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- Class vp1394Grabber
- This class is deprecated. You should use vp1394TwoGrabber class instead.
- Member vp1394Grabber::vp1394Grabber ()
- This class is deprecated. You shoud use vp1394TwoGrabber class instead.
- Member vp1394Grabber::vp1394Grabber (vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
- This class is deprecated. You shoud use vp1394TwoGrabber class instead.
- Member vp1394TwoGrabber::getColorCodingSupported (vp1394TwoVideoModeType videomode, vpList< vp1394TwoColorCodingType > &codings)
- This method is deprecated. You should use getColorCodingSupported(vp1394TwoVideoModeType, std::list<vp1394TwoColorCodingType> &) instead.
- Member vp1394TwoGrabber::getFramerateSupported (vp1394TwoVideoModeType videomode, vpList< vp1394TwoFramerateType > &fps)
- This method is deprecated. You should use getFramerateSupported(vp1394TwoVideoModeType, std::list<vp1394TwoFramerateType> &) instead.
- Member vp1394TwoGrabber::getVideoModeSupported (vpList< vp1394TwoVideoModeType > &videomodes)
- This method is deprecated. You should use getVideoModeSupported(std::list<vp1394TwoVideoModeType> &) instead.
- Class vpAdaptativeGain
- This class is deprecated. You should use vpAdaptive class instead.
- Member vpAdaptativeGain::vpAdaptativeGain (void)
- This class is deprecated. You should use vpAdaptive class instead. Basic constructor which initializes the parameters with a default value.
- Member vpBSpline::get_controlPoints () const
- This method is deprecated. You should use get_controlPoints(std::list<vpImagePoint> &) const instead.
Gets all the control points.
- Member vpBSpline::get_crossingPoints () const
- This method is deprecated. You should use get_crossingPoints(std::list<vpImagePoint> &) const instead.
Gets all the crossing points (used in the interpolation method)
- Member vpBSpline::get_knots () const
- This method is deprecated. You should use get_knots(std::list<double> &) const instead.
Gets all the knots.
- Member vpBSpline::set_controlPoints (vpList< vpImagePoint > &list)
- This method is deprecated. You should use set_controlPoints(const std::list<vpImagePoint> &) instead.
Sets all the control points.
- Member vpBSpline::set_crossingPoints (vpList< vpImagePoint > &list)
- This method is deprecated. You should use set_crossingPoints(const std::list<vpImagePoint> &) instead.
Sets all the crossing points (used in the interpolation method)
- Member vpBSpline::set_knots (vpList< double > &list)
- This method is deprecated. You should use set_knots(const std::list<double> &) instead.
Sets all the knots.
- Member vpCalibration::calibrationTsai (unsigned int nbPose, vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo[], vpHomogeneousMatrix rMe[], vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc)
- Calibration method of effector-camera from R. Tsai and R. Lorenz [13].
- Member vpCalibration::computeCalibrationMulti (vpCalibrationMethodType method, unsigned int nbPose, vpCalibration table_cal[], vpCameraParameters &cam, bool verbose=false)
- This method is deprecated. You should use vpCalibration::computeCalibrationMulti(vpCalibrationMethodType, std::vector<vpCalibration> &, vpCameraParameters &, bool)
- Member vpCalibration::computeCalibrationTsai (unsigned int nbPose, vpCalibration table_cal[], vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc, vpHomogeneousMatrix &eMc_dist)
- This method is deprecated. You should use vpCalibration::computeCalibrationTsai(std::vector<vpCalibration> &, vpHomogeneousMatrix &, vpHomogeneousMatrix &)
- Member vpCalibration::readGrid (const char *filename, unsigned int &n, vpList< double > &oX, vpList< double > &oY, vpList< double > &oZ, bool verbose=false)
- This method is deprecated. You should use vpCalibration::readGrid(const char*,unsigned int &, vpList<double> &, vpList<double> &, vpList<double> &, bool) instead.
- Member vpDot2::getEdges (vpList< vpImagePoint > &edges_list)
- This method is deprecated. You should use getEdges(std::list<vpImagePoint> &) instead.
Return the list of all the image points on the dot border.
- Member vpDot2::getFreemanChain (vpList< unsigned int > &freeman_chain)
- This method is deprecated. You should use getFreemanChain(std::list<unsigned int> &) instead.
Returns the list of Freeman chain code used to turn around the dot counterclockwise.
- Member vpDot2::searchDotsInArea (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, int area_u, int area_v, unsigned int area_w, unsigned int area_h)
- This method is deprecated. You should use searchDotsInArea(vpImage<unsigned char>&, int, int, unsigned int, unsigned int, std::list<vpDot2> &) instead.
Look for a list of dot matching this dot parameters within a rectangle search area in the image. The rectangle upper-left coordinates are given by (area_u, area_v). The size of the rectangle is given by area_w and area_h.
- Member vpDot2::searchDotsInArea (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
- This method is deprecated. You should use searchDotsInArea(vpImage<unsigned char>&, std::list<vpDot2> &) instead.
Look for a list of dot matching this dot parameters within the entire image.
- Member vpDot::getConnexities (vpList< vpImagePoint > &connexities_list)
- This method is deprecated. You should use getEdges(std::list<vpImagePoint> &) instead.
Return the list of all the image points on the dot border.
- Member vpDot::getEdges (std::list< vpImagePoint > &edges_list)
- This method is deprecated since the naming is not representative regarding to its functionality.
Previously it returned all the points inside the dot. To get the equivalent, use getConnexities().
If you rather want to get the points on the dot border use getEdges().
- Member vpHistogram::getPeaks (vpList< vpHistogramPeak > &peaks)
- This method is deprecated. You should use getPeaks(std::list<vpHistogramPeak> &) instead.
- Member vpHistogram::getValey (vpList< vpHistogramValey > &valey)
- This method is deprecated. You should use getValey(std::list<vpHistogramValey> &) instead.
- Member vpHistogram::sort (vpList< vpHistogramPeak > &peaks)
- This method is deprecated. You should use sort(std::list<vpHistogramPeak> &) instead.
- Member vpHomography::computeDisplacement (const vpMatrix H, const double x, const double y, vpList< vpRotationMatrix > &vR, vpList< vpTranslationVector > &vT, vpList< vpColVector > &vN)
- This method is deprecated. You should use computeDisplacement(const vpMatrix &, const double, const double, std::list<vpRotationMatrix> &, std::list<vpTranslationVector> &, std::list<vpColVector> &) instead.
- Member vpImage< Type >::doubleSizeImage (vpImage< Type > *res)
- This method is deprecated. You should use doubleSizeImage(vpImage<Type> &) instead.
- Member vpImage< Type >::halfSizeImage (vpImage< Type > *res)
- This method is deprecated. You should use halfSizeImage(vpImage<Type> &) instead.
- Member vpImage< Type >::quarterSizeImage (vpImage< Type > *res)
- This method is deprecated. You should use quarterSizeImage(vpImage<Type> &) instead.
- Member vpImage< Type >::sub (vpImage< Type > *im2, vpImage< Type > *dst)
- This method is deprecated. You should use vpImage<Type>::sub(const vpImage<Type> &, vpImage<Type> &) instead.
- Member vpImageSimulator::getImage (vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpList< vpImageSimulator > &list, const vpCameraParameters &cam)
- This method is deprecated, you should use: vpImageSimulator::getImage(vpImage<unsigned char> &, std::list<vpImageSimulator> &, const vpCameraParameters &) instead.
- Member vpImageSimulator::getImage (vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, vpList< vpImageSimulator > &list, const vpCameraParameters &cam)
- This method is deprecated, you should use: vpImageSimulator::getImage(vpImage<vpRGBa> &, std::list<vpImageSimulator> &, const vpCameraParameters &) instead.
- Member vpKeyPointSurf::matchPoint (vpList< float * > descriptorList, vpList< int > laplacianList)
- This method is deprecated, you should use matchPoint(std::list<float*> , std::list<int> ) instead.
- Member vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo, bool &newvisibleline)
- This method is deprecated since it is no more used since ViSP 2.7.0.
- Member vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::getDepthTest ()
- This method is deprecated since it is no more used since ViSP 2.7.2.
- Member vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setDepthTest (const bool &d)
- This method is deprecated since it is no more used since ViSP 2.7.2.
- Member vpMbHiddenFaces< PolygonType >::setVisible (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo)
- This method is deprecated since it is no more used since ViSP 2.7.2.
- Member vpMbtPolygon::isVisible (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const bool &depthTest=false)
- This method is deprecated since it is no more used since ViSP 2.7.2.
- Member vpMe::setAberration (const double &a)
- since it wasn't used.
Set aberration value.
- Member vpMe::setInitAberration (const double &a)
- since it wasn't used.
Set initial aberration value.
- Member vpMe::setMinSamplestep (const double &min)
- Use setMinSampleStep() instead.
- Member vpMeNurbs::initTracking (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpList< vpImagePoint > &ptList)
- You should use initTracking(const vpImage<unsigned char> &, const std::list<vpImagePoint> &) instead.
- Member vpNurbs::get_weights () const
- This method is deprecated. You should use get_weights(std::list<double> &) const instead.
Gets all the weights relative to the control points.
- Member vpNurbs::globalCurveApprox (vpList< vpImagePoint > &l_crossingPoints, unsigned int n)
- This method is deprecated. You should use globalCurveApprox(const std::list<vpImagePoint> &, unsigned int) instead.
- Member vpNurbs::globalCurveInterp (vpList< vpImagePoint > &l_crossingPoints)
- This method is deprecated. You should use globalCurveInterp(const std::list<vpImagePoint> &) instead.
- Member vpNurbs::set_weights (vpList< double > &list)
- This method is deprecated. You should use set_weights(const std::list<double>&) instead.
Sets all the knots.
- Member vpPose::computeResidual (const vpColVector &x, const vpColVector &M, vpColVector &d)
- Evaluate distances between points and model.
This function can certainly be optimized...
- Member vpPose::computeTransformation (vpColVector &x, unsigned int *ind, vpColVector &M)
- Fit model to this random selection of data points.
We chose the Dementhon algorithm to compute the pose.
- Member vpPose::ransac (const unsigned int n, const vpPoint *p, const unsigned int m, const vpPoint *P, const int numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus, const double threshold, unsigned int &ninliers, std::list< vpPoint > &Pi, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const int maxNbTrials=10000)
- Compute the pose from a set of n 2D point (x,y) in p and m 3D points (X,Y,Z) in P using the Ransac algorithm. It is not assumed that the 2D and 3D points are registred (there is nm posibilities).
At least numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus of true correspondance are required to validate the pose.
The inliers are given in a list of vpPoint.
The pose is returned in cMo.
- Member vpPose::ransac (std::list< vpPoint > &p, std::list< vpPoint > &P, const int numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus, const double threshold, unsigned int &ninliers, std::list< vpPoint > &lPi, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const int maxNbTrials=10000)
- Compute the pose from a list lp of 2D point (x,y) and a list lP 3D points (X,Y,Z) in P using the Ransac algorithm. It is not assumed that the 2D and 3D points are registred.
At least numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus of true correspondance are required to validate the pose.
The inliers are given in a list of vpPoint lPi.
The pose is returned in cMo.
- Member vpPose::ransac (const unsigned int n, const double *x, const double *y, const unsigned int m, const double *X, const double *Y, const double *Z, const int numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus, const double threshold, unsigned int &ninliers, vpColVector &xi, vpColVector &yi, vpColVector &Xi, vpColVector &Yi, vpColVector &Zi, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const int maxNbTrials=10000)
- Compute the pose from a set of n 2D point (x,y) and m 3D points (X,Y,Z) using the Ransac algorithm. It is not assumed that the 2D and 3D points are registred (there is nm posibilities).
At least numberOfInlierToReachAConsensus of true correspondance are required to validate the pose.
The inliers are given in xi, yi, Xi, Yi, Zi.
The pose is returned in cMo.
- Member vpWireFrameSimulator::displayTrajectory (const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpList< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &list_cMo, vpList< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &list_fMo, vpHomogeneousMatrix camMf)
- This method is deprecated. You should use displayTrajectory(vpImage<unsigned char> &, const std::list<vpHomogeneousMatrix> &, const std::list<vpHomogeneousMatrix> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &); instead.
- Member vpWireFrameSimulator::displayTrajectory (const vpImage< vpRGBa > &I, vpList< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &list_cMo, vpList< vpHomogeneousMatrix > &list_fMo, vpHomogeneousMatrix camMf)
- This method is deprecated. You should use displayTrajectory (vpImage<vpRGBa> &, const std::list<vpHomogeneousMatrix> &, const std::list<vpHomogeneousMatrix> &, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &); instead.
- Member vpWireFrameSimulator::get_cMo_History ()
- This method is deprecated. You should use get_cMo_History(std::list<vpHomogeneousMatrix> &) instead.
Get the homogeneous matrices cMo stored to display the camera trajectory.
- Member vpWireFrameSimulator::get_fMo_History ()
- This method is deprecated. You should use get_fMo_History(std::list<vpHomogeneousMatrix> &) instead.
Get the homogeneous matrices fMo stored to display the camera trajectory.
- Member vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene (const char *obj, vpList< vpImageSimulator > &imObj)
- This method is deprecated. You should use initScene(const char*, const std::list<vpImageSimulator> &) instead.
- Member vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene (vpSceneObject obj, vpList< vpImageSimulator > &imObj)
- This method is deprecated. You should use initScene(vpSceneObject, const std::list<vpImageSimulator> &) instead.
- Member vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene (vpSceneObject obj, vpSceneDesiredObject desiredObject, vpList< vpImageSimulator > &imObj)
- This method is deprecated. You should use initScene(vpSceneObject, vpSceneDesiredObject, const std::list<vpImageSimulator> &) instead.
- Member vpWireFrameSimulator::initScene (const char *obj, const char *desiredObject, vpList< vpImageSimulator > &imObj)
- This method is deprecated. You should use initScene(const char*, const char*, const std::list<vpImageSimulator> &) instead.