36 #ifndef _vpMbDepthNormalTracker_h_ 37 #define _vpMbDepthNormalTracker_h_ 39 #include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h> 40 #include <visp3/core/vpPlane.h> 41 #include <visp3/mbt/vpMbTracker.h> 42 #include <visp3/mbt/vpMbtFaceDepthNormal.h> 44 #if DEBUG_DISPLAY_DEPTH_NORMAL 45 #include <visp3/core/vpDisplay.h> 55 const vpColor &col,
unsigned int thickness = 1,
bool displayFullModel =
58 const vpColor &col,
unsigned int thickness = 1,
bool displayFullModel =
62 return m_depthNormalFeatureEstimationMethod;
67 virtual std::vector<std::vector<double> >
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height,
70 bool displayFullModel=
79 bool verbose =
80 #if defined(VISP_HAVE_PCL) 81 void reInitModel(
const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr &point_cloud,
const std::string &cad_name,
93 virtual void setDepthNormalPclPlaneEstimationMethod(
int method);
95 virtual void setDepthNormalPclPlaneEstimationRansacMaxIter(
int maxIter);
97 virtual void setDepthNormalPclPlaneEstimationRansacThreshold(
double thresold);
99 virtual void setDepthNormalSamplingStep(
unsigned int stepX,
unsigned int stepY);
107 #if defined(VISP_HAVE_PCL) 113 void setUseDepthNormalTracking(
const std::string &name,
const bool &useDepthNormalTracking);
119 #if defined(VISP_HAVE_PCL) 120 virtual void track(
const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr &point_cloud);
122 virtual void track(
const std::vector<vpColVector> &point_cloud,
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height);
159 #if DEBUG_DISPLAY_DEPTH_NORMAL 166 void computeVisibility(
unsigned int width,
unsigned int height);
172 virtual std::vector<std::vector<double> > getFeaturesForDisplayDepthNormal();
175 int idFace = 0,
const std::string &name =
178 const std::string &name =
185 void segmentPointCloud(
const pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::ConstPtr &point_cloud);
187 void segmentPointCloud(
const std::vector<vpColVector> &point_cloud,
unsigned int width,
188 unsigned int height);
Implementation of a matrix and operations on matrices.
vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::vpFeatureEstimationType m_depthNormalFeatureEstimationMethod
Method to estimate the desired features.
Class that defines generic functionnalities for display.
virtual void track(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)=0
virtual void computeVVSInteractionMatrixAndResidu()=0
bool m_depthNormalUseRobust
If true, use Tukey robust M-Estimator.
virtual void computeVVSInit()=0
vpColVector m_w_depthNormal
Robust weights.
Implementation of an homogeneous matrix and operations on such kind of matrices.
int m_depthNormalPclPlaneEstimationRansacMaxIter
PCL RANSAC maximum number of iterations.
virtual void loadConfigFile(const std::string &configFile)
vpColVector m_error_depthNormal
(s - s*)
Class to define colors available for display functionnalities.
std::vector< vpColVector > m_depthNormalListOfDesiredFeatures
List of desired features.
virtual void initCircle(const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, const vpPoint &p3, double radius, int idFace=0, const std::string &name="")=0
virtual void resetTracker()=0
virtual void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpColor &col, unsigned int thickness=1, bool displayFullModel=false)=0
Class that defines what is a point.
virtual void init(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)=0
vpColVector m_weightedError_depthNormal
Weighted error.
virtual void setCameraParameters(const vpCameraParameters &cam)
unsigned int m_depthNormalSamplingStepX
Sampling step in x-direction.
Implementation of a polygon of the model used by the model-based tracker.
double m_depthNormalPclPlaneEstimationRansacThreshold
PCL RANSAC threshold.
std::vector< std::vector< double > > m_featuresToBeDisplayedDepthNormal
Display features.
virtual void initFaceFromCorners(vpMbtPolygon &polygon)=0
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters.
Main methods for a model-based tracker.
unsigned int m_depthNormalSamplingStepY
Sampling step in y-direction.
virtual std::vector< std::vector< double > > getModelForDisplay(unsigned int width, unsigned int height, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam, bool displayFullModel=false)=0
vpMatrix m_L_depthNormal
Interaction matrix.
vpRobust m_robust_depthNormal
virtual void setOgreVisibilityTest(const bool &v)
std::vector< vpMbtFaceDepthNormal * > m_depthNormalFaces
List of faces.
virtual vpColVector getRobustWeights() const
Implementation of column vector and the associated operations.
virtual void initCylinder(const vpPoint &p1, const vpPoint &p2, double radius, int idFace=0, const std::string &name="")=0
int m_depthNormalPclPlaneEstimationMethod
PCL plane estimation method.
virtual void initFaceFromLines(vpMbtPolygon &polygon)=0
virtual void testTracking()=0
std::vector< vpMbtFaceDepthNormal * > m_depthNormalListOfActiveFaces
List of current active (visible and with features extracted) faces.
Contains an M-Estimator and various influence function.
virtual vpColVector getError() const
virtual void setPose(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cdMo)=0
virtual void setScanLineVisibilityTest(const bool &v)
vpMbHiddenFaces< vpMbtPolygon > m_depthNormalHiddenFacesDisplay
Set of faces describing the object used only for display with scan line.
virtual vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::vpFeatureEstimationType getDepthFeatureEstimationMethod() const