Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.4.0

#include <vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for vpRobotWireFrameSimulator:

Public Types

enum  vpDisplayRobotType { MODEL_3D, MODEL_DH }
enum  vpRobotStateType {
enum  vpControlFrameType {

Public Member Functions

 vpRobotWireFrameSimulator ()
 vpRobotWireFrameSimulator (bool display)
virtual ~vpRobotWireFrameSimulator ()
Inherited functionalities from vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
vpCameraParameters getExternalCameraParameters () const
vpHomogeneousMatrix getExternalCameraPosition () const
void getInternalView (vpImage< vpRGBa > &I)
void getInternalView (vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
vpHomogeneousMatrix get_cMo ()
vpHomogeneousMatrix get_fMo () const
void initScene (const vpSceneObject &obj, const vpSceneDesiredObject &desiredObject)
void initScene (const char *obj, const char *desiredObject)
void initScene (const vpSceneObject &obj)
void initScene (const char *obj)
void setCameraColor (const vpColor &col)
void setConstantSamplingTimeMode (const bool _constantSamplingTimeMode)
void setCurrentViewColor (const vpColor &col)
void setDesiredViewColor (const vpColor &col)
void setDesiredCameraPosition (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cdMo_)
void setDisplayRobotType (const vpDisplayRobotType dispType)
void setExternalCameraPosition (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &camMf_)
void setGraphicsThickness (unsigned int thickness)
void setSamplingTime (const double &delta_t)
void setSingularityManagement (bool sm)
void setVerbose (bool verbose)
void set_fMo (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMo_)
Inherited functionalities from vpRobotSimulator
double getSamplingTime () const
Inherited functionalities from vpRobot
virtual void get_eJe (vpMatrix &_eJe)=0
virtual void get_fJe (vpMatrix &_fJe)=0
virtual void getDisplacement (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &q)=0
double getMaxTranslationVelocity (void) const
double getMaxRotationVelocity (void) const
virtual void getPosition (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &q)=0
vpColVector getPosition (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame)
virtual vpRobotStateType getRobotState (void) const
void setMaxRotationVelocity (double maxVr)
void setMaxTranslationVelocity (double maxVt)
virtual void setPosition (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &q)=0
virtual vpRobotStateType setRobotState (const vpRobot::vpRobotStateType newState)
virtual void setVelocity (const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &vel)=0

Static Public Member Functions

Static Public Member Functions inherited from vpRobot
static vpColVector saturateVelocities (const vpColVector &v_in, const vpColVector &v_max, bool verbose=false)

Public Attributes

vpImage< vpRGBaI

Protected Types

enum  vpSceneObject {
enum  vpSceneDesiredObject { D_STANDARD, D_CIRCLE, D_TOOL }
enum  vpCameraTrajectoryDisplayType { CT_LINE, CT_POINT }

Protected Member Functions

Inherited functionalities from vpWireFrameSimulator
void deleteCameraPositionHistory ()
void displayTrajectory (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &list_cMo, const std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &list_fMo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &camMf)
void displayTrajectory (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &list_cMo, const std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &list_fMo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &camMf)
vpCameraParameters getExternalCameraParameters (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) const
vpCameraParameters getExternalCameraParameters (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I) const
void getExternalImage (vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
void getExternalImage (vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &camMf)
void getExternalImage (vpImage< vpRGBa > &I)
void getExternalImage (vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &camMf)
vpCameraParameters getInternalCameraParameters (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I) const
vpCameraParameters getInternalCameraParameters (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I) const
void getInternalImage (vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
void getInternalImage (vpImage< vpRGBa > &I)
vpHomogeneousMatrix get_cMo () const
void get_cMo_History (std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &cMo_history)
void get_fMo_History (std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &fMo_history)
void initScene (const vpSceneObject &obj, const vpSceneDesiredObject &desiredObject, const std::list< vpImageSimulator > &imObj)
void initScene (const char *obj, const char *desiredObject, const std::list< vpImageSimulator > &imObj)
void initScene (const vpSceneObject &obj, const std::list< vpImageSimulator > &imObj)
void initScene (const char *obj, const std::list< vpImageSimulator > &imObj)
void setCameraPositionRelObj (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo_)
void setCameraPositionRelWorld (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMc_)
void setCameraSizeFactor (float factor)
void setCameraTrajectoryColor (const vpColor &col)
void setCameraTrajectoryDisplayType (const vpCameraTrajectoryDisplayType &camTraj_type)
void setDisplayCameraTrajectory (const bool &do_display)
void setExternalCameraParameters (const vpCameraParameters &cam)
void setInternalCameraParameters (const vpCameraParameters &cam)
void setNbPtTrajectory (unsigned int nbPt)
Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpWireFrameSimulator
void display_scene (Matrix mat, Bound_scene &sc, const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpColor &color)
void display_scene (Matrix mat, Bound_scene &sc, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpColor &color)
vpHomogeneousMatrix navigation (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, bool &changed)
vpHomogeneousMatrix navigation (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, bool &changed)
vpImagePoint projectCameraTrajectory (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMo)
vpImagePoint projectCameraTrajectory (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMo)
vpImagePoint projectCameraTrajectory (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMf)
vpImagePoint projectCameraTrajectory (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMo, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMf)
Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpRobot
vpControlFrameType setRobotFrame (vpRobot::vpControlFrameType newFrame)
vpControlFrameType getRobotFrame (void) const

Protected Attributes

double tcur
double tprev
Bound_scene * robotArms
unsigned int size_fMi
vpColVector artCoord
vpColVector artVel
vpColVector velocity
pthread_t thread
pthread_attr_t attr
pthread_mutex_t mutex_fMi
pthread_mutex_t mutex_artVel
pthread_mutex_t mutex_artCoord
pthread_mutex_t mutex_velocity
pthread_mutex_t mutex_display
bool displayBusy
bool robotStop
bool jointLimit
unsigned int jointLimitArt
bool singularityManagement
vpCameraParameters cameraParam
vpDisplayX display
vpDisplayRobotType displayType
bool displayAllowed
bool constantSamplingTimeMode
bool setVelocityCalled
bool verbose_
Bound_scene scene
Bound_scene desiredScene
Bound_scene camera
std::list< vpImageSimulatorobjectImage
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMo
vpHomogeneousMatrix fMc
vpHomogeneousMatrix camMf
vpHomogeneousMatrix refMo
vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo
vpHomogeneousMatrix cdMo
vpSceneObject object
vpSceneDesiredObject desiredObject
vpColor camColor
vpColor camTrajColor
vpColor curColor
vpColor desColor
bool sceneInitialized
bool displayCameraTrajectory
std::list< vpImagePointcameraTrajectory
std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrixposeList
std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrixfMoList
unsigned int nbrPtLimit
vpImagePoint old_iPr
vpImagePoint old_iPz
vpImagePoint old_iPt
bool blockedr
bool blockedz
bool blockedt
bool blocked
vpHomogeneousMatrix camMf2
vpHomogeneousMatrix f2Mf
double px_int
double py_int
double px_ext
double py_ext
bool displayObject
bool displayDesiredObject
bool displayCamera
bool displayImageSimulator
float cameraFactor
vpCameraTrajectoryDisplayType camTrajType
bool extCamChanged
vpHomogeneousMatrix rotz
unsigned int thickness_
double delta_t_
double maxTranslationVelocity
double maxRotationVelocity
int nDof
vpMatrix eJe
int eJeAvailable
vpMatrix fJe
int fJeAvailable
int areJointLimitsAvailable
double * qmin
double * qmax

Static Protected Attributes

static const double maxTranslationVelocityDefault = 0.2
static const double maxRotationVelocityDefault = 0.7

Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpRobotWireFrameSimulator

static void * launcher (void *arg)
void init ()
virtual void updateArticularPosition ()=0
virtual int isInJointLimit ()=0
virtual void computeArticularVelocity ()=0
void initDisplay ()
virtual void initArms ()=0
vpColVector get_artCoord ()
void set_artCoord (const vpColVector &coord)
vpColVector get_artVel ()
void set_artVel (const vpColVector &vel)
vpColVector get_velocity ()
void set_velocity (const vpColVector &vel)
void set_displayBusy (const bool &status)
bool get_displayBusy ()
virtual void get_fMi (vpHomogeneousMatrix *fMit)=0

Detailed Description

This class aims to be a basis used to create all the simulators of robots.

Thus in this class you will find all the parameters and methods which are necessary to create a simulator. Several methods are pure virtual. In this case it means that they are specific to the each robot, for example the computation of the geometrical model.

This class uses threading capabilities. Thus on Unix-like platforms, the libpthread third-party library need to be installed. On Windows, we use the native threading capabilities.

Definition at line 88 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 218 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Robot control frames.


Corresponds to a fixed reference frame attached to the robot structure.


Corresponds to the joint state. This value is deprecated. You should rather use vpRobot::JOINT_STATE.


Corresponds to the joint state.


Corresponds to robot end-effector frame.


Corresponds to a frame attached to the camera mounted on the robot end-effector.


Corresponds to a frame attached to the tool (camera, gripper...) mounted on the robot end-effector. This value is equal to vpRobot::CAMERA_FRAME.


Corresponds to a "virtual" frame where translations are expressed in the reference frame, and rotations in the camera frame.

Definition at line 75 of file vpRobot.h.


Definition at line 93 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

enum vpRobot::vpRobotStateType

Robot control states.


Stops robot motion especially in velocity and acceleration control.


Initialize the velocity controller.


Initialize the position controller.


Initialize the acceleration controller.


Initialize the force/torque controller.

Definition at line 64 of file vpRobot.h.

Type of scene used to display the object at the desired pose (in the internal view).

  • D_STANDARD will use the vpSceneObject used to be the object at the current position.
  • D_OUTIL will display a tool which is attached to the camera.

The object displayed at the desired position is the same than the scene object defined in vpSceneObject.


The object displayed at the desired position is a circle.


A cylindrical tool is attached to the camera.

Definition at line 211 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Type of scene used to display the object at the current position.


A 40cm by 40cm plate with 3 points at coordinates (0,0,0), (0.1,0,0), (0,0.1,0). Each point is represented by a circle with 2cm radius.


A 12.5cm size cube.


A 40cm by 40cm plate with 4 points at coordinates (-0.1,-0.1,0), (0.1,-0.1,0), (0.1,0.1,0), (0.1,0.1,0). Each point is represented by a circle with 2cm radius.


4 points at coordinates (-0.03,-0.03,0), (0.03,-0.03,0), (0.03,0.03,0), (0.03,0.03,0). Each point is represented by a circle with 1cm radius.


A 40cm by 40cm plate with 4 points at coordinates (-0.07,-0.05,0), (0.07,0.05,0), (0.07,-0.05,0), (-0.07,-0.05,0). Each point is represented by a circle with 2cm radius.


A 40cm by 40cm plate with 4 points at coordinates (-0.05,0.05,0), (0.05,0.05,0), (0.05,-0.05,0), (-0.05,-0.05,0). Each point is represented by a circle with 2cm radius.


A 40cm by 40cm plate with 4 points at coordinates (0,-0.1,0), (0.1,0,0), (0,0.1,0), (-0.1,0,0). Each point is represented by a circle with 2cm radius.


A 40cm by 40cm plate with 4 points at coordinates (-0.025,-0.05,0), (-0.075,0.05,0), (0.075,0.05,0), (0.025,-0.05,0). Each point is represented by a circle with 2cm radius.


Three parallel lines with equation y=-5, y=0, y=5.


Three parallel lines representing a road.


A tire represented by 2 circles with radius 10cm and 15cm.


A pipe represented by a cylinder of 25 cm length and 15cm radius.


A 10cm radius circle.


A 15cm radius sphere.


A cylinder of 80cm length and 10cm radius.


A plane represented by a 56cm by 56cm plate with a grid of 49 squares inside.


A plate with 8 points at coordinates (0.05,0,0), (0.15,0.05,0), (0.2,0.2,0), (-0.05,0.2,0), (-0.15,-0.1,0), (-0.1,-0.1,0), (-0.05,0.05,0) and (0.5,0,0). ach point is represented by a circle with 2cm radius.

Definition at line 160 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::vpRobotWireFrameSimulator ( )
vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::vpRobotWireFrameSimulator ( bool  do_display)

Default constructor.

do_display: When true, enables the display of the external view.

Definition at line 83 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References display, I, vpDisplayX::init(), vpColVector::resize(), vpImage< Type >::resize(), setSamplingTime(), and velocity.

vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::~vpRobotWireFrameSimulator ( )

Basic destructor

Definition at line 116 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

virtual void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::computeArticularVelocity ( )
protectedpure virtual

Compute the articular velocity relative to the velocity in another frame.

Implemented in vpSimulatorViper850, and vpSimulatorAfma6.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::setPositioningVelocity(), and vpSimulatorViper850::setPositioningVelocity().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::deleteCameraPositionHistory ( )

Delete the history of the main camera position which are displayed in the external views.

Definition at line 293 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::display_scene ( Matrix  mat,
Bound_scene &  sc,
const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const vpColor color 
void vpWireFrameSimulator::displayTrajectory ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &  list_cMo,
const std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &  list_fMo,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMf 

Display a trajectory thanks to a list of homogeneous matrices which give the position of the camera relative to the object and the position of the object relative to the world reference frame. The trajectory is projected into the view of an external camera whose position is given in parameter.

The two lists must have the same size of homogeneous matrices must have the same size.

I: The image where the trajectory is displayed.
list_cMo: The homogeneous matrices list containing the position of the camera relative to the object.
list_fMo: The homogeneous matrices list containing the position of the object relative to the world reference frame.
cMf: A homogeneous matrix which gives the position of the external camera (used to project the trajectory) relative to the world reference frame.

Definition at line 1269 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajColor, vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajType, vpWireFrameSimulator::CT_LINE, vpWireFrameSimulator::CT_POINT, vpException::dimensionError, vpDisplay::displayLine(), vpDisplay::displayPoint(), vpWireFrameSimulator::projectCameraTrajectory(), vpWireFrameSimulator::rotz, and vpWireFrameSimulator::thickness_.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::displayTrajectory ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I,
const std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &  list_cMo,
const std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &  list_fMo,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMf 

Display a trajectory thanks to a list of homogeneous matrices which give the position of the camera relative to the object and the position of the object relative to the world reference frame. The trajectory is projected into the view of an external camera whose position is given in parameter.

The two lists must have the same size of homogeneous matrices must have the same size.

I: The image where the trajectory is displayed.
list_cMo: The homogeneous matrices list containing the position of the camera relative to the object.
list_fMo: The homogeneous matrices list containing the position of the object relative to the world reference frame.
cMf: A homogeneous matrix which gives the position of the external camera (used to project the trajectory) relative to the world reference frame.

Definition at line 1315 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajColor, vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajType, vpWireFrameSimulator::CT_LINE, vpWireFrameSimulator::CT_POINT, vpException::dimensionError, vpDisplay::displayLine(), vpDisplay::displayPoint(), vpWireFrameSimulator::projectCameraTrajectory(), vpWireFrameSimulator::rotz, and vpWireFrameSimulator::thickness_.

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::get_cMo ( )

Get the pose between the object and the robot's camera.

The pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

Definition at line 365 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::fMo, get_fMi(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), and size_fMi.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::setPosition().

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpWireFrameSimulator::get_cMo ( ) const

Get the pose between the object and the camera.

The pose between between the object and the camera.

Definition at line 404 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by getExternalCameraPosition().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::get_cMo_History ( std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &  cMo_history)

Get the homogeneous matrices cMo stored to display the camera trajectory.

cMo_history: The list of the homogeneous matrices cMo.

Definition at line 412 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

bool vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::get_displayBusy ( )
virtual void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::get_fMi ( vpHomogeneousMatrix fMit)
protectedpure virtual

Get a table of poses between the reference frame and the frames you used to compute the Denavit-Hartenberg representation

Implemented in vpSimulatorViper850, and vpSimulatorAfma6.

Referenced by get_cMo(), and getInternalView().

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::get_fMo ( ) const

Get the pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

The pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

Definition at line 255 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::fMo, and vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::get_fMo_History ( std::list< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &  fMo_history)

Get the homogeneous matrices fMo stored to display the camera trajectory.

fMo_history: The list of the homogeneous matrices fMo.

Definition at line 433 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

vpColVector vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::get_velocity ( )
virtual void vpRobot::getDisplacement ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame,
vpColVector q 
pure virtualinherited
vpCameraParameters vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraParameters ( ) const

Get the parameters of the virtual external camera.

It returns the camera parameters.

Definition at line 222 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpMath::maximum(), and vpMath::minimum().

vpCameraParameters vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraParameters ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I) const

Get the parameters of the virtual external camera.

I: The image used to display the view of the camera.
It returns the camera parameters.

Definition at line 312 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpMath::maximum(), and vpMath::minimum().

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::projectCameraTrajectory().

vpCameraParameters vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraParameters ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I) const

Get the parameters of the virtual external camera.

I: The image used to display the view of the camera.
It returns the camera parameters.

Definition at line 331 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpMath::maximum(), and vpMath::minimum().

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraPosition ( ) const

Get the external camera's position relative to the the world reference frame.

the main external camera position relative to the the world reference frame.

Definition at line 241 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::get_cMo(), and vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraPosition().

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::updateArticularPosition(), and vpSimulatorViper850::updateArticularPosition().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage ( vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

Get the external view. It corresponds to the view of the scene from a reference frame you have to set.

I: The image where the external view is displayed.
: The objects are displayed thanks to overlays. The image I is not modified.
servoSimu4Points.cpp, servoSimuCylinder.cpp, servoSimuSphere.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-camera.cpp, and wireframeSimulator.cpp.

Definition at line 1074 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::camColor, vpWireFrameSimulator::camera, vpWireFrameSimulator::cameraTrajectory, vpWireFrameSimulator::camMf, vpWireFrameSimulator::camMf2, vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajColor, vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajType, vpWireFrameSimulator::cMo, vpWireFrameSimulator::CT_LINE, vpWireFrameSimulator::CT_POINT, vpWireFrameSimulator::CUBE, vpWireFrameSimulator::curColor, vpImage< Type >::display, vpDisplay::display(), vpWireFrameSimulator::display_scene(), vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCamera, vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCameraTrajectory, vpWireFrameSimulator::displayImageSimulator, vpDisplay::displayLine(), vpWireFrameSimulator::displayObject, vpDisplay::displayPoint(), vpWireFrameSimulator::extCamChanged, vpWireFrameSimulator::f2Mf, vpWireFrameSimulator::fMc, vpWireFrameSimulator::fMo, vpWireFrameSimulator::fMoList, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImageSimulator::getImage(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalCameraParameters(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpMath::maximum(), vpMath::minimum(), vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation(), vpWireFrameSimulator::nbrPtLimit, vpWireFrameSimulator::objectImage, vpWireFrameSimulator::poseList, vpWireFrameSimulator::projectCameraTrajectory(), vpWireFrameSimulator::px_ext, vpWireFrameSimulator::py_ext, vpWireFrameSimulator::rotz, vpWireFrameSimulator::scene, vpImageSimulator::setCameraPosition(), vpWireFrameSimulator::SPHERE, and vpWireFrameSimulator::thickness_.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::setPositioningVelocity(), and vpSimulatorViper850::setPositioningVelocity().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage ( vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cam_Mf 
void vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage ( vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I)

Get the external view. It corresponds to the view of the scene from a reference frame you have to set.

I: The image where the external view is displayed.
: The objects are displayed thanks to overlays. The image I is not modified.

Definition at line 811 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::camColor, vpWireFrameSimulator::camera, vpWireFrameSimulator::cameraTrajectory, vpWireFrameSimulator::camMf, vpWireFrameSimulator::camMf2, vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajColor, vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajType, vpWireFrameSimulator::cMo, vpWireFrameSimulator::CT_LINE, vpWireFrameSimulator::CT_POINT, vpWireFrameSimulator::CUBE, vpWireFrameSimulator::curColor, vpImage< Type >::display, vpDisplay::display(), vpWireFrameSimulator::display_scene(), vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCamera, vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCameraTrajectory, vpWireFrameSimulator::displayImageSimulator, vpDisplay::displayLine(), vpWireFrameSimulator::displayObject, vpDisplay::displayPoint(), vpWireFrameSimulator::extCamChanged, vpWireFrameSimulator::f2Mf, vpWireFrameSimulator::fMc, vpWireFrameSimulator::fMo, vpWireFrameSimulator::fMoList, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImageSimulator::getImage(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalCameraParameters(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse(), vpMath::maximum(), vpMath::minimum(), vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation(), vpWireFrameSimulator::nbrPtLimit, vpWireFrameSimulator::objectImage, vpWireFrameSimulator::poseList, vpWireFrameSimulator::projectCameraTrajectory(), vpWireFrameSimulator::px_ext, vpWireFrameSimulator::py_ext, vpWireFrameSimulator::rotz, vpWireFrameSimulator::scene, vpImageSimulator::setCameraPosition(), vpWireFrameSimulator::SPHERE, and vpWireFrameSimulator::thickness_.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage ( vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cam_Mf 
vpCameraParameters vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalCameraParameters ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I) const

Get the parameters of the virtual internal camera.

I: The image used to display the view of the camera.
It returns the camera parameters.

Definition at line 364 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpMath::maximum(), and vpMath::minimum().

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage(), and vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalImage().

vpCameraParameters vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalCameraParameters ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I) const

Get the parameters of the virtual internal camera.

I: The image used to display the view of the camera.
It returns the camera parameters.

Definition at line 383 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpMath::maximum(), and vpMath::minimum().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::getInternalView ( vpImage< unsigned char > &  I_)
vpColVector vpRobot::getPosition ( const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType  frame)

Return the current robot position in the specified frame.

Definition at line 216 of file vpRobot.cpp.

References vpRobot::getPosition().

vpControlFrameType vpRobot::getRobotFrame ( void  ) const
virtual vpRobotStateType vpRobot::getRobotState ( void  ) const
void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::init ( void  )
virtual void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::initArms ( )
protectedpure virtual
void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::initDisplay ( )
void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::initScene ( const vpSceneObject obj,
const vpSceneDesiredObject desired_object 

Initialize the display. It enables to choose the type of scene which will be used to display the object at the current position and at the desired position.

It exists several default scenes you can use. Use the vpSceneObject and the vpSceneDesiredObject attributes to use them in this method. The corresponding files are stored in the "data" folder which is in the ViSP build directory.

obj: Type of scene used to display the object at the current position.
desired_object: Type of scene used to display the object at the desired pose (in the internal view).

Definition at line 132 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::camera, vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCamera, and vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::initScene ( const char *  obj,
const char *  desired_object 

Initialize the display. It enables to choose the type of scene which will be used to display the object at the current position and at the desired position.

Here you can use the scene you want. You have to set the path to the .bnd file which is a scene file. It is also possible to use a vrml (.wrl) file.

obj: Path to the scene file you want to use.
desired_object: Path to the scene file you want to use.

Definition at line 155 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::camera, vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCamera, and vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::initScene ( const vpSceneObject obj)

Initialize the display. It enables to choose the type of object which will be used to display the object at the current position. The object at the desired position is not displayed.

It exists several default scenes you can use. Use the vpSceneObject attributes to use them in this method. The corresponding files are stored in the "data" folder which is in the ViSP build directory.

obj: Type of scene used to display the object at the current position.

Definition at line 179 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::camera, vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCamera, and vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::initScene ( const char *  obj)

Initialize the display. It enables to choose the type of scene which will be used to display the object at the current position. The object at the desired position is not displayed.

Here you can use the scene you want. You have to set the path to the .bnd file which is a scene file, or the vrml file.

obj: Path to the scene file you want to use.

Definition at line 201 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::camera, vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCamera, and vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene ( const vpSceneObject obj,
const vpSceneDesiredObject desired_object,
const std::list< vpImageSimulator > &  imObj 

Initialize the simulator. It enables to choose the type of scene which will be used to display the object at the current position and at the desired position.

It exists several default scenes you can use. Use the vpSceneObject and the vpSceneDesiredObject attributes to use them in this method. The corresponding files are stored in the "data" folder which is in the ViSP build directory.

It is also possible to add a list of vpImageSimulator instances. They will be automatically projected into the image. The position of the four corners have to be given in the object frame.

obj: Type of scene used to display the object at the current position.
desired_object: Type of scene used to display the object at the desired pose (in the internal view).
imObj: A list of vpImageSimulator instances.

Definition at line 413 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::displayImageSimulator, vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene(), and vpWireFrameSimulator::objectImage.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene ( const char *  obj,
const char *  desired_object,
const std::list< vpImageSimulator > &  imObj 

Initialize the simulator. It enables to choose the type of scene which will be used to display the object at the current position and at the desired position.

Here you can use the scene you want. You have to set the path to a .bnd or a .wrl file which is a 3D model file.

It is also possible to add a list of vpImageSimulator instances. They will be automatically projected into the image. The position of the four corners have to be given in the object frame.

obj: Path to the scene file you want to use.
desired_object: Path to the scene file you want to use.
imObj: A list of vpImageSimulator instances.

Definition at line 506 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::displayImageSimulator, vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene(), and vpWireFrameSimulator::objectImage.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene ( const vpSceneObject obj,
const std::list< vpImageSimulator > &  imObj 

Initialize the simulator. It enables to choose the type of object which will be used to display the object at the current position. The object at the desired position is not displayed.

It exists several default scenes you can use. Use the vpSceneObject attributes to use them in this method. The corresponding files are stored in the "data" folder which is in the ViSP build directory.

It is also possible to add a list of vpImageSimulator instances. They will be automatically projected into the image. The position of the four corners have to be given in the object frame.

obj: Type of scene used to display the object at the current position.
imObj: A list of vpImageSimulator instances.

Definition at line 648 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::displayImageSimulator, vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene(), and vpWireFrameSimulator::objectImage.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene ( const char *  obj,
const std::list< vpImageSimulator > &  imObj 

Initialize the simulator. It enables to choose the type of scene which will be used to display the object at the current position. The object at the desired position is not displayed.

Here you can use the scene you want. You have to set the path to a .bnd or a .wrl file which is a 3D model file.

It is also possible to add a list of vpImageSimulator instances. They will be automatically projected into the image. The position of the four corners have to be given in the object frame.

obj: Path to the scene file you want to use.
imObj: A list of vpImageSimulator instances.

Definition at line 722 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.cpp.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::displayImageSimulator, vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene(), and vpWireFrameSimulator::objectImage.

virtual int vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::isInJointLimit ( )
protectedpure virtual

Method used to check if the robot reached a joint limit.

Implemented in vpSimulatorViper850, and vpSimulatorAfma6.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::get_fMi(), and vpSimulatorViper850::get_fMi().

static void* vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::launcher ( void *  arg)

Function used to launch the thread which moves the robot.

Definition at line 381 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::vpSimulatorAfma6(), and vpSimulatorViper850::vpSimulatorViper850().

vpImagePoint vpWireFrameSimulator::projectCameraTrajectory ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo_,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix fMo_ 
vpImagePoint vpWireFrameSimulator::projectCameraTrajectory ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo_,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix fMo_,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMf 
vpImagePoint vpWireFrameSimulator::projectCameraTrajectory ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo_,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix fMo_,
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMf 
vpColVector vpRobot::saturateVelocities ( const vpColVector v_in,
const vpColVector v_max,
bool  verbose = false 

Saturate velocities.

v_in: Vector of input velocities to saturate. Translation velocities should be expressed in m/s while rotation velocities in rad/s.
v_max: Vector of maximal allowed velocities. Maximal translation velocities should be expressed in m/s while maximal rotation velocities in rad/s.
verbose: Print a message indicating which axis causes the saturation.
Saturated velocities.
vpRobotException::dimensionError: If the input vectors have different dimensions.

The code below shows how to use this static method in order to saturate a velocity skew vector.

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/robot/vpRobot.h>
int main()
// Set a velocity skew vector
v[0] = 0.1; // vx in m/s
v[1] = 0.2; // vy
v[2] = 0.3; // vz
v[3] = vpMath::rad(10); // wx in rad/s
v[4] = vpMath::rad(-10); // wy
v[5] = vpMath::rad(20); // wz
// Set the maximal allowed velocities
vpColVector v_max(6);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
v_max[i] = 0.3; // in translation (m/s)
for (int i=3; i<6; i++)
v_max[i] = vpMath::rad(10); // in rotation (rad/s)
// Compute the saturated velocity skew vector
vpColVector v_sat = vpRobot::saturateVelocities(v, v_max, true);
std::cout << "v : " << v.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << "v max: " << v_max.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << "v sat: " << v_sat.t() << std::endl;
return 0;

Definition at line 163 of file vpRobot.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

Referenced by vpRobotTemplate::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorCamera::setVelocity(), vpRobotCamera::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorPioneer::setVelocity(), vpRobotPioneer::setVelocity(), vpSimulatorPioneerPan::setVelocity(), vpRobotKinova::setVelocity(), vpRobotFlirPtu::setVelocity(), vpRobotAfma4::setVelocity(), vpRobotAfma6::setVelocity(), vpRobotFranka::setVelocity(), vpRobotViper650::setVelocity(), and vpRobotViper850::setVelocity().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::set_displayBusy ( const bool &  status)
void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::set_fMo ( const vpHomogeneousMatrix fMo_)

Set the pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

fMo_: The pose between the object and the fixed world frame.

Definition at line 364 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setCameraColor ( const vpColor col)

Set the color used to display the camera in the external view.

col: The desired color.

Definition at line 268 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setCameraPositionRelObj ( const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo_)

Set the transformation between the camera frame and the object frame.

cMo_: The pose of the object in the camera frame.
servoSimu4Points.cpp, servoSimuCylinder.cpp, servoSimuSphere.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-camera.cpp, and wireframeSimulator.cpp.

Definition at line 457 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setCameraPositionRelWorld ( const vpHomogeneousMatrix fMc_)

Set the position of the the world reference frame relative to the camera.

fMc_: The pose of the camera.

Definition at line 469 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpHomogeneousMatrix::inverse().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setCameraSizeFactor ( float  factor)

Set the parameter which enables to choose the size of the main camera in the external camera views. By default this parameter is set to 1.

factor: The ration for the camera size.

Definition at line 481 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setCameraTrajectoryColor ( const vpColor col)

Set the color used to display the camera trajectory in the external view.

col: The desired color.

Definition at line 489 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setCameraTrajectoryDisplayType ( const vpCameraTrajectoryDisplayType camTraj_type)

Set the way to display the history of the main camera trajectory in the main external view. The choice is given between displaying lines and points.

camTraj_type: The chosen way to display the camera trajectory.

Definition at line 498 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setConstantSamplingTimeMode ( const bool  _constantSamplingTimeMode)

Set the flag used to force the sampling time in the thread computing the robot's displacement to a constant value; see setSamplingTime(). It may be useful if the main thread (computing the features) is very time consuming. False by default.

_constantSamplingTimeMode: The new value of the constantSamplingTimeMode flag.

Definition at line 279 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setCurrentViewColor ( const vpColor col)

Set the color used to display the object at the current position in the robot's camera view.

col: The desired color.

Definition at line 290 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setDesiredCameraPosition ( const vpHomogeneousMatrix cdMo_)

Set the desired position of the robot's camera relative to the object.

cdMo_: The desired pose of the camera.

Definition at line 305 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::setDesiredCameraPosition().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setDesiredViewColor ( const vpColor col)

Set the color used to display the object at the desired position in the robot's camera view.

col: The desired color.

Definition at line 298 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setDisplayCameraTrajectory ( const bool &  do_display)

Enable or disable the displaying of the camera trajectory in the main external camera view.

By default the trajectory is displayed.

do_display: Set to true to display the camera trajectory.

Definition at line 529 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setDisplayRobotType ( const vpDisplayRobotType  dispType)

Set the way to draw the robot. Depending on what you choose you can display a 3D wireframe model or a set of lines linking the frames used to compute the geometrical model.

dispType: Type of display. Can be MODEL_3D or MODEL_DH.

Definition at line 317 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setExternalCameraParameters ( const vpCameraParameters cam)

Set the internal camera parameters.

cam: The desired camera parameters.
servoSimu4Points.cpp, servoSimuCylinder.cpp, servoSimuSphere.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-camera.cpp, and wireframeSimulator.cpp.

Definition at line 536 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpCameraParameters::get_px(), and vpCameraParameters::get_py().

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::initDisplay(), and vpSimulatorViper850::initDisplay().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setExternalCameraPosition ( const vpHomogeneousMatrix camMf_)

Set the external camera point of view.

camMf_: The pose of the external camera relative to the world reference frame.

Definition at line 324 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpWireFrameSimulator::setExternalCameraPosition().

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::initDisplay(), and vpSimulatorViper850::initDisplay().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setGraphicsThickness ( unsigned int  thickness)

Specify the thickness of the graphics drawings.

Definition at line 331 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setInternalCameraParameters ( const vpCameraParameters cam)

Set the internal camera parameters.

cam: The desired camera parameters.
servoSimu4Points.cpp, servoSimuCylinder.cpp, servoSimuSphere.cpp, tutorial-ibvs-4pts-wireframe-camera.cpp, and wireframeSimulator.cpp.

Definition at line 567 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpCameraParameters::get_px(), and vpCameraParameters::get_py().

void vpRobot::setMaxRotationVelocity ( double  w_max)
void vpRobot::setMaxTranslationVelocity ( double  v_max)

Set the maximal translation velocity that can be sent to the robot during a velocity control.

v_max: Maximum translation velocity expressed in m/s.
servoMomentPoints.cpp, servoSimu4Points.cpp, servoSimuSphere.cpp, simulateCircle2DCamVelocity.cpp, simulateFourPoints2DCartesianCamVelocity.cpp, simulateFourPoints2DPolarCamVelocity.cpp, and testFeatureSegment.cpp.

Definition at line 239 of file vpRobot.cpp.

References vpRobot::maxTranslationVelocity.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::setPosition(), vpRobotCamera::vpRobotCamera(), and vpSimulatorCamera::vpSimulatorCamera().

void vpWireFrameSimulator::setNbPtTrajectory ( unsigned int  nbPt)

Set the maximum number of main camera's positions which are stored. Those position can be displayed in the external camera field of view. By default this parameter is set to 1000.

nbPt: The desired number of position which are saved.

Definition at line 580 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

vpRobot::vpRobotStateType vpRobot::setRobotState ( const vpRobot::vpRobotStateType  newState)
void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setSamplingTime ( const double &  delta_t)

Set the sampling time.

delta_t: Sampling time in second used to compute the robot displacement from the velocity applied to the robot during this time.

Since the wireframe simulator is threaded, the sampling time is set to vpTime::getMinTimeForUsleepCall() / 1000 seconds.

Reimplemented from vpRobotSimulator.

Definition at line 343 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

References vpTime::getMinTimeForUsleepCall().

Referenced by vpRobotWireFrameSimulator().

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setSingularityManagement ( bool  sm)

Set the parameter which enable or disable the singularity mangement

Definition at line 352 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setVerbose ( bool  verbose)

Activates extra printings when the robot reaches joint limits...

Definition at line 357 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

virtual void vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::updateArticularPosition ( )
protectedpure virtual

Method lauched by the thread to compute the position of the robot in the articular frame.

Implemented in vpSimulatorViper850, and vpSimulatorAfma6.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::get_fMi(), and vpSimulatorViper850::get_fMi().

Member Data Documentation

vpColVector vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::artCoord

The articular coordinates

Definition at line 115 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::init(), and vpSimulatorViper850::init().

vpColVector vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::artVel

The articular velocity

Definition at line 117 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::init(), and vpSimulatorViper850::init().

bool vpWireFrameSimulator::blocked

Definition at line 255 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation().

bool vpWireFrameSimulator::blockedr

Definition at line 252 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation().

bool vpWireFrameSimulator::blockedt

Definition at line 254 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation().

bool vpWireFrameSimulator::blockedz

Definition at line 253 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation().

vpColor vpWireFrameSimulator::camColor
float vpWireFrameSimulator::cameraFactor
std::list<vpImagePoint> vpWireFrameSimulator::cameraTrajectory
vpColor vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajColor
vpCameraTrajectoryDisplayType vpWireFrameSimulator::camTrajType
vpHomogeneousMatrix vpWireFrameSimulator::cdMo
vpHomogeneousMatrix vpWireFrameSimulator::cMo
bool vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::constantSamplingTimeMode

Flag used to force the sampling time in the thread computing the robot's displacement to a constant value (samplingTime). It may be useful if the main thread (computing the features) is very time consumming. False by default.

Definition at line 171 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::updateArticularPosition(), and vpSimulatorViper850::updateArticularPosition().

double vpRobotSimulator::delta_t_
vpColor vpWireFrameSimulator::desColor
vpSceneDesiredObject vpWireFrameSimulator::desiredObject
vpDisplayX vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::display

Definition at line 153 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpRobotWireFrameSimulator().

bool vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::displayAllowed
bool vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::displayBusy

Definition at line 138 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

bool vpWireFrameSimulator::displayCameraTrajectory

Definition at line 243 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage().

bool vpWireFrameSimulator::displayDesiredObject
bool vpWireFrameSimulator::displayImageSimulator
vpDisplayRobotType vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::displayType
vpMatrix vpRobot::eJe
int vpRobot::eJeAvailable

is the robot Jacobian expressed in the end-effector frame available

Definition at line 106 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobot::operator=(), vpRobotCamera::vpRobotCamera(), vpSimulatorCamera::vpSimulatorCamera(), vpSimulatorPioneer::vpSimulatorPioneer(), and vpSimulatorPioneerPan::vpSimulatorPioneerPan().

bool vpWireFrameSimulator::extCamChanged

Definition at line 274 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage().

vpMatrix vpRobot::fJe

robot Jacobian expressed in the robot reference frame available

Definition at line 108 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobotFlirPtu::get_fJe(), and vpRobot::operator=().

int vpRobot::fJeAvailable

is the robot Jacobian expressed in the robot reference frame available

Definition at line 110 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobot::operator=(), vpRobotCamera::vpRobotCamera(), vpSimulatorCamera::vpSimulatorCamera(), vpSimulatorPioneer::vpSimulatorPioneer(), and vpSimulatorPioneerPan::vpSimulatorPioneerPan().

vpHomogeneousMatrix vpWireFrameSimulator::fMc

Definition at line 227 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage().

vpHomogeneousMatrix* vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::fMi

Table containing all the homogeneous matrices between the reference frame of the robot and the frames you used to compute the Denavit-Hartenberg representation

If you use a camera at the end of the effector, the last homogeneous matrix has to be the one between the reference frame and the camera frame (fMc)

Definition at line 112 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::compute_fMi(), vpSimulatorViper850::compute_fMi(), vpSimulatorAfma6::init(), vpSimulatorViper850::init(), vpSimulatorAfma6::updateArticularPosition(), vpSimulatorViper850::updateArticularPosition(), vpSimulatorAfma6::~vpSimulatorAfma6(), and vpSimulatorViper850::~vpSimulatorViper850().

std::list<vpHomogeneousMatrix> vpWireFrameSimulator::fMoList
unsigned int vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::jointLimitArt

Index of the joint which is in limit

Definition at line 145 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::updateArticularPosition(), and vpSimulatorViper850::updateArticularPosition().

const double vpRobot::maxRotationVelocityDefault = 0.7

Definition at line 99 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobotTemplate::init(), vpRobotFlirPtu::init(), and vpRobotKinova::init().

double vpRobot::maxTranslationVelocity
const double vpRobot::maxTranslationVelocityDefault = 0.2

Definition at line 97 of file vpRobot.h.

Referenced by vpRobotTemplate::init(), vpRobotFlirPtu::init(), and vpRobotKinova::init().

unsigned int vpWireFrameSimulator::nbrPtLimit

Definition at line 247 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage().

vpSceneObject vpWireFrameSimulator::object

Definition at line 233 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

std::list<vpImageSimulator> vpWireFrameSimulator::objectImage
vpImagePoint vpWireFrameSimulator::old_iPr
vpImagePoint vpWireFrameSimulator::old_iPt
vpImagePoint vpWireFrameSimulator::old_iPz
std::list<vpHomogeneousMatrix> vpWireFrameSimulator::poseList
double vpWireFrameSimulator::px_ext
double vpWireFrameSimulator::py_ext
vpHomogeneousMatrix vpWireFrameSimulator::refMo

Definition at line 229 of file vpWireFrameSimulator.h.

bool vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::robotStop
bool vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::setVelocityCalled
bool vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::singularityManagement

True if the singularity are automatically managed

Definition at line 147 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::computeArticularVelocity(), and vpSimulatorViper850::computeArticularVelocity().

unsigned int vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::size_fMi

Size of the fMi table

Definition at line 105 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by get_cMo(), getInternalView(), vpSimulatorAfma6::init(), and vpSimulatorViper850::init().

double vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::tcur
double vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::tprev

cpu time at the end of the last robot's movement

Definition at line 99 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::updateArticularPosition(), and vpSimulatorViper850::updateArticularPosition().

vpColVector vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::velocity

The velocity in the current frame (articular, camera or reference)

Definition at line 119 of file vpRobotWireFrameSimulator.h.

Referenced by vpRobotWireFrameSimulator().