![]() |
Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.4.0
#include <vpKeyPoint.h>
Public Member Functions | |
vpKeyPoint (const vpFeatureDetectorType &detectorType, const vpFeatureDescriptorType &descriptorType, const std::string &matcherName, const vpFilterMatchingType &filterType=ratioDistanceThreshold) | |
vpKeyPoint (const std::string &detectorName="ORB", const std::string &extractorName="ORB", const std::string &matcherName="BruteForce-Hamming", const vpFilterMatchingType &filterType=ratioDistanceThreshold) | |
vpKeyPoint (const std::vector< std::string > &detectorNames, const std::vector< std::string > &extractorNames, const std::string &matcherName="BruteForce", const vpFilterMatchingType &filterType=ratioDistanceThreshold) | |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &iP, unsigned int height, unsigned int width) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpRect &rectangle) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &trainKeyPoints, std::vector< cv::Point3f > &points3f, bool append=false, int class_id=-1) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &trainKeyPoints, const cv::Mat &trainDescriptors, const std::vector< cv::Point3f > &points3f, bool append=false, int class_id=-1) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpImagePoint &iP, unsigned int height, unsigned int width) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpRect &rectangle) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &trainKeyPoints, std::vector< cv::Point3f > &points3f, bool append=false, int class_id=-1) |
unsigned int | buildReference (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &trainKeyPoints, const cv::Mat &trainDescriptors, const std::vector< cv::Point3f > &points3f, bool append=false, int class_id=-1) |
bool | computePose (const std::vector< cv::Point2f > &imagePoints, const std::vector< cv::Point3f > &objectPoints, const vpCameraParameters &cam, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, std::vector< int > &inlierIndex, double &elapsedTime, bool(*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)=NULL) |
bool | computePose (const std::vector< vpPoint > &objectVpPoints, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, std::vector< vpPoint > &inliers, double &elapsedTime, bool(*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)=NULL) |
bool | computePose (const std::vector< vpPoint > &objectVpPoints, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, std::vector< vpPoint > &inliers, std::vector< unsigned int > &inlierIndex, double &elapsedTime, bool(*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)=NULL) |
void | createImageMatching (vpImage< unsigned char > &IRef, vpImage< unsigned char > &ICurrent, vpImage< unsigned char > &IMatching) |
void | createImageMatching (vpImage< unsigned char > &ICurrent, vpImage< unsigned char > &IMatching) |
void | createImageMatching (vpImage< unsigned char > &IRef, vpImage< vpRGBa > &ICurrent, vpImage< vpRGBa > &IMatching) |
void | createImageMatching (vpImage< vpRGBa > &ICurrent, vpImage< vpRGBa > &IMatching) |
void | detect (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
void | detect (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
void | detect (const cv::Mat &matImg, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, const cv::Mat &mask=cv::Mat()) |
void | detect (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, double &elapsedTime, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
void | detect (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, double &elapsedTime, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
void | detect (const cv::Mat &matImg, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, double &elapsedTime, const cv::Mat &mask=cv::Mat()) |
void | detectExtractAffine (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, std::vector< std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > > &listOfKeypoints, std::vector< cv::Mat > &listOfDescriptors, std::vector< vpImage< unsigned char > > *listOfAffineI=NULL) |
void | display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &IRef, const vpImage< unsigned char > &ICurrent, unsigned int size=3) |
void | display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &ICurrent, unsigned int size=3, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green) |
void | display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &IRef, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &ICurrent, unsigned int size=3) |
void | display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &ICurrent, unsigned int size=3, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green) |
void | displayMatching (const vpImage< unsigned char > &IRef, vpImage< unsigned char > &IMatching, unsigned int crossSize, unsigned int lineThickness=1, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green) |
void | displayMatching (const vpImage< unsigned char > &ICurrent, vpImage< unsigned char > &IMatching, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &ransacInliers=std::vector< vpImagePoint >(), unsigned int crossSize=3, unsigned int lineThickness=1) |
void | displayMatching (const vpImage< unsigned char > &IRef, vpImage< vpRGBa > &IMatching, unsigned int crossSize, unsigned int lineThickness=1, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green) |
void | displayMatching (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &IRef, vpImage< vpRGBa > &IMatching, unsigned int crossSize, unsigned int lineThickness=1, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green) |
void | displayMatching (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &ICurrent, vpImage< vpRGBa > &IMatching, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &ransacInliers=std::vector< vpImagePoint >(), unsigned int crossSize=3, unsigned int lineThickness=1) |
void | extract (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, cv::Mat &descriptors, std::vector< cv::Point3f > *trainPoints=NULL) |
void | extract (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, cv::Mat &descriptors, std::vector< cv::Point3f > *trainPoints=NULL) |
void | extract (const cv::Mat &matImg, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, cv::Mat &descriptors, std::vector< cv::Point3f > *trainPoints=NULL) |
void | extract (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, cv::Mat &descriptors, double &elapsedTime, std::vector< cv::Point3f > *trainPoints=NULL) |
void | extract (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, cv::Mat &descriptors, double &elapsedTime, std::vector< cv::Point3f > *trainPoints=NULL) |
void | extract (const cv::Mat &matImg, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, cv::Mat &descriptors, double &elapsedTime, std::vector< cv::Point3f > *trainPoints=NULL) |
vpMatrix | getCovarianceMatrix () const |
double | getDetectionTime () const |
cv::Ptr< cv::FeatureDetector > | getDetector (const vpFeatureDetectorType &type) const |
cv::Ptr< cv::FeatureDetector > | getDetector (const std::string &name) const |
std::map< vpFeatureDetectorType, std::string > | getDetectorNames () const |
double | getExtractionTime () const |
cv::Ptr< cv::DescriptorExtractor > | getExtractor (const vpFeatureDescriptorType &type) const |
cv::Ptr< cv::DescriptorExtractor > | getExtractor (const std::string &name) const |
std::map< vpFeatureDescriptorType, std::string > | getExtractorNames () const |
vpImageFormatType | getImageFormat () const |
double | getMatchingTime () const |
cv::Ptr< cv::DescriptorMatcher > | getMatcher () const |
std::vector< cv::DMatch > | getMatches () const |
std::vector< std::pair< cv::KeyPoint, cv::KeyPoint > > | getMatchQueryToTrainKeyPoints () const |
unsigned int | getNbImages () const |
void | getObjectPoints (std::vector< cv::Point3f > &objectPoints) const |
void | getObjectPoints (std::vector< vpPoint > &objectPoints) const |
double | getPoseTime () const |
cv::Mat | getQueryDescriptors () const |
void | getQueryKeyPoints (std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints, bool matches=true) const |
void | getQueryKeyPoints (std::vector< vpImagePoint > &keyPoints, bool matches=true) const |
std::vector< vpImagePoint > | getRansacInliers () const |
std::vector< vpImagePoint > | getRansacOutliers () const |
cv::Mat | getTrainDescriptors () const |
void | getTrainKeyPoints (std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &keyPoints) const |
void | getTrainKeyPoints (std::vector< vpImagePoint > &keyPoints) const |
void | getTrainPoints (std::vector< cv::Point3f > &points) const |
void | getTrainPoints (std::vector< vpPoint > &points) const |
void | initMatcher (const std::string &matcherName) |
void | insertImageMatching (const vpImage< unsigned char > &IRef, const vpImage< unsigned char > &ICurrent, vpImage< unsigned char > &IMatching) |
void | insertImageMatching (const vpImage< unsigned char > &ICurrent, vpImage< unsigned char > &IMatching) |
void | insertImageMatching (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &IRef, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &ICurrent, vpImage< vpRGBa > &IMatching) |
void | insertImageMatching (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &ICurrent, vpImage< vpRGBa > &IMatching) |
void | loadConfigFile (const std::string &configFile) |
void | loadLearningData (const std::string &filename, bool binaryMode=false, bool append=false) |
void | match (const cv::Mat &trainDescriptors, const cv::Mat &queryDescriptors, std::vector< cv::DMatch > &matches, double &elapsedTime) |
unsigned int | matchPoint (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) |
unsigned int | matchPoint (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &iP, unsigned int height, unsigned int width) |
unsigned int | matchPoint (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpRect &rectangle) |
unsigned int | matchPoint (const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &queryKeyPoints, const cv::Mat &queryDescriptors) |
bool | matchPoint (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpCameraParameters &cam, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, bool(*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)=NULL, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
bool | matchPoint (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpCameraParameters &cam, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, double &error, double &elapsedTime, bool(*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)=NULL, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
bool | matchPointAndDetect (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpRect &boundingBox, vpImagePoint ¢erOfGravity, const bool isPlanarObject=true, std::vector< vpImagePoint > *imPts1=NULL, std::vector< vpImagePoint > *imPts2=NULL, double *meanDescriptorDistance=NULL, double *detectionScore=NULL, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
bool | matchPointAndDetect (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpCameraParameters &cam, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, double &error, double &elapsedTime, vpRect &boundingBox, vpImagePoint ¢erOfGravity, bool(*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)=NULL, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
unsigned int | matchPoint (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color) |
unsigned int | matchPoint (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpImagePoint &iP, unsigned int height, unsigned int width) |
unsigned int | matchPoint (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpRect &rectangle) |
bool | matchPoint (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpCameraParameters &cam, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, bool(*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)=NULL, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
bool | matchPoint (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpCameraParameters &cam, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, double &error, double &elapsedTime, bool(*func)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &)=NULL, const vpRect &rectangle=vpRect()) |
void | reset () |
void | saveLearningData (const std::string &filename, bool binaryMode=false, bool saveTrainingImages=true) |
void | setCovarianceComputation (const bool &flag) |
void | setDetectionMethod (const vpDetectionMethodType &method) |
void | setDetector (const vpFeatureDetectorType &detectorType) |
void | setDetector (const std::string &detectorName) |
void | setDetectors (const std::vector< std::string > &detectorNames) |
void | setExtractor (const vpFeatureDescriptorType &extractorType) |
void | setExtractor (const std::string &extractorName) |
void | setExtractors (const std::vector< std::string > &extractorNames) |
void | setImageFormat (const vpImageFormatType &imageFormat) |
void | setMatcher (const std::string &matcherName) |
void | setMaxFeatures (int maxFeatures) |
void | setFilterMatchingType (const vpFilterMatchingType &filterType) |
void | setMatchingFactorThreshold (const double factor) |
void | setMatchingRatioThreshold (double ratio) |
void | setRansacConsensusPercentage (double percentage) |
void | setRansacFilterFlag (const vpPose::RANSAC_FILTER_FLAGS &flag) |
void | setRansacIteration (int nbIter) |
void | setRansacParallel (bool parallel) |
void | setRansacParallelNbThreads (unsigned int nthreads) |
void | setRansacReprojectionError (double reprojectionError) |
void | setRansacMinInlierCount (int minCount) |
void | setRansacThreshold (double threshold) |
void | setUseAffineDetection (bool useAffine) |
void | setUseMatchTrainToQuery (bool useMatchTrainToQuery) |
void | setUseRansacConsensusPercentage (bool usePercentage) |
void | setUseRansacVVS (bool ransacVVS) |
void | setUseSingleMatchFilter (bool singleMatchFilter) |
bool | referenceBuilt () const |
const vpImagePoint * | getAllPointsInReferenceImage () |
void | getReferencePoint (unsigned int index, vpImagePoint &referencePoint) |
void | getMatchedPoints (unsigned int index, vpImagePoint &referencePoint, vpImagePoint ¤tPoint) |
unsigned int | getIndexInAllReferencePointList (unsigned int indexInMatchedPointList) |
unsigned int | getReferencePointNumber () const |
unsigned int | getMatchedPointNumber () const |
const std::vector< vpImagePoint > & | getReferenceImagePointsList () const |
const std::vector< vpImagePoint > & | getCurrentImagePointsList () const |
const std::vector< unsigned int > & | getMatchedReferencePoints () const |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | compute3D (const cv::KeyPoint &candidate, const std::vector< vpPoint > &roi, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, cv::Point3f &point) |
static void | compute3D (const vpImagePoint &candidate, const std::vector< vpPoint > &roi, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, vpPoint &point) |
static void | compute3DForPointsInPolygons (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &candidates, const std::vector< vpPolygon > &polygons, const std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > &roisPt, std::vector< cv::Point3f > &points, cv::Mat *descriptors=NULL) |
static void | compute3DForPointsInPolygons (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, std::vector< vpImagePoint > &candidates, const std::vector< vpPolygon > &polygons, const std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > &roisPt, std::vector< vpPoint > &points, cv::Mat *descriptors=NULL) |
static void | compute3DForPointsOnCylinders (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > &candidates, const std::vector< vpCylinder > &cylinders, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< vpImagePoint > > > &vectorOfCylinderRois, std::vector< cv::Point3f > &points, cv::Mat *descriptors=NULL) |
static void | compute3DForPointsOnCylinders (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, std::vector< vpImagePoint > &candidates, const std::vector< vpCylinder > &cylinders, const std::vector< std::vector< std::vector< vpImagePoint > > > &vectorOfCylinderRois, std::vector< vpPoint > &points, cv::Mat *descriptors=NULL) |
Protected Attributes | |
std::vector< vpImagePoint > | referenceImagePointsList |
std::vector< vpImagePoint > | currentImagePointsList |
std::vector< unsigned int > | matchedReferencePoints |
bool | _reference_computed |
Class that allows keypoints detection (and descriptors extraction) and matching thanks to OpenCV library. Thus to enable this class OpenCV should be installed. Installation instructions are provided here https://visp.inria.fr/3rd_opencv.
This class permits to use different types of detectors, extractors and matchers easily. So, the classical SIFT and SURF keypoints could be used, as well as ORB, FAST, (etc.) keypoints, depending of the version of OpenCV you use.
The goal of this class is to provide a tool to match reference keypoints from a reference image (or train keypoints in OpenCV terminology) and detected keypoints from a current image (or query keypoints in OpenCV terminology).
If you supply the corresponding 3D coordinates corresponding to the 2D coordinates of the reference keypoints, you can also estimate the pose of the object by matching a set of detected keypoints in the current image with the reference keypoints.
If you use this class, the first thing you have to do is to build the reference keypoints by detecting keypoints in a reference image which contains the object to detect. Then you match keypoints detected in a current image with those detected in a reference image by calling matchPoint() methods. You can access to the lists of matched points thanks to the methods getMatchedPointsInReferenceImage() and getMatchedPointsInCurrentImage(). These two methods return a list of matched points. The nth element of the first list is matched with the nth element of the second list. To provide easy compatibility with OpenCV terminology, getTrainKeyPoints() give you access to the list of keypoints detected in train images (or reference images) and getQueryKeyPoints() give you access to the list of keypoints detected in a query image (or current image). The method getMatches() give you access to a list of cv::DMatch with the correspondence between the index of the train keypoints and the index of the query keypoints.
The following small example shows how to use the class to do the matching between current and reference keypoints.
It is also possible to build the reference keypoints in a region of interest (ROI) of an image and find keypoints to match in only a part of the current image. The small following example shows how to do this:
This class is also described in Tutorial: Keypoints matching.
Definition at line 222 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
Predefined detection method identifier.
Definition at line 241 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
Predefined constant for descriptor extraction type.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 289 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
Predefined constant for feature detection type.
Enumerator | |
DETECTOR_SimpleBlob | |
Definition at line 258 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
Predefined filtering method identifier.
Definition at line 227 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
Predefined constant for training image format.
Definition at line 250 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
vpKeyPoint::vpKeyPoint | ( | const vpFeatureDetectorType & | detectorType, |
const vpFeatureDescriptorType & | descriptorType, | ||
const std::string & | matcherName, | ||
const vpFilterMatchingType & | filterType = ratioDistanceThreshold |
) |
Constructor to initialize the specified detector, descriptor, matcher and filtering method.
detectorType | : Type of feature detector. |
descriptorType | : Type of the descriptor extractor. |
matcherName | : Name of the matcher. |
filterType | : Filtering matching method chosen. |
Definition at line 81 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
vpKeyPoint::vpKeyPoint | ( | const std::string & | detectorName = "ORB" , |
const std::string & | extractorName = "ORB" , |
const std::string & | matcherName = "BruteForce-Hamming" , |
const vpFilterMatchingType & | filterType = ratioDistanceThreshold |
) |
Constructor to initialize the specified detector, descriptor, matcher and filtering method.
detectorName | : Name of the detector. |
extractorName | : Name of the extractor. |
matcherName | : Name of the matcher. |
filterType | : Filtering matching method chosen. |
Definition at line 117 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
vpKeyPoint::vpKeyPoint | ( | const std::vector< std::string > & | detectorNames, |
const std::vector< std::string > & | extractorNames, | ||
const std::string & | matcherName = "BruteForce" , |
const vpFilterMatchingType & | filterType = ratioDistanceThreshold |
) |
Constructor to initialize specified detector, extractor, matcher and filtering method.
detectorNames | : List of name detector for allowing multiple detectors. |
extractorNames | : List of name extractor for allowing multiple extractors. |
matcherName | : Name of the matcher. |
filterType | : Filtering matching method chosen. |
Definition at line 153 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
virtual |
Build the reference keypoints list.
I | : Input reference image. |
. Implements vpBasicKeyPoint.
Definition at line 238 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
Referenced by buildReference().
virtual |
Build the reference keypoints list in a region of interest in the image.
I | : Input reference image. |
iP | : Position of the top-left corner of the region of interest. |
height | : Height of the region of interest. |
width | : Width of the region of interest. |
Implements vpBasicKeyPoint.
Definition at line 257 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References buildReference().
virtual |
Build the reference keypoints list in a region of interest in the image.
I | : Input image. |
rectangle | : Rectangle of the region of interest. |
Implements vpBasicKeyPoint.
Definition at line 285 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpBasicKeyPoint::_reference_computed, vpConvert::convertFromOpenCV(), detect(), detectExtractAffine(), extract(), and vpBasicKeyPoint::referenceImagePointsList.
unsigned int vpKeyPoint::buildReference | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | trainKeyPoints, | ||
std::vector< cv::Point3f > & | points3f, | ||
bool | append = false , |
int | class_id = -1 |
) |
Build the reference keypoints list and compute the 3D position corresponding of the keypoints locations.
I | : Input image. |
trainKeyPoints | : List of the train keypoints. |
points3f | : Output list of the 3D position corresponding of the keypoints locations. |
append | : If true, append the supply train keypoints with those already present. |
class_id | : The class id to be set to the input cv::KeyPoint if != -1. |
Definition at line 367 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References buildReference(), and extract().
unsigned int vpKeyPoint::buildReference | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | trainKeyPoints, | ||
const cv::Mat & | trainDescriptors, | ||
const std::vector< cv::Point3f > & | points3f, | ||
bool | append = false , |
int | class_id = -1 |
) |
Build the reference keypoints list and compute the 3D position corresponding of the keypoints locations.
I | : Input image. |
trainKeyPoints | : List of the train keypoints. |
points3f | : List of the 3D position corresponding of the keypoints locations. |
trainDescriptors | : List of the train descriptors. |
append | : If true, append the supply train keypoints with those already present. |
class_id | : The class id to be set to the input cv::KeyPoint if != -1. |
Definition at line 459 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpBasicKeyPoint::_reference_computed, vpConvert::convertFromOpenCV(), and vpBasicKeyPoint::referenceImagePointsList.
Build the reference keypoints list.
I_color | : Input reference image. |
. Definition at line 246 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References buildReference().
unsigned int vpKeyPoint::buildReference | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
const vpImagePoint & | iP, | ||
unsigned int | height, | ||
unsigned int | width | ||
) |
Build the reference keypoints list in a region of interest in the image.
I_color | : Input reference image. |
iP | : Position of the top-left corner of the region of interest. |
height | : Height of the region of interest. |
width | : Width of the region of interest. |
Definition at line 272 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References buildReference().
unsigned int vpKeyPoint::buildReference | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
const vpRect & | rectangle | ||
) |
Build the reference keypoints list in a region of interest in the image.
I_color | : Input image. |
rectangle | : Rectangle of the region of interest. |
Definition at line 350 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References buildReference(), and vpImageConvert::convert().
unsigned int vpKeyPoint::buildReference | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | trainKeyPoints, | ||
std::vector< cv::Point3f > & | points3f, | ||
bool | append = false , |
int | class_id = -1 |
) |
Build the reference keypoints list and compute the 3D position corresponding of the keypoints locations.
I_color | : Input image. |
trainKeyPoints | : List of the train keypoints. |
points3f | : Output list of the 3D position corresponding of the keypoints locations. |
append | : If true, append the supply train keypoints with those already present. |
class_id | : The class id to be set to the input cv::KeyPoint if != -1. |
Definition at line 412 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References buildReference(), and extract().
unsigned int vpKeyPoint::buildReference | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | trainKeyPoints, | ||
const cv::Mat & | trainDescriptors, | ||
const std::vector< cv::Point3f > & | points3f, | ||
bool | append = false , |
int | class_id = -1 |
) |
Build the reference keypoints list and compute the 3D position corresponding of the keypoints locations.
I_color | : Input image. |
trainKeyPoints | : List of the train keypoints. |
points3f | : List of the 3D position corresponding of the keypoints locations. |
trainDescriptors | : List of the train descriptors. |
append | : If true, append the supply train keypoints with those already present. |
class_id | : The class id to be set to the input cv::KeyPoint if != -1. |
Definition at line 524 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References buildReference(), and vpImageConvert::convert().
static |
Compute the 3D coordinate in the world/object frame given the 2D image coordinate and under the assumption that the point is located on a plane whose the plane equation is known in the camera frame. The Z-coordinate is retrieved according to the proportional relationship between the plane equation expressed in the normalized camera frame (derived from the image coordinate) and the same plane equation expressed in the camera frame.
candidate | : Keypoint we want to compute the 3D coordinate. |
roi | : List of 3D points in the camera frame representing a planar face. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the world and the camera frames. |
point | : 3D coordinate in the world/object frame computed. |
Definition at line 547 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPlane::getA(), vpPlane::getB(), vpPlane::getC(), vpPlane::getD(), and vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse().
Referenced by compute3DForPointsInPolygons().
static |
Compute the 3D coordinate in the world/object frame given the 2D image coordinate and under the assumption that the point is located on a plane whose the plane equation is known in the camera frame. The Z-coordinate is retrieved according to the proportional relationship between the plane equation expressed in the normalized camera frame (derived from the image coordinate) and the same plane equation expressed in the camera frame.
candidate | : vpImagePoint we want to compute the 3D coordinate. |
roi | : List of 3D points in the camera frame representing a planar face. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the world and the camera frames. |
point | : 3D coordinate in the world/object frame computed. |
Definition at line 589 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPlane::getA(), vpPlane::getB(), vpPlane::getC(), vpPlane::getD(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
static |
Keep only keypoints located on faces and compute for those keypoints the 3D coordinate in the world/object frame given the 2D image coordinate and under the assumption that the point is located on a plane.
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the world and the camera frames. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
candidates | : In input, list of keypoints detected in the whole image, in output, list of keypoints only located on planes. |
polygons | : List of 2D polygons representing the projection of the faces in the image plane. |
roisPt | : List of faces, with the 3D coordinates known in the camera frame. |
points | : Output list of computed 3D coordinates (in the world/object frame) of keypoints located only on faces. |
descriptors | : Optional parameter, pointer to the descriptors to filter. |
Definition at line 632 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References compute3D(), and vpImagePoint::set_ij().
static |
Keep only keypoints located on faces and compute for those keypoints the 3D coordinate in the world/object frame given the 2D image coordinate and under the assumption that the point is located on a plane.
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the world and the camera frames. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
candidates | : In input, list of vpImagePoint located in the whole image, in output, list of vpImagePoint only located on planes. |
polygons | : List of 2D polygons representing the projection of the faces in the image plane. |
roisPt | : List of faces, with the 3D coordinates known in the camera frame. |
points | : Output list of computed 3D coordinates (in the world/object frame) of vpImagePoint located only on faces. |
descriptors | : Optional parameter, pointer to the descriptors to filter. |
Definition at line 695 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References compute3D().
static |
Keep only keypoints located on cylinders and compute the 3D coordinates in the world/object frame given the 2D image coordinates.
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the world and the camera frames. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
candidates | : In input, list of keypoints detected in the whole image, in output, list of keypoints only located on cylinders. |
cylinders | : List of vpCylinder corresponding of the cylinder objects in the scene, projected in the camera frame. |
vectorOfCylinderRois | : For each cylinder, the corresponding list of bounding box. |
points | : Output list of computed 3D coordinates in the world/object frame for each keypoint located on a cylinder. |
descriptors | : Optional parameter, pointer to the descriptors to filter. |
Definition at line 751 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpPolygon::isInside(), vpMath::isNaN(), and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
static |
Keep only vpImagePoint located on cylinders and compute the 3D coordinates in the world/object frame given the 2D image coordinates.
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the world and the camera frames. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
candidates | : In input, list of vpImagePoint located in the image, in output, list of vpImagePoint only located on cylinders. |
cylinders | : List of vpCylinder corresponding of the cylinder objects in the scene, projected in the camera frame. |
vectorOfCylinderRois | : For each cylinder, the corresponding list of bounding box. |
points | : Output list of computed 3D coordinates in the world/object frame for each vpImagePoint located on a cylinder. |
descriptors | : Optional parameter, pointer to the descriptors to filter. |
Definition at line 826 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpPolygon::isInside(), vpMath::isNaN(), and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
bool vpKeyPoint::computePose | ( | const std::vector< cv::Point2f > & | imagePoints, |
const std::vector< cv::Point3f > & | objectPoints, | ||
const vpCameraParameters & | cam, | ||
vpHomogeneousMatrix & | cMo, | ||
std::vector< int > & | inlierIndex, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
bool(*)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) | func = NULL |
) |
Compute the pose using the correspondence between 2D points and 3D points using OpenCV function with RANSAC method.
imagePoints | : List of 2D points corresponding to the location of the detected keypoints. |
objectPoints | : List of the 3D points in the object frame matched. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the object frame and the camera frame. |
inlierIndex | : List of indexes of inliers. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
func | : Function pointer to filter the final pose returned by OpenCV pose estimation method. |
Definition at line 899 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpCameraParameters::get_px(), vpCameraParameters::get_py(), vpCameraParameters::get_u0(), vpCameraParameters::get_v0(), and vpTime::measureTimeMs().
Referenced by computePose(), and matchPoint().
bool vpKeyPoint::computePose | ( | const std::vector< vpPoint > & | objectVpPoints, |
vpHomogeneousMatrix & | cMo, | ||
std::vector< vpPoint > & | inliers, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
bool(*)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) | func = NULL |
) |
Compute the pose using the correspondence between 2D points and 3D points using ViSP function with RANSAC method.
objectVpPoints | : List of vpPoint with coordinates expressed in the object and in the camera frame. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the object frame and the camera frame. |
inliers | : List of inliers. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
func | : Function pointer to filter the pose in Ransac pose estimation, if we want to eliminate the poses which do not respect some criterion |
Definition at line 995 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References computePose().
bool vpKeyPoint::computePose | ( | const std::vector< vpPoint > & | objectVpPoints, |
vpHomogeneousMatrix & | cMo, | ||
std::vector< vpPoint > & | inliers, | ||
std::vector< unsigned int > & | inlierIndex, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
bool(*)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) | func = NULL |
) |
Compute the pose using the correspondence between 2D points and 3D points using ViSP function with RANSAC method.
objectVpPoints | : List of vpPoint with coordinates expressed in the object and in the camera frame. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the object frame and the camera frame. |
inliers | : List of inlier points. |
inlierIndex | : List of inlier index. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
func | : Function pointer to filter the pose in Ransac pose estimation, if we want to eliminate the poses which do not respect some criterion |
Definition at line 1015 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpPose::addPoint(), vpPose::computePose(), vpMeterPixelConversion::convertPoint(), vpPoint::get_x(), vpPoint::get_y(), vpPose::getCovarianceMatrix(), vpPose::getRansacInlierIndex(), vpPose::getRansacInliers(), vpTime::measureTimeMs(), vpForwardProjection::project(), vpPose::RANSAC, vpPoint::set_oX(), vpPoint::set_oY(), vpPoint::set_oZ(), vpPose::setCovarianceComputation(), vpPose::setNbParallelRansacThreads(), vpPose::setRansacFilterFlag(), vpPose::setRansacMaxTrials(), vpPose::setRansacNbInliersToReachConsensus(), vpPose::setRansacThreshold(), vpPose::setUseParallelRansac(), and vpException::what().
void vpKeyPoint::createImageMatching | ( | vpImage< unsigned char > & | IRef, |
vpImage< unsigned char > & | ICurrent, | ||
vpImage< unsigned char > & | IMatching | ||
) |
Initialize the size of the matching image (case with a matching side by side between IRef and ICurrent).
IRef | : Reference image. |
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Image matching. |
Definition at line 1128 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), and vpImage< Type >::getWidth().
Referenced by createImageMatching().
void vpKeyPoint::createImageMatching | ( | vpImage< unsigned char > & | ICurrent, |
vpImage< unsigned char > & | IMatching | ||
) |
Initialize the size of the matching image with appropriate size according to the number of training images. Used to display the matching of keypoints detected in the current image with those detected in multiple training images.
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Image initialized with appropriate size. |
Definition at line 1165 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References createImageMatching(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpMath::round().
void vpKeyPoint::createImageMatching | ( | vpImage< unsigned char > & | IRef, |
vpImage< vpRGBa > & | ICurrent, | ||
vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IMatching | ||
) |
Initialize the size of the matching image (case with a matching side by side between IRef and ICurrent).
IRef | : Reference image. |
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Image matching. |
Definition at line 1146 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), and vpImage< Type >::getWidth().
void vpKeyPoint::createImageMatching | ( | vpImage< vpRGBa > & | ICurrent, |
vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IMatching | ||
) |
Initialize the size of the matching image with appropriate size according to the number of training images. Used to display the matching of keypoints detected in the current image with those detected in multiple training images.
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Image initialized with appropriate size. |
Definition at line 1220 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References createImageMatching(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpMath::round().
void vpKeyPoint::detect | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Detect keypoints in the image.
I | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : Output list of the detected keypoints. |
rectangle | : Optional rectangle of the region of interest. |
Definition at line 1273 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
Referenced by buildReference(), detect(), and matchPoint().
void vpKeyPoint::detect | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Detect keypoints in the image.
I_color | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : Output list of the detected keypoints. |
rectangle | : Optional rectangle of the region of interest. |
Definition at line 1286 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References detect().
void vpKeyPoint::detect | ( | const cv::Mat & | matImg, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
const cv::Mat & | mask = cv::Mat() |
) |
Detect keypoints in the image.
matImg | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : Output list of the detected keypoints. |
mask | : Optional 8-bit integer mask to detect only where mask[i][j] != 0. |
Definition at line 1300 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References detect().
void vpKeyPoint::detect | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Detect keypoints in the image.
I | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : Output list of the detected keypoints. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
rectangle | : Optional rectangle of the region of interest. |
Definition at line 1314 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), detect(), vpRect::getBottom(), vpRect::getHeight(), vpRect::getLeft(), vpRect::getRight(), vpRect::getTop(), and vpRect::getWidth().
void vpKeyPoint::detect | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Detect keypoints in the image.
I_color | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : Output list of the detected keypoints. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
rectangle | : Optional rectangle of the region of interest. |
Definition at line 1340 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), detect(), vpRect::getBottom(), vpRect::getHeight(), vpRect::getLeft(), vpRect::getRight(), vpRect::getTop(), and vpRect::getWidth().
void vpKeyPoint::detect | ( | const cv::Mat & | matImg, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
const cv::Mat & | mask = cv::Mat() |
) |
Detect keypoints in the image.
matImg | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : Output list of the detected keypoints. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
mask | : Optional 8-bit integer mask to detect only where mask[i][j] != 0. |
Definition at line 1367 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpTime::measureTimeMs().
void vpKeyPoint::detectExtractAffine | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
std::vector< std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > > & | listOfKeypoints, | ||
std::vector< cv::Mat > & | listOfDescriptors, | ||
std::vector< vpImage< unsigned char > > * | listOfAffineI = NULL |
) |
Apply a set of affine transormations to the image, detect keypoints and reproject them into initial image coordinates. See http://www.ipol.im/pub/algo/my_affine_sift/ for the details. See https://github.com/Itseez/opencv/blob/master/samples/python2/asift.py for the Python implementation by Itseez and Matt Sheckells for the current implementation in C++.
I | : Input image. |
listOfKeypoints | : List of detected keypoints in the multiple images after affine transformations. |
listOfDescriptors | : Corresponding list of descriptors. |
listOfAffineI | : Optional parameter, list of images after affine transformations. |
Definition at line 4105 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), and extract().
Referenced by buildReference(), and matchPoint().
virtual |
Display the reference and the detected keypoints in the images.
IRef | : Input reference image. |
ICurrent | : Input current image. |
size | : Size of the displayed cross. |
Implements vpBasicKeyPoint.
Definition at line 1390 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCross(), getQueryKeyPoints(), getTrainKeyPoints(), vpColor::green, and vpColor::red.
virtual |
Display the reference keypoints.
ICurrent | : Input current image. |
size | : Size of the displayed crosses. |
color | : Color of the crosses. |
Implements vpBasicKeyPoint.
Definition at line 1430 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCross(), and getQueryKeyPoints().
void vpKeyPoint::display | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IRef, |
const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | ICurrent, | ||
unsigned int | size = 3 |
) |
Display the reference and the detected keypoints in the images.
IRef | : Input reference image. |
ICurrent | : Input current image. |
size | : Size of the displayed cross. |
Definition at line 1410 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCross(), getQueryKeyPoints(), getTrainKeyPoints(), vpColor::green, and vpColor::red.
void vpKeyPoint::display | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | ICurrent, |
unsigned int | size = 3 , |
const vpColor & | color = vpColor::green |
) |
Display the reference keypoints.
ICurrent | : Input current image. |
size | : Size of the displayed crosses. |
color | : Color of the crosses. |
Definition at line 1447 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCross(), and getQueryKeyPoints().
void vpKeyPoint::displayMatching | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | IRef, |
vpImage< unsigned char > & | IMatching, | ||
unsigned int | crossSize, | ||
unsigned int | lineThickness = 1 , |
const vpColor & | color = vpColor::green |
) |
Display the matching lines between the detected keypoints with those detected in one training image.
IRef | : Reference image, used to have the x-offset. |
IMatching | : Resulting image matching. |
crossSize | : Size of the displayed crosses. |
lineThickness | : Thickness of the displayed lines. |
color | : Color to use, if none, we pick randomly a color for each pair of matching. |
Definition at line 1468 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::displayLine(), getQueryKeyPoints(), getTrainKeyPoints(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpColor::none.
Referenced by displayMatching().
void vpKeyPoint::displayMatching | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | ICurrent, |
vpImage< unsigned char > & | IMatching, | ||
const std::vector< vpImagePoint > & | ransacInliers = std::vector<vpImagePoint>() , |
unsigned int | crossSize = 3 , |
unsigned int | lineThickness = 1 |
) |
Display matching between keypoints detected in the current image and with those detected in the multiple training images. Display also RANSAC inliers if the list is supplied.
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Resulting matching image. |
ransacInliers | : List of Ransac inliers or empty list if not available. |
crossSize | : Size of the displayed crosses. |
lineThickness | : Thickness of the displayed line. |
Definition at line 1582 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCircle(), vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::displayLine(), displayMatching(), vpImagePoint::get_i(), vpImagePoint::get_j(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpColor::green, vpColor::red, vpMath::round(), and vpImagePoint::set_ij().
void vpKeyPoint::displayMatching | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | IRef, |
vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IMatching, | ||
unsigned int | crossSize, | ||
unsigned int | lineThickness = 1 , |
const vpColor & | color = vpColor::green |
) |
Display the matching lines between the detected keypoints with those detected in one training image.
IRef | : Reference image, used to have the x-offset. |
IMatching | : Resulting image matching. |
crossSize | : Size of the displayed crosses. |
lineThickness | : Thickness of the displayed lines. |
color | : Color to use, if none, we pick randomly a color for each pair of matching. |
Definition at line 1506 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::displayLine(), getQueryKeyPoints(), getTrainKeyPoints(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpColor::none.
void vpKeyPoint::displayMatching | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IRef, |
vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IMatching, | ||
unsigned int | crossSize, | ||
unsigned int | lineThickness = 1 , |
const vpColor & | color = vpColor::green |
) |
Display the matching lines between the detected keypoints with those detected in one training image.
IRef | : Reference image, used to have the x-offset. |
IMatching | : Resulting image matching. |
crossSize | : Size of the displayed crosses. |
lineThickness | : Thickness of the displayed lines. |
color | : Color to use, if none, we pick randomly a color for each pair of matching. |
Definition at line 1544 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::displayLine(), getQueryKeyPoints(), getTrainKeyPoints(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpColor::none.
void vpKeyPoint::displayMatching | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | ICurrent, |
vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IMatching, | ||
const std::vector< vpImagePoint > & | ransacInliers = std::vector<vpImagePoint>() , |
unsigned int | crossSize = 3 , |
unsigned int | lineThickness = 1 |
) |
Display matching between keypoints detected in the current image and with those detected in the multiple training images. Display also RANSAC inliers if the list is supplied.
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Resulting matching image. |
ransacInliers | : List of Ransac inliers or empty list if not available. |
crossSize | : Size of the displayed crosses. |
lineThickness | : Thickness of the displayed line. |
Definition at line 1703 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDisplay::displayCircle(), vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::displayLine(), displayMatching(), vpImagePoint::get_i(), vpImagePoint::get_j(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpColor::green, vpColor::red, vpMath::round(), and vpImagePoint::set_ij().
void vpKeyPoint::extract | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
cv::Mat & | descriptors, | ||
std::vector< cv::Point3f > * | trainPoints = NULL |
) |
Extract the descriptors for each keypoints of the list.
I | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : List of keypoints we want to extract their descriptors. |
descriptors | : Descriptors matrix with at each row the descriptors values for each keypoint. |
trainPoints | : Pointer to the list of 3D train points, when a keypoint cannot be extracted, we need to remove the corresponding 3D point. |
Definition at line 1823 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
Referenced by buildReference(), detectExtractAffine(), extract(), and matchPoint().
void vpKeyPoint::extract | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
cv::Mat & | descriptors, | ||
std::vector< cv::Point3f > * | trainPoints = NULL |
) |
Extract the descriptors for each keypoints of the list.
I_color | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : List of keypoints we want to extract their descriptors. |
descriptors | : Descriptors matrix with at each row the descriptors values for each keypoint. |
trainPoints | : Pointer to the list of 3D train points, when a keypoint cannot be extracted, we need to remove the corresponding 3D point. |
Definition at line 1840 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References extract().
void vpKeyPoint::extract | ( | const cv::Mat & | matImg, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
cv::Mat & | descriptors, | ||
std::vector< cv::Point3f > * | trainPoints = NULL |
) |
Extract the descriptors for each keypoints of the list.
matImg | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : List of keypoints we want to extract their descriptors. |
descriptors | : Descriptors matrix with at each row the descriptors values for each keypoint. |
trainPoints | : Pointer to the list of 3D train points, when a keypoint cannot be extracted, we need to remove the corresponding 3D point. |
Definition at line 1857 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References extract().
void vpKeyPoint::extract | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
cv::Mat & | descriptors, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
std::vector< cv::Point3f > * | trainPoints = NULL |
) |
Extract the descriptors for each keypoints of the list.
I | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : List of keypoints we want to extract their descriptors. |
descriptors | : Descriptors matrix with at each row the descriptors values for each keypoint. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
trainPoints | : Pointer to the list of 3D train points, when a keypoint cannot be extracted, we need to remove the corresponding 3D point. |
Definition at line 1875 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), and extract().
void vpKeyPoint::extract | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
cv::Mat & | descriptors, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
std::vector< cv::Point3f > * | trainPoints = NULL |
) |
Extract the descriptors for each keypoints of the list.
I_color | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : List of keypoints we want to extract their descriptors. |
descriptors | : Descriptors matrix with at each row the descriptors values for each keypoint. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
trainPoints | : Pointer to the list of 3D train points, when a keypoint cannot be extracted, we need to remove the corresponding 3D point. |
Definition at line 1894 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), and extract().
void vpKeyPoint::extract | ( | const cv::Mat & | matImg, |
std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, | ||
cv::Mat & | descriptors, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
std::vector< cv::Point3f > * | trainPoints = NULL |
) |
Extract the descriptors for each keypoints of the list.
matImg | : Input image. |
keyPoints | : List of keypoints we want to extract their descriptors. |
descriptors | : Descriptors matrix with at each row the descriptors values for each keypoint. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
trainPoints | : Pointer to the list of 3D train points, when a keypoint cannot be extracted, we need to remove the corresponding 3D point. |
Definition at line 1913 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References constantFactorDistanceThreshold, vpTime::measureTimeMs(), and stdAndRatioDistanceThreshold.
inlineinherited |
Get the pointer to the complete list of reference points. The pointer is const. Thus the points can not be modified
Definition at line 107 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the covariance matrix when estimating the pose using the Virtual Visual Servoing approach.
Definition at line 456 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inlineinherited |
Return the vector of current image point.
Definition at line 213 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the elapsed time to compute the keypoint detection.
Definition at line 484 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the detector pointer.
type | : Type of the detector. |
Definition at line 493 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the detector pointer.
name | : Name of the detector. |
Definition at line 519 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the feature detector name associated to the type.
Definition at line 533 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the elapsed time to compute the keypoint extraction.
Definition at line 540 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the extractor pointer.
type | : Type of the descriptor extractor. |
Definition at line 549 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the extractor pointer.
name | : Name of the descriptor extractor. |
Definition at line 575 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the feature descriptor extractor name associated to the type.
Definition at line 589 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the image format to use when saving training images.
Definition at line 596 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inlineinherited |
Get the nth matched reference point index in the complete list of reference point.
In the code below referencePoint1 and referencePoint2 correspond to the same matched reference point.
Definition at line 174 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::fatalError, and vpTRACE.
inlineinherited |
Get the number of matched points.
Definition at line 195 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
inlineinherited |
Get the nth couple of reference point and current point which have been matched. These points are copied in the vpImagePoint instances given in argument.
index | : The index of the desired couple of reference point and current point. The index must be between 0 and the number of matched points - 1. |
referencePoint | : The coordinates of the desired reference point are copied here. |
currentPoint | : The coordinates of the desired current point are copied here. |
Definition at line 139 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::fatalError, vpImagePoint::set_ij(), and vpTRACE.
inlineinherited |
Return the index of the matched associated to the current image point i. The ith element of the vector is the index of the reference image point matching with the current image point.
Definition at line 224 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
inline |
inline |
Get the list of matches (correspondences between the indexes of the detected keypoints and the train keypoints).
Definition at line 618 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the elapsed time to compute the matching.
Definition at line 603 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the list of pairs with the correspondence between the matched query and train keypoints.
Definition at line 627 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the number of train images.
Definition at line 643 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
void vpKeyPoint::getObjectPoints | ( | std::vector< cv::Point3f > & | objectPoints | ) | const |
Get the 3D coordinates of the object points matched (the corresponding 3D coordinates in the object frame of the keypoints detected in the current image after the matching).
objectPoints | : List of 3D coordinates in the object frame. |
Definition at line 2158 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
void vpKeyPoint::getObjectPoints | ( | std::vector< vpPoint > & | objectPoints | ) | const |
Get the 3D coordinates of the object points matched (the corresponding 3D coordinates in the object frame of the keypoints detected in the current image after the matching).
objectPoints | : List of 3D coordinates in the object frame. |
Definition at line 2170 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpConvert::convertFromOpenCV().
inline |
Get the elapsed time to compute the pose.
Definition at line 655 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the descriptors matrix for the query keypoints.
Definition at line 663 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
void vpKeyPoint::getQueryKeyPoints | ( | std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints, |
bool | matches = true |
) | const |
Get the query keypoints list in OpenCV type.
matches | : If false return the list of all query keypoints extracted in the current image. If true, return only the query keypoints list that have matches. |
keyPoints | : List of query keypoints (or keypoints detected in the current image). |
Definition at line 2183 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
Referenced by display(), and displayMatching().
void vpKeyPoint::getQueryKeyPoints | ( | std::vector< vpImagePoint > & | keyPoints, |
bool | matches = true |
) | const |
Get the query keypoints list in ViSP type.
keyPoints | : List of query keypoints (or keypoints detected in the current image). |
matches | : If false return the list of all query keypoints extracted in the current image. If true, return only the query keypoints list that have matches. |
Definition at line 2201 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpConvert::convertFromOpenCV(), and vpBasicKeyPoint::currentImagePointsList.
inline |
Get the list of Ransac inliers.
Definition at line 673 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the list of Ransac outliers.
Definition at line 680 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inlineinherited |
Return the vector of reference image point.
Definition at line 204 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
inlineinherited |
Get the nth reference point. This point is copied in the vpImagePoint instance given in argument.
index | : The index of the desired reference point. The index must be between 0 and the number of reference points - 1. |
referencePoint | : The coordinates of the desired reference point are copied there. |
Definition at line 118 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::fatalError, vpImagePoint::set_ij(), and vpTRACE.
inlineinherited |
Get the number of reference points.
Definition at line 188 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Get the train descriptors matrix.
Definition at line 688 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
References vpBasicKeyPoint::matchPoint().
void vpKeyPoint::getTrainKeyPoints | ( | std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | keyPoints | ) | const |
Get the train keypoints list in OpenCV type.
keyPoints | : List of train keypoints (or reference keypoints). |
Definition at line 2216 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
Referenced by display(), and displayMatching().
void vpKeyPoint::getTrainKeyPoints | ( | std::vector< vpImagePoint > & | keyPoints | ) | const |
Get the train keypoints list in ViSP type.
keyPoints | : List of train keypoints (or reference keypoints). |
Definition at line 2223 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpBasicKeyPoint::referenceImagePointsList.
void vpKeyPoint::getTrainPoints | ( | std::vector< cv::Point3f > & | points | ) | const |
Get the train points (the 3D coordinates in the object frame) list in OpenCV type.
points | : List of train points (or reference points). |
Definition at line 2231 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
void vpKeyPoint::getTrainPoints | ( | std::vector< vpPoint > & | points | ) | const |
Get the train points (the 3D coordinates in the object frame) list in ViSP type.
points | : List of train points (or reference points). |
Definition at line 2239 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
void vpKeyPoint::initMatcher | ( | const std::string & | matcherName | ) |
Initialize a matcher based on its name.
matcherName | : Name of the matcher (e.g BruteForce, FlannBased). |
Definition at line 2713 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpException::fatalError.
Referenced by getTrainPoints().
void vpKeyPoint::insertImageMatching | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | IRef, |
const vpImage< unsigned char > & | ICurrent, | ||
vpImage< unsigned char > & | IMatching | ||
) |
Insert a reference image and a current image side-by-side.
IRef | : Reference image. |
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Matching image for displaying all the matching between the query keypoints and those detected in the training images. |
Definition at line 2776 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpImage< Type >::insert().
Referenced by insertImageMatching().
void vpKeyPoint::insertImageMatching | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | ICurrent, |
vpImage< unsigned char > & | IMatching | ||
) |
Insert the different training images in the matching image.
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Matching image for displaying all the matching between the query keypoints and those detected in the training images |
Definition at line 2809 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpImage< Type >::insert(), insertImageMatching(), and vpMath::round().
void vpKeyPoint::insertImageMatching | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IRef, |
const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | ICurrent, | ||
vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IMatching | ||
) |
Insert a reference image and a current image side-by-side.
IRef | : Reference image. |
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Matching image for displaying all the matching between the query keypoints and those detected in the training images. |
Definition at line 2793 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpImage< Type >::insert().
void vpKeyPoint::insertImageMatching | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | ICurrent, |
vpImage< vpRGBa > & | IMatching | ||
) |
Insert the different training images in the matching image.
ICurrent | : Current image. |
IMatching | : Matching image for displaying all the matching between the query keypoints and those detected in the training images |
Definition at line 2879 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpImage< Type >::insert(), insertImageMatching(), and vpMath::round().
void vpKeyPoint::loadConfigFile | ( | const std::string & | configFile | ) |
Load configuration parameters from an XML config file.
configFile | : Path to the XML config file. |
Definition at line 2951 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::constantFactorDistanceThreshold, constantFactorDistanceThreshold, vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getDetectorName(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getExtractorName(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getMatcherName(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getMatchingFactorThreshold(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getMatchingMethod(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getMatchingRatioThreshold(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getNbRansacIterations(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getNbRansacMinInlierCount(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getRansacConsensusPercentage(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getRansacReprojectionError(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getRansacThreshold(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getUseRansacConsensusPercentage(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::getUseRansacVVSPoseEstimation(), vpException::ioError, vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::noFilterMatching, noFilterMatching, vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::parse(), vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::ratioDistanceThreshold, ratioDistanceThreshold, vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::stdAndRatioDistanceThreshold, stdAndRatioDistanceThreshold, vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint::stdDistanceThreshold, and stdDistanceThreshold.
void vpKeyPoint::loadLearningData | ( | const std::string & | filename, |
bool | binaryMode = false , |
bool | append = false |
) |
Load learning data saved on disk.
filename | : Path of the learning file. |
binaryMode | : If true, the learning file is in a binary mode, otherwise it is in XML mode. |
append | : If true, concatenate the learning data, otherwise reset the variables. |
Definition at line 3027 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpBasicKeyPoint::_reference_computed, vpConvert::convertFromOpenCV(), vpIoTools::getParent(), vpException::ioError, vpIoTools::isAbsolutePathname(), vpImageIo::read(), vpIoTools::readBinaryValueLE(), and vpBasicKeyPoint::referenceImagePointsList.
void vpKeyPoint::match | ( | const cv::Mat & | trainDescriptors, |
const cv::Mat & | queryDescriptors, | ||
std::vector< cv::DMatch > & | matches, | ||
double & | elapsedTime | ||
) |
Match keypoints based on distance between their descriptors.
trainDescriptors | : Train descriptors (or reference descriptors). |
queryDescriptors | : Query descriptors. |
matches | : Output list of matches. |
elapsedTime | : Elapsed time. |
Definition at line 3421 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpTime::measureTimeMs().
Referenced by matchPoint().
virtual |
Match keypoints detected in the image with those built in the reference list.
I | : Input current image. |
Implements vpBasicKeyPoint.
Definition at line 3480 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
Referenced by matchPoint(), and matchPointAndDetect().
virtual |
Match keypoints detected in a region of interest of the image with those built in the reference list.
I | : Input image. |
iP | : Coordinate of the top-left corner of the region of interest. |
height | : Height of the region of interest. |
width | : Width of the region of interest. |
Implements vpBasicKeyPoint.
Definition at line 3501 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References matchPoint().
virtual |
Match keypoints detected in a region of interest of the image with those built in the reference list.
I | : Input image. |
rectangle | : Rectangle of the region of interest. |
Implements vpBasicKeyPoint.
Definition at line 3531 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpBasicKeyPoint::_reference_computed, detect(), detectExtractAffine(), extract(), and matchPoint().
unsigned int vpKeyPoint::matchPoint | ( | const std::vector< cv::KeyPoint > & | queryKeyPoints, |
const cv::Mat & | queryDescriptors | ||
) |
Match query keypoints with those built in the reference list using buildReference().
queryKeyPoints | : List of the query keypoints. |
queryDescriptors | : List of the query descriptors. |
Definition at line 3583 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpConvert::convertFromOpenCV(), vpBasicKeyPoint::currentImagePointsList, match(), vpBasicKeyPoint::matchedReferencePoints, and noFilterMatching.
bool vpKeyPoint::matchPoint | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
const vpCameraParameters & | cam, | ||
vpHomogeneousMatrix & | cMo, | ||
bool(*)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) | func = NULL , |
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Match keypoints detected in the image with those built in the reference list and compute the pose.
I | : Input image. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the object frame and the camera frame. |
func | : Function pointer to filter the pose in Ransac pose estimation, if we want to eliminate the poses which do not respect some criterion. |
rectangle | : Rectangle corresponding to the ROI (Region of Interest) to consider. |
Definition at line 3655 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References matchPoint().
bool vpKeyPoint::matchPoint | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
const vpCameraParameters & | cam, | ||
vpHomogeneousMatrix & | cMo, | ||
double & | error, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
bool(*)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) | func = NULL , |
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Match keypoints detected in the image with those built in the reference list and compute the pose.
I | : Input image. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the object frame and the camera frame. |
error | : Reprojection mean square error (in pixel) between the 2D points and the projection of the 3D points with the estimated pose. |
elapsedTime | : Time to detect, extract, match and compute the pose. |
func | : Function pointer to filter the pose in Ransac pose estimation, if we want to eliminate the poses which do not respect some criterion. |
rectangle | : Rectangle corresponding to the ROI (Region of Interest) to consider. |
Definition at line 3696 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpBasicKeyPoint::_reference_computed, computePose(), vpConvert::convertFromOpenCV(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpBasicKeyPoint::currentImagePointsList, detect(), detectExtractAffine(), extract(), match(), vpBasicKeyPoint::matchedReferencePoints, noFilterMatching, vpPoint::set_x(), vpPoint::set_y(), and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
Match keypoints detected in the image with those built in the reference list.
I_color | : Input current image. |
Definition at line 3489 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References matchPoint().
unsigned int vpKeyPoint::matchPoint | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
const vpImagePoint & | iP, | ||
unsigned int | height, | ||
unsigned int | width | ||
) |
Match keypoints detected in a region of interest of the image with those built in the reference list.
I_color | : Input image. |
iP | : Coordinate of the top-left corner of the region of interest. |
height | : Height of the region of interest. |
width | : Width of the region of interest. |
Definition at line 3517 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References matchPoint().
Match keypoints detected in a region of interest of the image with those built in the reference list.
I_color | : Input image. |
rectangle | : Rectangle of the region of interest. |
Definition at line 3637 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), and matchPoint().
bool vpKeyPoint::matchPoint | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
const vpCameraParameters & | cam, | ||
vpHomogeneousMatrix & | cMo, | ||
bool(*)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) | func = NULL , |
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Match keypoints detected in the image with those built in the reference list and compute the pose.
I_color | : Input image. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the object frame and the camera frame. |
func | : Function pointer to filter the pose in Ransac pose estimation, if we want to eliminate the poses which do not respect some criterion. |
rectangle | : Rectangle corresponding to the ROI (Region of Interest) to consider. |
Definition at line 3674 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References matchPoint().
bool vpKeyPoint::matchPoint | ( | const vpImage< vpRGBa > & | I_color, |
const vpCameraParameters & | cam, | ||
vpHomogeneousMatrix & | cMo, | ||
double & | error, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
bool(*)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) | func = NULL , |
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Match keypoints detected in the image with those built in the reference list and compute the pose.
I_color | : Input image. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the object frame and the camera frame. |
error | : Reprojection mean square error (in pixel) between the 2D points and the projection of the 3D points with the estimated pose. |
elapsedTime | : Time to detect, extract, match and compute the pose. |
func | : Function pointer to filter the pose in Ransac pose estimation, if we want to eliminate the poses which do not respect some criterion. |
rectangle | : Rectangle corresponding to the ROI (Region of Interest) to consider. |
Definition at line 3883 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), and matchPoint().
bool vpKeyPoint::matchPointAndDetect | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
vpRect & | boundingBox, | ||
vpImagePoint & | centerOfGravity, | ||
const bool | isPlanarObject = true , |
std::vector< vpImagePoint > * | imPts1 = NULL , |
std::vector< vpImagePoint > * | imPts2 = NULL , |
double * | meanDescriptorDistance = NULL , |
double * | detection_score = NULL , |
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Match keypoints detected in the image with those built in the reference list and return the bounding box and the center of gravity.
I | : Input image. |
boundingBox | : Bounding box that contains the good matches. |
centerOfGravity | : Center of gravity computed from the location of the good matches (could differ of the center of the bounding box). |
isPlanarObject | : If the object is planar, the homography matrix is estimated to eliminate outliers, otherwise it is the fundamental matrix which is estimated. |
imPts1 | : Pointer to the list of reference keypoints if not null. |
imPts2 | : Pointer to the list of current keypoints if not null. |
meanDescriptorDistance | : Pointer to the value of the average distance of the descriptors if not null. |
detection_score | : Pointer to the value of the detection score if not null. |
rectangle | : Rectangle corresponding to the ROI (Region of Interest) to consider. |
Definition at line 3912 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References detectionThreshold, vpPolygon::getBoundingBox(), matchPoint(), vpImagePoint::set_u(), and vpImagePoint::set_v().
bool vpKeyPoint::matchPointAndDetect | ( | const vpImage< unsigned char > & | I, |
const vpCameraParameters & | cam, | ||
vpHomogeneousMatrix & | cMo, | ||
double & | error, | ||
double & | elapsedTime, | ||
vpRect & | boundingBox, | ||
vpImagePoint & | centerOfGravity, | ||
bool(*)(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &) | func = NULL , |
const vpRect & | rectangle = vpRect() |
) |
Match keypoints detected in the image with those built in the reference list, compute the pose and return also the bounding box and the center of gravity.
I | : Input image. |
cam | : Camera parameters. |
cMo | : Homogeneous matrix between the object frame and the camera frame. |
error | : Reprojection mean square error (in pixel) between the 2D points and the projection of the 3D points with the estimated pose. |
elapsedTime | : Time to detect, extract, match and compute the pose. |
boundingBox | : Bounding box that contains the good matches. |
centerOfGravity | : Center of gravity computed from the location of the good matches (could differ of the center of the bounding box). |
func | : Function pointer to filter the pose in Ransac pose estimation, if we want to eliminate the poses which do not respect some criterion. |
rectangle | : Rectangle corresponding to the ROI (Region of Interest) to consider. |
Definition at line 4050 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpMeterPixelConversion::convertPoint(), vpPoint::get_x(), vpPoint::get_y(), vpPolygon::getBoundingBox(), matchPoint(), vpForwardProjection::project(), vpImagePoint::set_u(), and vpImagePoint::set_v().
inlineinherited |
Indicate wether the reference has been built or not.
Definition at line 99 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
void vpKeyPoint::reset | ( | ) |
Reset the instance as if we would declare another vpKeyPoint variable.
Definition at line 4239 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpBasicKeyPoint::_reference_computed, vpBasicKeyPoint::currentImagePointsList, detectionScore, jpgImageFormat, vpBasicKeyPoint::matchedReferencePoints, vpPose::NO_FILTER, ratioDistanceThreshold, and vpBasicKeyPoint::referenceImagePointsList.
void vpKeyPoint::saveLearningData | ( | const std::string & | filename, |
bool | binaryMode = false , |
bool | saveTrainingImages = true |
) |
Save the learning data in a file in XML or binary mode.
filename | : Path of the save file. |
binaryMode | : If true, the data are saved in binary mode, otherwise in XML mode. |
saveTrainingImages | : If true, save also the training images on disk. |
Definition at line 4315 of file vpKeyPoint.cpp.
References vpDetectorAprilTag::detect(), vpMath::equal(), vpException::fatalError, vpIoTools::getParent(), vpException::ioError, jpgImageFormat, vpIoTools::makeDirectory(), pgmImageFormat, pngImageFormat, ppmImageFormat, vpImageIo::write(), and vpIoTools::writeBinaryValueLE().
inline |
Set if the covariance matrix has to be computed in the Virtual Visual Servoing approach.
flag | : True if the covariance has to be computed, false otherwise. |
Definition at line 756 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the method to decide if the object is present or not.
method | : Detection method (detectionThreshold or detectionScore). |
Definition at line 775 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set and initialize a detector.
detectorType | : Type of the detector. |
Definition at line 782 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set and initialize a detector denominated by his name detectorName
detectorName | : Name of the detector. |
Definition at line 795 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set and initialize a list of detectors denominated by their names detectorNames
detectorNames | : List of detector names. |
Definition at line 827 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set and initialize a descriptor extractor.
extractorType | : Type of the descriptor extractor. |
Definition at line 840 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set and initialize a descriptor extractor denominated by his name extractorName
extractorName | : Name of the extractor. |
Definition at line 854 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set and initialize a list of extractors denominated by their names extractorNames
extractorNames | : List of extractor names. |
Definition at line 886 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the filtering method to eliminate false matching. The different methods are:
filterType | : Type of the filtering method |
Definition at line 947 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the image format to use when saving training images.
imageFormat | : The image format. |
Definition at line 899 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set and initialize a matcher denominated by his name matcherName
. The different matchers are:
L1 and L2 norms are preferable choices for SIFT and SURF descriptors, NORM_HAMMING should be used with ORB, BRISK and BRIEF, NORM_HAMMING2 should be used with ORB when WTA_K==3 or 4.
matcherName | : Name of the matcher. |
Definition at line 916 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the factor value for the filtering method: constantFactorDistanceThreshold.
factor | : Factor value |
Definition at line 982 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::badValue.
inline |
Set the ratio value for the filtering method: ratioDistanceThreshold.
ratio | : Ratio value (]0 ; 1]) |
Definition at line 996 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::badValue.
inline |
Set maximum number of keypoints to extract.
maxFeatures | : Maximum number of keypoints to extract. Set -1 to use default values. |
Definition at line 927 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the percentage value for defining the cardinality of the consensus group.
percentage | : Percentage value (]0 ; 100]) |
Definition at line 1011 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::badValue.
inline |
Set filter flag for RANSAC pose estimation.
Definition at line 1024 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the maximum number of iterations for the Ransac pose estimation method.
nbIter | : Maximum number of iterations for the Ransac |
Definition at line 1035 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::badValue.
inline |
Set the minimum number of inlier for the Ransac pose estimation method.
minCount | : Minimum number of inlier for the consensus |
Definition at line 1088 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::badValue.
inline |
Use or not the multithreaded version.
Definition at line 1049 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the number of threads to use if multithreaded RANSAC pose.
nthreads | : Number of threads, if 0 the number of CPU threads will be determined |
Definition at line 1060 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the maximum reprojection error (in pixel) to determine if a point is an inlier or not.
reprojectionError | : Maximum reprojection error in pixel (used by OpenCV function) |
Definition at line 1072 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::badValue.
inline |
Set the maximum error (in meter) to determine if a point is an inlier or not.
threshold | : Maximum error in meter for ViSP function |
Definition at line 1103 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
References vpException::badValue.
inline |
Set if multiple affine transformations must be used to detect and extract keypoints.
useAffine | : True to use multiple affine transformations, false otherwise |
Definition at line 1119 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set if we want to match the train keypoints to the query keypoints.
useMatchTrainToQuery | : True to match the train keypoints to the query keypoints |
Definition at line 1148 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the flag to choose between a percentage value of inliers for the cardinality of the consensus group or a minimum number.
usePercentage | : True to a percentage ratio of inliers, otherwise use a specified number of inliers |
Definition at line 1160 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the flag to choose between the OpenCV or ViSP Ransac pose estimation function.
ransacVVS | : True to use ViSP function, otherwise use OpenCV function |
Definition at line 1169 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
inline |
Set the flag to filter matches where multiple query keypoints are matched to the same train keypoints.
singleMatchFilter | : True to use the single match filter. |
Definition at line 1177 of file vpKeyPoint.h.
protectedinherited |
flag to indicate if the reference has been built.
Definition at line 252 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
Referenced by buildReference(), loadLearningData(), matchPoint(), and reset().
protectedinherited |
List of the points which belong to the current image and have been matched with points belonging to the reference.
Definition at line 239 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
Referenced by getQueryKeyPoints(), matchPoint(), and reset().
protectedinherited |
Array containing the index in the array "referenceImagePointsList" of the reference points which have been matched.
The first element of the "currentImagePointsList" array is matched with the nth element of the "referenceImagePointsList" array. The value of n is stored in the first element of the "matchedReferencePoints" array.
Definition at line 249 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
Referenced by matchPoint(), and reset().
protectedinherited |
List of the points which define the reference.
Definition at line 233 of file vpBasicKeyPoint.h.
Referenced by buildReference(), getTrainKeyPoints(), loadLearningData(), and reset().