![]() |
Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.4.0
#include <vpMbTracker.h>
Public Types | |
enum | vpMbtOptimizationMethod { GAUSS_NEWTON_OPT = 0, LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_OPT = 1 } |
Public Member Functions | |
vpMbTracker () | |
virtual | ~vpMbTracker () |
Inherited functionalities from vpMbTracker | |
virtual double | computeCurrentProjectionError (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo, const vpCameraParameters &_cam) |
virtual double | getAngleAppear () const |
virtual double | getAngleDisappear () const |
virtual void | getCameraParameters (vpCameraParameters &cam) const |
virtual unsigned int | getClipping () const |
virtual vpMatrix | getCovarianceMatrix () const |
virtual double | getInitialMu () const |
virtual double | getLambda () const |
virtual unsigned int | getMaxIter () const |
virtual double | getProjectionError () const |
virtual vpColVector | getEstimatedDoF () const |
virtual vpColVector | getError () const =0 |
virtual vpMbHiddenFaces< vpMbtPolygon > & | getFaces () |
virtual double | getFarClippingDistance () const |
virtual vpColVector | getRobustWeights () const =0 |
virtual unsigned int | getNbPolygon () const |
virtual double | getNearClippingDistance () const |
virtual vpMbtOptimizationMethod | getOptimizationMethod () const |
virtual vpMbtPolygon * | getPolygon (unsigned int index) |
virtual std::pair< std::vector< vpPolygon >, std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > > | getPolygonFaces (bool orderPolygons=true, bool useVisibility=true, bool clipPolygon=false) |
virtual void | getPose (vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo) const |
virtual vpHomogeneousMatrix | getPose () const |
virtual double | getStopCriteriaEpsilon () const |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &initFile, bool displayHelp=false, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const std::string &initFile, bool displayHelp=false, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< vpPoint > &points3D_list, const std::string &displayFile="") |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const std::vector< vpPoint > &points3D_list, const std::string &displayFile="") |
virtual void | initFromPoints (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &initFile) |
virtual void | initFromPoints (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const std::string &initFile) |
virtual void | initFromPoints (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &points2D_list, const std::vector< vpPoint > &points3D_list) |
virtual void | initFromPoints (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &points2D_list, const std::vector< vpPoint > &points3D_list) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::string &initFile) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const std::string &initFile) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpPoseVector &cPo) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpPoseVector &cPo) |
virtual void | loadModel (const std::string &modelFile, bool verbose=false, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
virtual void | setAngleAppear (const double &a) |
virtual void | setAngleDisappear (const double &a) |
virtual void | setCameraParameters (const vpCameraParameters &cam) |
virtual void | setClipping (const unsigned int &flags) |
virtual void | setCovarianceComputation (const bool &flag) |
virtual void | setDisplayFeatures (bool displayF) |
virtual void | setEstimatedDoF (const vpColVector &v) |
virtual void | setFarClippingDistance (const double &dist) |
virtual void | setInitialMu (double mu) |
virtual void | setLambda (double gain) |
virtual void | setLod (bool useLod, const std::string &name="") |
virtual void | setMaxIter (unsigned int max) |
virtual void | setMinLineLengthThresh (double minLineLengthThresh, const std::string &name="") |
virtual void | setMinPolygonAreaThresh (double minPolygonAreaThresh, const std::string &name="") |
virtual void | setNearClippingDistance (const double &dist) |
virtual void | setOptimizationMethod (const vpMbtOptimizationMethod &opt) |
void | setProjectionErrorMovingEdge (const vpMe &me) |
void | setProjectionErrorKernelSize (const unsigned int &size) |
virtual void | setMask (const vpImage< bool > &mask) |
virtual void | setStopCriteriaEpsilon (const double eps) |
virtual void | setProjectionErrorComputation (const bool &flag) |
virtual void | setProjectionErrorDisplay (bool display) |
virtual void | setProjectionErrorDisplayArrowLength (unsigned int length) |
virtual void | setProjectionErrorDisplayArrowThickness (unsigned int thickness) |
virtual void | setScanLineVisibilityTest (const bool &v) |
virtual void | setOgreVisibilityTest (const bool &v) |
void | savePose (const std::string &filename) const |
virtual void | setGoodNbRayCastingAttemptsRatio (const double &ratio) |
virtual void | setNbRayCastingAttemptsForVisibility (const unsigned int &attempts) |
virtual void | setOgreShowConfigDialog (bool showConfigDialog) |
void | setPoseSavingFilename (const std::string &filename) |
virtual void | display (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness=1, bool displayFullModel=false)=0 |
virtual void | display (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness=1, bool displayFullModel=false)=0 |
virtual std::vector< std::vector< double > > | getModelForDisplay (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, bool displayFullModel=false)=0 |
virtual void | init (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)=0 |
virtual void | loadConfigFile (const std::string &configFile, bool verbose=true) |
virtual void | resetTracker ()=0 |
virtual void | setPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cdMo)=0 |
virtual void | setPose (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cdMo)=0 |
virtual void | testTracking ()=0 |
virtual void | track (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)=0 |
virtual void | track (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I)=0 |
Protected Member Functions | |
Protected Member Functions Inherited from vpMbTracker | |
void | addPolygon (const std::vector< vpPoint > &corners, int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", bool useLod=false, double minPolygonAreaThreshold=2500.0, double minLineLengthThreshold=50.0) |
void | addPolygon (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, double radius, int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", bool useLod=false, double minPolygonAreaThreshold=2500.0) |
void | addPolygon (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", bool useLod=false, double minLineLengthThreshold=50) |
void | addPolygon (const std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > &listFaces, int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", bool useLod=false, double minLineLengthThreshold=50) |
void | addProjectionErrorCircle (const vpPoint &P1, const vpPoint &P2, const vpPoint &P3, double r, int idFace=-1, const std::string &name="") |
void | addProjectionErrorCylinder (const vpPoint &P1, const vpPoint &P2, double r, int idFace=-1, const std::string &name="") |
void | addProjectionErrorLine (vpPoint &p1, vpPoint &p2, int polygon=-1, std::string name="") |
void | addProjectionErrorPolygon (const std::vector< vpPoint > &corners, int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", bool useLod=false, double minPolygonAreaThreshold=2500.0, const double minLineLengthThreshold=50.0) |
void | addProjectionErrorPolygon (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, double radius, int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", bool useLod=false, double minPolygonAreaThreshold=2500.0) |
void | addProjectionErrorPolygon (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", bool useLod=false, double minLineLengthThreshold=50) |
void | addProjectionErrorPolygon (const std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > &listFaces, int idFace=-1, const std::string &polygonName="", bool useLod=false, double minLineLengthThreshold=50) |
void | createCylinderBBox (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const double &radius, std::vector< std::vector< vpPoint > > &listFaces) |
virtual void | computeCovarianceMatrixVVS (const bool isoJoIdentity_, const vpColVector &w_true, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMoPrev, const vpMatrix &L_true, const vpMatrix &LVJ_true, const vpColVector &error) |
void | computeJTR (const vpMatrix &J, const vpColVector &R, vpColVector &JTR) const |
double | computeProjectionErrorImpl (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo, const vpCameraParameters &_cam, unsigned int &nbFeatures) |
virtual void | computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardt (unsigned int iter, vpColVector &error, const vpColVector &m_error_prev, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMoPrev, double &mu, bool &reStartFromLastIncrement, vpColVector *const w=NULL, const vpColVector *const m_w_prev=NULL) |
virtual void | computeVVSInit ()=0 |
virtual void | computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu ()=0 |
virtual void | computeVVSPoseEstimation (const bool isoJoIdentity_, unsigned int iter, vpMatrix &L, vpMatrix <L, vpColVector &R, const vpColVector &error, vpColVector &error_prev, vpColVector <R, double &mu, vpColVector &v, const vpColVector *const w=NULL, vpColVector *const m_w_prev=NULL) |
virtual void | computeVVSWeights (vpRobust &robust, const vpColVector &error, vpColVector &w) |
virtual void | extractGroup (SoVRMLGroup *sceneGraphVRML2, vpHomogeneousMatrix &transform, int &idFace) |
virtual void | extractFaces (SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet *face_set, vpHomogeneousMatrix &transform, int &idFace, const std::string &polygonName="") |
virtual void | extractLines (SoVRMLIndexedLineSet *line_set, int &idFace, const std::string &polygonName="") |
virtual void | extractCylinders (SoVRMLIndexedFaceSet *face_set, vpHomogeneousMatrix &transform, int &idFace, const std::string &polygonName="") |
vpPoint | getGravityCenter (const std::vector< vpPoint > &_pts) const |
virtual void | initCircle (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, double radius, int idFace=0, const std::string &name="")=0 |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< unsigned char > *const I, const vpImage< vpRGBa > *const I_color, const std::string &initFile, bool displayHelp=false, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
virtual void | initClick (const vpImage< unsigned char > *const I, const vpImage< vpRGBa > *const I_color, const std::vector< vpPoint > &points3D_list, const std::string &displayFile="") |
virtual void | initFromPoints (const vpImage< unsigned char > *const I, const vpImage< vpRGBa > *const I_color, const std::string &initFile) |
virtual void | initFromPoints (const vpImage< unsigned char > *const I, const vpImage< vpRGBa > *const I_color, const std::vector< vpImagePoint > &points2D_list, const std::vector< vpPoint > &points3D_list) |
virtual void | initFromPose (const vpImage< unsigned char > *const I, const vpImage< vpRGBa > *const I_color, const std::string &initFile) |
virtual void | initCylinder (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, double radius, int idFace=0, const std::string &name="")=0 |
virtual void | initFaceFromCorners (vpMbtPolygon &polygon)=0 |
virtual void | initFaceFromLines (vpMbtPolygon &polygon)=0 |
void | initProjectionErrorCircle (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, double radius, int idFace=0, const std::string &name="") |
void | initProjectionErrorCylinder (const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, double radius, int idFace=0, const std::string &name="") |
void | initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners (vpMbtPolygon &polygon) |
void | initProjectionErrorFaceFromLines (vpMbtPolygon &polygon) |
virtual void | loadVRMLModel (const std::string &modelFile) |
virtual void | loadCAOModel (const std::string &modelFile, std::vector< std::string > &vectorOfModelFilename, int &startIdFace, bool verbose=false, bool parent=true, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &T=vpHomogeneousMatrix()) |
void | projectionErrorInitMovingEdge (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo) |
void | projectionErrorResetMovingEdges () |
void | projectionErrorVisibleFace (unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo) |
void | removeComment (std::ifstream &fileId) |
std::map< std::string, std::string > | parseParameters (std::string &endLine) |
bool | samePoint (const vpPoint &P1, const vpPoint &P2) const |
Main methods for a model-based tracker.
This class provides the main methods for a model based tracker. This pure virtual class must be used in inheritance for a tracker that compute the interaction matrix and the residu vector using a defined information (edge, points of interest, patch, ...)
This class intends to define a common basis for object tracking. This is realised by implementing the main functions:
Definition at line 104 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 107 of file vpMbTracker.h.
vpMbTracker::vpMbTracker | ( | ) |
Basic constructor. Set default values.
Definition at line 179 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpMatrix::eye(), vpImageFilter::getSobelKernelX(), vpImageFilter::getSobelKernelY(), m_projectionErrorKernelSize, m_SobelX, m_SobelY, mapOfParameterNames, and oJo.
virtual |
Definition at line 206 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References m_projectionErrorCircles, m_projectionErrorCylinders, m_projectionErrorLines, and m_sodb_init_called.
protected |
Definition at line 1277 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
Referenced by extractCylinders(), extractFaces(), extractLines(), loadCAOModel(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold().
protected |
Definition at line 1333 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), clippingFlag, vpColVector::crossProd(), distFarClip, distNearClip, faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), vpPlane::getA(), vpPlane::getB(), vpPlane::getC(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), minLineLengthThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpPlane::object_frame, vpMath::rad(), vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), and vpMath::sqr().
protected |
Definition at line 1414 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
protected |
Definition at line 1452 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setIsPolygonOriented(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
protected |
Definition at line 3366 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceCircle::buildFrom(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCircle::index_polygon, m_cam, m_projectionErrorCircles, m_projectionErrorFaces, m_projectionErrorMe, vpMath::maximum(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::p1, vpMbtDistanceCircle::p2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::p3, vpMbtDistanceCircle::radius, samePoint(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setMovingEdge(), and vpMbtDistanceCircle::setName().
Referenced by initProjectionErrorCircle().
protected |
Definition at line 3396 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceCylinder::buildFrom(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::index_polygon, m_cam, m_projectionErrorCylinders, m_projectionErrorFaces, m_projectionErrorMe, vpMath::maximum(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::p1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::p2, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::radius, samePoint(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setMovingEdge(), and vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setName().
Referenced by initProjectionErrorCylinder().
protected |
Definition at line 3324 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceLine::addPolygon(), vpMbtDistanceLine::buildFrom(), clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbtDistanceLine::getPolygon(), vpMbtDistanceLine::hiddenface, m_cam, m_projectionErrorFaces, m_projectionErrorLines, m_projectionErrorMe, m_rand, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtDistanceLine::p1, vpMbtDistanceLine::p2, samePoint(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setCameraParameters(), vpPolygon3D::setClipping(), vpPolygon3D::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setIndex(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setName(), vpPolygon3D::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbtDistanceLine::useScanLine, and useScanLine.
Referenced by initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners(), and initProjectionErrorFaceFromLines().
protected |
Definition at line 3143 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), m_projectionErrorFaces, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
Referenced by extractCylinders(), extractFaces(), extractLines(), and loadCAOModel().
protected |
Definition at line 3185 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), clippingFlag, vpColVector::crossProd(), distFarClip, distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), vpPlane::getA(), vpPlane::getB(), vpPlane::getC(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), m_projectionErrorFaces, minLineLengthThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpPlane::object_frame, vpMath::rad(), vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), and vpMath::sqr().
protected |
Definition at line 3260 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), m_projectionErrorFaces, minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
protected |
Definition at line 3292 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPolygon3D::addPoint(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::addPolygon(), clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), m_projectionErrorFaces, minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpPolygon3D::NO_CLIPPING, vpMbtPolygon::setIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::setIsPolygonOriented(), vpMbtPolygon::setLod(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinLineLengthThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), vpMbtPolygon::setName(), and vpPolygon3D::setNbPoint().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2848 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References computeCovariance, vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), covarianceMatrix, and vpMatrix::diag().
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
virtual |
Compute projection error given an input image and camera pose, parameters. This projection error uses locations sampled exactly where the model is projected using the camera pose and intrinsic parameters. You may want to use
to get a projection error computed at the ME locations after a call to track(). It works similarly to vpMbTracker::getProjectionError function:
Get the error angle between the gradient direction of the model features projected at the resulting pose and their normal. The error is expressed in degree between 0 and 90.
I | : Input grayscale image. |
_cMo | : Camera pose. |
_cam | : Camera parameters. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 3474 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMath::deg(), vpException::fatalError, and modelInitialised.
protected |
Compute , with J the interaction matrix and R the vector of residu.
vpMatrixException::incorrectMatrixSizeError | if the sizes of the matrices do not allow the computation. |
interaction | : The interaction matrix (size Nx6). |
error | : The residu vector (size Nx1). |
JTR | : The resulting JTR column vector (size 6x1). |
Definition at line 2879 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrixException::incorrectMatrixSizeError, and vpColVector::resize().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), and computeVVSPoseEstimation().
protected |
Definition at line 3491 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References clippingFlag, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::computeClippedPolygons(), vpCameraParameters::computeFov(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::computeScanLineRender(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::initOgre(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::isOgreInitialised(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isVisible(), m_projectionErrorCam, m_projectionErrorCircles, m_projectionErrorCylinders, m_projectionErrorDisplay, m_projectionErrorDisplayLength, m_projectionErrorDisplayThickness, m_projectionErrorFaces, m_projectionErrorLines, m_projectionErrorOgreShowConfigDialog, m_SobelX, m_SobelY, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), projectionErrorResetMovingEdges(), projectionErrorVisibleFace(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setBackgroundSizeOgre(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setCameraParameters(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setCameraParameters(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setOgreShowConfigDialog(), useOgre, and useScanLine.
Referenced by computeCurrentProjectionError().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2890 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpTrackingException::fatalError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_OPT, m_cMo, m_optimizationMethod, and vpColVector::sumSquare().
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedpure virtual |
protectedpure virtual |
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2912 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMatrix::AtA(), vpVelocityTwistMatrix::buildFrom(), computeJTR(), vpMatrix::eye(), GAUSS_NEWTON_OPT, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT_OPT, m_cMo, m_lambda, m_optimizationMethod, oJo, and vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::testTracking(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 2975 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpRobust::MEstimator(), and vpRobust::TUKEY.
Referenced by vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Definition at line 3031 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpException::badValue, vpColVector::clear(), vpColVector::crossProd(), vpColVector::frobeniusNorm(), vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), and vpColVector::normalize().
Referenced by extractCylinders(), and loadCAOModel().
pure virtual |
Display the 3D model at a given position using the given camera parameters on a grey level image.
I | : The image. |
cMo | : Pose used to project the 3D model into the image. |
cam | : The camera parameters. |
col | : The desired color. |
thickness | : The thickness of the lines. |
displayFullModel | : If true, the full model is displayed (even the non visible surfaces). |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbDepthDenseTracker, and vpMbDepthNormalTracker.
Referenced by initClick().
pure virtual |
Display the 3D model at a given position using the given camera parameters on a color (RGBa) image.
I | : The image. |
cMo | : Pose used to project the 3D model into the image. |
cam | : The camera parameters. |
col | : The desired color. |
thickness | : The thickness of the lines. |
displayFullModel | : If true, the full model is displayed (even the non visible surfaces). |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbDepthDenseTracker, and vpMbDepthNormalTracker.
protectedvirtual |
Extract a cylinder to track from the VMRL model. This method calls the initCylinder() method implemented in the child class.
face_set | : Pointer to the cylinder in the vrml format. |
transform | : Transformation matrix applied to the cylinder. |
idFace | : Id of the face. |
polygonName | Name of the polygon. |
Definition at line 2463 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpException::badValue, createCylinderBBox(), vpException::dimensionError, vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), vpPoint::get_oZ(), getGravityCenter(), initCylinder(), initProjectionErrorCylinder(), vpMath::maximum(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), and vpColVector::sumSquare().
Referenced by extractGroup().
protectedvirtual |
Extract a face of the object to track from the VMRL model. This method calls the initFaceFromCorners() method implemented in the child class.
face_set | : Pointer to the face in the vrml format. |
transform | : Transformation matrix applied to the face. |
idFace | : Face id. |
polygonName | Name of the polygon. |
Definition at line 2410 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), faces, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), initFaceFromCorners(), initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners(), m_projectionErrorFaces, and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
Referenced by extractGroup().
protectedvirtual |
Extract a VRML object Group.
sceneGraphVRML2 | : Current node (either Transform, or Group node). |
transform | : Transformation matrix for this group. |
idFace | : Index of the face. |
Definition at line 2321 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References extractCylinders(), extractFaces(), and extractLines().
Referenced by loadVRMLModel().
protectedvirtual |
Extract a line of the object to track from the VMRL model. This method calls the initFaceFromCorners() method implemented in the child class.
line_set | : Pointer to the line in the vrml format. |
idFace | : Id of the face. |
polygonName | Name of the polygon. |
Definition at line 2548 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), faces, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), initFaceFromCorners(), initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners(), m_projectionErrorFaces, and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
Referenced by extractGroup().
inlinevirtual |
Return the angle used to test polygons appearance.
Definition at line 238 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Return the angle used to test polygons disappearance.
Definition at line 241 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Get the camera parameters.
cam | : copy of the camera parameters used by the tracker. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 248 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getCameraParameters().
inlinevirtual |
Get the clipping used and defined in vpPolygon3D::vpMbtPolygonClippingType.
Definition at line 256 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Get the covariance matrix. This matrix is only computed if setCovarianceComputation() is turned on.
Definition at line 265 of file vpMbTracker.h.
pure virtual |
Return the error vector reached after the virtual visual servoing process used to estimate the pose.
The following example shows how to use this function to compute the norm of the residual and the norm of the residual normalized by the number of features that are tracked:
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
virtual |
Get a 1x6 vpColVector representing the estimated degrees of freedom. vpColVector[0] = 1 if translation on X is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[1] = 1 if translation on Y is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[2] = 1 if translation on Z is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[3] = 1 if rotation on X is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[4] = 1 if rotation on Y is estimated, 0 otherwise; vpColVector[5] = 1 if rotation on Z is estimated, 0 otherwise;
Definition at line 2992 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References oJo.
inlinevirtual |
Return a reference to the faces structure.
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 332 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getError().
inlinevirtual |
Get the far distance for clipping.
Definition at line 339 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Compute the center of gravity of a set of point. This is used in the cylinder extraction to find the center of the circles.
vpException::dimensionError | if the set is empty. |
pts | : Set of point to extract the center of gravity. |
Definition at line 2593 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpException::dimensionError, vpPoint::get_oX(), and vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates().
Referenced by extractCylinders().
inlinevirtual |
Get the initial value of mu used in the Levenberg Marquardt optimization loop.
Definition at line 284 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Get the value of the gain used to compute the control law.
Definition at line 291 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Get the maximum number of iterations of the virtual visual servoing stage.
Definition at line 298 of file vpMbTracker.h.
pure virtual |
inlinevirtual |
Get the number of polygons (faces) representing the object to track.
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 368 of file vpMbTracker.h.
References vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getNbFeaturesKlt(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlinevirtual |
Get the near distance for clipping.
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeKltTracker.
Definition at line 375 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::getNearClippingDistance().
inlinevirtual |
Get the optimization method used during the tracking. 0 = Gauss-Newton approach. 1 = Levenberg-Marquardt approach.
Definition at line 384 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Return the polygon (face) "index".
vpException::dimensionError | if index does not represent a good polygon. |
index | : Index of the polygon to return. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 395 of file vpMbTracker.h.
References vpException::dimensionError, and vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getNbFeaturesKlt().
virtual |
Get the list of polygons faces (a vpPolygon representing the projection of the face in the image and a list of face corners in 3D), with the possibility to order by distance to the camera or to use the visibility check to consider if the polygon face must be retrieved or not.
orderPolygons | : If true, the resulting list is ordered from the nearest polygon faces to the farther. |
useVisibility | : If true, only visible faces will be retrieved. |
clipPolygon | : If true, the polygons will be clipped according to the clipping flags set in vpMbTracker. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 2627 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References faces, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), m_cam, and m_cMo.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getNbFeaturesKlt().
inlinevirtual |
Get the current pose between the object and the camera. cMo is the matrix which can be used to express coordinates from the object frame to camera frame.
cMo | : the pose |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 414 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Get the current pose between the object and the camera. cMo is the matrix which can be used to express coordinates from the object frame to camera frame.
Definition at line 423 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getNbFeaturesKlt(), and vpMbGenericTracker::getPose().
inlinevirtual |
Get the error angle between the gradient direction of the model features projected at the resulting pose and their normal. The error is expressed in degree between 0 and 90. This value is computed if setProjectionErrorComputation() is turned on.
Definition at line 310 of file vpMbTracker.h.
pure virtual |
Return the weights vector computed by the robust scheme.
The following example shows how to use this function to compute the norm of the weighted residual and the norm of the weighted residual normalized by the sum of the weights associated to the features that are tracked:
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
inlinevirtual |
Definition at line 425 of file vpMbTracker.h.
pure virtual |
Initialise the tracking.
I | : Input image. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), initClick(), initFromPoints(), initFromPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbKltTracker::setThresholdAcceptation().
protectedpure virtual |
Add a circle to track from its center, 3 points (including the center) defining the plane that contain the circle and its radius.
p1 | : Center of the circle. |
p2 | : A point on the plane containing the circle. |
p3 | : An other point on the plane containing the circle. With the center of the circle p1, p2 and p3 we have 3 points defining the plane that contains the circle. |
radius | : Radius of the circle. |
idFace | : Id of the face associated to the circle. |
name | : Name of the circle. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbKltTracker::setThresholdAcceptation().
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are extracted from a file. In this file, comments starting with # character are allowed. Notice that 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with their X, Y and Z values.
The structure of this file is the following:
I | : Input grayscale image where the user has to click. |
initFile | : File containing the coordinates of at least 4 3D points the user has to click in the image. This file should have .init extension (ie teabox.init). |
displayHelp | : Optionnal display of an image (.ppm, .pgm, .jpg, .jpeg, .png) that should have the same generic name as the init file (ie teabox.ppm or teabox.png). This image may be used to show where to click. This functionality is only available if visp_io module is used. |
T | : optional transformation matrix to transform 3D points expressed in the original object frame to the desired object frame. |
vpException::ioError | : The file specified in initFile doesn't exist. |
Definition at line 593 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and initClick().
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are extracted from a file. In this file, comments starting with # character are allowed. Notice that 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with their X, Y and Z values.
The structure of this file is the following:
I_color | : Input color image where the user has to click. |
initFile | : File containing the coordinates of at least 4 3D points the user has to click in the image. This file should have .init extension (ie teabox.init). |
displayHelp | : Optionnal display of an image (.ppm, .pgm, .jpg, .jpeg, .png) that should have the same generic name as the init file (ie teabox.ppm or teabox.png). This image may be used to show where to click. This functionality is only available if visp_io module is used. |
T | : optional transformation matrix to transform 3D points expressed in the original object frame to the desired object frame. |
vpException::ioError | : The file specified in initFile doesn't exist. |
Definition at line 630 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References initClick().
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are given in points3D_list.
I | : Input grayscale image where the user has to click. |
points3D_list | : List of at least 4 3D points with coordinates expressed in meters in the object frame. |
displayFile | : Path to the image used to display the help. This image may be used to show where to click. This functionality is only available if visp_io module is used. |
Definition at line 817 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References initClick().
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by clicking in the image on the pixels that correspond to the 3D points whose coordinates are given in points3D_list.
I_color | : Input color image where the user has to click. |
points3D_list | : List of at least 4 3D points with coordinates expressed in meters in the object frame. |
displayFile | : Path to the image used to display the help. This image may be used to show where to click. This functionality is only available if visp_io module is used. |
Definition at line 834 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References initClick().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 236 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPose::addPoint(), vpException::badValue, vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom(), vpMouseButton::button1, vpIoTools::checkFilename(), vpPose::clearPoint(), vpPose::computePose(), vpPose::computeResidual(), vpImageConvert::convert(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPose::DEMENTHON, vpImage< Type >::display, display(), vpDisplay::display(), vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::displayFrame(), vpDisplay::displayText(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::eye(), vpDisplay::flush(), vpDisplay::getClick(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpDisplay::getWindowXPosition(), vpDisplay::getWindowYPosition(), vpColor::green, init(), vpException::ioError, vpPose::LAGRANGE, m_cam, m_cMo, m_I, poseSavingFilename, vpImageIo::read(), vpColor::red, removeComment(), savePose(), and vpPose::VIRTUAL_VS.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 636 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPose::addPoint(), vpMouseButton::button1, vpIoTools::checkFilename(), vpPose::clearPoint(), vpPose::computePose(), vpPose::computeResidual(), vpImageConvert::convert(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPose::DEMENTHON, vpImage< Type >::display, display(), vpDisplay::display(), vpDisplay::displayCross(), vpDisplay::displayFrame(), vpDisplay::displayPoint(), vpDisplay::displayText(), vpDisplay::flush(), vpDisplay::getClick(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpDisplay::getWindowXPosition(), vpDisplay::getWindowYPosition(), vpColor::green, init(), vpPose::LAGRANGE, m_cam, m_cMo, m_I, vpImageIo::read(), vpColor::red, and vpPose::VIRTUAL_VS.
protectedpure virtual |
Add a cylinder to track from two points on the axis (defining the length of the cylinder) and its radius.
p1 | : First point on the axis. |
p2 | : Second point on the axis. |
radius | : Radius of the cylinder. |
idFace | : Id of the face associated to the cylinder. |
name | : Name of the cylinder. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by extractCylinders(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbKltTracker::setThresholdAcceptation().
protectedpure virtual |
Add the lines to track from the polygon description. If the polygon has only two points, it defines a single line that is always visible. If it has three or more corners, it defines a face. In that case the visibility of the face is computed in order to track the corresponding lines only if the face is visible.
The id of the polygon is supposed to be set prior calling this function.
polygon | : The polygon describing the set of lines that has to be tracked. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by extractFaces(), extractLines(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbKltTracker::setThresholdAcceptation().
protectedpure virtual |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbKltTracker::setThresholdAcceptation().
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by reading 3D point coordinates and the corresponding 2D image point coordinates from a file. Comments starting with # character are allowed. 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with X, Y and Z values. 2D point coordinates are expressied in pixel coordinates, with first the line and then the column of the pixel in the image. The structure of this file is the following.
I | : Input grayscale image |
initFile | : Path to the file containing all the points. |
Definition at line 1012 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and initFromPoints().
virtual |
Initialise the tracker by reading 3D point coordinates and the corresponding 2D image point coordinates from a file. Comments starting with # character are allowed. 3D point coordinates are expressed in meter in the object frame with X, Y and Z values. 2D point coordinates are expressied in pixel coordinates, with first the line and then the column of the pixel in the image. The structure of this file is the following.
I_color | : Input color image |
initFile | : Path to the file containing all the points. |
Definition at line 1041 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References initFromPoints().
virtual |
Initialise the tracking with the list of image points (points2D_list) and the list of corresponding 3D points (object frame) (points3D_list).
I | : Input grayscale image |
points2D_list | : List of image points. |
points3D_list | : List of 3D points (object frame). |
Definition at line 1107 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References initFromPoints().
virtual |
Initialise the tracking with the list of image points (points2D_list) and the list of corresponding 3D points (object frame) (points3D_list).
I_color | : Input color grayscale image |
points2D_list | : List of image points. |
points3D_list | : List of 3D points (object frame). |
Definition at line 1121 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References initFromPoints().
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 841 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPose::addPoint(), vpException::badValue, vpPose::computePose(), vpPose::computeResidual(), vpImageConvert::convert(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPose::DEMENTHON, init(), vpException::ioError, vpPose::LAGRANGE, m_cam, m_cMo, m_I, vpPoint::set_x(), vpPoint::set_y(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), and vpPose::VIRTUAL_VS.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1046 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPose::addPoint(), vpPose::computePose(), vpPose::computeResidual(), vpImageConvert::convert(), vpPixelMeterConversion::convertPoint(), vpPose::DEMENTHON, init(), vpPose::LAGRANGE, m_cam, m_cMo, m_I, vpPose::VIRTUAL_VS, and vpERROR_TRACE.
virtual |
Initialise the tracking thanks to the pose in vpPoseVector format, and read in the file initFile. The structure of this file is (without the comments):
Where the three firsts lines refer to the translation and the three last to the rotation in thetaU parametrisation (see vpThetaUVector).
I | : Input grayscale image |
initFile | : Path to the file containing the pose. |
Definition at line 1180 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPose(), initFromPose(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbKltTracker::reInitModel(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel().
virtual |
Initialise the tracking thanks to the pose in vpPoseVector format, and read in the file initFile. The structure of this file is (without the comments):
Where the three firsts lines refer to the translation and the three last to the rotation in thetaU parametrisation (see vpThetaUVector).
I_color | : Input color image |
initFile | : Path to the file containing the pose. |
Definition at line 1203 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References initFromPose().
virtual |
Initialise the tracking thanks to the pose.
I | : Input grayscale image |
cMo | : Pose matrix. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 1214 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
virtual |
Initialise the tracking thanks to the pose.
I_color | : Input color image |
cMo | : Pose matrix. |
Definition at line 1226 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), init(), m_cMo, and m_I.
virtual |
Initialise the tracking thanks to the pose vector.
I | : Input grayscale image |
cPo | : Pose vector. |
Definition at line 1239 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References initFromPose().
virtual |
Initialise the tracking thanks to the pose vector.
I_color | : Input color image |
cPo | : Pose vector. |
Definition at line 1251 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpImageConvert::convert(), initFromPose(), and m_I.
protectedvirtual |
Definition at line 1127 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom(), vpImageConvert::convert(), init(), vpException::ioError, m_cMo, and m_I.
protected |
Definition at line 3426 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References addProjectionErrorCircle().
Referenced by loadCAOModel().
protected |
Definition at line 3432 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References addProjectionErrorCylinder().
Referenced by extractCylinders(), and loadCAOModel().
protected |
Definition at line 3438 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbtPolygon::getIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::getName(), vpPolygon3D::getNbPoint(), and vpPolygon3D::p.
Referenced by extractFaces(), extractLines(), and loadCAOModel().
protected |
Definition at line 3448 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbtPolygon::getIndex(), vpMbtPolygon::getName(), vpPolygon3D::getNbPoint(), and vpPolygon3D::p.
Referenced by loadCAOModel().
protectedvirtual |
Load a 3D model contained in a *.cao file.
Since ViSP 2.9.1, lines starting with # character are considered as comments. It is also possible to add comment at the end of the lines. No specific character is requested before the comment. In the following example we use "//" but it could be an other character.
Since ViSP 2.9.1, circles are supported.
The structure of the file is :
modelFile | : Full name of the main *.cao file containing the model. |
vectorOfModelFilename | : A vector of *.cao files. |
startIdFace | : Current Id of the face. |
verbose | : If true, will print additional information with CAO model files which include other CAO model files. |
parent | : This parameter is set to true when parsing a parent CAO model file, and false when parsing an included CAO model file. |
odTo | : optional transformation matrix (currently only for .cao) to transform 3D points expressed in the original object frame to the desired object frame. |
Definition at line 1711 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), applyLodSettingInConfig, vpException::badValue, vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom(), vpIoTools::checkFilename(), createCylinderBBox(), vpIoTools::createFilePath(), faces, vpIoTools::getAbsolutePathname(), vpIoTools::getName(), vpIoTools::getParent(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getPolygon(), initCircle(), initCylinder(), initFaceFromCorners(), initFaceFromLines(), initProjectionErrorCircle(), initProjectionErrorCylinder(), initProjectionErrorFaceFromCorners(), initProjectionErrorFaceFromLines(), vpException::ioError, vpIoTools::isAbsolutePathname(), m_projectionErrorFaces, minLineLengthThresholdGeneral, minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral, nbCircles, nbCylinders, nbLines, nbPoints, nbPolygonLines, nbPolygonPoints, vpIoTools::parseBoolean(), parseParameters(), vpIoTools::path(), vpMath::rad(), removeComment(), vpPoint::setWorldCoordinates(), vpIoTools::splitChain(), vpIoTools::trim(), useLodGeneral, and vpTRACE.
Referenced by loadModel().
virtual |
Load a config file to parameterise the behavior of the tracker.
Virtual method to adapt to each tracker.
configFile | : An xml config file to parse. |
verbose | : verbose flag. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Definition at line 3772 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtXmlGenericParser::getProjectionErrorKernelSize(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::getProjectionErrorMe(), vpException::ioError, m_projectionErrorKernelSize, m_projectionErrorMe, vpMbtXmlGenericParser::parse(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::PROJECTION_ERROR_PARSER, vpMbtXmlGenericParser::setProjectionErrorKernelSize(), setProjectionErrorKernelSize(), vpMbtXmlGenericParser::setProjectionErrorMe(), setProjectionErrorMovingEdge(), and vpMbtXmlGenericParser::setVerbose().
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbKltTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
virtual |
Load a 3D model from the file in parameter. This file must either be a vrml file (.wrl) or a CAO file (.cao). CAO format is described in the loadCAOModel() method.
vpException::ioError | if the file cannot be open, or if its extension is not wrl or cao. |
modelFile | : the file containing the the 3D model description. The extension of this file is either .wrl or .cao. |
verbose | : verbose option to print additional information when loading CAO model files which include other CAO model files. |
odTo | : optional transformation matrix (currently only for .cao) to transform 3D points expressed in the original object frame to the desired object frame. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 1499 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpIoTools::checkFilename(), faces, vpException::ioError, loadCAOModel(), loadVRMLModel(), modelFileName, modelInitialised, nbCircles, nbCylinders, nbLines, nbPoints, nbPolygonLines, nbPolygonPoints, and vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbKltTracker::reInitModel(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel().
protectedvirtual |
Load the 3D model of the object from a vrml file. Only LineSet and FaceSet are extracted from the vrml file.
vpException::fatalError | if the file cannot be open. |
modelFile | : The full name of the file containing the 3D model. |
Definition at line 1548 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References extractGroup(), faces, vpException::fatalError, m_sodb_init_called, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size(), and vpERROR_TRACE.
Referenced by loadModel().
protected |
Definition at line 1610 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References mapOfParameterNames, and vpIoTools::trim().
Referenced by loadCAOModel().
protected |
Definition at line 3665 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpMbtDistanceCircle::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceLine::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::hiddenface, vpMbtDistanceCircle::index_polygon, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::index_polygon, vpMbtDistanceCircle::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::initMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceCircle::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceLine::isTracked(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::isTracked(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::isVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::Lindex_polygon, m_mask, m_projectionErrorCircles, m_projectionErrorCylinders, m_projectionErrorLines, vpMbtDistanceCircle::meEllipse, vpMbtDistanceLine::meline, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::meline2, vpMbtDistanceCircle::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeature, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel1, vpMbtDistanceCylinder::nbFeaturel2, vpMbtDistanceLine::nbFeatureTotal, vpMbtDistanceCircle::setVisible(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setVisible(), vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setVisible(), and vpMbtDistanceLine::updateTracked().
Referenced by computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protected |
Definition at line 3625 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References m_projectionErrorCircles, m_projectionErrorCylinders, and m_projectionErrorLines.
Referenced by computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protected |
Definition at line 3610 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References angleAppears, angleDisappears, m_projectionErrorCam, m_projectionErrorFaces, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setVisible(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setVisibleOgre(), and useOgre.
Referenced by computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protected |
Definition at line 1595 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpException::ioError.
Referenced by initClick(), and loadCAOModel().
pure virtual |
Reset the tracker.
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbKltTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::getRobustWeights().
Check if two vpPoints are similar.
To be similar : .
P1 | : The first point to compare |
P2 | : The second point to compare |
Definition at line 3130 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPoint::get_oX(), vpPoint::get_oY(), and vpPoint::get_oZ().
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), addProjectionErrorCircle(), addProjectionErrorCylinder(), and addProjectionErrorLine().
void vpMbTracker::savePose | ( | const std::string & | filename | ) | const |
Save the pose in the given filename
filename | : Path to the file used to save the pose. |
Definition at line 1263 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpPoseVector::buildFrom(), and m_cMo.
Referenced by initClick().
inlinevirtual |
Set the angle used to test polygons appearance. If the angle between the normal of the polygon and the line going from the camera to the polygon center has a value lower than this parameter, the polygon is considered as appearing. The polygon will then be tracked.
a | : new angle in radian. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 469 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setAngleAppear().
inlinevirtual |
Set the angle used to test polygons disappearance. If the angle between the normal of the polygon and the line going from the camera to the polygon center has a value greater than this parameter, the polygon is considered as disappearing. The tracking of the polygon will then be stopped.
a | : new angle in radian. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 480 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setAngleDisappear().
inlinevirtual |
Set the camera parameters.
cam | : The new camera parameters. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Definition at line 487 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbKltTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setCameraParameters().
virtual |
Specify which clipping to use.
flags | : New clipping flags. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, and vpMbEdgeKltTracker.
Definition at line 2841 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References clippingFlag, faces, and vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbGenericTracker::setClipping(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setClipping().
inlinevirtual |
Set if the covariance matrix has to be computed.
flag | : True if the covariance has to be computed, false otherwise. If computed its value is available with getCovarianceMatrix() |
Definition at line 499 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Enable to display the features. By features, we meant the moving edges (ME) and the klt points if used.
Note that if present, the moving edges can be displayed with different colors:
displayF | : set it to true to display the features. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 517 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setDisplayFeatures().
virtual |
Set a 6-dim column vector representing the degrees of freedom in the object frame that are estimated by the tracker. When set to 1, all the 6 dof are estimated.
Below we give the correspondance between the index of the vector and the considered dof:
Definition at line 3015 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), isoJoIdentity, and oJo.
virtual |
Set the far distance for clipping.
dist | : Far clipping value. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, and vpMbEdgeKltTracker.
Definition at line 2735 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getOgreContext(), vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpAROgre::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size(), and vpTRACE.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbGenericTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance().
inlinevirtual |
Set the ratio of visibility attempts that has to be successful to consider a polygon as visible.
ratio | : Ratio of succesful attempts that has to be considered. Value has to be between 0.0 (0%) and 1.0 (100%). |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 617 of file vpMbTracker.h.
References vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setGoodNbRayCastingAttemptsRatio().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights().
inlinevirtual |
Set the initial value of mu for the Levenberg Marquardt optimization loop.
mu | : initial mu. |
Definition at line 528 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Set the value of the gain used to compute the control law.
gain | : the desired value for the gain. |
Definition at line 535 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Set the flag to consider if the level of detail (LOD) is used.
useLod | : true if the level of detail must be used, false otherwise. When true, two parameters can be set, see setMinLineLengthThresh() and setMinPolygonAreaThresh(). |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD parameter. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 2765 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References faces, and vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 563 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setMask().
inlinevirtual |
Set the maximum iteration of the virtual visual servoing stage.
max | : the desired number of iteration |
Definition at line 544 of file vpMbTracker.h.
virtual |
Set the threshold for the minimum line length to be considered as visible in the LOD case.
minLineLengthThresh | : threshold for the minimum line length in pixel. |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD threshold. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 2783 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References faces, and vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
virtual |
Set the minimum polygon area to be considered as visible in the LOD case.
minPolygonAreaThresh | : threshold for the minimum polygon area in pixel. |
name | : name of the face we want to modify the LOD threshold. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 2800 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References faces, and vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile().
inlinevirtual |
Set the number of rays that will be sent toward each polygon for visibility test. Each ray will go from the optic center of the camera to a random point inside the considered polygon.
attempts | Number of rays to be sent. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 627 of file vpMbTracker.h.
References vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setNbRayCastingAttemptsForVisibility().
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights().
virtual |
Set the near distance for clipping.
dist | : Near clipping value. |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, and vpMbEdgeKltTracker.
Definition at line 2814 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References clippingFlag, distFarClip, distNearClip, faces, vpPolygon3D::FAR_CLIPPING, vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getOgreContext(), vpPolygon3D::NEAR_CLIPPING, vpAROgre::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::size(), and vpTRACE.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbGenericTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance().
inlinevirtual |
Enable/Disable the appearance of Ogre config dialog on startup.
showConfigDialog | : if true, shows Ogre dialog window (used to set Ogre rendering options) when Ogre visibility is enabled. By default, this functionality is turned off. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 643 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setOgreShowConfigDialog().
virtual |
Use Ogre3D for visibility tests
v | : True to use it, False otherwise |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Definition at line 2717 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References useOgre.
Referenced by vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setDepthDenseSamplingStep(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbKltTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbGenericTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
inlinevirtual |
Set the optimization method used during the tracking.
opt | : Optimization method to use. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 557 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setOptimizationMethod().
pure virtual |
Set the pose to be used in entry of the next call to the track() function. This pose will be just used once.
I | : grayscale image corresponding to the desired pose. |
cdMo | : Pose to affect. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setDepthDenseSamplingStep(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbKltTracker::setThresholdAcceptation().
pure virtual |
Set the pose to be used in entry of the next call to the track() function. This pose will be just used once.
I_color | : color image corresponding to the desired pose. |
cdMo | : Pose to affect. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
inline |
Set the filename used to save the initial pose computed using the initClick() method. It is also used to read a previous pose in the same method. If the file is not set then, the initClick() method will create a .0.pos file in the root directory. This directory is the path to the file given to the method initClick() used to know the coordinates in the object frame.
filename | : The new filename. |
Definition at line 655 of file vpMbTracker.h.
inlinevirtual |
Set if the projection error criteria has to be computed. This criteria could be used to detect the quality of the tracking. It computes an angle between 0 and 90 degrees that is available with getProjectionError(). Closer to 0 is the value, better is the tracking.
flag | : True if the projection error criteria has to be computed, false otherwise. |
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, and vpMbEdgeKltTracker.
Definition at line 584 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setProjectionErrorComputation(), vpMbGenericTracker::setProjectionErrorComputation(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
inlinevirtual |
Display or not gradient and model orientation when computing the projection error.
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 589 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setProjectionErrorDisplay().
inlinevirtual |
Arrow length used to display gradient and model orientation for projection error computation.
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 594 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setProjectionErrorDisplayArrowLength().
inlinevirtual |
Arrow thickness used to display gradient and model orientation for projection error computation.
Reimplemented in vpMbGenericTracker.
Definition at line 599 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), and vpMbGenericTracker::setProjectionErrorDisplayArrowThickness().
void vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorKernelSize | ( | const unsigned int & | size | ) |
Set kernel size used for projection error computation.
size | : Kernel size computed as kernel_size = size*2 + 1. |
Definition at line 3826 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpImageFilter::getSobelKernelX(), vpImageFilter::getSobelKernelY(), m_projectionErrorKernelSize, m_SobelX, m_SobelY, and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().
Referenced by loadConfigFile().
void vpMbTracker::setProjectionErrorMovingEdge | ( | const vpMe & | me | ) |
Set Moving-Edges parameters for projection error computation.
me | : Moving-Edges parameters. |
Definition at line 3800 of file vpMbTracker.cpp.
References m_projectionErrorCircles, m_projectionErrorCylinders, m_projectionErrorLines, m_projectionErrorMe, vpMbtDistanceCircle::setMovingEdge(), vpMbtDistanceLine::setMovingEdge(), and vpMbtDistanceCylinder::setMovingEdge().
Referenced by loadConfigFile().
inlinevirtual |
Reimplemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Definition at line 601 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setDepthDenseSamplingStep(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setScanLineVisibilityTest(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setScanLineVisibilityTest(), vpMbKltTracker::setScanLineVisibilityTest(), vpMbGenericTracker::setScanLineVisibilityTest(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::setScanLineVisibilityTest().
inlinevirtual |
Set the minimal error (previous / current estimation) to determine if there is convergence or not.
eps | : Epsilon threshold. |
Definition at line 571 of file vpMbTracker.h.
pure virtual |
Test the quality of the tracking.
vpException | if the test fail. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setDepthDenseSamplingStep(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbKltTracker::setProjectionErrorComputation().
pure virtual |
Track the object in the given image
I | : The current image. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
Referenced by vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbGenericTracker::getRobustWeights(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setDepthDenseSamplingStep(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setGoodMovingEdgesRatioThreshold(), and vpMbKltTracker::setProjectionErrorComputation().
Track the object in the given image
I | : The current image. |
Implemented in vpMbEdgeTracker, vpMbGenericTracker, vpMbKltTracker, vpMbEdgeKltTracker, vpMbDepthNormalTracker, and vpMbDepthDenseTracker.
protected |
Angle used to detect a face appearance.
Definition at line 145 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbGenericTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), projectionErrorVisibleFace(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::setAngleAppear(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace().
protected |
Angle used to detect a face disappearance.
Definition at line 147 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbGenericTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), projectionErrorVisibleFace(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::setAngleDisappear(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace().
protected |
True if the CAO model is loaded before the call to loadConfigFile, (deduced by the number of polygons)
Definition at line 175 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Flags specifying which clipping to used.
Definition at line 153 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorLine(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbKltTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbGenericTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::setClipping(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setClipping(), setClipping(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), setNearClippingDistance(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Flag used to specify if the covariance matrix has to be computed or not.
Definition at line 128 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker().
protected |
Flag used to specify if the gradient error criteria has to be computed or not.
Definition at line 133 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protected |
Covariance matrix.
Definition at line 130 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protected |
If true, the features are displayed.
Definition at line 138 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthNormalTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::track(), vpMbKltTracker::track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protected |
Distance for near clipping.
Definition at line 151 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorLine(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), and setNearClippingDistance().
protected |
Distance for near clipping.
Definition at line 149 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorLine(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setFarClippingDistance(), setFarClippingDistance(), vpMbGenericTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setNearClippingDistance(), and setNearClippingDistance().
protected |
Set of faces describing the object.
Definition at line 143 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), addPolygon(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), extractFaces(), extractLines(), vpMbGenericTracker::getFaces(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbKltTracker::getModelForDisplay(), getPolygonFaces(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromLines(), loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), loadModel(), loadVRMLModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), setClipping(), setFarClippingDistance(), setLod(), setMinLineLengthThresh(), setMinPolygonAreaThresh(), setNearClippingDistance(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setUseEdgeTracking(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::vpMbDepthDenseTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::vpMbDepthNormalTracker(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::vpMbEdgeTracker(), and vpMbKltTracker::vpMbKltTracker().
protected |
Boolean to know if oJo is identity (for fast computation)
Definition at line 117 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), and setEstimatedDoF().
protected |
The camera parameters.
Definition at line 111 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbKltTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCircle(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addCylinder(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), addProjectionErrorCircle(), addProjectionErrorCylinder(), addProjectionErrorLine(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::downScale(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getFeaturesForDisplayDepthNormal(), vpMbKltTracker::getModelForDisplay(), getPolygonFaces(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), initClick(), vpMbKltTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromLines(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPoints(), initFromPoints(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPose(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbGenericTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbKltTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbGenericTracker::setCameraParameters(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::upScale(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace().
protected |
The current pose.
Definition at line 113 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardt(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhase(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhaseFactor(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu(), computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getFeaturesForDisplayDepthNormal(), getPolygonFaces(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbGenericTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbGenericTracker::initClick(), initClick(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPoints(), initFromPoints(), vpMbGenericTracker::initFromPose(), initFromPose(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbGenericTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbKltTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitModel(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), savePose(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::segmentPointCloud(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::segmentPointCloud(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setPose(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::trackFirstLoop(), vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::updateMovingEdge().
protected |
If true, compute the interaction matrix at each iteration of the minimization. Otherwise, compute it only on the first iteration
Definition at line 185 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker().
protected |
Grayscale image buffer, used when passing color images.
Definition at line 223 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::initClick(), initClick(), initFromPoints(), initFromPose(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::setPose(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::track(), vpMbKltTracker::track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protected |
Initial Mu for Levenberg Marquardt optimization loop.
Definition at line 193 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Gain of the virtual visual servoing stage.
Definition at line 187 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker(), and vpMbKltTracker::vpMbKltTracker().
protected |
Mask used to disable tracking on a part of image.
Definition at line 221 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::initMovingEdge(), vpMbKltTracker::preTracking(), projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reInitLevel(), vpMbEdgeTracker::reinitMovingEdge(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::segmentPointCloud(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::segmentPointCloud(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::trackMovingEdge().
protected |
Maximum number of iterations of the virtual visual servoing stage.
Definition at line 189 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::track(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::vpMbEdgeKltTracker(), and vpMbKltTracker::vpMbKltTracker().
protected |
Optimization method used.
Definition at line 140 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeVVSCheckLevenbergMarquardt(), computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker().
protected |
Camera parameters used for projection error computation.
Definition at line 219 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeProjectionErrorImpl(), and projectionErrorVisibleFace().
protected |
Distance circle primitive for projection error.
Definition at line 200 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by addProjectionErrorCircle(), computeProjectionErrorImpl(), projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), projectionErrorResetMovingEdges(), setProjectionErrorMovingEdge(), and ~vpMbTracker().
protected |
Distance cylinder primitives for projection error.
Definition at line 198 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by addProjectionErrorCylinder(), computeProjectionErrorImpl(), projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), projectionErrorResetMovingEdges(), setProjectionErrorMovingEdge(), and ~vpMbTracker().
protected |
Display gradient and model orientation for projection error computation.
Definition at line 213 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), and computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protected |
Length of the arrows used to show the gradient and model orientation.
Definition at line 215 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), and computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protected |
Thickness of the arrows used to show the gradient and model orientation.
Definition at line 217 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), and computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protected |
Set of faces describing the object, used for projection error.
Definition at line 202 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by addProjectionErrorCircle(), addProjectionErrorCylinder(), addProjectionErrorLine(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), computeProjectionErrorImpl(), extractFaces(), extractLines(), loadCAOModel(), projectionErrorVisibleFace(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Kernel size used to compute the gradient orientation.
Definition at line 207 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadConfigFile(), setProjectionErrorKernelSize(), and vpMbTracker().
protected |
Distance line primitives for projection error.
Definition at line 196 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by addProjectionErrorLine(), computeProjectionErrorImpl(), projectionErrorInitMovingEdge(), projectionErrorResetMovingEdges(), setProjectionErrorMovingEdge(), and ~vpMbTracker().
protected |
Moving-Edges parameters for projection error.
Definition at line 205 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by addProjectionErrorCircle(), addProjectionErrorCylinder(), addProjectionErrorLine(), loadConfigFile(), and setProjectionErrorMovingEdge().
protected |
Definition at line 203 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeProjectionErrorImpl().
protected |
Random number generator used in vpMbtDistanceLine::buildFrom()
Definition at line 227 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), and addProjectionErrorLine().
protected |
Sobel kernel in X.
Definition at line 209 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), computeProjectionErrorImpl(), setProjectionErrorKernelSize(), and vpMbTracker().
protected |
Sobel kernel in Y.
Definition at line 211 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), computeProjectionErrorImpl(), setProjectionErrorKernelSize(), and vpMbTracker().
protected |
Flag that indicates that SoDB::init(); was called.
Definition at line 225 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadVRMLModel(), and ~vpMbTracker().
protected |
Epsilon threshold to stop the VVS optimization loop.
Definition at line 191 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Map with [map.first]=parameter_names and [map.second]=type (string, number or boolean)
Definition at line 182 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by parseParameters(), and vpMbTracker().
protected |
Minimum line length threshold for LOD mode (general setting)
Definition at line 177 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Minimum polygon area threshold for LOD mode (general setting)
Definition at line 179 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by addPolygon(), addProjectionErrorPolygon(), loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
The name of the file containing the model (it is used to create a file name.0.pos used to store the compute pose in the initClick method).
Definition at line 120 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadModel().
protected |
Flag used to ensure that the CAD model is loaded before the initialisation.
Definition at line 123 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeCurrentProjectionError(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), loadModel(), vpMbGenericTracker::reInitModel(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Number of circles in CAO model.
Definition at line 170 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadCAOModel(), and loadModel().
protected |
Number of cylinders in CAO model.
Definition at line 168 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadCAOModel(), and loadModel().
protected |
Number of lines in CAO model.
Definition at line 162 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadCAOModel(), and loadModel().
protected |
Number of points in CAO model.
Definition at line 160 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadCAOModel(), and loadModel().
protected |
Number of polygon lines in CAO model.
Definition at line 164 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadCAOModel(), and loadModel().
protected |
Number of polygon points in CAO model.
Definition at line 166 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadCAOModel(), and loadModel().
protected |
Definition at line 156 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
The Degrees of Freedom to estimate.
Definition at line 115 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbGenericTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVS(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), computeVVSPoseEstimation(), getEstimatedDoF(), setEstimatedDoF(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbTracker().
protected |
Filename used to save the initial pose computed using the initClick() method. It is also used to read a previous pose in the same method.
Definition at line 126 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by initClick().
protected |
Error angle between the gradient direction of the model features projected at the resulting pose and their normal.
Definition at line 136 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbGenericTracker::computeProjectionError(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeProjectionError(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().
protected |
True if LOD mode is enabled.
Definition at line 172 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by loadCAOModel(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(), vpMbEdgeTracker::loadConfigFile(), and vpMbGenericTracker::track().
protected |
Use Ogre3d for visibility tests.
Definition at line 155 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeTracker::display(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(), projectionErrorVisibleFace(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), setOgreVisibilityTest(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace().
protected |
Use Scanline for visibility tests.
Definition at line 158 of file vpMbTracker.h.
Referenced by vpMbDepthDenseTracker::addFace(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::addFace(), vpMbEdgeTracker::addLine(), addProjectionErrorLine(), computeProjectionErrorImpl(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::computeVisibility(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbKltTracker::getModelForDisplay(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::init(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbKltTracker::initCylinder(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(), vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromLines(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpMbDepthDenseTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbDepthNormalTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbGenericTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbKltTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeTracker::resetTracker(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbGenericTracker::track(), and vpMbEdgeTracker::track().