse.cpp, and trackMeLine.cpp.

Definition at line 153 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ getMeList() [1/2]

std::list<vpMeSite>& vpMeTracker::getMeList ( )

Return the list of moving edges

List of Moving Edges.

Definition at line 160 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ getMeList() [2/2]

std::list<vpMeSite> vpMeTracker::getMeList ( ) const

Return the list of moving edges

List of Moving Edges.

Definition at line 167 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ getNbPoints()

int vpMeTracker::getNbPoints ( ) const

Return the number of points that has not been suppressed.

Number of good points.

Definition at line 174 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ getNumberOfGoodPoints()

unsigned int vpMeEllipse::getNumberOfGoodPoints ( ) const
Number of valid edges tracked along the ellipse.

Definition at line 204 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ getParameters()

void vpMeEllipse::getParameters ( )

Computes the coordinates of the ellipse center, the normalized moments $ n_{ij} $, the length of the semi major axis $ a $, the length of the semi minor axis $ b $, and $ e $ that is the angle made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame $ (u,v) $.

All those computations are made from the parameters $ K ={K_0, ..., K_5} $ so that $ K_0 u^2 + K1 v^2 + 2 K2 u v + 2 K3 u + 2 K4 v + K5 = 0 $.

Definition at line 232 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References computeAbeFromNij(), vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_iPc, m_K, m_n02, m_n11, m_n20, m_uc, m_vc, vpImagePoint::set_uv(), and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

Referenced by leastSquare(), leastSquareRobustCircle(), and leastSquareRobustEllipse().

◆ getSecondEndpoint()

vpImagePoint vpMeEllipse::getSecondEndpoint ( ) const

Gets the second endpoint of the ellipse arc (corresponding to alpha2, not alphamax) when an arc is tracked.

See also

Definition at line 228 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ getSmallestAngle()

double vpMeEllipse::getSmallestAngle ( ) const

Gets the smallest $ alpha $ angle of the moving edges tracked $ \alpha_{min} \in [\alpha_1;\alpha_2] $.

See also

Definition at line 236 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ init()

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE void vpMeTracker::init ( void  )

Initialize the tracker.

Definition at line 48 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpTracker::init(), vpMeTracker::m_selectDisplay, vpMeSite::NONE, vpTracker::p, and vpColVector::resize().

Referenced by vpMeTracker::vpMeTracker().

◆ initTracking() [1/5]

◆ initTracking() [2/5]

void vpMeEllipse::initTracking ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
bool  trackCircle = false,
bool  trackArc = false 

Initialize the tracking of an ellipse or an arc of an ellipse when trackArc is set to true. Ask the user to click on five points located on the ellipse to be tracked.

The points should be selected as far as possible from each other. When an arc of an ellipse is tracked, it is recommended to select the 5 points clockwise.
I: Image in which the ellipse appears.
trackCircle: When true, track a circle, when false track an ellipse.
trackArc: When true track an arc of the ellipse/circle. In that case, first and last points specify the extremities of the arc (clockwise). When false track the complete ellipse/circle.
trackMeCircle.cpp, trackMeEllipse.cpp, and tutorial-me-ellipse-tracker.cpp.

Definition at line 573 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::flush(), vpDisplay::getClick(), m_trackArc, m_trackCircle, and vpColor::red.

◆ initTracking() [3/5]

void vpMeEllipse::initTracking ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &  iP,
bool  trackCircle = false,
bool  trackArc = false 

Initialize the tracking of an ellipse/circle or an arc of an ellipse/circle when trackArc is set to true. The ellipse/circle is defined thanks to a vector of image points.

It is mandatory to use at least five image points to estimate the ellipse parameters while three points are needed to estimate the circle parameters.
The image points should be selected as far as possible from each other. When an arc of an ellipse/circle is tracked, it is recommended to select the 5/3 points clockwise.
I: Image in which the ellipse/circle appears.
iP: A vector of image points belonging to the ellipse/circle edge used to initialize the tracking.
trackCircle: When true, track a circle, when false track an ellipse.
trackArc: When true track an arc of the ellipse/circle. In that case, first and last points specify the extremities of the arc (clockwise). When false track the complete ellipse/circle.

Definition at line 676 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References computeAngleOnEllipse(), computePointOnEllipse(), vpMeTracker::display(), vpDisplay::flush(), leastSquare(), m_alpha1, m_alpha2, m_arcEpsilon, m_iP1, m_iP2, m_trackArc, m_trackCircle, sample(), and track().

◆ initTracking() [4/5]

void vpMeEllipse::initTracking ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const vpColVector param,
vpImagePoint pt1 = nullptr,
const vpImagePoint pt2 = nullptr,
bool  trackCircle = false 

Initialize the tracking of an ellipse/circle or an arc of an ellipse/circle when arc extremities are given. The ellipse/circle is defined by the vector containing the coordinates of its center and the three second order centered normalized moments $ n_ij $. Without setting the arc extremities with parameters pt1 and pt2, the complete ellipse/circle is considered. When extremities are set, we consider an ellipse/circle arc defined clockwise from first extremity to second extremity.

I: Image in which the ellipse appears.
param: Vector with the five parameters $(u_c, v_c, n_{20}, n_{11}, n_{02})$ defining the ellipse (expressed in pixels).
pt1: Image point defining the first extremity of the arc or nullptr to track a complete ellipse.
pt2: Image point defining the second extremity of the arc or nullptr to track a complete ellipse.
trackCircle: When true enable tracking of a circle, when false the tracking of an ellipse.

Definition at line 709 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References computeAbeFromNij(), computeAngleOnEllipse(), computeKiFromNij(), computePointOnEllipse(), vpMeTracker::display(), vpDisplay::flush(), m_alpha1, m_alpha2, m_arcEpsilon, m_iP1, m_iP2, m_iPc, m_n02, m_n11, m_n20, m_trackArc, m_trackCircle, m_uc, m_vc, sample(), vpImagePoint::set_uv(), and track().

◆ initTracking() [5/5]

void vpMeEllipse::initTracking ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
std::optional< std::vector< vpImagePoint >> &  opt_ips,
bool  trackCircle = false,
bool  trackArc = false 

Initialize the tracking of an ellipse or an arc of an ellipse when trackArc is set to true. If ips is set, use the contained points to initialize the ME if there are some, or initialize by clicks the ME and ips will contained the clicked points. If ips is not set, call the method vpMeEllipse::initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char>&, bool, bool).

See also
The points should be selected as far as possible from each other. When an arc of an ellipse is tracked, it is recommended to select the 5 points clockwise.
I: Image in which the ellipse appears.
opt_ipsIf set, either a vector that contains the vpImagePoint to use or will be filled with the clicked points.
trackCircle: When true, track a circle, when false track an ellipse.
trackArc: When true track an arc of the ellipse/circle. In that case, first and last points specify the extremities of the arc (clockwise). When false track the complete ellipse/circle.

Definition at line 616 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::flush(), vpDisplay::getClick(), and vpColor::red.

◆ inMeMaskCandidates()

bool vpMeTracker::inMeMaskCandidates ( const vpImage< bool > *  meMaskCandidates,
unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j 

Test whether the moving-edge (ME) is inside the mask of ME candidates for the initialization. Mask values that are set to true and their 8 neighbors are considered for the initialization.

meMaskCandidatesMask corresponding the ME location in the image or nullptr if not wanted. Mask values that are set to true are considered for the initialization. To disable a pixel, set false.
i: ME coordinate along the rows.
j: ME coordinate along the columns.

Definition at line 115 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpImage< Type >::getCols(), and vpImage< Type >::getRows().

Referenced by vpMeLine::plugHoles(), sample(), vpMeLine::sample(), and vpMeLine::seekExtremities().

◆ inRoiMask()

bool vpMeTracker::inRoiMask ( const vpImage< bool > *  mask,
unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j 

Test whether the pixel is inside the region of interest mask. Mask values that are set to true are considered in the tracking.

maskMask corresponding to the region of interest in the image or nullptr if not wanted. Mask values that are set to true are considered in the tracking. To disable a pixel, set false.
i: Pixel coordinate along the rows.
j: Pixel coordinate along the columns.

Definition at line 105 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpImage< Type >::getValue().

Referenced by vpMbtFaceDepthDense::computeDesiredFeatures(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::computeDesiredFeatures(), plugHoles(), vpMeLine::plugHoles(), sample(), vpMeLine::sample(), vpMeLine::seekExtremities(), and vpMeTracker::track().

◆ leastSquare()

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE void vpMeEllipse::leastSquare ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &  iP 

Least squares method to compute the circle/ ellipse to which the points belong.

I: Image in which the circle/ellipse appears (useful just to get its number of rows and columns...
iP: A vector of points belonging to the circle/ellipse.

Definition at line 39 of file vpMeEllipse_least_square.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), getParameters(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), m_K, m_trackCircle, vpMatrix::nullSpace(), vpMatrixException::rankDeficient, and vpMatrix::solveBySVD().

Referenced by initTracking().

◆ leastSquareRobust()

unsigned int vpMeEllipse::leastSquareRobust ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

Robust least squares method to compute the ellipse to which the vpMeSite belong. Manage also the lists of vpMeSite and corresponding angles, and update the expected density of points.

I: Image where tracking is done (useful just to get its number of rows and columns...

Definition at line 358 of file vpMeEllipse_least_square.cpp.

References computeAngleOnEllipse(), vpTrackingException::fatalError, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpMe::getSampleStep(), vpMeSite::getState(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), leastSquareRobustCircle(), leastSquareRobustEllipse(), m_a, m_alpha1, m_alpha2, m_alphamax, m_alphamin, m_angleList, m_b, m_expectedDensity, vpMeSite::m_ifloat, vpMeSite::m_jfloat, vpMeTracker::m_me, vpMeTracker::m_meList, m_thresholdWeight, m_trackArc, m_trackCircle, vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION, vpMeTracker::numberOfSignal(), and vpImagePoint::set_ij().

Referenced by track().

◆ leastSquareRobustCircle()

void vpMeEllipse::leastSquareRobustCircle ( const double &  um,
const double &  vm,
unsigned int &  k,
vpColVector w 

Robust least squares method to compute the ellipse to which the vpMeSite belong, when we track a circle. Manage also the lists of vpMeSite and corresponding angles, and update the expected density of points.

umHalf width of the image.
vmHalf height of the image.
kCount the number of tracked MEs.
wWeights computed by robust estimation.

Definition at line 132 of file vpMeEllipse_least_square.cpp.

References computeAngleOnEllipse(), computePointOnEllipse(), vpException::dimensionError, vpImagePoint::distance(), vpMeSite::get_ifloat(), vpMeSite::get_jfloat(), vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), getParameters(), vpMeSite::getState(), m_K, vpMeTracker::m_meList, m_uc, m_vc, vpRobust::MEstimator(), vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION, vpMeTracker::numberOfSignal(), vpImagePoint::set_uv(), vpRobust::setMinMedianAbsoluteDeviation(), vpMatrix::solveBySVD(), and vpRobust::TUKEY.

Referenced by leastSquareRobust().

◆ leastSquareRobustEllipse()

void vpMeEllipse::leastSquareRobustEllipse ( const double &  um,
const double &  vm,
unsigned int &  k,
vpColVector w 

Robust least squares method to compute the ellipse to which the vpMeSite belong, when we track an ellipse. Manage also the lists of vpMeSite and corresponding angles, and update the expected density of points.

umHalf width of the image.
vmHalf height of the image.
kCount the number of tracked MEs.
wWeights computed by robust estimation.

Definition at line 241 of file vpMeEllipse_least_square.cpp.

References computeAngleOnEllipse(), computePointOnEllipse(), vpException::dimensionError, vpImagePoint::distance(), vpMeSite::get_ifloat(), vpMeSite::get_jfloat(), vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), getParameters(), vpMeSite::getState(), m_K, vpMeTracker::m_meList, m_uc, m_vc, vpRobust::MEstimator(), vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION, vpMatrix::nullSpace(), vpMeTracker::numberOfSignal(), vpMatrixException::rankDeficient, vpImagePoint::set_uv(), vpRobust::setMinMedianAbsoluteDeviation(), and vpRobust::TUKEY.

Referenced by leastSquareRobust().

◆ numberOfSignal()

unsigned int vpMeTracker::numberOfSignal ( )

Return number of moving-edges that are tracked.

Definition at line 94 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpMeTracker::m_meList.

Referenced by vpMeLine::leastSquare(), leastSquareRobust(), leastSquareRobustCircle(), leastSquareRobustEllipse(), vpMeNurbs::localReSample(), and vpMeNurbs::reSample().

◆ outOfImage() [1/2]

bool vpMeTracker::outOfImage ( const vpImagePoint iP,
int  border,
int  nrows,
int  ncols 

Check if a pixel i,j is out of the image.

[in]iP: Pixel coordinates.
[in]border: Number of pixels along the image border to exclude. When border is set to 0, consider the complete image.
[in]nrows,ncols: Size of the image.
true when the pixel is inside the image minus the border size, false otherwise.

Definition at line 174 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpImagePoint::get_i(), vpImagePoint::get_j(), and vpMath::round().

◆ outOfImage() [2/2]

bool vpMeTracker::outOfImage ( int  i,
int  j,
int  border,
int  nrows,
int  ncols 

Check if a pixel i,j is out of the image.

[in]i,j: Pixel coordinates.
[in]border: Number of pixels along the image border to exclude. When border is set to 0, consider the complete image.
[in]nrows,ncols: Size of the image.
true when the pixel is inside the image minus the border size, false otherwise.

Definition at line 166 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

Referenced by vpMeNurbs::localReSample(), plugHoles(), vpMeLine::plugHoles(), vpMeNurbs::sample(), sample(), vpMeLine::sample(), vpMeLine::seekExtremities(), and vpMeNurbs::seekExtremities().

◆ plugHoles()

unsigned int vpMeEllipse::plugHoles ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

◆ printParameters()

void vpMeEllipse::printParameters ( ) const

Print the parameters $ K = {K_0, ..., K_5} $, the coordinates of the ellipse center, the normalized moments, and the A, B, E parameters.

Definition at line 265 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References vpMath::deg(), m_a, m_b, m_e, m_K, m_n02, m_n11, m_n20, m_uc, m_vc, and vpColVector::t().

◆ reset()

void vpMeTracker::reset ( )

Reset the tracker by removing all the moving edges.

Definition at line 74 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpMeTracker::m_meList, and vpMeTracker::m_nGoodElement.

Referenced by vpMeTracker::~vpMeTracker().

◆ sample()

void vpMeEllipse::sample ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
bool  doNotTrack = false 

◆ setDisplay()

void vpMeTracker::setDisplay ( vpMeSite::vpMeSiteDisplayType  select)

Set type of moving-edges display.

select: Display type selector.
servoAfma6Line2DCamVelocity.cpp, trackMeCircle.cpp, trackMeEllipse.cpp, trackMeLine.cpp, trackMeNurbs.cpp, tutorial-me-ellipse-tracker.cpp, and tutorial-me-line-tracker.cpp.

Definition at line 232 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ setEndpoints()

void vpMeEllipse::setEndpoints ( const vpImagePoint pt1,
const vpImagePoint pt2 

Set the two endpoints of the ellipse arc when an arc is tracked.

Definition at line 324 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ setInitRange()

void vpMeTracker::setInitRange ( const unsigned int &  r)

Set the initial range.

r: initial range.

Definition at line 239 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ setMask()

virtual void vpMeTracker::setMask ( const vpImage< bool > &  mask)

Set the mask.

mask: Mask.

Definition at line 246 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ setMaskCandidates()

virtual void vpMeTracker::setMaskCandidates ( const vpImage< bool > *  maskCandidates)

Set the mask of candidates points for initialization.

maskCandidates: Pointer towards the mask of candidates points for initialization.

Definition at line 253 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ setMe()

void vpMeTracker::setMe ( vpMe me)

Set the moving edges initialisation parameters.

me: Moving Edges.
servoAfma62DhalfCamVelocity.cpp, servoAfma6Line2DCamVelocity.cpp, trackMeCircle.cpp, trackMeEllipse.cpp, trackMeLine.cpp, trackMeNurbs.cpp, tutorial-me-ellipse-tracker.cpp, and tutorial-me-line-tracker.cpp.

Definition at line 260 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ setMeList()

void vpMeTracker::setMeList ( const std::list< vpMeSite > &  meList)

Set the list of moving edges.

meList: List of Moving Edges.

Definition at line 267 of file vpMeTracker.h.

◆ setThresholdRobust()

void vpMeEllipse::setThresholdRobust ( double  threshold)

Set the threshold for the weights in the robust estimation of the ellipse parameters. If the weight of a point is below this threshold, this one is removed from the list of tracked meSite. Value must be between 0 (never rejected) and 1 (always rejected).

threshold: The new value of the threshold.

Definition at line 339 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

◆ totalNumberOfSignal()

unsigned int vpMeTracker::totalNumberOfSignal ( )

Return the total number of moving-edges.

Definition at line 103 of file vpMeTracker.cpp.

References vpMeTracker::m_meList.

◆ track()

void vpMeEllipse::track ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

Track a set of MEs along an ellipse or a circle. The number of valid tracked MEs is obtained from getNumberOfGoodPoints().

Track the ellipse in the image I.

I: Image in which the ellipse appears.
trackMeCircle.cpp, trackMeEllipse.cpp, and tutorial-me-ellipse-tracker.cpp.

Definition at line 763 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References computeAngleOnEllipse(), computePointOnEllipse(), leastSquareRobust(), m_a, m_alpha1, m_alpha2, m_arcEpsilon, m_b, m_iP1, m_iP2, m_m00, m_numberOfGoodPoints, m_trackArc, vpTrackingException::notEnoughPointError, plugHoles(), sample(), vpMeTracker::track(), and updateTheta().

Referenced by initTracking().

◆ updateTheta()

void vpMeEllipse::updateTheta ( )

Compute the $ theta $ angle for each vpMeSite.

The $ theta $ angle is useful during the tracking part.

Definition at line 99 of file vpMeEllipse.cpp.

References computeTheta(), vpMeSite::m_alpha, vpMeSite::m_ifloat, vpMeSite::m_jfloat, vpMeTracker::m_meList, and vpImagePoint::set_ij().

Referenced by track().

Member Data Documentation

◆ cP

◆ cPAvailable

bool vpTracker::cPAvailable

Flag used to indicate if the feature parameters cP expressed in the camera frame are available.

Definition at line 79 of file vpTracker.h.

Referenced by vpTracker::init(), and vpTracker::operator=().

◆ m_a

double vpMeEllipse::m_a

◆ m_alpha1

double vpMeEllipse::m_alpha1

The angle $ \alpha_1 \in [-\pi;\pi] $ on the ellipse corresponding to the first endpoint. Its value is 0 for tracking a complete ellipse

Definition at line 442 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by display(), initTracking(), leastSquareRobust(), plugHoles(), sample(), and track().

◆ m_alpha2

double vpMeEllipse::m_alpha2

The angle $ \alpha_2 \in [\alpha_1;\alpha_1+2\pi]$ on the ellipse corresponding to the second endpoint. Its value is $ 2 \pi $ for tracking a complete ellipse

Definition at line 447 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by display(), initTracking(), leastSquareRobust(), plugHoles(), sample(), track(), and vpMeEllipse().

◆ m_alphamax

double vpMeEllipse::m_alphamax

The highest angle $ \alpha_{max} \in [\alpha_{min};\alpha_2]$ of the current moving edge list

Definition at line 467 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by leastSquareRobust(), and plugHoles().

◆ m_alphamin

double vpMeEllipse::m_alphamin

The smallest angle $ \alpha_{min} \in [\alpha_1;\alpha_2]$ of the current moving edge list

Definition at line 463 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by leastSquareRobust(), and plugHoles().

◆ m_angleList

std::list<double> vpMeEllipse::m_angleList

Stores the value in increasing order of the $ alpha $ angle on the ellipse for each vpMeSite.

Definition at line 453 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by leastSquareRobust(), plugHoles(), sample(), and ~vpMeEllipse().

◆ m_arcEpsilon

double vpMeEllipse::m_arcEpsilon

Epsilon value used to check if arc angles are the same.

Definition at line 487 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by initTracking(), and track().

◆ m_b

double vpMeEllipse::m_b

◆ m_ce

double vpMeEllipse::m_ce

Value of cos(e).

Definition at line 449 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by computeAbeFromNij(), computeAngleOnEllipse(), computeNijFromAbe(), and computePointOnEllipse().

◆ m_e

double vpMeEllipse::m_e

$ e \in [-\pi/2;\pi/2] $ is the angle made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame $ (u,v) $.

Definition at line 429 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by computeAbeFromNij(), computeAngleOnEllipse(), display(), and printParameters().

◆ m_expectedDensity

unsigned int vpMeEllipse::m_expectedDensity

Expected number of points to track along the ellipse.

Definition at line 479 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by leastSquareRobust(), and sample().

◆ m_init_range

unsigned int vpMeTracker::m_init_range

Initial range.

Definition at line 315 of file vpMeTracker.h.

Referenced by vpMeTracker::initTracking(), vpMeTracker::operator=(), and vpMeTracker::vpMeTracker().

◆ m_iP1

vpImagePoint vpMeEllipse::m_iP1

The coordinates of the first endpoint of the ellipse arc corresponding to angle $ \alpha_1 $

Definition at line 434 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by initTracking(), track(), and vpMeEllipse().

◆ m_iP2

vpImagePoint vpMeEllipse::m_iP2

The coordinates of the second endpoint of the ellipse arc corresponding to angle $ \alpha_2 $

Definition at line 438 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by initTracking(), track(), and vpMeEllipse().

◆ m_iPc

vpImagePoint vpMeEllipse::m_iPc

The coordinates of the ellipse center.

Definition at line 421 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by display(), getParameters(), and initTracking().

◆ m_K

vpColVector vpMeEllipse::m_K

Parameters of the ellipse satisfying the homogeneous equation :

\[ K_0 u^2 + K_1 v^2 + 2K_2 uv + 2K_3u + 2K_4v + K5 = 0 \]

Definition at line 419 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by computeKiFromNij(), computeTheta(), getParameters(), leastSquare(), leastSquareRobustCircle(), leastSquareRobustEllipse(), printParameters(), and vpMeEllipse().

◆ m_m00

double vpMeEllipse::m_m00

Ellipse area.

Definition at line 455 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by track().

◆ m_mask

const vpImage<bool>* vpMeTracker::m_mask

Mask used to disable tracking on a part of image.

Definition at line 319 of file vpMeTracker.h.

Referenced by plugHoles(), vpMeLine::plugHoles(), sample(), vpMeLine::sample(), vpMeLine::seekExtremities(), and vpMeTracker::track().

◆ m_maskCandidates

const vpImage<bool>* vpMeTracker::m_maskCandidates

Mask used to determine candidate points for initialization in an image.

Definition at line 321 of file vpMeTracker.h.

Referenced by vpMeLine::plugHoles(), sample(), vpMeLine::sample(), and vpMeLine::seekExtremities().

◆ m_me

◆ m_meList

◆ m_n02

double vpMeEllipse::m_n02

Second order centered and normalized moments $ n_{02} $.

Definition at line 477 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by computeAbeFromNij(), computeKiFromNij(), computeNijFromAbe(), getParameters(), initTracking(), and printParameters().

◆ m_n11

double vpMeEllipse::m_n11

Second order centered and normalized moments $ n_{11} $.

Definition at line 475 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by computeAbeFromNij(), computeKiFromNij(), computeNijFromAbe(), getParameters(), initTracking(), and printParameters().

◆ m_n20

double vpMeEllipse::m_n20

Second order centered and normalized moments $ n_{20} $.

Definition at line 473 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by computeAbeFromNij(), computeKiFromNij(), computeNijFromAbe(), getParameters(), initTracking(), and printParameters().

◆ m_nGoodElement

int vpMeTracker::m_nGoodElement

Number of good moving-edges that are tracked.

Definition at line 317 of file vpMeTracker.h.

Referenced by vpMeTracker::initTracking(), vpMeTracker::operator=(), vpMeTracker::reset(), vpMeTracker::track(), and vpMeTracker::vpMeTracker().

◆ m_numberOfGoodPoints

unsigned int vpMeEllipse::m_numberOfGoodPoints

Number of correct points tracked along the ellipse.

Definition at line 481 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by track().

◆ m_se

double vpMeEllipse::m_se

Value of sin(e).

Definition at line 451 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by computeAbeFromNij(), computeAngleOnEllipse(), computeNijFromAbe(), and computePointOnEllipse().

◆ m_selectDisplay

◆ m_thresholdWeight

double vpMeEllipse::m_thresholdWeight

Threshold on the weights for the robust least square.

Definition at line 458 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by leastSquareRobust().

◆ m_trackArc

bool vpMeEllipse::m_trackArc

Track an arc of ellipse/circle (true) or a complete one (false).

Definition at line 485 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by initTracking(), leastSquareRobust(), sample(), and track().

◆ m_trackCircle

bool vpMeEllipse::m_trackCircle

Track a circle (true) or an ellipse (false).

Definition at line 483 of file vpMeEllipse.h.

Referenced by initTracking(), leastSquare(), and leastSquareRobust().

◆ m_uc

double vpMeEllipse::m_uc

◆ m_vc

double vpMeEllipse::m_vc

◆ p