Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-17)
vpXmlParserCamera Class Reference

#include <visp3/core/vpXmlParserCamera.h>

Public Types

enum  vpXmlCodeSequenceType { SEQUENCE_OK , SEQUENCE_ERROR }

Public Member Functions

 vpXmlParserCamera ()
 ~vpXmlParserCamera ()
std::string getCameraName () const
vpCameraParameters getCameraParameters () const
unsigned int getHeight () const
unsigned int getSubsampling_width () const
unsigned int getSubsampling_height () const
unsigned int getWidth () const
int parse (vpCameraParameters &cam, const std::string &filename, const std::string &camera_name, const vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType &projModel, unsigned int image_width=0, unsigned int image_height=0, bool verbose=true)
int save (const vpCameraParameters &cam, const std::string &filename, const std::string &camera_name, unsigned int image_width=0, unsigned int image_height=0, const std::string &additionalInfo="", bool verbose=true)
void setCameraName (const std::string &name)
void setHeight (unsigned int height)
void setSubsampling_width (unsigned int subsampling)
void setSubsampling_height (unsigned int subsampling)
void setWidth (unsigned int width)

Detailed Description

XML parser to load and save intrinsic camera parameters.

To have a complete description of the camera parameters and the corresponding projection model implemented in ViSP, see vpCameraParameters.

Example of an XML file "myXmlFile.xml" containing intrinsic camera parameters:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

Example of loading existing camera parameters from an XML file:

#include <visp3/core/vpCameraParameters.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpXmlParserCamera.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
vpCameraParameters cam; // Create a camera parameter container
vpXmlParserCamera p; // Create a XML parser
vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType projModel; // Projection model
// Use a perspective projection model without distortion
// Parse the xml file "myXmlFile.xml" to find the intrinsic camera
// parameters of the camera named "myCamera" for the image sizes 640x480,
// for the projection model projModel. The size of the image is optional
// if camera parameters are given only for one image size.
if (p.parse(cam, "myXmlFile.xml", "myCamera", projModel,640,480) != vpXmlParserCamera::SEQUENCE_OK) {
std::cout << "Cannot found myCamera" << std::endl;
// cout the parameters
// Get the camera parameters for the model without distortion
double px = cam.get_px();
double py = cam.get_py();
double u0 = cam.get_u0();
double v0 = cam.get_v0();
// Now we modify the principal point (u0,v0) for example to add noise
u0 *= 0.9;
v0 *= 0.8;
// Set the new camera parameters
cam.initPersProjWithoutDistortion(px, py, u0, v0);
// Save the parameters in a new file "myXmlFileWithNoise.xml","myXmlFileWithNoise.xml",p.getCameraName(),p.getWidth(),p.getHeight());
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters.
void initPersProjWithoutDistortion(double px, double py, double u0, double v0)
@ perspectiveProjWithoutDistortion
Perspective projection without distortion model.
XML parser to load and save intrinsic camera parameters.
unsigned int getHeight() const
int save(const vpCameraParameters &cam, const std::string &filename, const std::string &camera_name, unsigned int image_width=0, unsigned int image_height=0, const std::string &additionalInfo="", bool verbose=true)
unsigned int getWidth() const
int parse(vpCameraParameters &cam, const std::string &filename, const std::string &camera_name, const vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType &projModel, unsigned int image_width=0, unsigned int image_height=0, bool verbose=true)
std::string getCameraName() const

Example of writing an XML file containing intrinsic camera parameters:

#include <visp3/core/vpCameraParameters.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpXmlParserCamera.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
// Create a camera parameter container. We want to set these parameters
// for a 320x240 image, and we want to use the perspective projection
// modelization without distortion.
// Set the principal point coordinates (u0,v0)
double u0 = 162.3;
double v0 = 122.4;
// Set the pixel ratio (px, py)
double px = 563.2;
double py = 564.1;
// Set the camera parameters for a model without distortion
cam.initPersProjWithoutDistortion(px, py, u0, v0);
// Create a XML parser
// Save the camera parameters in an XML file.
if (, "myNewXmlFile.xml", "myNewCamera", 320, 240) != vpXmlParserCamera::SEQUENCE_OK) {
std::cout << "Cannot save camera parameters" << std::endl;
mbot-apriltag-2D-half-vs.cpp, mbot-apriltag-ibvs.cpp, mbot-apriltag-pbvs.cpp, saveRealSenseData.cpp, servoBebop2.cpp, servoFlirPtuIBVS.cpp, testXmlParserCamera.cpp, tutorial-apriltag-detector-live.cpp, tutorial-apriltag-detector.cpp, tutorial-grabber-realsense.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-apriltag-webcam.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-live.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-blender.cpp, tutorial-pose-from-planar-object.cpp, tutorial-pose-from-points-live.cpp, and tutorial-undistort.cpp.

Definition at line 172 of file vpXmlParserCamera.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ vpXmlCodeSequenceType


Definition at line 175 of file vpXmlParserCamera.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpXmlParserCamera()

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE vpXmlParserCamera::vpXmlParserCamera ( )

Definition at line 1181 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ ~vpXmlParserCamera()

vpXmlParserCamera::~vpXmlParserCamera ( )

Definition at line 1183 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCameraName()

std::string vpXmlParserCamera::getCameraName ( ) const

Definition at line 1261 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ getCameraParameters()

vpCameraParameters vpXmlParserCamera::getCameraParameters ( ) const

◆ getHeight()

unsigned int vpXmlParserCamera::getHeight ( ) const

Definition at line 1265 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ getSubsampling_height()

unsigned int vpXmlParserCamera::getSubsampling_height ( ) const

Definition at line 1269 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ getSubsampling_width()

unsigned int vpXmlParserCamera::getSubsampling_width ( ) const

Definition at line 1267 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ getWidth()

unsigned int vpXmlParserCamera::getWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 1271 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ parse()

int vpXmlParserCamera::parse ( vpCameraParameters cam,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  cam_name,
const vpCameraParameters::vpCameraParametersProjType projModel,
unsigned int  im_width = 0,
unsigned int  im_height = 0,
bool  verbose = true 

Parse an xml file to load camera parameters.

cam: Camera parameters to fill.
filename: Name of the xml file to parse.
cam_name: Name of the camera. Useful if the xml file has multiple camera parameters. Set to an empty string "" if the camera name is not ambiguous.
projModel: Camera projection model needed.
im_width: Image width on which camera calibration was performed. Set to 0 if not ambiguous.
im_height: Image height on which camera calibration was performed. Set to 0 if not ambiguous.
verbosetrue to enable verbose mode, false otherwise.
vpXmlParserCamera::SEQUENCE_OK if success and vpXmlParserCamera::SEQUENCE_ERROR otherwise.
mbot-apriltag-2D-half-vs.cpp, mbot-apriltag-ibvs.cpp, mbot-apriltag-pbvs.cpp, servoBebop2.cpp, servoFlirPtuIBVS.cpp, testXmlParserCamera.cpp, tutorial-apriltag-detector-live.cpp, tutorial-apriltag-detector.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-apriltag-webcam.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-live.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-blender.cpp, tutorial-pose-from-points-live.cpp, and tutorial-undistort.cpp.

Definition at line 1200 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

Referenced by vpAfma6::getCameraParameters(), vpViper650::getCameraParameters(), vpViper850::getCameraParameters(), and vpKinect::start().

◆ save()

int vpXmlParserCamera::save ( const vpCameraParameters cam,
const std::string &  filename,
const std::string &  cam_name,
unsigned int  im_width = 0,
unsigned int  im_height = 0,
const std::string &  additionalInfo = "",
bool  verbose = true 

Save camera parameters in an xml file.

cam: Camera parameters to save.
filename: Name of the xml file to fill.
cam_name: Name of the camera: useful if the xml file has multiple camera parameters. Set to "" if the camera name is not ambiguous.
im_width: Width of image on which camera calibration was performed. Set to 0 if not ambiguous.
im_height: Height of the image on which camera calibration was performed. Set to 0 if not ambiguous.
additionalInfo: Additional information added in the saved xml file. The content of this string should be in xml format.
verbosetrue to enable verbose mode, false otherwise.
error code.

A typical usage would be the following:

#include <visp3/core/vpTime.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpXmlParserCamera.h>
using namespace VISP_NAMESPACE_NAME;
int main()
std::stringstream ss_additional_info;
ss_additional_info << "<date>" << vpTime::getDateTime() << "</date>";
if (, "camera.xml", "myCamera", 320, 240, ss_additional_info.str()) != vpXmlParserCamera::SEQUENCE_OK) {
std::cout << "Cannot save camera parameters" << std::endl;
VISP_EXPORT std::string getDateTime(const std::string &format="%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S")

In camera.xml file, you will see:

<!--Additional information-->
<date>2016/06/10 09:15:56</date>
saveRealSenseData.cpp, testXmlParserCamera.cpp, and tutorial-grabber-realsense.cpp.

Definition at line 1255 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ setCameraName()

void vpXmlParserCamera::setCameraName ( const std::string &  name)

Definition at line 1273 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ setHeight()

void vpXmlParserCamera::setHeight ( unsigned int  height)

Definition at line 1275 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ setSubsampling_height()

void vpXmlParserCamera::setSubsampling_height ( unsigned int  subsampling)

Definition at line 1279 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ setSubsampling_width()

void vpXmlParserCamera::setSubsampling_width ( unsigned int  subsampling)

Definition at line 1277 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.

◆ setWidth()

void vpXmlParserCamera::setWidth ( unsigned int  width)

Definition at line 1281 of file vpXmlParserCamera.cpp.