Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.4.0

Test AprilTag detection.

* ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 by Inria. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
* distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
* For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
* GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
* Edition License.
* See for more information.
* This software was developed at:
* Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
* Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
* 35042 Rennes Cedex
* France
* If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
* Inria at
* This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
* Description:
* Test AprilTag detection.
#include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_CATCH2) && defined(VISP_HAVE_APRILTAG)
#include <catch.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpDisplay.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpIoTools.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpPoint.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpPixelMeterConversion.h>
#include <visp3/detection/vpDetectorAprilTag.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>
#include <visp3/vision/vpPose.h>
struct TagGroundTruth {
std::string m_message;
std::vector<vpImagePoint> m_corners;
TagGroundTruth(const std::string &msg, const std::vector<vpImagePoint> &c) : m_message(msg), m_corners(c) {}
bool operator==(const TagGroundTruth &b) const
if (m_message != b.m_message || m_corners.size() != b.m_corners.size()) {
return false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_corners.size(); i++) {
// Allow 0.5 pixel of difference
if (!vpMath::equal(m_corners[i].get_u(), b.m_corners[i].get_u(), 0.5) ||
!vpMath::equal(m_corners[i].get_v(), b.m_corners[i].get_v(), 0.5)) {
return false;
return true;
bool operator!=(const TagGroundTruth &b) const { return !(*this == b); }
double rmse(const std::vector<vpImagePoint> &c)
double error = 0;
if (m_corners.size() == c.size()) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_corners.size(); i++) {
const vpImagePoint& a = m_corners[i];
const vpImagePoint& b = c[i];
error += (a.get_i()-b.get_i())*(a.get_i()-b.get_i()) +
} else {
return -1;
return sqrt(error / (2*m_corners.size()));
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV) || defined(VISP_HAVE_EIGEN3)
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &os, TagGroundTruth &t)
os << t.m_message << std::endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < t.m_corners.size(); i++) {
os << t.m_corners[i] << std::endl;
return os;
struct FailedTestCase {
int m_tagId;
FailedTestCase(const vpDetectorAprilTag::vpAprilTagFamily &family,
int tagId)
: m_family(family), m_method(method), m_tagId(tagId) {}
bool operator==(const FailedTestCase &b) const
return m_family == b.m_family && m_method == b.m_method && m_tagId == b.m_tagId;
bool operator!=(const FailedTestCase &b) const { return !(*this == b); }
TEST_CASE("Apriltag pose estimation test", "[apriltag_pose_estimation_test]") {
std::map<vpDetectorAprilTag::vpAprilTagFamily, std::string> apriltagMap = {
std::map<vpDetectorAprilTag::vpAprilTagFamily, double> tagSizeScales = {
std::vector<vpDetectorAprilTag::vpPoseEstimationMethod> poseMethods = {vpDetectorAprilTag::HOMOGRAPHY,
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV) || defined(VISP_HAVE_EIGEN3)
std::map<vpDetectorAprilTag::vpPoseEstimationMethod, std::string> methodNames = {
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV) || defined(VISP_HAVE_EIGEN3)
const size_t nbTags = 5;
const double tagSize_ = 0.25;
std::map<int, double> tagsSize = {
{0, tagSize_},
{1, tagSize_},
{2, tagSize_},
{3, tagSize_/2},
{4, tagSize_/2},
std::map<int, double> errorTranslationThresh = {
{0, 0.025},
{1, 0.09},
{2, 0.05},
{3, 0.13},
{4, 0.09},
std::map<int, double> errorRotationThresh = {
{0, 0.04},
{1, 0.075},
{2, 0.07},
{3, 0.18},
{4, 0.13},
std::vector<FailedTestCase> ignoreTests = {
cam.initPersProjWithoutDistortion(700.0, 700.0, 320.0, 240.0);
std::map<int, vpHomogeneousMatrix> groundTruthPoses;
for (size_t i = 0; i < nbTags; i++) {
std::string("AprilTag/benchmark/640x480/cMo_") +
std::to_string(i) + std::string(".txt"));
std::ifstream file(filename);
for (const auto& kv : apriltagMap) {
auto family = kv.first;
std::cout << "\nApriltag family: " << family << std::endl;
std::string("AprilTag/benchmark/640x480/") +
kv.second + std::string("_640x480.png"));
const double tagSize = tagSize_ * tagSizeScales[family];
vpImageIo::read(I, filename);
REQUIRE(I.getSize() == 640*480);
vpDetectorAprilTag apriltag_detector(family);
for (auto method : poseMethods) {
std::cout << "\tPose estimation method: " << method << std::endl;
//Same tags size
std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> cMo_vec;
apriltag_detector.detect(I, tagSize, cam, cMo_vec);
CHECK(cMo_vec.size() == nbTags);
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint>> tagsCorners = apriltag_detector.getPolygon();
CHECK(tagsCorners.size() == nbTags);
std::vector<std::string> messages = apriltag_detector.getMessage();
CHECK(messages.size() == nbTags);
std::vector<int> tagsId = apriltag_detector.getTagsId();
CHECK(tagsId.size() == nbTags);
std::map<int, int> idsCount;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tagsId.size(); i++) {
CHECK((tagsId[i] >= 0 && tagsId[i] < 5));
CHECK(idsCount.size() == nbTags);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cMo_vec.size(); i++) {
const vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo = cMo_vec[i];
const vpPoseVector pose(cMo);
int id = tagsId[i];
if (id >= 3) {
std::cout << "\t\tSame size, Tag: " << i << std::endl;
const vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo_truth = groundTruthPoses[id];
const vpPoseVector pose_truth(cMo_truth);
vpColVector error_translation = pose.getTranslationVector() - pose_truth.getTranslationVector();
vpColVector error_thetau = vpColVector(pose.getThetaUVector()) - vpColVector(pose_truth.getThetaUVector());
double error_trans = sqrt(error_translation.sumSquare()/3);
double error_orientation = sqrt(error_thetau.sumSquare() / 3);
std::cout << "\t\t\tTranslation error: " << error_trans << " / Rotation error: " << error_orientation << std::endl;
CHECK((error_trans < errorTranslationThresh[id] &&
error_orientation < errorRotationThresh[id]));
//Custom tags size
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint>> tagsCorners = apriltag_detector.getPolygon();
CHECK(tagsCorners.size() == nbTags);
std::vector<std::string> messages = apriltag_detector.getMessage();
CHECK(messages.size() == nbTags);
std::vector<int> tagsId = apriltag_detector.getTagsId();
CHECK(tagsId.size() == nbTags);
std::map<int, int> idsCount;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tagsId.size(); i++) {
CHECK((tagsId[i] >= 0 && tagsId[i] < 5));
CHECK(idsCount.size() == nbTags);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < tagsId.size(); idx++) {
std::cout << "\t\tCustom size, Tag: " << idx << std::endl;
const int id = tagsId[idx];
apriltag_detector.getPose(idx, tagsSize[id] * tagSizeScales[family], cam, cMo);
const vpPoseVector pose(cMo);
const vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo_truth = groundTruthPoses[id];
const vpPoseVector pose_truth(cMo_truth);
vpColVector error_translation = pose.getTranslationVector() - pose_truth.getTranslationVector();
vpColVector error_thetau = vpColVector(pose.getThetaUVector()) - vpColVector(pose_truth.getThetaUVector());
double error_trans = sqrt(error_translation.sumSquare()/3);
double error_orientation = sqrt(error_thetau.sumSquare() / 3);
std::cout << "\t\t\tTranslation error: " << error_trans << " / Rotation error: " << error_orientation << std::endl;
if (std::find(ignoreTests.begin(), ignoreTests.end(), FailedTestCase(family, method, static_cast<int>(idx))) == ignoreTests.end()) {
CHECK((error_trans < errorTranslationThresh[id] &&
error_orientation < errorRotationThresh[id]));
//Custom tags size + aligned Z-axis
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint>> tagsCorners = apriltag_detector.getPolygon();
CHECK(tagsCorners.size() == nbTags);
std::vector<std::string> messages = apriltag_detector.getMessage();
CHECK(messages.size() == nbTags);
std::vector<int> tagsId = apriltag_detector.getTagsId();
CHECK(tagsId.size() == nbTags);
std::map<int, int> idsCount;
for (size_t i = 0; i < tagsId.size(); i++) {
CHECK((tagsId[i] >= 0 && tagsId[i] < 5));
CHECK(idsCount.size() == nbTags);
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < tagsId.size(); idx++) {
std::cout << "\t\tCustom size + aligned Z-axis, Tag: " << idx << std::endl;
const int id = tagsId[idx];
apriltag_detector.getPose(idx, tagsSize[id] * tagSizeScales[family], cam, cMo);
const vpPoseVector pose(cMo);
const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo_truth = groundTruthPoses[id] * oMo2;
const vpPoseVector pose_truth(cMo_truth);
vpColVector error_translation = pose.getTranslationVector() - pose_truth.getTranslationVector();
vpColVector error_thetau = vpColVector(pose.getThetaUVector()) - vpColVector(pose_truth.getThetaUVector());
double error_trans = sqrt(error_translation.sumSquare()/3);
double error_orientation = sqrt(error_thetau.sumSquare() / 3);
std::cout << "\t\t\tTranslation error: " << error_trans << " / Rotation error: " << error_orientation << std::endl;
if (std::find(ignoreTests.begin(), ignoreTests.end(), FailedTestCase(family, method, static_cast<int>(idx))) == ignoreTests.end()) {
CHECK((error_trans < errorTranslationThresh[id] &&
error_orientation < errorRotationThresh[id]));
TEST_CASE("Apriltag corners accuracy test", "[apriltag_corners_accuracy_test]") {
std::map<vpDetectorAprilTag::vpAprilTagFamily, std::string> apriltagMap = {
const size_t nbTags = 5;
std::map<vpDetectorAprilTag::vpAprilTagFamily, std::map<int, std::vector<vpImagePoint>>> groundTruthCorners;
for (const auto& kv : apriltagMap) {
std::string("AprilTag/benchmark/640x480/corners_") +
kv.second + std::string(".txt"));
std::ifstream file(filename);
int id = 0;
double p0x = 0, p0y = 0;
double p1x = 0, p1y = 0;
double p2x = 0, p2y = 0;
double p3x = 0, p3y = 0;
while (file >> id >> p0x >> p0y >> p1x >> p1y >>
p2x >> p2y >> p3x >> p3y) {
groundTruthCorners[kv.first][id].push_back(vpImagePoint(p0y, p0x));
groundTruthCorners[kv.first][id].push_back(vpImagePoint(p1y, p1x));
groundTruthCorners[kv.first][id].push_back(vpImagePoint(p2y, p2x));
groundTruthCorners[kv.first][id].push_back(vpImagePoint(p3y, p3x));
REQUIRE(groundTruthCorners[kv.first][id].size() == 4);
for (const auto& kv : apriltagMap) {
auto family = kv.first;
std::cout << "\nApriltag family: " << family << std::endl;
std::string("AprilTag/benchmark/640x480/") +
kv.second + std::string("_640x480.png"));
vpImageIo::read(I, filename);
REQUIRE(I.getSize() == 640*480);
vpDetectorAprilTag apriltag_detector(family);
std::vector<int> tagsId = apriltag_detector.getTagsId();
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint>> tagsCorners = apriltag_detector.getTagsCorners();
REQUIRE(tagsCorners.size() == nbTags);
REQUIRE(tagsId.size() == nbTags);
for (size_t i = 0; i < tagsCorners.size(); i++) {
const int tagId = tagsId[i];
REQUIRE(tagsCorners[i].size() == 4);
TagGroundTruth corners_ref("", groundTruthCorners[family][tagId]);
TagGroundTruth corners_cur("", tagsCorners[i]);
CHECK((corners_ref == corners_cur));
std::cout << "\tid: " << tagId << " - RMSE: " << corners_ref.rmse(corners_cur.m_corners) << std::endl;
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV) || defined(VISP_HAVE_EIGEN3)
TEST_CASE("Apriltag regression test", "[apriltag_regression_test]") {
const std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(), "AprilTag/AprilTag.pgm");
vpImageIo::read(I, filename);
REQUIRE(I.getSize() == 640*480);
const double tagSize = 0.053;
const float quad_decimate = 1.0;
vpDetectorBase *detector = new vpDetectorAprilTag(tagFamily);
dynamic_cast<vpDetectorAprilTag *>(detector)->setAprilTagQuadDecimate(quad_decimate);
dynamic_cast<vpDetectorAprilTag *>(detector)->setAprilTagPoseEstimationMethod(poseEstimationMethod);
cam.initPersProjWithoutDistortion(615.1674805, 615.1675415, 312.1889954, 243.4373779);
std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> cMo_vec;
dynamic_cast<vpDetectorAprilTag *>(detector)->detect(I, tagSize, cam, cMo_vec);
// Ground truth
std::map<std::string, TagGroundTruth> mapOfTagsGroundTruth;
std::string filename_ground_truth = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(),
std::ifstream file_ground_truth(filename_ground_truth.c_str());
std::string message = "";
double v1 = 0.0, v2 = 0.0, v3 = 0.0, v4 = 0.0;
double u1 = 0.0, u2 = 0.0, u3 = 0.0, u4 = 0.0;
while (file_ground_truth >> message >> v1 >> u1 >> v2 >> u2 >> v3 >> u3 >> v4 >> u4) {
std::vector<vpImagePoint> tagCorners(4);
tagCorners[0].set_ij(v1, u1);
tagCorners[1].set_ij(v2, u2);
tagCorners[2].set_ij(v3, u3);
tagCorners[3].set_ij(v4, u4);
mapOfTagsGroundTruth.insert(std::make_pair(message, TagGroundTruth(message, tagCorners)));
std::map<std::string, vpPoseVector> mapOfPosesGroundTruth;
std::string filename_ground_truth = vpIoTools::createFilePath(vpIoTools::getViSPImagesDataPath(),
std::ifstream file_ground_truth(filename_ground_truth.c_str());
std::string message = "";
double tx = 0.0, ty = 0.0, tz = 0.0;
double tux = 0.0, tuy = 0.0, tuz = 0.0;
while (file_ground_truth >> message >> tx >> ty >> tz >> tux >> tuy >> tuz) {
mapOfPosesGroundTruth.insert(std::make_pair(message, vpPoseVector(tx, ty, tz, tux, tuy, tuz)));
for (size_t i = 0; i < detector->getNbObjects(); i++) {
std::vector<vpImagePoint> p = detector->getPolygon(i);
std::string message = detector->getMessage(i);
std::replace(message.begin(), message.end(), ' ', '_');
std::map<std::string, TagGroundTruth>::iterator it = mapOfTagsGroundTruth.find(message);
TagGroundTruth current(message, p);
if (it == mapOfTagsGroundTruth.end()) {
std::cerr << "Problem with tag decoding (tag_family or id): " << message << std::endl;
} else if (it->second != current) {
std::cerr << "Problem, current detection:\n" << current << "\nReference:\n" << it->second << std::endl;
REQUIRE(it != mapOfTagsGroundTruth.end());
CHECK(it->second == current);
for (size_t i = 0; i < cMo_vec.size(); i++) {
vpPoseVector pose_vec(cMo_vec[i]);
std::string message = detector->getMessage(i);
std::replace(message.begin(), message.end(), ' ', '_');
std::map<std::string, vpPoseVector>::iterator it = mapOfPosesGroundTruth.find(message);
if (it == mapOfPosesGroundTruth.end()) {
std::cerr << "Problem with tag decoding (tag_family or id): " << message << std::endl;
REQUIRE(it != mapOfPosesGroundTruth.end());
std::cout << "Tag: " << message << std::endl;
std::cout << "\tEstimated pose: " << pose_vec.t() << std::endl;
std::cout << "\tReference pose: " << it->second.t() << std::endl;
for (unsigned int cpt = 0; cpt < 3; cpt++) {
if (!vpMath::equal(it->second[cpt], pose_vec[cpt], 0.005) ||
!vpMath::equal(it->second[cpt+3], pose_vec[cpt+3], 0.005)) {
std::cerr << "Problem, current pose: " << pose_vec.t() << "\nReference pose: " << it->second.t()
<< std::endl;
CHECK((vpMath::equal(it->second[cpt], pose_vec[cpt], 0.005) &&
vpMath::equal(it->second[cpt+3], pose_vec[cpt+3], 0.005)));
delete detector;
TEST_CASE("Apriltag copy constructor test", "[apriltag_copy_constructor_test]") {
vpImageIo::read(I, filename);
REQUIRE(I.getSize() == 640*480);
const double tagSize = 0.25 * 5/9;
const float quad_decimate = 1.0;
vpDetectorAprilTag *detector = new vpDetectorAprilTag(tagFamily, poseEstimationMethod);
cam.initPersProjWithoutDistortion(700, 700, 320, 240);
std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> cMo_vec;
detector->detect(I, tagSize, cam, cMo_vec);
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint> > tagsCorners = detector->getTagsCorners();
std::vector<int> tagsId = detector->getTagsId();
vpDetectorAprilTag detector_copy(*detector);
//Delete old detector
delete detector;
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint> > tagsCorners_copy = detector_copy.getTagsCorners();
std::vector<int> tagsId_copy = detector_copy.getTagsId();
REQUIRE(tagsCorners_copy.size() == tagsCorners.size());
REQUIRE(tagsId_copy.size() == tagsId.size());
REQUIRE(tagsCorners_copy.size() == tagsId_copy.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < tagsCorners.size(); i++) {
const std::vector<vpImagePoint>& corners_ref = tagsCorners[i];
const std::vector<vpImagePoint>& corners_copy = tagsCorners_copy[i];
REQUIRE(corners_ref.size() == corners_copy.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < corners_ref.size(); j++) {
const vpImagePoint& corner_ref = corners_ref[j];
const vpImagePoint& corner_copy = corners_copy[j];
CHECK(corner_ref == corner_copy);
int id_ref = tagsId[i];
int id_copy = tagsId_copy[i];
CHECK(id_ref == id_copy);
std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> cMo_vec_copy;
detector_copy.detect(I, tagSize, cam, cMo_vec_copy);
REQUIRE(cMo_vec.size() == cMo_vec_copy.size());
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < cMo_vec_copy.size(); idx++) {
const vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo = cMo_vec[idx];
const vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo_copy = cMo_vec_copy[idx];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
CHECK(vpMath::equal(cMo[i][j], cMo_copy[i][j],
TEST_CASE("Apriltag assignment operator test", "[apriltag_assignment_operator_test]") {
vpImageIo::read(I, filename);
REQUIRE(I.getSize() == 640*480);
const double tagSize = 0.25 * 5/9;
const float quad_decimate = 1.0;
vpDetectorAprilTag *detector = new vpDetectorAprilTag(tagFamily, poseEstimationMethod);
cam.initPersProjWithoutDistortion(700, 700, 320, 240);
std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> cMo_vec;
detector->detect(I, tagSize, cam, cMo_vec);
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint> > tagsCorners = detector->getTagsCorners();
std::vector<int> tagsId = detector->getTagsId();
vpDetectorAprilTag detector_copy = *detector;
//Delete old detector
delete detector;
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint> > tagsCorners_copy = detector_copy.getTagsCorners();
std::vector<int> tagsId_copy = detector_copy.getTagsId();
REQUIRE(tagsCorners_copy.size() == tagsCorners.size());
REQUIRE(tagsId_copy.size() == tagsId.size());
REQUIRE(tagsCorners_copy.size() == tagsId_copy.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < tagsCorners.size(); i++) {
const std::vector<vpImagePoint>& corners_ref = tagsCorners[i];
const std::vector<vpImagePoint>& corners_copy = tagsCorners_copy[i];
REQUIRE(corners_ref.size() == corners_copy.size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < corners_ref.size(); j++) {
const vpImagePoint& corner_ref = corners_ref[j];
const vpImagePoint& corner_copy = corners_copy[j];
CHECK(corner_ref == corner_copy);
int id_ref = tagsId[i];
int id_copy = tagsId_copy[i];
CHECK(id_ref == id_copy);
std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> cMo_vec_copy;
detector_copy.detect(I, tagSize, cam, cMo_vec_copy);
REQUIRE(cMo_vec.size() == cMo_vec_copy.size());
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < cMo_vec_copy.size(); idx++) {
const vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo = cMo_vec[idx];
const vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo_copy = cMo_vec_copy[idx];
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
CHECK(vpMath::equal(cMo[i][j], cMo_copy[i][j],
TEST_CASE("Apriltag getTagsPoints3D test", "[apriltag_get_tags_points3D_test]") {
vpImageIo::read(I, filename);
REQUIRE(I.getSize() == 640*480);
const double familyScale = 5.0/9;
const double tagSize = 0.25;
std::map<int, double> tagsSize = {
{-1, tagSize * familyScale},
{3, tagSize / 2 * familyScale},
{4, tagSize / 2 * familyScale}
vpDetectorAprilTag detector(tagFamily, poseEstimationMethod);
cam.initPersProjWithoutDistortion(700, 700, 320, 240);
std::vector<vpHomogeneousMatrix> cMo_vec;
//Compute pose with getPose
std::vector<int> tagsId = detector.getTagsId();
for (size_t i = 0; i < tagsId.size(); i++) {
int id = tagsId[i];
double size = tagsSize[-1];
if (tagsSize.find(id) != tagsSize.end()) {
size = tagsSize[id];
detector.getPose(i, size, cam, cMo);
//Compute pose manually
std::vector<std::vector<vpPoint>> tagsPoints = detector.getTagsPoints3D(tagsId, tagsSize);
std::vector<std::vector<vpImagePoint>> tagsCorners = detector.getTagsCorners();
REQUIRE(tagsPoints.size() == tagsCorners.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < tagsPoints.size(); i++) {
REQUIRE(tagsPoints[i].size() == tagsCorners[i].size());
for (size_t j = 0; j < tagsPoints[i].size(); j++) {
vpPoint& pt = tagsPoints[i][j];
const vpImagePoint& imPt = tagsCorners[i][j];
double x = 0, y = 0;
vpPose pose(tagsPoints[i]);
vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo_manual;
const vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo = cMo_vec[i];
// Note that using epsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() makes this test
// failing on Ubuntu 18.04 when none of the Lapack 3rd party libraries, nor the built-in are used.
// Admissible espilon value is 1e-14. Using 1e-15 makes the test failing.
double epsilon = std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon();
double epsilon = 1e-12;
for (unsigned int row = 0; row < cMo.getRows(); row++) {
for (unsigned int col = 0; col < cMo.getCols(); col++) {
CHECK(vpMath::equal(cMo[row][col], cMo_manual[row][col], epsilon));
#endif // #if defined(VISP_HAVE_LAPACK) || defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV) || defined(VISP_HAVE_EIGEN3)
int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
Catch::Session session; // There must be exactly one instance
// Let Catch (using Clara) parse the command line
session.applyCommandLine(argc, argv);
int numFailed =;
// numFailed is clamped to 255 as some unices only use the lower 8 bits.
// This clamping has already been applied, so just return it here
// You can also do any post run clean-up here
return numFailed;
int main()
return 0;