![]() |
Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.2.0 under development (2019-01-22)
#include <visp3/mbt/vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h>
Public Types | |
enum | vpMbtOptimizationMethod { GAUSS_NEWTON_OPT = 0, LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_OPT = 1 } |
Public Member Functions | |
vpMbEdgeMultiTracker () | |
vpMbEdgeMultiTracker (const unsigned int nbCameras) | |
vpMbEdgeMultiTracker (const std::vector< std::string > &cameraNames) | |
virtual | ~vpMbEdgeMultiTracker () |
Inherited functionalities from vpMbEdgeMultiTracker | |
virtual void | display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_, const vpCameraParameters &cam_, const vpColor &col, const unsigned int thickness=1, const bool displayFullModel=false) |
virtual void | display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_, const vpCameraParameters &cam_, const vpColor &col, const unsigned int thickness=1, const bool displayFullModel=false) |
virtual void | display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I1, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I2, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mo, const vpCameraParameters &cam1, const vpCameraParameters &cam2, const vpColor &col, const unsigned int thickness=1, const bool displayFullModel=false) |
virtual void | display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I1, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I2, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mo, const vpCameraParameters &cam1, const vpCameraParameters &cam2, const vpColor &col, const unsigned int thickness=1, const bool displayFullModel=false) |
virtual void | display (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const std::map< std::string, vpHomogeneousMatrix > &mapOfCameraPoses, const std::map< std::string, vpCameraParameters > &mapOfCameraParameters, const vpColor &col, const unsigned int thickness=1, const bool displayFullModel=false) |
virtual void | display (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< vpRGBa > * > &mapOfImages, const std::map< std::string, vpHomogeneousMatrix > &mapOfCameraPoses, const std::map< std::string, vpCameraParameters > &mapOfCameraParameters, const vpColor &col, const unsigned int thickness=1, const bool displayFullModel=false) |
virtual std::vector< std::string > | getCameraNames () const |
virtual void | getCameraParameters (vpCameraParameters &camera) const |
virtual void | getCameraParameters (vpCameraParameters &cam1, vpCameraParameters &cam2) const |
virtual void | getCameraParameters (const std::string &cameraName, vpCameraParameters &camera) const |
virtual void | getCameraParameters (std::map< std::string, vpCameraParameters > &mapOfCameraParameters) const |
virtual unsigned int | getClipping (const std::string &cameraName) const |
virtual vpMbHiddenFaces< vpMbtPolygon > & | getFaces () |
virtual vpMbHiddenFaces< vpMbtPolygon > & | getFaces (const std::string &cameraName) |
virtual std::map< std::string, vpMbHiddenFaces< vpMbtPolygon > > | getFaces () const |
void | getLcircle (std::list< vpMbtDistanceCircle * > &circlesList, const unsigned int level=0) const |
virtual void | getLcircle (const std::string &cameraName, std::list< vpMbtDistanceCircle * > &circlesList, const unsigned int level=0) const |
void | getLcylinder (std::list< vpMbtDistanceCylinder * > &cylindersList, const unsigned int level=0) const |
virtual void | getLcylinder (const std::string &cameraName, std::list< vpMbtDistanceCylinder * > &cylindersList, const unsigned int level=0) const |
void | getLline (std::list< vpMbtDistanceLine * > &linesList, const unsigned int level=0) const |
virtual void | getLline (const std::string &cameraName, std::list< vpMbtDistanceLine * > &linesList, const unsigned int level=0) const |
virtual void | getMovingEdge (vpMe &p_me) const |
virtual vpMe | getMovingEdge () const |
virtual void | getMovingEdge (const std::string &cameraName, vpMe &p_me) const |
virtual vpMe | getMovingEdge (const std::string &cameraName) const |
virtual unsigned int | getNbPoints (const unsigned int level=0) const |
virtual unsigned int | getNbPoints (const std::string &cameraName, const unsigned int level=0) const |
virtual unsigned int | getNbPolygon () const |
virtual unsigned int | getNbPolygon (const std::string &cameraName) const |
virtual std::map< std::string, unsigned int > | getMultiNbPolygon () const |
unsigned int | getNumberOfCameras () const |
virtual void | getPose (vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mo) const |
virtual void | getPose (const std::string &cameraName, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_) const |
virtual void | getPose (std::map< std::string, vpHomogeneousMatrix > &mapOfCameraPoses) const |
virtual vpColVector | getError () const |
virtual vpColVector | getRobustWeights () const |
void | init (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< vpPoint > &points3D_list, const std::string &displayFile="") |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &initFile, const bool displayHelp=false, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I1, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I2, const std::string &initFile1, const std::string &initFile2, const bool displayHelp=false, const bool firstCameraIsReference=true) |
virtual void | initClick (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const std::string &initFile, const bool displayHelp=false) |
virtual void | initClick (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const std::map< std::string, std::string > &mapOfInitFiles, const bool displayHelp=false) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &initFile) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpPoseVector &cPo) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I1, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I2, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mo, const bool firstCameraIsReference=true) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const std::map< std::string, vpHomogeneousMatrix > &mapOfCameraPoses) |
virtual void | loadConfigFile (const std::string &configFile) |
virtual void | loadConfigFile (const std::string &configFile1, const std::string &configFile2, const bool firstCameraIsReference=true) |
virtual void | loadConfigFile (const std::map< std::string, std::string > &mapOfConfigFiles) |
virtual void | loadModel (const std::string &modelFile, const bool verbose=false, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
virtual void | reInitModel (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &cad_name, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_, const bool verbose=false, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
virtual void | reInitModel (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I1, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I2, const std::string &cad_name, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mo, const bool verbose=false, const bool firstCameraIsReference=true) |
virtual void | reInitModel (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const std::string &cad_name, const std::map< std::string, vpHomogeneousMatrix > &mapOfCameraPoses, const bool verbose=false) |
virtual void | resetTracker () |
virtual void | setAngleAppear (const double &a) |
virtual void | setAngleDisappear (const double &a) |
virtual void | setCameraParameters (const vpCameraParameters &camera) |
virtual void | setCameraParameters (const vpCameraParameters &camera1, const vpCameraParameters &camera2, const bool firstCameraIsReference=true) |
virtual void | setCameraParameters (const std::string &cameraName, const vpCameraParameters &camera) |
virtual void | setCameraParameters (const std::map< std::string, vpCameraParameters > &mapOfCameraParameters) |
virtual void | setCameraTransformationMatrix (const std::string &cameraName, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cameraTransformationMatrix) |
virtual void | setCameraTransformationMatrix (const std::map< std::string, vpHomogeneousMatrix > &mapOfTransformationMatrix) |
virtual void | setClipping (const unsigned int &flags) |
virtual void | setClipping (const std::string &cameraName, const unsigned int &flags) |
virtual void | setCovarianceComputation (const bool &flag) |
virtual void | setDisplayFeatures (const bool displayF) |
virtual void | setFarClippingDistance (const double &dist) |
virtual void | setFarClippingDistance (const std::string &cameraName, const double &dist) |
virtual void | setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold (const double threshold) |
void | setGoodNbRayCastingAttemptsRatio (const double &ratio) |
void | setNbRayCastingAttemptsForVisibility (const unsigned int &attempts) |
virtual void | setLod (const bool useLod, const std::string &name="") |
virtual void | setLod (const bool useLod, const std::string &cameraName, const std::string &name) |
virtual void | setMinLineLengthThresh (const double minLineLengthThresh, const std::string &name="") |
virtual void | setMinLineLengthThresh (const double minLineLengthThresh, const std::string &cameraName, const std::string &name) |
virtual void | setMinPolygonAreaThresh (const double minPolygonAreaThresh, const std::string &name="") |
virtual void | setMinPolygonAreaThresh (const double minPolygonAreaThresh, const std::string &cameraName, const std::string &name) |
virtual void | setMovingEdge (const vpMe &me) |
virtual void | setMovingEdge (const std::string &cameraName, const vpMe &me) |
virtual void | setNearClippingDistance (const double &dist) |
virtual void | setNearClippingDistance (const std::string &cameraName, const double &dist) |
virtual void | setOgreShowConfigDialog (const bool showConfigDialog) |
virtual void | setOgreVisibilityTest (const bool &v) |
virtual void | setOptimizationMethod (const vpMbtOptimizationMethod &opt) |
virtual void | setPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo) |
virtual void | setPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I1, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I2, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mo, const bool firstCameraIsReference=true) |
virtual void | setPose (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_) |
virtual void | setPose (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const std::map< std::string, vpHomogeneousMatrix > &mapOfCameraPoses) |
virtual void | setProjectionErrorComputation (const bool &flag) |
virtual void | setReferenceCameraName (const std::string &referenceCameraName) |
virtual void | setScales (const std::vector< bool > &scales) |
virtual void | setScanLineVisibilityTest (const bool &v) |
virtual void | setUseEdgeTracking (const std::string &name, const bool &useEdgeTracking) |
virtual void | track (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) |
virtual void | track (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I1, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I2) |
virtual void | track (std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages) |
Inherited functionalities from vpMbEdgeTracker | |
std::vector< bool > | getScales () const |
double | getGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold () const |
Inherited functionalities from vpMbTracker | |
virtual double | computeCurrentProjectionError (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo, const vpCameraParameters &_cam) |
virtual double | getAngleAppear () const |
virtual double | getAngleDisappear () const |
virtual unsigned int | getClipping () const |
virtual vpMatrix | getCovarianceMatrix () const |
virtual double | getInitialMu () const |
virtual double | getLambda () const |
virtual unsigned int | getMaxIter () const |
virtual double | getProjectionError () const |
virtual vpColVector | getEstimatedDoF () const |
virtual double | getFarClippingDistance () const |
virtual double | getNearClippingDistance () const |
virtual vpMbtOptimizationMethod | getOptimizationMethod () const |
virtual vpMbtPolygon * | getPolygon (const unsigned int index) |
virtual std::pair< std::vector< vpPolygon >, std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > > | getPolygonFaces (const bool orderPolygons=true, const bool useVisibility=true, const bool clipPolygon=false) |
virtual void | getPose (vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_) const |
virtual vpHomogeneousMatrix | getPose () const |
virtual double | getStopCriteriaEpsilon () const |
virtual void | initFromPoints (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &initFile) |
virtual void | initFromPoints (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &points2D_list, const std::vector< vpPoint > &points3D_list) |
virtual void | setEstimatedDoF (const vpColVector &v) |
virtual void | setInitialMu (const double mu) |
virtual void | setLambda (const double gain) |
virtual void | setMaxIter (const unsigned int max) |
void | setProjectionErrorMovingEdge (const vpMe &me) |
void | setProjectionErrorKernelSize (const unsigned int &size) |
virtual void | setMask (const vpImage< bool > &mask) |
virtual void | setStopCriteriaEpsilon (const double eps) |
virtual void | setProjectionErrorDisplay (const bool display) |
virtual void | setProjectionErrorDisplayArrowLength (const unsigned int length) |
virtual void | setProjectionErrorDisplayArrowThickness (const unsigned int thickness) |
void | savePose (const std::string &filename) const |
void | setPoseSavingFilename (const std::string &filename) |
Protected Types | |
enum | FeatureType { LINE, CYLINDER, CIRCLE } |
Protected Member Functions | |
Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpMbEdgeMultiTracker | |
virtual void | cleanPyramid (std::map< std::string, std::vector< const vpImage< unsigned char > * > > &pyramid) |
virtual void | computeProjectionError () |
virtual void | computeVVS (std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, const unsigned int lvl) |
virtual void | computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation (const unsigned int iter, bool &isoJoIdentity_) |
virtual void | computeVVSInit () |
virtual void | computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu () |
virtual void | computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu (std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, std::map< std::string, vpVelocityTwistMatrix > &mapOfVelocityTwist) |
virtual void | computeVVSWeights () |
virtual void | initPyramid (const std::map< std::string, const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &mapOfImages, std::map< std::string, std::vector< const vpImage< unsigned char > * > > &pyramid) |
Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpMbEdgeTracker | |
void | addCircle (const vpPoint &P1, const vpPoint &P2, const vpPoint &P3, const double r, int idFace=-1, const std::string &name="") |
void | addCylinder (const vpPoint &P1, const vpPoint &P2, const double r, int idFace=-1, const std::string &name="") |
void | addLine (vpPoint &p1, vpPoint &p2, int polygon=-1, std::string name="") |
void | addPolygon (vpMbtPolygon &p) |
void | cleanPyramid (std::vector< const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &_pyramid) |
void | computeProjectionError (const vpImage< unsigned char > &_I) |
void | computeVVS (const vpImage< unsigned char > &_I, const unsigned int lvl) |
void | computeVVSFirstPhase (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const unsigned int iter, double &count, const unsigned int lvl=0) |
void | computeVVSFirstPhaseFactor (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const unsigned int lvl=0) |
virtual void | computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) |
void | displayFeaturesOnImage (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const unsigned int lvl) |
void | downScale (const unsigned int _scale) |
virtual void | initCircle (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, const double radius, const int idFace=0, const std::string &name="") |
virtual void | initCylinder (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const double radius, const int idFace=0, const std::string &name="") |
virtual void | initFaceFromCorners (vpMbtPolygon &polygon) |
virtual void | initFaceFromLines (vpMbtPolygon &polygon) |
unsigned int | initMbtTracking (unsigned int &nberrors_lines, unsigned int &nberrors_cylinders, unsigned int &nberrors_circles) |
void | initMovingEdge (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo) |
void | initPyramid (const vpImage< unsigned char > &_I, std::vector< const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &_pyramid) |
void | reInitLevel (const unsigned int _lvl) |
void | reinitMovingEdge (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo) |
void | removeCircle (const std::string &name) |
void | removeCylinder (const std::string &name) |
void | removeLine (const std::string &name) |
void | resetMovingEdge () |
void | testTracking () |
void | trackMovingEdge (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) |
void | updateMovingEdge (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) |
void | updateMovingEdgeWeights () |
void | upScale (const unsigned int _scale) |
void | visibleFace (const vpImage< unsigned char > &_I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo, bool &newvisibleline) |
Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpMbTracker | |
void | addPolygon (const std::vector< vpPoint > &corners, const int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", const bool useLod=false, const double minPolygonAreaThreshold=2500.0, const double minLineLengthThreshold=50.0) |
void | addPolygon (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, const double radius, const int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", const bool useLod=false, const double minPolygonAreaThreshold=2500.0) |
void | addPolygon (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", const bool useLod=false, const double minLineLengthThreshold=50) |
void | addPolygon (const std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > &listFaces, const int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", const bool useLod=false, const double minLineLengthThreshold=50) |
virtual void | computeVVSWeights (vpRobust &robust, const vpColVector &error, vpColVector &w) |
void | addProjectionErrorCircle (const vpPoint &P1, const vpPoint &P2, const vpPoint &P3, const double r, int idFace=-1, const std::string &name="") |
void | addProjectionErrorCylinder (const vpPoint &P1, const vpPoint &P2, const double r, int idFace=-1, const std::string &name="") |
void | addProjectionErrorLine (vpPoint &p1, vpPoint &p2, int polygon=-1, std::string name="") |
void | addProjectionErrorPolygon (const std::vector< vpPoint > &corners, const int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", const bool useLod=false, const double minPolygonAreaThreshold=2500.0, const double minLineLengthThreshold=50.0) |
void | addProjectionErrorPolygon (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, const double radius, const int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", const bool useLod=false, const double minPolygonAreaThreshold=2500.0) |
void | addProjectionErrorPolygon (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", const bool useLod=false, const double minLineLengthThreshold=50) |
void | addProjectionErrorPolygon (const std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > &listFaces, const int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", const bool useLod=false, const double minLineLengthThreshold=50) |
void | createCylinderBBox (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const double &radius, std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > &listFaces) |
virtual void | computeCovarianceMatrixVVS (const bool isoJoIdentity_, const vpColVector &w_true, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMoPrev, const vpMatrix &L_true, const vpMatrix &LVJ_true, const vpColVector &error) |
void | computeJTR (const vpMatrix &J, const vpColVector &R, vpColVector &JTR) const |
double | computeProjectionErrorImpl (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo, const vpCameraParameters &_cam, unsigned int &nbFeatures) |
virtual void | computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardt (const unsigned int iter, vpColVector &error, const vpColVector &m_error_prev, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMoPrev, double &mu, bool &reStartFromLastIncrement, vpColVector *const w=NULL, const vpColVector *const m_w_prev=NULL) |
virtual void | computeVVSPoseEstimation (const bool isoJoIdentity_, const unsigned int iter, vpMatrix &L, vpMatrix <L, vpColVector &R, const vpColVector &error, vpColVector &error_prev, vpColVector <R, double &mu, vpColVector &v, const vpColVector *const w=NULL, vpColVector *const m_w_prev=NULL) |
virtual void | extractGroup (SoVRMLGroup *sceneGraphVRML2, vpHomogeneousMatrix &transform, int &idFace) |
virtual void | extractFaces (SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet *face_set, vpHomogeneousMatrix &transform, int &idFace, const std::string &polygonName="") |
virtual void | extractLines (SoVRMLIndexedLineSet *line_set, int &idFace, const std::string &polygonName="") |
virtual void | extractCylinders (SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet *face_set, vpHomogeneousMatrix &transform, int &idFace, const std::string &polygonName="") |
vpPoint | getGravityCenter (const std::vector< vpPoint > &_pts) const |
void | initProjectionErrorCircle (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, const double radius, const int idFace=0, const std::string &name="") |
void | initProjectionErrorCylinder (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const double radius, const int idFace=0, const std::string &name="") |
void | initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners (vpMbtPolygon &polygon) |
void | initProjectionErrorFaceFromLines (vpMbtPolygon &polygon) |
virtual void | loadVRMLModel (const std::string &modelFile) |
virtual void | loadCAOModel (const std::string &modelFile, std::vector< std::string > &vectorOfModelFilename, int &startIdFace, const bool verbose=false, const bool parent=true, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
void | projectionErrorInitMovingEdge (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo) |
void | projectionErrorResetMovingEdges () |
void | projectionErrorVisibleFace (const vpImage< unsigned char > &_I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo) |
void | removeComment (std::ifstream &fileId) |
bool | parseBoolean (std::string &input) |
std::map< std::string, std::string > | parseParameters (std::string &endLine) |
std::string & | ltrim (std::string &s) const |
std::string & | rtrim (std::string &s) const |
std::string & | trim (std::string &s) const |
bool | samePoint (const vpPoint &P1, const vpPoint &P2) const |
Make the complete stereo (or more) tracking of an object by using its CAD model.
This class allows to track an object or a scene given its 3D model. The Tutorial: Markerless model-based tracking with stereo cameras (deprecated) is also a good starting point to use this class.
The tracker requires the knowledge of the 3D model that could be provided in a vrml or in a cao file. The cao format is described in loadCAOModel(). It may also use an xml file used to tune the behavior of the tracker and an init file used to compute the pose at the very first image.
Definition at line 73 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
protected |
Enumerator | |
LINE | |
Definition at line 360 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
inherited |
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 113 of file vpMbTracker.h.
vpMbEdgeMultiTracker::vpMbEdgeMultiTracker | ( | ) |
Basic constructor
Definition at line 55 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbEdgeTracker::vpMbEdgeTracker().
explicit |
Construct a vpMbEdgeMultiTracker with the specified number of cameras.
nbCameras | : Number of cameras to use. |
Definition at line 70 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_referenceCameraName, and vpMbEdgeTracker::vpMbEdgeTracker().
explicit |
Construct a vpMbEdgeMultiTracker with the specified list of camera names. By default, the first camera name by alphabetic order is the reference camera.
cameraNames | : List of camera names. |
Definition at line 114 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_referenceCameraName, and vpMbEdgeTracker::vpMbEdgeTracker().
virtual |
Basic destructor useful to deallocate the memory.
Definition at line 134 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References cleanPyramid(), m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_mapOfPyramidalImages.
protectedinherited |
Add a circle to the list of circles.
P1 | : Center of the circle. |
P2,P3 | : Two points on the plane containing the circle. With the center of the circle we have 3 points defining the plane that contains the circle. |
r | : Radius of the circle. |
idFace | : Id of the face that is associated to the circle to handle visibility test. |
name | : the optional name of the circle. |
Definition at line 1912 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceCircle::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::downScale(), vpMbTracker::faces, vpMbtDistanceCircle::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCircle::index_polygon, vpMath::maximum(), vpMbEdgeTracker::me, vpMbEdgeTracker::ncircle, vpMbtDistanceCircle::p1, vpMbtDistanceCircle::p2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::p3, vpMbtDistanceCircle::radius, vpMbTracker::samePoint(), vpMbEdgeTracker::scales, vpMbtDistanceCircle::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setName(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::upScale().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::initCircle().
protectedinherited |
Add a cylinder to the list of cylinders.
P1 | : The first extremity of the axis. |
P2 | : The second extremity of the axis. |
r | : The radius of the cylinder. |
idFace | : The index of the face. |
name | : the optional name of the cylinder |
Definition at line 1971 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceCylinder::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbEdgeTracker::downScale(), vpMbTracker::faces, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::index_polygon, vpMath::maximum(), vpMbEdgeTracker::me, vpMbEdgeTracker::ncylinder, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::p1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::p2, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::radius, vpMbTracker::samePoint(), vpMbEdgeTracker::scales, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setName(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::upScale().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::initCylinder(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedinherited |
Add a line belonging to the the polygon to the list of lines. It is defined by its two extremities.
If the line already exists, the ploygone's index is added to the list of polygon to which it belongs.
P1 | : The first extremity of the line. |
P2 | : The second extremity of the line. |
polygon | : The index of the polygon to which the line belongs. |
name | : the optional name of the line |
Definition at line 1829 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceLine::addPolygon(), vpMbtDistanceLine::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpMbEdgeTracker::downScale(), vpMbTracker::faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbtDistanceLine::getPolygon(), vpMbtDistanceLine::hiddenface, vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbEdgeTracker::me, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpMbEdgeTracker::nline, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtDistanceLine::p1, vpMbtDistanceLine::p2, vpMbTracker::samePoint(), vpMbEdgeTracker::scales, vpMbtDistanceLine::setCameraParameters(), vpPolygon3D::setClipping(), vpPolygon3D::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setName(), vpPolygon3D::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::upScale(), vpMbtDistanceLine::useScanLine, and vpMbTracker::useScanLine.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initFaceFromLines(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedinherited |
Add a polygon to the list of polygons.
p | : The polygon to add. |
Definition at line 2059 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbtPolygon::getIndex(), vpPolygon3D::getNbPoint(), and vpPolygon3D::p.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 914 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpMbTracker::faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractCylinders(), vpMbTracker::extractFaces(), vpMbTracker::extractLines(), vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 970 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpColVector::crossProd(), vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpMbTracker::faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), vpPlane::getA(), vpPlane::getB(), vpPlane::getC(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::minLineLengthThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpPlane::object_frame, vpMath::rad(), vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), and vpMath::sqr().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 1051 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpMbTracker::faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 1089 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpMbTracker::faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setIsPolygonOriented(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3001 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceCircle::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbtDistanceCircle::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCircle::index_polygon, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCircles, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorMe, vpMath::maximum(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::p1, vpMbtDistanceCircle::p2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::p3, vpMbtDistanceCircle::radius, vpMbTracker::samePoint(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setMovingEdge(), and vpMbtDistanceCircle::setName().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorCircle().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3031 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceCylinder::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::index_polygon, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCylinders, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorMe, vpMath::maximum(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::p1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::p2, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::radius, vpMbTracker::samePoint(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setMovingEdge(), and vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setName().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorCylinder().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 2959 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceLine::addPolygon(), vpMbtDistanceLine::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbtDistanceLine::getPolygon(), vpMbtDistanceLine::hiddenface, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorLines, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorMe, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtDistanceLine::p1, vpMbtDistanceLine::p2, vpMbTracker::samePoint(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setCameraParameters(), vpPolygon3D::setClipping(), vpPolygon3D::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setName(), vpPolygon3D::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbtDistanceLine::useScanLine, and vpMbTracker::useScanLine.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners(), and vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorFaceFromLines().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 2778 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractCylinders(), vpMbTracker::extractFaces(), vpMbTracker::extractLines(), and vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 2820 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpColVector::crossProd(), vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), vpPlane::getA(), vpPlane::getB(), vpPlane::getC(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbTracker::minLineLengthThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpPlane::object_frame, vpMath::rad(), vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), and vpMath::sqr().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 2895 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbTracker::minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 2927 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::distFarClip, vpMbTracker::distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbTracker::minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setIsPolygonOriented(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 146 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), track(), and ~vpMbEdgeMultiTracker().
protectedinherited |
Clean the pyramid of image allocated with the initPyramid() method. The vector has a size equal to zero at the end of the method.
_pyramid | : The pyramid of image to clean. |
Definition at line 2631 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::~vpMbEdgeTracker().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Definition at line 2445 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::computeCovariance, vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpMbTracker::covarianceMatrix, and vpMatrix::diag().
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
virtualinherited |
Compute projection error given an input image and camera pose, parameters. This projection error uses locations sampled exactly where the model is projected using the camera pose and intrinsic parameters. You may want to use
to get a projection error computed at the ME locations after a call to track(). It works similarly to vpMbTracker::getProjectionError function:
Get the error angle between the gradient direction of the model features projected at the resulting pose and their normal. The error is expressed in degree between 0 and 90.
I | : Input grayscale image. |
_cMo | : Camera pose. |
_cam | : Camera parameters. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 3109 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMath::deg(), vpException::fatalError, and vpMbTracker::modelInitialised.
protectedinherited |
Compute , with J the interaction matrix and R the vector of residu.
vpMatrixException::incorrectMatrixSizeError | if the sizes of the matrices do not allow the computation. |
interaction | : The interaction matrix (size Nx6). |
error | : The residu vector (size Nx1). |
JTR | : The resulting JTR column vector (size 6x1). |
Definition at line 2476 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpCPUFeatures::checkSSE2(), vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrixException::incorrectMatrixSizeError, and vpColVector::resize().
Referenced by computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), and vpMbTracker::computeVVSPoseEstimation().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 163 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::computeProjError, vpMath::deg(), m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, vpMbEdgeTracker::nbFeaturesForProjErrorComputation, vpMbTracker::projectionError, and vpMath::rad().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), track(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Compute the projection error of the model. This approach compares the gradient direction around samples of each lines of the model with their direction. Error is expressed in degrees between 0 and 90.
_I | : Image in which the model appears. |
Definition at line 868 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMath::deg(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isVisible(), vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorDisplay, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorDisplayLength, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorDisplayThickness, vpMbTracker::m_SobelX, vpMbTracker::m_SobelY, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbEdgeTracker::nbFeaturesForProjErrorComputation, vpMbTracker::projectionError, and vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3126 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::computeClippedPolygons(), vpCameraParameters::computeFov(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::computeScanLineRender(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::initOgre(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::isOgreInitialised(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isVisible(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCam, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCircles, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCylinders, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorDisplay, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorDisplayLength, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorDisplayThickness, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorLines, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorOgreShowConfigDialog, vpMbTracker::m_SobelX, vpMbTracker::m_SobelY, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbTracker::projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorResetMovingEdges(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorVisibleFace(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setBackgroundSizeOgre(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setCameraParameters(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setOgreShowConfigDialog(), vpMbTracker::useOgre, and vpMbTracker::useScanLine.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeCurrentProjectionError().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 189 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbTracker::computeCovariance, vpMbTracker::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardt(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), computeVVSInit(), computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSPoseEstimation(), computeVVSWeights(), vpExponentialMap::direct(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpColVector::insert(), vpMatrix::insert(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpMbTracker::isoJoIdentity, vpMbTracker::m_computeInteraction, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_error_edge, m_error_edgeMulti, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_factor, vpMbTracker::m_initialMu, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_L_edge, m_L_edgeMulti, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, vpMbTracker::m_maxIter, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_w_edge, m_w_edgeMulti, m_weightedError_edgeMulti, vpMbTracker::oJo, vpMath::sqr(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdgeWeights().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and track().
protectedinherited |
Compute the visual servoing loop to get the pose of the feature set.
vpTrackingException::notEnoughPointError | if the number of detected feature is equal to zero. |
_I | : The current image. |
lvl | : The level in the pyramid scale. |
Definition at line 170 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbTracker::computeCovariance, vpMbTracker::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardt(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), vpExponentialMap::direct(), vpMatrix::eye(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpMbTracker::isoJoIdentity, vpMbTracker::m_computeInteraction, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_error_edge, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_factor, vpMbTracker::m_initialMu, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_L_edge, vpMbTracker::m_maxIter, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_w_edge, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_weightedError_edge, vpMbTracker::oJo, vpMath::sqr(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdgeWeights().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Definition at line 2525 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::fatalError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMbTracker::LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_OPT, vpMbTracker::m_optimizationMethod, and vpColVector::sumSquare().
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 293 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbtDistanceLine::closeToImageBorder(), vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbtDistanceCircle::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceLine::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceCircle::error, vpMbtDistanceLine::error, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::error, vpCameraParameters::get_px(), vpMeSite::getState(), vpMbtDistanceLine::hiddenface, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::isAppearing(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::L, vpMbtDistanceLine::L, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::L, vpMbtDistanceLine::Lindex_polygon, vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_error_edge, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_factor, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_L_edge, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_w_edge, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel2, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeatureTotal, vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION, and vpMath::sign().
Referenced by computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 559 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbtDistanceLine::closeToImageBorder(), vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbtDistanceCircle::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceLine::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMeSite::getState(), vpMbtDistanceLine::hiddenface, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::isAppearing(), vpMbtDistanceLine::Lindex_polygon, vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_factor, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeature, and vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 355 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMatrix::AtA(), vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbTracker::computeJTR(), vpExponentialMap::direct(), vpMatrix::eye(), vpException::fatalError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpMbTracker::m_computeInteraction, m_error_edgeMulti, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_factor, m_L_edgeMulti, m_w_edgeMulti, m_weightedError_edgeMulti, vpMbTracker::oJo, and vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().
Referenced by computeVVS(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 424 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMbEdgeTracker::m_error_edge, m_error_edgeMulti, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_factor, m_L_edgeMulti, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_w_edgeMulti, m_weightedError_edgeMulti, vpTrackingException::notEnoughPointError, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpColVector::resize().
Referenced by computeVVS(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 452 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError.
Referenced by computeVVS(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 459 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpColVector::insert(), vpMatrix::insert(), vpMbEdgeTracker::m_error_edge, m_error_edgeMulti, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_L_edge, m_L_edgeMulti, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Definition at line 778 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbtDistanceCircle::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceLine::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::computeInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceLine::error, vpMbtDistanceCircle::error, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::error, vpMbtDistanceCircle::L, vpMbtDistanceLine::L, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::L, vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_error_edge, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_errorCircles, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_errorCylinders, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_errorLines, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_L_edge, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeatureTotal, and vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Definition at line 2547 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMatrix::AtA(), vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbTracker::computeJTR(), vpMatrix::eye(), vpMbTracker::GAUSS_NEWTON_OPT, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMbTracker::LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_OPT, vpMbTracker::m_lambda, vpMbTracker::m_optimizationMethod, vpMbTracker::oJo, and vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedvirtual |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 479 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpColVector::insert(), m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_w_edge, and m_w_edgeMulti.
Referenced by computeVVS(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Definition at line 2610 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpRobust::MEstimator(), and vpRobust::TUKEY.
Referenced by vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVSWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVSWeights(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 2666 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpException::badValue, vpColVector::clear(), vpColVector::crossProd(), vpColVector::euclideanNorm(), vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), and vpColVector::normalize().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractCylinders(), and vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
virtual |
Display the 3D model from a given position of the camera.
I | : The grayscale image. |
cMo_ | : Pose used to project the 3D model into the image. |
cam_ | : The camera parameters. |
col | : The desired color. |
thickness | : The thickness of the lines. |
displayFullModel | : If true, the full model is displayed (even the non visible faces). |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 506 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::display().
virtual |
Display the 3D model from a given position of the camera.
I | : The color image. |
cMo_ | : Pose used to project the 3D model into the image. |
cam_ | : The camera parameters. |
col | : The desired color. |
thickness | : The thickness of the lines. |
displayFullModel | : If true, the full model is displayed (even the non visible faces). |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 530 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Display the 3D model from a given position of the camera (stereo cameras configuration).
I1 | : The first grayscale image. |
I2 | : The second grayscale image. |
c1Mo | : Pose used to project the 3D model into the first image. |
c2Mo | : Pose used to project the 3D model into the second image. |
cam1 | : The first camera parameters. |
cam2 | : The second camera parameters. |
col | : The desired color. |
thickness | : The thickness of the lines. |
displayFullModel | : If true, the full model is displayed (even the non visible faces). |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 558 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Display the 3D model from a given position of the camera (stereo cameras configuration).
I1 | : The first color image. |
I2 | : The second color image. |
c1Mo | : Pose used to project the 3D model into the first image. |
c2Mo | : Pose used to project the 3D model into the second image. |
cam1 | : The first camera parameters. |
cam2 | : The second camera parameters. |
col | : The desired color. |
thickness | : The thickness of the lines. |
displayFullModel | : If true, the full model is displayed (even the non visible faces). |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 591 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Display the 3D model from a given position of the camera (multiple cameras configuration).
mapOfImages | : Map of grayscale images. |
mapOfCameraPoses | : Map of camera poses. |
mapOfCameraParameters | : Map of camera parameters. |
col | : The desired color. |
thickness | : The thickness of the lines. |
displayFullModel | : If true, the full model is displayed (even the non visible faces). |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 621 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Display the 3D model from a given position of the camera (multiple cameras configuration).
mapOfImages | : Map of color images. |
mapOfCameraPoses | : Map of camera poses. |
mapOfCameraParameters | : Map of camera parameters. |
col | : The desired color. |
thickness | : The thickness of the lines. |
displayFullModel | : If true, the full model is displayed (even the non visible faces). |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 655 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 1349 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceCircle::displayMovingEdges(), vpMbtDistanceLine::displayMovingEdges(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::displayMovingEdges(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isVisible(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::lines.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Modify the camera parameters to have them corresponding to the current scale. The new parameters are divided by .
_scale | : Scale to use. |
Definition at line 2717 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpCameraParameters::get_K(), vpCameraParameters::initFromCalibrationMatrix(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Extract a cylinder to track from the VMRL model. This method calls the initCylinder() method implemented in the child class.
face_set | : Pointer to the cylinder in the vrml format. |
transform | : Transformation matrix applied to the cylinder. |
idFace | : Id of the face. |
polygonName | Name of the polygon. |
Definition at line 2060 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpException::badValue, vpMbTracker::createCylinderBBox(), vpException::dimensionError, vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), vpMbTracker::getGravityCenter(), vpMbTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorCylinder(), vpMath::maximum(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), and vpColVector::sumSquare().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractGroup().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Extract a face of the object to track from the VMRL model. This method calls the initFaceFromCorners() method implemented in the child class.
face_set | : Pointer to the face in the vrml format. |
transform | : Transformation matrix applied to the face. |
idFace | : Face id. |
polygonName | Name of the polygon. |
Definition at line 2007 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbTracker::faces, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractGroup().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Extract a VRML object Group.
sceneGraphVRML2 | : Current node (either Transform, or Group node). |
transform | : Transformation matrix for this group. |
idFace | : Index of the face. |
Definition at line 1918 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::extractCylinders(), vpMbTracker::extractFaces(), and vpMbTracker::extractLines().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadVRMLModel().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Extract a line of the object to track from the VMRL model. This method calls the initFaceFromCorners() method implemented in the child class.
line_set | : Pointer to the line in the vrml format. |
idFace | : Id of the face. |
polygonName | Name of the polygon. |
Definition at line 2145 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbTracker::faces, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractGroup().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Return the angle used to test polygons appearance.
Definition at line 238 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Return the angle used to test polygons disappearance.
Definition at line 241 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Get the camera names.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 682 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getCameraNames().
virtual |
Get the camera parameters for the mono/reference camera.
camera | : Copy of the camera parameters used by the tracker. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 699 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getCameraParameters().
virtual |
Get the camera parameters for the stereo cameras case.
cam1 | : Copy of the camera parameters for the first camera. |
cam2 | : Copy of the camera parameters for the second camera. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 716 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Get the camera parameters specified by its name.
cameraName | : Name of the camera. |
camera | : Copy of the camera parameters. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 736 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Get all the camera parameters.
mapOfCameraParameters | : Map of camera parameters. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 751 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Get the clipping used and defined in vpPolygon3D::vpMbtPolygonClippingType for the given camera name.
cameraName | : Name of the desired camera. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 771 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::getClipping(), and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the clipping used and defined in vpPolygon3D::vpMbtPolygonClippingType.
Definition at line 256 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbKltMultiTracker::getClipping(), getClipping(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getClipping().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the covariance matrix. This matrix is only computed if setCovarianceComputation() is turned on.
Definition at line 265 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Return the error vector reached after the virtual visual servoing process used to estimate the pose.
The following example shows how to use this function to compute the norm of the residual and the norm of the residual normalized by the number of features that are tracked:
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 185 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
virtualinherited |
Get a 1x6 vpColVector representing the estimated degrees of freedom. vpColVector[0] = 1 if translation on X is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[1] = 1 if translation on Y is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[2] = 1 if translation on Z is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[3] = 1 if rotation on X is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[4] = 1 if rotation on Y is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[5] = 1 if rotation on Z is estimated, 0 otherwise;
Definition at line 2627 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::oJo.
virtual |
Return a reference to the faces structure.
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 788 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::faces, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getEdgeFaces().
virtual |
Return a reference to the faces structure for the given camera name.
Definition at line 804 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::faces, and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Return a map of faces structure for each camera.
Definition at line 820 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the far distance for clipping.
Definition at line 339 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 393 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::percentageGdPt.
protectedinherited |
Compute the center of gravity of a set of point. This is used in the cylinder extraction to find the center of the circles.
vpException::dimensionError | if the set is empty. |
pts | : Set of point to extract the center of gravity. |
Definition at line 2190 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpException::dimensionError, vpPoint::get_oX(), and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractCylinders().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the initial value of mu used in the Levenberg Marquardt optimization loop.
Definition at line 284 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the value of the gain used to compute the control law.
Definition at line 291 of file vpMbTracker.h.
void vpMbEdgeMultiTracker::getLcircle | ( | std::list< vpMbtDistanceCircle * > & | circlesList, |
const unsigned int | level = 0 |
) | const |
Get the list of the circles tracked for the specified level. Each circle contains the list of the vpMeSite.
vpException::dimensionError | if the second parameter does not correspond to an used level. |
level | : Level corresponding to the list to return. |
circlesList | : The list of the circles of the model. |
Definition at line 841 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Get the list of the circles tracked for the specified level. Each circle contains the list of the vpMeSite.
vpException::dimensionError | if the second parameter does not correspond to an used level. |
cameraName | : Camera name for which we want to get the list of vpMbtDistanceCircle. |
level | : Level corresponding to the list to return. |
circlesList | : The list of the circles of the model. |
Definition at line 863 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
void vpMbEdgeMultiTracker::getLcylinder | ( | std::list< vpMbtDistanceCylinder * > & | cylindersList, |
const unsigned int | level = 0 |
) | const |
Get the list of the cylinders tracked for the specified level. Each cylinder contains the list of the vpMeSite.
vpException::dimensionError | if the second parameter does not correspond to an used level. |
level | : Level corresponding to the list to return. |
cylindersList | : The list of the cylinders of the model. |
Definition at line 884 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Get the list of the cylinders tracked for the specified level. Each cylinder contains the list of the vpMeSite.
vpException::dimensionError | if the second parameter does not correspond to an used level. |
cameraName | : Camera name for which we want to get the list of vpMbtDistanceCylinder. |
level | : Level corresponding to the list to return. |
cylindersList | : The list of the cylinders of the model. |
Definition at line 907 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
void vpMbEdgeMultiTracker::getLline | ( | std::list< vpMbtDistanceLine * > & | linesList, |
const unsigned int | level = 0 |
) | const |
Get the list of the lines tracked for the specified level. Each line contains the list of the vpMeSite.
vpException::dimensionError | if the second parameter does not correspond to an used level. |
level | : Level corresponding to the list to return. |
linesList | : The list of the lines of the model. |
Definition at line 929 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Get the list of the lines tracked for the specified level. Each line contains the list of the vpMeSite.
vpException::dimensionError | if the second parameter does not correspond to an used level. |
cameraName | : Camera name for which we want to get the list of vpMbtDistanceLine. |
level | : Level corresponding to the list to return. |
linesList | : The list of the lines of the model. |
Definition at line 951 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the maximum number of iterations of the virtual visual servoing stage.
Definition at line 298 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Get the moving edge parameters for the reference camera.
p_me | : Moving edge parameters for the reference camera. |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Definition at line 968 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Get the moving edge parameters for the reference camera.
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Definition at line 983 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by getMovingEdge().
virtual |
Get the moving edge parameters for the specified camera name.
cameraName | : Name of the camera. |
p_me | : Moving edge parameters for the specified camera name. |
Definition at line 1003 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Get the moving edge parameters for the specified camera name.
cameraName | : Name of the camera. |
Definition at line 1020 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References getMovingEdge().
virtual |
Get the number of polygons (faces) representing the object to track for all the cameras.
Definition at line 1118 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getEdgeMultiNbPolygon().
virtual |
Return the number of good points (vpMeSite) tracked. A good point is a vpMeSite with its flag "state" equal to 0. Only these points are used during the virtual visual servoing stage.
level | : Pyramid level to consider. |
vpException::dimensionError | if level does not represent a used level. |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Definition at line 1039 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::getMovingEdge().
virtual |
Return the number of good points (vpMeSite) tracked. A good point is a vpMeSite with its flag "state" equal to 0. Only these points are used during the virtual visual servoing stage.
cameraName | : Camera name. |
level | : Pyramid level to consider. |
vpException::dimensionError | if level does not represent a used level. |
Definition at line 1067 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Get the number of polygons (faces) representing the object to track.
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1084 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getFactorMBT().
virtual |
Get the number of polygons (faces) representing the object to track for the specified camera.
Definition at line 1101 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the near distance for clipping.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltTracker.
Definition at line 375 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::getNearClippingDistance().
inline |
Get the number of cameras.
Definition at line 178 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
References vpMbTracker::getPose().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the optimization method used during the tracking. 0 = Gauss-Newton approach. 1 = Levenberg-Marquardt approach.
Definition at line 384 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Return the polygon (face) "index".
vpException::dimensionError | if index does not represent a good polygon. |
index | : Index of the polygon to return. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 395 of file vpMbTracker.h.
References vpException::dimensionError, and vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getError().
virtualinherited |
Get the list of polygons faces (a vpPolygon representing the projection of the face in the image and a list of face corners in 3D), with the possibility to order by distance to the camera or to use the visibility check to consider if the polygon face must be retrieved or not.
orderPolygons | : If true, the resulting list is ordered from the nearest polygon faces to the farther. |
useVisibility | : If true, only visible faces will be retrieved. |
clipPolygon | : If true, the polygons will be clipped according to the clipping flags set in vpMbTracker. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 2224 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbTracker::faces, and vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getError().
virtual |
Get the current pose between the object and the cameras.
c1Mo | : The camera pose for the first camera. |
c2Mo | : The camera pose for the second camera. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1135 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Get the current pose between the object and the camera. cMo is the matrix which can be used to express coordinates from the object frame to camera frame.
cameraName | : The name of the camera. |
cMo_ | : The camera pose for the specified camera. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1156 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Get the current pose between the object and the cameras.
mapOfCameraPoses | : The map of camera poses for all the cameras. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1171 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the current pose between the object and the camera. cMo is the matrix which can be used to express coordinates from the object frame to camera frame.
cMo_ | : the pose |
Definition at line 414 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the current pose between the object and the camera. cMo is the matrix which can be used to express coordinates from the object frame to camera frame.
Definition at line 423 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getError(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getNumberOfCameras(), getNumberOfCameras(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::getNumberOfCameras(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getPose(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initClick().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Get the error angle between the gradient direction of the model features projected at the resulting pose and their normal. The error is expressed in degree between 0 and 90. This value is computed if setProjectionErrorComputation() is turned on.
Definition at line 310 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Return the weights vector computed by the robust scheme.
The following example shows how to use this function to compute the norm of the weighted residual and the norm of the weighted residual normalized by the sum of the weights associated to the features that are tracked:
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 187 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbTracker::initClick(), vpMbTracker::initFromPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbTracker::loadModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbTracker::setAngleAppear(), vpMbTracker::setAngleDisappear(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setClipping(), vpMbTracker::setCovarianceComputation(), vpMbTracker::setDisplayFeatures(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbTracker::setGoodNbRayCastingAttemptsRatio(), vpMbTracker::setLod(), vpMbTracker::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbTracker::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setMovingEdge(), vpMbTracker::setNbRayCastingAttemptsForVisibility(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbTracker::setOgreShowConfigDialog(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbTracker::setOptimizationMethod(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setPose(), vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorComputation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setScales(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setScanLineVisibilityTest(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setUseEdgeTracking(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
inlineinherited |
Return the scales levels used for the tracking.
Definition at line 383 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::scales.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Definition at line 425 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Initialise the tracking.
I | : Input image. |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Definition at line 1184 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Add a circle to track from its center, 3 points (including the center) defining the plane that contain the circle and its radius.
p1 | : Center of the circle. |
p2,p3 | : Two points on the plane containing the circle. With the center of the circle we have 3 points defining the plane that contains the circle. |
radius | : Radius of the circle. |
idFace | : Index of the face associated to the circle to handle visibility test. |
name | : The optional name of the circle. |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltTracker, and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2211 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initCircle(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are given in points3D_list.
I | : Input image where the user has to click. |
points3D_list | : List of at least 4 3D points with coordinates expressed in meters in the object frame. |
displayFile | : Path to the image used to display the help. This image may be used to show where to click. This functionality is only available if visp_io module is used. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1197 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights().
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are extracted from a file. In this file, comments starting with # character are allowed. Notice that 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with their X, Y and Z values.
The structure of this file is the following:
I | : Input image where the user has to click. |
initFile | : File containing the coordinates of at least 4 3D points the user has to click in the image. This file should have .init extension (ie teabox.init). |
displayHelp | : Optionnal display of an image that should have the same generic name as the init file (ie teabox.ppm). This image may be used to show where to click. This functionality is only available if visp_io module is used. |
T | : optional transformation matrix to transform 3D points expressed in the original object frame to the desired object frame. |
vpException::ioError | : The file specified in initFile doesn't exist. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1249 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the reference image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are extracted from a file. In this file, comments starting with # character are allowed. Notice that 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with their X, Y and Z values.
The structure of this file is the following:
I1 | : Input image for the first camera. |
I2 | : Input image for the second camera. |
initFile1 | : File containing the coordinates of at least 4 3D points the user has to click in the image acquired by the first camera. This file should have .init extension (ie teabox.init). |
initFile2 | : File containing the coordinates of at least 4 3D points the user has to click in the image acquired by the second camera. This file should have .init extension. |
displayHelp | : Optionnal display of an image that should have the same generic name as the init file (ie teabox.ppm). This image may be used to show where to click. This functionality is only available if visp_io module is used. |
firstCameraIsReference | : If true, the first camera is the reference, otherwise it is the second one. |
vpException::ioError | : The file specified in initFile doesn't exist. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1305 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::initializationError, and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the reference image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are extracted from a file. In this file, comments starting with # character are allowed. Notice that 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with their X, Y and Z values.
The structure of this file is the following:
mapOfImages | : Map of images. |
initFile | : File containing the points where to click for the reference camera. |
displayHelp | : Optionnal display of an image that should have the same generic name as the init file (ie teabox.ppm). This image may be used to show where to click. This functionality is only available if visp_io module is used. |
vpException::ioError | : The file specified in initFile doesn't exist. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1368 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the reference image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are extracted from a file. In this file, comments starting with # character are allowed. Notice that 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with their X, Y and Z values.
The structure of this file is the following:
The cameras that have not an init file will be automatically initialized but the camera transformation matrices have to be set before.
mapOfImages | : Map of images. |
mapOfInitFiles | : map of files containing the points where to click for each camera. |
displayHelp | : Optional display of an image (ie teabox.ppm). This image may be used to show where to click. |
vpException::ioError | : The file specified in initFile doesn't exist. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1441 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
protectedvirtualinherited |
Add a cylinder to track from two points on the axis (defining the length of the cylinder) and its radius.
p1 | : First point on the axis. |
p2 | : Second point on the axis. |
radius | : Radius of the cylinder. |
idFace | : Id of the face that is associated to the cylinder to handle visibility test. |
name | : The optional name of the cylinder. |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltTracker, and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2227 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Add the lines to track from the polygon description. If the polygon has only two points, it defines a single line that is always visible. If it has three or more corners, it defines a face. In that case the visibility of the face is computed in order to track the corresponding lines only if the face is visible.
The id of the polygon is supposed to be set prior calling this function.
This method is called from the loadModel() one to add a face of the object to track.
polygon | : The polygon describing the set of lines that has to be tracked. |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltTracker, and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2122 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbtPolygon::getIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::getName(), vpPolygon3D::getNbPoint(), and vpPolygon3D::p.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Add the lines to track from the polygon description. If the polygon has only two points, it defines a single line that is always visible. If it has three or more corners, it defines a face. In that case the visibility of the face is computed in order to track the corresponding lines only if the face is visible.
The id of the polygon is supposed to be set prior calling this function.
This method is called from the loadModel() one to add a face of the object to track.
polygon | : The polygon describing the set of lines that has to be tracked. |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltTracker, and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2146 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbtPolygon::getIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::getName(), vpPolygon3D::getNbPoint(), and vpPolygon3D::p.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initFaceFromLines(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
virtualinherited |
Initialise the tracker by reading 3D point coordinates and the corresponding 2D image point coordinates from a file. Comments starting with # character are allowed. 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with X, Y and Z values. 2D point coordinates are expressied in pixel coordinates, with first the line and then the column of the pixel in the image. The structure of this file is the following.
I | : Input image |
initFile | : Path to the file containing all the points. |
Definition at line 628 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPose::addPoint(), vpException::badValue, vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpPose::computePose(), vpPose::computeResidual(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPose::DEMENTHON, vpMbTracker::init(), vpException::ioError, vpPose::LAGRANGE, vpPoint::set_x(), vpPoint::set_y(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), and vpPose::VIRTUAL_VS.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights().
virtualinherited |
Initialise the tracking with the list of image points (points2D_list) and the list of corresponding 3D points (object frame) (points3D_list).
I | : Input image |
points2D_list | : List of image points. |
points3D_list | : List of 3D points (object frame). |
Definition at line 777 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPose::addPoint(), vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpPose::computePose(), vpPose::computeResidual(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPose::DEMENTHON, vpMbTracker::init(), vpPose::LAGRANGE, vpPose::VIRTUAL_VS, and vpERROR_TRACE.
virtual |
Initialize the tracking thanks to the pose in vpPoseVector format, and read in the file initFile. The structure of this file is (without the comments):
Where the three firsts lines refer to the translation and the three last to the rotation in thetaU parameterization (see vpThetaUVector).
I | : Input image |
initFile | : Path to the file containing the pose. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1516 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom(), vpMbTracker::cMo, vpHomogeneousMatrix::init(), vpTrackingException::initializationError, vpException::ioError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), initFromPose(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initFromPose().
virtual |
Initialize the tracking thanks to the pose.
I | : Input image |
cMo_ | : Pose matrix. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1565 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpHomogeneousMatrix::init(), vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Initialize the tracking thanks to the pose vector.
I | : Input image |
cPo | : Pose vector. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1591 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References initFromPose().
virtual |
Initialize the tracking thanks to the pose for stereo cameras configuration.
I1 | : Input image for the first camera. |
I2 | : Input image for the second camera. |
c1Mo | : Pose matrix for the first camera. |
c2Mo | : Pose matrix for the second camera. |
firstCameraIsReference | : If true, the first camera is the reference camera, otherwise it is the second one. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1607 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References setPose().
virtual |
Initialize the tracking thanks to the pose. The camera transformation matrices have to be set before.
mapOfImages | : Map of images. |
cMo_ | : Pose matrix for the reference camera. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1623 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References setPose().
virtual |
Initialize the tracking thanks to the pose.
mapOfImages | : Map of images. |
mapOfCameraPoses | : Map of pose matrix. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1637 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References setPose().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 2155 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceCircle::initInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::initInteractionMatrixError(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeatureTotal, and vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking().
protectedinherited |
Initialize the moving edge thanks to a given pose of the camera. The 3D model is projected into the image to create moving edges along the lines.
I | : The image. |
_cMo | : The pose of the camera used to initialize the moving edges. |
Definition at line 1384 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceCircle::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceLine::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCircle::index_polygon, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::index_polygon, vpMbtDistanceCircle::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::Lindex_polygon, vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbTracker::m_mask, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel2, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeatureTotal, vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel, vpMbtDistanceCircle::setVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setVisible(), and vpMbtDistanceLine::updateTracked().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3061 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCircle().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3067 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCylinder().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractCylinders(), and vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3073 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbtPolygon::getIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::getName(), vpPolygon3D::getNbPoint(), and vpPolygon3D::p.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::extractFaces(), vpMbTracker::extractLines(), and vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3083 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbtPolygon::getIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::getName(), vpPolygon3D::getNbPoint(), and vpPolygon3D::p.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1645 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::initPyramid(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::scales.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and track().
protectedinherited |
Compute the pyramid of image associated to the image in parameter. The scales computed are the ones corresponding to the scales attribute of the class. If OpenCV is detected, the functions used to computed a smoothed pyramid come from OpenCV, otherwise a simple subsampling (no smoothing, no interpolation) is realized.
_I | : The input image. |
_pyramid | : The pyramid of image to build from the input image. |
Definition at line 2586 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpImageConvert::convert(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::scales.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), initPyramid(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Load a 3D model contained in a *.cao file.
Since ViSP 2.9.1, lines starting with # character are considered as comments. It is also possible to add comment at the end of the lines. No specific character is requested before the comment. In the following example we use "//" but it could be an other character.
Since ViSP 2.9.1, circles are supported.
The structure of the file is :
modelFile | : Full name of the main *.cao file containing the model. |
vectorOfModelFilename | : A vector of *.cao files. |
startIdFace | : Current Id of the face. |
verbose | : If true, will print additional information with CAO model files which include other CAO model files. |
parent | : This parameter is set to true when parsing a parent CAO model file, and false when parsing an included CAO model file. |
T | : optional transformation matrix (currently only for .cao) to transform 3D points expressed in the original object frame to the desired object frame. |
Definition at line 1372 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbTracker::applyLodSettingInConfig, vpException::badValue, vpIoTools::checkFilename(), vpMbTracker::createCylinderBBox(), vpIoTools::createFilePath(), vpMbTracker::faces, vpIoTools::getAbsolutePathname(), vpIoTools::getName(), vpIoTools::getParent(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpMbTracker::initCircle(), vpMbTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbTracker::initFaceFromLines(), vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorCircle(), vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorCylinder(), vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners(), vpMbTracker::initProjectionErrorFaceFromLines(), vpException::ioError, vpIoTools::isAbsolutePathname(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbTracker::minLineLengthThresholdGeneral, vpMbTracker::minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpMbTracker::nbCircles, vpMbTracker::nbCylinders, vpMbTracker::nbLines, vpMbTracker::nbPoints, vpMbTracker::nbPolygonLines, vpMbTracker::nbPolygonPoints, vpMbTracker::parseBoolean(), vpMbTracker::parseParameters(), vpIoTools::path(), vpMbTracker::removeComment(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), vpMbTracker::useLodGeneral, and vpTRACE.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadModel().
virtual |
Load the xml configuration file. From the configuration file, initialize the parameters corresponding to the objects: moving-edges, camera and visibility angles.
vpException::ioError | if the file has not been properly parsed (file not found or wrong format for the data). |
configFile | : full name of the xml file. |
The XML configuration file has the following form:
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1706 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::angleAppears, vpMbTracker::angleDisappears, vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_referenceCameraName, and vpMbEdgeTracker::me.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::loadConfigFile().
virtual |
Load the xml configuration files for the stereo cameras case. An example of such a file is provided in loadConfigFile(const std::string &) documentation. From the configuration file initialize the parameters corresponding to the objects: moving-edges, camera and visibility angles.
configFile1 | : Full name of the xml file for the first camera. |
configFile2 | : Full name of the xml file for the second camera. |
firstCameraIsReference | : If true, the first camera is the reference, otherwise it is the second one. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1744 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::angleAppears, vpMbTracker::angleDisappears, vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbEdgeTracker::me.
virtual |
Load the xml configuration files for all the cameras. An example of such a file is provided in loadConfigFile(const std::string &) documentation. From the configuration file initialize the parameters corresponding to the objects: moving-edges, camera and visibility angles.
mapOfConfigFiles | : Map of xml files. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1797 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::angleAppears, vpMbTracker::angleDisappears, vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_referenceCameraName, and vpMbEdgeTracker::me.
virtual |
Load a 3D model from the file in parameter. This file must either be a vrml file (.wrl) or a CAO file (.cao). CAO format is described in the loadCAOModel() method.
vpException::ioError | if the file cannot be open, or if its extension is not wrl or cao. |
modelFile | : the file containing the the 3D model description. The extension of this file is either .wrl or .cao. |
verbose | : verbose option to print additional information when loading CAO model files which include other CAO model files. |
T | : optional transformation matrix (currently only for .cao) to transform 3D points expressed in the original object frame to the desired object frame. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1857 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::modelInitialised.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::loadModel().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Load the 3D model of the object from a vrml file. Only LineSet and FaceSet are extracted from the vrml file.
vpException::fatalError | if the file cannot be open. |
modelFile | : The full name of the file containing the 3D model. |
Definition at line 1209 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::extractGroup(), vpMbTracker::faces, vpException::fatalError, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size(), and vpERROR_TRACE.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadModel().
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 860 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 847 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 1270 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::mapOfParameterNames, and vpMbTracker::trim().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3300 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceCircle::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceLine::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCircle::index_polygon, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::index_polygon, vpMbtDistanceCircle::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::Lindex_polygon, vpMbTracker::m_mask, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCircles, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCylinders, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorLines, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel2, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeatureTotal, vpMbtDistanceCircle::setVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setVisible(), and vpMbtDistanceLine::updateTracked().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3260 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCircles, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCylinders, and vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorLines.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 3245 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::angleAppears, vpMbTracker::angleDisappears, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCam, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setVisible(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setVisibleOgre(), and vpMbTracker::useOgre.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protectedinherited |
Re initialize the moving edges associated to a given level. This method is used to re-initialize the level if the tracking failed on this level but succeeded on the other one.
_lvl | : The level to re-initialize. |
Definition at line 2760 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbEdgeTracker::Ipyramid, vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbTracker::m_mask, vpMbtDistanceCircle::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel, vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdge().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
virtual |
Re-initialize the model used by the tracker.
I | : The image containing the object to initialize. |
cad_name | : Path to the file containing the 3D model description. |
cMo_ | : The new vpHomogeneousMatrix between the camera and the new model |
verbose | : verbose option to print additional information when loading CAO model files which include other CAO model files. |
T | : optional transformation matrix (currently only for .cao) to transform 3D points expressed in the original object frame to the desired object frame. |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1880 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_referenceCameraName, and vpMbTracker::modelInitialised.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::reInitModel().
virtual |
Re-initialize the model used by the tracker.
I1 | : The image containing the object to initialize for the first camera. |
I2 | : The image containing the object to initialize for the second camera. |
cad_name | : Path to the file containing the 3D model description. |
c1Mo | : The new vpHomogeneousMatrix between the first camera and the new model. |
c2Mo | : The new vpHomogeneousMatrix between the second camera and the new model. |
verbose | : verbose option to print additional information when loading CAO model files which include other CAO model files. |
firstCameraIsReference | : If true, the first camera is the reference camera, otherwise it is the second one. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1914 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::fatalError, and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Re-initialize the model used by the tracker.
mapOfImages | : Map of images. |
cad_name | : Path to the file containing the 3D model description. |
mapOfCameraPoses | : The new vpHomogeneousMatrix between the cameras and the current object position. |
verbose | : Verbose option to print additional information when loading CAO model files which include other CAO model files. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 1952 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_referenceCameraName, and vpMbTracker::modelInitialised.
protectedinherited |
Reinitialize the lines if it is required.
A line is reinitialized if the 2D line do not match enough with the projected 3D line.
I | : the image. |
_cMo | : the pose of the used to re-initialize the moving edges |
Definition at line 1740 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceCircle::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isVisible(), vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbTracker::m_mask, vpMbtDistanceCircle::Reinit, vpMbtDistanceLine::Reinit, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::Reinit, vpMbtDistanceCircle::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::reinitMovingEdge(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Remove a circle by its name.
name | : The name of the circle to remove. |
Definition at line 2037 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbtDistanceCircle::getName(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::scales.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 1255 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpException::ioError.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::initClick(), and vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel().
protectedinherited |
Remove a cylinder by its name.
name | : The name of the cylinder to remove. |
Definition at line 2015 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::getName(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::scales.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedinherited |
Remove a line using its name.
name | : The name of the line to remove. |
Definition at line 1885 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceLine::getName(), vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, and vpMbEdgeTracker::scales.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 1773 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, and vpMbEdgeTracker::scales.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
virtual |
Reset the tracker. The model is removed and the pose is set to identity. The tracker needs to be initialized with a new model and a new pose.
Implements vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2003 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::angleAppears, vpMbTracker::angleDisappears, vpMbTracker::clippingFlag, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpHomogeneousMatrix::eye(), vpMbTracker::GAUSS_NEWTON_OPT, vpMbTracker::m_computeInteraction, vpMbTracker::m_lambda, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, vpMbTracker::m_optimizationMethod, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbEdgeTracker::percentageGdPt, vpMath::rad(), vpMbEdgeTracker::scales, setScales(), vpMbTracker::useOgre, and vpMbTracker::useScanLine.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::resetTracker().
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 866 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Check if two vpPoints are similar.
To be similar : .
P1 | : The first point to compare |
P2 | : The second point to compare |
Definition at line 2765 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), and vpPoint::get_oZ().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCircle(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCylinder(), and vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine().
inherited |
Save the pose in the given filename
filename | : Path to the file used to save the pose. |
Definition at line 900 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), and vpMbTracker::cMo.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::initClick().
virtual |
Set the angle used to test polygons appearance. If the angle between the normal of the polygon and the line going from the camera to the polygon center has a value lower than this parameter, the polygon is considered as appearing. The polygon will then be tracked.
a | : new angle in radian. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2045 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::setAngleAppear().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setAngleAppear().
virtual |
Set the angle used to test polygons disappearance. If the angle between the normal of the polygon and the line going from the camera to the polygon center has a value greater than this parameter, the polygon is considered as disappearing. The tracking of the polygon will then be stopped.
a | : new angle in radian. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2064 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::setAngleDisappear().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setAngleDisappear().
virtual |
Set the camera parameters for the monocular case.
camera | : The new camera parameters. |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2079 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpTrackingException::fatalError, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setCameraParameters().
virtual |
Set the camera parameters for the stereo cameras case.
camera1 | : The new camera parameters for the first camera. |
camera2 | : The new camera parameters for the second camera. |
firstCameraIsReference | : If true, the first camera is the reference, otherwise it is the second one. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2108 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpTrackingException::fatalError, vpTrackingException::initializationError, and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Set the camera parameters for the specified camera.
cameraName | : Camera name. |
camera | : The new camera parameters. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2138 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Set the camera parameters for all the cameras.
mapOfCameraParameters | : Map of camera parameters. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2159 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Set the camera transformation matrix for the specified camera ( ).
cameraName | : Camera name. |
cameraTransformationMatrix | : Camera transformation matrix between the current and the reference camera. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2186 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpTrackingException::initializationError, and m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setCameraTransformationMatrix().
virtual |
Set the map of camera transformation matrices ( ).
mapOfTransformationMatrix | : map of camera transformation matrices. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2206 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpTrackingException::initializationError, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Specify which clipping to use.
flags | : New clipping flags. |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2230 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::setClipping().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setClipping().
virtual |
Specify which clipping to use.
cameraName | : Camera to set the clipping. |
flags | : New clipping flags. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2249 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Set if the covariance matrix has to be computed.
flag | : True if the covariance has to be computed, false otherwise |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2266 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::setCovarianceComputation().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setCovarianceComputation().
virtual |
Enable to display the features. By features, we mean the moving edges (ME) and the klt points if used.
Note that if present, the moving edges can be displayed with different colors:
displayF | : set it to true to display the features. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2292 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::displayFeatures, and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setDisplayFeatures().
virtualinherited |
Set a 6-dim column vector representing the degrees of freedom in the object frame that are estimated by the tracker. When set to 1, all the 6 dof are estimated.
Below we give the correspondance between the index of the vector and the considered dof:
Definition at line 2650 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMbTracker::isoJoIdentity, and vpMbTracker::oJo.
virtual |
Set the far distance for clipping.
dist | : Far clipping value. |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2307 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::setFarClippingDistance().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFarClippingDistance().
virtual |
Set the far distance for clipping for the specified camera.
cameraName | : Camera to set the far clipping. |
dist | : Far clipping value. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2323 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Set the threshold value between 0 and 1 over good moving edges ratio. It allows to decide if the tracker has enough valid moving edges to compute a pose. 1 means that all moving edges should be considered as good to have a valid pose, while 0.1 means that 10% of the moving edge are enough to declare a pose valid.
threshold | : Value between 0 and 1 that corresponds to the ratio of good moving edges that is necessary to consider that the estimated pose is valid. Default value is 0.4. |
Definition at line 2346 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbEdgeTracker::percentageGdPt.
virtual |
Set the ratio of visibility attempts that has to be successful to consider a polygon as visible.
ratio | : Ratio of succesful attempts that has to be considered. Value has to be between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%). |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Definition at line 2366 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setGoodNbRayCastingAttemptsRatio().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Set the initial value of mu for the Levenberg Marquardt optimization loop.
mu | : initial mu. |
Definition at line 514 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Set the value of the gain used to compute the control law.
gain | : the desired value for the gain. |
Definition at line 521 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Set the flag to consider if the level of detail (LOD) is used for all the cameras.
useLod | : true if the level of detail must be used, false otherwise. When true, two parameters can be set, see setMinLineLengthThresh() and setMinPolygonAreaThresh(). |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD parameter. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2403 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setLod().
virtual |
Set the flag to consider if the level of detail (LOD) is used for all the cameras.
useLod | : true if the level of detail must be used, false otherwise. When true, two parameters can be set, see setMinLineLengthThresh() and setMinPolygonAreaThresh(). |
cameraName | : Name of the camera we want to set the LOD. |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD parameter, if empty all the faces are considered. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2423 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
inlinevirtualinherited |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 549 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setMask().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Set the maximum iteration of the virtual visual servoing stage.
max | : the desired number of iteration |
Definition at line 530 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Set the threshold for the minimum line length to be considered as visible in the LOD case.
minLineLengthThresh | : threshold for the minimum line length in pixel. |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD threshold. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2443 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setMinLineLengthThresh().
virtual |
Set the threshold for the minimum line length to be considered as visible in the LOD case.
minLineLengthThresh | : threshold for the minimum line length in pixel. |
cameraName | : name of the camera to consider. |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD threshold, if empty all the faces are considered. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2462 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Set the minimum polygon area to be considered as visible in the LOD case.
minPolygonAreaThresh | : threshold for the minimum polygon area in pixel. |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD threshold. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2482 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setMinPolygonAreaThresh().
virtual |
Set the minimum polygon area to be considered as visible in the LOD case.
minPolygonAreaThresh | : threshold for the minimum polygon area in pixel. |
cameraName | : name of the camera to consider. |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD threshold, if empty all the faces are considered. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2500 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Set the moving edge parameters.
me | : an instance of vpMe containing all the desired parameters. |
Definition at line 2517 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
virtual |
Set the moving edge parameters for the specified camera.
cameraName | : Camera name to set the moving edge parameters. |
me | : An instance of vpMe containing all the desired parameters. |
Definition at line 2531 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Set the number of rays that will be sent toward each polygon for visibility test. Each ray will go from the optic center of the camera to a random point inside the considered polygon.
attempts | Number of rays to be sent. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Definition at line 2383 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setNbRayCastingAttemptsForVisibility().
virtual |
Set the near distance for clipping.
dist | : Near clipping value. |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2546 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::setNearClippingDistance().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setNearClippingDistance().
virtual |
Set the near distance for clipping for the specified camera.
cameraName | : Camera name to set the near clipping distance. |
dist | : Near clipping value. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2562 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Enable/Disable the appearance of Ogre config dialog on startup.
showConfigDialog | : if true, shows Ogre dialog window (used to set Ogre rendering options) when Ogre visibility is enabled. By default, this functionality is turned off. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2582 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setOgreShowConfigDialog().
virtual |
Use Ogre3D for visibility tests
v | : True to use it, False otherwise |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2598 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::useOgre.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT().
virtual |
Set the optimization method used during the tracking.
opt | : Optimization method to use. |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2620 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::m_optimizationMethod.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setOptimizationMethod().
virtual |
Set the pose to be used in entry of the next call to the track() function. This pose will be just used once.
I | : image corresponding to the desired pose. |
cMo_ | : Pose to affect. |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2637 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initClick(), initFromPose(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setPose().
virtual |
Set the pose to be used in entry of the next call to the track() function. This pose will be just used once.
I1 | : First image corresponding to the desired pose. |
I2 | : Second image corresponding to the desired pose. |
c1Mo | : First pose to affect. |
c2Mo | : Second pose to affect. |
firstCameraIsReference | : if true, the first camera is the reference, otherwise it is the second one. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2668 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::fatalError, and m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
virtual |
Set the pose to be used in entry of the next call to the track() function. This pose will be just used once. The camera transformation matrices have to be set before.
mapOfImages | : Map of images. |
cMo_ | : Pose to affect to the reference camera. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2700 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
virtual |
Set the pose to be used in entry of the next call to the track() function. This pose will be just used once. Cameras that do not have pose will be automatically handled but the pose for the reference has to be passed in parameter. The camera transformation matrices have to be set before.
mapOfImages | : Map of images corresponding to the desired pose. |
mapOfCameraPoses | : Map of poses to affect. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2752 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
inlineinherited |
Set the filename used to save the initial pose computed using the initClick() method. It is also used to read a previous pose in the same method. If the file is not set then, the initClick() method will create a .0.pos file in the root directory. This directory is the path to the file given to the method initClick() used to know the coordinates in the object frame.
filename | : The new filename. |
Definition at line 641 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Set if the projection error criteria has to be computed.
flag | : True if the projection error criteria has to be computed, false otherwise |
Reimplemented from vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2811 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorComputation().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Display or not gradient and model orientation when computing the projection error.
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 575 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setProjectionErrorDisplay().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Arrow length used to display gradient and model orientation for projection error computation.
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 580 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setProjectionErrorDisplayArrowLength().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Arrow thickness used to display gradient and model orientation for projection error computation.
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 585 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setProjectionErrorDisplayArrowThickness().
inherited |
Set kernel size used for projection error computation.
size | : Kernel size computed as kernel_size = size*2 + 1. |
Definition at line 3463 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpImageFilter::getSobelKernelX(), vpImageFilter::getSobelKernelY(), vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorKernelSize, vpMbTracker::m_SobelX, vpMbTracker::m_SobelY, and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadConfigFile().
inherited |
Set Moving-Edges parameters for projection error computation.
me | : Moving-Edges parameters. |
Definition at line 3437 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCircles, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorCylinders, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorLines, vpMbTracker::m_projectionErrorMe, vpMbtDistanceCircle::setMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setMovingEdge(), and vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setMovingEdge().
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadConfigFile().
virtual |
Set the reference camera name.
referenceCameraName | : Name of the reference camera. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2828 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and m_referenceCameraName.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setReferenceCameraName().
virtual |
Set the scales to use to realize the tracking. The vector of boolean activates or not the scales to set for the object tracking. The first element of the list correspond to the tracking on the full image, the second element corresponds to the tracking on an image subsampled by two.
Using multi scale tracking allows to track the object with greater moves. It requires the computation of a pyramid of images, but the total tracking can be faster than a tracking based only on the full scale. The pose is computed from the smallest image to the biggest. This may be dangerous if the object to track is small in the image, because the subsampled scale(s) will have only few points to compute the pose (it could result in a loss of precision).
scale | : The vector describing the levels to use. |
Definition at line 2861 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbEdgeTracker::setScales().
Referenced by resetTracker(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
virtual |
Use Scanline algorithm for visibility tests
v | : True to use it, False otherwise |
Reimplemented from vpMbEdgeTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2875 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and vpMbTracker::setScanLineVisibilityTest().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setScanLineVisibilityTest().
inlinevirtualinherited |
Set the minimal error (previous / current estimation) to determine if there is convergence or not.
eps | : Epsilon threshold. |
Definition at line 557 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Set if the polygons that have the given name have to be considered during the tracking phase.
name | : name of the polygon(s). |
useEdgeTracking | : True if it has to be considered, false otherwise. |
Definition at line 2893 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References m_mapOfEdgeTrackers.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protectedvirtualinherited |
Check if the tracking failed.
vpTrackingException::fatalError | if the test fails. |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Definition at line 945 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpTrackingException::fatalError, vpMeSite::getState(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isVisible(), vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMath::minimum(), vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION, vpMbEdgeTracker::percentageGdPt, and vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
virtual |
Compute each state of the tracking procedure for all the feature sets.
If the tracking is considered as failed an exception is thrown.
I | : The image. |
Implements vpMbTracker.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2908 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbTracker::computeProjError, vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_referenceCameraName, and vpMbTracker::projectionError.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setFactorMBT(), and track().
virtual |
Compute each state of the tracking procedure for all the feature sets.
If the tracking is considered as failed an exception is thrown.
I1 | : The first image. |
I2 | : The second image. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2938 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References vpTrackingException::fatalError, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, and track().
virtual |
Compute each state of the tracking procedure for all the feature sets.
If the tracking is considered as failed an exception is thrown.
mapOfImages | : Map of images. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker.
Definition at line 2963 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.cpp.
References cleanPyramid(), vpMbTracker::cMo, computeProjectionError(), vpMbTracker::computeProjError, computeVVS(), vpMbTracker::covarianceMatrix, vpMbTracker::displayFeatures, vpMbEdgeTracker::downScale(), vpTrackingException::fatalError, initPyramid(), m_mapOfCameraTransformationMatrix, m_mapOfEdgeTrackers, m_mapOfPyramidalImages, vpMbEdgeTracker::percentageGdPt, vpMbTracker::projectionError, vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::scales, vpMbEdgeTracker::upScale(), vpMbTracker::useScanLine, and vpTRACE.
protectedinherited |
Track the moving edges in the image.
I | : the image. |
Definition at line 1497 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceCircle::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isVisible(), vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbTracker::m_mask, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel, vpMbtDistanceCircle::trackMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::trackMovingEdge(), and vpMbtDistanceCylinder::trackMovingEdge().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::trackMovingEdges().
inlineprotectedinherited |
Definition at line 872 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::parseParameters().
protectedinherited |
Update the moving edges at the end of the virtual visual servoing.
I | : the image. |
Definition at line 1540 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbTracker::cMo, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbtDistanceCircle::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isVisible(), vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel2, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeatureTotal, vpMbtDistanceCircle::Reinit, vpMbtDistanceLine::Reinit, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::Reinit, vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel, vpMbtDistanceCircle::updateMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::updateMovingEdge(), and vpMbtDistanceCylinder::updateMovingEdge().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 1579 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbEdgeTracker::circles, vpMbEdgeTracker::cylinders, vpMbEdgeTracker::lines, vpMeSite::M_ESTIMATOR, vpMbEdgeTracker::m_w_edge, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel2, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeatureTotal, vpMbtDistanceCircle::Reinit, vpMbtDistanceLine::Reinit, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::Reinit, vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel, vpMbtDistanceCircle::setMeanWeight(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setMeanWeight(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setMeanWeight1(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setMeanWeight2(), and vpMeSite::setState().
Referenced by computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Modify the camera parameters to have them corresponding to the current scale. The new parameters are multiplied by .
_scale | : Scale to use. |
Definition at line 2738 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::cam, vpCameraParameters::get_K(), vpCameraParameters::initFromCalibrationMatrix(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::scaleLevel.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Detect the visible faces in the image and says if a new one appeared.
_I | : Image to test if a face is entirely in the image. |
_cMo | : The pose of the camera used to project the 3D model into the image. |
newvisibleline | : This parameter is set to true if a new face appeared. |
Definition at line 2080 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.cpp.
References vpMbTracker::angleAppears, vpMbTracker::angleDisappears, vpMbTracker::cam, vpMbTracker::faces, vpMbEdgeTracker::nbvisiblepolygone, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setVisible(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setVisibleOgre(), and vpMbTracker::useOgre.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Angle used to detect a face appearance.
Definition at line 151 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::display(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::display(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::loadConfigFile(), loadConfigFile(), vpMbGenericTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorVisibleFace(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::setAngleAppear(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::vpMbEdgeTracker(), and vpMbKltTracker::vpMbKltTracker().
protectedinherited |
Angle used to detect a face disappearance.
Definition at line 153 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::display(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::display(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::loadConfigFile(), loadConfigFile(), vpMbGenericTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorVisibleFace(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::setAngleDisappear(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::vpMbEdgeTracker(), and vpMbKltTracker::vpMbKltTracker().
protectedinherited |
True if the CAO model is loaded before the call to loadConfigFile, (deduced by the number of polygons)
Definition at line 181 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
The camera parameters.
Definition at line 117 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbKltTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCircle(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCylinder(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::downScale(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getCameraParameters(), vpMbTracker::getPolygonFaces(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbKltTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::initClick(), initClick(), vpMbTracker::initClick(), vpMbKltTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromLines(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPoints(), vpMbTracker::initFromPoints(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPose(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::loadConfigFile(), loadConfigFile(), vpMbGenericTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setCameraParameters(), setCameraParameters(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbGenericTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbKltTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::upScale(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace().
protectedinherited |
Vector of the tracked circles.
Definition at line 285 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhaseFactor(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::displayFeaturesOnImage(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getLcircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getNbPoints(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTrackingMbt(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::removeCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setScales(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setUseEdgeTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::testTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackFirstLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackSecondLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdgeWeights(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::~vpMbEdgeTracker().
protectedinherited |
Flags specifying which clipping to used.
Definition at line 159 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbGenericTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::setClipping(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setClipping(), vpMbTracker::setClipping(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
The current pose.
Definition at line 119 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardt(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhaseFactor(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpMbTracker::getPolygonFaces(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbGenericTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initClick(), initClick(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::initClick(), vpMbGenericTracker::initClick(), vpMbTracker::initClick(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPoints(), vpMbTracker::initFromPoints(), initFromPose(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::initFromPose(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initFromPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPose(), vpMbTracker::initFromPose(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::reinit(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::reInitModel(), reInitModel(), vpMbGenericTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbTracker::savePose(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::segmentPointCloud(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::segmentPointCloud(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setPose(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), setPose(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::track(), track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackFirstLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdge().
protectedinherited |
Flag used to specify if the covariance matrix has to be computed or not.
Definition at line 134 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker().
protectedinherited |
Flag used to specify if the gradient error criteria has to be computed or not.
Definition at line 139 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeProjectionError(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), track(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Covariance matrix.
Definition at line 136 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Vector of the tracked cylinders.
Definition at line 288 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhaseFactor(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::displayFeaturesOnImage(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getLcylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getNbPoints(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTrackingMbt(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::removeCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setScales(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setUseEdgeTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::testTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackFirstLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackSecondLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdgeWeights(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::~vpMbEdgeTracker().
protectedinherited |
If true, the features are displayed.
Definition at line 144 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::display(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), setDisplayFeatures(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::setDisplayFeatures(), track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Distance for near clipping.
Definition at line 157 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), and vpMbTracker::setNearClippingDistance().
protectedinherited |
Distance for near clipping.
Definition at line 155 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbGenericTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), and vpMbTracker::setNearClippingDistance().
protectedinherited |
Set of faces describing the object.
Definition at line 149 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbTracker::extractFaces(), vpMbTracker::extractLines(), vpMbGenericTracker::getFaces(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::getFaces(), getFaces(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::getFaces(), vpMbTracker::getPolygonFaces(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromLines(), vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbTracker::loadModel(), vpMbTracker::loadVRMLModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbTracker::setClipping(), vpMbTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbKltTracker::setKltMaskBorder(), vpMbTracker::setLod(), vpMbKltTracker::setMaskBorder(), vpMbTracker::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbTracker::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbKltTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setUseEdgeTracking(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::vpMbDepthDenseTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::vpMbDepthNormalTracker(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::vpMbEdgeTracker(), and vpMbKltTracker::vpMbKltTracker().
protectedinherited |
Pyramid of image associated to the current image. This pyramid is computed in the init() and in the track() methods.
Definition at line 314 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::~vpMbEdgeTracker().
protectedinherited |
Boolean to know if oJo is identity (for fast computation)
Definition at line 123 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), and vpMbTracker::setEstimatedDoF().
protectedinherited |
Vector of list of all the lines tracked (each line is linked to a list of moving edges). Each element of the vector is for a scale (element 0 = level 0 = no subsampling).
Definition at line 282 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhaseFactor(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::displayFeaturesOnImage(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getLline(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getNbPoints(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTrackingMbt(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::removeLine(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setClipping(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setScales(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setUseEdgeTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::testTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackFirstLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackSecondLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdgeWeights(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::~vpMbEdgeTracker().
protectedinherited |
If true, compute the interaction matrix at each iteration of the minimization. Otherwise, compute it only on the first iteration
Definition at line 191 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker().
protectedinherited |
(s - s*)
Definition at line 338 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getError(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protected |
(s - s*)
Definition at line 91 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), computeVVSInit(), and computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 334 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 333 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 332 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Edge VVS variables.
Definition at line 325 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhaseFactor(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Initial Mu for Levenberg Marquardt optimization loop.
Definition at line 199 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Interaction matrix.
Definition at line 336 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protected |
Interaction matrix.
Definition at line 89 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), computeVVSInit(), and computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu().
protectedinherited |
Gain of the virtual visual servoing stage.
Definition at line 193 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker(), and vpMbKltTracker::vpMbKltTracker().
protected |
Map of camera transformation matrix between the current camera frame to the reference camera frame (cCurrent_M_cRef)
Definition at line 78 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), initClick(), reInitModel(), setCameraTransformationMatrix(), setPose(), track(), and vpMbEdgeMultiTracker().
protected |
Map of Model-based edge trackers.
Definition at line 81 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
Referenced by computeProjectionError(), computeVVS(), computeVVSInit(), computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), computeVVSWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVSWeights(), display(), getCameraNames(), getCameraParameters(), getClipping(), getFaces(), getLcircle(), getLcylinder(), getLline(), getMovingEdge(), getMultiNbPolygon(), getNbPoints(), getNbPolygon(), getPose(), initClick(), initFromPose(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking(), loadConfigFile(), loadModel(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), reInitModel(), resetTracker(), setAngleAppear(), setAngleDisappear(), setCameraParameters(), setCameraTransformationMatrix(), setClipping(), setCovarianceComputation(), setDisplayFeatures(), setFarClippingDistance(), setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), setGoodNbRayCastingAttemptsRatio(), setLod(), setMinLineLengthThresh(), setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), setMovingEdge(), setNbRayCastingAttemptsForVisibility(), setNearClippingDistance(), setOgreShowConfigDialog(), setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), setOptimizationMethod(), setPose(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setPose(), setProjectionErrorComputation(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setProjectionErrorComputation(), setReferenceCameraName(), setScales(), setScanLineVisibilityTest(), setUseEdgeTracking(), track(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::trackMovingEdges(), vpMbEdgeMultiTracker(), and ~vpMbEdgeMultiTracker().
protected |
Map of pyramidal images for each camera.
Definition at line 84 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
Referenced by track(), and ~vpMbEdgeMultiTracker().
protectedinherited |
Mask used to disable tracking on a part of image.
Definition at line 227 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::initMovingEdge(), vpMbKltTracker::preTracking(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::segmentPointCloud(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::segmentPointCloud(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge().
protectedinherited |
Maximum number of iterations of the virtual visual servoing stage.
Definition at line 195 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker(), and vpMbKltTracker::vpMbKltTracker().
protectedinherited |
Optimization method used.
Definition at line 146 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardt(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::setOptimizationMethod(), and setOptimizationMethod().
protectedinherited |
Camera parameters used for projection error computation.
Definition at line 225 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), and vpMbTracker::projectionErrorVisibleFace().
protectedinherited |
Distance circle primitive for projection error.
Definition at line 206 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCircle(), vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorResetMovingEdges(), vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorMovingEdge(), and vpMbTracker::~vpMbTracker().
protectedinherited |
Distance cylinder primitives for projection error.
Definition at line 204 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCylinder(), vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorResetMovingEdges(), vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorMovingEdge(), and vpMbTracker::~vpMbTracker().
protectedinherited |
Display gradient and model orientation for projection error computation.
Definition at line 219 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), and vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protectedinherited |
Length of the arrows used to show the gradient and model orientation.
Definition at line 221 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), and vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protectedinherited |
Thickness of the arrows used to show the gradient and model orientation.
Definition at line 223 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), and vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protectedinherited |
Set of faces describing the object, used for projection error.
Definition at line 208 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCircle(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCylinder(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbTracker::extractFaces(), vpMbTracker::extractLines(), vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorVisibleFace(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Kernel size used to compute the gradient orientation.
Definition at line 213 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorKernelSize(), and vpMbTracker::vpMbTracker().
protectedinherited |
Distance line primitives for projection error.
Definition at line 202 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorResetMovingEdges(), vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorMovingEdge(), and vpMbTracker::~vpMbTracker().
protectedinherited |
Moving-Edges parameters for projection error.
Definition at line 211 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCircle(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorCylinder(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorMovingEdge().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 209 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protected |
Name of the reference camera.
Definition at line 87 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
Referenced by display(), getCameraParameters(), getFaces(), getLcircle(), getLcylinder(), getLline(), getMovingEdge(), getNbPoints(), getNbPolygon(), initClick(), initFromPose(), loadConfigFile(), reInitModel(), setCameraParameters(), setPose(), setReferenceCameraName(), track(), and vpMbEdgeMultiTracker().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 344 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 328 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 327 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 326 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Sobel kernel in X.
Definition at line 215 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorKernelSize(), and vpMbTracker::vpMbTracker().
protectedinherited |
Sobel kernel in Y.
Definition at line 217 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorKernelSize(), and vpMbTracker::vpMbTracker().
protectedinherited |
Epsilon threshold to stop the VVS optimization loop.
Definition at line 197 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Robust weights.
Definition at line 340 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), computeVVSWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVSWeights(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdgeWeights().
protected |
Robust weights.
Definition at line 93 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), computeVVSInit(), and computeVVSWeights().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 331 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 330 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Weighted error.
Definition at line 342 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protected |
Weighted error.
Definition at line 95 of file vpMbEdgeMultiTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVS(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), and computeVVSInit().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 329 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSWeights(), and vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::initMbtTracking().
protectedinherited |
Map with [map.first]=parameter_names and [map.second]=type (string, number or boolean)
Definition at line 188 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::parseParameters(), and vpMbTracker::vpMbTracker().
protectedinherited |
The moving edges parameters.
Definition at line 278 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getMovingEdge(), loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setMovingEdge().
protectedinherited |
Minimum line length threshold for LOD mode (general setting)
Definition at line 183 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Minimum polygon area threshold for LOD mode (general setting)
Definition at line 185 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::addPolygon(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
The name of the file containing the model (it is used to create a file name.0.pos used to store the compute pose in the initClick method).
Definition at line 126 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadModel().
protectedinherited |
Flag used to ensure that the CAD model is loaded before the initialisation.
Definition at line 129 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeCurrentProjectionError(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::loadModel(), loadModel(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::loadModel(), vpMbTracker::loadModel(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::reInitModel(), reInitModel(), vpMbGenericTracker::reInitModel(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Number of circles in CAO model.
Definition at line 176 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), and vpMbTracker::loadModel().
protectedinherited |
Number of cylinders in CAO model.
Definition at line 174 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), and vpMbTracker::loadModel().
protectedinherited |
Number of features used in the computation of the projection error.
Definition at line 322 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by computeProjectionError(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError().
protectedinherited |
Number of lines in CAO model.
Definition at line 168 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), and vpMbTracker::loadModel().
protectedinherited |
Number of points in CAO model.
Definition at line 166 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), and vpMbTracker::loadModel().
protectedinherited |
Number of polygon lines in CAO model.
Definition at line 170 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), and vpMbTracker::loadModel().
protectedinherited |
Number of polygon points in CAO model.
Definition at line 172 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), and vpMbTracker::loadModel().
protectedinherited |
Number of polygon (face) currently visible.
Definition at line 303 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace().
protectedinherited |
Index of the circle to add, and total number of circles extracted so far.
Definition at line 296 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel().
protectedinherited |
Index of the cylinder to add, and total number of cylinders extracted so far.
Definition at line 300 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker().
protectedinherited |
Index of the polygon to add, and total number of polygon extracted so far.
Definition at line 292 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker().
protectedinherited |
Definition at line 162 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
The Degrees of Freedom to estimate.
Definition at line 121 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpMbTracker::getEstimatedDoF(), vpMbTracker::setEstimatedDoF(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbTracker::vpMbTracker().
protectedinherited |
Percentage of good points over total number of points below which tracking is supposed to have failed.
Definition at line 307 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::getGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), vpMbEdgeTracker::testTracking(), and track().
protectedinherited |
Filename used to save the initial pose computed using the initClick() method. It is also used to read a previous pose in the same method.
Definition at line 132 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::initClick().
protectedinherited |
Error angle between the gradient direction of the model features projected at the resulting pose and their normal.
Definition at line 142 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeProjectionError(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), track(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Current scale level used. This attribute must not be modified outside of the downScale() and upScale() methods, as it used to specify to some methods which set of distanceLine use.
Definition at line 319 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::downScale(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initMbtTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::testTracking(), vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdgeWeights(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::upScale().
protectedinherited |
Vector of scale level to use for the multi-scale tracking.
Definition at line 310 of file vpMbEdgeTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getLcircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getLcylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getLline(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getNbPoints(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getScales(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initMbtTracking(), initPyramid(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initPyramid(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTrackingMbt(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::removeCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::removeCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::removeLine(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetMovingEdge(), resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setClipping(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setScales(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setUseEdgeTracking(), track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackFirstLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::vpMbEdgeTracker(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::~vpMbEdgeTracker().
protectedinherited |
True if LOD mode is enabled.
Definition at line 178 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedinherited |
Use Ogre3d for visibility tests.
Definition at line 161 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbTracker::projectionErrorVisibleFace(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace().
protectedinherited |
Use Scanline for visibility tests.
Definition at line 164 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), vpMbTracker::addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbTracker::computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::display(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromLines(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltMultiTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), resetTracker(), vpMbKltMultiTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().