Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-17)
1 /*
2  * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
3  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2024 by Inria. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
10  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
11  *
12  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
13  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
14  * Edition License.
15  *
16  * See for more information.
17  *
18  * This software was developed at:
19  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
20  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
21  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
22  * France
23  *
24  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
25  * Inria at
26  *
27  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
29  */
31 #include <visp3/rbt/vpRBTracker.h>
34 #include VISP_NLOHMANN_JSON(json.hpp)
35 #endif
37 #include <visp3/core/vpExponentialMap.h>
38 #include <visp3/core/vpIoTools.h>
40 #include <visp3/ar/vpPanda3DRendererSet.h>
41 #include <visp3/ar/vpPanda3DGeometryRenderer.h>
42 #include <visp3/ar/vpPanda3DRGBRenderer.h>
44 #include <visp3/rbt/vpRBFeatureTrackerFactory.h>
45 #include <visp3/rbt/vpRBDriftDetectorFactory.h>
46 #include <visp3/rbt/vpObjectMaskFactory.h>
47 #include <visp3/rbt/vpRBVisualOdometry.h>
48 #include <visp3/rbt/vpRBInitializationHelper.h>
53  m_firstIteration(true), m_trackers(0), m_lambda(1.0), m_vvsIterations(10), m_muInit(0.0), m_muIterFactor(0.5),
54  m_renderer(m_rendererSettings), m_imageHeight(480), m_imageWidth(640), m_verbose(false)
55 {
59  m_driftDetector = nullptr;
60  m_mask = nullptr;
61  m_odometry = nullptr;
62 }
65 {
66  cMo = m_cMo;
67 }
70 {
71  m_cMo = cMo;
72  m_cMoPrev = cMo;
74 }
77 {
78  vpMatrix sumInvs(6, 6, 0.0);
79  double sumWeights = 0.0;
80  for (const std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker: m_trackers) {
81  if (tracker->getNumFeatures() == 0) {
82  continue;
83  }
84  tracker->updateCovariance(m_lambda);
85  vpMatrix trackerCov = tracker->getCovariance();
86  double trackerWeight = tracker->getVVSTrackerWeight();
87  if (trackerCov.getRows() != 6 || trackerCov.getCols() != 6) {
89  "Expected tracker pose covariance to have dimensions 6x6, but got %dx%d",
90  trackerCov.getRows(), trackerCov.getCols());
91  }
93  sumInvs += (trackerWeight * trackerCov.pseudoInverse());
94  sumWeights += trackerWeight;
95  }
96  return sumWeights * sumInvs.pseudoInverse();
97 }
101 void vpRBTracker::setCameraParameters(const vpCameraParameters &cam, unsigned h, unsigned w)
102 {
103  if (cam.get_projModel() != vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType::perspectiveProjWithoutDistortion) {
105  "Camera model cannot have distortion. Undistort images before tracking and use the undistorted camera model");
106  }
107  if (h == 0 || w == 0) {
108  throw vpException(
110  "Image dimensions must be greater than 0"
111  );
112  }
113  m_cam = cam;
114  m_imageHeight = h;
115  m_imageWidth = w;
119 }
122 {
123  m_depthSilhouetteSettings = settings;
124 }
127 {
128  m_firstIteration = true;
129 }
131 void vpRBTracker::setModelPath(const std::string &path)
132 {
133  m_modelPath = path;
134 }
136 void vpRBTracker::setupRenderer(const std::string &file)
137 {
138  if (!vpIoTools::checkFilename(file)) {
139  throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "3D model file %s could not be found", file.c_str());
140  }
142  const std::shared_ptr<vpPanda3DGeometryRenderer> geometryRenderer = std::make_shared<vpPanda3DGeometryRenderer>(
143  vpPanda3DGeometryRenderer::vpRenderType::OBJECT_NORMALS);
144  m_renderer.addSubRenderer(geometryRenderer);
146  bool requiresSilhouetteShader = false;
147  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker: m_trackers) {
148  if (tracker->requiresSilhouetteCandidates()) {
149  requiresSilhouetteShader = true;
150  break;
151  }
152  }
153  if (requiresSilhouetteShader) {
154  m_renderer.addSubRenderer(std::make_shared<vpPanda3DDepthCannyFilter>(
155  "depthCanny", geometryRenderer, true, 0.0));
156  }
158  m_renderer.addLight(vpPanda3DAmbientLight("ambient", vpRGBf(0.4f)));
160  m_renderer.setFocusedObject("object");
161 }
164 {
165  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> tracker : m_trackers) {
166  if (tracker->requiresDepth() || tracker->requiresRGB()) {
167  throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "Some tracked features require RGB or depth features");
168  }
169  }
170  checkDimensionsOrThrow(I, "grayscale");
171  vpRBFeatureTrackerInput frameInput;
172  frameInput.I = I;
173 = m_cam;
174  track(frameInput);
175 }
178 {
179  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
180  if (tracker->requiresDepth()) {
181  throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "Some tracked features require depth features");
182  }
183  }
184  checkDimensionsOrThrow(I, "grayscale");
185  checkDimensionsOrThrow(IRGB, "color");
186  vpRBFeatureTrackerInput frameInput;
187  frameInput.I = I;
188  frameInput.IRGB = IRGB;
189 = m_cam;
190  track(frameInput);
191 }
194 {
196 }
199 {
200  checkDimensionsOrThrow(I, "grayscale");
201  checkDimensionsOrThrow(IRGB, "color");
202  checkDimensionsOrThrow(depth, "depth");
203  vpRBFeatureTrackerInput frameInput;
204  frameInput.I = I;
205  frameInput.IRGB = IRGB;
206  frameInput.depth = depth;
207 = m_cam;
208  track(frameInput);
209 }
212 {
213  m_logger.reset();
216  updateRender(input);
219  if (m_firstIteration) {
220  m_firstIteration = false;
221  m_previousFrame.I = input.I;
222  m_previousFrame.IRGB = input.IRGB;
223  }
226  if (m_mask) {
227  m_mask->updateMask(input, m_previousFrame, input.mask);
228  }
231  bool requiresSilhouetteCandidates = false;
232  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
233  if (tracker->requiresSilhouetteCandidates()) {
234  requiresSilhouetteCandidates = true;
235  break;
236  }
237  }
240  if (requiresSilhouetteCandidates) {
241  const vpHomogeneousMatrix cTcp = m_cMo * m_cMoPrev.inverse();
243  input.renders.silhouetteCanny, input.renders.isSilhouette,, cTcp);
244  if (input.silhouettePoints.size() == 0) {
245  throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "Could not extract silhouette from depth canny: Object may not be in image");
246  }
247  }
249  if (m_odometry) {
251  m_odometry->compute(input, m_previousFrame);
252  vpHomogeneousMatrix cnTc = m_odometry->getCameraMotion();
253  m_cMo = cnTc * m_cMo;
254  updateRender(input);
256  if (requiresSilhouetteCandidates) {
257  const vpHomogeneousMatrix cTcp = m_cMo * m_cMoPrev.inverse();
260  input.renders.silhouetteCanny, input.renders.isSilhouette,, cTcp);
261  if (input.silhouettePoints.size() == 0) {
262  throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "Could not extract silhouette from depth canny: Object may not be in image");
263  }
264  }
265  }
269  int id = 0;
270  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
272  tracker->onTrackingIterStart();
274  id += 1;
275  }
276  id = 0;
277  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
279  try {
280  tracker->extractFeatures(input, m_previousFrame, m_cMo);
281  }
282  catch (vpException &e) {
283  std::cerr << "Tracker " << id << " raised an exception in extractFeatures" << std::endl;
284  throw e;
285  }
287  id += 1;
288  }
289  id = 0;
290  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
292  try {
293  tracker->trackFeatures(input, m_previousFrame, m_cMo);
294  }
295  catch (vpException &e) {
296  std::cerr << "Tracker " << id << " raised an exception in trackFeatures" << std::endl;
297  throw e;
298  }
300  id += 1;
301  }
305  id = 0;
306  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
308  tracker->initVVS(input, m_previousFrame, m_cMo);
310  //std::cout << "Tracker " << id << " has " << tracker->getNumFeatures() << " features" << std::endl;
311  id += 1;
312  }
314  m_cMoPrev = m_cMo;
315  double bestError = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
316  vpHomogeneousMatrix best_cMo = m_cMo;
317  double mu = m_muInit;
318  for (unsigned int iter = 0; iter < m_vvsIterations; ++iter) {
319  id = 0;
320  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
322  try {
323  tracker->computeVVSIter(input, m_cMo, iter);
324  }
325  catch (vpException &) {
326  std::cerr << "Tracker " << id << " raised an exception in computeVVSIter" << std::endl;
327  throw;
328  }
330  id += 1;
331  }
334  bool converged = true;
335  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
336  if (!tracker->vvsHasConverged()) {
337  converged = false;
338  break;
339  }
340  }
341  if (converged) {
342  break;
343  }
345  vpMatrix LTL(6, 6, 0.0);
346  vpColVector LTR(6, 0.0);
347  double error = 0.f;
348  unsigned int numFeatures = 0;
350  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
351  if (tracker->getNumFeatures() > 0) {
352  numFeatures += tracker->getNumFeatures();
353  const double weight = tracker->getVVSTrackerWeight();
354  LTL += weight * tracker->getLTL();
355  LTR += weight * tracker->getLTR();
356  error += (weight * tracker->getWeightedError()).sumSquare();
357  //std::cout << "Error = " << (weight * tracker->getWeightedError()).sumSquare() << std::endl;
358  }
359  }
361  if (numFeatures >= 6) {
363  if (error < bestError) {
364  bestError = error;
365  best_cMo = m_cMo;
366  }
368  vpMatrix H(6, 6);
369  H.eye(6);
370  try {
371  vpColVector v = -m_lambda * ((LTL + mu * H).pseudoInverse(LTL.getRows() * std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon()) * LTR);
373  }
374  catch (vpException &) {
375  std::cerr << "Could not compute pseudo inverse" << std::endl;
376  }
377  mu *= m_muIterFactor;
378  }
379  else {
380  return;
381  }
382  }
384  //m_cMo = best_cMo;
386  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
387  tracker->onTrackingIterEnd();
388  }
389  //m_cMo = m_kalman.filter(m_cMo, 1.0 / 20.0);
390  if (m_currentFrame.I.getSize() == 0) {
391  m_currentFrame = input;
392  m_previousFrame = input;
393  }
394  else {
395  m_previousFrame = std::move(m_currentFrame);
396  m_currentFrame = std::move(input);
397  }
399  if (m_driftDetector) {
401  }
403  if (m_verbose) {
404  std::cout << m_logger << std::endl;
405  }
406 }
409 {
412  frame.renders.cMo = m_cMo;
414  // Update clipping distances
419  float clipNear, clipFar;
420  m_renderer.computeClipping(clipNear, clipFar);
421  frame.renders.zNear = std::max(0.001f, clipNear);
422  frame.renders.zFar = clipFar;
426  bool shouldRenderSilhouette = m_renderer.getRenderer<vpPanda3DDepthCannyFilter>() != nullptr;
427  if (shouldRenderSilhouette) {
428  // For silhouette extraction, update depth difference threshold
429  double thresholdValue = m_depthSilhouetteSettings.getThreshold();
431  m_renderer.getRenderer<vpPanda3DDepthCannyFilter>()->setEdgeThreshold((frame.renders.zFar - frame.renders.zNear) * thresholdValue);
432  }
433  else {
434  m_renderer.getRenderer<vpPanda3DDepthCannyFilter>()->setEdgeThreshold(thresholdValue);
435  }
436  }
438  // Call Panda renderer
443  // Extract data from Panda textures
445 #pragma omp parallel sections
446 #endif
448  {
450 #pragma omp section
451 #endif
452  {
454  frame.renders.normals,
455  frame.renders.depth,
456  frame.renders.boundingBox,
458  }
460 #pragma omp section
461 #endif
462  {
463  if (shouldRenderSilhouette) {
465  frame.renders.silhouetteCanny,
466  frame.renders.isSilhouette,
467  frame.renders.boundingBox,
469  }
470  }
471  // #pragma omp section
472  // {
473  // vpImage<vpRGBa> renders.color;
474  // m_renderer.getRenderer<vpPanda3DRGBRenderer>()->getRender(renders.color);
475  // m_renderer.placeRendernto(renders.color, frame.renders.color, vpRGBa(0));
476  // }
477  }
479 }
480 std::vector<vpRBSilhouettePoint> vpRBTracker::extractSilhouettePoints(
481  const vpImage<vpRGBf> &Inorm, const vpImage<float> &Idepth,
482  const vpImage<vpRGBf> &silhouetteCanny, const vpImage<unsigned char> &Ivalid,
483  const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cTcp)
484 {
485  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>> candidates =
488  std::vector<vpRBSilhouettePoint> points;
489  vpColVector norm(3);
491  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < candidates.size(); ++i) {
492  unsigned int n = candidates[i].first, m = candidates[i].second;
493  double theta = silhouetteCanny[n][m].B;
494  if (std::isnan(theta)) {
495  continue;
496  }
498  norm[0] = Inorm[n][m].R;
499  norm[1] = Inorm[n][m].G;
500  norm[2] = Inorm[n][m].B;
501  const double l = std::sqrt(norm[0] * norm[0] + norm[1] * norm[1] + norm[2] * norm[2]);
503  if (l > 1e-1) {
504  const double Z = Idepth[n][m];
505  //bool noNeighbor = true;
506  // double nx = cos(theta);
507  // double ny = sin(theta);
508  // const double Zn = Idepth[static_cast<unsigned int>(round(n + ny * 1))][static_cast<unsigned int>(round(m + nx * 2))];
509 #if defined(VISP_DEBUG_RB_TRACKER)
510  if (fabs(theta) > M_PI + 1e-6) {
511  throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "Theta expected to be in -Pi, Pi range but was not");
512  }
513 #endif
514  points.push_back(vpRBSilhouettePoint(n, m, norm, theta, Z));
515  // if (Zn > 0) {
516  // theta = -theta;
517  // }
518  // Code to filter when two edges are too close and should not be used
519  // for (unsigned int normalOffset = 1; normalOffset <= 3; ++normalOffset) {
520  // unsigned char offY = static_cast<unsigned char>(round(n + normalOffset * ny));
521  // unsigned char offX = static_cast<unsigned char>(round(m + normalOffset * nx));
522  // unsigned char negOffY = static_cast<unsigned char>(round(n - normalOffset * ny));
523  // unsigned char negOffX = static_cast<unsigned char>(round(m - normalOffset * nx));
524  // if (offY == n || offX == m || negOffY == n||negOffX == m) {
525  // continue;
526  // }
528  // if (Ivalid(offY, offX) || Ivalid(negOffY, negOffX)) {
529  // noNeighbor = false;
530  // // std::cout << (unsigned int)(Ivalid(n + normalOffset * ny, m + normalOffset * nx)) << std::endl;
531  // break;
532  // }
533  // }
534  // if (noNeighbor) {
535  // points.push_back(vpRBSilhouettePoint(n, m, norm, theta, Z));
536  // }
537  }
538  }
540  return points;
541 }
543 void vpRBTracker::addTracker(std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> tracker)
544 {
545  if (tracker == nullptr) {
546  throw vpException(vpException::badValue, "Adding tracker: tracker cannot be null");
547  }
548  m_trackers.push_back(tracker);
549 }
552 {
553  if (m_mask) {
554  m_mask->display(m_currentFrame.mask, Imask);
555  }
556 }
559 {
560  if (m_currentFrame.renders.normals.getSize() == 0) {
561  return;
562  }
565  for (std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> &tracker : m_trackers) {
566  if (tracker->featuresShouldBeDisplayed()) {
567  tracker->display(, I, IRGB, depth);
568  }
569  }
571  if (m_driftDetector) {
572  m_driftDetector->display(IRGB);
573  }
574 }
577 {
578  return m_renderer;
579 }
581 #if defined(VISP_HAVE_NLOHMANN_JSON)
582 void vpRBTracker::loadConfigurationFile(const std::string &filename)
583 {
584  std::ifstream jsonFile(filename);
585  if (!jsonFile.good()) {
586  throw vpException(vpException::ioError, "Could not read from settings file " + filename + " to initialize the RBTracker");
587  }
588  nlohmann::json settings;
589  try {
590  settings = nlohmann::json::parse(jsonFile);
591  }
592  catch (nlohmann::json::parse_error &e) {
593  std::stringstream msg;
594  msg << "Could not parse JSON file : \n";
595  msg << e.what() << std::endl;
596  msg << "Byte position of error: " << e.byte;
597  throw vpException(vpException::ioError, msg.str());
598  }
599  loadConfiguration(settings);
600  jsonFile.close();
601 }
603 void vpRBTracker::loadConfiguration(const nlohmann::json &j)
604 {
605  m_firstIteration = true;
606  const nlohmann::json verboseSettings ="verbose");
607  m_verbose = verboseSettings.value("enabled", m_verbose);
609  const nlohmann::json cameraSettings ="camera");
610  m_cam ="intrinsics");
611  m_imageHeight = cameraSettings.value("height", m_imageHeight);
612  m_imageWidth = cameraSettings.value("width", m_imageWidth);
615  if (j.contains("model")) {
616  setModelPath("model"));
617  }
619  const nlohmann::json vvsSettings ="vvs");
620  setMaxOptimizationIters(vvsSettings.value("maxIterations", m_vvsIterations));
621  setOptimizationGain(vvsSettings.value("gain", m_lambda));
622  setOptimizationInitialMu(vvsSettings.value("mu", m_muInit));
623  setOptimizationMuIterFactor(vvsSettings.value("muIterFactor", m_muIterFactor));
625  m_depthSilhouetteSettings ="silhouetteExtractionSettings");
627  m_trackers.clear();
628  const nlohmann::json features ="features");
630  for (const nlohmann::json &trackerSettings: features) {
631  std::shared_ptr<vpRBFeatureTracker> tracker = featureFactory.buildFromJson(trackerSettings);
632  if (tracker == nullptr) {
633  throw vpException(
635  "Cannot instantiate subtracker with the current settings, make sure that the type is registered. Settings: %s",
636  trackerSettings.dump(2).c_str()
637  );
638  }
639  m_trackers.push_back(tracker);
640  }
642  if (j.contains("mask")) {
644  const nlohmann::json maskSettings ="mask");
645  m_mask = maskFactory.buildFromJson(maskSettings);
646  if (m_mask == nullptr) {
647  throw vpException(
649  "Cannot instantiate object mask with the current settings, make sure that the type is registered. Settings: %s",
650  maskSettings.dump(2).c_str());
651  }
652  }
653  if (j.contains("drift")) {
655  const nlohmann::json driftSettings ="drift");
656  m_driftDetector = factory.buildFromJson(driftSettings);
657  if (m_driftDetector == nullptr) {
658  throw vpException(
660  "Cannot instantiate drift detection with the current settings, make sure that the type is registered in the factory"
661  );
662  }
663  }
664 }
665 #endif
668 void vpRBTracker::initClick(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, const std::string &initFile, bool displayHelp)
669 {
670  vpRBInitializationHelper initializer;
671  initializer.setCameraParameters(m_cam);
672  initializer.initClick(I, initFile, displayHelp);
673  m_cMo = initializer.getPose();
674 }
675 #endif
unsigned int getCols() const
Definition: vpArray2D.h:417
unsigned int getRows() const
Definition: vpArray2D.h:427
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters.
vpCameraParametersProjType get_projModel() const
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:191
std::shared_ptr< T > buildFromJson(const nlohmann::json &j)
error that can be emitted by ViSP classes.
Definition: vpException.h:60
@ ioError
I/O error.
Definition: vpException.h:67
@ badValue
Used to indicate that a value is not in the allowed range.
Definition: vpException.h:73
@ dimensionError
Bad dimension.
Definition: vpException.h:71
static vpHomogeneousMatrix direct(const vpColVector &v)
Implementation of an homogeneous matrix and operations on such kind of matrices.
vpHomogeneousMatrix inverse() const
void resize(unsigned int h, unsigned int w)
resize the image : Image initialization
Definition: vpImage.h:544
unsigned int getSize() const
Definition: vpImage.h:221
static bool checkFilename(const std::string &filename)
Definition: vpIoTools.cpp:786
Implementation of a matrix and operations on matrices.
Definition: vpMatrix.h:169
vpMatrix pseudoInverse(double svThreshold=1e-6) const
Single object focused renderer.
void computeClipping(float &nearV, float &farV)
virtual void setRenderParameters(const vpPanda3DRenderParameters &params) VP_OVERRIDE
Set new rendering parameters. If the scene has already been initialized, the renderer camera is updat...
void setFocusedObject(const std::string &focused)
A factory that can be used to create Object segmentation algorithms from JSON data.
static vpObjectMaskFactory & getFactory()
Class representing an ambient light.
NodePath loadObject(const std::string &nodeName, const std::string &modelPath)
Load a 3D object. To load an .obj file, Panda3D must be compiled with assimp support.
Implementation of canny filtering, using Sobel kernels.
Renderer that outputs object geometric information.
void setClippingDistance(double nearV, double farV)
Set the clipping distance. When a panda camera uses these render parameters, objects that are closer ...
void setCameraIntrinsics(const vpCameraParameters &cam)
set camera intrinsics. Only camera intrinsics for a lens without distortion are supported.
void setImageResolution(unsigned int height, unsigned int width)
Set the image resolution. When this object is given to a vpPanda3DBaseRenderer, this will be the reso...
void addNodeToScene(const NodePath &object) VP_OVERRIDE
void initFramework() VP_OVERRIDE
Initialize the framework and propagate the created panda3D framework to the subrenderers.
void addSubRenderer(std::shared_ptr< vpPanda3DBaseRenderer > renderer)
Add a new subrenderer: This subrenderer should have a unique name, not present in the set.
void addLight(const vpPanda3DLight &light) VP_OVERRIDE
Light this lightable object with a new light.
void setCameraPose(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &wTc) VP_OVERRIDE
Set the pose of the camera, using the ViSP convention. This change is propagated to all subrenderers.
std::shared_ptr< RendererType > getRenderer()
Retrieve the first subrenderer with the specified template type.
A factory that can be used to instanciate drift detection algorithms from JSON data.
static vpRBDriftDetectorFactory & getFactory()
A factory to instantiate feature trackers from JSON data.
static vpRBFeatureTrackerFactory & getFactory()
All the data related to a single tracking frame. This contains both the input data (from a real camer...
vpImage< vpRGBa > IRGB
Image luminance.
vpImage< unsigned char > I
std::vector< vpRBSilhouettePoint > silhouettePoints
vpImage< float > mask
depth image, 0 sized if depth is not available
vpImage< float > depth
RGB image, 0 sized if RGB is not available.
vpRBRenderData renders
camera parameters
A set of utilities to perform initialization.
vpHomogeneousMatrix getPose() const
void setCameraParameters(const vpCameraParameters &cam)
Silhouette point simple candidate representation.
void setTrackerFeatureTrackingTime(int id, double elapsed)
void setRenderTime(double elapsed)
void setOdometryTime(double elapsed)
void setInitVVSTime(int id, double elapsed)
void setMaskTime(double elapsed)
void setTrackerIterStartTime(int id, double elapsed)
void addTrackerVVSTime(int id, double elapsed)
void setDriftDetectionTime(double elapsed)
void setTrackerFeatureExtractionTime(int id, double elapsed)
std::shared_ptr< vpRBDriftDetector > m_driftDetector
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:272
std::shared_ptr< vpRBVisualOdometry > m_odometry
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:273
vpSilhouettePointsExtractionSettings m_depthSilhouetteSettings
Factor with which to multiply mu at every iteration during VVS.
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:262
vpCameraParameters m_cam
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:255
void track(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
void checkDimensionsOrThrow(const vpImage< T > &I, const std::string &imgType) const
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:234
bool m_verbose
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:269
vpObjectCentricRenderer m_renderer
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:264
vpCameraParameters getCameraParameters() const
Definition: vpRBTracker.cpp:99
unsigned m_vvsIterations
VVS gain.
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:258
vpRBTrackerLogger m_logger
Color and render image dimensions.
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:268
bool m_firstIteration
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:245
double m_muIterFactor
Initial mu value for Levenberg-Marquardt.
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:260
void updateRender(vpRBFeatureTrackerInput &frame)
std::vector< std::shared_ptr< vpRBFeatureTracker > > m_trackers
Whether this is the first iteration.
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:247
void setModelPath(const std::string &path)
std::string m_modelPath
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:252
vpPanda3DRenderParameters m_rendererSettings
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:263
void displayMask(vpImage< unsigned char > &Imask) const
unsigned m_imageHeight
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:266
double m_lambda
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:257
void getPose(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo) const
Definition: vpRBTracker.cpp:64
std::shared_ptr< vpObjectMask > m_mask
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:271
vpHomogeneousMatrix m_cMoPrev
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:254
void loadConfiguration(const nlohmann::json &j)
void addTracker(std::shared_ptr< vpRBFeatureTracker > tracker)
vpRBFeatureTrackerInput m_currentFrame
List of trackers.
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:249
void loadConfigurationFile(const std::string &filename)
void setupRenderer(const std::string &file)
void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &IRGB, const vpImage< unsigned char > &depth)
unsigned m_imageWidth
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:266
vpRBFeatureTrackerInput m_previousFrame
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:250
void setSilhouetteExtractionParameters(const vpSilhouettePointsExtractionSettings &settings)
vpMatrix getCovariance() const
Definition: vpRBTracker.cpp:76
vpObjectCentricRenderer & getRenderer()
void setOptimizationMuIterFactor(double factor)
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:142
std::vector< vpRBSilhouettePoint > extractSilhouettePoints(const vpImage< vpRGBf > &Inorm, const vpImage< float > &Idepth, const vpImage< vpRGBf > &Ior, const vpImage< unsigned char > &Ivalid, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cTcp)
void setOptimizationInitialMu(double mu)
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:133
void setOptimizationGain(double lambda)
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:116
double m_muInit
Max number of VVS iterations.
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:259
void setPose(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
Definition: vpRBTracker.cpp:69
vpHomogeneousMatrix m_cMo
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:253
void setMaxOptimizationIters(unsigned int iters)
Definition: vpRBTracker.h:124
void startTracking()
void setCameraParameters(const vpCameraParameters &cam, unsigned h, unsigned w)
Definition: vpRGBf.h:64
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > getSilhouetteCandidates(const vpImage< unsigned char > &validSilhouette, const vpImage< float > &renderDepth, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cTcp, const std::vector< vpRBSilhouettePoint > &previousPoints, long randomSeed=41) const
double zNear
Binary image indicating whether a given pixel is part of the silhouette.
vpImage< float > depth
Image containing the per-pixel normal vector (RGB, in object space)
vpImage< vpRGBf > silhouetteCanny
vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo
vpImage< vpRGBf > normals
vpImage< unsigned char > isSilhouette
Image containing the orientation of the gradients.