![]() |
Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.2.0 under development (2019-01-22)
#include <visp3/mbt/vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser.h>
Public Member Functions | |
vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser () | |
virtual | ~vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser () |
virtual void | readMainClass (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | writeMainClass (xmlNodePtr node) |
Public Member Functions Inherited from vpMbtXmlParser | |
void | getMe (vpMe &_ecm) const |
void | read_ecm (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | read_sample (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | read_sample_deprecated (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | read_mask (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | read_range (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | read_contrast (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | setMovingEdge (const vpMe &_ecm) |
Public Member Functions Inherited from vpMbXmlParser | |
double | getAngleAppear () const |
double | getAngleDisappear () const |
void | getCameraParameters (vpCameraParameters &_cam) const |
double | getFarClippingDistance () const |
bool | getFovClipping () const |
bool | getLodState () const |
double | getMinLineLengthThreshold () const |
double | getMinPolygonAreaThreshold () const |
double | getNearClippingDistance () const |
bool | hasFarClippingDistance () const |
bool | hasNearClippingDistance () const |
void | read_camera (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | read_face (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | read_lod (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | setAngleAppear (const double &aappear) |
void | setAngleDisappear (const double &adisappear) |
void | setCameraParameters (const vpCameraParameters &_cam) |
void | setFarClippingDistance (const double &fclip) |
void | setNearClippingDistance (const double &nclip) |
Public Member Functions Inherited from vpXmlParser | |
void | parse (const std::string &filename) |
void | save (const std::string &filename, const bool append=false) |
void | setMap (const std::map< std::string, int > &_map) |
void | setMainTag (const std::string &tag) |
Public Member Functions Inherited from vpMbtKltXmlParser | |
unsigned int | getBlockSize () const |
double | getHarrisParam () const |
unsigned int | getMaskBorder () const |
unsigned int | getMaxFeatures () const |
double | getMinDistance () const |
unsigned int | getPyramidLevels () const |
double | getQuality () const |
unsigned int | getWindowSize () const |
void | read_klt (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | setBlockSize (const unsigned int &bs) |
void | setHarrisParam (const double &hp) |
void | setMaskBorder (const unsigned int &mb) |
void | setMaxFeatures (const unsigned int &mF) |
void | setMinDistance (const double &mD) |
void | setPyramidLevels (const unsigned int &pL) |
void | setQuality (const double &q) |
void | setWindowSize (const unsigned int &w) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
Static Public Member Functions Inherited from vpXmlParser | |
static void | cleanup () |
Protected Types | |
enum | dataToParseMbtEdgeKlt { camera, face, klt, ecm, lod } |
enum | dataToParseMb { ecm = vpMbXmlParser::last, mask, size, nb_mask, range, tracking, contrast, edge_threshold, mu1, mu2, sample, step, last } |
enum | dataToParseMbKlt { klt = vpMbXmlParser::last, mask_border, max_features, window_size, quality, min_distance, harris, size_block, pyramid_lvl, last } |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | init () |
Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpXmlParser | |
bool | xmlReadBoolChild (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
char * | xmlReadCharChild (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
double | xmlReadDoubleChild (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
float | xmlReadFloatChild (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
int | xmlReadIntChild (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
std::string | xmlReadStringChild (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
unsigned int | xmlReadUnsignedIntChild (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlNodePtr node) |
void | xmlWriteBoolChild (xmlNodePtr node, const char *label, const bool value) |
void | xmlWriteCharChild (xmlNodePtr node, const char *label, const char *value) |
void | xmlWriteDoubleChild (xmlNodePtr node, const char *label, const double value) |
void | xmlWriteFloatChild (xmlNodePtr node, const char *label, const float value) |
void | xmlWriteIntChild (xmlNodePtr node, const char *label, const int value) |
void | xmlWriteStringChild (xmlNodePtr node, const char *label, const std::string &value) |
void | xmlWriteUnsignedIntChild (xmlNodePtr node, const char *label, const unsigned int value) |
Protected Attributes | |
vpMe | m_ecm |
vpCameraParameters | cam |
double | angleAppear |
double | angleDisappear |
bool | hasNearClipping |
double | nearClipping |
bool | hasFarClipping |
double | farClipping |
bool | fovClipping |
bool | useLod |
double | minLineLengthThreshold |
double | minPolygonAreaThreshold |
std::map< std::string, int > | nodeMap |
std::string | main_tag |
unsigned int | maskBorder |
unsigned int | maxFeatures |
unsigned int | winSize |
double | qualityValue |
double | minDist |
double | harrisParam |
unsigned int | blockSize |
unsigned int | pyramidLevels |
Parse an Xml file to extract configuration parameters of a mbtConfig object.
Data parser for the model based tracker.
Definition at line 66 of file vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser.h.
protectedinherited |
Enumerator | |
ecm | |
mask | |
size | |
nb_mask | |
range | |
tracking | |
contrast | |
edge_threshold | |
mu1 | |
mu2 | |
sample | |
step | |
last |
Definition at line 71 of file vpMbtXmlParser.h.
protectedinherited |
Enumerator | |
klt | |
mask_border | |
max_features | |
window_size | |
quality | |
min_distance | |
harris | |
size_block | |
pyramid_lvl | |
last |
Definition at line 83 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
protected |
Enumerator | |
camera | |
face | |
klt | |
ecm | |
lod |
Definition at line 69 of file vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser.h.
vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser::vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser | ( | ) |
virtual |
Default destructor.
Definition at line 59 of file vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser.cpp.
inlinestaticinherited |
As stated in http://xmlsoft.org/html/libxml-parser.html#xmlCleanupParser to clean up memory allocated by the xml2 library itself, the user should call xmlCleanupParser() only when the process has finished using the xml2 library. In case of doubt abstain from calling this function or do it just before calling exit() to avoid leak reports from valgrind ! That's why in ViSP the destructor doesn't call xmlCleanupParser(). Rather we provide the static function vpXmlParser::cleanup() that calls xmlCleanupParser() that could be called just before exit().
Definition at line 310 of file vpXmlParser.h.
inlineinherited |
Get the angle to determine if a face appeared.
Definition at line 124 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the angle to determine if a face disappeared.
Definition at line 131 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the size of a block.
Definition at line 107 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 133 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the far clipping distance.
Definition at line 140 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Use FOV clipping
Definition at line 147 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the Harris free parameter.
Definition at line 114 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the state of LOD setting.
Definition at line 154 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the Border of the mask.
Definition at line 121 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the maximum number of features for the KLT.
Definition at line 128 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 96 of file vpMbtXmlParser.h.
References vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the minimum distance between KLT points.
Definition at line 135 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the minimum line length to track a segment when LOD is enabled.
Definition at line 161 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the minimum polygon area to track a face when LOD is enabled.
Definition at line 168 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the near clipping distance.
Definition at line 175 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the number of pyramid levels
Definition at line 142 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the quality of the KLT.
Definition at line 149 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Get the size of the window used in the KLT tracker.
Definition at line 156 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
References vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Has Far clipping been specified?
Definition at line 182 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Has Near clipping been specified?
Definition at line 189 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
References vpXmlParser::readMainClass().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
protected |
Initialise internal variables (including the map).
Definition at line 64 of file vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser.cpp.
References camera, ecm, face, vpMbtXmlParser::init(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::init(), klt, lod, and vpXmlParser::nodeMap.
Referenced by vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser().
inherited |
parse the document. The data in the file are stored in the attributes of the child class. This method calls the readMainClass method which has to be implemented for every child class depending on the content to parse.
filename | : name of the file to parse |
Definition at line 421 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::ioError, vpXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpERROR_TRACE.
Referenced by vpXmlParserHomogeneousMatrix::getHomogeneousMatrixName(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getUseRansacVVSPoseEstimation(), vpXmlParserCamera::getWidth(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::parse(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
inherited |
Read camera information.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the camera information. |
Definition at line 169 of file vpMbXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMbXmlParser::cam, vpCameraParameters::get_px(), vpCameraParameters::get_py(), vpCameraParameters::get_u0(), vpCameraParameters::get_v0(), vpCameraParameters::initPersProjWithoutDistortion(), vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMbXmlParser::px, vpMbXmlParser::py, vpMbXmlParser::u0, vpMbXmlParser::v0, and vpXmlParser::xmlReadDoubleChild().
Referenced by readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
inherited |
Read the contrast information from the xml file.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the contrast information. |
Definition at line 442 of file vpMbtXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMbtXmlParser::edge_threshold, vpMe::getMu1(), vpMe::getMu2(), vpMe::getThreshold(), vpMbtXmlParser::m_ecm, vpMbtXmlParser::mu1, vpMbtXmlParser::mu2, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMe::setMu1(), vpMe::setMu2(), vpMe::setThreshold(), and vpXmlParser::xmlReadDoubleChild().
Referenced by vpMbtXmlParser::read_ecm().
inherited |
Read ecm information.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the ecm information. |
Definition at line 178 of file vpMbtXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMbtXmlParser::contrast, vpMe::getMaskNumber(), vpMe::getMaskSize(), vpMe::getMu1(), vpMe::getMu2(), vpMe::getRange(), vpMe::getSampleStep(), vpMe::getThreshold(), vpMbtXmlParser::m_ecm, vpMbtXmlParser::mask, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMbtXmlParser::range, vpMbtXmlParser::read_contrast(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_mask(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_range(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_sample(), and vpMbtXmlParser::sample.
Referenced by readMainClass(), and vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass().
inherited |
Read face information.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the camera information. |
Definition at line 243 of file vpMbXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMbXmlParser::angle_appear, vpMbXmlParser::angle_disappear, vpMbXmlParser::angleAppear, vpMbXmlParser::angleDisappear, vpMbXmlParser::far_clipping, vpMbXmlParser::farClipping, vpMbXmlParser::fov_clipping, vpMbXmlParser::fovClipping, vpMbXmlParser::hasFarClipping, vpMbXmlParser::hasNearClipping, vpMbXmlParser::near_clipping, vpMbXmlParser::nearClipping, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpXmlParser::xmlReadDoubleChild(), and vpXmlParser::xmlReadIntChild().
Referenced by readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
inherited |
Read klt information.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the camera information. |
Definition at line 175 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMbtKltXmlParser::blockSize, vpMbtKltXmlParser::harris, vpMbtKltXmlParser::harrisParam, vpMbtKltXmlParser::mask_border, vpMbtKltXmlParser::maskBorder, vpMbtKltXmlParser::max_features, vpMbtKltXmlParser::maxFeatures, vpMbtKltXmlParser::min_distance, vpMbtKltXmlParser::minDist, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMbtKltXmlParser::pyramid_lvl, vpMbtKltXmlParser::pyramidLevels, vpMbtKltXmlParser::quality, vpMbtKltXmlParser::qualityValue, vpMbtKltXmlParser::size_block, vpMbtKltXmlParser::window_size, vpMbtKltXmlParser::winSize, vpXmlParser::xmlReadDoubleChild(), and vpXmlParser::xmlReadUnsignedIntChild().
Referenced by readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().
inherited |
Definition at line 314 of file vpMbXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMbXmlParser::min_line_length_threshold, vpMbXmlParser::min_polygon_area_threshold, vpMbXmlParser::minLineLengthThreshold, vpMbXmlParser::minPolygonAreaThreshold, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMbXmlParser::use_lod, vpMbXmlParser::useLod, vpXmlParser::xmlReadDoubleChild(), and vpXmlParser::xmlReadIntChild().
Referenced by readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
inherited |
Read mask information for the vpMeSite.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the mask information. |
Definition at line 343 of file vpMbtXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::badValue, vpMe::getMaskNumber(), vpMe::getMaskSize(), vpMbtXmlParser::m_ecm, vpMbtXmlParser::nb_mask, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMe::setMaskNumber(), vpMe::setMaskSize(), vpMbtXmlParser::size, and vpXmlParser::xmlReadUnsignedIntChild().
Referenced by vpMbtXmlParser::read_ecm().
inherited |
Read range information for the vpMeSite.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the range information. |
Definition at line 401 of file vpMbtXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMe::getRange(), vpMbtXmlParser::m_ecm, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMe::setRange(), vpMbtXmlParser::tracking, and vpXmlParser::xmlReadUnsignedIntChild().
Referenced by vpMbtXmlParser::read_ecm().
inherited |
Read sample information.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the sample information. |
Definition at line 243 of file vpMbtXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMe::getSampleStep(), vpMbtXmlParser::m_ecm, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMe::setSampleStep(), vpMbtXmlParser::step, and vpXmlParser::xmlReadIntChild().
Referenced by vpMbtXmlParser::read_ecm().
inherited |
Read sample information.
vpException::fatalError | if there was an unexpected number of data. |
doc | : Pointer to the document. |
node | : Pointer to the node of the sample information. |
Definition at line 285 of file vpMbtXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMe::getSampleStep(), vpMbtXmlParser::m_ecm, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMe::setSampleStep(), vpMbtXmlParser::step, and vpXmlParser::xmlReadIntChild().
Referenced by readMainClass(), and vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass().
virtual |
Read the parameters of the class from the file given by its document pointer and by its root node.
doc | : Document to parse. |
node | : Root node. |
Reimplemented from vpMbtKltXmlParser.
Definition at line 93 of file vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser.cpp.
References vpMbXmlParser::angleAppear, vpMbXmlParser::angleDisappear, vpMbtKltXmlParser::blockSize, vpMbXmlParser::cam, camera, ecm, face, vpCameraParameters::get_px(), vpCameraParameters::get_py(), vpCameraParameters::get_u0(), vpCameraParameters::get_v0(), vpMe::getMaskNumber(), vpMe::getMaskSize(), vpMe::getMu1(), vpMe::getMu2(), vpMe::getRange(), vpMe::getSampleStep(), vpMe::getThreshold(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::harrisParam, klt, lod, vpMbtXmlParser::m_ecm, vpMbtKltXmlParser::maskBorder, vpMbtKltXmlParser::maxFeatures, vpMbtKltXmlParser::minDist, vpMbXmlParser::minLineLengthThreshold, vpMbXmlParser::minPolygonAreaThreshold, vpXmlParser::nodeMap, vpMbtKltXmlParser::pyramidLevels, vpMbtKltXmlParser::qualityValue, vpMbXmlParser::read_camera(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_ecm(), vpMbXmlParser::read_face(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), vpMbXmlParser::read_lod(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_sample_deprecated(), vpMbtXmlParser::sample, vpMbXmlParser::useLod, and vpMbtKltXmlParser::winSize.
inherited |
Save the content of the class in the file given in parameters. The data of the class are in the child class. This method calls the write_main_class method which has to be implemented for every class depending on the data to save.
filename | : the name of the file used to record the data |
append | : if true and if the file exists, the data will be added to the data already in the file |
Definition at line 453 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::ioError, vpXmlParser::main_tag, vpERROR_TRACE, and vpXmlParser::writeMainClass().
Referenced by vpXmlParserHomogeneousMatrix::getHomogeneousMatrixName(), and vpXmlParserCamera::getWidth().
inlineinherited |
Set the angle to determine if a face appeared.
aappear | : New angleAppear |
Definition at line 201 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Set the angle to determine if a face disappeared.
adisappear | : New angleDisappear |
Definition at line 208 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Set the size of a block.
bs | : New blockSize |
Definition at line 166 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 210 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Set the far clipping distance.
fclip | : New farClipping |
Definition at line 217 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
inlineinherited |
Set the Harris free parameter.
hp | : New harrisParam |
Definition at line 173 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
set the name of the main tag
The main tag corresponds to the name of the root node
tag | : name of the root node of the document |
Definition at line 295 of file vpXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::init(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::init(), and vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint().
inlineinherited |
Set the map describing the data to parse. This map stores the name of each node and an associated key used to simplify the parsing of the file.
If the following file want to be parsed:
The following map has to be declared:
Or, you can use keyzord instead of number as key but it implies to declare in the child class an enumeration type of the name. For example:
_map | : the map describing the data to parse |
Definition at line 286 of file vpXmlParser.h.
inlineinherited |
Set the Border of the mask.
mb | = new maskBorder |
Definition at line 180 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Set the maximum number of features for the KLT.
mF | : New maxFeatures |
Definition at line 187 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Set the minimum distance between KLT points.
mD | : New minDist |
Definition at line 194 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Definition at line 106 of file vpMbtXmlParser.h.
References vpMbXmlParser::init(), and vpMbXmlParser::writeMainClass().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Set the near clipping distance.
nclip | : New nearClipping |
Definition at line 224 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
References vpXmlParser::writeMainClass().
inlineinherited |
Set the number of pyramid levels
pL | : New pyramidLevels |
Definition at line 201 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Set the quality of the KLT.
q | : New quality |
Definition at line 208 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlineinherited |
Set the size of the window used in the KLT tracker.
w | : New winSize |
Definition at line 215 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
References vpMbXmlParser::init(), and vpMbXmlParser::writeMainClass().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile().
virtual |
Write info to file.
Implements vpXmlParser.
Definition at line 81 of file vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::notImplementedError.
protectedinherited |
read a boolean
doc | : The main xml document |
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
Definition at line 282 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError.
protectedinherited |
Read an array of character.
doc | : The main xml document |
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
Definition at line 100 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError.
Referenced by vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_projection_error(), vpXmlParserHomogeneousMatrix::save(), and vpXmlParserCamera::save().
protectedinherited |
read a double
doc | : The main xml document |
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
Definition at line 212 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError, and vpException::ioError.
Referenced by vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::parse(), vpMbXmlParser::read_camera(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_camera(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_contrast(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_normal_PCL(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm_contrast(), vpMbXmlParser::read_face(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_face(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_klt(), vpMbXmlParser::read_lod(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_lod(), vpXmlParserRectOriented::readMainClass(), vpXmlParserHomogeneousMatrix::save(), and vpXmlParserCamera::save().
protectedinherited |
read a float
doc | : The main xml document |
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
Definition at line 245 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError, and vpException::ioError.
protectedinherited |
read an int
doc | : The main xml document |
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
Definition at line 144 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError, and vpException::ioError.
Referenced by vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::parse(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_normal(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_normal_PCL(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm_sample(), vpMbXmlParser::read_face(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_face(), vpMbXmlParser::read_lod(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_lod(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_projection_error(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_sample(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_sample_deprecated(), and vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_sample_deprecated().
protectedinherited |
Read an array of character.
doc | : The main xml document |
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
Definition at line 120 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError.
Referenced by vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::parse().
protectedinherited |
read an int
doc | : The main xml document |
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
Definition at line 178 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError, and vpException::ioError.
Referenced by vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_dense_sampling_step(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_normal_sampling_step(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm_mask(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm_range(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_klt(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_mask(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_range(), and vpXmlParserCamera::save().
protectedinherited |
write a bool.
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
label | : label (name of the data) of the node |
value | : boolean to write (true or false) |
Definition at line 398 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
protectedinherited |
write an array of character.
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
label | : label (name of the data) of the node |
value | : pointer to the array of character to write |
Definition at line 306 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
protectedinherited |
write a double.
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
label | : label (name of the data) of the node |
value | : double to write |
Definition at line 366 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
Referenced by vpXmlParserRectOriented::writeMainClass().
protectedinherited |
write a float.
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
label | : label (name of the data) of the node |
value | : float to write |
Definition at line 382 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
protectedinherited |
write an integer.
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
label | : label (name of the data) of the node |
value | : integer to write |
Definition at line 334 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
protectedinherited |
write an array of character.
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
label | : label (name of the data) of the node |
value | : std::string to write; |
Definition at line 320 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
protectedinherited |
write an unsigned integer.
node | : a pointer to the node to read value |
label | : label (name of the data) of the node |
value | : unsigned integer to write |
Definition at line 350 of file vpXmlParser.cpp.
protectedinherited |
Angle to determine if a face appeared.
Definition at line 71 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_face(), readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Angle to determine if a face disappeared.
Definition at line 73 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_face(), readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Block size.
Definition at line 79 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Camera parameters.
Definition at line 69 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_camera(), readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Near clipping distance.
Definition at line 81 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_face().
protectedinherited |
Fov Clipping.
Definition at line 83 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_face().
protectedinherited |
Harris free parameters.
Definition at line 77 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Is far clipping distance specified?
Definition at line 79 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_face().
protectedinherited |
Is near clipping distance specified?
Definition at line 75 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_face().
protectedinherited |
Moving edges parameters.
Definition at line 88 of file vpMbtXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtXmlParser::read_contrast(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_ecm(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_mask(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_range(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_sample(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_sample_deprecated(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
The name of the main tag for the file to parse
Definition at line 231 of file vpXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpXmlParser::save().
protectedinherited |
Border of the mask used on Klt points.
Definition at line 67 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Maximum of Klt features.
Definition at line 69 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Minimum distance between klt points.
Definition at line 75 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Minimum line length to track a segment when LOD is enabled.
Definition at line 87 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_lod(), readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Minimum polygon area to track a face when LOD is enabled.
Definition at line 89 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_lod(), readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Near clipping distance.
Definition at line 77 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_face().
protectedinherited |
The map describing the data to parse
Definition at line 226 of file vpXmlParser.h.
Referenced by init(), vpMbtXmlParser::init(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::init(), vpMbXmlParser::init(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::init(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::parse(), vpMbXmlParser::read_camera(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_camera(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_contrast(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_dense(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_dense_sampling_step(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_normal(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_normal_PCL(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_depth_normal_sampling_step(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_ecm(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm_contrast(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm_mask(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm_range(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_ecm_sample(), vpMbXmlParser::read_face(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_face(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_klt(), vpMbXmlParser::read_lod(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_lod(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_mask(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_projection_error(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_range(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_sample(), vpMbtXmlParser::read_sample_deprecated(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::read_sample_deprecated(), readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpXmlParserRectOriented::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::readMainClass(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint(), and vpXmlParserRectOriented::vpXmlParserRectOriented().
protectedinherited |
Number of pyramid levels.
Definition at line 81 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Quality of the Klt points.
Definition at line 73 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
If true, the LOD is enabled, otherwise it is not.
Definition at line 85 of file vpMbXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbXmlParser::read_lod(), readMainClass(), vpMbtXmlParser::readMainClass(), vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass(), and vpMbXmlParser::readMainClass().
protectedinherited |
Windows size.
Definition at line 71 of file vpMbtKltXmlParser.h.
Referenced by vpMbtKltXmlParser::read_klt(), readMainClass(), and vpMbtKltXmlParser::readMainClass().