Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-19)
vpVirtuose Class Reference

#include <visp3/robot/vpVirtuose.h>

Public Member Functions

 vpVirtuose ()
virtual ~vpVirtuose ()
void addForce (vpColVector &force)
void close ()
void enableForceFeedback (int enable)
vpColVector getArticularPosition () const
vpColVector getArticularVelocity () const
vpPoseVector getAvatarPosition () const
vpPoseVector getBaseFrame () const
VirtCommandType getCommandType () const
bool getDeadMan () const
bool getEmergencyStop () const
unsigned int getJointsNumber () const
vpColVector getForce () const
VirtContext getHandler ()
vpPoseVector getObservationFrame () const
vpPoseVector getPhysicalPosition () const
vpColVector getPhysicalVelocity () const
vpPoseVector getPosition () const
bool getPower () const
vpColVector getVelocity () const
void init ()
void setArticularForce (const vpColVector &articularForce)
void setArticularPosition (const vpColVector &articularPosition)
void setArticularVelocity (const vpColVector &articularVelocity)
void setBaseFrame (const vpPoseVector &position)
void setCommandType (const VirtCommandType &type)
void setForce (const vpColVector &force)
void setForceFactor (const float &forceFactor)
void setIndexingMode (const VirtIndexingType &type)
void setIpAddressAndPort (const std::string &ip, int port)
void setObservationFrame (const vpPoseVector &position)
void setPeriodicFunction (VirtPeriodicFunction CallBackVirt)
void setPosition (vpPoseVector &position)
void setPowerOff ()
void setPowerOn ()
void setSaturation (const float &forceLimit, const float &torqueLimit)
void setTimeStep (const float &timeStep)
void setVelocity (vpColVector &velocity)
void setVelocityFactor (const float &velocityFactor)
void setVerbose (bool mode)
void startPeriodicFunction ()
void stopPeriodicFunction ()

Protected Attributes

VirtContext m_virtContext
std::string m_ip_port
bool m_verbose
int m_apiMajorVersion
int m_apiMinorVersion
int m_ctrlMajorVersion
int m_ctrlMinorVersion
VirtCommandType m_typeCommand
VirtIndexingType m_indexType
bool m_is_init
float m_period
unsigned int m_njoints

Detailed Description

This class was tested with Haption ( Virtuose 6D haptic device.

The class vpVirtuose allows to work with the original Virtuose API inside ViSP. The Virtuose API supports the following devices:

  • Virtuose 6D35-45
  • Virtuose 3D35-40
  • Virtuose 3D10-20
  • Virtuose Desktop
  • Virtuose Inca

Not all Virtuose API function are implemented in the class. Original Virtuose API functions need to be called with a VirtContext object, provided by the function getHandler().

The Virtuose library implements different control modes that could be set using setCommandType(). The choice of the control mode depends on the application. The following is the description of the main control modes as described in the Virtuose API documentation.

  1. Force/position control (impedance mode): the application sends forces and torques to the device and reads the position and speed of the end-effector frame.
  2. Position/force control (admittance mode): this advanced control mode allows direct coupling with virtual objects; in that case, the application sends the position and speed of the center of the object to the device, and reads the forces and torques to be applied to the object for dynamic integration. Stiffness and damping are calculated by the embedded software, knowing the mass and inertia of the object, in order to ensure control stability.
  3. Position/force with virtual guides: this is the same as above, with addition of virtual guides (e.g. fixed translation, fixed rotation, etc.).

The Virtuose library defines the following reference frames:

  1. The environment frame, corresponding to the origin of the virtual scene; it is specified by the software application independently of the Virtuose API.
  2. The observation frame, corresponding generally to the position of the camera; it is defined with respect to environment frame. This frame location could be set using setObservationFrame().
  3. The base frame, representing the center of the haptic device; it is defined with respect to the observation frame. This frame location could be set using setBaseFrame().
  4. The tool frame corresponds to the base of the tool fixed at the end of the haptic device, and is defined with respect to the environment frame.
  5. The end-effector (avatar) frame corresponds to the position of the user hand on the device, taking into account the geometry of the tool, and is defined with respect to tool frame.

The position of the following frames can be defined only once using the API: base frame (with respect to the observation frame) thanks to setBaseFrame() and end-effector frame (with respect to the tool frame).

The position of the observation frame (with respect to the environment frame) can be modified dynamically using setObservationFrame().

The position of the tool frame (with respect to the environment frame) cannot be modified.

All values used in the Virtuose API are expressed in physical units using metric conventions:

  • Durations in seconds (s)
  • Dimensions in meters (m)
  • Angles in radians (rad)
  • Linear velocities in meters per second (m.s -1 )
  • Angular velocities in radians per second (rad.s -1 )
  • Forces in Newtons (N)
  • Torques in Newton-meters (N.m)
  • Masses in kilograms (kg)
  • Inertia components in kg.m2

The following sample code shows how to connect to the haptic device to get its current joint position:

#include <visp3/robot/vpVirtuose.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpVirtuose virtuose;
std::cout << "Joint position: " << q.t() << std::endl;
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:191
vpRowVector t() const
vpColVector getArticularPosition() const
Definition: vpVirtuose.cpp:134
void init()
Definition: vpVirtuose.cpp:545
testVirtuose.cpp, testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp, testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp, and testVirtuosePeriodicFunction.cpp.

Definition at line 144 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpVirtuose()

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE vpVirtuose::vpVirtuose ( )

Default constructor. Set command type to virtual mechanism by default (impedance mode). Authorize indexing on all movements by default.

Definition at line 51 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References m_apiMajorVersion, and m_apiMinorVersion.

◆ ~vpVirtuose()

vpVirtuose::~vpVirtuose ( )

Default destructor that delete the VirtContext object.

Definition at line 74 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References close().

Member Function Documentation

◆ addForce()

void vpVirtuose::addForce ( vpColVector force)

Add a force to be applied to the virtuose (impedance effort). This function works in every mode.

force: Is 6 component dynamic tensor (three forces and three torques) wrt virtuose end-effector and is expressed in the coordinates of the base frame.

Definition at line 96 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, init(), m_virtContext, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ close()

void vpVirtuose::close ( )

Delete the VirtContext object.

Definition at line 63 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References m_virtContext.

Referenced by ~vpVirtuose().

◆ enableForceFeedback()

void vpVirtuose::enableForceFeedback ( int  enable)

Activate or desactivate force feedback.

enable: 1 to activate (system's default value), 0 to desactivate.

Definition at line 121 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ getArticularPosition()

vpColVector vpVirtuose::getArticularPosition ( ) const

Return the 6 joint values of the virtuose.

testVirtuose.cpp, and testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp.

Definition at line 134 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, m_njoints, and m_virtContext.

◆ getArticularVelocity()

vpColVector vpVirtuose::getArticularVelocity ( ) const

Return the 6 joint velocities of the virtuose.

Definition at line 157 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, m_njoints, and m_virtContext.

◆ getAvatarPosition()

vpPoseVector vpVirtuose::getAvatarPosition ( ) const

Return the indexed position of the end-effector, expressed in the coordinates of the environment reference frame. With respect to the function getPosition(), getAvatarPosition() takes into account current offsets (indexing) and motor scale factors.

See also
getPosition(), getPhysicalPosition()

Definition at line 185 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getBaseFrame()

vpPoseVector vpVirtuose::getBaseFrame ( ) const

Return the current position of the base frame with respect to the observation reference frame.

See also
setBaseFrame(), getObservationFrame()

Definition at line 220 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getCommandType()

VirtCommandType vpVirtuose::getCommandType ( ) const

Return the current command type.

Definition at line 252 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getDeadMan()

bool vpVirtuose::getDeadMan ( ) const

Return the status of DeadMan sensor : true if the sensor is ON (a user is holding the handle) and false if the sensor is OFF (no user detected).

Definition at line 271 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getEmergencyStop()

bool vpVirtuose::getEmergencyStop ( ) const

Return the status of the emergency stop button : true if the system is operational (button correctly plugged and not triggered) and false if the system is not operational (button not plugged or triggered).


Definition at line 290 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getForce()

vpColVector vpVirtuose::getForce ( ) const

Return the 6-dimension force tensor to be applied to the object attached to the Virtuose, allowing the dynamic simulation of the scene.

Definition at line 308 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getHandler()

VirtContext vpVirtuose::getHandler ( )

Return the handler used to communicate with the device. This function could be used to access to a functionality that is not implemented in vpVirtuose class.

The following sample code shows how to use this function to get the device joint positions. This functionality is already implemented in getArticularPosition().

#include <visp3/robot/vpVirtuose.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpVirtuose virtuose;
VirtContext handler = virtuose.getHandler();
float q[6];
if (virtGetArticularPosition(handler, q)) { // Use the handler to access to Haption API directly
std::cout << "Cannot get articular position" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Joint position: ";
for (unsigned int i=0; i<6; i++)
std::cout << q[i] << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
VirtContext getHandler()
Definition: vpVirtuose.cpp:362
See also

Definition at line 362 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References m_virtContext.

◆ getJointsNumber()

unsigned int vpVirtuose::getJointsNumber ( ) const

Get device number of joints.

The number of joints of the device. Sould be 6 for Virtuose, 9 for the glove fingers.

Definition at line 369 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_njoints.

◆ getObservationFrame()

vpPoseVector vpVirtuose::getObservationFrame ( ) const

Return the cartesian current position of the observation reference frame with respect to the environment reference frame.

See also
setObservationFrame(), getBaseFrame()

Definition at line 384 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getPhysicalPosition()

vpPoseVector vpVirtuose::getPhysicalPosition ( ) const

Return the cartesian physical position of the Virtuose expressed in the coordinates of the base reference frame.

See also
getAvatarPosition(), getPosition()
testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, and testVirtuosePeriodicFunction.cpp.

Definition at line 418 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getPhysicalVelocity()

vpColVector vpVirtuose::getPhysicalVelocity ( ) const

Return the physical cartesian velocity twist of the Virtuose expressed in the coordinates of the base reference frame.

A 6-dimension velocity twist with 3 translation velocities and 3 rotation velocities.
See also
testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, and testVirtuosePeriodicFunction.cpp.

Definition at line 452 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getPosition()

vpPoseVector vpVirtuose::getPosition ( ) const

Return the cartesian position of the virtuose (or the object attached to it, if any) expressed in the coordinates of the environment reference frame.

See also
getAvatarPosition(), getPhysicalPosition()

Definition at line 475 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getPower()

bool vpVirtuose::getPower ( ) const

Return status of the motors : true if motors are ON, false otherwise.

Definition at line 506 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ getVelocity()

vpColVector vpVirtuose::getVelocity ( ) const

Return the cartesian velocity twist of the virtuose (or the object attached to it, if any) expressed in the coordinates of the environment reference frame.

A 6-dimension velocity twist with 3 translation velocities and 3 rotation velocities.
See also

Definition at line 523 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, m_is_init, and m_virtContext.

◆ init()

◆ setArticularForce()

void vpVirtuose::setArticularForce ( const vpColVector articularForce)

Send a command of articular force to the Virtuose. setArticularForce() only works in mode COMMAND_TYPE_ARTICULAR_IMPEDANCE, to be set with setCommandType().

articularForce: Six dimension torque vector.

Definition at line 606 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, init(), m_njoints, m_virtContext, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ setArticularPosition()

void vpVirtuose::setArticularPosition ( const vpColVector articularPosition)

Send a command of articular (joint) position to the virtuose. This function works only in COMMAND_TYPE_ARTICULAR mode, to be set with setCommandType().

articularPosition: Six dimension joint position vector.

Definition at line 637 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, init(), m_njoints, m_virtContext, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ setArticularVelocity()

void vpVirtuose::setArticularVelocity ( const vpColVector articularVelocity)

Send a command of articular (joint) velocity to the virtuose. This function works only in COMMAND_TYPE_ARTICULAR mode, to be set with setCommandType().

articularVelocity: Six dimension joint velocity vector.

Definition at line 667 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, init(), m_njoints, m_virtContext, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ setBaseFrame()

void vpVirtuose::setBaseFrame ( const vpPoseVector position)

Move the base frame with respect to the observation reference frame. It can be called at any time.

position: Position of the base frame.
See also
getBaseFrame(), setObservationFrame()

Definition at line 697 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::extract(), vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ setCommandType()

void vpVirtuose::setCommandType ( const VirtCommandType &  type)

Set the command type.

type: Possible values:
  • COMMAND_TYPE_NONE : No possible movement.
  • COMMAND_TYPE_IMPEDANCE : Force/position control.
  • COMMAND_TYPE_VIRTMECH : Position/force control with virtual mechanism.
  • COMMAND_TYPE_ARTICULAR : Joint control.
  • COMMAND_TYPE_ARTICULAR_IMPEDANCE : Force/Position control in the joint space.
testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp, and testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp.

Definition at line 729 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), m_typeCommand, and m_virtContext.

◆ setForce()

void vpVirtuose::setForce ( const vpColVector force)

Set the force to be applied by the Virtuose. setForce() only works in COMMAND_TYPE_IMPEDANCE mode, to be set with setCommandType().

force: Force vector that represents a dynamic tensor with 6 components.
testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp, and testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp.

Definition at line 749 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, init(), m_virtContext, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ setForceFactor()

void vpVirtuose::setForceFactor ( const float &  forceFactor)

Set the force scale factor.

forceFactor: Force scale factor applied to the force torque tensor set by setForce().

Definition at line 775 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ setIndexingMode()

void vpVirtuose::setIndexingMode ( const VirtIndexingType &  type)

Set indexing (offset) mode.

type: Possible choices are:
  • INDEXING_ALL : authorize indexing on all movements.
  • INDEXING_TRANS : authorize indexing on translation, i.e., the orientation of the object is always identical to the orientation of the device end-effector.
  • INDEXING_NONE : forbids indexing on all movements.
  • The following values are also implemented: INDEXING_ALL_FORCE_FEEDBACK_INHIBITION, INDEXING_TRANS_FORCE_FEEDBACK_INHIBITION. These values correspond to the same modes listed before, but the force feedback is inhibited during indexing.

Definition at line 799 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), m_indexType, and m_virtContext.

◆ setIpAddressAndPort()

void vpVirtuose::setIpAddressAndPort ( const std::string &  ip,
int  port 

Set haptic device ip address and communication port.

[in]ipHost IP address. Default value set in constructor is "localhost".
[in]portHost communication port. Default value set in constructor is 5000.
testVirtuose.cpp, testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, and testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp.

Definition at line 81 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References m_ip_port.

◆ setObservationFrame()

void vpVirtuose::setObservationFrame ( const vpPoseVector position)

Move the observation frame with respect to the environment reference frame. It can be called at any time.

position: Position of the observation frame.
See also
getObservationFrame(), setBaseFrame()

Definition at line 820 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::extract(), vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ setPeriodicFunction()

void vpVirtuose::setPeriodicFunction ( VirtPeriodicFunction  CallBackVirt)

Register the periodic function. setPeriodicFunction() defines a callback function to be called at a fixed period of time, as timing for the simulation. The callback function is synchronized with the Virtuose controller (messages arrive at very constant time intervals from it) and generates hardware interrupts to be taken into account by the operating system. In practice, this function is much more efficient for timing the simulation than common software timers. This function is started using startPeriodicFunction() and stopped using stopPeriodicFunction().

CallBackVirt: Callback function.

Example of the use of the periodic function:

#include <visp3/robot/vpVirtuose.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
void CallBackVirtuose(VirtContext VC, void* ptr)
(void) VC;
vpVirtuose* p_virtuose=(vpVirtuose*)ptr;
vpPoseVector position = p_virtuose->getPosition();
int main()
vpVirtuose virtuose;
float period = 0.001;
virtuose.setPeriodicFunction(CallBackVirtuose, period, virtuose);
Implementation of a pose vector and operations on poses.
Definition: vpPoseVector.h:203
void setTimeStep(const float &timeStep)
Definition: vpVirtuose.cpp:968
vpPoseVector getPosition() const
Definition: vpVirtuose.cpp:475
void setPeriodicFunction(VirtPeriodicFunction CallBackVirt)
Definition: vpVirtuose.cpp:885
void stopPeriodicFunction()
void startPeriodicFunction()
See also
startPeriodicFunction(), stopPeriodicFunction()
testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp, and testVirtuosePeriodicFunction.cpp.

Definition at line 885 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), m_period, and m_virtContext.

◆ setPosition()

void vpVirtuose::setPosition ( vpPoseVector position)

Modify the current value of the control position and send it to the Virtuose.

position: Position of the end-effector (or the attached object, if any).

Definition at line 900 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpPoseVector::extract(), vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ setPowerOff()

void vpVirtuose::setPowerOff ( )

Turn the motor power OFF.

testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp, testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, and testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp.

Definition at line 925 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ setPowerOn()

void vpVirtuose::setPowerOn ( )

Turn the motor power ON.

testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp, testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, and testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp.

Definition at line 938 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ setSaturation()

void vpVirtuose::setSaturation ( const float &  forceLimit,
const float &  torqueLimit 

Set saturation values of the force feedback

forceLimit: Value expressed in N.
torqueLimit: Value expressed in Nm.

Definition at line 953 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ setTimeStep()

void vpVirtuose::setTimeStep ( const float &  timeStep)

Set the the simulation time step. The function must be called before the selection of the type of control mode.

timeStep: Simulation time step (seconds).

Definition at line 968 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), m_period, and m_virtContext.

◆ setVelocity()

void vpVirtuose::setVelocity ( vpColVector velocity)

Modify the current value of the control velocity and send it to the Virtuose.

velocity: Velocity twist vector, where translations velocities are expressed in m/s and rotation velocities in rad/s.

Definition at line 987 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, init(), m_virtContext, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ setVelocityFactor()

void vpVirtuose::setVelocityFactor ( const float &  velocityFactor)

Set the speed factor.

velocityFactor: Scale factor applied to the velocities set using setVelocity().

Definition at line 1011 of file vpVirtuose.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, init(), and m_virtContext.

◆ setVerbose()

void vpVirtuose::setVerbose ( bool  mode)

Enable/disable verbose mode.

mode: true to enable, false to disable verbose.
testVirtuoseAfma6.cpp, testVirtuoseHapticBox.cpp, testVirtuoseJointLimits.cpp, and testVirtuosePeriodicFunction.cpp.

Definition at line 196 of file vpVirtuose.h.

◆ startPeriodicFunction()

void vpVirtuose::startPeriodicFunction ( )

◆ stopPeriodicFunction()

void vpVirtuose::stopPeriodicFunction ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_apiMajorVersion

int vpVirtuose::m_apiMajorVersion

Definition at line 222 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by vpVirtuose().

◆ m_apiMinorVersion

int vpVirtuose::m_apiMinorVersion

Definition at line 223 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by vpVirtuose().

◆ m_ctrlMajorVersion

int vpVirtuose::m_ctrlMajorVersion

Definition at line 224 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by init().

◆ m_ctrlMinorVersion

int vpVirtuose::m_ctrlMinorVersion

Definition at line 225 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by init().

◆ m_indexType

VirtIndexingType vpVirtuose::m_indexType

Definition at line 227 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by setIndexingMode().

◆ m_ip_port

std::string vpVirtuose::m_ip_port

Definition at line 220 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by init(), and setIpAddressAndPort().

◆ m_is_init

◆ m_njoints

unsigned int vpVirtuose::m_njoints

◆ m_period

float vpVirtuose::m_period

Definition at line 229 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by init(), setPeriodicFunction(), and setTimeStep().

◆ m_typeCommand

VirtCommandType vpVirtuose::m_typeCommand

Definition at line 226 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by init(), and setCommandType().

◆ m_verbose

bool vpVirtuose::m_verbose

Definition at line 221 of file vpVirtuose.h.

Referenced by init().

◆ m_virtContext