Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2024-07-27)
vpCannyEdgeDetection Class Reference

#include <visp3/core/vpCannyEdgeDetection.h>

Public Member Functions

Detection methods
vpImage< unsigned char > detect (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I_color)
vpImage< unsigned char > detect (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)


void setFilteringAndGradientType (const vpImageFilter::vpCannyFilteringAndGradientType &type)
void setGradients (const vpImage< float > &dIx, const vpImage< float > &dIy)
void setCannyThresholds (const float &lowerThresh, const float &upperThresh)
void setCannyThresholdsRatio (const float &lowerThreshRatio, const float &upperThreshRatio)
void setGaussianFilterParameters (const int &kernelSize, const float &stdev)
void setGradientFilterAperture (const unsigned int &apertureSize)
void setMask (const vpImage< bool > *p_mask)

Constructors and initialization

 vpCannyEdgeDetection ()
 vpCannyEdgeDetection (const int &gaussianKernelSize, const float &gaussianStdev, const unsigned int &sobelAperture, const float &lowerThreshold=-1.f, const float &upperThreshold=-1.f, const float &lowerThresholdRatio=0.6f, const float &upperThresholdRatio=0.8f, const vpImageFilter::vpCannyFilteringAndGradientType &filteringType=vpImageFilter::CANNY_GBLUR_SOBEL_FILTERING)
 vpCannyEdgeDetection (const std::string &jsonPath)
void initFromJSON (const std::string &jsonPath)
void from_json (const nlohmann::json &j, vpCannyEdgeDetection &detector)
void to_json (nlohmann::json &j, const vpCannyEdgeDetection &detector)

Detailed Description

Class that implements the Canny's edge detector. It is possible to use a boolean mask to ignore some pixels of the input gray-scale image.


Definition at line 54 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpCannyEdgeDetection() [1/3]

vpCannyEdgeDetection::vpCannyEdgeDetection ( )

Default constructor of the vpCannyEdgeDetection class. The thresholds used during the hysteresis thresholding step are set to be automatically computed.

Definition at line 92 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.cpp.

◆ vpCannyEdgeDetection() [2/3]

vpCannyEdgeDetection::vpCannyEdgeDetection ( const int &  gaussianKernelSize,
const float &  gaussianStdev,
const unsigned int &  sobelAperture,
const float &  lowerThreshold = -1.f,
const float &  upperThreshold = -1.f,
const float &  lowerThresholdRatio = 0.6f,
const float &  upperThresholdRatio = 0.8f,
const vpImageFilter::vpCannyFilteringAndGradientType filteringType = vpImageFilter::CANNY_GBLUR_SOBEL_FILTERING 

Construct a new vpCannyEdgeDetection object that uses Gaussian blur + Sobel operators to compute the edge map.

[in]gaussianKernelSize: The size of the Gaussian filter kernel. Must be odd.
[in]gaussianStdev: The standard deviation of the Gaussian filter.
[in]sobelAperture: The size of the Sobel filters kernel. Must be odd.
[in]lowerThreshold: The lower threshold of the hysteresis thresholding step. If negative, will be computed from the upper threshold.
[in]upperThreshold: The upper threshold of the hysteresis thresholding step. If negative, will be computed from the histogram of the absolute gradient.
[in]lowerThresholdRatio: If the thresholds must be computed,the lower threshold will be equal to the upper threshold times lowerThresholdRatio .
[in]upperThresholdRatio: If the thresholds must be computed,the upper threshold will be equal to the value such as the number of pixels of the image times upperThresholdRatio have an absolute gradient lower than the upper threshold.
[in]filteringType: The filtering and gradient operators to apply to the image before the edge detection operation.

Definition at line 108 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.cpp.

◆ vpCannyEdgeDetection() [3/3]

vpCannyEdgeDetection::vpCannyEdgeDetection ( const std::string &  jsonPath)

Construct a new vpCannyEdgeDetection object.

[in]jsonPath: The path towards the JSON file to use to initialize the vpCannyEdgeDetection object.

Definition at line 132 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.cpp.

References initFromJSON().

Member Function Documentation

◆ detect() [1/2]

vpImage< unsigned char > vpCannyEdgeDetection::detect ( const vpImage< unsigned char > &  I)

Detect the edges in a gray-scale image.

[in]I: A gray-scale image, in ViSP format.
vpImage<unsigned char> 255 means an edge, 0 means not an edge.

Definition at line 238 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.cpp.

References vpImageFilter::computeCannyThreshold(), vpImage< Type >::getHeight(), vpImage< Type >::getWidth(), and vpImage< Type >::resize().

◆ detect() [2/2]

vpImage< unsigned char > vpCannyEdgeDetection::detect ( const vpImage< vpRGBa > &  I_color)

Detect the edges in an image. Convert the color image into a gray-scale image.

[in]I_color: An RGB image, in ViSP format.
vpImage<unsigned char> 255 means an edge, 0 means not an edge.

Definition at line 230 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.cpp.

References vpImageConvert::convert().

Referenced by vpImageFilter::canny(), and vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeDetection().

◆ initFromJSON()

void vpCannyEdgeDetection::initFromJSON ( const std::string &  jsonPath)

Initialize all the algorithm parameters using the JSON file whose path is jsonPath. Throw a vpException error if the file does not exist.

[in]jsonPath: The path towards the JSON configuration file.

Definition at line 138 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.cpp.

References from_json, and vpException::ioError.

Referenced by vpCannyEdgeDetection().

◆ setCannyThresholds()

void vpCannyEdgeDetection::setCannyThresholds ( const float &  lowerThresh,
const float &  upperThresh 

Set the lower and upper Canny Thresholds used to qualify the edge point candidates. Edge point candidates whose gradient is between these two values is kept only if it linked somehow to a strong edge point.

[in]lowerThresh: The lower threshold: each point whose gradient is below this threshold is discarded. When lower threshold value is negative, Canny recommendation is applied to have the lower threshold 3 times lower than the upper threshold.
[in]upperThresh: The upper threshold: each point whose gradient is greater than this threshold is said to be a strong edge point and is kept.

Definition at line 195 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.h.

Referenced by vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeDetection().

◆ setCannyThresholdsRatio()

void vpCannyEdgeDetection::setCannyThresholdsRatio ( const float &  lowerThreshRatio,
const float &  upperThreshRatio 

Set the lower and upper Canny Thresholds ratio that are used to compute them automatically. To ask to compute automatically the thresholds, you must set the lower and upper thresholds with negative values using the appropriate setter.

See also
vpCannyEdgeDetection::setCannyThresholds(const float&, const float&)
[in]lowerThreshRatio: The lower threshold ratio: if the thresholds are computed automatically, the lower threshold will be equal to the upper threshold multiplied by lowerThreshRatio.
[in]upperThreshRatio: The upper threshold ratio: if the thresholds are computed automatically, the upper threshold will be set such as upperThreshRatio times the number of pixels of the image have their absolute gradient lower then the upper threshold.

Definition at line 213 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.h.

Referenced by vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeDetection().

◆ setFilteringAndGradientType()

void vpCannyEdgeDetection::setFilteringAndGradientType ( const vpImageFilter::vpCannyFilteringAndGradientType type)

Set the Filtering And Gradient operators to apply to the image before the edge detection operation.

[in]typeThe operators to apply.

Definition at line 165 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.h.

Referenced by vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeDetection().

◆ setGaussianFilterParameters()

void vpCannyEdgeDetection::setGaussianFilterParameters ( const int &  kernelSize,
const float &  stdev 

Set the Gaussian Filters kernel size and standard deviation and initialize the aforementioned filters.

[in]kernelSize: The size of the Gaussian filters kernel.
[in]stdev: The standard deviation of the Gaussian filters used to blur and compute the gradient of the image.

Definition at line 227 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.h.

Referenced by vpCircleHoughTransform::initGaussianFilters().

◆ setGradientFilterAperture()

void vpCannyEdgeDetection::setGradientFilterAperture ( const unsigned int &  apertureSize)

Set the parameters of the gradient filter (Sobel or Scharr) kernel size filters.

[in]apertureSizeThe size of the gradient filters kernel. Must be an odd value.

Definition at line 239 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.h.

Referenced by vpCircleHoughTransform::initGradientFilters().

◆ setGradients()

void vpCannyEdgeDetection::setGradients ( const vpImage< float > &  dIx,
const vpImage< float > &  dIy 

Set the Gradients of the image that will be processed.

[in]dIx: Gradient along the horizontal axis of the image.
[in]dIy: Gradient along the vertical axis of the image.

Definition at line 177 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.h.

Referenced by vpImageFilter::canny(), and vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeDetection().

◆ setMask()

void vpCannyEdgeDetection::setMask ( const vpImage< bool > *  p_mask)

Set a mask to ignore pixels for which the mask is false.

The mask must be reset manually by the user (either for another mask or set to nullptr ) before computing the edge-map of another image.
p_maskIf different of nullptr , a mask of booleans where true indicates that a pixel must be considered and false that the pixel should be ignored.

Definition at line 255 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.h.

Referenced by vpImageFilter::canny(), and vpCircleHoughTransform::edgeDetection().

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ from_json

void from_json ( const nlohmann::json &  j,
vpCannyEdgeDetection detector 

Read the detector configuration from JSON. All values are optional and if an argument is not present, the default value defined in the constructor is kept.

[in]j: The JSON object, resulting from the parsing of a JSON file.
[out]detector: The detector that will be initialized from the JSON data.

Definition at line 60 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.cpp.

Referenced by initFromJSON().

◆ to_json

void to_json ( nlohmann::json &  j,
const vpCannyEdgeDetection detector 

Parse a vpCannyEdgeDetection object into JSON format.

[out]j: A JSON parser object.
[in]detector: The vpCannyEdgeDetection object that must be parsed into JSON format.

Definition at line 74 of file vpCannyEdgeDetection.cpp.