- Member vpCircle::get_mu02 () const
- You should rather use get_n02(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpCircle::get_mu11 () const
- You should rather use get_n11(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpCircle::get_mu20 () const
- You should rather use get_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpColVector::euclideanNorm () const
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().
- Member vpColVector::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpColVector::insert (const vpColVector &v, unsigned int i)
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. Use rather insert(unsigned int i, const vpColVector &v)
- Member vpColVector::insert (const vpColVector &v, unsigned int r, unsigned int c=0)
- You should rather use insert(unsigned int, const vpColVector &).
- Member vpColVector::rows (unsigned int first_row, unsigned int last_row) const
- You should rather use extract().
- Member vpColVector::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
- You should rather use stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
- Member vpColVector::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
- You should rather use stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
- Member vpColVector::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &r)
- You should rather use stack(const vpColVector &)
- Member vpDetectorAprilTag::setAprilTagRefineDecode (bool refineDecode)
- Deprecated parameter from AprilTag 2 version.
- Member vpDetectorAprilTag::setAprilTagRefinePose (bool refinePose)
- Deprecated parameter from AprilTag 2 version.
- Member vpDisplay::displayCharString (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpImagePoint &ip, const char *string, const vpColor &color)
- Display a string at the image point ip location. Use rather displayText() that does the same.
- Member vpDisplay::displayCharString (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, int i, int j, const char *string, const vpColor &color)
- Display a string at the image point (i,j) location. Use rather displayText() that does the same.
- Member vpDisplay::displayCharString (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &ip, const char *string, const vpColor &color)
- Display a string at the image point ip location. Use rather displayText() that does the same.
- Member vpDisplay::displayCharString (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, int i, int j, const char *string, const vpColor &color)
- Display a string at the image point (i,j) location. Use rather displayText() that does the same.
- Member vpFeatureDepth::buildFrom (double x, double y, double Z, double LogZoverZstar)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a 3D depth visual feature from the point coordinates
given in the camera frame,
which describes the depth and
which represents the logarithm of the current depth relative to the desired depth.
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::buildFrom (double x, double y, double n20, double n11, double n02, double A, double B, double C)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &) instead.
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::buildFrom (double x, double y, double n20, double n11, double n02)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &) instead.
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::getMu02 () const
- You should rather use get_n02(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns the visual feature corresponding to the second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::getMu11 () const
- You should rather use get_n11(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns the visual feature corresponding to the second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::getMu20 () const
- You should rather use get_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns the visual feature corresponding to the second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu02 ()
- You should rather use select_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu11 ()
- You should rather use select_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu20 ()
- You should rather use select_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::setMu (double mu20, double mu11, double mu02)
- You should rather use setMoments(). This function and its parameters are incorrectly named and are confusing since this function is waiting for second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpFeatureLine::buildFrom (double rho, double theta, double A, double B, double C, double D)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a 2D line visual feature from the line equation parameters
given in the image plan. The parameters A, B, C and D which describe the equation of a plan to which the line belongs, are set in the same time.
- Member vpFeatureLine::buildFrom (double rho, double theta)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &) instead. Build a 2D line visual feature from the line equation parameters
given in the image plan.
- Member vpFeatureLuminance::buildFrom (vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
- You should use build(vpImage<unsigned char> &) instead. Build a luminance feature directly from the image
- Member vpFeaturePoint3D::buildFrom (double X, double Y, double Z)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a 3D point visual feature from the camera frame coordinates
of a point.
- Member vpFeaturePoint3D::buildFrom (const vpPoint &p)
- You should use build(const vpPoint &) instead. Build a 3D point visual feature from the camera frame coordinates
of a point.
- Member vpFeaturePoint::buildFrom (double x, double y, double Z)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a 2D point visual feature from the point coordinates in the image plan
. The parameter Z which describes the depth, is set in the same time.
- Member vpFeaturePointPolar::buildFrom (double rho, double theta, double Z)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a 2D image point visual feature with polar coordinates.
- Member vpFeatureSegment::buildFrom (double x1, double y1, double Z1, double x2, double y2, double Z2)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a segment visual feature from two points and their Z coordinates.
- Member vpFeatureThetaU::buildFrom (vpThetaUVector &tu)
- You should use build(const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Build a 3D visual feature from a
vector that represent the rotation
the camera has to achieve.
- Member vpFeatureThetaU::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Build a 3D
visual feature from a rotation matrix
that represent the rotation that the camera has to achieve.
- Member vpFeatureThetaU::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &M)
- You should use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) instead. Build a 3D
visual feature from an homogeneous matrix
that represent the displacement that the camera has to achieve.
- Member vpFeatureTranslation::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &f2Mf1)
- You should use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) instead. Build a 3D translation visual feature from an homogeneous matrix
that represent the 3D transformation between two frames
- Member vpFeatureVanishingPoint::buildFrom (double x, double y)
- You should use build(const double&, const double &) instead.
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpThetaUVector &thetau)
- You should rather use build(const vpTranslationVector &tv, const vpThetaUVector &thetau) Initialize a force/torque twist transformation matrix from a translation vector t and a rotation vector with
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should rather use build(const vpRotationMatrix &R) Build a block diagonal force/torque twist transformation matrix from a rotation matrix R.
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should rather use build(const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpRotationMatrix &R) Build a force/torque twist transformation matrix from a translation vector t and a rotation matrix R.
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpThetaUVector &thetau)
- You should rather use build(const vpThetaUVector &thetau) Initialize a force/torque block diagonal twist transformation matrix from a rotation vector with
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &M, bool full=true)
- You should rather use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &M, bool full) Initialize a force/torque twist transformation matrix from an homogeneous matrix
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Class vpHinkley
- This class is deprecated. You should rather use vpStatisticalTestHinkley.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom (double tx, double ty, double tz, double tux, double tuy, double tuz)
- You should use instead build(const double &tx, const double &ty, const double &tz, const double &tux, const double &tuy, const double &tuz) Build an homogeneous matrix from a translation vector
and a
rotation vector.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpThetaUVector &tu)
- You should use instead build(const vpTranslationVector &, const vpThetaUVector &) Build an homogeneous matrix from a translation vector and a
rotation vector.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use instead build(const vpTranslationVector &, const vpRotationMatrix &) Build an homogeneous matrix from a translation vector and a rotation matrix.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom (const vpPoseVector &p)
- You should use instead build(const vpPoseVector &) Build an homogeneous matrix from a pose vector.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpQuaternionVector &q)
- You should use instead build(const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpQuaternionVector &q) Build an homogeneous matrix from a translation vector and a quaternion rotation vector.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom (const std::vector< float > &v)
- You should use instead build(const std::vector<float> &)
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom (const std::vector< double > &v)
- You should use instead build(const std::vector<double> &) Build an homogeneous matrix from a vector of double.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Member vpHomography::buildFrom (const vpPoseVector &arb, const vpPlane &bP)
- You should use build(const vpPoseVector &, const vpPlane &) instead.
- Member vpHomography::buildFrom (const vpThetaUVector &tu, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)
- You should use build(const vpThetaUVector &, const vpTranslationVector &, const vpPlane &) instead.
- Member vpHomography::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &aRb, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)
- You should use build(const vpRotationMatrix &, const vpTranslationVector &, const vpPlane &) instead.
- Member vpHomography::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &aMb, const vpPlane &bP)
- You should use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, const vpPlane &) instead.
- Member vpImageMorphology::dilatation (vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpConnexityType &connexity=CONNEXITY_4)
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. Use rather the template function dilatation(vpImage<T> &, const vpConnexityType &)
- Member vpImageMorphology::erosion (vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpConnexityType &connexity=CONNEXITY_4)
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. Use rather the template function erosion(vpImage<T> &, const vpConnexityType &)
- Member vpImageTools::createSubImage (const vpImage< Type > &I, const vpRect &roi, vpImage< Type > &crop)
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use crop(const vpImage<Type> &, const vpRect &, vpImage<Type> &).
- Member vpImageTools::createSubImage (const vpImage< Type > &I, unsigned int roi_top, unsigned int roi_left, unsigned int roi_height, unsigned int roi_width, vpImage< Type > &crop)
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use crop(const vpImage<Type> &, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, vpImage<Type> &).
- Member vpMatrix::column (unsigned int j)
- This method is deprecated. You should rather use getCol(). More precisely, the following code:
- Member vpMatrix::euclideanNorm () const
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().
- Member vpMatrix::init ()
- Only provided for compatibility with ViSP previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpMatrix::row (unsigned int i)
- This method is deprecated. You should rather use getRow(). More precisely, the following code:
- Member vpMatrix::setIdentity (const double &val=1.0)
You should rather use diag(const double &)
You should rather use diag(const double &)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
- You should rather use vpColVector::stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
- You should rather use vpColVector::stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpMatrix &C)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpMatrix &C)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A)
- Member vpMbKltTracker::getMaskBorder () const
- Use rather getkltMaskBorder()
- Member vpMbKltTracker::getNbKltPoints () const
- Use rather getKltNbPoints()
- Member vpMbKltTracker::getThresholdAcceptation () const
- Use rather getKltThresholdAcceptation()
- Member vpMbKltTracker::setThresholdAcceptation (double th)
- Use rather setKltThresholdAcceptation()
- Member vpMeEllipse::display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint ¢er, const double &A, const double &B, const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
This static function is deprecated. Use rather vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse().
Use rather displayEllipse().
- Member vpMeEllipse::display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpImagePoint ¢er, const double &A, const double &B, const double &E, const double &smallalpha, const double &highalpha, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
Use rather displayEllipse().
This static function is deprecated. Use rather vpMeEllipse::displayEllipse().
- Member vpMeLine::display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpMeSite &PExt1, const vpMeSite &PExt2, const std::list< vpMeSite > &site_list, const double &A, const double &B, const double &C, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
- Use rather displayLine().
- Member vpMeLine::display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpMeSite &PExt1, const vpMeSite &PExt2, const std::list< vpMeSite > &site_list, const double &A, const double &B, const double &C, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
- Use rather displayLine().
- Member vpMeLine::display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpMeSite &PExt1, const vpMeSite &PExt2, const double &A, const double &B, const double &C, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
- Use rather displayLine().
- Member vpMeLine::display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpMeSite &PExt1, const vpMeSite &PExt2, const double &A, const double &B, const double &C, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
Use rather displayLine().
This static function is deprecated. You should rather use vpMeLine::displayLine().
- Member vpMeLine::display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpMeSite &PExt1, const vpMeSite &PExt2, const double &A, const double &B, const double &C, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
- This static function is deprecated. You should rather use vpMeLine::displayLine().
- Member vpMeLine::display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpMeSite &PExt1, const vpMeSite &PExt2, const std::list< vpMeSite > &site_list, const double &A, const double &B, const double &C, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
- This static function is deprecated. You should rather use vpMeLine::displayLine().
- Member vpMeLine::display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpMeSite &PExt1, const vpMeSite &PExt2, const std::list< vpMeSite > &site_list, const double &A, const double &B, const double &C, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1)
- This static function is deprecated. You should rather use vpMeLine::displayLine().
- Member vpMeTracker::inMask (const vpImage< bool > *mask, unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
- You should rather use inRoiMask(). Test whether the pixel is inside the region of interest mask. Mask values that are set to true are considered in the tracking.
- Member vpMomentAreaNormalized::getDesiredSurface () const
- Use rather getDesiredArea() Retrieves the desired surface a* as specified in the constructor.
- Class vpMutex
- Use rather std::mutex.
- Member vpPolygon::buildFrom (const std::vector< vpPoint > &corners, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const bool create_convex_hull=false)
- You should use build(const std::vector<vpPoint> &, const vpCameraParameters &, const bool &) instead. Initialises the triangle thanks to the collection of 2D points (in meter). The fields x and y are used to compute the corresponding coordinates in pixel thanks to the camera parameters cam.
- Member vpPolygon::buildFrom (const std::list< vpImagePoint > &corners, const bool create_convex_hull=false)
- You should use build(const std::list<vpImagePoint> &, const bool &) instead. Initialises the polygon thanks to the collection of 2D points (in pixel).
- Member vpPolygon::buildFrom (const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &corners, const bool create_convex_hull=false)
- You should use build(const std::vector<vpImagePoint> &, const bool &) instead. Initialises the triangle thanks to the collection of 2D points (in pixel).
- Member vpPoseVector::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &tv, const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpTranslationVector &, const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Build a 6 dimension pose vector
from a translation vector
and a rotation matrix
- Member vpPoseVector::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &tv, const vpThetaUVector &tu)
- You should use build(const vpTranslationVector &, const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Build a 6 dimension pose vector
from a translation vector
and a
- Member vpPoseVector::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &M)
- You should use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) instead. Build a 6 dimension pose vector
from an homogeneous matrix
- Member vpPoseVector::buildFrom (double tx, double ty, double tz, double tux, double tuy, double tuz)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a 6 dimension pose vector
from 3 translations and 3
- Member vpPoseVector::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpQuaternionVector::buildFrom (const vpThetaUVector &tu)
- You should use build(const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Convert a
vector into a quaternion.
- Member vpQuaternionVector::buildFrom (const double qx, const double qy, const double qz, const double qw)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Manually change values of a quaternion.
- Member vpQuaternionVector::buildFrom (const vpColVector &q)
- You should use build(const vpColVector &q) instead. Construct a quaternion vector from a 4-dim vector (x,y,z,w).
- Member vpQuaternionVector::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Constructs a quaternion from a rotation matrix.
- Member vpQuaternionVector::buildFrom (const std::vector< double > &q)
- You should use build(const std::vector<double> &q) instead. Construct a quaternion vector from a 4-dim vector (x,y,z,w).
- Class vpRobotCamera
- This class is deprecated since ViSP 3.0.0.
- Member vpRobust::setIteration (unsigned int iter)
- Set iteration. This function is to call before simultMEstimator().
- Member vpRobust::setThreshold (double mad_min)
- You should rather use setMinMedianAbsoluteDeviation(). Set minimal median absolute deviation (MAD) value. Given the input vector or residual, when MAD(residual) < mad_min we set MAD(residual) = mad_min.
- Member vpRobust::simultMEstimator (vpColVector &residues)
- This function is useless. Calculate an Mestimate with a simultaneous scale estimate using HUBER's influence function
- Member vpRobust::vpRobust (unsigned int n_data)
- You should rather use the default constructor.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::buildFrom (const vpRxyzVector &v)
- You should use build(const vpRxyzVector &) instead. Transform a vector representing the Rxyz angle into a rotation matrix. Rxyz(
) = Rot(
) Rot(
) Rot(
- Member vpRotationMatrix::buildFrom (const vpQuaternionVector &q)
- You should use build(const vpQuaternionVector &) instead. Construct a 3-by-3 rotation matrix from a quaternion representation.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::buildFrom (double tux, double tuy, double tuz)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Construct a 3-by-3 rotation matrix from
angle representation.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::buildFrom (const vpRzyxVector &v)
- You should use build(const vpRzyxVector &) instead. Transform a vector representing the Rzyx angle into a rotation matrix. Rxyz(
) = Rot(
) Rot(
- Member vpRotationMatrix::buildFrom (const vpRzyzVector &v)
- You should use build(const vpRzyzVector &) instead. Transform a vector representing the Euler angle into a rotation matrix. Rzyz(
) = Rot(
) Rot(
) Rot(
- Member vpRotationMatrix::buildFrom (const vpPoseVector &p)
- You should use build(const vpPoseVector &) instead. Build a rotation matrix from a pose vector.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &M)
- You should use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) instead. Build a rotation matrix from an homogeneous matrix.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::buildFrom (const vpThetaUVector &v)
- You should use build(const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Transform a
angle representation into a rotation matrix.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Member vpRowVector::euclideanNorm () const
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().
- Member vpRowVector::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpRowVector::setIdentity (const double &val=1.0)
- You should rather use eye()
- Member vpRowVector::stackMatrices (const vpRowVector &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpRowVector &C)
- You should rather use stack(const vpRowVector &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpRowVector &C)
- Member vpRowVector::stackMatrices (const vpRowVector &A, const vpRowVector &B)
- You should rather use stack(const vpRowVector &A, const vpRowVector &B)
- Member vpRowVector::stackMatrices (const vpRowVector &r)
- You should rather use stack(const vpRowVector &)
- Member vpRxyzVector::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Convert a rotation matrix into a
Euler angles vector.
- Member vpRxyzVector::buildFrom (const std::vector< double > &rxyz)
- You should use build(const std::vector<double> &) instead. Construct a
Euler angles vector from a 3-dim vector.
- Member vpRxyzVector::buildFrom (const vpColVector &rxyz)
- You should use build(const vpColVector &) instead. Construct a
Euler angles vector from a 3-dim vector.
- Member vpRxyzVector::buildFrom (double phi, double theta, double psi)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Construction from 3 angles (in radian).
- Member vpRxyzVector::buildFrom (const vpThetaUVector &tu)
- You should use build(const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Convert a
vector into a
Euler angles vector.
- Member vpRzyxVector::buildFrom (const std::vector< double > &rxyz)
- You should use build(const std::vector<double> &) instead. Construct a
Euler angles vector from a 3-dim vector.
- Member vpRzyxVector::buildFrom (const vpColVector &rxyz)
- You should use build(const vpColVector &) instead. Construct a
Euler angles vectorfrom a 3-dim vector.
- Member vpRzyxVector::buildFrom (double phi, double theta, double psi)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Construction from 3 angles (in radian).
- Member vpRzyxVector::buildFrom (const vpThetaUVector &R)
- You should use build(const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Convert a
vector into a
Euler angles vector.
- Member vpRzyxVector::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Convert a rotation matrix into a
Euler angles vector.
- Member vpRzyzVector::buildFrom (const std::vector< double > &rxyz)
- You should use build(const std::vector<double> &) instead. Construct a
Euler angles vector from a 3-dim vector.
- Member vpRzyzVector::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Convert a rotation matrix into a
Euler angles vector.
- Member vpRzyzVector::buildFrom (const vpThetaUVector &R)
- You should use build(const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Convert a
vector into a
Euler angles vector.
- Member vpRzyzVector::buildFrom (const vpColVector &rxyz)
- You should use build(const vpColVector &) instead. Construct a
Euler angles vectorfrom a 3-dim vector.
- Member vpRzyzVector::buildFrom (double phi, double theta, double psi)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Construction from 3 angles (in radian).
- Member vpSphere::get_mu02 () const
- You should rather use get_n02(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpSphere::get_mu11 () const
- You should rather use get_n11(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpSphere::get_mu20 () const
- You should rather use get_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpTemplateTracker::setThresholdRMS (double threshold)
- This function is deprecated and the value set is no more used. Use rather setThresholdResidualDerivative()
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &M)
- You should use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) instead. Converts an homogeneous matrix into a
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const vpPoseVector &p)
- You should use build(const vpPoseVector &) instead. Converts a pose vector into a
vector copying the
values contained in the pose vector.
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Converts a rotation matrix into a
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const vpRzyxVector &rzyx)
- You should use build(const vpRzyxVector &) instead. Build a
vector from an Euler z-y-x representation vector.
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const vpRzyzVector &zyz)
- You should use build(const vpRzyzVector &) instead. Build a
vector from an Euler z-y-z representation vector.
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const vpRxyzVector &xyz)
- You should use build(const vpRxyzVector &) instead. Build a
vector from an Euler x-y-z representation vector.
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const vpQuaternionVector &q)
- You should use build(const vpQuaternionVector &) instead. Build a
vector from a quaternion representation vector.
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const std::vector< double > &tu)
- You should use build(const std::vector<double> &) instead. Build a
vector from a 3-dim vectors.
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (const vpColVector &tu)
- You should use build(const vpColVector &) instead. Build a
vector from a 3-dim vector.
- Member vpThetaUVector::buildFrom (double tux, double tuy, double tuz)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a
vector from 3 angles in radian.
- Class vpThread
- Use rather std::thread.
- Member vpTranslationVector::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &M)
- You should use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) instead. Build a 3 dimension translation vector
from an homogeneous matrix
- Member vpTranslationVector::buildFrom (const vpPoseVector &p)
- You should use build(const vpPoseVector &) instead. Build a 3 dimension translation vector
from the translation contained in a pose vector.
- Member vpTranslationVector::buildFrom (const vpColVector &v)
- You should use build(const vpColVector &) instead. Build a 3 dimension translation vector
from a 3-dimension column vector.
- Member vpTranslationVector::buildFrom (double tx, double ty, double tz)
- You should use build(const double &, const double &, const double &) instead. Build a 3 dimension translation vector
from 3 doubles.
- Member vpTranslationVector::euclideanNorm () const
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().
- Member vpTriangle::buildFrom (const vpImagePoint &iP1, const vpImagePoint &iP2, const vpImagePoint &iP3)
- You should use build(const vpImagePoint &, const vpImagePoint &, const vpImagePoint &) instead. Initialise the triangle thanks to the three 2D points
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Build a velocity twist transformation block diagonal matrix from a rotation matrix R.
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpRotationMatrix &R)
- You should use build(const vpTranslationVector &, const vpRotationMatrix &) instead. Build a velocity twist transformation matrix from a translation vector t and a rotation matrix R.
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpTranslationVector &t, const vpThetaUVector &thetau)
- You should use build(const vpTranslationVector &, const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Initialize a velocity twist transformation matrix from a translation vector t and a rotation vector with
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpThetaUVector &thetau)
- You should use build(const vpThetaUVector &) instead. Initialize a velocity twist transformation matrix from a rotation vector with
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &M, bool full=true)
- You should use build(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &, bool) instead. Initialize a velocity twist transformation matrix from an homogeneous matrix
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Member vpVirtuose::setIpAddress (const std::string &ip_port)
- You should rather use setIpAddressAndPort() that is more explicit.