Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.0.0
vpImage< Type > Class Template Reference

#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>

Public Member Functions

 vpImage ()
 vpImage (const vpImage< Type > &)
 vpImage (unsigned int height, unsigned int width)
 vpImage (unsigned int height, unsigned int width, Type value)
 vpImage (Type *const array, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int width, const bool copyData=false)
virtual ~vpImage ()
void init (unsigned int height, unsigned int width)
void init (unsigned int height, unsigned int width, Type value)
void init (Type *const array, const unsigned int height, const unsigned int width, const bool copyData=false)
void resize (const unsigned int h, const unsigned int w)
void resize (const unsigned int h, const unsigned int w, const Type val)
void destroy ()
unsigned int getHeight () const
unsigned int getWidth () const
unsigned int getRows () const
unsigned int getCols () const
unsigned int getSize () const
Type getMaxValue () const
Type getMinValue () const
void getMinMaxValue (Type &min, Type &max) const
Type getValue (double i, double j) const
Type getValue (vpImagePoint &ip) const
unsigned int getNumberOfPixel () const
Type * operator[] (const unsigned int i)
Type * operator[] (const int i)
const Type * operator[] (unsigned int i) const
const Type * operator[] (int i) const
Type operator() (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j) const
void operator() (const unsigned int i, const unsigned int j, const Type &v)
Type operator() (const vpImagePoint &ip) const
void operator() (const vpImagePoint &ip, const Type &v)
vpImage< Type > operator- (const vpImage< Type > &B)
vpImage< Type > & operator= (const vpImage< Type > &I)
vpImage< Type > & operator= (const Type &v)
bool operator== (const vpImage< Type > &I)
bool operator!= (const vpImage< Type > &I)
void insert (const vpImage< Type > &src, const vpImagePoint topLeft)
void halfSizeImage (vpImage< Type > &res)
void quarterSizeImage (vpImage< Type > &res)
void doubleSizeImage (vpImage< Type > &res)
void sub (const vpImage< Type > &B, vpImage< Type > &C)
void sub (const vpImage< Type > &A, const vpImage< Type > &B, vpImage< Type > &C)
void performLut (const Type(&lut)[256])

Public Attributes

Type * bitmap


class vpImageConvert

Detailed Description

template<class Type>
class vpImage< Type >

Definition of the vpImage class member functions.

This is a template class, therefore the type of each element of the array is not a priori defined.

Data structure

Each image is build using two structure (an array bitmap which size is [width*height]) and an array of pointer row (which size is [nrow]) the ith element in the row array row[i] is pointer toward the ith "line" of the image (ie, bitmap +i*width )


Such a structure allows a fast acces to each element of the image. if i is the ith rows and j the jth columns the value of this pixel is given by I[i][j] (that is equivalent to row[i][j]).


The following example available in tutorial-image-manipulation.cpp shows how to create gray level and color images and how to access to the pixels.

#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
int main()
try {
vpImage<unsigned char> gray_image(240, 320);
vpImage<vpRGBa> color_image(240, 320);
gray_image = 128;
vpRGBa color(255, 0, 0);
color_image = color;
unsigned int igray_max = gray_image.getHeight() - 1;
unsigned int jgray_max = gray_image.getWidth() - 1;
std::cout << "Gray image, last pixel intensity: "
<< (int)gray_image[igray_max][jgray_max] << std::endl;
unsigned int icolor_max = color_image.getHeight() - 1;
unsigned int jcolor_max = color_image.getWidth() - 1;
std::cout << "Color image, last pixel RGB components: "
<< (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].R << " "
<< (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].G << " "
<< (int)color_image[icolor_max][jcolor_max].B
<< std::endl;
catch(vpException e) {
std::cout << "Catch an exception: " << e << std::endl;

Important remark

To provide high-performance access there is no verification to ensure that 0 $\le$ i < height and 0 $\le$ j < width. Since the memory allocated in the bitmap array is continuous, that means that if (i, j) is outside the image you will manipulate a pixel that is not as expected. To highlight this remark, we provide hereafter an example where the considered pixel is outside the image:

unsigned int width = 320;
unsigned int height = 240;
vpImage<unsigned char> I(height, width); // Create an 320x240 image
// Set pixel coordinates that is outside the image
unsigned int i = 100;
unsigned int j = 400;
unsigned char value;
value = I[i][j]; // Here we will get the pixel value at position (101, 80)

Definition at line 111 of file vpImage.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class Type >
vpImage< Type >::vpImage ( )



No memory allocation is done

set all the element of the bitmap to value

See also
vpImage::resize(height, width) for memory allocation

Definition at line 589 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
vpImage< Type >::vpImage ( const vpImage< Type > &  I)

copy constructor

Copy constructor

Definition at line 714 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpImage< Type >::resize(), and vpERROR_TRACE.

template<class Type>
vpImage< Type >::vpImage ( unsigned int  h,
unsigned int  w 

constructor set the size of the image


Allocate memory for an [h x w] image.

w: Image width.
h: Image height.

Element of the bitmap are set to zero.

If the image has been already initialized, memory allocation is done only if the new image size is different, else we re-use the same memory space.

See also
vpImage::init(height, width)

Definition at line 506 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::init().

template<class Type>
vpImage< Type >::vpImage ( unsigned int  h,
unsigned int  w,
Type  value 

constructor set the size of the image and init all the pixel


Allocate memory for an [height x width] image.

w: Image width.
h: Image height.
value: Set all the element of the bitmap to value.

If the image has been already initialized, memory allocation is done only if the new image size is different, else we re-use the same memory space.

MEMORY_FAULT if memory allocation is impossible, else OK
See also
vpImage::init(height, width, value)

Definition at line 537 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::init(), and vpERROR_TRACE.

template<class Type>
vpImage< Type >::vpImage ( Type *const  array,
const unsigned int  h,
const unsigned int  w,
const bool  copyData = false 

constructor from an image stored as a continuous array in memory


Construct a vpImage from a continuous array in memory.

array: Image data stored as a continuous array in memory.
h: Image height.
w: Image width.
copyData: If false (by default) only the memory address is copied, otherwise the data are copied.
MEMORY_FAULT if memory allocation is impossible, else OK
See also
vpImage::init(array, height, width)

Definition at line 566 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::init().

template<class Type >
vpImage< Type >::~vpImage ( )


Destructor : Memory de-allocation.

does not deallocate memory for display and video

Definition at line 703 of file vpImage.h.

Member Function Documentation

template<class Type >
void vpImage< Type >::destroy ( )


Destructor : Memory de-allocation.

does not deallocate memory for display and video

Definition at line 672 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vpImageFilter::filter(), vpImageFilter::gaussianBlur(), and vpTemplateTracker::initTracking().

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::doubleSizeImage ( vpImage< Type > &  res)

Returns a new image that's double size of the current image. Used (eg. in case of keypoints extraction, we might double size of the image in order to have more keypoints). The double size image is computed by nearest-neighbour interpolation:

A C H J are pixels from original image
B E G I are interpolated pixels
Operator = must be defined for Type.
res[out] : Image that is double size of the current image.

The example below shows how to use this method:

vpImage<unsigned char> I; // original image
vpImageIo::read(I, "myImage.pgm");
vpImage<unsigned char> I2; // double size image
vpImageIo::write(I2, "myDoubleSizeImage.pgm");

See halfSizeImage(vpImage<Type> &) for an example of pyramid construction.

Definition at line 1097 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::resize().

template<class Type>
unsigned int vpImage< Type >::getCols ( ) const

Get the number of columns in the image.

The image number of column, or image width.
See also

Definition at line 180 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vpImageConvert::convert(), vpMomentObject::fromImage(), and vpMbKltTracker::reinit().

template<class Type>
unsigned int vpImage< Type >::getHeight ( ) const

Get the image height.

The image height.
See also

Definition at line 152 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vpDiskGrabber::acquire(), vp1394CMUGrabber::acquire(), vpV4l2Grabber::acquire(), vp1394TwoGrabber::acquire(), vpImageTools::binarise(), vpPlanarObjectDetector::buildReference(), vpKeyPointSurf::buildReference(), vpFernClassifier::buildReference(), vpHistogram::calculate(), vpImageTools::changeLUT(), vpMbtDistanceLine::closeToImageBorder(), vpMeLine::computeRhoTheta(), vpImageConvert::convert(), vpMeSite::convolution(), vpKeyPoint::createImageMatching(), vpImageTools::createSubImage(), vp1394TwoGrabber::dequeue(), vpDetectorDataMatrixCode::detect(), vpDetectorQRCode::detect(), vpImageMorphology::dilatation(), vpMbtDistanceLine::display(), vpMeLine::display(), vpHistogram::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpWireFrameSimulator::display_scene(), vpDisplayX::displayImage(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayImage(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayImageROI(), vpFeatureDisplay::displayLine(), vpKeyPoint::displayMatching(), vpDisplay::displayROI(), vpImageMorphology::erosion(), vpTemplateTrackerZone::fillTriangle(), vpImageFilter::filter(), vpImageFilter::filterX(), vpImageFilter::filterY(), vpImageFilter::filterYBottomBorder(), vpImageTools::flip(), vpViper850::getCameraParameters(), vpViper650::getCameraParameters(), vpServolens::getCameraParameters(), vpAfma6::getCameraParameters(), vpSimulatorAfma6::getCameraParameters(), vpSimulatorViper850::getCameraParameters(), vpTemplateTrackerSSD::getCost(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCC::getCost(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::getCost(), vpKinect::getDepthMap(), vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraParameters(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraParameters(), vpSimulatorAfma6::getExternalImage(), vpSimulatorViper850::getExternalImage(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage(), vpImageFilter::getGaussPyramidal(), vpImageFilter::getGaussXPyramidal(), vpImageFilter::getGaussYPyramidal(), vpImageFilter::getGradX(), vpImageFilter::getGradY(), vpDisplayX::getImage(), vpImageSimulator::getImage(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalCameraParameters(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalImage(), vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::getInternalView(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::getMI(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::getMI256(), vpPolygon3D::getNbCornerInsideImage(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::getNormalizedCost(), vpAROgre::getRenderingOutput(), vpTemplateTrackerSSD::getSSD(), vpImageTools::imageDifference(), vpImageTools::imageDifferenceAbsolute(), vpDisplayWin32::init(), vpAROgre::init(), vpDisplayGTK::init(), vpDisplayX::init(), vpDisplayOpenCV::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpTemplateTrackerZone::initFromPoints(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCForwardAdditional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIESM::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initPyramid(), vpTemplateTracker::initTracking(), vpImage< Type >::insert(), vpKeyPoint::insertImageMatching(), vpMbtPolygon::isVisible(), vpMeNurbs::localReSample(), vpPlanarObjectDetector::matchPoint(), vpKeyPointSurf::matchPoint(), vpFernClassifier::matchPoint(), vpImageConvert::merge(), vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation(), vpDiskGrabber::open(), vpVideoWriter::open(), vpVideoReader::open(), vpImage< Type >::operator!=(), vpImage< Type >::operator==(), vpImage< unsigned char >::performLut(), vpImage< vpRGBa >::performLut(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpImageIo::readJPEG(), vpImageIo::readPFM(), vpImageIo::readPGM(), vpImageIo::readPNG(), vpImageIo::readPPM(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpPolygon3D::roiInsideImage(), vpMeLine::sample(), vpMeNurbs::sample(), vpDot2::searchDotsInArea(), vpMeNurbs::seekExtremities(), vpMeLine::seekExtremities(), vpMeNurbs::seekExtremitiesCanny(), vpAR::setImage(), vpFernClassifier::setImage(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpImageConvert::split(), vpImage< Type >::sub(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDESM::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIESM::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpImageTools::undistort(), vpMbtDistanceLine::updateMovingEdge(), vpImage< Type >::vpImage(), vpKinect::warpRGBFrame(), vpImageIo::writeJPEG(), vpImageIo::writePFM(), vpImageIo::writePGM(), vpImageIo::writePNG(), and vpImageIo::writePPM().

template<class Type >
Type vpImage< Type >::getMaxValue ( ) const

Return the maximum value within the bitmap.

See also

Definition at line 736 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::getMinMaxValue ( Type &  min,
Type &  max 
) const

Look for the minimum and the maximum value within the bitmap.

See also

Definition at line 768 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vpImageConvert::convert().

template<class Type >
Type vpImage< Type >::getMinValue ( ) const

Return the minimum value within the bitmap.

See also

Definition at line 752 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
unsigned int vpImage< Type >::getNumberOfPixel ( ) const

Get the image number of pixels which corresponds to the image width multiplied by the image height.

The image number of pixels or image size.
See also
getWidth(), getHeight()

Definition at line 214 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vpImageConvert::split().

template<class Type>
unsigned int vpImage< Type >::getRows ( ) const

Get the number of rows in the image.

The image number of rows, or image height.
See also

Definition at line 171 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vpImageConvert::convert(), vpMomentObject::fromImage(), and vpMbKltTracker::reinit().

template<class Type>
unsigned int vpImage< Type >::getSize ( ) const

Get the image size.

The image size = width * height.
See also
getWidth(), getHeight()

Definition at line 189 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vp1394CMUGrabber::acquire().

template<class Type >
Type vpImage< Type >::getValue ( double  i,
double  j 
) const
template<class Type >
Type vpImage< Type >::getValue ( vpImagePoint ip) const
This generic method is not implemented. You should rather use the instantiated methods for double, unsigned char and vpRGBa images.
See also
vpImage<double>::getValue(vpImagePoint &)
vpImage<unsigned char>::getValue(vpImagePoint &)
vpImage<vpRGBa>::getValue(vpImagePoint &)

Definition at line 1313 of file vpImage.h.

References vpTRACE.

template<class Type>
unsigned int vpImage< Type >::getWidth ( ) const

Get the image width.

The image width.
See also

Definition at line 161 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vpDiskGrabber::acquire(), vp1394CMUGrabber::acquire(), vpV4l2Grabber::acquire(), vp1394TwoGrabber::acquire(), vpImageTools::binarise(), vpPlanarObjectDetector::buildReference(), vpKeyPointSurf::buildReference(), vpFernClassifier::buildReference(), vpHistogram::calculate(), vpImageTools::changeLUT(), vpMbtDistanceLine::closeToImageBorder(), vpMeLine::computeRhoTheta(), vpImageConvert::convert(), vpMeSite::convolution(), vpKeyPoint::createImageMatching(), vpImageTools::createSubImage(), vp1394TwoGrabber::dequeue(), vpDetectorDataMatrixCode::detect(), vpDetectorQRCode::detect(), vpImageMorphology::dilatation(), vpMbtDistanceLine::display(), vpMeLine::display(), vpHistogram::display(), vpMbKltTracker::display(), vpWireFrameSimulator::display_scene(), vpDisplayX::displayImage(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayImage(), vpDisplayX::displayImageROI(), vpDisplayOpenCV::displayImageROI(), vpFeatureDisplay::displayLine(), vpKeyPoint::displayMatching(), vpDisplay::displayROI(), vpImageMorphology::erosion(), vpTemplateTrackerZone::fillTriangle(), vpImageFilter::filter(), vpImageFilter::filterX(), vpImageFilter::filterXRightBorder(), vpImageFilter::filterY(), vpImageTools::flip(), vpViper850::getCameraParameters(), vpViper650::getCameraParameters(), vpServolens::getCameraParameters(), vpAfma6::getCameraParameters(), vpSimulatorAfma6::getCameraParameters(), vpSimulatorViper850::getCameraParameters(), vpTemplateTrackerSSD::getCost(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCC::getCost(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::getCost(), vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraParameters(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalCameraParameters(), vpSimulatorAfma6::getExternalImage(), vpSimulatorViper850::getExternalImage(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getExternalImage(), vpImageFilter::getGaussPyramidal(), vpImageFilter::getGaussXPyramidal(), vpImageFilter::getGaussYPyramidal(), vpImageFilter::getGradX(), vpImageFilter::getGradY(), vpDisplayX::getImage(), vpImageSimulator::getImage(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalCameraParameters(), vpWireFrameSimulator::getInternalImage(), vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::getInternalView(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::getMI(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::getMI256(), vpPolygon3D::getNbCornerInsideImage(), vpTemplateTrackerMI::getNormalizedCost(), vpAROgre::getRenderingOutput(), vpTemplateTrackerSSD::getSSD(), vpImageTools::imageDifference(), vpImageTools::imageDifferenceAbsolute(), vpDisplayWin32::init(), vpAROgre::init(), vpDisplayGTK::init(), vpDisplayX::init(), vpDisplayOpenCV::init(), vpMbKltTracker::init(), vpMbEdgeTracker::init(), vpMbTracker::initClick(), vpTemplateTrackerZone::initFromPoints(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCForwardAdditional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIESM::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpMbtDistanceLine::initMovingEdge(), vpMbEdgeTracker::initPyramid(), vpTemplateTracker::initTracking(), vpImage< Type >::insert(), vpKeyPoint::insertImageMatching(), vpMbtPolygon::isVisible(), vpMeNurbs::localReSample(), vpPlanarObjectDetector::matchPoint(), vpKeyPointSurf::matchPoint(), vpFernClassifier::matchPoint(), vpImageConvert::merge(), vpWireFrameSimulator::navigation(), vpDiskGrabber::open(), vpVideoWriter::open(), vpVideoReader::open(), vpImage< Type >::operator!=(), vpImage< Type >::operator==(), vpImage< vpRGBa >::performLut(), vpImage< unsigned char >::performLut(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::postTracking(), vpImageIo::readJPEG(), vpImageIo::readPFM(), vpImageIo::readPGM(), vpImageIo::readPNG(), vpImageIo::readPPM(), vpMbKltTracker::reinit(), vpPolygon3D::roiInsideImage(), vpMeLine::sample(), vpMeNurbs::sample(), vpDot2::searchDotsInArea(), vpMeNurbs::seekExtremities(), vpMeLine::seekExtremities(), vpMeNurbs::seekExtremitiesCanny(), vpAR::setImage(), vpFernClassifier::setImage(), vpMbEdgeKltTracker::setPose(), vpMbKltTracker::setPose(), vpImageConvert::split(), vpImage< Type >::sub(), vpMbEdgeTracker::track(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDESM::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIESM::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpImageTools::undistort(), vpMbtDistanceLine::updateMovingEdge(), vpImage< Type >::vpImage(), vpKinect::warpRGBFrame(), vpImageIo::writeJPEG(), vpImageIo::writePFM(), vpImageIo::writePGM(), vpImageIo::writePNG(), and vpImageIo::writePPM().

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::halfSizeImage ( vpImage< Type > &  res)

Returns a new image that's half size of the current image. No filtering is used during the sub sampling.

Used for building pyramid of the image.

Operator = must be defined for Type.
res[out] : Subsampled image that is half size of the current image.

The example below shows how to use this method:

vpImage<unsigned char> I; // original image
vpImageIo::read(I, "myImage.pgm");
vpImage<unsigned char> I2; // half size image
vpImageIo::write(I2, "myHalfSizeImage.pgm");

This other example shows how to construct a pyramid of the image:

vpImage<unsigned char> I[4]; // pyramid with 4 levels
vpImageIo::read(I[1], "myImage.pgm"); // Original image at level 1
// compute the other levels
I5[1].doubleSizeImage(I5[0]); // double size image at level 0
I5[1].halfSizeImage(I5[2]); // half size image at level 2
I5[1].quarterSizeImage(I5[3]); // quarter size image at level 3

Definition at line 1018 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::resize().

template<class Type >
void vpImage< Type >::init ( unsigned int  h,
unsigned int  w 

set the size of the image

Image initialization.

Allocate memory for an [h x w] image.

w: Image width.
h: Image height.

Element of the bitmap are not initialized

If the image has been already initialized, memory allocation is done only if the new image size is different, else we re-use the same memory space.


Definition at line 377 of file vpImage.h.

References vpException::memoryAllocationError, vpDEBUG_TRACE, and vpERROR_TRACE.

Referenced by vpPlot::init(), and vpImage< Type >::vpImage().

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::init ( unsigned int  h,
unsigned int  w,
Type  value 

set the size of the image

Image initialisation.

Allocate memory for an [h x w] image.

w: Image width.
h: Image height.
value: Set all the element of the bitmap to value.
See also
vpImage::init(h, w)

Definition at line 341 of file vpImage.h.

References vpERROR_TRACE.

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::init ( Type *const  array,
const unsigned int  h,
const unsigned int  w,
const bool  copyData = false 

init from an image stored as a continuous array in memory

Image initialization.

Init from image data stored as a continuous array in memory.

array: Image data stored as a continuous array in memory
h: Image height.
w: Image width.
copyData: If false (by default) only the memory address is copied, otherwise the data are copied.

Definition at line 439 of file vpImage.h.

References vpException::memoryAllocationError.

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::insert ( const vpImage< Type > &  src,
const vpImagePoint  topLeft 

Insert an image into another one.

It is possible to insert the image $ src $ into the calling vpImage. You can set the point in the destination image where the top left corner of the $ src $ image will belocated.

src: Image to insert
topLeft: Coordinates of the $ src $ image's top left corner in the destination image.

Definition at line 935 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpImagePoint::get_i(), vpImagePoint::get_j(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), and vpImage< Type >::getWidth().

Referenced by vpKeyPoint::insertImageMatching().

template<class Type>
bool vpImage< Type >::operator!= ( const vpImage< Type > &  I)

Compare two images.

true if the images are different, false if they are the same.

Definition at line 877 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), and vpImage< Type >::getWidth().

template<class Type>
Type vpImage< Type >::operator() ( const unsigned int  i,
const unsigned int  j 
) const

Get the value of an image point.

i,j: Image point coordinates; i for the row position, j for the column position.
Value of the image point (i, j).

Definition at line 237 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::operator() ( const unsigned int  i,
const unsigned int  j,
const Type &  v 

Set the value of an image point.

i,jImage point coordinates; i for the row position, j for the column position.
v: Value to set for image point (i, j).

Definition at line 250 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
Type vpImage< Type >::operator() ( const vpImagePoint ip) const

Get the value of an image point.

ip: An image point with sub-pixel coordinates. Sub-pixel coordinates are roughly transformed to insigned int coordinates by cast.
Value of the image point ip.
See also
getValue(const vpImagePoint &)

Definition at line 266 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::operator() ( const vpImagePoint ip,
const Type &  v 

Set the value of an image point.

ip: An image point with sub-pixel coordinates. Sub-pixel coordinates are roughly transformed to insigned int coordinates by cast.
v: Value to set for the image point.

Definition at line 282 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
vpImage< Type > vpImage< Type >::operator- ( const vpImage< Type > &  B)

Operation A - B (A is unchanged).

#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
int main()
A = 128;
B = 120;
// operator-() : C = A - B
C = A - B;
return 0;
See also
sub(const vpImage<Type> &, const vpImage<Type> &, vpImage<Type> &) to avoid matrix allocation for each use.

Definition at line 918 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
vpImage< Type > & vpImage< Type >::operator= ( const vpImage< Type > &  I)

Copy operator.

Definition at line 782 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpException::memoryAllocationError, and vpERROR_TRACE.

template<class Type>
vpImage< Type > & vpImage< Type >::operator= ( const Type &  v)

= operator : Set all the element of the bitmap to a given value v. $ A = v <=> A[i][j] = v $

= must be defined for $ <$ Type $ > $

Definition at line 843 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
bool vpImage< Type >::operator== ( const vpImage< Type > &  I)

Compare two images.

true if the images are the same, false otherwise.

Definition at line 857 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), and vpImage< Type >::getWidth().

template<class Type>
Type* vpImage< Type >::operator[] ( const unsigned int  i)

operator[] allows operation like I[i] = x.

Definition at line 221 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
Type* vpImage< Type >::operator[] ( const int  i)

Definition at line 222 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
const Type* vpImage< Type >::operator[] ( unsigned int  i) const

operator[] allows operation like x = I[i]

Definition at line 225 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
const Type* vpImage< Type >::operator[] ( int  i) const

Definition at line 226 of file vpImage.h.

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::performLut ( const Type(&)  lut[256])
This generic method is not implemented. You should rather use the instantiated methods for unsigned char and vpRGBa images.
See also
vpImage<unsigned char>::performLut(const unsigned char (&)[256])
vpImage<vpRGBa char>::performLut(const vpRGBa (&)[256])

Definition at line 1544 of file vpImage.h.

Referenced by vpImageTools::binarise().

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::quarterSizeImage ( vpImage< Type > &  res)

Returns a new image that's a quarter size of the current image. No filtering is used during the sub sampling. Used for building a quarter of the image.

Operator = must be defined for Type.
res[out] : Subsampled image that is quarter size of the current image.

The example below shows how to use this method:

vpImage<unsigned char> I; // original image
vpImageIo::read(I, "myImage.pgm");
vpImage<unsigned char> I4; // quarter size image
vpImageIo::write(I4, "myQuarterSizeImage.pgm");

See halfSizeImage(vpImage<Type> &) for an example of pyramid construction.

Definition at line 1052 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::resize().

template<class Type >
void vpImage< Type >::resize ( const unsigned int  h,
const unsigned int  w 

set the size of the image without initializing it.

resize the image : Image initialization

Allocate memory for an [height x width] image.

The image is not initialized.
w: Image width.
h: Image height.

Element of the bitmap are not initialized

If the image has been already initialized, memory allocation is done only if the new image size is different, else we re-use the same memory space.

See also
init(unsigned int, unsigned int)

Definition at line 616 of file vpImage.h.

References vpERROR_TRACE.

Referenced by vpV4l2Grabber::acquire(), vp1394TwoGrabber::acquire(), vpImageConvert::convert(), vpImageTools::createSubImage(), vp1394TwoGrabber::dequeue(), vpImage< Type >::doubleSizeImage(), vpImageFilter::filter(), vpImageFilter::filterX(), vpImageFilter::filterY(), vpImageTools::flip(), vpImageFilter::getGaussXPyramidal(), vpImageFilter::getGaussYPyramidal(), vpImageFilter::getGradX(), vpImageFilter::getGradY(), vpDisplayGTK::getImage(), vpDisplayX::getImage(), vpSimulator::getInternalImage(), vpAROgre::getRenderingOutput(), vpImage< Type >::halfSizeImage(), vpImageTools::imageDifference(), vpImageTools::imageDifferenceAbsolute(), vpProjectionDisplay::init(), vpImageConvert::merge(), vpV4l2Grabber::open(), vp1394CMUGrabber::open(), vpImage< Type >::quarterSizeImage(), vpImageIo::readJPEG(), vpImageIo::readPFM(), vpImageIo::readPGM(), vpImageIo::readPNG(), vpImageIo::readPPM(), vpImageConvert::split(), vpImage< Type >::sub(), vpImageTools::undistort(), vpImage< Type >::vpImage(), vpKinect::vpKinect(), vpRobotWireFrameSimulator::vpRobotWireFrameSimulator(), vpKinect::warpRGBFrame(), and vpImageIo::writePGM().

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::resize ( const unsigned int  h,
const unsigned int  w,
const Type  val 

set the size of the image and initialize it.

resize the image : Image initialization

Allocate memory for an [height x width] image and initialize the image.

w: Image width.
h: Image height.
val: Pixels value.

Element of the bitmap are not initialized

If the image has been already initialized, memory allocation is done only if the new image size is different, else we re-use the same memory space.

See also
init(unsigned int, unsigned int)

Definition at line 650 of file vpImage.h.

References vpERROR_TRACE.

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::sub ( const vpImage< Type > &  B,
vpImage< Type > &  C 

Operation C = *this - B.

#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
int main()
A = 128;
B = 120;
A.sub(B, C); // C = A - B
return 0;

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new image won't be allocated for every use of the function (Speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

vpException::memoryAllocationErrorIf the images size differ.
See also

Definition at line 1463 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpException::memoryAllocationError, vpImage< Type >::resize(), and vpERROR_TRACE.

template<class Type>
void vpImage< Type >::sub ( const vpImage< Type > &  A,
const vpImage< Type > &  B,
vpImage< Type > &  C 

Operation C = A - B.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new image won't be allocated for every use of the function (Speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

vpException::memoryAllocationErrorIf the images size differ.
See also

Definition at line 1504 of file vpImage.h.

References vpImage< Type >::bitmap, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), vpException::memoryAllocationError, vpImage< Type >::resize(), and vpERROR_TRACE.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class Type>
friend class vpImageConvert

Definition at line 113 of file vpImage.h.

Member Data Documentation