Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2025-02-19)

#include <visp3/imgproc/vpCircleHoughTransform.h>


class  vpCircleHoughTransformParams

Public Member Functions

 vpCircleHoughTransform ()
VP_EXPLICIT vpCircleHoughTransform (const vpCircleHoughTransformParams &algoParams)
virtual ~vpCircleHoughTransform ()
Detection methods
virtual std::vector< vpImageCircledetect (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I)
virtual std::vector< vpImageCircledetect (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
virtual std::vector< vpImageCircledetect (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const int &nbCircles)
void computeVotingMask (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const std::vector< vpImageCircle > &detections, std::optional< vpImage< bool > > &mask, std::optional< std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int >>>> &opt_votingPoints) const
void init (const vpCircleHoughTransformParams &algoParams)
void setFilteringAndGradientType (const vpImageFilter::vpCannyFilteringAndGradientType &type)
void setGaussianParameters (const int &kernelSize, const float &stdev)
void setGradientFilterAperture (const unsigned int &apertureSize)
void setCannyBackend (const vpImageFilter::vpCannyBackendType &type)
void setCannyThreshold (const float &lowerCannyThreshold, const float &upperCannyThreshold)
void setCannyThresholdRatio (const float &lowerThreshRatio, const float &upperThreshRatio)
void setCircleCenterMinDist (const float &center_min_dist)
void setCircleCenterBoundingBox (const int &center_min_x, const int &center_max_x, const int &center_min_y, const int &center_max_y)
void setCircleMinRadius (const float &circle_min_radius)
void setCircleMaxRadius (const float &circle_max_radius)
void setCirclePerfectness (const float &circle_perfectness)
void setCenterComputationParameters (const int &dilatationSize, const float &centerThresh, const int &averagingWindowSize=5, const int expectedNbCenters=-1)
void setRadiusRatioThreshold (const float &radiusRatioThresh)
void setRadiusMergingThresholds (const float &radiusDifferenceThresh)
void setMask (const vpImage< bool > &mask)
void setMask (const vpImage< bool > *mask)
void setRecordVotingPoints (const bool &record)


static const unsigned char edgeMapOn = 255
static const unsigned char edgeMapOff = 0
vpCircleHoughTransformParams m_algoParams
vpArray2D< float > m_fg
const vpImage< bool > * mp_mask
vpArray2D< float > m_gradientFilterX
vpArray2D< float > m_gradientFilterY
vpImage< float > m_dIx
vpImage< float > m_dIy
vpCannyEdgeDetection m_cannyVisp
vpImage< unsigned char > m_edgeMap
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > m_edgePointsList
std::vector< std::pair< float, float > > m_centerCandidatesList
std::vector< int > m_centerVotes
std::vector< vpImageCirclem_circleCandidates
std::vector< float > m_circleCandidatesProbabilities
std::vector< unsigned int > m_circleCandidatesVotes
std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > > m_circleCandidatesVotingPoints
std::vector< vpImageCirclem_finalCircles
std::vector< float > m_finalCirclesProbabilities
std::vector< unsigned int > m_finalCircleVotes
std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > > m_finalCirclesVotingPoints
std::vector< std::pair< float, float > > getCenterCandidatesList () const
std::vector< int > getCenterCandidatesVotes () const
std::vector< vpImageCirclegetCircleCandidates () const
std::vector< float > getCircleCandidatesProbabilities () const
std::vector< unsigned int > getCircleCandidatesVotes () const
vpImage< float > getGradientX () const
vpImage< float > getGradientY () const
vpImage< unsigned char > getEdgeMap () const
float getCannyThreshold () const
float getCircleCenterMinDist () const
float getCircleMinRadius () const
float getCircleMaxRadius () const
std::vector< float > getDetectionsProbabilities () const
std::vector< unsigned int > getDetectionsVotes () const
std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > > getDetectionsVotingPoints () const
bool getRecordVotingPoints () const
std::string toString () const
VISP_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const vpCircleHoughTransform &detector)
virtual void initGaussianFilters ()
virtual void initGradientFilters ()
virtual void computeGradients (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
virtual void edgeDetection (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
virtual void filterEdgeMap ()
virtual void computeCenterCandidates ()
virtual void filterCenterCandidates (const std::vector< vpCenterVotes > &peak_positions_votes)
virtual vpCentersBarycenter mergeSimilarCenters (const unsigned int &idPeak, const unsigned int &nbPeaks, const float &squared_distance_max, const std::vector< vpCenterVotes > &peak_positions_votes, std::vector< bool > &has_been_merged)
virtual float computeCircleProbability (const vpImageCircle &circle, const unsigned int &nbVotes)
virtual void computeCircleCandidates ()
virtual void mergeCircleCandidates ()
virtual void mergeCandidates (std::vector< vpImageCircle > &circleCandidates, std::vector< unsigned int > &circleCandidatesVotes, std::vector< float > &circleCandidatesProba, std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > > &votingPoints)

Configuration from files

VP_EXPLICIT vpCircleHoughTransform (const std::string &jsonPath)
virtual void initFromJSON (const std::string &jsonPath)
virtual void saveConfigurationInJSON (const std::string &jsonPath) const
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, vpCircleHoughTransform &detector)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const vpCircleHoughTransform &detector)

Detailed Description

Class that permits to detect 2D circles in a image using the gradient-based Circle Hough transform. Please find more information on the algorithm here


Definition at line 64 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpCircleHoughTransform() [1/3]

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE vpCircleHoughTransform::vpCircleHoughTransform ( )

Construct a new vpCircleHoughTransform object with default parameters.

Definition at line 63 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References initGaussianFilters(), and initGradientFilters().

◆ vpCircleHoughTransform() [2/3]

vpCircleHoughTransform::vpCircleHoughTransform ( const vpCircleHoughTransformParams algoParams)

Construct a new vpCircleHoughTransform object from a vpCircleHoughTransformParams object.

[in]algoParamsThe parameters of the Circle Hough Transform.

Definition at line 71 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References initGaussianFilters(), and initGradientFilters().

◆ ~vpCircleHoughTransform()

vpCircleHoughTransform::~vpCircleHoughTransform ( )

Destroy the vp Circle Hough Transform object.

Definition at line 87 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

◆ vpCircleHoughTransform() [3/3]

vpCircleHoughTransform::vpCircleHoughTransform ( const std::string &  jsonPath)

Construct a new vpCircleHoughTransform object configured according to the JSON file whose path is jsonPath. Throw a vpException error if the file does not exist.

[in]jsonPathThe path towards the JSON configuration file.

Definition at line 93 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References initFromJSON().

Member Function Documentation

◆ computeCenterCandidates()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::computeCenterCandidates ( )

Determine the image points that are circle center candidates. Increment the center accumulator based on the edge points and gradient information. Perform thresholding to keep only the center candidates that exceed the threshold.

< Votes for the center candidates.

Definition at line 342 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_centers.cpp.

References vpException::badValue, vpImageMorphology::dilatation(), vpException::dimensionError, edgeMapOn, vpMath::equal(), filterCenterCandidates(), vpImage< Type >::getCols(), vpImage< Type >::getRows(), m_algoParams, m_dIx, m_dIy, m_edgeMap, and m_edgePointsList.

Referenced by detect().

◆ computeCircleCandidates()

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE void vpCircleHoughTransform::computeCircleCandidates ( )

For each center candidate CeC_i, do:

  • For each edge point EP_j, compute the distance d_ij = distance(CeC_i; EP_j)
  • Determine to which radius candidate bin RCB_k the distance d_ij belongs to
  • Increment the radius candidate accumulator accum_rc[CeC_i][RCB_k]
  • If accum_rc[CeC_i][RCB_k] > radius_count_thresh, add the circle candidate (CeC_i, RCB_k) to the list of circle candidates

Definition at line 135 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_circles.cpp.

References computeCircleProbability(), m_algoParams, m_centerCandidatesList, m_circleCandidates, m_circleCandidatesProbabilities, m_circleCandidatesVotes, m_circleCandidatesVotingPoints, m_dIx, m_dIy, and m_edgePointsList.

Referenced by detect().

◆ computeCircleProbability()

float vpCircleHoughTransform::computeCircleProbability ( const vpImageCircle circle,
const unsigned int &  nbVotes 

Compute the probability of circle given the number of pixels voting for it nbVotes. The probability is defined as the ratio of nbVotes by the theoretical number of pixel that should be visible in the image.

[in]circleThe circle for which we want to evaluate the probability.
[in]nbVotesThe number of visible pixels of the given circle.
float The probability of the circle.

Definition at line 276 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_circles.cpp.

References vpImageCircle::computeArcLengthInRoI(), vpImageCircle::computePixelsInMask(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), m_edgeMap, and mp_mask.

Referenced by computeCircleCandidates().

◆ computeGradients()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::computeGradients ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

Perform Gaussian smoothing on the input image to reduce the noise that would perturbate the edge detection. Then, compute the x-gradient and y-gradient of the input images.

[in]IThe input gray scale image.

Definition at line 236 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_centers.cpp.

References vpImageFilter::CANNY_GBLUR_SCHARR_FILTERING, vpImageFilter::CANNY_GBLUR_SOBEL_FILTERING, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpImageFilter::filter(), vpImageFilter::filterX(), vpImageFilter::filterY(), m_algoParams, m_dIx, m_dIy, m_fg, m_gradientFilterX, m_gradientFilterY, mp_mask, vpException::notImplementedError, and vpImageFilter::vpCannyFiltAndGradTypeToStr().

Referenced by detect().

◆ computeVotingMask()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::computeVotingMask ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const std::vector< vpImageCircle > &  detections,
std::optional< vpImage< bool > > &  mask,
std::optional< std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int >>>> &  opt_votingPoints 
) const

Compute the mask containing pixels that voted for the detections.

[in]IThe image for which we want to have the information.
[in]detectionsVector containing the list of vpImageCircle for which we want to know the voting points.
[out]maskOptional mask where pixels to exclude have a value set to false.
[out]opt_votingPointsOptional vector of pairs of pixel coordinates that voted for the detections.

Definition at line 342 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), and vpImage< Type >::getWidth().

◆ detect() [1/3]

std::vector< vpImageCircle > vpCircleHoughTransform::detect ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

Perform Circle Hough Transform to detect the circles in a gray-scale image.

[in]IThe input gray scale image.
std::vector<vpImageCircle> The list of 2D circles detected in the image.

Definition at line 262 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References computeCenterCandidates(), computeCircleCandidates(), computeGradients(), edgeDetection(), m_algoParams, m_centerCandidatesList, m_centerVotes, m_circleCandidates, m_circleCandidatesProbabilities, m_circleCandidatesVotes, m_circleCandidatesVotingPoints, m_edgePointsList, m_finalCircles, m_finalCirclesProbabilities, m_finalCirclesVotingPoints, m_finalCircleVotes, and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ detect() [2/3]

std::vector< vpImageCircle > vpCircleHoughTransform::detect ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I,
const int &  nbCircles 

Perform Circle Hough Transform to detect the circles in in a gray-scale image. Get only the nbCircles circles having the greatest number of votes.

[in]IThe input gray scale image.
[in]nbCirclesThe number of circles we want to get. If negative, all the circles will be returned, sorted such as result[0] has the highest number of votes and result[end -1] the lowest.
std::vector<vpImageCircle> The list of 2D circles with the most number of votes detected in the image.

Definition at line 209 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References detect(), m_algoParams, m_finalCircles, m_finalCirclesProbabilities, m_finalCirclesVotingPoints, and m_finalCircleVotes.

◆ detect() [3/3]

std::vector< vpImageCircle > vpCircleHoughTransform::detect ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I)

Convert the input image in a gray-scale image and then perform Circle Hough Transform to detect the circles in it.

[in]IThe input color image.
std::vector<vpImageCircle> The list of 2D circles detected in the image.

Definition at line 191 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References vpImageConvert::convert().

Referenced by detect().

◆ edgeDetection()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeDetection ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

◆ filterCenterCandidates()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::filterCenterCandidates ( const std::vector< vpCenterVotes > &  peak_positions_votes)

Aggregate center candidates that are close to each other.

[in]peak_positions_votesVector containing raw center candidates.

Definition at line 482 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_centers.cpp.

References m_algoParams, m_centerCandidatesList, m_centerVotes, and mergeSimilarCenters().

Referenced by computeCenterCandidates().

◆ filterEdgeMap()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::filterEdgeMap ( )

Filter the edge map in order to remove isolated edge points.

Definition at line 305 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_centers.cpp.

References edgeMapOff, edgeMapOn, vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and m_edgeMap.

Referenced by edgeDetection().

◆ getCannyThreshold()

float vpCircleHoughTransform::getCannyThreshold ( ) const

Get internal Canny filter upper threshold. When value is equal to -1 (default), it means that the threshold is computed automatically.

Definition at line 1167 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getCenterCandidatesList()

std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > vpCircleHoughTransform::getCenterCandidatesList ( ) const

Get the list of Center Candidates, stored as pair <idRow, idCol>

std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > The list of Center Candidates, stored as pair <idRow, idCol>

Definition at line 1087 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getCenterCandidatesVotes()

std::vector<int> vpCircleHoughTransform::getCenterCandidatesVotes ( ) const

Get the number of votes of each Center Candidates.

std::vector<int> The number of votes of each Center Candidates, ordered in the same way than m_centerCandidatesList.

Definition at line 1097 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getCircleCandidates()

std::vector<vpImageCircle> vpCircleHoughTransform::getCircleCandidates ( ) const

Get the Circle Candidates before merging step.

std::vector<vpImageCircle> The list of circle candidates that were obtained before the merging step.

Definition at line 1108 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getCircleCandidatesProbabilities()

std::vector<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::getCircleCandidatesProbabilities ( ) const

Get the probabilities of the Circle Candidates.

std::vector<float> The votes accumulator.

Definition at line 1118 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getCircleCandidatesVotes()

std::vector<unsigned int> vpCircleHoughTransform::getCircleCandidatesVotes ( ) const

Get the votes of the circle candidates.

std::vector<unsigned int> The votes of the circle candidates.

Definition at line 1128 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getCircleCenterMinDist()

float vpCircleHoughTransform::getCircleCenterMinDist ( ) const

Get circles center min distance in pixels.

Definition at line 1175 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getCircleMaxRadius()

float vpCircleHoughTransform::getCircleMaxRadius ( ) const

Get circles max radius in pixels.

Definition at line 1191 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getCircleMinRadius()

float vpCircleHoughTransform::getCircleMinRadius ( ) const

Get circles min radius in pixels.

Definition at line 1183 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getDetectionsProbabilities()

std::vector<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::getDetectionsProbabilities ( ) const

Get the probabilities of the detections that are outputed by vpCircleHoughTransform::detect()


Definition at line 1199 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getDetectionsVotes()

std::vector<unsigned int> vpCircleHoughTransform::getDetectionsVotes ( ) const

Get the number of votes for the detections that are outputed by vpCircleHoughTransform::detect()

Definition at line 1207 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getDetectionsVotingPoints()

std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > > vpCircleHoughTransform::getDetectionsVotingPoints ( ) const

Get the points that voted for the detections that are outputed by vpCircleHoughTransform::detect().

Definition at line 1215 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

References vpException::fatalError.

◆ getEdgeMap()

vpImage<unsigned char> vpCircleHoughTransform::getEdgeMap ( ) const

Get the Edge Map computed thanks to the Canny edge filter.

vpImage<unsigned char> The edge map computed during the edge detection step.

Definition at line 1158 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getGradientX()

vpImage<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::getGradientX ( ) const

Get the gradient along the horizontal axis of the image.

vpImage<float> The gradient along the horizontal axis of the image.

Definition at line 1138 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getGradientY()

vpImage<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::getGradientY ( ) const

Get the gradient along the vertical axis of the image.

vpImage<float> The gradient along the vertical axis of the image.

Definition at line 1148 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ getRecordVotingPoints()

bool vpCircleHoughTransform::getRecordVotingPoints ( ) const

Returns true if it was asked to record the points that voted for the detections.

Definition at line 1226 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ init()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::init ( const vpCircleHoughTransformParams algoParams)

Initialize all the algorithm parameters.

[in]algoParamsThe algorithm parameters.

Definition at line 80 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References initGaussianFilters(), initGradientFilters(), and m_algoParams.

◆ initFromJSON()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::initFromJSON ( const std::string &  jsonPath)

Initialize all the algorithm parameters using the JSON file whose path is jsonPath. Throw a vpException error if the file does not exist.

[in]jsonPathThe path towards the JSON configuration file.

Definition at line 100 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References initGaussianFilters(), initGradientFilters(), vpException::ioError, and m_algoParams.

Referenced by vpCircleHoughTransform().

◆ initGaussianFilters()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::initGaussianFilters ( )

Initialize the Gaussian filters used to blur the image and compute the gradient images.

Definition at line 134 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpImageFilter::getGaussianKernel(), m_algoParams, m_cannyVisp, m_fg, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpCannyEdgeDetection::setGaussianFilterParameters().

Referenced by init(), initFromJSON(), and vpCircleHoughTransform().

◆ initGradientFilters()

◆ mergeCandidates()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::mergeCandidates ( std::vector< vpImageCircle > &  circleCandidates,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  circleCandidatesVotes,
std::vector< float > &  circleCandidatesProba,
std::vector< std::vector< std::pair< unsigned int, unsigned int > > > &  votingPoints 

For each circle candidate CiC_i do:

  • For each other circle candidate CiC_j do: +- Compute the similarity between CiC_i and CiC_j +- If the similarity exceeds a threshold, merge the circle candidates CiC_i and CiC_j and remove CiC_j of the list
  • Add the circle candidate CiC_i to the final list of detected circles
    [out]circleCandidatesList of circle candidates in which we want to merge the similar circles.
    [out]circleCandidatesVotesList of votes of the circle candidates.
    [out]circleCandidatesProbaList of probabilities of the circle candidates.
    [out]votingPointsList of edge-map points having voted of the circle candidates.

Definition at line 317 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_circles.cpp.

References vpImagePoint::distance(), vpImageCircle::getCenter(), vpImageCircle::getRadius(), and m_algoParams.

Referenced by mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ mergeCircleCandidates()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::mergeCircleCandidates ( )

For each circle candidate CiC_i, check if similar circles have also been detected and if so merges them.

Definition at line 297 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_circles.cpp.

References m_circleCandidates, m_circleCandidatesProbabilities, m_circleCandidatesVotes, m_circleCandidatesVotingPoints, m_finalCircles, m_finalCirclesProbabilities, m_finalCirclesVotingPoints, m_finalCircleVotes, and mergeCandidates().

Referenced by detect().

◆ mergeSimilarCenters()

vpCircleHoughTransform::vpCentersBarycenter vpCircleHoughTransform::mergeSimilarCenters ( const unsigned int &  idPeak,
const unsigned int &  nbPeaks,
const float &  squared_distance_max,
const std::vector< vpCenterVotes > &  peak_positions_votes,
std::vector< bool > &  has_been_merged 

Look in the list containing the raw center candidates if one is closed to the center candidate that is currently of interest.

[in]idPeakThe ID of the center candidate that is currently of interest.
[in]nbPeaksThe number of center candidates.
[in]squared_distance_maxThe maximum squared distance between to center candidates to merge them.
[in]peak_positions_votesThe list containing the raw center candidates.
[out]has_been_mergedVector indicating if the center candidates have already been merged.
vpCentersBarycenter The barycenter between the center candidate that is currently of interest and similar center candidates.

Definition at line 534 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_centers.cpp.

References m_algoParams.

Referenced by filterCenterCandidates().

◆ saveConfigurationInJSON()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::saveConfigurationInJSON ( const std::string &  jsonPath) const

Save the configuration of the detector in a JSON file described by the path jsonPath. Throw a vpException is the file cannot be created.

[in]jsonPathThe path towards the JSON output file.

Definition at line 127 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References m_algoParams, and vpCircleHoughTransform::vpCircleHoughTransformParams::saveConfigurationInJSON().

◆ setCannyBackend()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCannyBackend ( const vpImageFilter::vpCannyBackendType type)

Set the backend to use to perform the Canny edge detection.

[in]typeThe backend that must be used.

Definition at line 875 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setCannyThreshold()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCannyThreshold ( const float &  lowerCannyThreshold,
const float &  upperCannyThreshold 

Set the threshold for the Canny operator. Only value greater than this value are marked as an edge. If negative, the threshold is automatically computed.

[in]lowerCannyThreshold: Canny filter lower threshold. When set to -1 (default), compute automatically this threshold.
[in]upperCannyThreshold: Canny filter upper threshold. When set to -1 (default), compute automatically this threshold.

Definition at line 889 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setCannyThresholdRatio()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCannyThresholdRatio ( const float &  lowerThreshRatio,
const float &  upperThreshRatio 

Set the Canny thresholds ratio that are used to automatically compute the Canny thresholds in case the user asks to.

See also
vpCircleHoughTransform::setCannyThreshold(const float&, const float&)
[in]lowerThreshRatioThe ratio of the upper threshold the lower threshold will be equal to.
[in]upperThreshRatioThe ratio of pixels that must have a gradient lower than the upper threshold.

Definition at line 904 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setCenterComputationParameters()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCenterComputationParameters ( const int &  dilatationSize,
const float &  centerThresh,
const int &  averagingWindowSize = 5,
const int  expectedNbCenters = -1 

Set the parameters of the computation of the circle center candidates.

[in]dilatationSizeKernel size of the dilatation operation used to detect the maxima in the center accumulator.
[in]centerThreshMinimum number of votes a point must exceed to be considered as center candidate.
[in]averagingWindowSizeSize of the averaging window around the maximum number of votes to compute the center candidate such as it is the barycenter of the window. Must be odd.
[in]expectedNbCentersExpected number of centers in the image. If the number is negative, all the centers are kept. Otherwise, maximum up to this number of centers are kept.

Definition at line 990 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

References vpException::badValue.

◆ setCircleCenterBoundingBox()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCircleCenterBoundingBox ( const int &  center_min_x,
const int &  center_max_x,
const int &  center_min_y,
const int &  center_max_y 

Set circles center min and max location in the image. If one value is equal to std::numeric_limits<int>::min or std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), the algorithm will set it either to -maxRadius or +maxRadius depending on if it is the lower or upper limit that is missing.

[in]center_min_x: Center min location on the horizontal axis, expressed in pixels.
[in]center_max_x: Center max location on the horizontal axis, expressed in pixels.
[in]center_min_y: Center min location on the vertical axis, expressed in pixels.
[in]center_max_y: Center max location on the vertical axis, expressed in pixels.

Definition at line 938 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setCircleCenterMinDist()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCircleCenterMinDist ( const float &  center_min_dist)

Set circles center min distance. Change this value to detect circles with different distances to each other.

[in]center_min_dist: Center min distance in pixels.

Definition at line 917 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

References vpException::badValue.

◆ setCircleMaxRadius()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCircleMaxRadius ( const float &  circle_max_radius)

Set circles max radius.

[in]circle_max_radius: Max radius in pixels.

Definition at line 960 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setCircleMinRadius()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCircleMinRadius ( const float &  circle_min_radius)

Set circles min radius.

[in]circle_min_radius: Min radius in pixels.

Definition at line 951 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setCirclePerfectness()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setCirclePerfectness ( const float &  circle_perfectness)

Set circles perfectness, which corresponds to the threshold of the colinearity between the gradient of a point and the radius it would form with a center candidate to be able to vote. The formula to get the equivalent angle is: angle = acos(circle_perfectness).

[in]circle_perfectness: Circle perfectness. Value between 0 and 1. A perfect circle has value 1.

Definition at line 972 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

References vpException::badValue.

◆ setFilteringAndGradientType()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setFilteringAndGradientType ( const vpImageFilter::vpCannyFilteringAndGradientType type)

Permits to choose the filtering + gradient operators to use.

[in]typeThe type of filtering + gradient operators to use.

Definition at line 822 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setGaussianParameters()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setGaussianParameters ( const int &  kernelSize,
const float &  stdev 

Set the parameters of the Gaussian filter, that permits to blur the gradients of the image.

[in]kernelSizeThe size of the Gaussian kernel. Must be an odd value.
[in]stdevThe standard deviation of the Gaussian function.

Definition at line 836 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

References vpException::badValue.

◆ setGradientFilterAperture()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setGradientFilterAperture ( const unsigned int &  apertureSize)

Set the parameters of the gradient filter (Sobel or Scharr) kernel size filters.

[in]apertureSizeThe size of the gradient filters kernel. Must be an odd value.

Definition at line 858 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

References vpException::badValue.

◆ setMask() [1/2]

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setMask ( const vpImage< bool > &  mask)

Set the mask that permits to ignore some pixels when performing the circle detection.

[in]maskA boolean image where pixels set to true means that the pixel must be considered and set to false means that the pixel must be ignored.

Definition at line 1051 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setMask() [2/2]

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setMask ( const vpImage< bool > *  mask)

Set the mask that permits to ignore some pixels when performing the circle detection.

[in]maskEither a boolean image where pixels set to true means that the pixel must be considered and set to false means that the pixel must be ignored, or nullptr to deactivate the mask.

Definition at line 1063 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ setRadiusMergingThresholds()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setRadiusMergingThresholds ( const float &  radiusDifferenceThresh)

Set the radius merging threshold used during the merging step in order to merge the circles that are similar.

[in]radiusDifferenceThreshMaximum radius difference between two circle candidates to consider merging them.

Definition at line 1036 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

References vpException::badValue.

◆ setRadiusRatioThreshold()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setRadiusRatioThreshold ( const float &  radiusRatioThresh)

Set the parameters of the computation of the circle radius candidates.

[in]radiusRatioThreshMinimum number of votes per radian a radius candidate RC_ij of a center candidate CeC_i must have in order that the circle of center CeC_i and radius RC_ij must be considered as circle candidate.

Definition at line 1021 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

References vpException::badValue.

◆ setRecordVotingPoints()

void vpCircleHoughTransform::setRecordVotingPoints ( const bool &  record)

Permits to either activate or deactivate the memorization of the points that voted for the detected circles.

[in]recordTrue to activate the feature, false to deactivate it.

Definition at line 1074 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ toString()

std::string vpCircleHoughTransform::toString ( ) const

Create a string with all Hough transform parameters.

Definition at line 411 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

References m_algoParams, and vpCircleHoughTransform::vpCircleHoughTransformParams::toString().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ from_json

void from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
vpCircleHoughTransform detector 

Read the detector configuration from JSON. All values are optional and if an argument is not present, the default value defined in the constructor is kept.

[in]jThe JSON object, resulting from the parsing of a JSON file.
[out]detectorThe detector, that will be initialized from the JSON data.

Definition at line 790 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

◆ operator<<

VISP_EXPORT std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const vpCircleHoughTransform detector 

Create a ostream with all Hough transform parameters.

Definition at line 416 of file vpCircleHoughTransform_common.cpp.

◆ to_json

void to_json ( nlohmann::json &  j,
const vpCircleHoughTransform detector 

Parse a vpCircleHoughTransform into JSON format.

[out]jA JSON parser object.
[in]detectorThe vpCircleHoughTransform that must be parsed into JSON format.

Definition at line 801 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ edgeMapOff

const unsigned char vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeMapOff = 0

Definition at line 1243 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by filterEdgeMap().

◆ edgeMapOn

BEGIN_VISP_NAMESPACE const unsigned char vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeMapOn = 255

Definition at line 1242 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCenterCandidates(), and filterEdgeMap().

◆ m_algoParams

◆ m_cannyVisp

vpCannyEdgeDetection vpCircleHoughTransform::m_cannyVisp

Edge detector ViSP implementation, used if ViSP has not been compiled with OpenCV imgproc module

Definition at line 1371 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by edgeDetection(), initGaussianFilters(), and initGradientFilters().

◆ m_centerCandidatesList

std::vector<std::pair<float, float> > vpCircleHoughTransform::m_centerCandidatesList

Vector that contains the list of center candidates. They are stored as pair <row, col>.

Definition at line 1376 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCircleCandidates(), detect(), and filterCenterCandidates().

◆ m_centerVotes

std::vector<int> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_centerVotes

Number of votes for the center candidates that are kept.

Definition at line 1377 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by detect(), and filterCenterCandidates().

◆ m_circleCandidates

std::vector<vpImageCircle> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_circleCandidates

List of the candidate circles.

Definition at line 1380 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCircleCandidates(), detect(), and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ m_circleCandidatesProbabilities

std::vector<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_circleCandidatesProbabilities

Probabilities of each candidate circle that is kept.

Definition at line 1381 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCircleCandidates(), detect(), and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ m_circleCandidatesVotes

std::vector<unsigned int> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_circleCandidatesVotes

Number of pixels voting for each candidate circle that is kept.

Definition at line 1382 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCircleCandidates(), detect(), and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ m_circleCandidatesVotingPoints

std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > > vpCircleHoughTransform::m_circleCandidatesVotingPoints

Points that voted for each circle candidate.

Definition at line 1383 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCircleCandidates(), detect(), and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ m_dIx

vpImage<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_dIx

Gradient along the x-axis of the input image.

Definition at line 1367 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCenterCandidates(), computeCircleCandidates(), computeGradients(), and edgeDetection().

◆ m_dIy

vpImage<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_dIy

Gradient along the y-axis of the input image.

Definition at line 1368 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCenterCandidates(), computeCircleCandidates(), computeGradients(), and edgeDetection().

◆ m_edgeMap

vpImage<unsigned char> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_edgeMap

Edge map resulting from the edge detection algorithm.

Definition at line 1372 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCenterCandidates(), computeCircleProbability(), edgeDetection(), and filterEdgeMap().

◆ m_edgePointsList

std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > vpCircleHoughTransform::m_edgePointsList

Vector that contains the list of edge points, to make faster some parts of the algo. They are stored as pair <row, col>.

Definition at line 1375 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCenterCandidates(), computeCircleCandidates(), and detect().

◆ m_fg

vpArray2D<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_fg

Definition at line 1361 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeGradients(), and initGaussianFilters().

◆ m_finalCircles

std::vector<vpImageCircle> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_finalCircles

List of the final circles, i.e. the ones resulting from the merge of the circle candidates.

Definition at line 1386 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by detect(), and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ m_finalCirclesProbabilities

std::vector<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_finalCirclesProbabilities

Probabilities of each final circle, i.e. resulting from the merge of the circle candidates.

Definition at line 1387 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by detect(), and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ m_finalCirclesVotingPoints

std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > > vpCircleHoughTransform::m_finalCirclesVotingPoints

Points that voted for each final circle.

Definition at line 1389 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by detect(), and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ m_finalCircleVotes

std::vector<unsigned int> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_finalCircleVotes

Number of votes for the final circles.

Definition at line 1388 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by detect(), and mergeCircleCandidates().

◆ m_gradientFilterX

vpArray2D<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_gradientFilterX

Contains the coefficients of the gradient kernel along the X-axis

Definition at line 1365 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeGradients(), and initGradientFilters().

◆ m_gradientFilterY

vpArray2D<float> vpCircleHoughTransform::m_gradientFilterY

Contains the coefficients of the gradient kernel along the Y-axis

Definition at line 1366 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeGradients(), and initGradientFilters().

◆ mp_mask

const vpImage<bool>* vpCircleHoughTransform::mp_mask

Mask that permits to avoid to compute gradients on some regions of the image.

Definition at line 1364 of file vpCircleHoughTransform.h.

Referenced by computeCircleProbability(), computeGradients(), and edgeDetection().