Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- m -
- m00
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- m01
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- m02
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- m10
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- m11
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- m20
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- m_blockSize
: vpKltOpencv
- m_ecm
: vpMbtXmlParser
- m_error
: vpMbTracker
: vpMeSite
- m_face_cascade
: vpDetectorFace
- m_faces
: vpDetectorFace
- m_frame_gray
: vpDetectorFace
- m_gray
: vpKltOpencv
- m_harris_k
: vpKltOpencv
- m_initial_guess
: vpKltOpencv
- m_maxCount
: vpKltOpencv
- m_message
: vpDetectorBase
- m_minDistance
: vpKltOpencv
- m_minEigThreshold
: vpKltOpencv
- m_nb_objects
: vpDetectorBase
- m_next_points_id
: vpKltOpencv
- m_optimizationMethod
: vpMbTracker
- m_points
: vpKltOpencv
- m_points_id
: vpKltOpencv
- m_polygon
: vpDetectorBase
- m_prevGray
: vpKltOpencv
- m_pyrMaxLevel
: vpKltOpencv
- m_qualityLevel
: vpKltOpencv
- m_scanner
: vpDetectorQRCode
- m_termcrit
: vpKltOpencv
- m_useHarrisDetector
: vpKltOpencv
- m_w
: vpMbTracker
- m_winSize
: vpKltOpencv
- MagicWord
: vpSickLDMRS
- MagicWordC2
: vpSickLDMRS
- magnitude()
: vpQuaternionVector
- main_tag
: vpXmlParser
- mainLoop()
: vpSimulator
- mainThread
: vpSimulator
- mainWindow
: vpSimulator
- mainWindowInitialized
: vpSimulator
- makeDirectory()
: vpIoTools
: vpRobotViper650
, vpRobotViper850
- maplePrint()
: vpMatrix
- mapOfParameterNames
: vpMbTracker
- marge_triangle
: vpTemplateTrackerTriangle
- mask
: vpMbtXmlParser
, vpMe
- mask_border
: vpMbtKltXmlParser
- mask_sign
: vpMe
, vpMeSite
- mask_size
: vpMe
- maskBorder
: vpMbKltTracker
, vpMbtKltXmlParser
- match()
: vpKeyPoint
- matchedReferencePoints
: vpBasicKeyPoint
- matcher
: vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint
- matching_factor_threshold
: vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint
- matching_method
: vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint
- matching_ratio_threshold
: vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint
- matchPoint()
: vpBasicKeyPoint
, vpFernClassifier
, vpKeyPoint
, vpKeyPointSurf
, vpPlanarObjectDetector
- matchPointAndDetect()
: vpKeyPoint
- matlabPrint()
: vpMatrix
- matrixError
: vpMatrixException
: vpV4l2Grabber
: vpV4l2Grabber
- max_features
: vpMbtKltXmlParser
: vpV4l2Grabber
: vpDisplayWin32
: vpV4l2Grabber
: vpV4l2Grabber
- max_size_message
: vpNetwork
- max_x
: vpTemplateTrackerZone
- max_y
: vpTemplateTrackerZone
- maxFeatures
: vpMbtKltXmlParser
- maximum()
: vpMath
- maxIter
: vpMbEdgeKltTracker
, vpMbKltTracker
- maxlen_body
: vpSickLDMRS
- maxRotationVelocity
: vpRobot
- maxRotationVelocityDefault
: vpRobot
- maxTranslationVelocity
: vpRobot
- maxTranslationVelocityDefault
: vpRobot
- mBackground
: vpAROgre
- mBackgroundHeight
: vpAROgre
- mBackgroundWidth
: vpAROgre
- mcam
: vpAROgre
- mCamera
: vpAROgre
- mcosc()
: vpMath
- me
: vpMbEdgeTracker
, vpMeTracker
- mean()
: vpColVector
, vpRowVector
: vpServo
- MeanShift()
: vpScale
- measure()
: vpSickLDMRS
- MeasuredData
: vpSickLDMRS
- median()
: vpColVector
, vpRowVector
- meEllipse
: vpMbtDistanceCircle
- meline
: vpMbtDistanceLine
- meline1
: vpMbtDistanceCylinder
- meline2
: vpMbtDistanceCylinder
- memoryAllocationError
: vpException
- memoryFreeError
: vpException
- merge()
: vpImageConvert
- message
: vpException
- MEstimator()
: vpRobust
- mFarClipping
: vpAROgre
- MI_postEstimation
: vpTemplateTrackerMI
- MI_preEstimation
: vpTemplateTrackerMI
- mImage
: vpAROgre
- mImageRGBA
: vpAROgre
- min_distance
: vpMbtKltXmlParser
- min_line_length_threshold
: vpMbXmlParser
- min_polygon_area_threshold
: vpMbXmlParser
- min_samplestep
: vpMe
- min_x
: vpTemplateTrackerZone
- min_y
: vpTemplateTrackerZone
- minDist
: vpMbtKltXmlParser
- minimizationMethod
: vpTemplateTrackerMIESM
- minimum()
: vpMath
: vpServo
- minLineLengthThresh
: vpMbtPolygon
- minLineLengthThreshold
: vpMbXmlParser
- minLineLengthThresholdGeneral
: vpMbTracker
- minNbMatching
: vpPlanarObjectDetector
- minPolygonAreaThresh
: vpMbtPolygon
- minPolygonAreaThreshold
: vpMbXmlParser
- minPolygonAreaThresholdGeneral
: vpMbTracker
- mInputManager
: vpAROgre
- minx_temp
: vpTemplateTrackerTriangle
- miny_temp
: vpTemplateTrackerTriangle
: vpRobot
- mKeyboard
: vpAROgre
- mMp_
: vpPioneerPan
- mNearClipping
: vpAROgre
- mod_i
: vpTemplateTracker
- mod_j
: vpTemplateTracker
- model
: vpLinearKalmanFilterInstantiation
: vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
: vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
- modelFileName
: vpMbTracker
- modelInitialised
: vpMbTracker
- modelPoints
: vpFernClassifier
- modelROI
: vpFernClassifier
, vpPlanarObjectDetector
- modelROI_Ref
: vpFernClassifier
- modify()
: vpList< type >
- moment
: vpFeatureMoment
- momentName()
: vpFeatureMoment
, vpFeatureMomentAlpha
, vpFeatureMomentArea
, vpFeatureMomentAreaNormalized
, vpFeatureMomentBasic
, vpFeatureMomentCentered
, vpFeatureMomentCInvariant
, vpFeatureMomentGravityCenter
, vpFeatureMomentGravityCenterNormalized
, vpMomentGenericFeature
- moments
: vpFeatureMoment
- MONO16
: vp1394CMUGrabber
- MONO16ToGrey()
: vpImageConvert
- MONO16ToRGBa()
: vpImageConvert
: vp1394CMUGrabber
- mOptionnalResourceLocation
: vpAROgre
- move()
: vpRobotAfma4
, vpRobotAfma6
, vpRobotViper650
, vpRobotViper850
, vpSimulatorAfma6
, vpSimulatorViper850
- moveCenter()
: vpRect
- moveInternalCamera()
: vpSimulator
- moydIrefdp
: vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional
- mPixelBuffer
: vpAROgre
- mPluginsPath
: vpAROgre
- mResourcePath
: vpAROgre
- mRoot
: vpAROgre
- mSceneMgr
: vpAROgre
- mshowConfigDialog
: vpAROgre
- msinc()
: vpMath
- mu
: vpServo
- mu02
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- mu1
: vpMbtXmlParser
, vpMe
- mu11
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- mu2
: vpMbtXmlParser
, vpMe
- mu20
: vpDot2
, vpDot
, vpMeEllipse
- mult2Matrices()
: vpMatrix
- multMatrixVector()
: vpMatrix
- mutex_artCoord
: vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
- mutex_artVel
: vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
- mutex_display
: vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
- mutex_fMi
: vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
- mutex_velocity
: vpRobotWireFrameSimulator
- mWindow
: vpAROgre
- mWindowHeight
: vpAROgre
- mWindowWidth
: vpAROgre
- vpMatchingMethodEnum
: vpXmlConfigParserKeyPoint
- vpMatrix
: vpColVector
, vpMatrix
, vpVelocityTwistMatrix
- vpMatrixException()
: vpMatrixException
- vpMbEdgeKltTracker()
: vpMbEdgeKltTracker
- vpMbEdgeTracker()
: vpMbEdgeTracker
- vpMbHiddenFaces()
: vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >
- vpMbKltTracker()
: vpMbKltTracker
- vpMbtDistanceCircle()
: vpMbtDistanceCircle
- vpMbtDistanceCylinder()
: vpMbtDistanceCylinder
- vpMbtDistanceKltCylinder()
: vpMbtDistanceKltCylinder
- vpMbtDistanceKltPoints()
: vpMbtDistanceKltPoints
- vpMbtDistanceLine()
: vpMbtDistanceLine
- vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser()
: vpMbtEdgeKltXmlParser
- vpMbtKltXmlParser()
: vpMbtKltXmlParser
- vpMbtOptimizationMethod
: vpMbTracker
- vpMbtPolygon()
: vpMbtPolygon
- vpMbTracker()
: vpMbTracker
- vpMbtXmlParser()
: vpMbtXmlParser
- vpMbXmlParser()
: vpMbXmlParser
- vpMe()
: vpMe
- vpMeEllipse()
: vpMeEllipse
- vpMeLine()
: vpMeLine
- vpMeNurbs()
: vpMeNurbs
- vpMeSite()
: vpMeSite
- vpMeSiteDisplayType
: vpMeSite
- vpMeSiteState
: vpMeSite
- vpMeterPixelConversion
: vpCameraParameters
- vpMeTracker()
: vpMeTracker
- vpMinimizationTypeMIForwardAdditional
: vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional
- vpMinimizationTypeMIInverseCompositional
: vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional
- vpMinimizationTypeSSDForwardAdditional
: vpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardAdditional
- vpMoment()
: vpMoment
, vpMomentDatabase
- vpMomentAlpha()
: vpMomentAlpha
- vpMomentArea()
: vpMomentArea
- vpMomentAreaNormalized()
: vpMomentAreaNormalized
- vpMomentBasic()
: vpMomentBasic
- vpMomentCentered()
: vpMomentCentered
- vpMomentCInvariant()
: vpMomentCInvariant
- vpMomentCommon()
: vpMomentCommon
- vpMomentDatabase()
: vpMomentDatabase
- vpMomentGenericFeature()
: vpMomentGenericFeature
- vpMomentGravityCenter()
: vpMomentGravityCenter
- vpMomentGravityCenterNormalized()
: vpMomentGravityCenterNormalized
- vpMomentObject()
: vpMomentObject
- vpMouseButtonType
: vpMouseButton
- vpMutex()
: vpMutex