Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-03-10)
1 /*
2  * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
3  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2024 by Inria. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
10  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
11  *
12  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
13  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
14  * Edition License.
15  *
16  * See httpS:// for more information.
17  *
18  * This software was developed at:
19  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
20  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
21  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
22  * France
23  *
24  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
25  * Inria at
26  *
27  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
29  *
30  * Description:
31  * Framegrabber based on Video4Linux2 driver.
32  */
39 #include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
41 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_V4L2
43 #include <errno.h>
44 #include <fcntl.h>
45 #include <iostream>
46 #include <stdio.h>
47 #include <stdlib.h>
48 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
49 #include <sys/mman.h>
50 #include <sys/stat.h>
51 #include <sys/time.h>
52 #include <sys/types.h>
53 #include <unistd.h>
55 #include <visp3/core/vpDebug.h>
56 #include <visp3/core/vpFrameGrabberException.h>
57 #include <visp3/sensor/vpV4l2Grabber.h>
58 //#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>
59 #include <visp3/core/vpImageConvert.h>
60 #include <visp3/core/vpImageTools.h>
63 const unsigned int vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_INPUT = 2;
64 const unsigned int vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_SCALE = 2;
65 const __u32 vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_INPUTS = 16;
66 const __u32 vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_NORM = 16;
67 const __u32 vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_FORMAT = 32;
68 const unsigned int vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_CTRL = 32;
69 const unsigned int vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_BUFFERS = 32;
70 const unsigned int vpV4l2Grabber::FRAME_SIZE = 288;
71 #define vpCLEAR(x) memset(&(x), 0, sizeof(x))
149  : fd(-1), device(), cap(), streamparm(), inp(nullptr), std(nullptr), fmt(nullptr), ctl(nullptr), fmt_v4l2(), fmt_me(), reqbufs(),
150  buf_v4l2(nullptr), buf_me(nullptr), queue(0), waiton_cpt(0), index_buffer(0), m_verbose(false), m_nbuffers(3), field(0),
151  streaming(false), m_input(vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_INPUT), m_framerate(vpV4l2Grabber::framerate_25fps),
152  m_frameformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_FRAME_FORMAT), m_pixelformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_YUYV_FORMAT)
153 {
154  setDevice("/dev/video0");
155  setNBuffers(3);
161  init = false;
162 }
204  : fd(-1), device(), cap(), streamparm(), inp(nullptr), std(nullptr), fmt(nullptr), ctl(nullptr), fmt_v4l2(), fmt_me(), reqbufs(),
205  buf_v4l2(nullptr), buf_me(nullptr), queue(0), waiton_cpt(0), index_buffer(0), m_verbose(verbose), m_nbuffers(3), field(0),
206  streaming(false), m_input(vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_INPUT), m_framerate(vpV4l2Grabber::framerate_25fps),
207  m_frameformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_FRAME_FORMAT), m_pixelformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_YUYV_FORMAT)
208 {
209  setDevice("/dev/video0");
210  setNBuffers(3);
216  init = false;
217 }
248 vpV4l2Grabber::vpV4l2Grabber(unsigned input, unsigned scale)
249  : fd(-1), device(), cap(), streamparm(), inp(nullptr), std(nullptr), fmt(nullptr), ctl(nullptr), fmt_v4l2(), fmt_me(), reqbufs(),
250  buf_v4l2(nullptr), buf_me(nullptr), queue(0), waiton_cpt(0), index_buffer(0), m_verbose(false), m_nbuffers(3), field(0),
251  streaming(false), m_input(vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_INPUT), m_framerate(vpV4l2Grabber::framerate_25fps),
252  m_frameformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_FRAME_FORMAT), m_pixelformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_YUYV_FORMAT)
253 {
254  setDevice("/dev/video0");
255  setNBuffers(3);
257  setInput(input);
258  setScale(scale);
260  init = false;
261 }
294 vpV4l2Grabber::vpV4l2Grabber(vpImage<unsigned char> &I, unsigned input, unsigned scale)
295  : fd(-1), device(), cap(), streamparm(), inp(nullptr), std(nullptr), fmt(nullptr), ctl(nullptr), fmt_v4l2(), fmt_me(), reqbufs(),
296  buf_v4l2(nullptr), buf_me(nullptr), queue(0), waiton_cpt(0), index_buffer(0), m_verbose(false), m_nbuffers(3), field(0),
297  streaming(false), m_input(vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_INPUT), m_framerate(vpV4l2Grabber::framerate_25fps),
298  m_frameformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_FRAME_FORMAT), m_pixelformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_YUYV_FORMAT)
299 {
300  setDevice("/dev/video0");
301  setNBuffers(3);
303  setInput(input);
304  setScale(scale);
306  init = false;
308  open(I);
309 }
341 vpV4l2Grabber::vpV4l2Grabber(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, unsigned input, unsigned scale)
342  : fd(-1), device(), cap(), streamparm(), inp(nullptr), std(nullptr), fmt(nullptr), ctl(nullptr), fmt_v4l2(), fmt_me(), reqbufs(),
343  buf_v4l2(nullptr), buf_me(nullptr), queue(0), waiton_cpt(0), index_buffer(0), m_verbose(false), m_nbuffers(3), field(0),
344  streaming(false), m_input(vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_INPUT), m_framerate(vpV4l2Grabber::framerate_25fps),
345  m_frameformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_FRAME_FORMAT), m_pixelformat(vpV4l2Grabber::V4L2_YUYV_FORMAT)
346 {
347  setDevice("/dev/video0");
348  setNBuffers(3);
350  setInput(input);
351  setScale(scale);
353  init = false;
355  open(I);
356 }
368 void vpV4l2Grabber::setInput(unsigned input) { this->m_input = input; }
382 void vpV4l2Grabber::setScale(unsigned scale)
383 {
384  if ((scale < 1) || (scale > 16)) {
385  close();
387  vpERROR_TRACE("Wrong scale %d, scale should be between 1 and 16", scale);
389  }
391  setWidth(640 / scale);
392  setHeight(480 / scale);
393 }
406 {
407  open();
409  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_INPUT, &m_input) == -1) {
410  std::cout << "Warning: cannot set input channel to " << m_input << std::endl;
411  }
413  vpV4l2PixelFormatType req_pixelformat = getPixelFormat();
415  try {
416  setFormat();
418  startStreaming();
419  }
420  catch (...) {
421  if (m_verbose) {
422  std::cout << "Requested pixel format [" << req_pixelformat << "] not compatible with camera" << std::endl;
423  std::cout << "Try to found a compatible pixel format..." << std::endl;
424  }
426  // try to fing a compatible format
427  for (int format = 0; format < (int)V4L2_MAX_FORMAT; format++) {
428  if (format == req_pixelformat) {
429  continue;
430  }
431  try {
433  setFormat();
434  startStreaming();
435  if (m_verbose)
436  std::cout << "This format [" << m_pixelformat << "] is compatible with camera" << std::endl;
438  break;
439  }
440  catch (...) {
441  if (m_verbose)
442  std::cout << "This format [" << m_pixelformat << "] is not compatible with camera" << std::endl;
443  if (format == (int)V4L2_MAX_FORMAT) {
444  std::cout << "No pixel format compatible with the camera was found" << std::endl;
445  close();
448  "No pixel format compatible with the camera was found"));
449  }
450  }
451  }
452  }
454  I.resize(height, width);
456  init = true;
457 }
469 {
470  open();
472  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_INPUT, &m_input) == -1) {
473  std::cout << "Warning: cannot set input channel to " << m_input << std::endl;
474  }
476  vpV4l2PixelFormatType req_pixelformat = getPixelFormat();
478  try {
479  setFormat();
481  startStreaming();
482  }
483  catch (...) {
484  if (m_verbose) {
485  std::cout << "Requested pixel format [" << m_pixelformat << "] not compatible with camera" << std::endl;
486  std::cout << "Try to found a compatible pixel format..." << std::endl;
487  }
489  // try to fing a compatible format
490  for (int format = 0; format < (int)V4L2_MAX_FORMAT; format++) {
491  if (format == req_pixelformat) {
492  continue;
493  }
494  try {
496  setFormat();
497  startStreaming();
498  if (m_verbose)
499  std::cout << "This format [" << m_pixelformat << "] is compatible with camera" << std::endl;
501  break;
502  }
503  catch (...) {
504  if (m_verbose)
505  std::cout << "This format [" << m_pixelformat << "] is not compatible with camera" << std::endl;
506  }
507  }
508  }
510  I.resize(height, width);
512  init = true;
513 }
526 {
527  struct timeval timestamp;
528  vpRect roi;
530  acquire(I, timestamp, roi);
531 }
545 {
546  struct timeval timestamp;
548  acquire(I, timestamp, roi);
549 }
570 void vpV4l2Grabber::acquire(vpImage<unsigned char> &I, struct timeval &timestamp, const vpRect &roi)
571 {
572  if (init == false) {
573  open(I);
574  }
576  if (init == false) {
577  close();
579  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::initializationError, "V4l2 frame grabber not initialized"));
580  }
582  unsigned char *bitmap;
583  bitmap = waiton(index_buffer, timestamp);
585  if (roi == vpRect())
586  I.resize(height, width);
587  else
588  I.resize((unsigned int)roi.getHeight(), (unsigned int)roi.getWidth());
589  switch (m_pixelformat) {
590  case V4L2_GREY_FORMAT:
591  if (roi == vpRect())
592  memcpy(I.bitmap, bitmap, height * width * sizeof(unsigned char));
593  else
594  vpImageTools::crop(bitmap, width, height, roi, I);
595  break;
596  case V4L2_RGB24_FORMAT: // tested
597  if (roi == vpRect())
598  vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey((unsigned char *)bitmap, I.bitmap, width * height);
599  else {
601  vpImageConvert::RGBToGrey((unsigned char *)bitmap, tmp.bitmap, width * height);
602  vpImageTools::crop(tmp, roi, I);
603  }
604  break;
605  case V4L2_RGB32_FORMAT:
606  if (roi == vpRect())
607  vpImageConvert::RGBaToGrey((unsigned char *)bitmap, I.bitmap, width * height);
608  else {
610  vpImageConvert::RGBaToGrey((unsigned char *)bitmap, tmp.bitmap, width * height);
611  vpImageTools::crop(tmp, roi, I);
612  }
614  break;
615  case V4L2_BGR24_FORMAT: // tested
616  if (roi == vpRect())
617  vpImageConvert::BGRToGrey((unsigned char *)bitmap, I.bitmap, width, height, false);
618  else {
620  vpImageConvert::BGRToGrey((unsigned char *)bitmap, tmp.bitmap, width, height, false);
621  vpImageTools::crop(tmp, roi, I);
622  }
623  break;
624  case V4L2_YUYV_FORMAT: // tested
625  if (roi == vpRect())
626  vpImageConvert::YUYVToGrey((unsigned char *)bitmap, I.bitmap, width * height);
627  else {
629  vpImageConvert::YUYVToGrey((unsigned char *)bitmap, tmp.bitmap, width * height);
630  vpImageTools::crop(tmp, roi, I);
631  }
632  break;
633  default:
634  std::cout << "V4L2 conversion not handled" << std::endl;
635  break;
636  }
638  queueAll();
639 }
652 {
653  struct timeval timestamp;
654  vpRect roi;
656  acquire(I, timestamp, roi);
657 }
671 {
672  struct timeval timestamp;
674  acquire(I, timestamp, roi);
675 }
696 void vpV4l2Grabber::acquire(vpImage<vpRGBa> &I, struct timeval &timestamp, const vpRect &roi)
697 {
698  if (init == false) {
699  open(I);
700  }
702  if (init == false) {
703  close();
705  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::initializationError, "V4l2 frame grabber not initialized"));
706  }
708  unsigned char *bitmap;
709  bitmap = waiton(index_buffer, timestamp);
711  if (roi == vpRect())
712  I.resize(height, width);
713  else
714  I.resize((unsigned int)roi.getHeight(), (unsigned int)roi.getWidth());
716  // The framegrabber acquire aRGB format. We just shift the data from 1 byte
717  // all the data and initialize the last byte
719  switch (m_pixelformat) {
720  case V4L2_GREY_FORMAT:
721  if (roi == vpRect())
722  vpImageConvert::GreyToRGBa((unsigned char *)bitmap, (unsigned char *)I.bitmap, width * height);
723  else
724  vpImageTools::crop(bitmap, width, height, roi, I);
725  break;
726  case V4L2_RGB24_FORMAT: // tested
727  if (roi == vpRect()) {
728  vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa((unsigned char *)bitmap, (unsigned char *)I.bitmap, width * height);
729  }
730  else {
732  vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa((unsigned char *)bitmap, (unsigned char *)tmp.bitmap, width * height);
733  vpImageTools::crop(tmp, roi, I);
734  }
735  break;
736  case V4L2_RGB32_FORMAT:
737  if (roi == vpRect()) {
738  // The framegrabber acquire aRGB format. We just shift the data
739  // from 1 byte all the data and initialize the last byte
740  memcpy(static_cast<void *>(I.bitmap), static_cast<void *>(bitmap + 1), height * width * sizeof(vpRGBa) - 1);
741  I[height - 1][width - 1].A = 0;
742  }
743  else {
744  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < I.getHeight(); i++) {
745  memcpy(static_cast<void *>(I.bitmap),
746  static_cast<void *>(bitmap + 1 + (unsigned int)(roi.getTop() * width + roi.getLeft())),
747  I.getWidth() * sizeof(vpRGBa) - 1);
748  I[i][I.getWidth() - 1].A = 0;
749  }
750  }
751  break;
752  case V4L2_BGR24_FORMAT: // tested
753  if (roi == vpRect())
754  vpImageConvert::BGRToRGBa((unsigned char *)bitmap, (unsigned char *)I.bitmap, width, height, false);
755  else {
757  vpImageConvert::BGRToRGBa((unsigned char *)bitmap, (unsigned char *)tmp.bitmap, width, height, false);
758  vpImageTools::crop(tmp, roi, I);
759  }
760  break;
761  case V4L2_YUYV_FORMAT: // tested
762  if (roi == vpRect())
763  vpImageConvert::YUYVToRGBa((unsigned char *)bitmap, (unsigned char *)I.bitmap, width, height);
764  else {
766  vpImageConvert::YUYVToRGBa((unsigned char *)bitmap, (unsigned char *)tmp.bitmap, width, height);
767  vpImageTools::crop(tmp, roi, I);
768  }
769  break;
770  default:
771  std::cout << "V4l2 conversion not handled" << std::endl;
772  break;
773  }
775  queueAll();
776 }
794 {
795  if (field == 2)
796  return 0; // top field
797  else if (field == 3)
798  return 1; // bottom field;
799  else {
800  close();
802  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "V4l2 returns a bad frame field"));
803  return false;
804  }
805 }
821 {
822  this->m_framerate = framerate;
824  if (framerate == vpV4l2Grabber::framerate_25fps)
825  setFrameFormat(V4L2_IMAGE_FORMAT);
826  else
827  setFrameFormat(V4L2_FRAME_FORMAT);
828 }
845 {
846  stopStreaming();
847  streaming = false;
849  if (fd >= 0) {
850  // vpTRACE("v4l2_close()");
851  v4l2_close(fd);
852  fd = -1;
853  }
855  if (inp != nullptr) {
856  delete[] inp;
857  inp = nullptr;
858  }
859  if (std != nullptr) {
860  delete[] std;
861  std = nullptr;
862  }
863  if (fmt != nullptr) {
864  delete[] fmt;
865  fmt = nullptr;
866  }
867  if (ctl != nullptr) {
868  delete[] ctl;
869  ctl = nullptr;
870  }
871  if (buf_v4l2 != nullptr) {
872  delete[] buf_v4l2;
873  buf_v4l2 = nullptr;
874  }
875  if (buf_me != nullptr) {
876  delete[] buf_me;
877  buf_me = nullptr;
878  }
879 }
892 void vpV4l2Grabber::open()
893 {
894  /* Open Video Device */
895  struct stat st;
897  if (-1 == stat(device.c_str(), &st)) {
898  fprintf(stderr, "Cannot identify '%s': %d, %s\n", device.c_str(), errno, strerror(errno));
899  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::initializationError, "Cannot identify video device"));
900  }
902  if (!S_ISCHR(st.st_mode)) {
903  fprintf(stderr, "%s is no device\n", device.c_str());
905  }
906  fd = v4l2_open(device.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK, 0);
907  if (fd < 0) {
908  close();
910  vpERROR_TRACE("No video device \"%s\"\n", device.c_str());
911  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::initializationError, "Can't access to video device"));
912  }
914  if (inp != nullptr) {
915  delete[] inp;
916  inp = nullptr;
917  }
918  if (std != nullptr) {
919  delete[] std;
920  std = nullptr;
921  }
922  if (fmt != nullptr) {
923  delete[] fmt;
924  fmt = nullptr;
925  }
926  if (ctl != nullptr) {
927  delete[] ctl;
928  ctl = nullptr;
929  }
930  if (buf_v4l2 != nullptr) {
931  delete[] buf_v4l2;
932  buf_v4l2 = nullptr;
933  }
934  if (buf_me != nullptr) {
935  delete[] buf_me;
936  buf_me = nullptr;
937  }
939  inp = new struct v4l2_input[vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_INPUTS];
940  std = new struct v4l2_standard[vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_NORM];
941  fmt = new struct v4l2_fmtdesc[vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_FORMAT];
942  ctl = new struct v4l2_queryctrl[vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_CTRL * 2];
943  buf_v4l2 = new struct v4l2_buffer[vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_BUFFERS];
944  buf_me = new struct ng_video_buf[vpV4l2Grabber::MAX_BUFFERS];
946  /* Querry Video Device Capabilities */
947  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap) == -1) {
948  close();
949  fprintf(stderr, "%s is no V4L2 device\n", device.c_str());
950  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Is not a V4L2 device"));
951  }
952  if (m_verbose) {
953  fprintf(stdout,
954  "v4l2 info:\n"
955  " device: %s\n"
956  " %s %d.%d.%d / %s @ %s\n",
957  device.c_str(), cap.driver, (cap.version >> 16) & 0xff, (cap.version >> 8) & 0xff, cap.version & 0xff,
958  cap.card, cap.bus_info);
959  if (cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_OVERLAY)
960  fprintf(stdout, " Support overlay\n");
961  else
962  fprintf(stdout, " Does not support overlay\n");
963  if (cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_VIDEO_CAPTURE)
964  fprintf(stdout, " Support capture\n");
965  else
966  fprintf(stdout, " Does not support capture\n");
967  if (cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_TUNER)
968  fprintf(stdout, " Support tuning\n");
969  else
970  fprintf(stdout, " Does not support tuning\n");
971  if (cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_STREAMING)
972  fprintf(stdout, " Support streaming capture.\n");
973  else
974  fprintf(stdout, " Does not support streaming capture\n");
975  if (cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_ASYNCIO)
976  fprintf(stdout, " Support asynchronous I/O methods\n");
977  else
978  fprintf(stdout, " Does not support asynchronous I/O methods\n");
979  if (cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_TIMEPERFRAME)
980  fprintf(stdout, " Support time per frame field\n");
981  else
982  fprintf(stdout, " Does not support time per frame field\n");
983  // Get framerate
984  streamparm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
985  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_G_PARM, &streamparm) != -1) {
986  fprintf(stdout, " Current acquisition framerate: %d fps\n", streamparm.parm.output.timeperframe.denominator);
987  }
988  }
990  getCapabilities();
991 }
999 void vpV4l2Grabber::getCapabilities()
1000 {
1001  for (__u32 ninputs = 0; ninputs < MAX_INPUTS; ninputs++) {
1002  inp[ninputs].index = ninputs;
1003  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUMINPUT, &inp[ninputs]))
1004  break;
1005  }
1006  for (__u32 nstds = 0; nstds < MAX_NORM; nstds++) {
1007  std[nstds].index = nstds;
1008  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUMSTD, &std[nstds]))
1009  break;
1010  }
1011  for (__u32 nfmts = 0; nfmts < MAX_FORMAT; nfmts++) {
1012  fmt[nfmts].index = nfmts;
1013  fmt[nfmts].type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
1014  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_ENUM_FMT, &fmt[nfmts]))
1015  break;
1016  }
1018  streamparm.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
1019  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_G_PARM, &streamparm) == -1) {
1020  close();
1022  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't get video parameters"));
1023  }
1024 }
1039 void vpV4l2Grabber::setFormat()
1040 {
1041  fmt_me.width = width;
1042  fmt_me.height = height;
1043  // fmt_me.bytesperline = width; // bad (normally width * depth / 8), but
1044  // works
1045  // because initialized later by an ioctl call to VIDIOC_S_FMT
1047  switch (m_pixelformat) {
1048  case V4L2_GREY_FORMAT:
1049  fmt_me.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY;
1050  if (m_verbose)
1051  fprintf(stdout, "v4l2: new capture params (V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY)\n");
1052  break;
1053  case V4L2_RGB24_FORMAT:
1054  fmt_me.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24;
1055  if (m_verbose)
1056  fprintf(stdout, "v4l2: new capture params (V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24)\n");
1057  break;
1058  case V4L2_RGB32_FORMAT:
1059  fmt_me.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB32;
1060  if (m_verbose)
1061  fprintf(stdout, "v4l2: new capture params (V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB32)\n");
1062  break;
1063  case V4L2_BGR24_FORMAT:
1064  fmt_me.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_BGR24;
1065  if (m_verbose)
1066  fprintf(stdout, "v4l2: new capture params (V4L2_PIX_FMT_BGR24)\n");
1067  break;
1068  case V4L2_YUYV_FORMAT:
1069  fmt_me.pixelformat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV;
1070  if (m_verbose)
1071  fprintf(stdout, "v4l2: new capture params (V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUYV)\n");
1072  break;
1074  default:
1075  close();
1077  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::settingError, "Bad format, probably do to a wrong scale"));
1078  }
1080  /* Get Video Format */
1081  vpCLEAR(fmt_v4l2);
1083  fmt_v4l2.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
1085  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_G_FMT, &fmt_v4l2) == -1) {
1086  close();
1088  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't get video format"));
1089  }
1090  fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.pixelformat = fmt_me.pixelformat;
1091  fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.width = fmt_me.width;
1092  fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.height = fmt_me.height;
1093  // printf("1 - w: %d h: %d\n", fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.width,
1094  // fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.height);
1096  switch (m_frameformat) {
1097  case V4L2_FRAME_FORMAT:
1098  fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.field = V4L2_FIELD_ALTERNATE;
1099  if (m_verbose) {
1100  fprintf(stdout, "v4l2: new capture params (V4L2_FIELD_ALTERNATE)\n");
1101  }
1102  break;
1103  case V4L2_IMAGE_FORMAT:
1104  fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.field = V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED;
1105  if (m_verbose) {
1106  fprintf(stdout, "v4l2: new capture params (V4L2_FIELD_INTERLACED)\n");
1107  }
1108  break;
1109  default:
1110  close();
1112  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Unrecognized frame format"));
1113  }
1115  // height and width of the captured image or frame
1116  if (m_frameformat == V4L2_FRAME_FORMAT && height > FRAME_SIZE) {
1117  height = FRAME_SIZE;
1118  }
1119  // printf("2 - w: %d h: %d\n", fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.width,
1120  // fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.height);
1122  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_FMT, &fmt_v4l2) == -1) {
1123  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't set video format"));
1124  }
1126  if (fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.pixelformat != fmt_me.pixelformat) {
1128  }
1130  /* Buggy driver paranoia. */
1131  unsigned int min = fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.width * 2;
1132  if (fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.bytesperline < min)
1133  fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.bytesperline = min;
1134  min = fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.bytesperline * fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.height;
1135  if (fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.sizeimage < min)
1136  fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.sizeimage = min;
1138  fmt_me.width = fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.width;
1139  fmt_me.height = fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.height;
1140  fmt_me.bytesperline = fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.bytesperline;
1142  if (m_verbose) {
1143  fprintf(stdout,
1144  "v4l2: new capture params (%ux%u, %c%c%c%c, %d byte, %d bytes "
1145  "per line)\n",
1146  fmt_me.width, fmt_me.height, fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.pixelformat & 0xff,
1147  (fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 8) & 0xff, (fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 16) & 0xff,
1148  (fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.pixelformat >> 24) & 0xff, fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.sizeimage, fmt_v4l2.fmt.pix.bytesperline);
1149  }
1150 }
1159 void vpV4l2Grabber::startStreaming()
1160 {
1161  if (streaming == true) { // Acquisition in process.
1162  stopStreaming();
1163  streaming = false;
1164  }
1166  /* setup buffers */
1167  memset(&(reqbufs), 0, sizeof(reqbufs));
1168  reqbufs.count = m_nbuffers;
1169  reqbufs.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
1170  reqbufs.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
1172  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_REQBUFS, &reqbufs) == -1) {
1173  if (EINVAL == errno) {
1174  fprintf(stderr,
1175  "%s does not support "
1176  "memory mapping\n",
1177  device.c_str());
1178  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Does not support memory mapping"));
1179  }
1180  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't require video buffers"));
1181  }
1183  for (unsigned i = 0; i < reqbufs.count; i++) {
1184  // Clear the buffer
1185  memset(&(buf_v4l2[i]), 0, sizeof(buf_v4l2[i]));
1186  buf_v4l2[i].index = i;
1187  buf_v4l2[i].type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
1188  buf_v4l2[i].memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
1189  buf_v4l2[i].length = 0;
1190  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYBUF, &buf_v4l2[i]) == -1) {
1191  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't query video buffers"));
1192  }
1193  memcpy(&buf_me[i].fmt, &fmt_me, sizeof(ng_video_fmt));
1194  buf_me[i].size = buf_me[i].fmt.bytesperline * buf_me[i].fmt.height;
1196  buf_me[i].data = (unsigned char *)v4l2_mmap(nullptr, buf_v4l2[i].length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd,
1197  (off_t)buf_v4l2[i].m.offset);
1199  if (buf_me[i].data == MAP_FAILED) {
1201  }
1203  buf_me[i].refcount = 0;
1205  if (m_verbose)
1206  printBufInfo(buf_v4l2[i]);
1207  }
1209  /* queue up all buffers */
1210  queueAll();
1212  /* Set video stream capture on */
1213  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMON, &fmt_v4l2.type) < 0) {
1214  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't start streaming"));
1215  }
1217  streaming = true;
1218 }
1226 void vpV4l2Grabber::stopStreaming()
1227 {
1228  // nothing to do if (fd < 0) or if (streaming == false)
1229  if ((fd >= 0) && (streaming == true)) {
1231  // vpTRACE(" Stop the streaming...");
1232  /* stop capture */
1233  fmt_v4l2.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
1234  if (v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_STREAMOFF, &fmt_v4l2.type)) {
1235  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't stop streaming"));
1236  }
1237  /* free buffers */
1238  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < reqbufs.count; i++) {
1239  if (m_verbose)
1240  printBufInfo(buf_v4l2[i]);
1241  // vpTRACE("v4l2_munmap()");
1243  if (-1 == v4l2_munmap(buf_me[i].data, buf_me[i].size)) {
1244  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't unmap memory"));
1245  }
1246  }
1247  queue = 0;
1248  waiton_cpt = 0;
1249  streaming = false;
1250  }
1251 }
1266 unsigned char *vpV4l2Grabber::waiton(__u32 &index, struct timeval &timestamp)
1267 {
1268  struct v4l2_buffer buf;
1269  struct timeval tv;
1270  fd_set rdset;
1272  /* wait for the next frame */
1273 again:
1275  tv.tv_sec = 30;
1276  tv.tv_usec = 0;
1277  FD_ZERO(&rdset);
1278  FD_SET(static_cast<unsigned int>(fd), &rdset);
1279  switch (select(fd + 1, &rdset, nullptr, nullptr, &tv)) {
1280  case -1:
1281  if (EINTR == errno)
1282  goto again;
1283  index = 0;
1284  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't access to the frame"));
1285  return nullptr;
1286  case 0:
1287  index = 0;
1288  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "Can't access to the frame: timeout"));
1289  return nullptr;
1290  }
1292  /* get it */
1293  memset(&buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
1294  buf.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE;
1295  buf.memory = V4L2_MEMORY_MMAP;
1296  if (-1 == v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_DQBUF, &buf)) {
1297  index = 0;
1298  switch (errno) {
1299  case EAGAIN:
1300  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "VIDIOC_DQBUF: EAGAIN"));
1301  break;
1302  case EINVAL:
1303  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "VIDIOC_DQBUF: EINVAL"));
1304  break;
1305  case ENOMEM:
1306  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "VIDIOC_DQBUF: ENOMEM"));
1307  break;
1308  default:
1310  break;
1311  }
1312  return nullptr;
1313  }
1315  waiton_cpt++;
1316  buf_v4l2[buf.index] = buf;
1318  index = buf.index;
1320  field = buf_v4l2[index].field;
1322  timestamp = buf_v4l2[index].timestamp;
1324  // if(m_verbose)
1325  // {
1326  // vpERROR_TRACE("field: %d\n", buf_v4l2[index].field);
1328  // vpERROR_TRACE("data adress : 0x%p\n", buf_me[buf.index].data);
1329  // }
1330  return buf_me[buf.index].data;
1331 }
1338 int vpV4l2Grabber::queueBuffer()
1339 {
1340  unsigned int frame = queue % reqbufs.count;
1341  int rc;
1343  if (0 != buf_me[frame].refcount) {
1344  if (0 != queue - waiton_cpt)
1345  return -1;
1346  fprintf(stderr, "v4l2: waiting for a free buffer..............\n");
1347  // ng_waiton_video_buf(h->buf_me+frame);
1348  std::cout << "Normalement call ng_waiton_video_buf(buf_me+frame); --------\n";
1349  }
1351  // std::cout << "frame: " << frame << std::endl;
1352  rc = v4l2_ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QBUF, &buf_v4l2[frame]);
1353  if (0 == rc)
1354  queue++;
1355  else {
1356  switch (errno) {
1357  case EAGAIN:
1358  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "VIDIOC_QBUF: EAGAIN"));
1359  break;
1360  case EINVAL:
1361  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "VIDIOC_QBUF: EINVAL"));
1362  break;
1363  case ENOMEM:
1364  throw(vpFrameGrabberException(vpFrameGrabberException::otherError, "VIDIOC_QBUF: ENOMEM"));
1365  break;
1366  default:
1368  break;
1369  }
1370  }
1371  return rc;
1372 }
1379 void vpV4l2Grabber::queueAll()
1380 {
1381  for (;;) {
1382  if (queue - waiton_cpt >= reqbufs.count) {
1383  return;
1384  }
1385  if (0 != queueBuffer()) {
1386  return;
1387  }
1388  }
1389 }
1396 void vpV4l2Grabber::printBufInfo(struct v4l2_buffer buf)
1397 {
1398  std::string type;
1400  switch (buf.type) {
1402  type = "video-cap";
1403  break;
1405  type = "video-over";
1406  break;
1408  type = "video-out";
1409  break;
1411  type = "vbi-cap";
1412  break;
1413  case V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VBI_OUTPUT:
1414  type = "vbi-out";
1415  break;
1416  default:
1417  type = "unknown";
1418  break;
1419  }
1421  fprintf(stdout, "v4l2: buf %d: type %d (%s) ad: 0x%lx offset 0x%x+%d (=0x%x),used %d\n", buf.index, buf.type,
1422  type.c_str(), buf.m.userptr, buf.m.offset, buf.length, buf.length, buf.bytesused);
1423 }
1446 {
1447  this->acquire(I);
1448  return *this;
1449 }
1472 {
1473  this->acquire(I);
1474  return *this;
1475 }
1477 #elif !defined(VISP_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS)
1478 // Work around to avoid warning: libvisp_sensor.a(vpV4l2Grabber.cpp.o) has no symbols
1479 void dummy_vpV4l2Grabber() { };
1480 #endif
Error that can be emitted by the vpFrameGrabber class and its derivates.
@ settingError
Grabber settings error.
@ initializationError
Grabber initialization error.
@ otherError
Grabber returned an other error.
unsigned int height
Number of rows in the image.
bool init
Set to true if the frame grabber has been initialized.
unsigned int width
Number of columns in the image.
static void YUYVToGrey(unsigned char *yuyv, unsigned char *grey, unsigned int size)
static void YUYVToRGBa(unsigned char *yuyv, unsigned char *rgba, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
static void GreyToRGBa(unsigned char *grey, unsigned char *rgba, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
static void RGBToGrey(unsigned char *rgb, unsigned char *grey, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool flip=false)
static void RGBaToGrey(unsigned char *rgba, unsigned char *grey, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, unsigned int nThreads=0)
static void RGBToRGBa(unsigned char *rgb, unsigned char *rgba, unsigned int size)
static void BGRToGrey(unsigned char *bgr, unsigned char *grey, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool flip=false, unsigned int nThreads=0)
static void BGRToRGBa(unsigned char *bgr, unsigned char *rgba, unsigned int width, unsigned int height, bool flip=false)
static void crop(const vpImage< Type > &I, double roi_top, double roi_left, unsigned int roi_height, unsigned int roi_width, vpImage< Type > &crop, unsigned int v_scale=1, unsigned int h_scale=1)
Definition: vpImageTools.h:315
unsigned int getWidth() const
Definition: vpImage.h:242
void resize(unsigned int h, unsigned int w)
resize the image : Image initialization
Definition: vpImage.h:544
Type * bitmap
points toward the bitmap
Definition: vpImage.h:135
unsigned int getHeight() const
Definition: vpImage.h:181
Definition: vpRGBa.h:70
Defines a rectangle in the plane.
Definition: vpRect.h:79
double getWidth() const
Definition: vpRect.h:227
double getLeft() const
Definition: vpRect.h:173
double getHeight() const
Definition: vpRect.h:166
double getTop() const
Definition: vpRect.h:192
Class that is a wrapper over the Video4Linux2 (V4L2) driver.
@ framerate_25fps
25 frames per second
void setWidth(unsigned w)
static const __u32 MAX_NORM
void setFramerate(vpV4l2FramerateType framerate)
vpV4l2Grabber & operator>>(vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static const unsigned int MAX_CTRL
static const unsigned int MAX_BUFFERS
static const __u32 MAX_INPUTS
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_INPUT
vpV4l2PixelFormatType getPixelFormat()
static const unsigned int FRAME_SIZE
static const unsigned int DEFAULT_SCALE
void setInput(unsigned input=vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_INPUT)
static const __u32 MAX_FORMAT
void open(vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
void setScale(unsigned scale=vpV4l2Grabber::DEFAULT_SCALE)
void setHeight(unsigned h)
virtual ~vpV4l2Grabber()
void setPixelFormat(vpV4l2PixelFormatType pixelformat)
void setNBuffers(unsigned nbuffers)
vpV4l2FramerateType getFramerate()
void setDevice(const std::string &devname)
void acquire(vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
#define vpERROR_TRACE
Definition: vpDebug.h:409