Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.5.1 under development (2023-09-22)
1 /*
2  * ViSP, open source Visual Servoing Platform software.
3  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2023 by Inria. All rights reserved.
4  *
5  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
8  * (at your option) any later version.
9  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
10  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
11  *
12  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
13  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
14  * Edition License.
15  *
16  * See for more information.
17  *
18  * This software was developed at:
19  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
20  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
21  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
22  * France
23  *
24  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
25  * Inria at
26  *
27  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
29  *
30  * Description:
31  * Pose computation.
32  */
34 #include <visp3/core/vpMath.h>
35 #include <visp3/vision/vpPose.h>
37 #define DEBUG_LEVEL1 0
38 #define DEBUG_LEVEL2 0
39 #define DEBUG_LEVEL3 0
41 #define SEUIL_RESIDUAL 0.0001 /* avant 0.01 dans while du calculArbreDementhon */
42 #define EPS_DEM 0.001
44 #define ITER_MAX 30 /* max number of iterations for Demonthon's loop */
46 static void calculSolutionDementhon(vpColVector &I4, vpColVector &J4, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
47 {
49 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
50  std::cout << "begin ( " << std::endl;
51 #endif
53  // norm of the 3 first components of I4 and J4
54  double normI3 = sqrt(I4[0] * I4[0] + I4[1] * I4[1] + I4[2] * I4[2]);
55  double normJ3 = sqrt(J4[0] * J4[0] + J4[1] * J4[1] + J4[2] * J4[2]);
57  if ((normI3 < 1e-10) || (normJ3 < 1e-10)) {
58  // vpERROR_TRACE(" normI+normJ = 0, division par zero " ) ;
60  "Division by zero in Dementhon pose computation: normI or normJ = 0"));
61  }
63  double Z0 = 2.0 / (normI3 + normJ3);
65  vpColVector I3(3), J3(3), K3(3);
66  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
67  I3[i] = I4[i] / normI3;
68  J3[i] = J4[i] / normJ3;
69  }
71  K3 = vpColVector::cross(I3, J3); // k = I x J
72  K3.normalize();
74  J3 = vpColVector::cross(K3, I3);
76  // calcul de la matrice de passage
77  cMo[0][0] = I3[0];
78  cMo[0][1] = I3[1];
79  cMo[0][2] = I3[2];
80  cMo[0][3] = I4[3] * Z0;
82  cMo[1][0] = J3[0];
83  cMo[1][1] = J3[1];
84  cMo[1][2] = J3[2];
85  cMo[1][3] = J4[3] * Z0;
87  cMo[2][0] = K3[0];
88  cMo[2][1] = K3[1];
89  cMo[2][2] = K3[2];
90  cMo[2][3] = Z0;
92 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
93  std::cout << "end ( " << std::endl;
94 #endif
95 }
103 {
104  vpPoint P;
105  double cdg[3];
106  /* compute the cog of the 3D points */
107  cdg[0] = cdg[1] = cdg[2] = 0.0;
108  for (std::list<vpPoint>::const_iterator it = listP.begin(); it != listP.end(); ++it) {
109  P = (*it);
110  cdg[0] += P.get_oX();
111  cdg[1] += P.get_oY();
112  cdg[2] += P.get_oZ();
113  }
114  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
115  cdg[i] /= npt;
116  // printf("cdg : %lf %lf %lf\n", cdg[0], cdg[1],cdg[2]);
118  c3d.clear();
119  /* translate the 3D points wrt cog */
120  for (std::list<vpPoint>::const_iterator it = listP.begin(); it != listP.end(); ++it) {
121  P = (*it);
122  P.set_oX(P.get_oX() - cdg[0]);
123  P.set_oY(P.get_oY() - cdg[1]);
124  P.set_oZ(P.get_oZ() - cdg[2]);
125  c3d.push_back(P);
126  }
128  vpMatrix A(npt, 4), Ap;
130  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
131  A[i][0] = c3d[i].get_oX();
132  A[i][1] = c3d[i].get_oY();
133  A[i][2] = c3d[i].get_oZ();
134  A[i][3] = 1.0;
135  }
138 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL2)
139  {
140  std::cout << "A" << std::endl << A << std::endl;
141  std::cout << "A^+" << std::endl << Ap << std::endl;
142  }
143 #endif
145  vpColVector xprim(npt);
146  vpColVector yprim(npt);
148  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
149  xprim[i] = c3d[i].get_x();
150  yprim[i] = c3d[i].get_y();
151  }
152  vpColVector I4(4), J4(4);
154  I4 = Ap * xprim;
155  J4 = Ap * yprim;
157  calculSolutionDementhon(I4, J4, cMo);
159  int erreur = 0;
160  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
161  double z;
162  z = cMo[2][0] * c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo[2][1] * c3d[i].get_oY() + cMo[2][2] * c3d[i].get_oZ() + cMo[2][3];
163  if (z <= 0.0)
164  erreur = -1;
165  }
166  if (erreur == -1) {
167  throw(vpException(vpException::fatalError, "End of Dementhon since z < 0 for both solutions at the beginning"));
168  }
169  int cpt = 0;
170  double res = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo) / npt);
171  double res_old = 2.0 * res;
173  // In his paper, Dementhon suggests to use the difference
174  // between 2 successive norm of eps. We prefer to use the mean of the
175  // residuals in the image
176  while ((cpt < ITER_MAX) && (res > SEUIL_RESIDUAL) && (res < res_old)) {
178  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo_old;
179  res_old = res;
180  cMo_old = cMo;
182  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
183  double eps =
184  (cMo[2][0] * c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo[2][1] * c3d[i].get_oY() + cMo[2][2] * c3d[i].get_oZ()) / cMo[2][3];
186  xprim[i] = (1.0 + eps) * c3d[i].get_x();
187  yprim[i] = (1.0 + eps) * c3d[i].get_y();
188  }
189  I4 = Ap * xprim;
190  J4 = Ap * yprim;
192  calculSolutionDementhon(I4, J4, cMo);
193  res = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo) / npt);
194  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
195  double z;
196  z = cMo[2][0] * c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo[2][1] * c3d[i].get_oY() + cMo[2][2] * c3d[i].get_oZ() + cMo[2][3];
197  if (z <= 0.0)
198  erreur = -1;
199  }
200  if (erreur == -1) {
201  cMo = cMo_old;
202  res = res_old; // to leave the while loop
203 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL3)
204  std::cout << "Pb z < 0 with cMo in Dementhon's loop" << std::endl;
205 #endif
206  }
207 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL3)
208  vpThetaUVector erc;
209  cMo.extract(erc);
210  std::cout << "it = " << cpt << " residu = " << res << " Theta U rotation: " << vpMath::deg(erc[0]) << " "
211  << vpMath::deg(erc[1]) << " " << vpMath::deg(erc[2]) << std::endl;
212 #endif
213  if (res > res_old) {
214 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL3)
215  std::cout << "Divergence : res = " << res << " res_old = " << res_old << std::endl;
216 #endif
217  cMo = cMo_old;
218  }
219  cpt++;
220  }
221  // go back to the initial frame
222  cMo[0][3] -= (cdg[0] * cMo[0][0] + cdg[1] * cMo[0][1] + cdg[2] * cMo[0][2]);
223  cMo[1][3] -= (cdg[0] * cMo[1][0] + cdg[1] * cMo[1][1] + cdg[2] * cMo[1][2]);
224  cMo[2][3] -= (cdg[0] * cMo[2][0] + cdg[1] * cMo[2][1] + cdg[2] * cMo[2][2]);
225 }
227 static void calculRTheta(double s, double c, double &r, double &theta)
228 {
229  if ((fabs(c) > EPS_DEM) || (fabs(s) > EPS_DEM)) {
230  r = sqrt(sqrt(s * s + c * c));
231  theta = atan2(s, c) / 2.0;
232  } else {
233  if (fabs(c) > fabs(s)) {
234  r = fabs(c);
235  if (c >= 0.0)
236  theta = M_PI / 2;
237  else
238  theta = -M_PI / 2;
239  } else {
240  r = fabs(s);
241  if (s >= 0.0)
242  theta = M_PI / 4.0;
243  else
244  theta = -M_PI / 4.0;
245  }
246  }
247 }
249 static void calculTwoSolutionsDementhonPlan(vpColVector &I04, vpColVector &J04, vpColVector &U,
251 {
252  vpColVector I0(3), J0(3);
253  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
254  I0[i] = I04[i];
255  J0[i] = J04[i];
256  }
257  double s = -2.0 * vpColVector::dotProd(I0, J0);
258  double c = J0.sumSquare() - I0.sumSquare();
260  double r, theta;
261  calculRTheta(s, c, r, theta);
262  double co = cos(theta);
263  double si = sin(theta);
265  // calcul de la premiere solution
266  vpColVector I(4), J(4);
267  I = I04 + U * r * co;
268  J = J04 + U * r * si;
270 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL2)
271  {
272  std::cout << "I0 " << I04.t() << std::endl;
273  std::cout << "J0 " << J04.t() << std::endl;
274  std::cout << "I1 " << I.t() << std::endl;
275  std::cout << "J1 " << J.t() << std::endl;
276  }
277 #endif
278  calculSolutionDementhon(I, J, cMo1);
280  // calcul de la deuxieme solution
281  I = I04 - U * r * co;
282  J = J04 - U * r * si;
283 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL2)
284  {
285  std::cout << "I2 " << I.t() << std::endl;
286  std::cout << "J2 " << J.t() << std::endl;
287  }
288 #endif
289  calculSolutionDementhon(I, J, cMo2);
290 }
296 {
297 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
298  std::cout << "begin vpPose::CalculArbreDementhon() " << std::endl;
299 #endif
301  int erreur = 0;
303  // test if all points are in front of the camera
304  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
305  double z;
306  z = cMo[2][0] * c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo[2][1] * c3d[i].get_oY() + cMo[2][2] * c3d[i].get_oZ() + cMo[2][3];
307  if (z <= 0.0) {
308  erreur = -1;
309  return erreur;
310  }
311  }
313  unsigned int cpt = 0;
314  double res_min = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo) / npt);
315  double res_old = 2.0 * res_min;
317  /* FC modif SEUIL_RESIDUAL 0.01 a 0.001 */
318  while ((cpt < ITER_MAX) && (res_min > SEUIL_RESIDUAL) && (res_min < res_old)) {
319  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo1, cMo2, cMo_old;
321  res_old = res_min;
322  cMo_old = cMo;
324  vpColVector xprim(npt), yprim(npt);
325  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
326  double eps =
327  (cMo[2][0] * c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo[2][1] * c3d[i].get_oY() + cMo[2][2] * c3d[i].get_oZ()) / cMo[2][3];
329  xprim[i] = (1.0 + eps) * c3d[i].get_x();
330  yprim[i] = (1.0 + eps) * c3d[i].get_y();
331  }
333  vpColVector I04(4), J04(4);
334  I04 = Ap * xprim;
335  J04 = Ap * yprim;
337  calculTwoSolutionsDementhonPlan(I04, J04, U, cMo1, cMo2);
339  // test if all points are in front of the camera for cMo1 and cMo2
340  int erreur1 = 0;
341  int erreur2 = 0;
342  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
343  double z;
344  z = cMo1[2][0] * c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo1[2][1] * c3d[i].get_oY() + cMo1[2][2] * c3d[i].get_oZ() + cMo1[2][3];
345  if (z <= 0.0)
346  erreur1 = -1;
347  z = cMo2[2][0] * c3d[i].get_oX() + cMo2[2][1] * c3d[i].get_oY() + cMo2[2][2] * c3d[i].get_oZ() + cMo2[2][3];
348  if (z <= 0.0)
349  erreur2 = -1;
350  }
352  if ((erreur1 == -1) && (erreur2 == -1)) {
353  cMo = cMo_old;
354 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL3)
355  std::cout << " End of loop since z < 0 for both solutions" << std::endl;
356 #endif
357  break; // outside of while due to z < 0
358  }
359  if ((erreur1 == 0) && (erreur2 == -1)) {
360  cMo = cMo1;
361  res_min = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo) / npt);
362  }
363  if ((erreur1 == -1) && (erreur2 == 0)) {
364  cMo = cMo2;
365  res_min = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo) / npt);
366  }
367  if ((erreur1 == 0) && (erreur2 == 0)) {
368  double res1 = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo1) / npt);
369  double res2 = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo2) / npt);
370  if (res1 <= res2) {
371  res_min = res1;
372  cMo = cMo1;
373  } else {
374  res_min = res2;
375  cMo = cMo2;
376  }
377  }
379 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL3)
380  if (erreur1 == 0) {
381  double s = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo1) / npt);
382  vpThetaUVector erc;
383  cMo1.extract(erc);
384  std::cout << "it = " << cpt << " cMo1 : residu: " << s << " Theta U rotation: " << vpMath::deg(erc[0]) << " "
385  << vpMath::deg(erc[1]) << " " << vpMath::deg(erc[2]) << std::endl;
386  } else
387  std::cout << "Pb z < 0 with cMo1" << std::endl;
389  if (erreur2 == 0) {
390  double s = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo2) / npt);
391  vpThetaUVector erc;
392  cMo2.extract(erc);
393  std::cout << "it = " << cpt << " cMo2 : residu: " << s << " Theta U rotation: " << vpMath::deg(erc[0]) << " "
394  << vpMath::deg(erc[1]) << " " << vpMath::deg(erc[2]) << std::endl;
395  } else
396  std::cout << "Pb z < 0 with cMo2" << std::endl;
397 #endif
399  if (res_min > res_old) {
400 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL3)
401  std::cout << "Divergence : res_min = " << res_min << " res_old = " << res_old << std::endl;
402 #endif
403  cMo = cMo_old;
404  }
405  cpt++;
406  } /* end of while */
408 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
409  std::cout << "end vpPose::CalculArbreDementhon() return " << erreur << std::endl;
410 #endif
412  return erreur;
413 }
424 {
425 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
426  std::cout << "begin CCalculPose::PoseDementhonPlan()" << std::endl;
427 #endif
428  const double svdFactorUsedWhenFailure = 10.; // Factor by which is multipled dementhonSvThresh each time the svdDecomposition fails
429  const double svdThresholdLimit = 1e-2; // The svd decomposition will be tested with a threshold up to this value. If with this threshold, the rank of A is still !=3, an exception is thrown
430  const double lnOfSvdFactorUsed = std::log(svdFactorUsedWhenFailure);
431  const double logNOfSvdThresholdLimit = std::log(svdThresholdLimit)/lnOfSvdFactorUsed;
432  vpPoint P;
433  double cdg[3];
434  /* compute the cog of the 3D points */
435  cdg[0] = cdg[1] = cdg[2] = 0.0;
436  for (std::list<vpPoint>::const_iterator it = listP.begin(); it != listP.end(); ++it) {
437  P = (*it);
438  cdg[0] += P.get_oX();
439  cdg[1] += P.get_oY();
440  cdg[2] += P.get_oZ();
441  }
442  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
443  cdg[i] /= npt;
444  // printf("cdg : %lf %lf %lf\n", cdg[0], cdg[1],cdg[2]);
446  c3d.clear();
447  /* translate the 3D points wrt cog */
448  for (std::list<vpPoint>::const_iterator it = listP.begin(); it != listP.end(); ++it) {
449  P = (*it);
450  P.set_oX(P.get_oX() - cdg[0]);
451  P.set_oY(P.get_oY() - cdg[1]);
452  P.set_oZ(P.get_oZ() - cdg[2]);
453  c3d.push_back(P);
454  }
456  vpMatrix A(npt, 4);
458  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
459  A[i][0] = c3d[i].get_oX();
460  A[i][1] = c3d[i].get_oY();
461  A[i][2] = c3d[i].get_oZ();
462  A[i][3] = 1.0;
463  }
464  vpColVector sv;
465  vpMatrix Ap, imA, imAt, kAt;
466  bool isRankEqualTo3 = false; // Indicates if the rank of A is the expected one
467  double logNofSvdThresh = std::log(dementhonSvThresh)/lnOfSvdFactorUsed; // Get the log_n(dementhonSvThresh), where n is the factor by which we will multiply it if the svd decomposition fails.
468  int nbMaxIter = static_cast<int>(std::max(std::ceil(logNOfSvdThresholdLimit - logNofSvdThresh), 1.)); // Ensure that if the user chose a threshold > svdThresholdLimit, at least 1 iteration of svd decomposition is performed
469  double svdThreshold = dementhonSvThresh;
470  int irank = 0;
471  for(int i = 0; i < nbMaxIter && !isRankEqualTo3; i++)
472  {
473  irank = A.pseudoInverse(Ap, sv, svdThreshold, imA, imAt, kAt);
474  if(irank == 3)
475  {
476  isRankEqualTo3 = true;
477  }
478  else
479  {
480  isRankEqualTo3 = false;
481  svdThreshold *= svdFactorUsedWhenFailure;
482  }
483  }
485  if (!isRankEqualTo3) {
486  std::stringstream errorMsg;
487  errorMsg << "In Dementhon planar, after ";
488  errorMsg << nbMaxIter;
489  errorMsg << " trials multiplying the svd threshold by ";
490  errorMsg << svdFactorUsedWhenFailure;
491  errorMsg << ", rank (";
492  errorMsg << irank;
493  errorMsg << ") is still not 3";
494  throw(vpException(vpException::fatalError, errorMsg.str()));
495  }
496  // calcul de U
497  vpColVector U(4);
498  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
499  U[i] = kAt[0][i];
500  }
501 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL2)
502  {
503  std::cout << "A" << std::endl << A << std::endl;
504  std::cout << "A^+" << std::endl << Ap << std::endl;
505  std::cout << "U^T = " << U.t() << std::endl;
506  }
507 #endif
509  vpColVector xi(npt);
510  vpColVector yi(npt);
512  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
513  xi[i] = c3d[i].get_x();
514  yi[i] = c3d[i].get_y();
515  }
517  vpColVector I04(4), J04(4);
518  I04 = Ap * xi;
519  J04 = Ap * yi;
521  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo1, cMo2;
522  calculTwoSolutionsDementhonPlan(I04, J04, U, cMo1, cMo2);
524 #if DEBUG_LEVEL3
525  double res = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo1) / npt);
526  vpThetaUVector erc;
527  cMo1.extract(erc);
528  std::cout << "cMo Start Tree 1 : res " << res << " Theta U rotation: " << vpMath::deg(erc[0]) << " "
529  << vpMath::deg(erc[1]) << " " << vpMath::deg(erc[2]) << std::endl;
530  res = sqrt(computeResidualDementhon(cMo2) / npt);
531  cMo2.extract(erc);
532  std::cout << "cMo Start Tree 2 : res " << res << " Theta U rotation: " << vpMath::deg(erc[0]) << " "
533  << vpMath::deg(erc[1]) << " " << vpMath::deg(erc[2]) << std::endl;
534 #endif
536  int erreur1 = calculArbreDementhon(Ap, U, cMo1);
537  int erreur2 = calculArbreDementhon(Ap, U, cMo2);
539  if ((erreur1 == -1) && (erreur2 == -1)) {
540  throw(
541  vpException(vpException::fatalError, "Error in Dementhon planar: z < 0 with Start Tree 1 and Start Tree 2..."));
542  }
543  if ((erreur1 == 0) && (erreur2 == -1))
544  cMo = cMo1;
545  if ((erreur1 == -1) && (erreur2 == 0))
546  cMo = cMo2;
547  if ((erreur1 == 0) && (erreur2 == 0)) {
548  double s1 = computeResidualDementhon(cMo1);
549  double s2 = computeResidualDementhon(cMo2);
551  if (s1 <= s2)
552  cMo = cMo1;
553  else
554  cMo = cMo2;
556 #if DEBUG_LEVEL3
557  if (erreur1 == -1)
558  std::cout << "Pb z < 0 with Start Tree 1" << std::endl;
559  if (erreur2 == -1)
560  std::cout << "Pb z < 0 with Start Tree 2" << std::endl;
561  if (s1 <= s2)
562  std::cout << " Tree 1 chosen " << std::endl;
563  else
564  std::cout << " Tree 2 chosen " << std::endl;
565 #endif
566  }
568  cMo[0][3] -= (cdg[0] * cMo[0][0] + cdg[1] * cMo[0][1] + cdg[2] * cMo[0][2]);
569  cMo[1][3] -= (cdg[0] * cMo[1][0] + cdg[1] * cMo[1][1] + cdg[2] * cMo[1][2]);
570  cMo[2][3] -= (cdg[0] * cMo[2][0] + cdg[1] * cMo[2][1] + cdg[2] * cMo[2][2]);
572 #if (DEBUG_LEVEL1)
573  std::cout << "end CCalculPose::PoseDementhonPlan()" << std::endl;
574 #endif
575 }
586 {
587  double squared_error = 0;
589  // Be careful: since c3d has been translated so that point0 is at the cdg,
590  // cMo here corresponds to object frame at that point, i.e, only the one used
591  // internally to Dementhon's method
593  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < npt; i++) {
595  double X = c3d[i].get_oX() * cMo[0][0] + c3d[i].get_oY() * cMo[0][1] + c3d[i].get_oZ() * cMo[0][2] + cMo[0][3];
596  double Y = c3d[i].get_oX() * cMo[1][0] + c3d[i].get_oY() * cMo[1][1] + c3d[i].get_oZ() * cMo[1][2] + cMo[1][3];
597  double Z = c3d[i].get_oX() * cMo[2][0] + c3d[i].get_oY() * cMo[2][1] + c3d[i].get_oZ() * cMo[2][2] + cMo[2][3];
599  double x = X / Z;
600  double y = Y / Z;
602  squared_error += vpMath::sqr(x - c3d[i].get_x()) + vpMath::sqr(y - c3d[i].get_y());
603  }
604  return squared_error;
605 }
607 #undef EPS_DEM
609 #undef ITER_MAX
610 #undef DEBUG_LEVEL1
611 #undef DEBUG_LEVEL2
612 #undef DEBUG_LEVEL3
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
Definition: vpColVector.h:167
static double dotProd(const vpColVector &a, const vpColVector &b)
vpRowVector t() const
static vpColVector cross(const vpColVector &a, const vpColVector &b)
Definition: vpColVector.h:391
error that can be emitted by ViSP classes.
Definition: vpException.h:59
@ fatalError
Fatal error.
Definition: vpException.h:84
@ divideByZeroError
Division by zero.
Definition: vpException.h:82
Implementation of an homogeneous matrix and operations on such kind of matrices.
void extract(vpRotationMatrix &R) const
static double sqr(double x)
Definition: vpMath.h:124
static double deg(double rad)
Definition: vpMath.h:106
Implementation of a matrix and operations on matrices.
Definition: vpMatrix.h:152
vpMatrix pseudoInverse(double svThreshold=1e-6) const
Definition: vpMatrix.cpp:2238
Class that defines a 3D point in the object frame and allows forward projection of a 3D point in the ...
Definition: vpPoint.h:77
double get_oX() const
Get the point oX coordinate in the object frame.
Definition: vpPoint.cpp:458
double get_oZ() const
Get the point oZ coordinate in the object frame.
Definition: vpPoint.cpp:462
void set_oY(double oY)
Set the point oY coordinate in the object frame.
Definition: vpPoint.cpp:501
void set_oZ(double oZ)
Set the point oZ coordinate in the object frame.
Definition: vpPoint.cpp:503
void set_oX(double oX)
Set the point oX coordinate in the object frame.
Definition: vpPoint.cpp:499
double get_oY() const
Get the point oY coordinate in the object frame.
Definition: vpPoint.cpp:460
double computeResidualDementhon(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
Compute and return the residual corresponding to the sum of squared residuals in meter^2 for the pose...
unsigned int npt
Number of point used in pose computation.
Definition: vpPose.h:114
double dementhonSvThresh
SVD threshold use for the pseudo-inverse computation in poseDementhonPlan.
Definition: vpPose.h:199
void poseDementhonNonPlan(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
std::list< vpPoint > listP
Array of point (use here class vpPoint)
Definition: vpPose.h:115
int calculArbreDementhon(vpMatrix &b, vpColVector &U, vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
void poseDementhonPlan(vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo)
Compute the pose using Dementhon approach for planar objects this is a direct implementation of the a...
Implementation of a rotation vector as axis-angle minimal representation.