Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-19)
vpOccipitalStructure Class Reference

#include <visp3/sensor/vpOccipitalStructure.h>

Public Types

enum  vpOccipitalStructureStream { visible , depth , infrared , imu }

Public Member Functions

 vpOccipitalStructure ()
 ~vpOccipitalStructure ()
void acquire (vpImage< unsigned char > &gray, bool undistorted=false, double *ts=nullptr)
void acquire (vpImage< vpRGBa > &rgb, bool undistorted=false, double *ts=nullptr)
void acquire (vpImage< vpRGBa > *rgb, vpImage< vpRGBa > *depth, vpColVector *acceleration_data=nullptr, vpColVector *gyroscope_data=nullptr, bool undistorted=false, double *ts=nullptr)
void acquire (vpImage< unsigned char > *gray, vpImage< vpRGBa > *depth, vpColVector *acceleration_data=nullptr, vpColVector *gyroscope_data=nullptr, bool undistorted=false, double *ts=nullptr)
void acquire (unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud=nullptr, unsigned char *const data_infrared=nullptr, vpColVector *acceleration_data=nullptr, vpColVector *gyroscope_data=nullptr, bool undistorted=true, double *ts=nullptr)
void acquire (unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr &pointcloud, unsigned char *const data_infrared=nullptr, vpColVector *acceleration_data=nullptr, vpColVector *gyroscope_data=nullptr, bool undistorted=true, double *ts=nullptr)
void acquire (unsigned char *const data_image, unsigned char *const data_depth, std::vector< vpColVector > *const data_pointCloud, pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr &pointcloud, unsigned char *const data_infrared=nullptr, vpColVector *acceleration_data=nullptr, vpColVector *gyroscope_data=nullptr, bool undistorted=true, double *ts=nullptr)
void getIMUVelocity (vpColVector *imu_vel, double *ts)
void getIMUAcceleration (vpColVector *imu_acc, double *ts)
void getIMUData (vpColVector *imu_vel, vpColVector *imu_acc, double *ts=nullptr)
bool open (const ST::CaptureSessionSettings &settings)
void close ()
ST::StructureCoreCameraType getCameraType () const
ST::CaptureSessionUSBVersion getUSBVersion () const
std::string getSerialNumber () const
ST::CaptureSession & getCaptureSession ()
ST::CaptureSessionSettings & getCaptureSessionSettings ()
unsigned int getWidth (vpOccipitalStructureStream stream_type)
unsigned int getHeight (vpOccipitalStructureStream stream_type)
float getDepth (int x, int y)
vpPoint unprojectPoint (int row, int col)
vpHomogeneousMatrix getTransform (const vpOccipitalStructureStream from, const vpOccipitalStructureStream to)
ST::Intrinsics getIntrinsics (const vpOccipitalStructureStream stream_type) const
vpCameraParameters getCameraParameters (const vpOccipitalStructureStream stream_type, vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType type=vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithoutDistortion)
void saveDepthImageAsPointCloudMesh (std::string &filename)

Protected Member Functions

void getPointcloud (std::vector< vpColVector > &pointcloud)
void getPointcloud (pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr &pointcloud)
void getColoredPointcloud (pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr &pointcloud)

Protected Attributes

bool m_init
float m_invalidDepthValue
float m_maxZ
ST::CaptureSession m_captureSession
ST::CaptureSessionSettings m_captureSessionSettings
SessionDelegate m_delegate
vpCameraParameters m_visible_camera_parameters
vpCameraParameters m_depth_camera_parameters

Detailed Description

This class provides a wrapper over the Occipital Structure SDK library It allows to capture data from the Occipital Structure Core camera.

Supported devices for Occipital Structure SDK 0.9:
  • Occipital Structure Core.

The usage of vpOccipitalStructure class is enabled when libStructure 3rd party is successfully installed. The following tutorials explain how to proceed:

Moreover, if Point Cloud Library (PCL) 3rd party is installed, we also propose interfaces to retrieve point cloud as pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> or pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> data structures.

Notice that the usage of this class requires compiler and library support for the ISO C++ 2011 standard. This support is enabled by default in ViSP when supported by the compiler. Hereafter we give an example of a CMakeLists.txt file that allows to build sample-structure-core.cpp that uses vpOccipitalStructure class.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)
find_package(VISP REQUIRED)
add_executable(sample-structure-core sample-structure-core.cpp)
target_link_libraries(sample-structure-core ${VISP_LIBRARIES})

To acquire images from the Structure Core color camera and convert them into grey level images, a good starting is to use the following code that corresponds to the content of `sample-structure-core.cpp:

#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayGDI.h>
#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayX.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vpOccipitalStructure.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
ST::CaptureSessionSettings settings;
settings.source = ST::CaptureSessionSourceId::StructureCore;
settings.structureCore.visibleEnabled = true;;
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
vpDisplayX d(I);
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GDI)
while (true) {
if (vpDisplay::getClick(I, false))
return 0;
Display for windows using GDI (available on any windows 32 platform).
Definition: vpDisplayGDI.h:130
static bool getClick(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool blocking=true)
static void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
static void flush(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
unsigned int getHeight(vpOccipitalStructureStream stream_type)
void acquire(vpImage< unsigned char > &gray, bool undistorted=false, double *ts=nullptr)
unsigned int getWidth(vpOccipitalStructureStream stream_type)
bool open(const ST::CaptureSessionSettings &settings)

If you want to acquire color images, in the previous sample replace:


If you are interested in the point cloud and if ViSP is build with PCL support, you can start from the following example where we use PCL library to visualize the point cloud

#include <pcl/visualization/cloud_viewer.h>
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vpOccipitalStructure.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
ST::CaptureSessionSettings settings;
settings.source = ST::CaptureSessionSourceId::StructureCore;
settings.structureCore.visibleEnabled = true;
settings.applyExpensiveCorrection = true; // Apply a correction and clean filter to the depth before streaming.;
// Calling these 2 functions to set internal variables.
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>::Ptr pointcloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>);
sc.acquire(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, pointcloud);
pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr viewer (new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer ("3D Viewer"));
pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerRGBField<pcl::PointXYZRGB> rgb(pointcloud);
viewer->setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0);
viewer->setCameraPosition(0, 0, -0.5, 0, -1, 0);
while (true) {
sc.acquire(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, pointcloud);
static bool update = false;
if (!update) {
viewer->addPointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> (pointcloud, rgb, "sample cloud");
viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties (pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 1, "sample cloud");
update = true;
} else {
viewer->updatePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB> (pointcloud, rgb, "sample cloud");
return 0;
vpCameraParameters getCameraParameters(const vpOccipitalStructureStream stream_type, vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType type=vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithoutDistortion)

References to ST::CaptureSession and ST::CaptureSessionSettings can be retrieved with ( must be called before):

ST::CaptureSession &getCaptureSession();
ST::CaptureSessionSettings &getCaptureSessionSettings();
ST::CaptureSession & getCaptureSession()
ST::CaptureSessionSettings & getCaptureSessionSettings()
testOccipitalStructure_Core_images.cpp, testOccipitalStructure_Core_imu.cpp, testOccipitalStructure_Core_pcl.cpp, tutorial-apriltag-detector-live-rgbd-structure-core.cpp, tutorial-grabber-rgbd-D435-structurecore.cpp, tutorial-grabber-structure-core.cpp, and tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-structure-core.cpp.

Definition at line 282 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ vpOccipitalStructureStream


Visible stream.


Depth stream.


Infrared stream.


IMU stream.

Definition at line 285 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpOccipitalStructure()

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE vpOccipitalStructure::vpOccipitalStructure ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 59 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

◆ ~vpOccipitalStructure()

vpOccipitalStructure::~vpOccipitalStructure ( )

Default destructor that stops the streaming.

See also

Definition at line 65 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References close().

Member Function Documentation

◆ acquire() [1/7]

void vpOccipitalStructure::acquire ( unsigned char *const  data_image,
unsigned char *const  data_depth,
std::vector< vpColVector > *const  data_pointCloud,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr &  pointcloud,
unsigned char *const  data_infrared = nullptr,
vpColVector acceleration_data = nullptr,
vpColVector gyroscope_data = nullptr,
bool  undistorted = true,
double *  ts = nullptr 

Acquire data from Structure Core device.

data_image: Color image buffer or nullptr if not wanted.
data_depth: Depth image buffer or nullptr if not wanted.
data_pointCloud: Point cloud vector pointer or nullptr if not wanted.
pointcloud: Point cloud (in PCL format and without texture information) pointer or nullptr if not wanted.
data_infrared: Infrared image buffer or nullptr if not wanted.
acceleration_data: Acceleration data or nullptr if not wanted.
gyroscope_data: Gyroscope data or nullptr if not wanted.
undistorted: Set to true if you want undistorted monochrome device image.
ts: Data timestamp or nullptr if not wanted.

Definition at line 321 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References getPointcloud(), vpImageConvert::GreyToRGBa(), m_delegate, and vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa().

◆ acquire() [2/7]

void vpOccipitalStructure::acquire ( unsigned char *const  data_image,
unsigned char *const  data_depth,
std::vector< vpColVector > *const  data_pointCloud,
pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr &  pointcloud,
unsigned char *const  data_infrared = nullptr,
vpColVector acceleration_data = nullptr,
vpColVector gyroscope_data = nullptr,
bool  undistorted = true,
double *  ts = nullptr 

Acquire data from Structure Core device.

data_image: Color image buffer or nullptr if not wanted.
data_depth: Depth image buffer or nullptr if not wanted.
data_pointCloud: Point cloud vector pointer or nullptr if not wanted.
pointcloud: Point cloud (in PCL format) pointer or nullptr if not wanted.
data_infrared: Infrared image buffer or nullptr if not wanted.
acceleration_data: Acceleration data or nullptr if not wanted.
gyroscope_data: Gyroscope data or nullptr if not wanted.
undistorted: Set to true if you want undistorted monochrome device image.
ts: Data timestamp or nullptr if not wanted.

Definition at line 395 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References getColoredPointcloud(), getPointcloud(), vpImageConvert::GreyToRGBa(), m_delegate, and vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa().

◆ acquire() [3/7]

void vpOccipitalStructure::acquire ( unsigned char *const  data_image,
unsigned char *const  data_depth,
std::vector< vpColVector > *const  data_pointCloud = nullptr,
unsigned char *const  data_infrared = nullptr,
vpColVector acceleration_data = nullptr,
vpColVector gyroscope_data = nullptr,
bool  undistorted = true,
double *  ts = nullptr 

Acquire data from Structure Core device.

data_image: Visible image buffer or nullptr if not wanted.
data_depth: Depth image buffer in millimeters or nullptr if not wanted.
data_pointCloud: Point cloud vector pointer or nullptr if not wanted.
data_infrared: Infrared image buffer or nullptr if not wanted.
acceleration_data: Acceleration data or nullptr if not wanted.
gyroscope_data: Gyroscope data or nullptr if not wanted.
undistorted: Set to true if you want undistorted monochrome device image.
ts: Data timestamp or nullptr if not wanted.

Definition at line 250 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References getPointcloud(), vpImageConvert::GreyToRGBa(), m_delegate, and vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa().

◆ acquire() [4/7]

void vpOccipitalStructure::acquire ( vpImage< unsigned char > &  gray,
bool  undistorted = false,
double *  ts = nullptr 

Acquire greyscale image from Structure Core device.

gray: Greyscale image.
undistorted: Set to true to get undistorted grayscale image.
ts: Image timestamp or nullptr if not wanted.
testOccipitalStructure_Core_images.cpp, testOccipitalStructure_Core_pcl.cpp, tutorial-apriltag-detector-live-rgbd-structure-core.cpp, tutorial-grabber-rgbd-D435-structurecore.cpp, tutorial-grabber-structure-core.cpp, and tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-structure-core.cpp.

Definition at line 73 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, and m_delegate.

◆ acquire() [5/7]

void vpOccipitalStructure::acquire ( vpImage< unsigned char > *  gray,
vpImage< vpRGBa > *  depth,
vpColVector acceleration_data = nullptr,
vpColVector gyroscope_data = nullptr,
bool  undistorted = false,
double *  ts = nullptr 

Acquire grayscale image, depth and IMU data from Structure Core device.

gray: Gray image or nullptr if not wanted.
depth: Depth image or nullptr if not wanted.
acceleration_data: Acceleration data or nullptr if not wanted.
gyroscope_data: Gyroscope data or nullptr if not wanted.
undistorted: Set to true to get undistorted image.
ts: Image timestamp or nullptr if not wanted.

Definition at line 199 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, depth, and m_delegate.

◆ acquire() [6/7]

void vpOccipitalStructure::acquire ( vpImage< vpRGBa > &  rgb,
bool  undistorted = false,
double *  ts = nullptr 

Acquire color image from Structure Core device.

rgb: RGB image.
undistorted: Set to true to get undistorted image.
ts: Image timestamp or nullptr if not wanted.

Definition at line 97 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpImageConvert::GreyToRGBa(), m_delegate, and vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa().

◆ acquire() [7/7]

void vpOccipitalStructure::acquire ( vpImage< vpRGBa > *  rgb,
vpImage< vpRGBa > *  depth,
vpColVector acceleration_data = nullptr,
vpColVector gyroscope_data = nullptr,
bool  undistorted = false,
double *  ts = nullptr 

Acquire rgb image and IMU data from Structure Core device.

rgb: RGB image or nullptr if not wanted.
depth: Depth image or nullptr if not wanted.
acceleration_data: Acceleration data or nullptr if not wanted.
gyroscope_data: Gyroscope data or nullptr if not wanted.
undistorted: Set to true to get undistorted image.
ts: Image timestamp or nullptr if not wanted.

Definition at line 137 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, depth, vpImageConvert::GreyToRGBa(), m_delegate, and vpImageConvert::RGBToRGBa().

◆ close()

void vpOccipitalStructure::close ( )

libStructure documentation:

Unlike the start functions, this function runs synchronously and will block until the device has successfully stopped streaming. Once successful, the captureSessionEventDidOccur delegate will receive CaptureSessionEventId::Ready. If an error occurs, the captureSessionEventDidOccur delegate will receive CaptureSessionEventId::Error or the specific error case enum.

Definition at line 637 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_captureSession, and m_init.

Referenced by open(), and ~vpOccipitalStructure().

◆ getCameraParameters()

Get intrinsic parameters of input stream type.

stream_type: Type of stream (visible, depth).
proj_type: Perspective projection model type; with or without distortion.
testOccipitalStructure_Core_pcl.cpp, tutorial-apriltag-detector-live-rgbd-structure-core.cpp, and tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-structure-core.cpp.

Definition at line 917 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate, m_depth_camera_parameters, m_visible_camera_parameters, vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithDistortion, and vpCameraParameters::perspectiveProjWithoutDistortion.

◆ getCameraType()

ST::StructureCoreCameraType vpOccipitalStructure::getCameraType ( ) const

Get camera type: Color or Monochrome.

Definition at line 330 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

◆ getCaptureSession()

ST::CaptureSession& vpOccipitalStructure::getCaptureSession ( )

Definition at line 334 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

◆ getCaptureSessionSettings()

ST::CaptureSessionSettings& vpOccipitalStructure::getCaptureSessionSettings ( )

Definition at line 335 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

◆ getColoredPointcloud()

void vpOccipitalStructure::getColoredPointcloud ( pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGB >::Ptr &  pointcloud)

◆ getDepth()

float vpOccipitalStructure::getDepth ( int  x,
int  y 

Returns depth in millimeters at (x,y) if it exists, NAN otherwise.

x: Pixel x-location.
y: Pixel y-location

Definition at line 708 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate.

◆ getHeight()

unsigned int vpOccipitalStructure::getHeight ( vpOccipitalStructureStream  stream_type)

Returns height of given stream image.

stream_type: Type of stream (visible, depth, infrared).
testOccipitalStructure_Core_images.cpp, testOccipitalStructure_Core_pcl.cpp, tutorial-grabber-structure-core.cpp, and tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-structure-core.cpp.

Definition at line 678 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate.

◆ getIMUAcceleration()

void vpOccipitalStructure::getIMUAcceleration ( vpColVector imu_acc,
double *  ts 

Get linear acceleration from IMU's accelerometer.

imu_acc: IMU 3-dim angular velocity vector from gyro.
ts: Timestamp.
Default IMU streaming rate is 400Hz.
ST::CaptureSessionSettings settings;
settings.source = ST::CaptureSessionSourceId::StructureCore;
settings.structureCore.depthEnabled = false;
settings.structureCore.accelerometerEnabled = true;
settings.structureCore.gyroscopeEnabled = true;;
vpColVector imu_acc;
double timestamp;
st.getIMUAcceleration(&imu_acc, &timestamp);
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:191
void getIMUAcceleration(vpColVector *imu_acc, double *ts)

Definition at line 520 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate, and vpColVector::resize().

◆ getIMUData()

void vpOccipitalStructure::getIMUData ( vpColVector imu_vel,
vpColVector imu_acc,
double *  ts = nullptr 

Get IMU data (angular velocities and linear acceleration) from Structure Core device.

imu_vel: IMU 3-dim angular velocity vector from gyro.
imu_acc: IMU 3-dim linear acceleration vector.
ts: Timestamp.
Default IMU streaming rate is 400Hz.
Be aware that IMU frame's X and Z axes are opposite to X and Z axes of pose frame.
ST::CaptureSessionSettings settings;
settings.source = ST::CaptureSessionSourceId::StructureCore;
settings.structureCore.depthEnabled = false;
settings.structureCore.accelerometerEnabled = true;
settings.structureCore.gyroscopeEnabled = true;;
vpColVector imu_acc, imu_vel;
double timestamp;
st.getIMUData(&imu_acc, &imu_vel, &timestamp);
void getIMUData(vpColVector *imu_vel, vpColVector *imu_acc, double *ts=nullptr)

Definition at line 562 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate, and vpColVector::resize().

◆ getIMUVelocity()

void vpOccipitalStructure::getIMUVelocity ( vpColVector imu_vel,
double *  ts 

Get angular velocities from IMU's gyroscope.

imu_vel: IMU 3-dim angular velocity vector from gyro.
ts: Timestamp.
Default IMU streaming rate is 400Hz.
ST::CaptureSessionSettings settings;
settings.source = ST::CaptureSessionSourceId::StructureCore;
settings.structureCore.depthEnabled = false;
settings.structureCore.accelerometerEnabled = true;
settings.structureCore.gyroscopeEnabled = true;;
vpColVector imu_vel;
double timestamp;
st.getIMUVelocity(&imu_vel, &timestamp);
void getIMUVelocity(vpColVector *imu_vel, double *ts)

Definition at line 480 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate, and vpColVector::resize().

◆ getIntrinsics()

ST::Intrinsics vpOccipitalStructure::getIntrinsics ( const vpOccipitalStructureStream  stream_type) const

Get intrinsic parameters corresponding to the stream. This function has to be called after open().

stream_type: Stream for which the camera intrinsic parameters are returned.

Definition at line 877 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References depth, infrared, m_delegate, and visible.

◆ getPointcloud() [1/2]

void vpOccipitalStructure::getPointcloud ( pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr &  pointcloud)

Definition at line 993 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate, m_invalidDepthValue, and m_maxZ.

◆ getPointcloud() [2/2]

void vpOccipitalStructure::getPointcloud ( std::vector< vpColVector > &  pointcloud)

Definition at line 950 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate, m_invalidDepthValue, and m_maxZ.

Referenced by acquire().

◆ getSerialNumber()

std::string vpOccipitalStructure::getSerialNumber ( ) const

Definition at line 333 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

◆ getTransform()

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpOccipitalStructure::getTransform ( const vpOccipitalStructureStream  from,
const vpOccipitalStructureStream  to 

Get the extrinsic transformation from one stream to another. This function has to be called after open().

from,to: Streams for which the camera extrinsic parameters are returned.

Definition at line 749 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References depth, imu, infrared, m_captureSession, m_delegate, and visible.

◆ getUSBVersion()

ST::CaptureSessionUSBVersion vpOccipitalStructure::getUSBVersion ( ) const

Definition at line 332 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

◆ getWidth()

unsigned int vpOccipitalStructure::getWidth ( vpOccipitalStructureStream  stream_type)

Returns width of given stream image.

stream_type: Type of stream (visible, depth, infrared).
testOccipitalStructure_Core_images.cpp, testOccipitalStructure_Core_pcl.cpp, tutorial-grabber-structure-core.cpp, and tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-structure-core.cpp.

Definition at line 649 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate.

◆ open()

bool vpOccipitalStructure::open ( const ST::CaptureSessionSettings &  settings)

◆ saveDepthImageAsPointCloudMesh()

void vpOccipitalStructure::saveDepthImageAsPointCloudMesh ( std::string &  filename)

Converts the depth frame into a 3D point cloud using intrinsic calibration then writes out the result as PLY mesh at the provided path.

filename: PLY file name.

Definition at line 907 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate.

◆ unprojectPoint()

vpPoint vpOccipitalStructure::unprojectPoint ( int  row,
int  col 

Returns 3D coordinates of point whose projection is at (row, col).

row: Pixel row.
col: Pixel column.

Definition at line 728 of file vpOccipitalStructure.cpp.

References m_delegate.

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_captureSession

ST::CaptureSession vpOccipitalStructure::m_captureSession

Definition at line 360 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Referenced by close(), getTransform(), and open().

◆ m_captureSessionSettings

ST::CaptureSessionSettings vpOccipitalStructure::m_captureSessionSettings

Definition at line 361 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Referenced by open().

◆ m_delegate

◆ m_depth_camera_parameters

vpCameraParameters vpOccipitalStructure::m_depth_camera_parameters

Definition at line 363 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Referenced by getCameraParameters().

◆ m_init

bool vpOccipitalStructure::m_init

Definition at line 356 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Referenced by close(), and open().

◆ m_invalidDepthValue

float vpOccipitalStructure::m_invalidDepthValue

Definition at line 357 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Referenced by getColoredPointcloud(), and getPointcloud().

◆ m_maxZ

float vpOccipitalStructure::m_maxZ

Definition at line 358 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Referenced by getColoredPointcloud(), and getPointcloud().

◆ m_visible_camera_parameters

vpCameraParameters vpOccipitalStructure::m_visible_camera_parameters

Definition at line 363 of file vpOccipitalStructure.h.

Referenced by getCameraParameters(), and getColoredPointcloud().