![]() |
Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.2.0 under development (2019-01-22)
►Nvp | |
CKeyPoint_LessThan | |
CKeypointResponseGreater | |
CKeypointResponseGreaterThanThreshold | |
CMaskPredicate | |
CQPlot | |
CRoiPredicate | |
Crs_intrinsics | [Include] |
CSizePredicate | |
Cvp1394CMUGrabber | Firewire cameras video capture based on CMU 1394 Digital Camera SDK |
Cvp1394TwoGrabber | Class for firewire ieee1394 video devices using libdc1394-2.x api |
CvpAdaptiveGain | Adaptive gain computation |
CvpAfma4 | Modelisation of Irisa's cylindrical robot named Afma4 |
CvpAfma6 | Modelisation of Irisa's gantry robot named Afma6 |
CvpAR | Implementation of an augmented reality viewer using Coin3D 3rd party |
CvpAROgre | Implementation of an augmented reality viewer using Ogre3D 3rd party |
CvpArray2D | Implementation of a generic 2D array used as vase class of matrices and vectors |
CvpBasicFeature | Class that defines what is a visual feature |
CvpBasicKeyPoint | Class that defines what is a Keypoint. This class provides all the basic elements to implement classes which aims to match points from an image to another |
CvpBiclops | Jacobian, geometric model functionnalities... for biclops, pan, tilt head |
CvpBSpline | Class that provides tools to compute and manipulate a B-Spline curve |
CvpCalibration | Tools for perspective camera calibration |
CvpCalibrationException | Error that can be emited by the vpCalibration class |
CvpCameraParameters | Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters |
CvpCircle | Class that defines what is a circle |
CvpClient | This class represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) client |
CvpColor | Class to define colors available for display functionnalities |
CvpColVector | Implementation of column vector and the associated operations |
CvpComedi | |
CvpConvert | |
CvpCylinder | Class that defines what is a cylinder |
CvpDetectorAprilTag | |
CvpDetectorBase | |
CvpDetectorDataMatrixCode | |
CvpDetectorDNN | |
CvpDetectorFace | |
CvpDetectorQRCode | |
CvpDirectShowGrabber | Class for windows direct show devices |
CvpDiskGrabber | Class to grab (ie. read) images from the disk |
CvpDisplay | Class that defines generic functionnalities for display |
CvpDisplayD3D | Display for windows using Direct3D 3rd party. Thus to enable this class Direct3D should be installed. Installation instructions are provided here https://visp.inria.fr/3rd_d3d/ |
CvpDisplayException | Error that can be emited by the vpDisplay class and its derivates |
CvpDisplayGDI | Display for windows using GDI (available on any windows 32 platform) |
CvpDisplayGTK | The vpDisplayGTK allows to display image using the GTK 3rd party library. Thus to enable this class GTK should be installed. Installation instructions are provided here https://visp.inria.fr/3rd_gtk |
CvpDisplayOpenCV | The vpDisplayOpenCV allows to display image using the OpenCV library. Thus to enable this class OpenCV should be installed. Installation instructions are provided here https://visp.inria.fr/3rd_opencv |
CvpDisplayWin32 | Base abstract class for Windows 32 displays. Implements the window creation in a separate thread and the associated event handling functions for Windows 32 displays. Uses calls to a renderer to do some display. (i.e. all display methods are implemented in the renderer) |
CvpDisplayX | Use the X11 console to display images on unix-like OS. Thus to enable this class X11 should be installed. Installation instructions are provided here https://visp.inria.fr/3rd_x11 |
CvpDot | This tracker is meant to track a dot (connected pixels with same gray level) on a vpImage |
CvpDot2 | This tracker is meant to track a blob (connex pixels with same gray level) on a vpImage |
CvpException | Error that can be emited by ViSP classes |
CvpExponentialMap | Direct or inverse exponential map computation |
CvpFeatureBuilder | Class that defines conversion between trackers and visual features |
CvpFeatureDepth | Class that defines a 3D point visual feature ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
CvpFeatureDisplay | Interface with the image for feature display |
CvpFeatureEllipse | Class that defines 2D ellipse visual feature |
CvpFeatureException | Error that can be emited by the vpBasicFeature class and its derivates |
CvpFeatureLine | Class that defines a 2D line visual feature ![]() ![]() ![]() |
CvpFeatureLuminance | Class that defines the image luminance visual feature |
CvpFeatureMoment | This class defines shared system methods/attributes for 2D moment features but no functional code. It is used to compute interaction matrices for moment features |
CvpFeatureMomentAlpha | Functionality computation for in-plane rotation moment feature ![]() |
CvpFeatureMomentArea | Surface moment feature. Computes the interaction matrix associated with vpMomentArea |
CvpFeatureMomentAreaNormalized | Functionality computation for normalized surface moment feature. Computes the interaction matrix associated with vpMomentAreaNormalized |
CvpFeatureMomentBasic | Functionality computation for basic moment feature. Computes the interaction matrix associated with vpMomentBasic |
CvpFeatureMomentCentered | Functionality computation for centered moment feature. Computes the interaction matrix associated with vpMomentCentered |
CvpFeatureMomentCInvariant | Functionality computation for 2D rotation/translation/scale non-symmetric invariant moment feature. Computes the interaction matrix associated with vpMomentCInvariant |
CvpFeatureMomentCommon | This class allows to access common vpFeatureMoments in a pre-filled database |
CvpFeatureMomentDatabase | This class allows to register all feature moments (implemented in vpFeatureMoment... classes) so they can access each other according to their dependencies |
CvpFeatureMomentGravityCenter | Functionality computation for gravity center moment feature. Computes the interaction matrix associated with vpMomentGravityCenter |
CvpFeatureMomentGravityCenterNormalized | Functionality computation for centered and normalized moment feature. Computes the interaction matrix associated with vpMomentGravityCenterNormalized |
CvpFeaturePoint | Class that defines a 2D point visual feature ![]() ![]() ![]() |
CvpFeaturePoint3D | Class that defines the 3D point visual feature |
CvpFeaturePointPolar | Class that defines 2D image point visual feature with polar coordinates ![]() |
CvpFeatureSegment | Class that defines a 2D segment visual features. This class allow to consider two sets of visual features: |
CvpFeatureThetaU | Class that defines a 3D visual feature ![]() ![]() |
CvpFeatureTranslation | Class that defines the translation visual feature ![]() |
CvpFeatureVanishingPoint | Class that defines 2D vanishing point visual feature (Z coordinate in 3D space is infinity) |
CvpFlyCaptureGrabber | |
CvpForceTorqueAtiSensor | |
CvpForceTwistMatrix | |
CvpForwardProjection | Class that defines what is a generic geometric feature |
CvpFrameGrabber | Base class for all video devices. It is designed to provide a front end to video sources |
CvpFrameGrabberException | Error that can be emited by the vpFrameGrabber class and its derivates |
CvpGaussRand | Class for generating random number with normal probability density |
CvpGenericFeature | Class that enables to define a feature or a set of features which are not implemented in ViSP as a specific class. It is indeed possible to create its own features, to use the corresponding interaction matrix, and to compute an error between the current and the desired feature. Moreover the created features can be mixed with features already implemented |
CvpHandEyeCalibration | Tool for hand-eye calibration |
CvpHinkley | This class implements the Hinkley's cumulative sum test |
CvpHistogram | Class to compute a gray level image histogram |
CvpHistogramPeak | Declaration of the peak (maximum value) in a gray level image histogram |
CvpHistogramValey | Declaration of the valey (minimum value) in a gray level image histogram |
CvpHomogeneousMatrix | Implementation of an homogeneous matrix and operations on such kind of matrices |
CvpHomography | Implementation of an homography and operations on homographies |
CvpImage | Definition of the vpImage class member functions |
CvpImageConvert | |
CvpImageException | Error that can be emited by the vpImage class and its derivates |
CvpImageFilter | Various image filter, convolution, etc.. |
CvpImageIo | Read/write images with various image format |
CvpImageMorphology | Various mathematical morphology tools, erosion, dilatation.. |
CvpImagePoint | Class that defines a 2D point in an image. This class is useful for image processing and stores only the 2D coordinates given in sub-pixel |
CvpImageSimulator | Class which enables to project an image in the 3D space and get the view of a virtual camera |
CvpImageTools | Various image tools; sub-image extraction, modification of the look up table, binarisation.. |
CvpIoException | Error that can be emited by the vpIoTools class and its derivates |
CvpIoTools | File and directories basic tools |
CvpKalmanFilter | This class provides a generic Kalman filtering algorithm along with some specific state model (constant velocity, constant acceleration) which are implemented in the vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation class |
CvpKeyboard | Keybord management under unix (Linux or OSX). This class is not available under windows |
CvpKeyPoint | Class that allows keypoints detection (and descriptors extraction) and matching thanks to OpenCV library. Thus to enable this class OpenCV should be installed. Installation instructions are provided here https://visp.inria.fr/3rd_opencv |
CvpKinect | Driver for the Kinect-1 device |
CvpKltOpencv | Wrapper for the KLT (Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi) feature tracker implemented in OpenCV. Thus to enable this class OpenCV should be installed. Installation instructions are provided here https://visp.inria.fr/3rd_opencv |
CvpLaserScan | Implements a laser scan data structure that contains especially the list of scanned points that have been recorded for this laser scan |
CvpLaserScanner | Class that defines a generic laser scanner |
CvpLine | Class that defines a line in the object frame, the camera frame and the image plane. All the parameters must be set in meter |
CvpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation | This class provides an implementation of some specific linear Kalman filters |
CvpLinProg | This class provides two solvers for Linear Programs |
CvpList | Provide simple list management |
CvpMath | Provides simple mathematics computation tools that are not available in the C mathematics library (math.h) |
CvpMatrix | Implementation of a matrix and operations on matrices |
CvpMatrixException | Error that can be emited by the vpMatrix class and its derivates |
CvpMbDepthDenseTracker | |
CvpMbDepthNormalTracker | |
CvpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker | Hybrid stereo (or more) tracker based on moving-edges and keypoints tracked using KLT tracker |
CvpMbEdgeKltTracker | Hybrid tracker based on moving-edges and keypoints tracked using KLT tracker |
CvpMbEdgeMultiTracker | Make the complete stereo (or more) tracking of an object by using its CAD model |
CvpMbEdgeTracker | Make the complete tracking of an object by using its CAD model |
CvpMbGenericTracker | Real-time 6D object pose tracking using its CAD model |
CvpMbHiddenFaces | Implementation of the polygons management for the model-based trackers |
CvpMbKltMultiTracker | Model based stereo (or more) tracker using only KLT |
CvpMbKltTracker | Model based tracker using only KLT |
CvpMbtDistanceCircle | Manage a circle used in the model-based tracker |
CvpMbtDistanceCylinder | Manage a cylinder used in the model-based tracker |
CvpMbtDistanceKltCylinder | Implementation of a polygon of the model containing points of interest. It is used by the model-based tracker KLT, and hybrid |
CvpMbtDistanceKltPoints | Implementation of a polygon of the model containing points of interest. It is used by the model-based tracker KLT, and hybrid |
CvpMbtDistanceLine | Manage the line of a polygon used in the model-based tracker |
CvpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser | Parse an Xml file to extract configuration parameters of a mbtConfig object.Data parser for the model based tracker |
CvpMbtFaceDepthDense | |
CvpMbtFaceDepthNormal | |
CvpMbtKltXmlParser | Parse an Xml file to extract configuration parameters of a Mbt Klt object.Data parser for the KLT model based tracker |
CvpMbtPolygon | Implementation of a polygon of the model used by the model-based tracker |
CvpMbTracker | Main methods for a model-based tracker |
CvpMbtXmlGenericParser | Parse an Xml file to extract configuration parameters of a mbtConfig object.Data parser for the model-based tracker |
CvpMbtXmlParser | Parse an Xml file to extract configuration parameters of a mbtConfig object.Data parser for the model based tracker |
CvpMbXmlParser | Parse an Xml file to extract configuration parameters of a mbtConfig object.Data parser for the model based tracker |
CvpMe | |
CvpMeEllipse | Class that tracks an ellipse moving edges |
CvpMeLine | Class that tracks in an image a line moving edges |
CvpMeNurbs | Class that tracks in an image a edge defined by a Nurbs |
CvpMeSite | Performs search in a given direction(normal) for a given distance(pixels) for a given 'site'. Gives the most likely site given the probablility from an ME mask |
CvpMeterPixelConversion | |
CvpMeTracker | Contains abstract elements for a Distance to Feature type feature |
CvpMoment | This class defines shared methods/attributes for 2D moments |
CvpMomentAlpha | This class defines the orientation of the object inside the plane parallel to the object |
CvpMomentArea | Class handling the surface moment |
CvpMomentAreaNormalized | Class handling the normalized surface moment that is invariant in scale and used to estimate depth |
CvpMomentBasic | This class defines the 2D basic moment ![]() |
CvpMomentCentered | This class defines the double-indexed centered moment descriptor ![]() |
CvpMomentCInvariant | |
CvpMomentCommon | This class initializes and allows access to commonly used moments |
CvpMomentDatabase | This class allows to register all vpMoments so they can access each other according to their dependencies |
CvpMomentGenericFeature | This class defines a generic feature used for moment feature duplication |
CvpMomentGravityCenter | Class describing 2D gravity center moment |
CvpMomentGravityCenterNormalized | Class describing 2D normalized gravity center moment |
CvpMomentObject | Class for generic objects |
CvpMouseButton | Class that defines mouse button identifiers |
►CvpMutex | |
CvpNetwork | This class represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) network |
CvpNurbs | Class that provides tools to compute and manipulate a Non Uniform Rational B-Spline curve |
CvpParallelPort | Parallel port management under unix |
CvpParallelPortException | Error that can be emited by the vpParallelPort class and its derivates |
CvpParseArgv | Command line argument parsing |
CvpPioneer | Generic functions for Pioneer mobile robots |
CvpPioneerPan | Generic functions for Pioneer mobile robots equiped with a pan head |
CvpPixelMeterConversion | |
CvpPlane | This class defines the container for a plane geometrical structure |
CvpPlot | This class enables real time drawing of 2D or 3D graphics. An instance of the class open a window which contains between 1 and 4 graphics. Each one contains a desired number of curves |
CvpPoint | Class that defines what is a point |
CvpPolygon | Defines a generic 2D polygon |
CvpPolygon3D | Implements a 3D polygon with render functionnalities like clipping |
CvpPose | Class used for pose computation from N points (pose from point only). Some of the algorithms implemented in this class are described in [28] |
CvpPoseException | Error that can be emited by the vpPose class and its derivates |
CvpPoseFeatures | Tools for pose computation from any feature.This class allows to estimate a pose by virtual visual servoing from visual features. The features that are considered are points, segments, lines, ellipses. If the compiler is compatible with C++ 11, it is possible to introduce specific features that are not directly implemented in ViSP |
CvpPoseVector | Implementation of a pose vector and operations on poses |
CvpProjectionDisplay | Interface with the image for feature display |
CvpPtu46 | Jacobian, geometric model functionnalities... for ptu46, pan, tilt head from Directed Perception |
CvpPylonFactory | Factory singleton class to create vpPylonGrabber subclass instances |
CvpPylonGrabber | |
CvpPylonGrabberGigE | |
CvpPylonGrabberUsb | |
CvpQuadProg | This class provides a solver for Quadratic Programs |
CvpQuaternionVector | Implementation of a rotation vector as quaternion angle minimal representation |
CvpRansac | This class is a generic implementation of the Ransac algorithm. It cannot be used alone |
►CvpRealSense | |
CvpRealSense2 | |
CvpRect | Defines a rectangle in the plane |
CvpRectOriented | Defines an oriented rectangle in the plane |
CvpRequest | This the request that will transit on the network |
CvpRGBa | |
CvpRingLight | Ring light management under unix |
CvpRobot | Class that defines a generic virtual robot |
CvpRobotAfma4 | Control of Irisa's cylindrical robot named Afma4 |
CvpRobotAfma6 | Control of Irisa's gantry robot named Afma6 |
CvpRobotBiclops | Interface for the biclops, pan, tilt head control |
CvpRobotCamera | Class that defines the simplest robot: a free flying camera. We recommend to use vpSimulatorCamera instead |
CvpRobotException | Error that can be emited by the vpRobot class and its derivates |
CvpRobotFranka | |
CvpRobotPioneer | Interface for Pioneer mobile robots based on Aria 3rd party library |
CvpRobotPtu46 | Interface for the Directed Perception ptu-46 pan, tilt head |
CvpRobotSimulator | This class aims to be a basis used to create all the robot simulators |
CvpRobotTemplate | Class that defines a robot just to show which function you must implement |
CvpRobotViper650 | Control of Irisa's Viper S650 robot named Viper650 |
CvpRobotViper850 | Control of Irisa's Viper S850 robot named Viper850 |
CvpRobotWireFrameSimulator | This class aims to be a basis used to create all the simulators of robots |
CvpRobust | Contains an M-Estimator and various influence function |
CvpRotationMatrix | Implementation of a rotation matrix and operations on such kind of matrices |
CvpRotationVector | Implementation of a generic rotation vector |
CvpRowVector | Implementation of row vector and the associated operations |
CvpRxyzVector | Implementation of a rotation vector as ![]() |
CvpRzyxVector | Implementation of a rotation vector as ![]() |
CvpRzyzVector | Implementation of a rotation vector as ![]() |
CvpScale | Contains various estimators for scale. Methods : Median Absolute Deviation (MAD), MPDE, Mean shift kernel density estimation |
CvpScanPoint | Class that defines a single laser scanner point |
CvpSerial | |
CvpServer | This class represents a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) server |
CvpServo | |
CvpServoData | Save data during the task execution |
CvpServoDisplay | Interface with the image for feature display |
CvpServoException | Error that can be emited by the vpServo class and its derivates |
CvpServolens | Interface for the Servolens lens attached to the camera fixed on the Afma4 robot |
CvpSickLDMRS | Driver for the Sick LD-MRS laser scanner |
CvpSimulator | Implementation of a simulator based on Coin3d (www.coin3d.org) |
CvpSimulatorAfma6 | Simulator of Irisa's gantry robot named Afma6 |
CvpSimulatorCamera | Class that defines the simplest robot: a free flying camera |
CvpSimulatorException | Error that can be emited by the vpSimulator class and its derivates |
CvpSimulatorPioneer | Class that defines the Pioneer mobile robot simulator equipped with a static camera |
CvpSimulatorPioneerPan | Class that defines the Pioneer mobile robot simulator equipped with a camera able to move in pan |
CvpSimulatorViper850 | Simulator of Irisa's Viper S850 robot named Viper850 |
CvpSphere | Class that defines what is a sphere |
CvpSubColVector | |
CvpSubMatrix | Definition of the vpSubMatrix vpSubMatrix class provides a mask on a vpMatrix all properties of vpMatrix are available with a vpSubMatrix |
CvpSubRowVector | |
CvpTemplateTracker | |
CvpTemplateTrackerDPoint | |
CvpTemplateTrackerMI | |
CvpTemplateTrackerMIESM | |
CvpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional | |
CvpTemplateTrackerMIForwardCompositional | |
CvpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional | |
CvpTemplateTrackerPoint | |
CvpTemplateTrackerPointCompo | |
CvpTemplateTrackerSSD | |
CvpTemplateTrackerSSDESM | |
CvpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardAdditional | |
CvpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardCompositional | |
CvpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional | |
CvpTemplateTrackerTriangle | |
CvpTemplateTrackerWarp | |
CvpTemplateTrackerWarpAffine | |
CvpTemplateTrackerWarpHomography | |
CvpTemplateTrackerWarpHomographySL3 | |
CvpTemplateTrackerWarpRT | |
CvpTemplateTrackerWarpSRT | |
CvpTemplateTrackerWarpTranslation | |
CvpTemplateTrackerZNCC | |
CvpTemplateTrackerZNCCForwardAdditional | |
CvpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional | |
CvpTemplateTrackerZone | |
CvpTemplateTrackerZPoint | |
CvpThetaUVector | Implementation of a rotation vector as ![]() |
CvpThread | |
CvpTraceOutput | This class is used to display debug or error messages |
CvpTracker | Class that defines what is a feature generic tracker |
CvpTrackingException | Error that can be emited by the vpTracker class and its derivates |
CvpTranslationVector | Class that consider the case of a translation vector |
CvpTriangle | Defines a 2D triangle |
CvpUDPClient | This class implements a basic (IPv4) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) client |
CvpUDPServer | This class implements a basic (IPv4) User Datagram Protocol (UDP) server |
CvpUnicycle | Generic functions for unicycle mobile robots |
CvpUniRand | Class for generating random numbers with uniform probability density |
CvpV4l2Grabber | Class that is a wrapper over the Video4Linux2 (V4L2) driver |
CvpVelocityTwistMatrix | |
CvpVideoReader | Class that enables to manipulate easily a video file or a sequence of images. As it inherits from the vpFrameGrabber Class, it can be used like an other frame grabber class |
CvpVideoWriter | Class that enables to write easily a video file or a sequence of images |
CvpViewer | Viewer used by the simulator |
CvpViper | Modelisation of the ADEPT Viper robot |
CvpViper650 | Modelisation of the ADEPT Viper 650 robot |
CvpViper850 | Modelisation of the ADEPT Viper 850 robot |
CvpVirtualGrabber | |
CvpVirtuose | |
CvpWireFrameSimulator | Implementation of a wire frame simulator. Compared to the vpSimulator class, it does not require third party libraries to be used |
CvpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint | |
CvpXmlParser | This class intends to simplify the creation of xml parser based on the libxml2 third party library |
CvpXmlParserCamera | XML parser to load and save intrinsic camera parameters |
CvpXmlParserHomogeneousMatrix | XML parser to load and save an homogeneous matrix in a file |
CvpXmlParserRectOriented | XML parser to load and save an oriented rectangle in a file |