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Example of framegrabbing using vp1394TwoGrabber class.

Grab images from a firewire camera using vp1394TwoGrabber, an interface for the libdc1394-2.0.0 driver. Display these images using X11 or GTK.

* ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2019 by Inria. All rights reserved.
* This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
* distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
* For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
* GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
* Edition License.
* See for more information.
* This software was developed at:
* Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
* Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
* 35042 Rennes Cedex
* France
* If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
* Inria at
* This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
* Description:
* Firewire cameras video capture.
* Authors:
* Fabien Spindler
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpDebug.h>
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_DC1394)
#include <visp3/core/vpDisplay.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpImage.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpRGBa.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpTime.h>
#include <visp3/gui/vpDisplayX.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpImageIo.h>
#include <visp3/io/vpParseArgv.h>
#include <visp3/sensor/vp1394TwoGrabber.h>
#define GRAB_CxOLOR
// List of allowed command line options
#define GETOPTARGS "b:c:df:g:hH:L:mn:io:p:rsT:v:W:"
#define DUAL_ACQ
void usage(const char *name, const char *badparam, unsigned int camera, const unsigned int &nframes,
const std::string &opath, const unsigned int &roi_left, const unsigned int &roi_top,
const unsigned int &roi_width, const unsigned int &roi_height, const unsigned int &ringbuffersize,
const unsigned int &panControl);
void read_options(int argc, const char **argv, bool &multi, unsigned int &camera, unsigned int &nframes,
bool &verbose_info, bool &verbose_settings, bool &videomode_is_set,
vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType &videomode, bool &framerate_is_set,
vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType &framerate, bool &colorcoding_is_set,
vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType &colorcoding, bool &ringbuffersize_is_set,
unsigned int &ringbuffersize, bool &display, bool &save, std::string &opath, unsigned int &roi_left,
unsigned int &roi_top, unsigned int &roi_width, unsigned int &roi_height, bool &reset,
unsigned int &panControl, bool &panControl_is_set);
void usage(const char *name, const char *badparam, unsigned int camera, const unsigned int &nframes,
const std::string &opath, const unsigned int &roi_left, const unsigned int &roi_top,
const unsigned int &roi_width, const unsigned int &roi_height, const unsigned int &ringbuffersize,
const unsigned int &panControl)
if (badparam)
fprintf(stderr, "\nERROR: Bad parameter [%s]\n", badparam);
fprintf(stderr, "\n\
%s [-v <video mode>] [-f <framerate>] \n\
[-g <color coding>] [-c <camera id>] [-m] [-n <frames>] \n\
[-i] [-s] [-d] [-o <filename>] [-L <format 7 roi left position>] \n\
[-T <format 7 roi top position>] [-W <format 7 roi width>] \n\
[-H <format 7 roi height>] [-b <ring buffer size>] \n\
[-p <pan control value>] [-R] [-h]\n\
Test for firewire camera image acquisition.\n\
%s -s\n\
Indicates the current settings for the first camera found on the bus.\n\n\
%s -i\n\
Gives information on the first camera found on the bus.\n\n\
%s -s -m\n\
Indicates the current settings for all the cameras found on the bus.\n\n\
%s -i -m\n\
Gives information on all the cameras found on the bus.\n\
%s -c 1\n\
Grab images from camera 1.\n\n\
%s -m\n\
Grab images from all the cameras.\n\n\
If a stereo camera is connected to the bus like the PointGrey Bumblebee,\n\
you may set the pan control to select the camera view:\n\
%s -p 0\n\
Transmit right imge.\n\
%s -p 1\n\
Transmit left imge.\n\
OPTIONS Default\n\
-v [%%u] : Video mode to set for the active camera.\n\
Use -s option so see which are the supported \n\
video modes. You can select the active \n\
camera using -c option.\n\
-f [%%u] : Framerate to set for the active camera.\n\
Use -s option so see which are the supported \n\
framerates. You can select the active \n\
camera using -c option.\n\
-g [%%u] : Color coding to set for the active camera\n\
in format 7 video mode. Use -s option so see if \n\
format 7 is supported by the camera and if so, \n\
which are the supported color codings. You can \n\
select the active camera using -c option.\n\
See -t <top>, -l <left>, -w <width>, \n\
-h <height> option to set format 7 roi.\n\
-L [%%u] : Format 7 region of interest (roi) left %u\n\
position. This option is only used if video\n\
mode is format 7.\n\
-T [%%u] : Format 7 region of interest (roi) top %u\n\
position. This option is only used if video\n\
mode is format 7.\n\
-W [%%u] : Format 7 region of interest (roi) width. %u\n\
Is set to zero, use the maximum width. This\n\
option is only used if video mode is format 7.\n\
-H [%%u] : Format 7 region of interest (roi) height. %u\n\
Is set to zero, use the maximum height. This\n\
option is only used if video mode is format 7.\n\
-c [%%u] : Active camera identifier. %u\n\
Zero is for the first camera found on the bus.\n\
-m : Flag to active multi camera acquisition. \n\
You need at least two cameras connected on \n\
the bus.\n\
-n [%%u] : Number of frames to acquire. %u\n\
-i : Flag to print camera information.\n\
-s : Print camera settings capabilities such as \n\
video mode and framerates available and exit.\n\
-d : Flag to turn off image display.\n\
-b [%%u] : Ring buffer size used during capture %u\n\
-p [%%u] : Pan control value used to control single or %u\n\
multiple image transmission from stereo vision \n\
cameras by setting the PAN register 0x884.\n\
-o [%%s] : Filename for image saving. \n\
Example: -o %s\n\
The first %%d is for the camera id. The second\n\
%%04d is for the image numbering. The format is set \n\
by the extension of the file (ex .png, .pgm, ...) \n\
-r : Reset the bus attached to the first camera found.\n\
Bus reset may help to make firewire working if the\n\
program was not properly stopped by a CTRL-C.\n\
-h : Print this help.\n\
\n", name, name, name, name, name, name, name, name, name, roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height,
camera, nframes, ringbuffersize, panControl, opath.c_str());
void read_options(int argc, const char **argv, bool &multi, unsigned int &camera, unsigned int &nframes,
bool &verbose_info, bool &verbose_settings, bool &videomode_is_set,
vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType &videomode, bool &framerate_is_set,
vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType &framerate, bool &colorcoding_is_set,
vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType &colorcoding, bool &ringbuffersize_is_set,
unsigned int &ringbuffersize, bool &display, bool &save, std::string &opath, unsigned int &roi_left,
unsigned int &roi_top, unsigned int &roi_width, unsigned int &roi_height, bool &reset,
unsigned int &panControl, bool &panControl_is_set)
* Lecture des options.
const char *optarg_;
int c;
while ((c = vpParseArgv::parse(argc, argv, GETOPTARGS, &optarg_)) > 1) {
switch (c) {
case 'c':
camera = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
case 'd':
display = false;
case 'f':
framerate_is_set = true;
framerate = (vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType)atoi(optarg_);
case 'g':
colorcoding_is_set = true;
colorcoding = (vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType)atoi(optarg_);
case 'H':
roi_height = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
case 'i':
verbose_info = true;
case 'L':
roi_left = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
case 'm':
multi = true;
case 'n':
nframes = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
case 'o':
save = true;
opath = optarg_;
case 'b':
ringbuffersize_is_set = true;
ringbuffersize = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
case 'p':
panControl = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
panControl_is_set = true;
case 'r':
reset = true;
case 's':
verbose_settings = true;
case 'T':
roi_top = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
case 'v':
videomode_is_set = true;
videomode = (vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType)atoi(optarg_);
case 'W':
roi_width = (unsigned int)atoi(optarg_);
case 'h':
case '?':
usage(argv[0], NULL, camera, nframes, opath, roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height, ringbuffersize,
if ((c == 1) || (c == -1)) {
// standalone param or error
usage(argv[0], NULL, camera, nframes, opath, roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height, ringbuffersize, panControl);
std::cerr << "ERROR: " << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Bad argument " << optarg_ << std::endl << std::endl;
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
try {
unsigned int camera = 0;
bool multi = false;
bool verbose_info = false;
bool verbose_settings = false;
bool display = true;
unsigned int nframes = 50;
unsigned int offset;
bool videomode_is_set = false;
bool framerate_is_set = false;
bool colorcoding_is_set = false;
bool ringbuffersize_is_set = false;
unsigned int ringbuffersize = 4;
bool save = false;
bool reset = false;
unsigned int panControl = 0;
bool panControl_is_set = false;
// Format 7 roi
unsigned int roi_left = 0, roi_top = 0, roi_width = 0, roi_height = 0;
// Default output path for image saving
std::string opath = "/tmp/I%d-%04d.ppm";
read_options(argc, argv, multi, camera, nframes, verbose_info, verbose_settings, videomode_is_set, videomode,
framerate_is_set, framerate, colorcoding_is_set, colorcoding, ringbuffersize_is_set, ringbuffersize,
display, save, opath, roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height, reset, panControl, panControl_is_set);
// Create a grabber
vp1394TwoGrabber g(reset);
if (reset) {
// The experience shows that for some Marlin cameras (F131B and
// F033C) a tempo of 1s is requested after a bus reset.
vpTime::wait(1000); // Wait 1000 ms
// Number of cameras connected on the bus
unsigned int ncameras = 0;
std::cout << "Number of cameras on the bus: " << ncameras << std::endl;
// Check the consistancy of the options
if (multi) {
// ckeck if two cameras are connected
if (ncameras < 2) {
std::cout << "You have only " << ncameras << " camera connected on the bus." << std::endl;
std::cout << "It is not possible to active multi-camera acquisition." << std::endl;
std::cout << "Disable -m command line option, or connect an other " << std::endl;
std::cout << "cameras on the bus." << std::endl;
return (0);
if (camera >= ncameras) {
std::cout << "You have only " << ncameras;
std::cout << " camera connected on the bus." << std::endl;
std::cout << "It is not possible to select camera " << camera << std::endl;
std::cout << "Check your -c <camera> command line option." << std::endl;
return (0);
if (multi) {
camera = 0; // to over write a bad option usage
} else {
ncameras = 1; // acquisition from only one camera
// Offset is used to set the correspondancy between and image and the
// camera. For example, images comming from camera (i+offset) are
// available in I[i]
offset = camera;
// Display information for each camera
if (verbose_info || verbose_settings) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ncameras; i++) {
g.setCamera(i + offset);
if (verbose_info)
if (verbose_settings) {
std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType> lmode;
std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType> lfps;
std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType> lcoding;
std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoVideoModeType>::const_iterator it_lmode;
std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoFramerateType>::const_iterator it_lfps;
std::list<vp1394TwoGrabber::vp1394TwoColorCodingType>::const_iterator it_lcoding;
uint64_t guid;
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
<< "---- Video modes and framerates supported by camera " << i + offset << " ----" << std::endl
<< "---- with guid 0x" << std::hex << guid << " ----" << std::endl
<< "---- * is for the current settings ----" << std::endl
<< "---- between ( ) you have the corresponding option ----" << std::endl
<< "---- to use. ----" << std::endl
<< "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
for (it_lmode = lmode.begin(); it_lmode != lmode.end(); ++it_lmode) {
// Parse the list of supported modes
if (curmode == supmode)
std::cout << " * " << vp1394TwoGrabber::videoMode2string(supmode) << " (-v " << (int)supmode << ")"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " " << vp1394TwoGrabber::videoMode2string(supmode) << " (-v " << (int)supmode << ")"
<< std::endl;
if (g.isVideoModeFormat7(supmode)) {
// Format 7 video mode; no framerate setting, but color
// coding setting
g.getColorCodingSupported(supmode, lcoding);
for (it_lcoding = lcoding.begin(); it_lcoding != lcoding.end(); ++it_lcoding) {
supcoding = *it_lcoding;
if ((curmode == supmode) && (supcoding == curcoding))
std::cout << " * " << vp1394TwoGrabber::colorCoding2string(supcoding) << " (-g " << (int)supcoding
<< ")" << std::endl;
std::cout << " " << vp1394TwoGrabber::colorCoding2string(supcoding) << " (-g " << (int)supcoding
<< ")" << std::endl;
} else {
// Parse the list of supported framerates for a supported mode
g.getFramerateSupported(supmode, lfps);
for (it_lfps = lfps.begin(); it_lfps != lfps.end(); ++it_lfps) {
if ((curmode == supmode) && (supfps == curfps))
std::cout << " * " << vp1394TwoGrabber::framerate2string(supfps) << " (-f " << (int)supfps << ")"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << " " << vp1394TwoGrabber::framerate2string(supfps) << " (-f " << (int)supfps << ")"
<< std::endl;
std::cout << "----------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl;
return 0;
// If requested set the PAN register 0x884 to control single or
// multiple image transmission from stereo vision cameras.
if (panControl_is_set) {
// If required modify camera settings
if (videomode_is_set) {
} else {
// get The actual video mode
if (framerate_is_set) {
if (colorcoding_is_set) {
if (ringbuffersize_is_set) {
// In format 7 set roi to the hole image
if (g.isVideoModeFormat7(videomode))
g.setFormat7ROI(roi_left, roi_top, roi_width, roi_height);
// Array to know if color images or grey level images are acquired
bool *grab_color = new bool[ncameras];
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
// allocate a display for each camera to consider
vpDisplayX *d = NULL;
if (display)
d = new vpDisplayX[ncameras];
// allocate an Grey and color image for each camera to consider
vpImage<vpRGBa> *Ic = new vpImage<vpRGBa>[ncameras];
// Do a first acquisition to initialise the display
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ncameras; i++) {
// Set the active camera on the bus
g.setCamera(i + offset);
// Ask each camera to know if color images or grey level images are
// acquired
grab_color[i] = g.isColor();
// Acquire the first image
if (grab_color[i]) {
std::cout << "Image size for camera " << i + offset << " : width: " << Ic[i].getWidth()
<< " height: " << Ic[i].getHeight() << std::endl;
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
if (display) {
// Initialise the display
char title[100];
sprintf(title, "Images captured by camera %u", i + offset);
d[i].init(Ic[i], (int)(100 + i * 50), (int)(100 + i * 50), title);
} else {
std::cout << "Image size for camera " << i + offset << " : width: " << Ig[i].getWidth()
<< " height: " << Ig[i].getHeight() << std::endl;
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
if (display) {
// Initialise the display
char title[100];
sprintf(title, "Images captured by camera %u", i + offset);
d[i].init(Ig[i], (int)(100 + i * 50), (int)(100 + i * 50), title);
// Main loop for single or multi-camera acquisition and display
std::cout << "Capture in process..." << std::endl;
double tbegin = 0, ttotal = 0;
ttotal = 0;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nframes; i++) {
for (unsigned int c = 0; c < ncameras; c++) {
// Set the active camera on the bus
g.setCamera(c + offset);
// Acquire an image
if (grab_color[c]) {
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
if (display) {
// Display the last image acquired
} else {
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
if (display) {
// Display the last image acquired
if (save) {
char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
sprintf(buf, opath.c_str(), c + offset, i);
std::string filename(buf);
std::cout << "Write: " << filename << std::endl;
if (grab_color[c]) {
vpImageIo::write(Ic[c], filename);
} else {
vpImageIo::write(Ig[c], filename);
double tend = vpTime::measureTimeMs();
double tloop = tend - tbegin;
tbegin = tend;
std::cout << "loop time: " << tloop << " ms" << std::endl;
ttotal += tloop;
std::cout << "Mean loop time: " << ttotal / nframes << " ms" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Mean frequency: " << 1000. / (ttotal / nframes) << " fps" << std::endl;
// Release the framegrabber
// Free memory
delete[] Ic;
delete[] Ig;
delete[] grab_color;
#ifdef VISP_HAVE_X11
if (display)
delete[] d;
} catch (const vpException &e) {
std::cout << "Catch an exception: " << e << std::endl;
int main()
std::cout << "This example requires dc1394 SDK. " << std::endl;
std::cout << "Tip if you are on a unix-like system:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "- Install libdc1394-2, configure again ViSP using cmake and build again this example" << std::endl;