- Member vp::unsharpMask (vpImage< unsigned char > &I, unsigned int size=7, double weight=0.6)
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use unsharpMask() with sigma Gaussian parameter. You can use sigma = 1.0f to have similar results.
- Member vp::unsharpMask (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpImage< unsigned char > &Ires, unsigned int size=7, double weight=0.6)
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use unsharpMask() with sigma Gaussian parameter. You can use sigma = 1.0f to have similar results.
- Member vp::unsharpMask (vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, unsigned int size=7, double weight=0.6)
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use unsharpMask() with sigma Gaussian parameter. You can use sigma = 1.0f to have similar results.
- Member vp::unsharpMask (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, vpImage< vpRGBa > &Ires, unsigned int size=7, double weight=0.6)
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use unsharpMask() with sigma Gaussian parameter. You can use sigma = 1.0f to have similar results.
- Member vpCalibration::calibrationTsai (const std::vector< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &cMo, const std::vector< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &rMe, vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc)
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use vpHandEyeCalibration::calibrate().
- Member vpCalibration::computeCalibrationTsai (const std::vector< vpCalibration > &table_cal, vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc, vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc_dist)
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use vpHandEyeCalibration::calibrate().
- Member vpCircle::get_mu02 () const
- You should rather use get_n02(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpCircle::get_mu11 () const
- You should rather use get_n11(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpCircle::get_mu20 () const
- You should rather use get_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpColVector::euclideanNorm () const
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().
- Member vpColVector::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpColVector::insert (const vpColVector &v, unsigned int r, unsigned int c=0)
- You should rather use insert(unsigned int, const vpColVector &).
- Member vpColVector::rows (unsigned int first_row, unsigned int last_row) const
- You should rather use extract().
- Member vpColVector::setIdentity (const double &val=1.0)
- You should rather use eye()
- Member vpColVector::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &r)
- You should rather use stack(const vpColVector &)
- Member vpColVector::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
- You should rather use stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
- Member vpColVector::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
- You should rather use stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::getMu02 () const
- You should rather use get_n02(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns the visual feature corresponding to the second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::getMu11 () const
- You should rather use get_n11(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns the visual feature corresponding to the second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::getMu20 () const
- You should rather use get_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns the visual feature corresponding to the second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu02 ()
- You should rather use select_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu11 ()
- You should rather use select_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::selectMu20 ()
- You should rather use select_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it intends to select as visual feature second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpFeatureEllipse::setMu (double mu20, double mu11, double mu02)
- You should rather use setMoments(). This function and its parameters are incorrectly named and are confusing since this function is waiting for second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpForceTwistMatrix::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpHomogeneousMatrix::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Member vpHomography::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Member vpImageConvert::convert (const IplImage *src, vpImage< vpRGBa > &dest, bool flip=false)
- Rather then using OpenCV IplImage you should use cv::Mat images. IplImage structure will be removed with OpenCV transcient from C to C++ api.
- Member vpImageConvert::convert (const IplImage *src, vpImage< unsigned char > &dest, bool flip=false)
- Rather then using OpenCV IplImage you should use cv::Mat images. IplImage structure will be removed with OpenCV transcient from C to C++ api.
- Member vpImageConvert::convert (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &src, IplImage *&dest)
- Rather then using OpenCV IplImage you should use cv::Mat images. IplImage structure will be removed with OpenCV transcient from C to C++ api.
- Member vpImageConvert::convert (const vpImage< unsigned char > &src, IplImage *&dest)
- Rather then using OpenCV IplImage you should use cv::Mat images. IplImage structure will be removed with OpenCV transcient from C to C++ api.
- Member vpImageTools::createSubImage (const vpImage< Type > &I, unsigned int roi_top, unsigned int roi_left, unsigned int roi_height, unsigned int roi_width, vpImage< Type > &crop)
- This fonction is deprecated. You should rather use crop(const vpImage<Type> &, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, vpImage<Type> &).
- Member vpImageTools::createSubImage (const vpImage< Type > &I, const vpRect &roi, vpImage< Type > &crop)
- This fonction is deprecated. You should rather use crop(const vpImage<Type> &, const vpRect &, vpImage<Type> &).
- Member vpMatrix::column (unsigned int j)
- This method is deprecated. You should rather use getCol(). More precisely, the following code:
- Member vpMatrix::euclideanNorm () const
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().
- Member vpMatrix::init ()
- Only provided for compatibilty with ViSP previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpMatrix::row (unsigned int i)
- This method is deprecated. You should rather use getRow(). More precisely, the following code:
- Member vpMatrix::setIdentity (const double &val=1.0)
You should rather use diag(const double &)
You should rather use diag(const double &)
You should rather use diag(const double &)
You should rather use diag(const double &)
You should rather use diag(const double &)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpMatrix &C)
- You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpMatrix &C)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
- You should rather use vpColVector::stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
- Member vpMatrix::stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
- You should rather use vpColVector::stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
- Member vpMbKltTracker::getMaskBorder () const
- Use rather getkltMaskBorder()
- Member vpMbKltTracker::getNbKltPoints () const
- Use rather getKltNbPoints()
- Member vpMbKltTracker::getThresholdAcceptation () const
- Use rather getKltThresholdAcceptation()
- Member vpMbKltTracker::setThresholdAcceptation (double th)
- Use rather setKltThresholdAcceptation()
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_m00 () const
- Call rather getArea().
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_m01 () const
- Gets the first order raw moment
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_m02 () const
- Gets the second order raw moment
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_m10 () const
- Gets the first order raw moment
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_m11 () const
- Gets the second order raw moment
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_m20 () const
- Gets the second order raw moment
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_mu02 () const
- Gets the second order centered moment
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_mu11 () const
- Gets the second order centered moment
- Member vpMeEllipse::get_mu20 () const
- Gets the second order centered moment
- Member vpMeEllipse::getA () const
- You should rather use get_ABE(). Gets the semimajor axis of the ellipse.
- Member vpMeEllipse::getB () const
- You should rather use get_ABE(). Gets the semiminor axis of the ellipse.
- Member vpMeEllipse::getE () const
- You should rather use get_ABE(). Gets the angle made by the major axis and the u axis of the image frame
- Member vpMeEllipse::getEquationParam (double &A, double &B, double &E)
- You should rather use get_ABE(). Gets the equation parameters of the ellipse.
- Member vpMeEllipse::initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, unsigned int n, vpImagePoint *iP)
- Initialization of the tracking. The ellipse is defined thanks to the coordinates of n points.
- Member vpMeEllipse::initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, unsigned int n, unsigned *i, unsigned *j)
- Use an other initTracking() function.
- Member vpMeEllipse::initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint ¢er_p, double a_p, double b_p, double e_p, double low_alpha, double high_alpha)
- Initialization of the tracking. The arc of the ellipse is defined thanks to its center, semimajor axis, semiminor axis, orientation and the angle of its two extremities
- Member vpMomentAreaNormalized::getDesiredSurface () const
- Use rather getDesiredArea() Retrieves the desired surface a* as specified in the constructor.
- Member vpPose::init ()
- This function is deprecated since same initialisation is done in constructors.
- Member vpPoseVector::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Class vpRobotCamera
- This class is deprecated since ViSP 3.0.0.
- Member vpRobust::setIteration (unsigned int iter)
- Set iteration. This function is to call before simultMEstimator().
- Member vpRobust::setThreshold (double mad_min)
- You should rather use setMinMedianAbsoluteDeviation(). Set minimal median absolute deviation (MAD) value. Given the input vector or residual, when MAD(residual) < mad_min we set MAD(residual) = mad_min.
- Member vpRobust::simultMEstimator (vpColVector &residues)
- This function is useless. Calculate an Mestimate with a simultaneous scale estimate using HUBER's influence function
- Member vpRobust::vpRobust (unsigned int n_data)
- You should rather use the default constructor.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpRotationMatrix::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Member vpRowVector::euclideanNorm () const
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().
- Member vpRowVector::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpRowVector::setIdentity (const double &val=1.0)
- You should rather use eye()
- Member vpRowVector::stackMatrices (const vpRowVector &r)
- You should rather use stack(const vpRowVector &)
- Member vpRowVector::stackMatrices (const vpRowVector &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpRowVector &C)
- You should rather use stack(const vpRowVector &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpRowVector &C)
- Member vpRowVector::stackMatrices (const vpRowVector &A, const vpRowVector &B)
- You should rather use stack(const vpRowVector &A, const vpRowVector &B)
- Member vpSphere::get_mu02 () const
- You should rather use get_n02(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpSphere::get_mu11 () const
- You should rather use get_n11(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpSphere::get_mu20 () const
- You should rather use get_n20(). This function is incorrectly named and is confusing since it returns second order centered moments of the ellipse normalized by its area that corresponds to
- Member vpTemplateTracker::setThresholdRMS (double threshold)
- This function is deprecated and the value set is no more used. Use rather setThresholdResidualDerivative()
- Member vpTranslationVector::euclideanNorm () const
- This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::init ()
- Provided only for compat with previous releases. This function does nothing.
- Member vpVelocityTwistMatrix::setIdentity ()
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
You should rather use eye().
- Member vpVirtuose::setIpAddress (const std::string &ip_port)
- You should rather use setIpAddressAndPort() that is more explicit.