ViSP  2.7.0
1 /****************************************************************************
2  *
3  * $Id: vpMbEdgeKltTracker.cpp 4122 2013-02-08 10:45:54Z ayol $
4  *
5  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Inria. All rights reserved.
6  *
7  * This software was developed at:
8  * IRISA/INRIA Rennes
9  * Projet Lagadic
10  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
11  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
12  *
13  *
14  * This file is part of the ViSP toolkit
15  *
16  * This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
17  * as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
18  * LICENSE included in the packaging of this file.
19  *
20  * Licensees holding valid ViSP Professional Edition licenses may
21  * use this file in accordance with the ViSP Commercial License
22  * Agreement provided with the Software.
23  *
24  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
26  *
27  * Contact if any conditions of this licensing are
28  * not clear to you.
29  *
30  * Description:
31  * Hybrid tracker based on edges (vpMbt) and points of interests (KLT)
32  *
33  * Authors:
34  * Romain Tallonneau
35  * Aurelien Yol
36  *
37  *****************************************************************************/
39 #include <visp/vpMbEdgeKltTracker.h>
44 {
45  compute_interaction = true;
46  computeCovariance = false;
48  lambda = 0.8;
49  thresholdKLT = 2.0;
50  thresholdMBT = 2.0;
51  maxIter = 200;
54 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_OGRE
56 #endif
57 }
64 {
65 }
73 void
75 {
80  unsigned int n = 0;
81  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vpMbKltTracker::faces.size() ; i++){
82  if(vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->isVisible()){
83  vpMbEdgeTracker::faces[i]->isvisible = true;
84  n++;
85  }
86  else
87  vpMbEdgeTracker::faces[i]->isvisible = false;
88  }
91  unsigned int i=scales.size();
92  do {
93  i--;
94  if(scales[i]){
95  downScale(i);
97  upScale(i);
98  }
99  } while(i != 0);
102 }
113 void
115 {
116  if(firstTrack){
117  vpMbKltTracker::setPose(I, cdMo);
120  lines[scaleLevel].front() ;
121  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceLine*>::const_iterator it=lines[scaleLevel].begin(); it!=lines[scaleLevel].end(); ++it){
122  l = *it;
123  if(l->meline != NULL){
124  delete l->meline;
125  l->meline = NULL;
126  }
127  }
129  initPyramid(I, Ipyramid);
131  unsigned int n = 0;
132  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vpMbKltTracker::faces.size() ; i++){
133  if(vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->isVisible()){
134  vpMbEdgeTracker::faces[i]->isvisible = true;
135  n++;
136  }
137  else
138  vpMbEdgeTracker::faces[i]->isvisible = false;
139  }
142  unsigned int i=scales.size();
143  do {
144  i--;
145  if(scales[i]){
146  downScale(i);
148  upScale(i);
149  }
150  } while(i != 0);
153  }
154 }
160 void
162 {
165 }
167 unsigned int
168 vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initMbtTracking(const unsigned int lvl)
169 {
170  vpMbtDistanceLine *l ;
173  if(lvl >= scales.size() || !scales[lvl]){
174  throw vpException(vpException::dimensionError, "lvl not used.");
175  }
177  unsigned int nbrow = 0;
178  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceLine*>::iterator it=lines[lvl].begin(); it!=lines[lvl].end(); ++it){
179  l = *it;
180  nbrow += l->nbFeature ;
182  }
184  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceCylinder*>::const_iterator it=cylinders[lvl].begin(); it!=cylinders[lvl].end(); ++it){
185  cy = *it;
186  nbrow += cy->nbFeature ;
188  }
190  return nbrow;
191 }
204 void
205 vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(const std::string& configFile)
206 {
207  vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(configFile.c_str());
208 }
271 void
272 vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadConfigFile(const char* configFile)
273 {
274 #ifdef VISP_HAVE_XML2
276  vpMbKltTracker::loadConfigFile(configFile);
277 #else
278  vpTRACE("You need the libXML2 to read the config file %s", configFile);
279 #endif
280 }
292 void
293 vpMbEdgeKltTracker::loadModel(const std::string& modelFile)
294 {
295  vpMbTracker::loadModel(modelFile);
296 }
301 bool
303  const unsigned int lvl)
304 {
305  bool reInit = vpMbKltTracker::postTracking(I, w_klt);
307  postTrackingMbt(w_mbt,lvl);
309  if (displayFeatures)
310  {
311  if(lvl == 0){
313  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceLine*>::const_iterator it=lines[lvl].begin(); it!=lines[lvl].end(); ++it){
314  l = *it;
315  if (l->isVisible()){
316  l->displayMovingEdges(I);
317  }
318  }
321  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceCylinder*>::const_iterator it=cylinders[lvl].begin(); it!=cylinders[lvl].end(); ++it){
322  cy = *it;
323  cy->displayMovingEdges(I);
324  }
325  }
326  }
330 // bool useless = false ;
331 // vpMbEdgeTracker::visibleFace(_I, cMo, useless) ;
332  unsigned int n = 0;
333  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < vpMbKltTracker::faces.size() ; i++){
334  if(vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->isVisible()){
335  vpMbEdgeTracker::faces[i]->isvisible = true;
336  n++;
337  }
338  else
339  vpMbEdgeTracker::faces[i]->isvisible = false;
340  }
346  return reInit;
347 }
359 void
361 {
363  if(lvl >= scales.size() || !scales[lvl]){
364  throw vpException(vpException::dimensionError, "_lvl not used.");
365  }
366  unsigned int n =0 ;
368  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceLine*>::const_iterator it=lines[lvl].begin(); it!=lines[lvl].end(); ++it){
369  l = *it;
370  {
371  double wmean = 0 ;
372  std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator itListLine;
373  if (l->nbFeature > 0) itListLine = l->meline->getMeList().begin();
375  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < l->nbFeature ; i++){
376  wmean += w[n+i] ;
377  vpMeSite p = *itListLine;
378  if (w[n+i] < 0.5){
381  *itListLine = p;
382  }
384  ++itListLine;
385  }
386  n+= l->nbFeature ;
388  if (l->nbFeature!=0)
389  wmean /= l->nbFeature ;
390  else
391  wmean = 1;
393  l->setMeanWeight(wmean);
395  if (wmean < 0.8)
396  l->Reinit = true;
397  }
398  }
400  // Same thing with cylinders as with lines
402  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceCylinder*>::const_iterator it=cylinders[lvl].begin(); it!=cylinders[lvl].end(); ++it){
403  cy = *it;
404  double wmean = 0 ;
405  std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator itListCyl1;
406  std::list<vpMeSite>::iterator itListCyl2;
407  if (cy->nbFeature > 0){
408  itListCyl1 = cy->meline1->getMeList().begin();
409  itListCyl2 = cy->meline2->getMeList().begin();
410  }
412  wmean = 0;
413  for(unsigned int i=0 ; i < cy->nbFeaturel1 ; i++){
414  wmean += w[n+i] ;
415  vpMeSite p = *itListCyl1;
416  if (w[n+i] < 0.5){
419  *itListCyl1 = p;
420  }
422  ++itListCyl1;
423  }
425  if (cy->nbFeaturel1!=0)
426  wmean /= cy->nbFeaturel1 ;
427  else
428  wmean = 1;
430  cy->setMeanWeight1(wmean);
432  if (wmean < 0.8){
433  cy->Reinit = true;
434  }
436  wmean = 0;
437  for(unsigned int i=cy->nbFeaturel1 ; i < cy->nbFeature ; i++){
438  wmean += w[n+i] ;
439  vpMeSite p = *itListCyl2;
440  if (w[n+i] < 0.5){
443  *itListCyl2 = p;
444  }
446  ++itListCyl2;
447  }
449  if (cy->nbFeaturel2!=0)
450  wmean /= cy->nbFeaturel2 ;
451  else
452  wmean = 1;
454  cy->setMeanWeight2(wmean);
456  if (wmean < 0.8){
457  cy->Reinit = true;
458  }
460  n+= cy->nbFeature ;
461  }
462 }
473 void
474 vpMbEdgeKltTracker::computeVVS(const vpImage<unsigned char>& I, const unsigned int &nbInfos, vpColVector &w_mbt, vpColVector &w_klt, const unsigned int lvl)
475 {
476  vpColVector factor;
477  unsigned int nbrow = trackFirstLoop(I, factor, lvl);
479  if(nbrow < 4 && nbInfos < 4){
480  vpERROR_TRACE("\n\t\t Error-> not enough data") ;
481  throw vpTrackingException(vpTrackingException::notEnoughPointError, "\n\t\t Error-> not enough data");
482  }
483  else if(nbrow < 4)
484  nbrow = 0;
486  double residu = 0;
487  double residu_1 = -1;
488  unsigned int iter = 0;
490  vpMatrix *J;
491  vpMatrix J_mbt, J_klt; // interaction matrix
492  vpColVector *R;
493  vpColVector R_mbt, R_klt; // residu
494  vpMatrix J_true;
495  vpColVector R_true;
496  vpColVector w_true;
498  if(nbrow != 0){
499  J_mbt.resize(nbrow,6);
500  R_mbt.resize(nbrow);
501  }
503  if(nbInfos != 0){
504  J_klt.resize(2*nbInfos,6);
505  R_klt.resize(2*nbInfos);
506  }
508  vpColVector w; // weight from MEstimator
509  vpColVector v; // "speed" for VVS
510  vpRobust robust_mbt(0), robust_klt(0);
511  vpHomography H;
513  vpMatrix JTJ, JTR;
515  double factorMBT = 1.0;
516  double factorKLT = 1.0;
518  //More efficient weight repartition for hybrid tracker should come soon...
519 // factorMBT = 1.0 - (double)nbrow / (double)(nbrow + nbInfos);
520 // factorKLT = 1.0 - factorMBT;
521  factorMBT = 0.35;
522  factorKLT = 0.65;
524  double residuMBT = 0;
525  double residuKLT = 0;
527  while( ((int)((residu - residu_1)*1e8) !=0 ) && (iter<maxIter) ){
528  J = new vpMatrix();
529  R = new vpColVector();
531  if(nbrow >= 4)
532  trackSecondLoop(I,J_mbt,R_mbt,cMo,lvl);
534  if(nbInfos >= 4){
535  unsigned int shift = 0;
536  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < vpMbKltTracker::faces.size(); i += 1){
537  if(vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->isVisible() && vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->hasEnoughPoints()){
538  vpSubColVector subR(R_klt, shift, 2*vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->getNbPointsCur());
539  vpSubMatrix subJ(J_klt, shift, 0, 2*vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->getNbPointsCur(), 6);
540  vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->computeHomography(ctTc0, H);
541  vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->computeInteractionMatrixAndResidu(subR, subJ);
542  shift += 2*vpMbKltTracker::faces[i]->getNbPointsCur();
543  }
544  }
545  }
547  if(iter == 0){
548  w.resize(nbrow + 2*nbInfos);
549  w=1;
551  w_mbt.resize(nbrow);
552  w_mbt = 1;
553  robust_mbt.resize(nbrow);
555  w_klt.resize(2*nbInfos);
556  w_klt = 1;
557  robust_klt.resize(2*nbInfos);
559  w_true.resize(nbrow + 2*nbInfos);
560  }
562  /* robust */
563  if(nbrow > 3){
564  residuMBT = 0;
565  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < R_mbt.getRows(); i++)
566  residuMBT += fabs(R_mbt[i]);
567  residuMBT /= R_mbt.getRows();
569  robust_mbt.setIteration(iter);
570  robust_mbt.setThreshold(thresholdMBT/cam.get_px());
571  robust_mbt.MEstimator( vpRobust::TUKEY, R_mbt, w_mbt);
572  J->stackMatrices(J_mbt);
573  R->stackMatrices(R_mbt);
574  }
576  if(nbInfos > 3){
577  residuKLT = 0;
578  for(unsigned int i = 0; i < R_klt.getRows(); i++)
579  residuKLT += fabs(R_klt[i]);
580  residuKLT /= R_klt.getRows();
582  robust_klt.setIteration(iter);
583  robust_klt.setThreshold(thresholdKLT/cam.get_px());
584  robust_klt.MEstimator( vpRobust::TUKEY, R_klt, w_klt);
586  J->stackMatrices(J_klt);
587  R->stackMatrices(R_klt);
588  }
590  unsigned int cpt = 0;
591  while(cpt< (nbrow+2*nbInfos)){
592  if(cpt<(unsigned)nbrow){
593  w[cpt] = ((w_mbt[cpt] * factor[cpt]) * factorMBT) ;
594  }
595  else
596  w[cpt] = (w_klt[cpt-nbrow] * factorKLT);
597  cpt++;
598  }
600  if(computeCovariance){
601  R_true = (*R);
602  J_true = (*J);
603  }
605  residu_1 = residu;
606  residu = 0;
607  double num = 0;
608  double den = 0;
609  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < static_cast<unsigned int>(R->getRows()); i++){
610  num += w[i]*vpMath::sqr((*R)[i]);
611  den += w[i];
613  w_true[i] = w[i]*w[i];
614  (*R)[i] *= w[i];
616  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 6; j += 1){
617  (*J)[i][j] *= w[i];
618  }
619  }
620  }
622  residu = sqrt(num/den);
624  JTJ = J->AtA();
625  computeJTR(*J, *R, JTR);
626  v = -lambda * JTJ.pseudoInverse() * JTR;
630  iter++;
632  delete J;
633  delete R;
634  }
636  if(computeCovariance){
637  vpMatrix D;
638  D.diag(w_true);
640  }
641 }
650 void
652 {
653  unsigned int nbInfos;
654  unsigned int nbFaceUsed;
655  vpColVector w_klt;
657  vpMbKltTracker::preTracking(I, nbInfos, nbFaceUsed);
659  if(nbInfos >= 4)
660  vpMbKltTracker::computeVVS(nbInfos, w_klt);
661  else{
662  nbInfos = 0;
663  std::cout << "[ERROR] Unable to init with KLT" << std::endl;
664  }
668  vpColVector w_mbt;
669  computeVVS(I, nbInfos, w_mbt, w_klt);
671  if(postTracking(I, w_mbt, w_klt)){
674  }
675 }
677 unsigned int
679 {
680  vpMbtDistanceLine *l ;
683  if(lvl >= scales.size() || !scales[lvl]){
684  throw vpException(vpException::dimensionError, "_lvl not used.");
685  }
687  unsigned int nbrow = initMbtTracking(lvl);
689  if (nbrow==0){
690 // vpERROR_TRACE("\n\t\t Error-> not enough data in the interaction matrix...") ;
691 // throw vpTrackingException(vpTrackingException::notEnoughPointError, "\n\t\t Error-> not enough data in the interaction matrix...");
692  return nbrow;
693  }
695  factor.resize(nbrow);
696  factor = 1;
698  unsigned int n = 0;
699  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceLine*>::const_iterator it=lines[lvl].begin(); it!=lines[lvl].end(); ++it){
700  l = *it;
703  double fac = 1;
704  for(std::list<int>::const_iterator it = l->Lindex_polygon.begin(); it!=l->Lindex_polygon.end(); ++it){
705  int index = *it;
706  if (l->hiddenface->isAppearing((unsigned int)index)) {
707  fac = 0.2;
708  break;
709  }
710  if(l->closeToImageBorder(I, 10)){
711  fac = 0.1;
712  break;
713  }
714  }
716  std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator itListLine;
717  if (l->meline != NULL)
718  itListLine = l->meline->getMeList().begin();
720  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < l->nbFeature ; i++){
721  factor[n+i] = fac;
722  vpMeSite site = *itListLine;
723  if (site.getState() != vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) factor[n+i] = 0.2;
724  ++itListLine;
725  }
726  n+= l->nbFeature ;
727  }
729  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceCylinder*>::const_iterator it=cylinders[lvl].begin(); it!=cylinders[lvl].end(); ++it){
730  cy = *it;
732  double fac = 1.0;
734  std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator itCyl1;
735  std::list<vpMeSite>::const_iterator itCyl2;
736  if ((cy->meline1 != NULL || cy->meline2 != NULL)){
737  itCyl1 = cy->meline1->getMeList().begin();
738  itCyl2 = cy->meline2->getMeList().begin();
739  }
741  for(unsigned int i=0 ; i < cy->nbFeature ; i++){
742  factor[n+i] = fac;
743  vpMeSite site;
744  if(i<cy->nbFeaturel1) {
745  site= *itCyl1;
746  ++itCyl1;
747  }
748  else{
749  site= *itCyl2;
750  ++itCyl2;
751  }
752  if (site.getState() != vpMeSite::NO_SUPPRESSION) factor[n+i] = 0.2;
753  }
755  n+= cy->nbFeature ;
756  }
758  return nbrow;
759 }
761 void
763  vpHomogeneousMatrix& cMo, const unsigned int lvl)
764 {
768  unsigned int n = 0 ;
769  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceLine*>::const_iterator it=lines[lvl].begin(); it!=lines[lvl].end(); ++it){
770  l = *it;
772  for (unsigned int i=0 ; i < l->nbFeature ; i++){
773  for (unsigned int j=0; j < 6 ; j++){
774  L[n+i][j] = l->L[i][j];
775  error[n+i] = l->error[i];
776  }
777  }
778  n+= l->nbFeature;
779  }
781  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceCylinder*>::const_iterator it=cylinders[lvl].begin(); it!=cylinders[lvl].end(); ++it){
782  cy = *it;
783  cy->computeInteractionMatrixError(cMo, I) ;
784  for(unsigned int i=0 ; i < cy->nbFeature ; i++){
785  for(unsigned int j=0; j < 6 ; j++){
786  L[n+i][j] = cy->L[i][j];
787  error[n+i] = cy->error[i];
788  }
789  }
791  n+= cy->nbFeature ;
792  }
793 }
800 void
802 {
803  this->cam = cam;
807 }
815 void
816 vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(const std::vector<vpPoint>& corners, const unsigned int indexFace)
817 {
818  vpMbEdgeTracker::initFaceFromCorners(corners, indexFace);
819  vpMbKltTracker::initFaceFromCorners(corners, indexFace);
820 }
831 void
832 vpMbEdgeKltTracker::initCylinder(const vpPoint& _p1, const vpPoint _p2, const double _radius, const unsigned int _indexCylinder)
833 {
834  vpMbEdgeTracker::initCylinder(_p1, _p2, _radius, _indexCylinder);
835 }
847 void
849  const vpColor& col , const unsigned int thickness, const bool displayFullModel)
850 {
851  vpMbKltTracker::display(I, cMo, cam, col, thickness, displayFullModel);
853  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scales.size(); i += 1){
854  if(scales[i]){
855  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceCylinder*>::const_iterator it=cylinders[scaleLevel].begin(); it!=cylinders[scaleLevel].end(); ++it){
856  (*it)->display(I, cMo, cam, col, thickness);
857  }
858  break ; //displaying model on one scale only
859  }
860  }
861 }
873 void
875  const vpColor& col , const unsigned int thickness, const bool displayFullModel)
876 {
877  vpMbKltTracker::display(I, cMo, cam, col, thickness, displayFullModel);
879  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < scales.size(); i += 1){
880  if(scales[i]){
881  for(std::list<vpMbtDistanceCylinder*>::const_iterator it=cylinders[scaleLevel].begin(); it!=cylinders[scaleLevel].end(); ++it){
882  (*it)->display(I, cMo, cam, col, thickness);
883  }
884  break ; //displaying model on one scale only
885  }
886  }
887 }
889 #endif //VISP_HAVE_OPENCV
void setWindowName(const Ogre::String &n)
Definition: vpAROgre.h:234
void trackSecondLoop(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpMatrix &L, vpColVector &_error, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const unsigned int lvl=0)
double lambda
The gain of the virtual visual servoing stage.
void postTrackingMbt(vpColVector &w, const unsigned int level=0)
Definition of the vpMatrix class.
Definition: vpMatrix.h:96
void displayMovingEdges(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
vpMatrix covarianceMatrix
Covariance matrix.
Definition: vpMbTracker.h:120
void setMaxIter(const unsigned int max)
void resize(const unsigned int nrows, const unsigned int ncols, const bool nullify=true)
Definition: vpMatrix.cpp:174
void upScale(const unsigned int _scale)
void MEstimator(const vpRobustEstimatorType method, const vpColVector &residues, vpColVector &weights)
Compute the weights according a residue vector and a PsiFunction.
Definition: vpRobust.cpp:138
bool isAppearing(const unsigned int i)
bool Reinit
Indicates if the line has to be reinitialized.
void setMeanWeight2(const double wmean)
The class provides a data structure for the homogeneous matrices as well as a set of operations on th...
#define vpERROR_TRACE
Definition: vpDebug.h:379
void init(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
#define vpTRACE
Definition: vpDebug.h:401
unsigned int scaleLevel
Current scale level used. This attribute must not be modified outsied of the downScale() and upScale(...
std::list< int > Lindex_polygon
Index of the faces which contain the line.
Performs search in a given direction(normal) for a given distance(pixels) for a given 'site'...
Definition: vpMeSite.h:76
Class to define colors available for display functionnalities.
Definition: vpColor.h:123
vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo
The current pose.
Definition: vpMbTracker.h:108
bool postTracking(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpColVector &w)
void displayMovingEdges(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
double thresholdKLT
The threshold used in the robust estimation of KLT.
error that can be emited by ViSP classes.
Definition: vpException.h:75
void computeJTR(const vpMatrix &J, const vpColVector &R, vpMatrix &JTR)
Manage a cylinder used in the model-based tracker.
Manage the line of a polygon used in the model-based tracker.
unsigned int nbFeature
The number of moving edges.
std::vector< const vpImage< unsigned char > * > Ipyramid
Pyramid of image associated to the current image. This pyramid is compted in the init() and in the tr...
Definition of the vpSubMatrix vpSubMatrix class provides a mask on a vpMatrix all properties of vpMat...
Definition: vpSubMatrix.h:66
bool computeCovariance
Flag used to specify if the covariance matrix has to be computed or not.
Definition: vpMbTracker.h:118
void loadConfigFile(const std::string &configFile)
void updateMovingEdge(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
std::vector< std::list< vpMbtDistanceLine * > > lines
Vector of list of all the lines tracked (each line is linked to a list of moving edges). Each element of the vector is for a scale (element 0 = level 0 = no subsampling).
static vpMatrix computeCovarianceMatrix(const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &x, const vpColVector &b)
virtual void reinit(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
unsigned int nbFeature
The number of moving edges.
void downScale(const unsigned int _scale)
Class that defines what is a point.
Definition: vpPoint.h:65
virtual void loadConfigFile(const std::string &configFile)
vpMatrix L
The interaction matrix.
vpMeSiteState getState() const
Definition: vpMeSite.h:202
vpCameraParameters cam
The camera parameters.
Definition: vpMbTracker.h:106
virtual void init(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
vpHomogeneousMatrix ctTc0
The estimated displacement of the pose between the current instant and the initial position...
unsigned int nbFeaturel1
The number of moving edges on line 1.
This class aims to compute the homography wrt.two images.
Definition: vpHomography.h:174
vpAROgre * getOgreContext()
void setMeanWeight(const double wmean)
std::vector< bool > scales
Vector of scale level to use for the multi-scale tracking.
Error that can be emited by the vpTracker class and its derivates.
void initMovingEdge(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo)
vpMatrix AtA() const
Definition: vpMatrix.cpp:1357
static double sqr(double x)
Definition: vpMath.h:106
virtual void initCylinder(const vpPoint &_p1, const vpPoint _p2, const double _radius, const unsigned int _indexCylinder=0)
vpColVector error
The error vector.
virtual void setPose(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cdMo)
bool isVisible() const
virtual void track(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
Definition of the vpSubColVector vpSubColVector class provides a mask on a vpColVector all properties...
virtual void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpColor &col, const unsigned int thickness=1, const bool displayFullModel=false)
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters.
virtual void loadModel(const std::string &modelFile)
void initPyramid(const vpImage< unsigned char > &_I, std::vector< const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &_pyramid)
void cleanPyramid(std::vector< const vpImage< unsigned char > * > &_pyramid)
vpMbHiddenFaces< vpMbtKltPolygon > faces
Set of faces describing the object.
virtual void initFaceFromCorners(const std::vector< vpPoint > &corners, const unsigned int indexFace=-1)
vpMbtMeLine * meline1
The moving edge containers (first line of the cylinder)
bool compute_interaction
If true, compute the interaction matrix at each iteration of the minimisation. Otherwise, compute it only on the first iteration.
bool firstTrack
First track() called.
virtual void initFaceFromCorners(const std::vector< vpPoint > &_corners, const unsigned int _indexFace=-1)
std::list< vpMeSite > & getMeList()
Definition: vpMeTracker.h:161
void loadConfigFile(const char *configFile)
void setState(const vpMeSiteState &flag)
Definition: vpMeSite.h:189
void reinitMovingEdge(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMo)
unsigned int size()
double get_px() const
void setMeanWeight1(const double wmean)
virtual void setCameraParameters(const vpCameraParameters &cam)
static vpMatrix stackMatrices(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
Stack two Matrices C = [ A B ]^T.
Definition: vpMatrix.cpp:2261
void diag(const vpColVector &A)
Definition: vpMatrix.cpp:2521
void preTracking(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, unsigned int &nbInfos, unsigned int &nbFaceUsed)
unsigned int maxIter
The maximum iteration of the virtual visual servoing stage.
bool closeToImageBorder(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const unsigned int threshold)
bool displayFeatures
If true, the features are displayed.
Definition: vpMbTracker.h:122
void setCameraParameters(const vpCameraParameters &cam)
Class that provides a data structure for the column vectors as well as a set of operations on these v...
Definition: vpColVector.h:72
std::vector< std::list< vpMbtDistanceCylinder * > > cylinders
Vector of the tracked cylinders.
void computeInteractionMatrixError(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
unsigned int initMbtTracking(const unsigned int level=0)
vpHomogeneousMatrix inverse() const
unsigned int trackFirstLoop(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpColVector &factor, const unsigned int lvl=0)
vpMbHiddenFaces< vpMbtPolygon > * hiddenface
Pointer to the list of faces.
static vpHomogeneousMatrix direct(const vpColVector &v)
Contains an M-Estimator and various influence function.
Definition: vpRobust.h:63
virtual void initFaceFromCorners(const std::vector< vpPoint > &corners, const unsigned int indexFace=-1)
unsigned int nbvisiblepolygone
Number of polygon (face) currently visible.
bool postTracking(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, vpColVector &w_mbt, vpColVector &w_klt, const unsigned int lvl=0)
vpColVector error
The error vector.
vpMatrix pseudoInverse(double svThreshold=1e-6) const
Compute the pseudo inverse of the matrix using the SVD.
Definition: vpMatrix.cpp:1810
bool Reinit
Indicates if the line has to be reinitialized.
virtual void init(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
virtual void setCameraParameters(const vpCameraParameters &cam)
vpMbHiddenFaces< vpMbtPolygon > faces
Set of faces describing the object.
void trackMovingEdge(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
unsigned int nbFeaturel2
The number of moving edges on line 2.
void setThreshold(const double noise_threshold)
Definition: vpRobust.h:128
unsigned int getRows() const
Return the number of rows of the matrix.
Definition: vpMatrix.h:157
virtual void initCylinder(const vpPoint &, const vpPoint, const double, const unsigned int)
void resize(unsigned int n_data)
Resize containers for sort methods.
Definition: vpRobust.cpp:90
vpMbtMeLine * meline2
The moving edge containers (second line of the cylinder)
void setIteration(const unsigned int iter)
Set iteration.
Definition: vpRobust.h:122
vpMatrix L
The interaction matrix.
void computeVVS(const unsigned int &nbInfos, vpColVector &w)
void computeInteractionMatrixError(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
vpMbtMeLine * meline
The moving edge container.
virtual void loadModel(const std::string &modelFile)
double thresholdMBT
The threshold used in the robust estimation of MBT.
virtual void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpColor &col, const unsigned int thickness=1, const bool displayFullModel=false)
virtual void setPose(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cdMo)
void resize(const unsigned int i, const bool flagNullify=true)
Definition: vpColVector.h:94
void computeVVS(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const unsigned int &nbInfos, vpColVector &w_mbt, vpColVector &w_klt, const unsigned int lvl=0)