Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-03-10)
vpRobotBiclops Class Reference

#include <visp3/robot/vpRobotBiclops.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for vpRobotBiclops:

Public Types

enum  DenavitHartenbergModel { DH1 , DH2 }
enum  vpRobotStateType {
enum  vpControlFrameType {

Public Member Functions

 vpRobotBiclops ()
VP_EXPLICIT vpRobotBiclops (const std::string &filename)
virtual ~vpRobotBiclops ()
void init () VP_OVERRIDE
void get_cMe (vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMe) const
void get_cVe (vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe) const
void get_eJe (vpMatrix &eJe) VP_OVERRIDE
void get_fJe (vpMatrix &fJe) VP_OVERRIDE
void getDisplacement (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &d) VP_OVERRIDE
void getPosition (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &q) VP_OVERRIDE
double getPositioningVelocity (void)
void getVelocity (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &q_dot)
vpColVector getVelocity (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame)
bool readPositionFile (const std::string &filename, vpColVector &q)
void setConfigFile (const std::string &filename="/usr/share/BiclopsDefault.cfg")
void setPosition (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &q) VP_OVERRIDE
void setPosition (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const double &q1, const double &q2)
void setPosition (const std::string &filename)
void setPositioningVelocity (double velocity)
vpRobot::vpRobotStateType setRobotState (const vpRobot::vpRobotStateType newState) VP_OVERRIDE
void setVelocity (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &q_dot) VP_OVERRIDE
void stopMotion ()
Inherited functionalities from vpBiclops
void computeMGD (const vpColVector &q, vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMc) const
vpHomogeneousMatrix computeMGD (const vpColVector &q) const
void computeMGD (const vpColVector &q, vpPoseVector &fPc) const
vpHomogeneousMatrix get_cMe () const
void get_fMc (const vpColVector &q, vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMc) const
void get_fMc (const vpColVector &q, vpPoseVector &fPc) const
vpHomogeneousMatrix get_fMc (const vpColVector &q) const
vpHomogeneousMatrix get_fMe (const vpColVector &q) const
void get_eJe (const vpColVector &q, vpMatrix &eJe) const
void get_fJe (const vpColVector &q, vpMatrix &fJe) const
vpBiclops::DenavitHartenbergModel getDenavitHartenbergModel () const
void set_cMe ()
void set_cMe (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMe)
void setDenavitHartenbergModel (vpBiclops::DenavitHartenbergModel dh_model=vpBiclops::DH1)
Inherited functionalities from vpRobot
double getMaxTranslationVelocity (void) const
double getMaxRotationVelocity (void) const
int getNDof () const
vpColVector getPosition (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame)
virtual vpRobotStateType getRobotState (void) const
void setMaxRotationVelocity (double maxVr)
void setMaxTranslationVelocity (double maxVt)
void setVerbose (bool verbose)

Static Public Member Functions

static void vpRobotBiclopsSpeedControlLoop (void *arg)
Static Public Member Functions inherited from vpRobot
static vpColVector saturateVelocities (const vpColVector &v_in, const vpColVector &v_max, bool verbose=false)

Static Public Attributes

static const double defaultPositioningVelocity = 10.0
static const unsigned int ndof = 2
static const float h = 0.048f
static const float panJointLimit = (float)(M_PI)
static const float tiltJointLimit = (float)(M_PI / 4.5)
static const float speedLimit = (float)(M_PI / 3.0)

Protected Member Functions

Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpRobot
vpControlFrameType setRobotFrame (vpRobot::vpControlFrameType newFrame)
vpControlFrameType getRobotFrame (void) const

Protected Attributes

DenavitHartenbergModel m_dh_model
vpHomogeneousMatrix m_cMe
double maxTranslationVelocity
double maxRotationVelocity
int nDof
vpMatrix eJe
int eJeAvailable
vpMatrix fJe
int fJeAvailable
int areJointLimitsAvailable
double * qmin
double * qmax
bool verbose_

Static Protected Attributes

static const double maxTranslationVelocityDefault = 0.2
static const double maxRotationVelocityDefault = 0.7

Detailed Description

Interface for the Biclops, pan, tilt head control.

Two different models are proposed and can be set using vpBiclops::DenavitHartenbergModel. The vpBiclops::DH1 and vpBiclops::DH2 model differ in the orientation of the tilt axis. The following image gives the location of the end-effector frame and a potential camera frame.

Biclops PT models

See for more details.

This class provide a position and a speed control interface for the Biclops head. To manage the Biclops joint limits in speed control, a control loop is running in a separate thread implemented in vpRobotBiclopsSpeedControlLoop().

Velocity control mode is not exported from the top-level Biclops API class provided by Traclabs. That means that there is no protection in this mode to prevent an axis from striking its hard limit. In position mode, Traclabs put soft limits in that keep any command from driving to a position too close to the hard limits. In velocity mode this protection does not exist in the current API.
With the understanding that hitting the hard limits at full speed/power can damage the unit, damage due to velocity mode commanding is under user responsibility.
moveBiclops.cpp, servoBiclopsPoint2DArtVelocity.cpp, and servoPioneerPanSegment3D.cpp.

Definition at line 91 of file vpRobotBiclops.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ DenavitHartenbergModel

Two different Denavit-Hartenberg representations of the robot are implemented. As you can see in the next image, they differ in the orientation of the tilt axis.

Biclops PT models

The first representation, vpBiclops::DH1 is given by:

Joint $a_i$ $d_i$ $\alpha_i$ $\theta_i$
1 0 0 $-\pi/2$ $q_1$
2 0 0 $ \pi/2$ $q_2 + \pi/2$

The second one, vpBiclops::DH2 is given by:

Joint $a_i$ $d_i$ $\alpha_i$ $\theta_i$
1 0 0 $ \pi/2$ $q_1$
2 0 0 $-\pi/2$ $q_2 - \pi/2$

where $q_1, q_2$ are respectively the pan and tilt joint positions.

In those representations, the pan is oriented from left to right, while the tilt is oriented


First Denavit-Hartenberg representation.


Second Denavit-Hartenberg representation.

Definition at line 94 of file vpBiclops.h.

◆ vpControlFrameType

Robot control frames.


Corresponds to a fixed reference frame attached to the robot structure.


Corresponds to the joint state. This value is deprecated. You should rather use vpRobot::JOINT_STATE.


Corresponds to the joint state.


Corresponds to robot end-effector frame.


Corresponds to a frame attached to the camera mounted on the robot end-effector.


Corresponds to a frame attached to the tool (camera, gripper...) mounted on the robot end-effector. This value is equal to vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME.


Corresponds to a "virtual" frame where translations are expressed in the reference frame, and rotations in the camera frame.

Definition at line 76 of file vpRobot.h.

◆ vpRobotStateType

enum vpRobot::vpRobotStateType

Robot control states.


Stops robot motion especially in velocity and acceleration control.


Initialize the velocity controller.


Initialize the position controller.


Initialize the acceleration controller.


Initialize the force/torque controller.

Definition at line 64 of file vpRobot.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpRobotBiclops() [1/2]

vpRobotBiclops::vpRobotBiclops ( )

Default constructor.

Does nothing more than setting the default configuration file to /usr/share/BiclopsDefault.cfg.

As shown in the following example, the turret need to be initialized using init() function.

#include <visp3/robot/vpRobotBiclops.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpRobotBiclops robot; // Use the default config file in /usr/share/BiclopsDefault.cfg
// Initialize the head
// Move the robot to a specified pan and tilt
q[0] = vpMath::rad(20); // pan
q[1] = vpMath::rad(40); // tilt
robot.setPosition(vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, q);
return 0;
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:191
static double rad(double deg)
Definition: vpMath.h:129
Interface for the Biclops, pan, tilt head control.
Definition: vpRobot.h:82
Initialize the position controller.
Definition: vpRobot.h:68
virtual vpRobotStateType setRobotState(const vpRobot::vpRobotStateType newState)
Definition: vpRobot.cpp:202

Definition at line 73 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References setConfigFile(), and vpDEBUG_TRACE.

◆ vpRobotBiclops() [2/2]

vpRobotBiclops::vpRobotBiclops ( const std::string &  filename)

Constructor that initialize the Biclops pan, tilt head by reading the configuration file provided by Traclabs and do the homing sequence.

The following example shows how to use the constructor.

#include <visp3/robot/vpRobotBiclops.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
// Specify the config file location and initialize the turret
vpRobotBiclops robot("/usr/share/BiclopsDefault.cfg");
// Move the robot to a specified pan and tilt
q[0] = vpMath::rad(-20); // pan
q[1] = vpMath::rad(10); // tilt
robot.setPosition(vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, q);
return 0;

Definition at line 83 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References init(), setConfigFile(), and vpDEBUG_TRACE.

◆ ~vpRobotBiclops()

vpRobotBiclops::~vpRobotBiclops ( )

Destructor. Wait the end of the control thread.

Definition at line 95 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References setRobotState(), vpRobot::STATE_STOP, and vpDEBUG_TRACE.

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeMGD() [1/3]

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpBiclops::computeMGD ( const vpColVector q) const

Return the direct geometric model of the camera: fMc

Provided for compatibility with previous versions. Use rather get_fMc(const vpColVector &).
q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
fMc, the homogeneous matrix corresponding to the direct geometric model of the camera. Describes the transformation between the robot reference frame (called fixed) and the camera frame.
See also
get_fMc(const vpColVector &)

Definition at line 67 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::computeMGD().

◆ computeMGD() [2/3]

void vpBiclops::computeMGD ( const vpColVector q,
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMc 
) const

Compute the direct geometric model of the camera: fMc

Provided for compatibility with previous versions. Use rather get_fMc(const vpColVector &, vpHomogeneousMatrix &).
q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
fMc: Homogeneous matrix corresponding to the direct geometric model of the camera. Describes the transformation between the robot reference frame (called fixed) and the camera frame.
See also
get_fMc(const vpColVector &, vpHomogeneousMatrix &)

Definition at line 47 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::get_fMe(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpBiclops::m_cMe, and vpCDEBUG.

Referenced by vpBiclops::computeMGD().

◆ computeMGD() [3/3]

void vpBiclops::computeMGD ( const vpColVector q,
vpPoseVector fPc 
) const

Compute the direct geometric model of the camera in terms of pose vector.

Provided for compatibility with previous versions. Use rather get_fMc(const vpColVector &, vpPoseVector &).
q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
fPc: Pose vector corresponding to the transformation between the robot reference frame (called fixed) and the camera frame.
See also
get_fMc(const vpColVector &, vpPoseVector &)

Definition at line 147 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), vpBiclops::get_fMc(), and vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse().

◆ get_cMe() [1/2]

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpBiclops::get_cMe ( ) const

Return the transformation ${^c}{\bf M}_e$ between the camera frame and the end effector frame.

Definition at line 195 of file vpBiclops.h.

Referenced by get_cMe(), and get_cVe().

◆ get_cMe() [2/2]

void vpRobotBiclops::get_cMe ( vpHomogeneousMatrix cMe) const

Get the homogeneous matrix corresponding to the transformation between the camera frame and the end effector frame. The end effector frame is located on the tilt axis.

cMe: Homogeneous matrix between camera and end effector frame.

Definition at line 438 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::get_cMe().

◆ get_cVe()

void vpRobotBiclops::get_cVe ( vpVelocityTwistMatrix cVe) const

Get the twist matrix corresponding to the transformation between the camera frame and the end effector frame. The end effector frame is located on the tilt axis.

cVe: Twist transformation between camera and end effector frame to express a velocity skew from end effector frame in camera frame.

Definition at line 430 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom(), and vpBiclops::get_cMe().

◆ get_eJe() [1/2]

void vpBiclops::get_eJe ( const vpColVector q,
vpMatrix eJe 
) const

Get the robot jacobian expressed in the end-effector frame.

Re is not the embedded camera frame. It corresponds to the frame associated to the tilt axis (see also get_cMe).
[in]q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
[out]eJe: Jacobian between end effector frame and end effector frame (on tilt axis).

Definition at line 212 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::DH1, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpBiclops::m_dh_model, and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

Referenced by get_eJe().

◆ get_eJe() [2/2]

void vpRobotBiclops::get_eJe ( vpMatrix eJe)

Get the robot jacobian expressed in the end-effector frame.

Re is not the embedded camera frame. It corresponds to the frame associated to the tilt axis (see also get_cMe).
eJe: Jacobian between end effector frame and end effector frame (on tilt axis).

Implements vpRobot.

Definition at line 440 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::eJe, vpBiclops::get_eJe(), getPosition(), and vpRobot::JOINT_STATE.

◆ get_fJe() [1/2]

void vpBiclops::get_fJe ( const vpColVector q,
vpMatrix fJe 
) const

Get the robot jacobian expressed in the robot reference frame

[in]q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
[out]fJe: Jacobian between reference frame (or fix frame) and end effector frame (on tilt axis).

Definition at line 237 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::DH1, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpBiclops::m_dh_model, and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

Referenced by get_fJe().

◆ get_fJe() [2/2]

void vpRobotBiclops::get_fJe ( vpMatrix fJe)

Get the robot jacobian expressed in the robot reference frame

fJe: Jacobian between reference frame (or fix frame) and end effector frame (on tilt axis).

Implements vpRobot.

Definition at line 448 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::fJe, vpBiclops::get_fJe(), getPosition(), and vpRobot::JOINT_STATE.

◆ get_fMc() [1/3]

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpBiclops::get_fMc ( const vpColVector q) const

Return the direct geometric model of the camera: fMc

[in]q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
fMc, the homogeneous matrix corresponding to the direct geometric model of the camera. Describes the transformation between the robot reference frame (called fixed) and the camera frame.

Definition at line 76 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::get_fMc().

◆ get_fMc() [2/3]

void vpBiclops::get_fMc ( const vpColVector q,
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMc 
) const

Compute the direct geometric model of the camera: fMc

[in]q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
[out]fMc: Homogeneous matrix corresponding to the direct geometric model of the camera. Describes the transformation between the robot reference frame (called fixed) and the camera frame.

Definition at line 57 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::get_fMe(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpBiclops::m_cMe, and vpCDEBUG.

Referenced by vpBiclops::computeMGD(), vpBiclops::get_fMc(), and getDisplacement().

◆ get_fMc() [3/3]

void vpBiclops::get_fMc ( const vpColVector q,
vpPoseVector fPc 
) const

Compute the direct geometric model of the camera in terms of pose vector.

[in]q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
[out]fPc: Pose vector corresponding to the direct geometric model of the camera. Describes the transformation between the robot reference frame (called fixed) and the camera frame.

Definition at line 157 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), vpBiclops::get_fMc(), and vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse().

◆ get_fMe()

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpBiclops::get_fMe ( const vpColVector q) const

Return the direct geometric model of the end effector: fMe

[in]q: Joint position for pan and tilt axis.
fMe, the homogeneous matrix corresponding to the direct geometric model of the end effector. Describes the transformation between the robot reference frame (called fixed) and the end effector frame.

Definition at line 85 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::DH1, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpBiclops::m_dh_model.

Referenced by vpBiclops::computeMGD(), and vpBiclops::get_fMc().

◆ getDenavitHartenbergModel()

vpBiclops::DenavitHartenbergModel vpBiclops::getDenavitHartenbergModel ( ) const

Return the Denavit-Hartenberg representation used to model the head.

See also

Definition at line 278 of file vpBiclops.h.

◆ getDisplacement()

void vpRobotBiclops::getDisplacement ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame,
vpColVector d 

Get the robot displacement since the last call of this method.

The first call of this method gives not a good value for the displacement.
frameThe frame in which the measured displacement is expressed.
dThe displacement:
  • In joint state, the dimension of q is 2 (the number of axis of the robot) with respectively d[0] (pan displacement), d[1] (tilt displacement).
  • In camera frame, the dimension of d is 6 (tx, ty, ty, tux, tuy, tuz). Translations are expressed in meters, rotations in radians with the theta U representation.
vpRobotException::wrongStateErrorIf a not supported frame type is given.

Implements vpRobot.

Definition at line 812 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME, vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME, vpBiclops::get_fMc(), getPosition(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpExponentialMap::inverse(), vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME, vpBiclops::ndof, vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME, vpColVector::resize(), and vpRobotException::wrongStateError.

◆ getMaxRotationVelocity()

◆ getMaxTranslationVelocity()

◆ getNDof()

int vpRobot::getNDof ( ) const

Return robot degrees of freedom number.


Definition at line 145 of file vpRobot.h.

◆ getPosition() [1/2]

vpColVector vpRobot::getPosition ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame)

Return the current robot position in the specified frame.

Definition at line 217 of file vpRobot.cpp.

References vpRobot::getPosition().

◆ getPosition() [2/2]

void vpRobotBiclops::getPosition ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame,
vpColVector q 

Return the position of each axis.

  • In positioning control mode, call vpRobotBiclopsController::getPosition()
  • In speed control mode, call vpRobotBiclopsController::getActualPosition()
frame: Control frame. This Biclops head can only be controlled in joint state.
q: The position of the axis in radians.
vpRobotException::wrongStateError: If a not supported frame type is given.

Implements vpRobot.


Definition at line 531 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME, vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME, vpRobot::getRobotState(), vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME, vpBiclops::ndof, vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME, vpColVector::resize(), vpRobot::STATE_ACCELERATION_CONTROL, vpRobot::STATE_POSITION_CONTROL, vpRobot::STATE_STOP, vpRobot::STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL, vpColVector::t(), vpCDEBUG, vpDEBUG_TRACE, and vpRobotException::wrongStateError.

Referenced by get_eJe(), get_fJe(), and getDisplacement().

◆ getPositioningVelocity()

double vpRobotBiclops::getPositioningVelocity ( void  )

Get the velocity in % used for a position control.

Positioning velocity in [0, 100.0]. The maximum positioning velocity is given vpBiclops::speedLimit.

Definition at line 466 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

◆ getRobotFrame()

vpControlFrameType vpRobot::getRobotFrame ( void  ) const

◆ getRobotState()

virtual vpRobotStateType vpRobot::getRobotState ( void  ) const

Definition at line 155 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by getPosition(), getVelocity(), vpRobotCamera::setPosition(), vpSimulatorCamera::setPosition(), vpRobotAfma4::setPosition(), vpRobotAfma6::setPosition(), vpRobotFranka::setPosition(), vpRobotUniversalRobots::setPosition(), vpRobotViper650::setPosition(), vpRobotViper850::setPosition(), setPosition(), vpRobotPololuPtu::setPosition(), vpRobotPtu46::setPosition(), vpSimulatorAfma6::setPosition(), vpSimulatorViper850::setPosition(), setRobotState(), vpRobotPololuPtu::setRobotState(), vpSimulatorAfma6::setRobotState(), vpSimulatorViper850::setRobotState(), vpRobotAfma4::setRobotState(), vpRobotAfma6::setRobotState(), vpRobotFlirPtu::setRobotState(), vpRobotFranka::setRobotState(), vpRobotPtu46::setRobotState(), vpRobotUniversalRobots::setRobotState(), vpRobotViper650::setRobotState(), vpRobotViper850::setRobotState(), setVelocity(), vpRobotPololuPtu::setVelocity(), vpRobotPtu46::setVelocity(), vpRobotCamera::setVelocity(), vpRobotFlirPtu::setVelocity(), vpRobotFranka::setVelocity(), vpRobotKinova::setVelocity(), vpRobotTemplate::setVelocity(), vpRobotUniversalRobots::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorCamera::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorPioneer::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorPioneerPan::setVelocity(), vpRobotAfma4::setVelocity(), vpRobotAfma6::setVelocity(), vpRobotViper650::setVelocity(), vpRobotViper850::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorAfma6::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorViper850::setVelocity(), vpRobotFlirPtu::stopMotion(), vpRobotFranka::stopMotion(), vpRobotViper650::stopMotion(), vpRobotViper850::stopMotion(), vpSimulatorAfma6::stopMotion(), and vpSimulatorViper850::stopMotion().

◆ getVelocity() [1/2]

vpColVector vpRobotBiclops::getVelocity ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame)

Return the joint velocity.

frame: Control frame. This head can only be controlled in joint state.
The measured joint velocity in rad/s.
vpRobotException::wrongStateError: If a not supported frame type is given.

Definition at line 746 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References getVelocity().

◆ getVelocity() [2/2]

void vpRobotBiclops::getVelocity ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame,
vpColVector q_dot 

Get the joint velocity.

frame: Control frame. This head can only be controlled in joint state.
q_dot: The measured joint velocity in rad/s.
vpRobotException::wrongStateError: If a not supported frame type is given.

Definition at line 683 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME, vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME, vpRobot::getRobotState(), vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME, vpBiclops::ndof, vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME, vpColVector::resize(), vpRobot::STATE_ACCELERATION_CONTROL, vpRobot::STATE_POSITION_CONTROL, vpRobot::STATE_STOP, vpRobot::STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL, vpColVector::t(), vpCDEBUG, vpDEBUG_TRACE, and vpRobotException::wrongStateError.

Referenced by getVelocity().

◆ init()

void vpRobotBiclops::init ( void  )

Set the Biclops config filename. Check if the config file exists and initialize the head.

vpRobotException::constructionErrorIf the config file cannot be opened.

Implements vpRobot.

Definition at line 116 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobotException::constructionError, vpBiclops::ndof, vpColVector::resize(), setRobotState(), vpRobot::STATE_STOP, vpCERROR, and vpERROR_TRACE.

Referenced by vpRobotBiclops().

◆ readPositionFile()

bool vpRobotBiclops::readPositionFile ( const std::string &  filename,
vpColVector q 

Get joint positions from the position file.

filename: Position file.
q: The joint positions read in the file.
# Example of Biclops position file
# The axis positions must be preceeded by R:
# First value : pan joint position in degrees
# Second value: tilt joint position in degrees
R: 15.0 5.0
true if a position was found, false otherwise.

Definition at line 754 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpColVector::deg2rad(), vpBiclops::ndof, vpColVector::resize(), and vpIoTools::splitChain().

Referenced by setPosition().

◆ saturateVelocities()

vpColVector vpRobot::saturateVelocities ( const vpColVector v_in,
const vpColVector v_max,
bool  verbose = false 

Saturate velocities.

v_in: Vector of input velocities to saturate. Translation velocities should be expressed in m/s while rotation velocities in rad/s.
v_max: Vector of maximal allowed velocities. Maximal translation velocities should be expressed in m/s while maximal rotation velocities in rad/s.
verbose: Print a message indicating which axis causes the saturation.
Saturated velocities.
vpRobotException::dimensionError: If the input vectors have different dimensions.

The code below shows how to use this static method in order to saturate a velocity skew vector.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/robot/vpRobot.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
// Set a velocity skew vector
v[0] = 0.1; // vx in m/s
v[1] = 0.2; // vy
v[2] = 0.3; // vz
v[3] = vpMath::rad(10); // wx in rad/s
v[4] = vpMath::rad(-10); // wy
v[5] = vpMath::rad(20); // wz
// Set the maximal allowed velocities
vpColVector v_max(6);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
v_max[i] = 0.3; // in translation (m/s)
for (int i=3; i<6; i++)
v_max[i] = vpMath::rad(10); // in rotation (rad/s)
// Compute the saturated velocity skew vector
vpColVector v_sat = vpRobot::saturateVelocities(v, v_max, true);
std::cout << "v : " << v.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << "v max: " << v_max.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << "v sat: " << v_sat.t() << std::endl;
return 0;
vpRowVector t() const
static vpColVector saturateVelocities(const vpColVector &v_in, const vpColVector &v_max, bool verbose=false)
Definition: vpRobot.cpp:164

Definition at line 164 of file vpRobot.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

Referenced by vpRobotCamera::setVelocity(), vpRobotFlirPtu::setVelocity(), vpRobotFranka::setVelocity(), vpRobotKinova::setVelocity(), vpRobotPioneer::setVelocity(), vpRobotTemplate::setVelocity(), vpRobotUniversalRobots::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorCamera::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorPioneer::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorPioneerPan::setVelocity(), vpRobotAfma4::setVelocity(), vpRobotAfma6::setVelocity(), vpRobotViper650::setVelocity(), and vpRobotViper850::setVelocity().

◆ set_cMe() [1/2]

void vpBiclops::set_cMe ( )

Set the default homogeneous matrix corresponding to the transformation between the camera frame and the end effector frame. The end effector frame is located on the tilt axis.

\[ {^c}{\bf M}_e = \left( \begin{matrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 0 \\ -1 & 0 & 0 & h \\ 0 & 0 & 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} \right) \]

Definition at line 187 of file vpBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::h, and vpBiclops::m_cMe.

Referenced by vpBiclops::init().

◆ set_cMe() [2/2]

void vpBiclops::set_cMe ( const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMe)

Set the transformation between the camera frame and the end effector frame.

Definition at line 302 of file vpBiclops.h.

◆ setConfigFile()

void vpRobotBiclops::setConfigFile ( const std::string &  filename = "/usr/share/BiclopsDefault.cfg")

Set the Biclops config filename.

Definition at line 114 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

Referenced by vpRobotBiclops().

◆ setDenavitHartenbergModel()

void vpBiclops::setDenavitHartenbergModel ( vpBiclops::DenavitHartenbergModel  dh_model = vpBiclops::DH1)

Set the Denavit-Hartenberg representation used to model the head.

[in]dh_model: Denavit-Hartenberg model.
See also

Definition at line 309 of file vpBiclops.h.

◆ setMaxRotationVelocity()

void vpRobot::setMaxRotationVelocity ( double  w_max)

Set the maximal rotation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.

w_max: Maximum rotational velocity expressed in rad/s.
servoMomentPoints.cpp, servoSimu4Points.cpp, servoSimuSphere.cpp, testFeatureSegment.cpp, testFrankaJointVelocityLimits.cpp, and testRobotFlirPtu.cpp.

Definition at line 261 of file vpRobot.cpp.

References vpRobot::maxRotationVelocity.

Referenced by vpRobotViper650::setMaxRotationVelocity(), vpRobotViper850::setMaxRotationVelocity(), and vpSimulatorAfma6::setPosition().

◆ setMaxTranslationVelocity()

void vpRobot::setMaxTranslationVelocity ( double  v_max)

Set the maximal translation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.

v_max: Maximum translation velocity expressed in m/s.
servoMomentPoints.cpp, servoSimu4Points.cpp, servoSimuSphere.cpp, simulateCircle2DCamVelocity.cpp, simulateFourPoints2DCartesianCamVelocity.cpp, simulateFourPoints2DPolarCamVelocity.cpp, and testFeatureSegment.cpp.

Definition at line 240 of file vpRobot.cpp.

References vpRobot::maxTranslationVelocity.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::setPosition().

◆ setPosition() [1/3]

void vpRobotBiclops::setPosition ( const std::string &  filename)

Read the content of the position file and moves the head to joint positions.

filename: Position filename
vpRobotException::readingParametersError: If the joint positions cannot be read from file.
See also

Definition at line 521 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, vpRobotException::readingParametersError, readPositionFile(), setPosition(), and vpERROR_TRACE.

◆ setPosition() [2/3]

void vpRobotBiclops::setPosition ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame,
const double &  q1,
const double &  q2 

Move the robot in position control.

This method is blocking. That mean that it wait the end of the positioning.
frame: Control frame. This Biclops head can only be controlled in joint state.
q1: The pan joint position to set in radians.
q2: The tilt joint position to set in radians.
vpRobotException::wrongStateError: If a not supported frame type is given.

Definition at line 506 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References setPosition(), and vpERROR_TRACE.

◆ setPosition() [3/3]

void vpRobotBiclops::setPosition ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame,
const vpColVector q 

Move the robot in position control.

This method is blocking. That mean that it waits the end of the positioning.
frame: Control frame. This Biclops head can only be controlled in joint state.
q: The joint position to set for each axis in radians.
vpRobotException::wrongStateError: If a not supported frame type is given.

Implements vpRobot.


Definition at line 468 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME, vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME, vpRobot::getRobotState(), vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME, vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME, setRobotState(), vpRobot::STATE_POSITION_CONTROL, vpDEBUG_TRACE, vpERROR_TRACE, and vpRobotException::wrongStateError.

Referenced by setPosition().

◆ setPositioningVelocity()

void vpRobotBiclops::setPositioningVelocity ( double  velocity)

Set the velocity used for a position control.

velocity: Velocity in % of the maximum velocity between [0,100]. The maximum velocity is given vpBiclops::speedLimit.

Definition at line 456 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobotException::constructionError, and vpERROR_TRACE.

◆ setRobotFrame()

◆ setRobotState()

vpRobot::vpRobotStateType vpRobotBiclops::setRobotState ( const vpRobot::vpRobotStateType  newState)

Change the state of the robot either to stop them, or to set position or speed control.

Reimplemented from vpRobot.


Definition at line 383 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::getRobotState(), vpRobot::setRobotState(), vpRobot::STATE_POSITION_CONTROL, vpRobot::STATE_STOP, vpRobot::STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL, stopMotion(), vpDEBUG_TRACE, vpRobotBiclopsSpeedControlLoop(), and vpTime::wait().

Referenced by init(), setPosition(), and ~vpRobotBiclops().

◆ setVelocity()

void vpRobotBiclops::setVelocity ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame,
const vpColVector q_dot 

Send a velocity on each axis.

frame: Control frame. This Biclops head can only be controlled in joint state. Be aware, the camera frame (vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME), the reference frame (vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME), end-effector frame (vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME) and the mixt frame (vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME) are not implemented.
q_dot: The desired joint velocities for each axis in rad/s. $ \dot {r} = [\dot{q}_1, \dot{q}_2]^t $ with $ \dot{q}_1 $ the pan of the camera and $ \dot{q}_2$ the tilt of the camera.
vpRobotException::wrongStateError: If a the robot is not configured to handle a velocity. The robot can handle a velocity only if the velocity control mode is set. For that, call setRobotState( vpRobot::STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL) before setVelocity().
vpRobotException::wrongStateError: If a not supported frame type (vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME, vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME, vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME or vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME) is given.
Velocities could be saturated if one of them exceed the maximal authorized speed (see vpRobot::maxRotationVelocity).

Implements vpRobot.


Definition at line 594 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME, vpRobot::END_EFFECTOR_FRAME, vpRobot::getRobotState(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpRobot::JOINT_STATE, vpRobot::MIXT_FRAME, vpBiclops::ndof, vpRobot::REFERENCE_FRAME, vpBiclops::speedLimit, vpRobot::STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL, vpColVector::t(), vpCDEBUG, vpDEBUG_TRACE, vpERROR_TRACE, and vpRobotException::wrongStateError.

◆ setVerbose()

◆ stopMotion()

void vpRobotBiclops::stopMotion ( void  )

Halt all the axis.

Definition at line 421 of file vpRobotBiclops.cpp.

References vpBiclops::ndof.

Referenced by setRobotState().

◆ vpRobotBiclopsSpeedControlLoop()

void vpRobotBiclops::vpRobotBiclopsSpeedControlLoop ( void *  arg)

Member Data Documentation

◆ areJointLimitsAvailable

int vpRobot::areJointLimitsAvailable

Definition at line 114 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobot::operator=().

◆ defaultPositioningVelocity

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE const double vpRobotBiclops::defaultPositioningVelocity = 10.0

Definition at line 94 of file vpRobotBiclops.h.

◆ eJe

◆ eJeAvailable

int vpRobot::eJeAvailable

is the robot Jacobian expressed in the end-effector frame available

Definition at line 108 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobot::operator=().

◆ fJe

vpMatrix vpRobot::fJe

◆ fJeAvailable

int vpRobot::fJeAvailable

is the robot Jacobian expressed in the robot reference frame available

Definition at line 112 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobot::operator=().

◆ h

const float vpBiclops::h = 0.048f

Definition at line 104 of file vpBiclops.h.

Referenced by vpBiclops::set_cMe().

◆ m_cMe

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpBiclops::m_cMe

Camera frame to PT end-effector frame transformation.

Definition at line 111 of file vpBiclops.h.

Referenced by vpBiclops::computeMGD(), vpBiclops::get_cVe(), vpBiclops::get_fMc(), and vpBiclops::set_cMe().

◆ m_dh_model

DenavitHartenbergModel vpBiclops::m_dh_model

Denavit-Hartenberg model.

Definition at line 110 of file vpBiclops.h.

Referenced by vpBiclops::get_eJe(), vpBiclops::get_fJe(), vpBiclops::get_fMe(), and vpBiclops::init().

◆ maxRotationVelocity

◆ maxRotationVelocityDefault

const double vpRobot::maxRotationVelocityDefault = 0.7

Definition at line 101 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobotFlirPtu::init(), vpRobotKinova::init(), and vpRobotTemplate::init().

◆ maxTranslationVelocity

double vpRobot::maxTranslationVelocity

◆ maxTranslationVelocityDefault

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE const double vpRobot::maxTranslationVelocityDefault = 0.2

Definition at line 99 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobotFlirPtu::init(), vpRobotKinova::init(), and vpRobotTemplate::init().

◆ ndof

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE const unsigned int vpBiclops::ndof = 2

◆ nDof

◆ panJointLimit

const float vpBiclops::panJointLimit = (float)(M_PI)

Pan axis +/- joint limit in rad.

Definition at line 105 of file vpBiclops.h.

Referenced by vpRobotBiclopsSpeedControlLoop().

◆ qmax

double* vpRobot::qmax

Definition at line 116 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobot::operator=(), and vpRobot::~vpRobot().

◆ qmin

double* vpRobot::qmin

Definition at line 115 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobot::operator=(), and vpRobot::~vpRobot().

◆ speedLimit

const float vpBiclops::speedLimit = (float)(M_PI / 3.0)

Pan and tilt axis max velocity in rad/s to perform a displacement.

Definition at line 107 of file vpBiclops.h.

Referenced by setVelocity().

◆ tiltJointLimit

const float vpBiclops::tiltJointLimit = (float)(M_PI / 4.5)

Tilt axis +/- joint limit in rad.

Definition at line 106 of file vpBiclops.h.

Referenced by vpRobotBiclopsSpeedControlLoop().

◆ verbose_