Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-03-10)
vpDetectorFace Class Reference

#include <visp3/detection/vpDetectorFace.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for vpDetectorFace:

Public Member Functions

 vpDetectorFace ()
bool detect (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) VP_OVERRIDE
bool detect (const cv::Mat &frame_gray)
void setCascadeClassifierFile (const std::string &filename)

Protected Attributes

std::vector< cv::Rect > m_faces
cv::CascadeClassifier m_face_cascade
cv::Mat m_frame_gray

Inherited functionalities from vpDetectorBase

std::vector< std::vector< vpImagePoint > > m_polygon
std::vector< std::string > m_message
size_t m_nb_objects
unsigned long m_timeout_ms
vpRect getBBox (size_t i) const
vpImagePoint getCog (size_t i) const
std::vector< std::string > & getMessage ()
std::string & getMessage (size_t i)
size_t getNbObjects () const
std::vector< std::vector< vpImagePoint > > & getPolygon ()
std::vector< vpImagePoint > & getPolygon (size_t i)
void setTimeout (unsigned long timeout_ms)

Detailed Description

The vpDetectorFace class is a wrapper over OpenCV Haar cascade face detection capabilities. To use this class ViSP should be build against OpenCV 2.2.0 or a more recent version. Installation instructions are provided here

The following sample code shows how to use this class to detect the largest face in the image. The cascade classifier file "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml" can be found in ViSP source code or in OpenCV.

#include <visp3/detection/vpDetectorFace.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpDetectorFace face_detector;
while(1) {
// Acquire a new image in I
bool face_found = face_detector.detect(I);
if (face_found) {
vpRect face_bbox = face_detector.getBBox(0); // largest face has index 0
vpRect getBBox(size_t i) const
void setCascadeClassifierFile(const std::string &filename)
bool detect(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) VP_OVERRIDE
Defines a rectangle in the plane.
Definition: vpRect.h:79

A more complete example that works with images acquired from a camera is provided in tutorial-face-detector-live.cpp.

tutorial-face-detector-live-threaded.cpp, tutorial-face-detector-live.cpp, and tutorial-face-detector.cpp.

Definition at line 95 of file vpDetectorFace.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpDetectorFace()

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE vpDetectorFace::vpDetectorFace ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 48 of file vpDetectorFace.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ detect() [1/2]

bool vpDetectorFace::detect ( const cv::Mat &  frame_gray)

Allows to detect a face in the image. When more than one face is detected, faces are sorted from largest to smallest.

frame_gray: Input gray level image to process.
true if one or more faces are found, false otherwise.

The number of detected faces is returned using getNbObjects(). If a face is found the functions getBBox(), getCog() return some information about the location of the face.

The largest face is always available using getBBox(0) or getCog(0).

Definition at line 99 of file vpDetectorFace.cpp.

References m_face_cascade, m_faces, vpDetectorBase::m_message, vpDetectorBase::m_nb_objects, and vpDetectorBase::m_polygon.

◆ detect() [2/2]

bool vpDetectorFace::detect ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

Allows to detect a face in the image. When more than one face is detected, faces are sorted from largest to smallest.

I: Input image to process. This ViSP image is converted internally in an OpenCV cv::Mat image. If you original image is an gray level OpenCV image, we suggest rather the use of detect(const cv::Mat &).
true if one or more faces are found, false otherwise.

The number of detected faces is returned using getNbObjects(). If a face is found the functions getBBox(), getCog() return some information about the location of the face.

The largest face is always available using getBBox(0) or getCog(0).

See also
detect(const cv::Mat &)

Implements vpDetectorBase.

tutorial-face-detector-live-threaded.cpp, tutorial-face-detector-live.cpp, and tutorial-face-detector.cpp.

Definition at line 80 of file vpDetectorFace.cpp.

References vpImageConvert::convert(), and m_frame_gray.

◆ getBBox()

◆ getCog()

vpImagePoint vpDetectorBase::getCog ( size_t  i) const

◆ getMessage() [1/2]

std::vector<std::string>& vpDetectorBase::getMessage ( )

◆ getMessage() [2/2]

std::string & vpDetectorBase::getMessage ( size_t  i)

Returns the contained message of the ith object if there is one.

Definition at line 65 of file vpDetectorBase.cpp.

References vpException::badValue, vpDetectorBase::m_message, and vpDetectorBase::m_polygon.

◆ getNbObjects()

◆ getPolygon() [1/2]

◆ getPolygon() [2/2]

std::vector< vpImagePoint > & vpDetectorBase::getPolygon ( size_t  i)

Returns ith object container box as a vector of points.

Definition at line 51 of file vpDetectorBase.cpp.

References vpException::badValue, and vpDetectorBase::m_polygon.

◆ setCascadeClassifierFile()

void vpDetectorFace::setCascadeClassifierFile ( const std::string &  filename)

Set the name of the OpenCV cascade classifier file used for face detection.

filename: Full path to access to the file. Such a file can be found in OpenCV. Within the last versions it was name "haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml".
tutorial-face-detector-live-threaded.cpp, tutorial-face-detector-live.cpp, and tutorial-face-detector.cpp.

Definition at line 56 of file vpDetectorFace.cpp.

References vpException::ioError, and m_face_cascade.

◆ setTimeout()

void vpDetectorBase::setTimeout ( unsigned long  timeout_ms)

Set detector timeout in milli-seconds. When set to 0, there is no timeout.

Definition at line 123 of file vpDetectorBase.h.

Referenced by vpDetectorDataMatrixCode::vpDetectorDataMatrixCode().

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_face_cascade

cv::CascadeClassifier vpDetectorFace::m_face_cascade

Haar cascade classifier file name.

Definition at line 99 of file vpDetectorFace.h.

Referenced by detect(), and setCascadeClassifierFile().

◆ m_faces

std::vector<cv::Rect> vpDetectorFace::m_faces

Bounding box of each detected face.

Definition at line 98 of file vpDetectorFace.h.

Referenced by detect().

◆ m_frame_gray

cv::Mat vpDetectorFace::m_frame_gray

OpenCV image used as input for the face detection.

Definition at line 100 of file vpDetectorFace.h.

Referenced by detect().

◆ m_message

std::vector<std::string> vpDetectorBase::m_message

◆ m_nb_objects

size_t vpDetectorBase::m_nb_objects

Number of detected objects.

Definition at line 130 of file vpDetectorBase.h.

Referenced by detect(), vpDetectorAprilTag::detect(), vpDetectorDataMatrixCode::detect(), and vpDetectorQRCode::detect().

◆ m_polygon

std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint> > vpDetectorBase::m_polygon

◆ m_timeout_ms

unsigned long vpDetectorBase::m_timeout_ms

Detection timeout.

Definition at line 131 of file vpDetectorBase.h.

Referenced by vpDetectorDataMatrixCode::detect().