48 #include <visp/vpServo.h>
51 #include <visp/vpCameraParameters.h>
54 #include <visp/vpColor.h>
55 #include <visp/vpImage.h>
57 #include <visp/vpDisplay.h>
59 #include <visp/vpServoDisplay.h>
61 #include <visp/vpBasicFeature.h>
89 unsigned int thickness)
105 s_ptr->
display(cam, I, desiredColor, thickness ) ;
110 s_ptr->
display(cam, I, currentColor, thickness ) ;
142 unsigned int thickness)
158 s_ptr->
display(cam, I, desiredColor, thickness ) ;
163 s_ptr->
display(cam, I, currentColor, thickness ) ;
static void display(vpServo &s, const vpCameraParameters &cam, vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpColor currentColor=vpColor::green, vpColor desiredColor=vpColor::red, unsigned int thickness=1)
vpList< vpBasicFeature * > desiredFeatureList
List of desired visual features (produce )
bool outside(void) const
Test if the current element is outside the list (on the virtual element)
Class to define colors available for display functionnalities.
static const vpColor none
void next(void)
position the current element on the next one
class that defines what is a visual feature
vpList< vpBasicFeature * > featureList
List of visual features (produce )
void front(void)
Position the current element on the first element of the list.
type & value(void)
return the value of the current element
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters.
Class required to compute the visual servoing control law descbribed in and .
virtual void display(const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpColor &color=vpColor::green, unsigned int thickness=1) const =0