Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.6.1 under development (2024-05-18)
1 /****************************************************************************
2  *
3  * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
4  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2023 by Inria. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
11  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
12  *
13  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
14  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
15  * Edition License.
16  *
17  * See for more information.
18  *
19  * This software was developed at:
20  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
21  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
22  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
23  * France
24  *
25  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
26  * Inria at
27  *
28  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
30  * Description:
31  * Real-time 3D point clouds plotter based on the PCL library.
32  *
33 *****************************************************************************/
37 #include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
38 #if defined(VISP_HAVE_PCL) && defined(VISP_HAVE_PCL_IO) && defined(VISP_HAVE_THREADS)
39 // PCL
40 #include<pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
42 // ViSP
43 #include <visp3/gui/vpPclViewer.h>
44 #include <visp3/gui/vpColorBlindFriendlyPalette.h>
45 #include <visp3/core/vpIoTools.h>
51 const unsigned int gc_nbColorMax = 7;
53 pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr vpPclViewer::sp_viewer(nullptr);
55 std::vector<std::vector<double>> vpPclViewer::s_vhandler;
57 int vpPclViewer::s_width = 640;
58 int vpPclViewer::s_height = 480;
59 int vpPclViewer::s_posU = 40;
60 int vpPclViewer::s_posV = 40;
61 double vpPclViewer::s_ignoreThresh = 0.95;
63 vpPclViewer::vpPclViewer(const std::string &title, const int &width, const int &height
64  , const int &posU, const int &posV
65  , const std::string &outFolder, const double &ignoreThreshold)
66  : m_hasToRun(false)
67  , m_title(title)
68  , m_hasToSavePCDs(false)
69  , m_outFolder(outFolder)
70 {
71  setOutFolder(outFolder);
72  setIgnoreThreshold(ignoreThreshold);
73  s_width = width;
74  s_height = height;
75  s_posU = posU;
76  s_posV = posV;
77 }
79 vpPclViewer ::~vpPclViewer()
80 {
81  // Asking to stop thread
82  stopThread();
84  // Deleting point clouds
85  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vPointClouds.size(); i++) {
86  m_vPointClouds[i].reset();
87  }
88  m_vPointClouds.clear();
90  // Deleting mutexes
91  for (unsigned int id = 0; id < m_vpmutex.size(); id++) {
92  delete m_vpmutex[id];
93  }
94  m_vpmutex.clear();
96  // Deleting the viewer
97  if (sp_viewer) {
98  sp_viewer.reset();
99  }
100 }
102 void vpPclViewer::setNameWindow(const std::string &nameWindow)
103 {
104  sp_viewer->setWindowName(nameWindow);
105 }
107 void vpPclViewer::setOutFolder(const std::string &outFolder)
108 {
109  m_outFolder = outFolder;
110  if (!m_outFolder.empty()) {
111  // An output folder has been set by the user
112  m_hasToSavePCDs = true;
113  if (!vpIoTools::checkDirectory(m_outFolder)) {
114  // The output folder does not exist => creating it
115  vpIoTools::makeDirectory(m_outFolder);
116  }
117  }
118  else {
119  // No output folder was assigned to the visualizer
120  m_hasToSavePCDs = false;
121  }
122 }
124 void vpPclViewer::setIgnoreThreshold(const double &ignoreThreshold)
125 {
126  if (ignoreThreshold < 0. || ignoreThreshold > 1.) {
127  throw(vpException(vpException::badValue, "[vpPclViewer::setIgnoreThreshold] Fatal error: threshold must be in range [0. ; 1.]"));
128  }
129  s_ignoreThresh = ignoreThreshold;
130 }
132 void vpPclViewer::updateSurface(const pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr &surface, const unsigned int &id, const bool &hasToKeepColor)
133 {
134  if (m_hasToRun) {
135  // Threaded mode
136  if (hasToKeepColor) {
137  // The point cloud will be displayed with its original colors
138  threadUpdateSurfaceOriginalColor(surface, id);
139  }
140  else {
141  // The point cloud will be displayed with its default colors
142  threadUpdateSurface(surface, id);
143  }
144  }
145  else {
146  // Blocking mode
147  vpColVector fakeWeights; // Fake weights that are all equal to 1, to keep all the points
148  updateSurface(surface, id, fakeWeights, hasToKeepColor);
149  }
150 }
152 void vpPclViewer::updateSurface(const pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr &surface, const unsigned int &id,
153  const vpColVector &weights, const bool &hasToKeepColor)
154 {
155  if (m_hasToRun) {
156  // Threaded mode
157  if (hasToKeepColor) {
158  // The point cloud will be displayed with its original colors
159  threadUpdateSurfaceOriginalColor(surface, id, weights);
160  }
161  else {
162  // The point cloud will be displayed with its default colors
163  threadUpdateSurface(surface, id, weights);
164  }
165  }
166  else {
167  // Blocking mode
168  // If the saved pcl corresponding to \b id was not initialized, initialize it
169  if (!m_vPointClouds[id]) {
170  m_vPointClouds[id].reset(new pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB());
171  }
173  // Resize if needed the saved pcl corresponding to \b id
174  unsigned int nbPoints = surface->size();
175  m_vPointClouds[id]->resize(nbPoints);
177  // Save the new weights and check if they must be used
178  m_vweights[id] = weights;
179  bool use_weights = (weights.size() > 0);
181  // Keep only the points that are above \b s_ignoreThresh
182  for (unsigned int index = 0; index < nbPoints; index++) {
183  bool addPoint = false;
184  if (use_weights) {
185  addPoint = (weights[index] > s_ignoreThresh);
186  }
187  else {
188  addPoint = true;
189  }
191  pclPointXYZRGB pt = surface->at(index);
192  if (addPoint) {
193  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).x = pt.x;
194  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).y = pt.y;
195  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).z = pt.z;
197  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).r = s_vhandler[id][0];
198  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).g = s_vhandler[id][1];
199  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).b = s_vhandler[id][2];
200  }
201  }
203  // Try to update the pcl corresponding to the ID
204  // Throw a \b vpException::notInitialized exception if the pcl was not added to the list of known pcl first
205  bool status = sp_viewer->updatePointCloud(m_vPointClouds[id], m_vmeshid[id]);
206  if (!status) {
207  std::stringstream err_msg;
208  err_msg << "[vpPclViewer ::updateSurface] ID " << m_vmeshid[id] << " not found !" << std::endl;
209  throw(vpException(vpException::notInitialized, err_msg.str()));
210  }
211  }
212 }
214 unsigned int vpPclViewer::addSurface(const pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr &surface, const std::string &name, const std::vector<unsigned char> &v_color)
215 {
216  vpColVector emptyWeights; // Fake weights that are all equal to 1, to keep all the points
217  return addSurface(surface, emptyWeights, name, v_color);
218 }
220 unsigned int vpPclViewer::addSurface(const pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr &surface, const vpColVector &weights, const std::string &name, const std::vector<unsigned char> &v_color)
221 {
222  static unsigned int nbSurfaces = 0;
223  unsigned int id = m_vPointClouds.size();
225  // Creating a new pcl and saving it in the container
226  pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr p_pointCloud(new pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB());
227  m_vPointClouds.push_back(p_pointCloud);
229  // Sizing it accordingly to the input pcl
230  unsigned int nbPoints = surface->size();
231  m_vPointClouds[id]->resize(nbPoints);
233  // Affecting a color to the point cloud and its legend
234  std::vector<unsigned char> v_RGB;
235  if (v_color.size() < 3) {
236  // Affecting a default color to the pcl and its legend, if the user does not want to use its original color
237  // when displaying it
238  vpColorBlindFriendlyPalette color(gcolor[nbSurfaces]);
239  v_RGB = color.to_RGB();
240  }
241  else {
242  // Keeping the colors decided by the user
243  v_RGB = v_color;
244  }
246  std::vector<double> v_RGBdouble = {
247  (double)v_RGB[0],
248  (double)v_RGB[1],
249  (double)v_RGB[2]
250  };
251  s_vhandler.push_back(v_RGBdouble);
253  // Storing the weights attached to the surface
254  m_vweights.push_back(weights);
255  bool use_weigths = weights.size() > 0;
257  // Copying the coordinates of each point of the original pcl,
258  // while affecting them the default color.
259  // Points that have a weight below \b s_ignoreThresh are ignored
260  for (unsigned int index = 0; index < nbPoints; index++) {
261  bool shouldPointBeVisible = false;
262  if (use_weigths) {
263  // If weights are defined, the point should be visible only
264  // if the weight is greater than the ignore threshold.
265  shouldPointBeVisible = weights[index] > s_ignoreThresh;
266  }
267  else {
268  // No weights are used => every points must be considered
269  shouldPointBeVisible = true;
270  }
272  pclPointXYZRGB pt = surface->at(index);
273  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).x = pt.x;
274  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).y = pt.y;
275  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).z = pt.z;
277  if (shouldPointBeVisible) {
278  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).r = s_vhandler[id][0];
279  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).g = s_vhandler[id][1];
280  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).b = s_vhandler[id][2];
281  }
282  else {
283  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).r = 0.;
284  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).g = 0.;
285  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).b = 0.;
286  }
288  }
290  // std::cout << "Point cloud: width=" << m_vPointClouds[id]->width << ", height= " << m_vPointClouds[id]->height << std::endl;
292  // Checking if the user specified a name for the pcl
293  if (!name.empty()) {
294  // Yes => we save it (will be used for the legend, and for
295  // the viewer to know which pcl we are changing when updating pcls)
296  m_vmeshid.push_back(name);
297  }
298  else {
299  // No => we create one, for the very same reasons
300  m_vmeshid.push_back("point_cloud" + std::to_string(id));
301  }
302  // std::cout << "[vpPclViewer ::addSurface] Added ID " << m_vmeshid[id] << " to the list of known point clouds" << std::endl;
303  if (sp_viewer) {
304  // The viewer is already on, we can add the pcl to its known list
305  sp_viewer->addPointCloud(m_vPointClouds[id], m_vmeshid[id]);
306  }
308  // Updating the number of known pcls
309  nbSurfaces = (nbSurfaces + 1) % gc_nbColorMax;
311  // Adding a mutex to protect the new pcl when using \b threadUpdateSurface
312  m_vpmutex.push_back(new std::mutex());
314  // Adding a legend for this pcl
315  legendParams legend;
316  m_vlegends.push_back(legend);
317  legendParams &newLegend = m_vlegends[id];
318  newLegend.m_text = m_vmeshid[id];
319  newLegend.m_posU = 10;
320  newLegend.m_posV = 10;
321  newLegend.m_size = 16;
322  if (id > 0) {
323  newLegend.m_posV = m_vlegends[id - 1].m_posV + newLegend.m_size;
324  }
325  newLegend.m_rRatio = s_vhandler[id][0] / 255.0;
326  newLegend.m_gRatio = s_vhandler[id][1] / 255.0;
327  newLegend.m_bRatio = s_vhandler[id][2] / 255.0;
329  if (sp_viewer) {
330  // The viewer is on => we add the legend on the screen
331  sp_viewer->addText(newLegend.m_text, newLegend.m_posU, newLegend.m_posV, newLegend.m_rRatio, newLegend.m_gRatio, newLegend.m_bRatio);
332  }
334  return id;
335 }
339 void vpPclViewer::display()
340 {
341  stopThread(); // We have to stop the thread to manipulate the viewer with a blocking waiting
342  if (!sp_viewer) {
343  // The viewer was not created => creating a new one
344  sp_viewer.reset(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer(m_title));
345  sp_viewer->addCoordinateSystem(0.5); // Display a coordinate system whose axis are 0.5m long
346  sp_viewer->initCameraParameters(); // Initialize the viewer with default camera settings
347  sp_viewer->setSize(s_width, s_height); // Setting the size of the viewer window
348  sp_viewer->setPosition(s_posU, s_posV); // Setting the position of the viewer window on the screen
349  sp_viewer->resetCamera();
351  for (unsigned int id = 0; id < m_vPointClouds.size(); id++) {
352  sp_viewer->addPointCloud(m_vPointClouds[id], m_vmeshid[id]);
353  sp_viewer->addText(m_vlegends[id].m_text, m_vlegends[id].m_posU, m_vlegends[id].m_posV, m_vlegends[id].m_rRatio, m_vlegends[id].m_gRatio, m_vlegends[id].m_bRatio);
354  }
355  }
356  sp_viewer->spin();
357 }
359 void vpPclViewer::refresh(const int &timeout, const bool &waitForDrawing)
360 {
361  sp_viewer->spinOnce(timeout, waitForDrawing);
362 }
364 void vpPclViewer::launchThread()
365 {
366  // Check if the visualization thread is already started
367  if (!m_hasToRun) {
368  // Thread not started => starting it now
369  m_hasToRun = true;
370  m_threadDisplay = std::thread(vpPclViewer::runThread, this);
371  }
372 }
374 void vpPclViewer::stopThread()
375 {
376  // Check if the visualization thread is running
377  if (m_hasToRun) {
378  // Thread is running, asking it to stop
379  m_hasToRun = false;
380  m_threadDisplay.join();
381  }
382 }
384 void vpPclViewer::runThread(vpPclViewer *p_visualizer)
385 {
386  p_visualizer->loopThread();
387 }
389 void vpPclViewer::loopThread()
390 {
391  bool useWeights;
392  sp_viewer.reset(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer(m_title)); // Allocating a new viewer or resetting the old one.
393  sp_viewer->addCoordinateSystem(0.5); // Display a coordinate system whose axis are 0.5m long
394  sp_viewer->initCameraParameters(); // Initialize the viewer with default camera settings
395  sp_viewer->setSize(s_width, s_height); // Setting the size of the viewer window
396  sp_viewer->setPosition(s_posU, s_posV); // Setting the position of the viewer window on the screen
397  sp_viewer->resetCamera();
398  unsigned int iter = 0;
400  // Running the main loop of the thread
401  while (m_hasToRun) {
402  for (unsigned int id = 0; id < m_vmeshid.size(); id++) {
403  m_vpmutex[id]->lock();
404  unsigned int nbPoints = m_vPointClouds[id]->size();
405  // Checking if the pcl[id] has weights attached to its points
406  unsigned int nbWeights = m_vweights[id].size();
407  useWeights = (nbWeights > 0);
408  if (useWeights) {
409  // Setting points for which the weights are lower than \b s_ignoreThresh to be of color \b s_colorRejectedPoints
410  for (unsigned int index = 0; index < nbPoints; index++) {
411  if (m_vweights[id][index] < s_ignoreThresh) {
412  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).r = 0.0;
413  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).g = 0.0;
414  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).b = 0.0;
415  }
417  }
418  }
420  // If updatePointCloud fails, it means that the pcl was not previously known by the viewer
421  if (!sp_viewer->updatePointCloud(m_vPointClouds[id], m_vmeshid[id])) {
422  // Add the pcl to the list of pcl known by the viewer + the according legend
423  sp_viewer->addPointCloud(m_vPointClouds[id], m_vmeshid[id]);
424  sp_viewer->addText(m_vlegends[id].m_text, m_vlegends[id].m_posU, m_vlegends[id].m_posV, m_vlegends[id].m_rRatio, m_vlegends[id].m_gRatio, m_vlegends[id].m_bRatio);
425  }
427  // If the pcl is not empty and the \b vpPclViewer is asked to save the pcls,
428  // create a new file name and save the pcl
429  if (m_vPointClouds[id]->size() > 0 && m_hasToSavePCDs) {
430  std::string filename = vpIoTools::createFilePath(m_outFolder, m_vmeshid[id] + std::to_string(iter) + ".pcd");
431  pcl::io::savePCDFile(filename, *m_vPointClouds[id]);
432  }
434  m_vpmutex[id]->unlock();
435  }
436  sp_viewer->spinOnce(100, true);
438  iter++;
439  }
440  // When leaving the thread, resetting the viewer
441  sp_viewer.reset();
442 }
444 void vpPclViewer::threadUpdateSurface(const pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr &surface, const unsigned int &id)
445 {
446  threadUpdateSurface(surface, id, vpColVector());
447 }
449 void vpPclViewer::threadUpdateSurfaceOriginalColor(const pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr &surface, const unsigned int &id)
450 {
451  threadUpdateSurfaceOriginalColor(surface, id, vpColVector());
452 }
454 void vpPclViewer::threadUpdateSurface(const pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr &surface, const unsigned int &id, const vpColVector &weights)
455 {
456  m_vpmutex[id]->lock();
457  m_vweights[id] = weights; // Saving the weights affected to each point of the pcl
458  unsigned int nbPoints = surface->size();
459  m_vPointClouds[id]->resize(nbPoints); // Resizing internal point cloud to the size of the input surface
461  // Iterating on each point of the pcl to change the color of the points
462  // for the default value affected to this pcl
463  for (unsigned int index = 0; index < nbPoints; index++) {
464  pclPointXYZRGB pt = surface->at(index);
465  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).x = pt.x;
466  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).y = pt.y;
467  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).z = pt.z;
469  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).r = s_vhandler[id][0];
470  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).g = s_vhandler[id][1];
471  m_vPointClouds[id]->at(index).b = s_vhandler[id][2];
472  }
473  m_vpmutex[id]->unlock();
474 }
476 void vpPclViewer::threadUpdateSurfaceOriginalColor(const pclPointCloudPointXYZRGB::Ptr &surface, const unsigned int &id, const vpColVector &weights)
477 {
478  m_vpmutex[id]->lock();
479  m_vweights[id] = weights; // Saving the weights affected to each point of the pcl
480  unsigned int nbPoints = surface->size();
481  m_vPointClouds[id]->resize(nbPoints); // Resizing internal point cloud to the size of the input surface
483  // As we keep the color of the original pcl, a plain copy will do the job
484  pcl::copyPointCloud(*surface, *m_vPointClouds[id]);
486  m_vpmutex[id]->unlock();
487 }
489 #elif !defined(VISP_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS)
490 // Work around to avoid warning: libvisp_core.a(vpD3DRenderer.cpp.o) has no symbols
491 void dummy_vpPCLPointCLoudVisualization() { };
492 #endif
493 #endif
unsigned int size() const
Return the number of elements of the 2D array.
Definition: vpArray2D.h:341
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:163
Class that furnishes a set of colors that color blind people should be able to distinguish one from a...
error that can be emitted by ViSP classes.
Definition: vpException.h:59
@ badValue
Used to indicate that a value is not in the allowed range.
Definition: vpException.h:85
@ notInitialized
Used to indicate that a parameter is not initialized.
Definition: vpException.h:86
static bool checkDirectory(const std::string &dirname)
Definition: vpIoTools.cpp:834
static std::string createFilePath(const std::string &parent, const std::string &child)
Definition: vpIoTools.cpp:2197
static void makeDirectory(const std::string &dirname)
Definition: vpIoTools.cpp:983