Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.3.0 under development (2020-02-17)
vpSubMatrix Class Reference

#include <visp3/core/vpSubMatrix.h>

+ Inheritance diagram for vpSubMatrix:

Public Types

enum  vpDetMethod { LU_DECOMPOSITION }

Public Member Functions

 vpSubMatrix ()
 vpSubMatrix (vpMatrix &m, const unsigned int &row, const unsigned int &col, const unsigned int &nrows, const unsigned int &ncols)
virtual ~vpSubMatrix ()
void init (vpMatrix &m, const unsigned int &row, const unsigned int &col, const unsigned int &nrows, const unsigned int &ncols)
void checkParentStatus () const
vpSubMatrixoperator= (const vpSubMatrix &B)
vpSubMatrixoperator= (const vpMatrix &B)
vpSubMatrixoperator= (const double &x)
void clear ()
bool operator== (const vpArray2D< float > &A) const
Setting a diagonal matrix
void diag (const double &val=1.0)
void diag (const vpColVector &A)
void eye ()
Assignment operators
vpMatrixoperator<< (double *)
vpMatrixoperator<< (double val)
vpMatrixoperator, (double val)
void stack (const vpMatrix &A)
void stack (const vpRowVector &r)
void stack (const vpColVector &c)
void stackColumns (vpColVector &out)
vpColVector stackColumns ()
void stackRows (vpRowVector &out)
vpRowVector stackRows ()
Matrix insertion
void insert (const vpMatrix &A, unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
Columns, rows, sub-matrices extraction
vpMatrix extract (unsigned int r, unsigned int c, unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols) const
vpColVector getCol (unsigned int j) const
vpColVector getCol (unsigned int j, unsigned int i_begin, unsigned int size) const
vpRowVector getRow (unsigned int i) const
vpRowVector getRow (unsigned int i, unsigned int j_begin, unsigned int size) const
vpColVector getDiag () const
void init (const vpMatrix &M, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols)
Matrix operations
double det (vpDetMethod method=LU_DECOMPOSITION) const
double detByLU () const
double detByLUEigen3 () const
double detByLUGsl () const
double detByLULapack () const
double detByLUOpenCV () const
vpMatrix expm () const
vpMatrixoperator+= (const vpMatrix &B)
vpMatrixoperator+= (double x)
vpMatrixoperator-= (const vpMatrix &B)
vpMatrixoperator-= (double x)
vpMatrix operator* (const vpMatrix &B) const
vpMatrix operator* (const vpRotationMatrix &R) const
vpMatrix operator* (const vpVelocityTwistMatrix &V) const
vpMatrix operator* (const vpForceTwistMatrix &V) const
vpTranslationVector operator* (const vpTranslationVector &tv) const
vpColVector operator* (const vpColVector &v) const
vpMatrix operator* (double x) const
vpMatrix operator+ (const vpMatrix &B) const
vpMatrix operator- (const vpMatrix &B) const
vpMatrix operator- () const
vpMatrixoperator*= (double x)
vpMatrixoperator/= (double x)
vpMatrix operator/ (double x) const
double sum () const
double sumSquare () const
Hadamard product
vpMatrix hadamard (const vpMatrix &m) const
Inherited functionalities from vpArray2D
vpArray2D< double > hadamard (const vpArray2D< double > &m) const
unsigned int getCols () const
double getMaxValue () const
double getMinValue () const
unsigned int getRows () const
unsigned int size () const
void resize (unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols, bool flagNullify=true, bool recopy_=true)
void reshape (unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols)
bool operator== (const vpArray2D< double > &A) const
bool operator!= (const vpArray2D< double > &A) const
double * operator[] (unsigned int i)
double * operator[] (unsigned int i) const
Kronecker product
void kron (const vpMatrix &m1, vpMatrix &out) const
vpMatrix kron (const vpMatrix &m1) const
vpMatrix t () const
vpMatrix transpose () const
void transpose (vpMatrix &At) const
vpMatrix AAt () const
void AAt (vpMatrix &B) const
vpMatrix AtA () const
void AtA (vpMatrix &B) const
Matrix inversion
vpMatrix inverseByLU () const
vpMatrix inverseByLUEigen3 () const
vpMatrix inverseByLUGsl () const
vpMatrix inverseByLULapack () const
vpMatrix inverseByLUOpenCV () const
vpMatrix inverseByCholesky () const
vpMatrix inverseByCholeskyLapack () const
vpMatrix inverseByCholeskyOpenCV () const
vpMatrix inverseByQR () const
vpMatrix inverseByQRLapack () const
vpMatrix inverseTriangular (bool upper=true) const
vpMatrix pseudoInverse (double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverse (vpMatrix &Ap, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverse (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverse (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold, vpMatrix &imA, vpMatrix &imAt) const
unsigned int pseudoInverse (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold, vpMatrix &imA, vpMatrix &imAt, vpMatrix &kerAt) const
vpMatrix pseudoInverseLapack (double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseLapack (vpMatrix &Ap, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseLapack (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseLapack (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold, vpMatrix &imA, vpMatrix &imAt, vpMatrix &kerAt) const
vpMatrix pseudoInverseEigen3 (double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseEigen3 (vpMatrix &Ap, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseEigen3 (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseEigen3 (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold, vpMatrix &imA, vpMatrix &imAt, vpMatrix &kerAt) const
vpMatrix pseudoInverseOpenCV (double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseOpenCV (vpMatrix &Ap, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseOpenCV (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseOpenCV (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold, vpMatrix &imA, vpMatrix &imAt, vpMatrix &kerAt) const
vpMatrix pseudoInverseGsl (double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseGsl (vpMatrix &Ap, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseGsl (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int pseudoInverseGsl (vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold, vpMatrix &imA, vpMatrix &imAt, vpMatrix &kerAt) const
SVD decomposition
double cond (double svThreshold=1e-6) const
unsigned int kernel (vpMatrix &kerAt, double svThreshold=1e-6) const
void solveBySVD (const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &x) const
vpColVector solveBySVD (const vpColVector &B) const
void svd (vpColVector &w, vpMatrix &V)
void svdEigen3 (vpColVector &w, vpMatrix &V)
void svdGsl (vpColVector &w, vpMatrix &V)
void svdLapack (vpColVector &w, vpMatrix &V)
void svdOpenCV (vpColVector &w, vpMatrix &V)
QR decomposition
unsigned int qr (vpMatrix &Q, vpMatrix &R, bool full=false, bool squareR=false, double tol=1e-6) const
unsigned int qrPivot (vpMatrix &Q, vpMatrix &R, vpMatrix &P, bool full=false, bool squareR=false, double tol=1e-6) const
void solveByQR (const vpColVector &b, vpColVector &x) const
vpColVector solveByQR (const vpColVector &b) const
Eigen values
vpColVector eigenValues () const
void eigenValues (vpColVector &evalue, vpMatrix &evector) const
double euclideanNorm () const
double frobeniusNorm () const
double inducedL2Norm () const
double infinityNorm () const
std::ostream & cppPrint (std::ostream &os, const std::string &matrixName="A", bool octet=false) const
std::ostream & csvPrint (std::ostream &os) const
std::ostream & maplePrint (std::ostream &os) const
std::ostream & matlabPrint (std::ostream &os) const
int print (std::ostream &s, unsigned int length, const std::string &intro="") const
void printSize () const

Static Public Member Functions

Stacking with Static Public Member Functions
static vpMatrix stack (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
static vpMatrix stack (const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &r)
static vpMatrix stack (const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &c)
static void stack (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
static void stack (const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &r, vpMatrix &C)
static void stack (const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &c, vpMatrix &C)
static vpMatrix juxtaposeMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
static void juxtaposeMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
Matrix insertion with Static Public Member Functions
static vpMatrix insert (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
static void insert (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C, unsigned int r, unsigned int c)
Kronecker product with Static Public Member Functions
static void kron (const vpMatrix &m1, const vpMatrix &m2, vpMatrix &out)
static vpMatrix kron (const vpMatrix &m1, const vpMatrix &m2)
Setting a diagonal matrix with Static Public Member Functions
static void createDiagonalMatrix (const vpColVector &A, vpMatrix &DA)
Matrix operations with Static Public Member Functions
static void add2Matrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
static void add2Matrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
static void add2WeightedMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const double &wA, const vpMatrix &B, const double &wB, vpMatrix &C)
static void computeHLM (const vpMatrix &H, const double &alpha, vpMatrix &HLM)
static void mult2Matrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
static void mult2Matrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpRotationMatrix &C)
static void mult2Matrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpHomogeneousMatrix &C)
static void mult2Matrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
static void multMatrixVector (const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &v, vpColVector &w)
static void negateMatrix (const vpMatrix &A, vpMatrix &C)
static void sub2Matrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
static void sub2Matrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)
2D Convolution with Static Public Member Functions
static vpMatrix conv2 (const vpMatrix &M, const vpMatrix &kernel, const std::string &mode="full")
static void conv2 (const vpMatrix &M, const vpMatrix &kernel, vpMatrix &res, const std::string &mode="full")
Covariance computation with Static Public Member Functions
static vpMatrix computeCovarianceMatrix (const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &x, const vpColVector &b)
static vpMatrix computeCovarianceMatrix (const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &x, const vpColVector &b, const vpMatrix &w)
static vpMatrix computeCovarianceMatrixVVS (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpColVector &deltaS, const vpMatrix &Ls, const vpMatrix &W)
static vpMatrix computeCovarianceMatrixVVS (const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpColVector &deltaS, const vpMatrix &Ls)
Matrix I/O with Static Public Member Functions
static bool loadMatrix (const std::string &filename, vpArray2D< double > &M, bool binary=false, char *header=NULL)
static bool loadMatrixYAML (const std::string &filename, vpArray2D< double > &M, char *header=NULL)
static bool saveMatrix (const std::string &filename, const vpArray2D< double > &M, bool binary=false, const char *header="")
static bool saveMatrixYAML (const std::string &filename, const vpArray2D< double > &M, const char *header="")
Inherited I/O from vpArray2D with Static Public Member Functions
static bool load (const std::string &filename, vpArray2D< double > &A, bool binary=false, char *header=NULL)
static bool loadYAML (const std::string &filename, vpArray2D< double > &A, char *header=NULL)
static bool save (const std::string &filename, const vpArray2D< double > &A, bool binary=false, const char *header="")
static bool saveYAML (const std::string &filename, const vpArray2D< double > &A, const char *header="")

Public Attributes

double * data

Protected Attributes

unsigned int pRowNum
unsigned int pColNum
unsigned int rowNum
unsigned int colNum
double ** rowPtrs
unsigned int dsize

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

vpMatrix operator* (const double &x, const vpMatrix &B)
enum  vpGEMMmethod
void vpGEMM (const vpArray2D< double > &A, const vpArray2D< double > &B, const double &alpha, const vpArray2D< double > &C, const double &beta, vpArray2D< double > &D, const unsigned int &ops=0)

Deprecated functions

vp_deprecated void init ()
vp_deprecated void stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A)
vp_deprecated void setIdentity (const double &val=1.0)
vp_deprecated vpRowVector row (unsigned int i)
vp_deprecated vpColVector column (unsigned int j)
static vp_deprecated vpMatrix stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)
static vp_deprecated void stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)
static vp_deprecated vpMatrix stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B)
static vp_deprecated void stackMatrices (const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpMatrix &C)
static vp_deprecated vpMatrix stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)
static vp_deprecated void stackMatrices (const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)

Detailed Description

Definition of the vpSubMatrix vpSubMatrix class provides a mask on a vpMatrix all properties of vpMatrix are available with a vpSubMatrix.

Jean Laneurit (IRISA - INRIA Rennes)
See also
vpMatrix vpColvector vpRowVector

Definition at line 62 of file vpSubMatrix.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ vpDetMethod

enum vpMatrix::vpDetMethod

Method used to compute the determinant of a square matrix.

See also

LU decomposition method.

Definition at line 171 of file vpMatrix.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vpSubMatrix() [1/2]

vpSubMatrix::vpSubMatrix ( )

Default constructor.

Definition at line 45 of file vpSubMatrix.cpp.

◆ vpSubMatrix() [2/2]

vpSubMatrix::vpSubMatrix ( vpMatrix m,
const unsigned int &  row_offset,
const unsigned int &  col_offset,
const unsigned int &  nrows,
const unsigned int &  ncols 


m: parent matrix
row_offset: row offset
col_offset: col offset
nrows: number of rows of the sub matrix
ncols: number of columns of the sub matrix

Definition at line 55 of file vpSubMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::init().

◆ ~vpSubMatrix()

vpSubMatrix::~vpSubMatrix ( )


Definition at line 176 of file vpSubMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AAt() [1/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::AAt ( ) const

Computes the $AA^T$ operation $B = A*A^T$

See also
AAt(vpMatrix &) const

Definition at line 595 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

◆ AAt() [2/2]

void vpMatrix::AAt ( vpMatrix B) const

Compute the AAt operation such as $B = A*A^T$.

The result is placed in the parameter B and not returned.

A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function. This results in a speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size.

See also

Definition at line 615 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ add2Matrices() [1/2]

void vpMatrix::add2Matrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpMatrix C 

Operation C = A + B.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

See also

Definition at line 1374 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpMatrix::operator+().

◆ add2Matrices() [2/2]

void vpMatrix::add2Matrices ( const vpColVector A,
const vpColVector B,
vpColVector C 
This function is provided for compat with previous releases. You should rather use the functionalities provided in vpColVector class.

Operation C = A + B.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new vector won't be allocated for every use of the function (speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

See also

Definition at line 1407 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpColVector::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

◆ add2WeightedMatrices()

void vpMatrix::add2WeightedMatrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const double &  wA,
const vpMatrix B,
const double &  wB,
vpMatrix C 

Operation C = A*wA + B*wB

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (Speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

See also

Definition at line 1345 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

◆ AtA() [1/2]

◆ AtA() [2/2]

void vpMatrix::AtA ( vpMatrix B) const

Compute the AtA operation such as $B = A^T*A$.

The result is placed in the parameter B and not returned.

A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function. This results in a speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size.

See also

Definition at line 649 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum.

◆ checkParentStatus()

void vpSubMatrix::checkParentStatus ( ) const

Check is parent vpRowVector has changed since initialization.

This method can be used to detect if the parent matrix always exits or its size have not changed and throw an exception is not.

Definition at line 104 of file vpSubMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrixException::incorrectMatrixSizeError, parent, pColNum, and pRowNum.

◆ clear()

void vpMatrix::clear ( )

Removes all elements from the matrix (which are destroyed), leaving the container with a size of 0.

Definition at line 230 of file vpMatrix.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::hadamard(), operator*(), vpArray2D< Type >::operator<<, and vpArray2D< Type >::operator=().

Referenced by vpPose::init().

◆ column()

vpColVector vpMatrix::column ( unsigned int  j)
This method is deprecated. You should rather use getCol(). More precisely, the following code:
unsigned int column_index = ...;
... = L.column(column_index);

should be replaced with:

... = L.getCol(column_index - 1);
Notice column(1) is the 0-th column. This function returns the j-th columns of the matrix.
j: Index of the column to extract noting that column index start at 1 to get the first column.

Definition at line 5732 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

◆ computeCovarianceMatrix() [1/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrix ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpColVector x,
const vpColVector b 

Compute the covariance matrix of the parameters x from a least squares minimisation defined as: Ax = b

A: Matrix A from Ax = b.
x: Vector x from Ax = b corresponding to the parameters to estimate.
b: Vector b from Ax = b.

Definition at line 59 of file vpMatrix_covariance.cpp.

References vpException::divideByZeroError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), and vpMatrix::t().

Referenced by vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpPoseFeatures::computePose(), and vpPose::poseVirtualVSrobust().

◆ computeCovarianceMatrix() [2/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrix ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpColVector x,
const vpColVector b,
const vpMatrix W 

Compute the covariance matrix of the parameters x from a least squares minimisation defined as: WAx = Wb

A: Matrix A from WAx = Wb.
x: Vector x from WAx = Wb corresponding to the parameters to estimate.
b: Vector b from WAx = Wb.
W: Diagonal weigths matrix from WAx = Wb.

Definition at line 91 of file vpMatrix_covariance.cpp.

References vpException::divideByZeroError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), and vpMatrix::t().

◆ computeCovarianceMatrixVVS() [1/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS ( const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo,
const vpColVector deltaS,
const vpMatrix Ls,
const vpMatrix W 

Compute the covariance matrix of an image-based virtual visual servoing. This assumes the optimization has been done via v = (W * Ls).pseudoInverse() W * DeltaS.

cMo: Pose matrix that has been computed with the v.
deltaS: Error vector used in v = (W * Ls).pseudoInverse() * W * DeltaS.
Ls: interaction matrix used in v = (W * Ls).pseudoInverse() * W * DeltaS.
W: Weight matrix used in v = (W * Ls).pseudoInverse() * W * DeltaS.

Definition at line 149 of file vpMatrix_covariance.cpp.

References vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrix(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::extract(), vpMatrix::eye(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), vpMath::sinc(), vpTranslationVector::skew(), vpColVector::skew(), vpMath::sqr(), and vpColVector::sumSquare().

Referenced by vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpMbTracker::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), and vpPose::poseVirtualVS().

◆ computeCovarianceMatrixVVS() [2/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS ( const vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo,
const vpColVector deltaS,
const vpMatrix Ls 

Compute the covariance matrix of an image-based virtual visual servoing. This assumes the optimization has been done via v = Ls.pseudoInverse() * DeltaS.

cMo: Pose matrix that has been computed with the v.
deltaS: Error vector used in v = Ls.pseudoInverse() * DeltaS
Ls: interaction matrix used in v = Ls.pseudoInverse() * DeltaS

Definition at line 124 of file vpMatrix_covariance.cpp.

References vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrix(), and vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS().

◆ computeHLM()

◆ cond()

double vpMatrix::cond ( double  svThreshold = 1e-6) const
The condition number, the ratio of the largest singular value of the matrix to the smallest.
svThresholdThreshold used to test the singular values. If a singular value is lower than this threshold we consider that the matrix is not full rank.

Definition at line 5392 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpMatrix::insert(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpColVector::resize(), and vpMatrix::svd().

Referenced by vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIESM::trackNoPyr(), and vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr().

◆ conv2() [1/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::conv2 ( const vpMatrix M,
const vpMatrix kernel,
const std::string &  mode = "full" 

Perform a 2D convolution similar to Matlab conv2 function: $ M \star kernel $.

M: First matrix.
kernel: Second matrix.
mode: Convolution mode: "full" (default), "same", "valid".
Convolution mode: full, same, valid (image credit: Theano doc).
This is a very basic implementation that does not use FFT.

Definition at line 5594 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

Referenced by vpImageFilter::getSobelKernelY().

◆ conv2() [2/2]

void vpMatrix::conv2 ( const vpMatrix M,
const vpMatrix kernel,
vpMatrix res,
const std::string &  mode = "full" 

Perform a 2D convolution similar to Matlab conv2 function: $ M \star kernel $.

M: First matrix.
kernel: Second matrix.
res: Result.
mode: Convolution mode: "full" (default), "same", "valid".
Convolution mode: full, same, valid (image credit: Theano doc).
This is a very basic implementation that does not use FFT.

Definition at line 5613 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrix::insert(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ cppPrint()

std::ostream & vpMatrix::cppPrint ( std::ostream &  os,
const std::string &  matrixName = "A",
bool  octet = false 
) const

Print to be used as part of a C++ code later.

os: the stream to be printed in.
matrixName: name of the matrix, "A" by default.
octet: if false, print using double, if true, print byte per byte each bytes of the double array.

The following code shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(2,3);
int cpt = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<M.getRows(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<M.getCols(); j++)
M[i][j] = cpt++;
M.cppPrint(std::cout, "M");

It produces the following output that could be copy/paste in a C++ code:

vpMatrix M (2, 3);
M[0][0] = 0;
M[0][1] = 1;
M[0][2] = 2;
M[1][0] = 3;
M[1][1] = 4;
M[1][2] = 5;

Definition at line 4776 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

Referenced by vpColVector::clear().

◆ createDiagonalMatrix()

void vpMatrix::createDiagonalMatrix ( const vpColVector A,
vpMatrix DA 

Create a diagonal matrix with the element of a vector $ DA_{ii} = A_i $.

A: Vector which element will be put in the diagonal.
DA: Diagonal matrix DA[i][i] = A[i]
See also

Definition at line 970 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ csvPrint()

std::ostream & vpMatrix::csvPrint ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print/save a matrix in csv format.

The following code

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
std::ofstream ofs("log.csv", std::ofstream::out);
vpMatrix M(2,3);
int cpt = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<M.getRows(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<M.getCols(); j++)
M[i][j] = cpt++;

produces log.csv file that contains:

0, 1, 2
3, 4, 5

Definition at line 4727 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

Referenced by vpColVector::clear().

◆ det()

double vpMatrix::det ( vpDetMethod  method = LU_DECOMPOSITION) const

Compute the determinant of a n-by-n matrix.

method: Method used to compute the determinant. Default LU decomposition method is faster than the method based on Gaussian elimination.
Determinant of the matrix.
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.;
A[1][0] = 1/3.; A[1][1] = 1/4.; A[1][2] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/7.; A[2][2] = 1/8.;
std::cout << "Initial matrix: \n" << A << std::endl;
// Compute the determinant
std:: cout << "Determinant by default method : " << A.det() << std::endl;
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition : " << A.detByLU() << std::endl;
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition (Lapack): " << A.detByLULapack() << std::endl;
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition (OpenCV): " << A.detByLUOpenCV() << std::endl;
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition (GSL) : " << A.detByLUGsl() << std::endl;

Definition at line 5246 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::detByLU(), and vpMatrix::LU_DECOMPOSITION.

Referenced by vpTriangle::buildFrom(), vpHomography::computeDisplacement(), vpMatrix::detByLUGsl(), vpMatrix::detByLULapack(), vpMatrix::detByLUOpenCV(), and vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::init().

◆ detByLU()

double vpMatrix::detByLU ( ) const

Compute the determinant of a square matrix using the LU decomposition.

This function calls the first following function that is available:

If none of these previous 3rd parties is installed, we use by default detByLULapack() with a Lapack built-in version.

The determinant of the matrix if the matrix is square.
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.;
A[1][0] = 1/3.; A[1][1] = 1/4.; A[1][2] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/7.; A[2][2] = 1/8.;
std::cout << "Initial matrix: \n" << A << std::endl;
// Compute the determinant
std:: cout << "Determinant by default method : " << A.det() << std::endl;
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition : " << A.detByLU() << std::endl;
See also
detByLULapack(), detByLUEigen3(), detByLUOpenCV(), detByLUGsl()

Definition at line 184 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpMatrix::detByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::detByLUGsl(), vpMatrix::detByLULapack(), vpMatrix::detByLUOpenCV(), vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::det().

◆ detByLUEigen3()

double vpMatrix::detByLUEigen3 ( ) const

Compute the determinant of a square matrix using the LU decomposition with Eigen3 3rd party.

The determinant of the matrix if the matrix is square.
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.;
A[1][0] = 1/3.; A[1][1] = 1/4.; A[1][2] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/7.; A[2][2] = 1/8.;
std::cout << "Initial matrix: \n" << A << std::endl;
// Compute the determinant
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition (Eigen3): " << A.detByLUEigen3() << std::endl;
See also
detByLU(), detByLUOpenCV(), detByLULapack()

Definition at line 628 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::fatalError, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::detByLU().

◆ detByLUGsl()

double vpMatrix::detByLUGsl ( ) const

Compute the determinant of a square matrix using the LU decomposition with GSL 3rd party.

The determinant of the matrix if the matrix is square.
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.;
A[1][0] = 1/3.; A[1][1] = 1/4.; A[1][2] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/7.; A[2][2] = 1/8.;
std::cout << "Initial matrix: \n" << A << std::endl;
// Compute the determinant
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition (GSL): " << A.detByLUGsl() << std::endl;
See also
detByLU(), detByLUEigen3(), detByLUOpenCV(), detByLULapack()

Definition at line 305 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpMatrix::det(), vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::detByLU().

◆ detByLULapack()

double vpMatrix::detByLULapack ( ) const

Compute the determinant of a square matrix using the LU decomposition with GSL 3rd party.

The determinant of the matrix if the matrix is square.
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.;
A[1][0] = 1/3.; A[1][1] = 1/4.; A[1][2] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/7.; A[2][2] = 1/8.;
std::cout << "Initial matrix: \n" << A << std::endl;
// Compute the determinant
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition (Lapack): " << A.detByLULapack() << std::endl;
See also
detByLU(), detByLUEigen3(), detByLUGsl(), detByLUOpenCV()

Definition at line 425 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpMatrix::det(), vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::detByLU().

◆ detByLUOpenCV()

double vpMatrix::detByLUOpenCV ( ) const

Compute the determinant of a n-by-n matrix using the LU decomposition with OpenCV 3rd party.

Determinant of the matrix.
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.;
A[1][0] = 1/3.; A[1][1] = 1/4.; A[1][2] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/7.; A[2][2] = 1/8.;
std::cout << "Initial matrix: \n" << A << std::endl;
// Compute the determinant
std:: cout << "Determinant by LU decomposition (OpenCV): " << A.detByLUOpenCV() << std::endl;
See also
detByLU(), detByLUEigen3(), detByLUGsl(), detByLULapack()

Definition at line 537 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpMatrix::det(), vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::detByLU().

◆ diag() [1/2]

void vpMatrix::diag ( const double &  val = 1.0)

Set the matrix as a diagonal matrix where each element on the diagonal is set to val. Elements that are not on the diagonal are set to 0.

val: Value to set.
See also
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3, 4);
std::cout << "A:\n" << A << std::endl;

Matrix A is now equal to:

2 0 0 0
0 2 0 0
0 0 2 0

Definition at line 951 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMbTracker::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpQuadProg::fromCanonicalCost(), and vpMatrix::getDiag().

◆ diag() [2/2]

void vpMatrix::diag ( const vpColVector A)

Create a diagonal matrix with the element of a vector.

A: Vector which element will be put in the diagonal.
See also
#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
v[0] = 1;
v[1] = 2;
v[2] = 3;
std::cout << "A:\n" << A << std::endl;

Matrix A is now equal to:

1 0 0
0 2 0
0 0 3

Definition at line 911 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< double >::resize().

◆ eigenValues() [1/2]

vpColVector vpMatrix::eigenValues ( ) const

Compute the eigenvalues of a n-by-n real symmetric matrix.

The eigenvalues of a n-by-n real symmetric matrix.
This method is only available if the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) is detected as a third party library.
vpException::dimensionErrorIf the matrix is not square.
vpException::fatalErrorIf the matrix is not symmetric.
vpException::functionNotImplementedErrorIf the GSL library is not detected.

Here an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3); // A is a symmetric matrix
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.;
A[1][0] = 1/2.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/4.;
A[2][0] = 1/3.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/5.;
std::cout << "Initial symmetric matrix: \n" << A << std::endl;
// Compute the eigen values
vpColVector evalue; // Eigenvalues
evalue = A.eigenValues();
std::cout << "Eigen values: \n" << evalue << std::endl;
See also
eigenValues(vpColVector &, vpMatrix &)

Definition at line 4963 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, vpException::functionNotImplementedError, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpMatrix::t().

Referenced by vpQuadProg::fromCanonicalCost().

◆ eigenValues() [2/2]

void vpMatrix::eigenValues ( vpColVector evalue,
vpMatrix evector 
) const

Compute the eigenvalues of a n-by-n real symmetric matrix.

The eigenvalues of a n-by-n real symmetric matrix.
This method is only available if the Gnu Scientific Library (GSL) is detected as a third party library.
evalue: Eigenvalues of the matrix.
evector: Eigenvector of the matrix.
vpException::dimensionErrorIf the matrix is not square.
vpException::fatalErrorIf the matrix is not symmetric.
vpException::functionNotImplementedErrorIf the GSL library is not detected.

Here an example:

#include <iostream>
#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4); // A is a symmetric matrix
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/2.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/4.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/3.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/5.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/4.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
std::cout << "Initial symmetric matrix: \n" << A << std::endl;
vpColVector d; // Eigenvalues
vpMatrix V; // Eigenvectors
// Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors
A.eigenValues(d, V);
std::cout << "Eigen values: \n" << d << std::endl;
std::cout << "Eigen vectors: \n" << V << std::endl;
D.diag(d); // Eigenvalues are on the diagonal
std::cout << "D: " << D << std::endl;
// Verification: A * V = V * D
std::cout << "AV-VD = 0 ? \n" << (A*V) - (V*D) << std::endl;
See also

Definition at line 5074 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, vpException::functionNotImplementedError, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpMatrix::t().

◆ euclideanNorm()

vp_deprecated double vpMatrix::euclideanNorm ( ) const
This function is deprecated. You should rather use frobeniusNorm().

Compute and return the Euclidean norm (also called Frobenius norm) $||A|| = \sqrt{ \sum{A_{ij}^2}}$.

The Euclidean norm (also called Frobenius norm) if the matrix is initialized, 0 otherwise.
See also
frobeniusNorm(), infinityNorm(), inducedL2Norm()

Definition at line 5475 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::frobeniusNorm().

Referenced by vpColVector::deg2rad().

◆ expm()

◆ extract()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::extract ( unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  nrows,
unsigned int  ncols 
) const

Extract a sub matrix from a matrix M.

r: row index in matrix M.
c: column index in matrix M.
nrows: Number of rows of the matrix that should be extracted.
ncols: Number of columns of the matrix that should be extracted.

The following code shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(4,5);
int val = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<M.getRows(); i++) {
for(size_t j=0; j<M.getCols(); j++) {
M[i][j] = val++;
M.print (std::cout, 4, "M ");
vpMatrix N = M.extract(0, 1, 2, 3);
N.print (std::cout, 4, "N ");

It produces the following output:

M [4,5]=
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19
N [2,3]=
1 2 3
6 7 8
See also
init(const vpMatrix &, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int, unsigned int)

Definition at line 450 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction(), vpLinProg::rowReduction(), vpMatrix::solveByQR(), and vpVelocityTwistMatrix::~vpVelocityTwistMatrix().

◆ eye()

◆ frobeniusNorm()

double vpMatrix::frobeniusNorm ( ) const

Compute and return the Frobenius norm (also called Euclidean norm) $||A|| = \sqrt{ \sum{A_{ij}^2}}$.

The Frobenius norm (also called Euclidean norm) if the matrix is initialized, 0 otherwise.
See also
infinityNorm(), inducedL2Norm()
testMatrixInverse.cpp, testMatrixPseudoInverse.cpp, and testSvd.cpp.

Definition at line 5487 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, and vpArray2D< double >::dsize.

Referenced by vpMatrix::euclideanNorm(), and vpColVector::extract().

◆ getCol() [1/2]

vpColVector vpMatrix::getCol ( unsigned int  j) const

Extract a column vector from a matrix.

All the indexes start from 0 in this function.
j: Index of the column to extract. If j=0, the first column is extracted.
The extracted column vector.

The following example shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
for(unsigned int i=0; i < A.getRows(); i++)
for(unsigned int j=0; j < A.getCols(); j++)
A[i][j] = i*A.getCols()+j;
A.print(std::cout, 4);
vpColVector cv = A.getCol(1);
std::cout << "Column vector: \n" << cv << std::endl;

It produces the following output:

0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
column vector:

Definition at line 4096 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction(), vpHomography::DLT(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::estimatePlaneEquationSVD(), vpMatrix::kernel(), vpPose::poseFromRectangle(), vpServo::secondaryTaskJointLimitAvoidance(), and vpLinProg::simplex().

◆ getCol() [2/2]

vpColVector vpMatrix::getCol ( unsigned int  j,
unsigned int  i_begin,
unsigned int  column_size 
) const

Extract a column vector from a matrix.

All the indexes start from 0 in this function.
j: Index of the column to extract. If col=0, the first column is extracted.
i_begin: Index of the row that gives the location of the first element of the column vector to extract.
column_size: Size of the column vector to extract.
The extracted column vector.

The following example shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
for(unsigned int i=0; i < A.getRows(); i++)
for(unsigned int j=0; j < A.getCols(); j++)
A[i][j] = i*A.getCols()+j;
A.print(std::cout, 4);
vpColVector cv = A.getCol(1, 1, 3);
std::cout << "Column vector: \n" << cv << std::endl;

It produces the following output:

0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
column vector:

Definition at line 4047 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

◆ getCols()

unsigned int vpArray2D< double >::getCols ( ) const

Return the number of columns of the 2D array.

See also
getRows(), size()
servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity-jointAvoidance-basic.cpp, testAprilTag.cpp, testColVector.cpp, testDisplacement.cpp, testImageFilter.cpp, testMatrix.cpp, testMatrixConditionNumber.cpp, testMatrixConvolution.cpp, testMatrixDeterminant.cpp, testMatrixInitialization.cpp, testMatrixInverse.cpp, testMatrixPseudoInverse.cpp, testPoseVector.cpp, testRowVector.cpp, testSvd.cpp, testTranslationVector.cpp, and tutorial-matlab.cpp.

Definition at line 279 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::getMaxValue(), and vpArray2D< Type >::getMinValue().

Referenced by vpMatrix::cond(), vpRowVector::cppPrint(), vpMatrix::cppPrint(), vpRowVector::csvPrint(), vpMatrix::csvPrint(), vpMatrix::detByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::extract(), vpRotationMatrix::getCol(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::getCol(), vpMatrix::getCol(), vpMatrix::inducedL2Norm(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::inverseByQRLapack(), vpRotationMatrix::isARotationMatrix(), vpMatrix::kernel(), vpRowVector::maplePrint(), vpMatrix::maplePrint(), vpRowVector::matlabPrint(), vpMatrix::matlabPrint(), vpRowVector::operator*(), vpRowVector::operator+(), vpRowVector::operator+=(), vpRowVector::operator-(), vpRowVector::operator-=(), vpForceTwistMatrix::print(), vpVelocityTwistMatrix::print(), vpRowVector::print(), vpMatrix::print(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), vpMatrix::row(), vpMatrix::svdEigen3(), vpMatrix::svdGsl(), vpMatrix::svdLapack(), and vpMatrix::svdOpenCV().

◆ getDiag()

vpColVector vpMatrix::getDiag ( ) const

Extract a diagonal vector from a matrix.

The diagonal of the matrix.
An empty vector is returned if the matrix is empty.

The following example shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,4);
for(unsigned int i=0; i < A.getRows(); i++)
for(unsigned int j=0; j < A.getCols(); j++)
A[i][j] = i*A.getCols()+j;
A.print(std::cout, 4);
std::cout << "Diag vector: \n" << diag.t() << std::endl;

It produces the following output:

0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
Diag vector:
0 5 10

Definition at line 4228 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpMatrix::diag(), vpColVector::resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ getMaxValue()

double vpArray2D< double >::getMaxValue ( ) const

Return the array max value.

servoMomentImage.cpp, and testArray2D.cpp.

Definition at line 913 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data.

◆ getMinValue()

double vpArray2D< double >::getMinValue ( ) const

Return the array min value.

servoMomentImage.cpp, and testArray2D.cpp.

Definition at line 896 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data.

◆ getRow() [1/2]

vpRowVector vpMatrix::getRow ( unsigned int  i) const

Extract a row vector from a matrix.

All the indexes start from 0 in this function.
i: Index of the row to extract. If i=0, the first row is extracted.
The extracted row vector.

The following example shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpRowVector.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
for(unsigned int i=0; i < A.getRows(); i++)
for(unsigned int j=0; j < A.getCols(); j++)
A[i][j] = i*A.getCols()+j;
A.print(std::cout, 4);
vpRowVector rv = A.getRow(1);
std::cout << "Row vector: \n" << rv << std::endl;

It produces the following output:

0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
Row vector:
4 5 6 7

Definition at line 4136 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum.

Referenced by vpLinProg::allClose(), vpLinProg::allLesser(), vpLinProg::solveLP(), and vpQuadProg::solveQPi().

◆ getRow() [2/2]

vpRowVector vpMatrix::getRow ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j_begin,
unsigned int  row_size 
) const

Extract a row vector from a matrix.

All the indexes start from 0 in this function.
i: Index of the row to extract. If i=0, the first row is extracted.
j_begin: Index of the column that gives the location of the first element of the row vector to extract.
row_size: Size of the row vector to extract.
The extracted row vector.

The following example shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpRowVector.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
for(unsigned int i=0; i < A.getRows(); i++)
for(unsigned int j=0; j < A.getCols(); j++)
A[i][j] = i*A.getCols()+j;
A.print(std::cout, 4);
vpRowVector rv = A.getRow(1, 1, 3);
std::cout << "Row vector: \n" << rv << std::endl;

It produces the following output:

0 1 2 3
4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15
Row vector:
5 6 7

Definition at line 4180 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ getRows()

unsigned int vpArray2D< double >::getRows ( ) const

Return the number of rows of the 2D array.

See also
getCols(), size()
mbtGenericTrackingDepth.cpp, mbtGenericTrackingDepthOnly.cpp, testAprilTag.cpp, testColVector.cpp, testDisplacement.cpp, testGenericTracker.cpp, testGenericTrackerDepth.cpp, testImageFilter.cpp, testMatrix.cpp, testMatrixConditionNumber.cpp, testMatrixConvolution.cpp, testMatrixDeterminant.cpp, testMatrixInitialization.cpp, testMatrixInverse.cpp, testMatrixPseudoInverse.cpp, testPoseVector.cpp, testRowVector.cpp, testSvd.cpp, testTranslationVector.cpp, tutorial-matlab.cpp, tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-blender.cpp, and tutorial-mb-generic-tracker-rgbd-realsense.cpp.

Definition at line 289 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::column(), vpMatrix::cond(), vpColVector::cppPrint(), vpMatrix::cppPrint(), vpColVector::csvPrint(), vpMatrix::csvPrint(), vpMatrix::detByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::extract(), vpRotationMatrix::getCol(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::getCol(), vpMatrix::getCol(), vpMatrix::inducedL2Norm(), vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyLapack(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::inverseByQRLapack(), vpRotationMatrix::isARotationMatrix(), vpMatrix::kernel(), vpColVector::maplePrint(), vpMatrix::maplePrint(), vpColVector::matlabPrint(), vpMatrix::matlabPrint(), vpColVector::operator+(), vpColVector::operator+=(), vpColVector::operator-(), vpColVector::operator-=(), vpForceTwistMatrix::print(), vpVelocityTwistMatrix::print(), vpPoseVector::print(), vpColVector::print(), vpMatrix::print(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), vpMatrix::svdEigen3(), vpMatrix::svdGsl(), vpMatrix::svdLapack(), and vpMatrix::svdOpenCV().

◆ hadamard() [1/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::hadamard ( const vpMatrix m) const

Compute the Hadamard product (element wise matrix multiplication).

m: Second matrix;
m1.hadamard(m2) The Hadamard product : $ m1 \circ m2 = (m1 \circ m2)_{i,j} = (m1)_{i,j} (m2)_{i,j} $

Definition at line 1789 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpCPUFeatures::checkSSE2(), vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< double >::dsize, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ hadamard() [2/2]

vpArray2D< double > vpArray2D< double >::hadamard ( const vpArray2D< double > &  m) const

Compute the Hadamard product (element wise matrix multiplication).

m: Second matrix;
m1.hadamard(m2) The Hadamard product : $ m1 \circ m2 = (m1 \circ m2)_{i,j} = (m1)_{i,j} (m2)_{i,j} $

Definition at line 933 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::dsize, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ inducedL2Norm()

double vpMatrix::inducedL2Norm ( ) const

Compute and return the induced L2 norm $||A|| = \Sigma_{max}(A)$ which is equal to the maximum singular value of the matrix.

The induced L2 norm if the matrix is initialized, 0 otherwise.
See also
infinityNorm(), frobeniusNorm()

Definition at line 5506 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::dsize, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::size(), and vpMatrix::svd().

◆ infinityNorm()

double vpMatrix::infinityNorm ( ) const

Compute and return the infinity norm $ {||A||}_{\infty} = max\left(\sum_{j=0}^{n}{\mid A_{ij} \mid}\right) $ with $i \in \{0, ..., m\}$ where $(m,n)$ is the matrix size.

The infinity norm if the matrix is initialized, 0 otherwise.
See also
frobeniusNorm(), inducedL2Norm()

Definition at line 5547 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction(), vpColVector::extract(), and vpLinProg::rowReduction().

◆ init() [1/3]

void vpSubMatrix::init ( vpMatrix m,
const unsigned int &  row_offset,
const unsigned int &  col_offset,
const unsigned int &  nrows,
const unsigned int &  ncols 

Initialisation of vpMatrix.

Initialisation of a sub matrix.

m: parent matrix
row_offset: row offset
col_offset: col offset
nrows: number of rows of the sub matrix
ncols: number of columns of the sub matrix

Definition at line 70 of file vpSubMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< double >::dsize, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrixException::incorrectMatrixSizeError, parent, pColNum, pRowNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs, and vpMatrixException::subMatrixError.

◆ init() [2/3]

void vpMatrix::init ( const vpMatrix M,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c,
unsigned int  nrows,
unsigned int  ncols 

Initialize the matrix from a part of an input matrix M.

M: Input matrix used for initialization.
r: row index in matrix M.
c: column index in matrix M.
nrows: Number of rows of the matrix that should be initialized.
ncols: Number of columns of the matrix that should be initialized.

The sub-matrix starting from M[r][c] element and ending on M[r+nrows-1][c+ncols-1] element is used to initialize the matrix.

The following code shows how to use this function:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(4,5);
int val = 0;
for(size_t i=0; i<M.getRows(); i++) {
for(size_t j=0; j<M.getCols(); j++) {
M[i][j] = val++;
M.print (std::cout, 4, "M ");
N.init(M, 0, 1, 2, 3);
N.print (std::cout, 4, "N ");

It produces the following output:

M [4,5]=
0 1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19
N [2,3]=
1 2 3
6 7 8
See also

Definition at line 389 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ init() [3/3]

vp_deprecated void vpMatrix::init ( )
Only provided for compatibilty with ViSP previous releases. This function does nothing.

Definition at line 760 of file vpMatrix.h.

Referenced by vpColVector::extract(), vpMatrix::vpMatrix(), and vpSubMatrix().

◆ insert() [1/3]

◆ insert() [2/3]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::insert ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c 

Insert matrix B in matrix A at the given position.

A: Main matrix.
B: Matrix to insert.
r: Index of the row where to add the matrix.
c: Index of the column where to add the matrix.
Matrix with B insert in A.
Throw exception if the sizes of the matrices do not allow the insertion.

Definition at line 4399 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::insert().

◆ insert() [3/3]

void insert ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpMatrix C,
unsigned int  r,
unsigned int  c 

Insert matrix B in matrix A at the given position.

A: Main matrix.
B: Matrix to insert.
C: Result matrix.
r: Index of the row where to insert matrix B.
c: Index of the column where to insert matrix B.
Throw exception if the sizes of the matrices do not allow the insertion.

Definition at line 4421 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ inverseByCholesky()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByCholesky ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the Cholesky decomposition. The matrix must be real symmetric positive defined.

This function calls the first following function that is available:

If none of these 3rd parties is installed we use a Lapack built-in version.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
// Symmetric matrix
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/5.; A[0][2] = 1/6.; A[0][3] = 1/7.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/3.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Compute the inverse
vpMatrix A_1; // A^-1
A_1 = A.inverseByCholesky();
std::cout << "Inverse by Cholesky: \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also

Definition at line 109 of file vpMatrix_cholesky.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyLapack(), and vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyOpenCV().

◆ inverseByCholeskyLapack()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyLapack ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the Cholesky decomposition with Lapack 3rd party. The matrix must be real symmetric positive defined.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
unsigned int n = 4;
vpMatrix A(n, n);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Make matrix symmetric positive
A = 0.5*(A+A.t());
A = A + n*I;
// Compute the inverse
std::cout << "Inverse by Cholesky (Lapack): \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also
inverseByCholesky(), inverseByCholeskyOpenCV()

Definition at line 159 of file vpMatrix_cholesky.cpp.

References vpException::badValue, vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::fatalError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpMatrixException::matrixError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::inverseByCholesky().

◆ inverseByCholeskyOpenCV()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyOpenCV ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the Cholesky decomposition with OpenCV 3rd party. The matrix must be real symmetric positive defined.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
unsigned int n = 4;
vpMatrix A(n, n);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Make matrix symmetric positive
A = 0.5*(A+A.t());
A = A + n*I;
// Compute the inverse
std::cout << "Inverse by Cholesky (OpenCV): \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also
inverseByCholesky(), inverseByCholeskyLapack()

Definition at line 228 of file vpMatrix_cholesky.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::inverseByCholesky().

◆ inverseByLU()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByLU ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the LU decomposition.

This function calls the first following function that is available:

If none of these previous 3rd parties is installed, we use by default inverseByLULapack() with a Lapack built-in version.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Compute the inverse
vpMatrix A_1 = A.inverseByLU();
std::cout << "Inverse by LU ";
#if defined(VISP_HAVE_LAPACK)
std::cout << "(using Lapack)";
#elif defined(VISP_HAVE_EIGEN3)
std::cout << "(using Eigen3)";
#elif (VISP_HAVE_OPENCV_VERSION >= 0x020101)
std::cout << "(using OpenCV)";
#elif defined (VISP_HAVE_GSL)
std::cout << "(using GSL)";
std::cout << ": \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also
inverseByLULapack(), inverseByLUEigen3(), inverseByLUOpenCV(), inverseByLUGsl(), pseudoInverse()
photometricVisualServoing.cpp, and testMatrixConditionNumber.cpp.

Definition at line 134 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, vpMatrix::inverseByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUGsl(), vpMatrix::inverseByLULapack(), and vpMatrix::inverseByLUOpenCV().

Referenced by vpTriangle::buildFrom(), vpMatrix::expm(), vpKalmanFilter::filtering(), vpTemplateTrackerWarpHomographySL3::findWarp(), vpTemplateTrackerWarpAffine::getParamInverse(), vpTemplateTrackerTriangle::init(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDInverseCompositional::initCompInverse(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCForwardAdditional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerZNCCInverseCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIESM::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional::initHessienDesired(), vpTemplateTracker::setHDes(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerSSDForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIForwardAdditional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIESM::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerMIInverseCompositional::trackNoPyr(), vpTemplateTrackerWarp::warp(), and vpImageTools::warpImage().

◆ inverseByLUEigen3()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByLUEigen3 ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the LU decomposition with Eigen3 3rd party.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Compute the inverse
vpMatrix A_1; // A^-1
A_1 = A.inverseByLUEigen3();
std::cout << "Inverse by LU (Eigen3): \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also
inverseByLU(), inverseByLULapack(), inverseByLUOpenCV(), inverseByLUGsl()

Definition at line 586 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::fatalError, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::inverseByLU().

◆ inverseByLUGsl()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByLUGsl ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the LU decomposition with GSL 3rd party.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Compute the inverse
vpMatrix A_1; // A^-1
A_1 = A.inverseByLUGsl();
std::cout << "Inverse by LU (GSL): \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also
inverseByLU(), inverseByLUEigen3(), inverseByLULapack(), inverseByLUOpenCV()

Definition at line 241 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::inverseByLU().

◆ inverseByLULapack()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByLULapack ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the LU decomposition with Lapack 3rd party.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Compute the inverse
vpMatrix A_1; // A^-1
A_1 = A.inverseByLULapack();
std::cout << "Inverse by LU (Lapack): \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also
inverseByLU(), inverseByLUEigen3(), inverseByLUGsl(), inverseByLUOpenCV()

Definition at line 370 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::inverseByLU().

◆ inverseByLUOpenCV()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByLUOpenCV ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the LU decomposition with OpenCV 3rd party.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Compute the inverse
vpMatrix A_1; // A^-1
A_1 = A.inverseByLUOpenCV();
std::cout << "Inverse by LU (OpenCV): \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also
inverseByLU(), inverseByLUEigen3(), inverseByLUGsl(), inverseByLULapack()

Definition at line 496 of file vpMatrix_lu.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::fatalError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::inverseByLU().

◆ inverseByQR()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByQR ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the QR decomposition. Only available if Lapack 3rd party is installed. If Lapack is not installed we use a Lapack built-in version.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Compute the inverse
vpMatrix A_1 = A.inverseByQR();
std::cout << "Inverse by QR: \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also
inverseByLU(), inverseByCholesky()

Definition at line 285 of file vpMatrix_qr.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, and vpMatrix::inverseByQRLapack().

Referenced by vpLinProg::simplex().

◆ inverseByQRLapack()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseByQRLapack ( ) const

Compute the inverse of a n-by-n matrix using the QR decomposition with Lapack 3rd party.

The inverse matrix.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,4);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.; A[0][3] = 1/4.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.; A[1][3] = 1/5.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.; A[2][3] = 1/6.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.; A[3][3] = 1/7.;
// Compute the inverse
std::cout << "Inverse by QR: \n" << A_1 << std::endl;
std::cout << "A*A^-1: \n" << A * A_1 << std::endl;
See also

Definition at line 124 of file vpMatrix_qr.cpp.

References vpException::badValue, vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrixException::matrixError, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpMatrix::inverseByQR().

◆ inverseTriangular()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::inverseTriangular ( bool  upper = true) const

Compute the inverse of a full-rank n-by-n triangular matrix. Only available if Lapack 3rd party is installed. If Lapack is not installed we use a Lapack built-in version.

upper: if it is an upper triangular matrix

The function does not check if the matrix is actually upper or lower triangular.

The inverse matrix

Definition at line 725 of file vpMatrix_qr.cpp.

References vpException::badValue, vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpException::fatalError, vpMatrixException::rankDeficient, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction(), vpLinProg::rowReduction(), and vpMatrix::solveByQR().

◆ juxtaposeMatrices() [1/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::juxtaposeMatrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B 

Juxtapose to matrices C = [ A B ].

$ C = \left( \begin{array}{cc} A & B \end{array}\right) $

A: Left matrix.
B: Right matrix.
Juxtaposed matrix C = [ A B ]
A and B must have the same number of rows.

Definition at line 4452 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction().

◆ juxtaposeMatrices() [2/2]

void juxtaposeMatrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpMatrix C 

Juxtapose to matrices C = [ A B ].

$ C = \left( \begin{array}{cc} A & B \end{array}\right) $

A: Left matrix.
B: Right matrix.
C: Juxtaposed matrix C = [ A B ]
A and B must have the same number of rows.

Definition at line 4473 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpMatrix::insert(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ kernel()

unsigned int vpMatrix::kernel ( vpMatrix kerAt,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

Function to compute the null space (the kernel) of a m-by-n matrix $\bf A$.

The null space of a matrix $\bf A$ is defined as $\mbox{Ker}({\bf A}) = { {\bf X} : {\bf A}*{\bf X} = {\bf 0}}$.

kerAtThe matrix that contains the null space (kernel) of $\bf A$ defined by the matrix ${\bf X}^T$. If matrix $\bf A$ is full rank, the dimension of kerAt is (0, n), otherwise the dimension is (n-r, n). This matrix is thus the transpose of $\mbox{Ker}({\bf A})$.
svThresholdThreshold used to test the singular values. If a singular value is lower than this threshold we consider that the matrix is not full rank.
The rank r of the matrix.
servoViper850Point2DArtVelocity-jointAvoidance-basic.cpp, and testMatrixConditionNumber.cpp.

Definition at line 5160 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::getCol(), vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpMatrix::insert(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpColVector::resize(), vpColVector::sumSquare(), and vpMatrix::svd().

◆ kron() [1/4]

void vpMatrix::kron ( const vpMatrix m,
vpMatrix out 
) const

Compute Kronecker product matrix.

m: vpMatrix.
out: If m1.kron(m2) out contains the kronecker product's result : $ m1 \otimes m2 $.

Definition at line 1852 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

Referenced by vpMatrix::kron().

◆ kron() [2/4]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::kron ( const vpMatrix m) const

Compute Kronecker product matrix.

m: vpMatrix;
m1.kron(m2) The kronecker product : $ m1 \otimes m2 $

Definition at line 1891 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::kron().

◆ kron() [3/4]

void vpMatrix::kron ( const vpMatrix m1,
const vpMatrix m2,
vpMatrix out 

Compute Kronecker product matrix.

m1: vpMatrix;
m2: vpMatrix;
out: The kronecker product : $ m1 \otimes m2 $

Definition at line 1822 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ kron() [4/4]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::kron ( const vpMatrix m1,
const vpMatrix m2 

Compute Kronecker product matrix.

m1: vpMatrix;
m2: vpMatrix;
The kronecker product : $ m1 \otimes m2 $

Definition at line 1860 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ load()

static bool vpArray2D< double >::load ( const std::string &  filename,
vpArray2D< double > &  A,
bool  binary = false,
char *  header = NULL 

Load a matrix from a file.

filename: Absolute file name.
A: Array to be loaded
binary: If true the matrix is loaded from a binary file, else from a text file.
header: Header of the file is loaded in this parameter.
Returns true if success.
See also

Definition at line 541 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpException::badValue, and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ loadMatrix()

static bool vpMatrix::loadMatrix ( const std::string &  filename,
vpArray2D< double > &  M,
bool  binary = false,
char *  header = NULL 

Load a matrix from a file. This function overloads vpArray2D::load().

filename: absolute file name.
M: matrix to be loaded.
binary:If true the matrix is loaded from a binary file, else from a text file.
header: Header of the file is loaded in this parameter
Returns true if no problem appends.

Definition at line 692 of file vpMatrix.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::load().

Referenced by vpDot2::defineDots().

◆ loadMatrixYAML()

static bool vpMatrix::loadMatrixYAML ( const std::string &  filename,
vpArray2D< double > &  M,
char *  header = NULL 

Load a matrix from a YAML-formatted file. This function overloads vpArray2D::loadYAML().

filename: absolute file name.
M: matrix to be loaded from the file.
header: Header of the file is loaded in this parameter.
Returns true if no problem appends.

Definition at line 708 of file vpMatrix.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::loadYAML().

◆ loadYAML()

static bool vpArray2D< double >::loadYAML ( const std::string &  filename,
vpArray2D< double > &  A,
char *  header = NULL 

Load an array from a YAML-formatted file.

filename: absolute file name.
A: array to be loaded from the file.
header: header of the file is loaded in this parameter.
Returns true on success.
See also
servoFlirPtuIBVS.cpp, servoFrankaIBVS.cpp, servoFrankaPBVS.cpp, tutorial-flir-ptu-ibvs.cpp, and tutorial-hand-eye-calibration.cpp.

Definition at line 653 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ maplePrint()

std::ostream & vpMatrix::maplePrint ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print using Maple syntax, to copy/paste in Maple later.

The following code

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(2,3);
int cpt = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<M.getRows(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<M.getCols(); j++)
M[i][j] = cpt++;
std::cout << "M = "; M.maplePrint(std::cout);

produces this output:

M = ([
[0, 1, 2, ],
[3, 4, 5, ],

that could be copy/paste in Maple.

Definition at line 4686 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

Referenced by vpColVector::extract().

◆ matlabPrint()

std::ostream & vpMatrix::matlabPrint ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print using Matlab syntax, to copy/paste in Matlab later.

The following code

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(2,3);
int cpt = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0; i<M.getRows(); i++)
for (unsigned int j=0; j<M.getCols(); j++)
M[i][j] = cpt++;
std::cout << "M = "; M.matlabPrint(std::cout);

produces this output:

M = [ 0, 1, 2, ;
3, 4, 5, ]

that could be copy/paste in Matlab:

>> M = [ 0, 1, 2, ;
3, 4, 5, ]
M =
0 1 2
3 4 5

Definition at line 4642 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< double >::getRows().

Referenced by vpColVector::extract().

◆ mult2Matrices() [1/4]

void vpMatrix::mult2Matrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpMatrix C 

Operation C = A * B.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

See also

Definition at line 1064 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpMatrix::operator*().

◆ mult2Matrices() [2/4]

void vpMatrix::mult2Matrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpRotationMatrix C 
This function is provided for compat with previous releases. You should rather use the functionalities provided in vpRotationMatrix class.

Operation C = A * B.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

vpException::dimensionErrorIf matrices are not 3-by-3 dimension.

Definition at line 1113 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

◆ mult2Matrices() [3/4]

void vpMatrix::mult2Matrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpHomogeneousMatrix C 
This function is provided for compat with previous releases. You should rather use the functionalities provided in vpHomogeneousMatrix class.

Operation C = A * B.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

vpException::dimensionErrorIf matrices are not 4-by-4 dimension.

Definition at line 1152 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

◆ mult2Matrices() [4/4]

void vpMatrix::mult2Matrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpColVector B,
vpColVector C 
This function is provided for compat with previous releases. You should rather use multMatrixVector() that is more explicit.

Operation C = A * B.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

See also

Definition at line 1190 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::multMatrixVector().

◆ multMatrixVector()

void vpMatrix::multMatrixVector ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpColVector v,
vpColVector w 

Operation w = A * v (v and w are vectors).

A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (Speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

See also
operator*(const vpColVector &v) const

Definition at line 1023 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpColVector::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpMatrix::mult2Matrices(), and vpMatrix::operator*().

◆ negateMatrix()

void vpMatrix::negateMatrix ( const vpMatrix A,
vpMatrix C 

Operation C = -A.

The result is placed in the second parameter C and not returned. A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (Speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

See also

Definition at line 1562 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpMatrix::operator-().

◆ operator!=()

bool vpArray2D< double >::operator!= ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A) const

Not equal to comparison operator of a 2D array.

Definition at line 994 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ operator*() [1/7]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator* ( const vpMatrix B) const

Operation C = A * B (A is unchanged).

See also
mult2Matrices() to avoid matrix allocation for each use.

Definition at line 1199 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::mult2Matrices().

Referenced by vpColVector::operator[](), vpColVector::stackMatrices(), and vpVelocityTwistMatrix::~vpVelocityTwistMatrix().

◆ operator*() [2/7]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator* ( const vpRotationMatrix R) const

Operator that allow to multiply a matrix by a rotation matrix. The matrix should be of dimension m-by-3.

Definition at line 1212 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator*() [3/7]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator* ( const vpVelocityTwistMatrix V) const

◆ operator*() [4/7]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator* ( const vpForceTwistMatrix V) const

Operator that allow to multiply a matrix by a force/torque twist matrix. The matrix should be of dimension m-by-6.

Definition at line 1310 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator*() [5/7]

vpTranslationVector vpMatrix::operator* ( const vpTranslationVector tv) const

Operator that allows to multiply a matrix by a translation vector. The matrix should be of dimension (3x3)

Definition at line 983 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator*() [6/7]

vpColVector vpMatrix::operator* ( const vpColVector v) const

Operation w = A * v (matrix A is unchanged, v and w are column vectors).

See also
multMatrixVector() to avoid matrix allocation for each use.

Definition at line 1008 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::multMatrixVector().

◆ operator*() [7/7]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator* ( double  x) const

Operator that allows to multiply all the elements of a matrix by a scalar.

Definition at line 1634 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator*=()

vpMatrix & vpMatrix::operator*= ( double  x)

Multiply all the element of the matrix by x : Aij = Aij * x.

Operator that allows to multiply all the elements of a matrix by a scalar.

Definition at line 1697 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpColVector::operator[]().

◆ operator+()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator+ ( const vpMatrix B) const

Operation C = A + B (A is unchanged).

See also
add2Matrices() to avoid matrix allocation for each use.

Definition at line 1432 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::add2Matrices().

Referenced by vpColVector::operator[]().

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

vpMatrix & vpMatrix::operator+= ( double  x)

Add x to all the element of the matrix : Aij = Aij + x.

Definition at line 1674 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator,()

vpMatrix & vpMatrix::operator, ( double  val)

◆ operator-() [1/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator- ( const vpMatrix B) const

Operation C = A - B (A is unchanged).

See also
sub2Matrices() to avoid matrix allocation for each use.

Definition at line 1512 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::sub2Matrices().

◆ operator-() [2/2]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator- ( void  ) const

Operation C = -A (A is unchanged).

See also
negateMatrix() to avoid matrix allocation for each use.

Definition at line 1580 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::negateMatrix().

Referenced by vpColVector::operator[]().

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

vpMatrix & vpMatrix::operator-= ( double  x)

Substract x to all the element of the matrix : Aij = Aij - x.

Definition at line 1684 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator/()

vpMatrix vpMatrix::operator/ ( double  x) const

◆ operator/=()

vpMatrix & vpMatrix::operator/= ( double  x)

Divide all the element of the matrix by x : Aij = Aij / x.

Definition at line 1711 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpException::divideByZeroError, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpColVector::operator[]().

◆ operator<<() [1/2]

vpMatrix & vpMatrix::operator<< ( double *  x)

Assigment from an array of double. This method has to be used carefully since the array allocated behind x pointer should have the same dimension than the matrix.

Definition at line 852 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator<<() [2/2]

vpMatrix & vpMatrix::operator<< ( double  val)

Definition at line 862 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator=() [1/3]

vpSubMatrix & vpSubMatrix::operator= ( const vpSubMatrix B)

◆ operator=() [2/3]

vpSubMatrix & vpSubMatrix::operator= ( const vpMatrix B)

◆ operator=() [3/3]

vpSubMatrix & vpSubMatrix::operator= ( const double &  x)

Operation such as subA = x.

Operation A = x.

x: a scalar

Definition at line 166 of file vpSubMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

◆ operator==() [1/2]

bool vpArray2D< double >::operator== ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A) const

Equal to comparison operator of a 2D array.

Definition at line 949 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::operator==(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ operator==() [2/2]

bool vpArray2D< float >::operator== ( const vpArray2D< float > &  A) const

◆ operator[]() [1/2]

double * vpArray2D< double >::operator[] ( unsigned int  i)

Set element $A_{ij} = x$ using A[i][j] = x.

Definition at line 485 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ operator[]() [2/2]

double * vpArray2D< double >::operator[] ( unsigned int  i) const

Get element $x = A_{ij}$ using x = A[i][j].

Definition at line 487 of file vpArray2D.h.

◆ print()

int vpMatrix::print ( std::ostream &  s,
unsigned int  length,
const std::string &  intro = "" 
) const

Pretty print a matrix. The data are tabulated. The common widths before and after the decimal point are set with respect to the parameter maxlen.

sStream used for the printing.
lengthThe suggested width of each matrix element. The actual width grows in order to accomodate the whole integral part, and shrinks if the whole extent is not needed for all the numbers.
introThe introduction which is printed before the matrix. Can be set to zero (or omitted), in which case the introduction is not printed.
Returns the common total width for all matrix elements
See also
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const vpArray2D<Type> &A)
testMatrix.cpp, and testMatrixConditionNumber.cpp.

Definition at line 4519 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), and vpMath::maximum().

Referenced by vpServo::computeControlLaw(), vpColVector::operator[](), and vpVelocityTwistMatrix::~vpVelocityTwistMatrix().

◆ printSize()

void vpMatrix::printSize ( ) const

Definition at line 576 of file vpMatrix.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< Type >::getRows().

◆ pseudoInverse() [1/5]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::pseudoInverse ( double  svThreshold = 1e-6) const

Compute and return the Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $A^+$ of a m-by-n matrix $\bf A$.

By default, this function uses Lapack 3rd party. It is also possible to use a specific 3rd party suffixing this function name with one of the following 3rd party names (Lapack, Eigen3, OpenCV or Gsl).
To inverse a square n-by-n matrix, you have to use rather one of the following functions inverseByLU(), inverseByQR(), inverseByCholesky() that are kwown as faster.
svThreshold: Threshold used to test the singular values. If a singular value is lower than this threshold we consider that the matrix is not full rank.
The Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $ A^+ $.

Here an example to compute the pseudo-inverse of a 2-by-3 matrix.

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(2, 3);
A[0][0] = 2; A[0][1] = 3; A[0][2] = 5;
A[1][0] = -4; A[1][1] = 2; A[1][2] = 3;
A.print(std::cout, 10, "A: ");
A_p.print(std::cout, 10, "A^+ (pseudo-inverse): ");

Once build, the previous example produces the following output:

A: [2,3]=
2 3 5
-4 2 3
A^+ (pseudo-inverse): [3,2]=
0.117899 -0.190782
0.065380 0.039657
0.113612 0.052518
testFrankaCartVelocity-2.cpp, testMatrixConditionNumber.cpp, testRobotViper650-frames.cpp, and testRobotViper850-frames.cpp.

Definition at line 2206 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpMatrix::insert(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseEigen3(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseGsl(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseLapack(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseOpenCV(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpColVector::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::size(), vpMatrix::svdEigen3(), vpMatrix::svdGsl(), vpMatrix::svdLapack(), vpMatrix::svdOpenCV(), and vpMatrix::t().

Referenced by vpSimulatorAfma6::computeArticularVelocity(), vpSimulatorViper850::computeArticularVelocity(), vpServo::computeControlLaw(), vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrix(), vpMatrix::computeCovarianceMatrixVVS(), vpPoseFeatures::computePose(), vpMbEdgeMultiTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbEdgeTracker::computeVVSFirstPhasePoseEstimation(), vpMbTracker::computeVVSPoseEstimation(), vpQuadProg::fromCanonicalCost(), vpNurbs::globalCurveApprox(), vpNurbs::globalCurveInterp(), vpMeEllipse::initTracking(), vpHomography::inverse(), vpMeLine::leastSquare(), vpRotationMatrix::mean(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::mean(), vpPose::poseDementhonNonPlan(), vpPose::poseDementhonPlan(), vpPose::poseFromRectangle(), vpPose::poseVirtualVS(), vpMeEllipse::printParameters(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), vpHomography::robust(), vpMatrix::solveBySVD(), and vpQuadProg::solveQPi().

◆ pseudoInverse() [2/5]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverse ( vpMatrix Ap,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

Compute the Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $A^+$ of a m-by-n matrix $\bf A$ and return the rank r of the matrix.

By default, this function uses Lapack 3rd party. It is also possible to use a specific 3rd party suffixing this function name with one of the following 3rd party names (Lapack, Eigen3, OpenCV or Gsl).
To inverse a square n-by-n matrix, you have to use rather one of the following functions inverseByLU(), inverseByQR(), inverseByCholesky() that are kwown as faster.
Ap: The Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $ A^+ $.
svThreshold: Threshold used to test the singular values. If a singular value is lower than this threshold we consider that the matrix is not full rank.
The rank r of the matrix.

Here an example to compute the pseudo-inverse of a 2-by-3 matrix.

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(2, 3);
A[0][0] = 2; A[0][1] = 3; A[0][2] = 5;
A[1][0] = -4; A[1][1] = 2; A[1][2] = 3;
A.print(std::cout, 10, "A: ");
vpMatrix A_p;
unsigned int rank = A.pseudoInverse(A_p);
A_p.print(std::cout, 10, "A^+ (pseudo-inverse): ");
std::cout << "Rank: " << rank << std::endl;

Once build, the previous example produces the following output:

A: [2,3]=
2 3 5
-4 2 3
A^+ (pseudo-inverse): [3,2]=
0.117899 -0.190782
0.065380 0.039657
0.113612 0.052518
Rank: 2

Definition at line 2137 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, vpMatrix::pseudoInverseEigen3(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseGsl(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseLapack(), and vpMatrix::pseudoInverseOpenCV().

◆ pseudoInverse() [3/5]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverse ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

Compute the Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $A^+$ of a m-by-n matrix $\bf A$ along with singular values and return the rank r of the matrix.

By default, this function uses Lapack 3rd party. It is also possible to use a specific 3rd party suffixing this function name with one of the following 3rd party names (Lapack, Eigen3, OpenCV or Gsl).
To inverse a square n-by-n matrix, you have to use rather one of the following functions inverseByLU(), inverseByQR(), inverseByCholesky() that are kwown as faster.
Ap: The Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $ A^+ $.
svVector corresponding to matrix $A$ singular values. The size of this vector is equal to min(m, n).
svThreshold: Threshold used to test the singular values. If a singular value is lower than this threshold we consider that the matrix is not full rank.
The rank r of the matrix $\bf A$.

Here an example to compute the pseudo-inverse of a 2-by-3 matrix.

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(2, 3);
A[0][0] = 2; A[0][1] = 3; A[0][2] = 5;
A[1][0] = -4; A[1][1] = 2; A[1][2] = 3;
A.print(std::cout, 10, "A: ");
vpMatrix A_p;
unsigned int rank = A.pseudoInverse(A_p, sv);
A_p.print(std::cout, 10, "A^+ (pseudo-inverse): ");
std::cout << "Rank: " << rank << std::endl;
std::cout << "Singular values: " << sv.t() << std::endl;

Once build, the previous example produces the following output:

A: [2,3]=
2 3 5
-4 2 3
A^+ (pseudo-inverse): [3,2]=
0.117899 -0.190782
0.065380 0.039657
0.113612 0.052518
Rank: 2
Singular values: 6.874359351 4.443330227

Definition at line 3747 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, vpMatrix::pseudoInverseEigen3(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseGsl(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseLapack(), and vpMatrix::pseudoInverseOpenCV().

◆ pseudoInverse() [4/5]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverse ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold,
vpMatrix imA,
vpMatrix imAt 
) const

Compute the Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $A^+$ of a m-by-n matrix $\bf A$ along with singular values, $\mbox{Im}(A)$ and $\mbox{Im}(A^T)$ and return the rank r of the matrix.

See pseudoInverse(vpMatrix &, vpColVector &, double, vpMatrix &, vpMatrix &, vpMatrix &) const for a complete description of this function.

To inverse a square n-by-n matrix, you have to use rather one of the following functions inverseByLU(), inverseByQR(), inverseByCholesky() that are kwown as faster.
Ap: The Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $ A^+ $.
svVector corresponding to matrix $A$ singular values. The size of this vector is equal to min(m, n).
svThreshold: Threshold used to test the singular values. If a singular value is lower than this threshold we consider that the matrix is not full rank.
imA$\mbox{Im}({\bf A})$ that is a m-by-r matrix.
imAt$\mbox{Im}({\bf A}^T)$ that is n-by-r matrix.
The rank r of the matrix $\bf A$.

Here an example to compute the pseudo-inverse of a 2-by-3 matrix.

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(2, 3);
A[0][0] = 2; A[0][1] = 3; A[0][2] = 5;
A[1][0] = -4; A[1][1] = 2; A[1][2] = 3;
A.print(std::cout, 10, "A: ");
vpMatrix A_p;
vpMatrix imA, imAt;
unsigned int rank = A.pseudoInverse(A_p, sv, 1e-6, imA, imAt);
A_p.print(std::cout, 10, "A^+ (pseudo-inverse): ");
std::cout << "Rank: " << rank << std::endl;
std::cout << "Singular values: " << sv.t() << std::endl;
imA.print(std::cout, 10, "Im(A): ");
imAt.print(std::cout, 10, "Im(A^T): ");

Once build, the previous example produces the following output:

A: [2,3]=
2 3 5
-4 2 3
A^+ (pseudo-inverse): [3,2]=
0.117899 -0.190782
0.065380 0.039657
0.113612 0.052518
Rank: 2
Singular values: 6.874359351 4.443330227
Im(A): [2,2]=
0.81458 -0.58003
0.58003 0.81458
Im(A^T): [3,2]=
-0.100515 -0.994397
0.524244 -0.024967
0.845615 -0.102722

Definition at line 3841 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().

◆ pseudoInverse() [5/5]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverse ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold,
vpMatrix imA,
vpMatrix imAt,
vpMatrix kerAt 
) const

Compute the Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $A^+$ of a m-by-n matrix $\bf A$ along with singular values, $\mbox{Im}(A)$, $\mbox{Im}(A^T)$ and $\mbox{Ker}(A)$ and return the rank r of the matrix.

By default, this function uses Lapack 3rd party. It is also possible to use a specific 3rd party suffixing this function name with one of the following 3rd party names (Lapack, Eigen3, OpenCV or Gsl).
To inverse a square n-by-n matrix, you have to use rather inverseByLU(), inverseByCholesky(), or inverseByQR() that are kwown as faster.

Using singular value decomposition, we have:

\[ {\bf A}_{m\times n} = {\bf U}_{m\times m} \; {\bf S}_{m\times n} \; {\bf V^\top}_{n\times n} \]

\[ {\bf A}_{m\times n} = \left[\begin{array}{ccc}\mbox{Im} ({\bf A}) & | & \mbox{Ker} ({\bf A}^\top) \end{array} \right] {\bf S}_{m\times n} \left[ \begin{array}{c} \left[\mbox{Im} ({\bf A}^\top)\right]^\top \\ \\ \hline \\ \left[\mbox{Ker}({\bf A})\right]^\top \end{array}\right] \]

where the diagonal of ${\bf S}_{m\times n}$ corresponds to the matrix $A$ singular values.

This equation could be reformulated in a minimal way:

\[ {\bf A}_{m\times n} = \mbox{Im} ({\bf A}) \; {\bf S}_{r\times n} \left[ \begin{array}{c} \left[\mbox{Im} ({\bf A}^\top)\right]^\top \\ \\ \hline \\ \left[\mbox{Ker}({\bf A})\right]^\top \end{array}\right] \]

where the diagonal of ${\bf S}_{r\times n}$ corresponds to the matrix $A$ first r singular values.

The null space of a matrix $\bf A$ is defined as $\mbox{Ker}({\bf A}) = { {\bf X} : {\bf A}*{\bf X} = {\bf 0}}$.

ApThe Moore-Penros pseudo inverse $ {\bf A}^+ $.
svVector corresponding to matrix $A$ singular values. The size of this vector is equal to min(m, n).
svThresholdThreshold used to test the singular values. If a singular value is lower than this threshold we consider that the matrix is not full rank.
imA$\mbox{Im}({\bf A})$ that is a m-by-r matrix.
imAt$\mbox{Im}({\bf A}^T)$ that is n-by-r matrix.
kerAtThe matrix that contains the null space (kernel) of $\bf A$ defined by the matrix ${\bf X}^T$. If matrix $\bf A$ is full rank, the dimension of kerAt is (0, n), otherwise the dimension is (n-r, n). This matrix is thus the transpose of $\mbox{Ker}({\bf A})$.
The rank r of the matrix $\bf A$.

Here an example to compute the pseudo-inverse of a 2-by-3 matrix.

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(2, 3);
A[0][0] = 2; A[0][1] = 3; A[0][2] = 5;
A[1][0] = -4; A[1][1] = 2; A[1][2] = 3;
A.print(std::cout, 10, "A: ");
vpMatrix A_p, imA, imAt, kerAt;
unsigned int rank = A.pseudoInverse(A_p, sv, 1e-6, imA, imAt, kerAt);
A_p.print(std::cout, 10, "A^+ (pseudo-inverse): ");
std::cout << "Rank: " << rank << std::endl;
std::cout << "Singular values: " << sv.t() << std::endl;
imA.print(std::cout, 10, "Im(A): ");
imAt.print(std::cout, 10, "Im(A^T): ");
if (kerAt.size()) {
kerAt.t().print(std::cout, 10, "Ker(A): ");
else {
std::cout << "Ker(A) empty " << std::endl;
// Reconstruct matrix A from ImA, ImAt, KerAt
vpMatrix S(rank, A.getCols());
for(unsigned int i = 0; i< rank; i++)
S[i][i] = sv[i];
vpMatrix Vt(A.getCols(), A.getCols());
Vt.insert(imAt.t(), 0, 0);
Vt.insert(kerAt, rank, 0);
(imA * S * Vt).print(std::cout, 10, "Im(A) * S * [Im(A^T) | Ker(A)]^T:");

Once build, the previous example produces the following output:

A: [2,3]=
2 3 5
-4 2 3
A^+ (pseudo-inverse): [3,2]=
0.117899 -0.190782
0.065380 0.039657
0.113612 0.052518
Rank: 2
Singular values: 6.874359351 4.443330227
Im(A): [2,2]=
0.81458 -0.58003
0.58003 0.81458
Im(A^T): [3,2]=
-0.100515 -0.994397
0.524244 -0.024967
0.845615 -0.102722
Ker(A): [3,1]=
Im(A) * S * [Im(A^T) | Ker(A)]^T:[2,3]=
2 3 5
-4 2 3

Definition at line 3982 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, vpMatrix::pseudoInverseEigen3(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseGsl(), vpMatrix::pseudoInverseLapack(), and vpMatrix::pseudoInverseOpenCV().

◆ pseudoInverseEigen3() [1/4]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::pseudoInverseEigen3 ( double  svThreshold = 1e-6) const

Referenced by vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().

◆ pseudoInverseEigen3() [2/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseEigen3 ( vpMatrix Ap,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseEigen3() [3/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseEigen3 ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseEigen3() [4/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseEigen3 ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold,
vpMatrix imA,
vpMatrix imAt,
vpMatrix kerAt 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseGsl() [1/4]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::pseudoInverseGsl ( double  svThreshold = 1e-6) const

Referenced by vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().

◆ pseudoInverseGsl() [2/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseGsl ( vpMatrix Ap,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseGsl() [3/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseGsl ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseGsl() [4/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseGsl ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold,
vpMatrix imA,
vpMatrix imAt,
vpMatrix kerAt 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseLapack() [1/4]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::pseudoInverseLapack ( double  svThreshold = 1e-6) const

Referenced by vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().

◆ pseudoInverseLapack() [2/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseLapack ( vpMatrix Ap,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseLapack() [3/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseLapack ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseLapack() [4/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseLapack ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold,
vpMatrix imA,
vpMatrix imAt,
vpMatrix kerAt 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseOpenCV() [1/4]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::pseudoInverseOpenCV ( double  svThreshold = 1e-6) const

Referenced by vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().

◆ pseudoInverseOpenCV() [2/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseOpenCV ( vpMatrix Ap,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseOpenCV() [3/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseOpenCV ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold = 1e-6 
) const

◆ pseudoInverseOpenCV() [4/4]

unsigned int vpMatrix::pseudoInverseOpenCV ( vpMatrix Ap,
vpColVector sv,
double  svThreshold,
vpMatrix imA,
vpMatrix imAt,
vpMatrix kerAt 
) const

◆ qr()

unsigned int vpMatrix::qr ( vpMatrix Q,
vpMatrix R,
bool  full = false,
bool  squareR = false,
double  tol = 1e-6 
) const

Compute the QR decomposition of a (m x n) matrix of rank r. Only available if Lapack 3rd party is installed. If Lapack is not installed we use a Lapack built-in version.

Q: orthogonal matrix (will be modified).
R: upper-triangular matrix (will be modified).
full: whether or not we want full decomposition.
squareR: will return only the square (min(m,n) x min(m,n)) part of R.
tol: tolerance to test the rank of R.
The rank r of the matrix.

If full is false (default) then Q is (m x min(n,m)) and R is (min(n,m) x n). We then have this = QR.

If full is true and m > n then Q is (m x m) and R is (n x n). In this case this = Q (R, 0)^T

If squareR is true and n > m then R is (m x m). If r = m then R is invertible.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
double residual(vpMatrix M1, vpMatrix M2)
return (M1 - M2).frobeniusNorm();
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,3);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/3.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/2.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/6.;
// Economic QR (Q 4x3, R 3x3)
vpMatrix Q, R;
int r = A.qr(A, R);
std::cout << "QR Residual: "
<< residual(A, Q*R) << std::endl;
// Full QR (Q 4x4, R 3x3)
r = A.qr(Q, R, true);
std::cout << "Full QR Residual: "
<< residual(A, Q.extract(0, 0, 4, 3)*R) << std::endl;
See also

Definition at line 349 of file vpMatrix_qr.cpp.

References vpException::badValue, vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::fatalError, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction().

◆ qrPivot()

unsigned int vpMatrix::qrPivot ( vpMatrix Q,
vpMatrix R,
vpMatrix P,
bool  full = false,
bool  squareR = false,
double  tol = 1e-6 
) const

Compute the QR pivot decomposition of a (m x n) matrix of rank r. Only available if Lapack 3rd party is installed. If Lapack is not installed we use a Lapack built-in version.

Q: orthogonal matrix (will be modified).
R: upper-triangular matrix (will be modified).
P: the (n x n) permutation matrix.
full: whether or not we want full decomposition.
squareR: will return only the (r x r) part of R and the (r x n) part of P.
tol: tolerance to test the rank of R.
The rank r of the matrix.

If full is false (default) then Q is (m x min(n,m)) and R is (min(n,m) x n). We then have this.P = Q.R.

If full is true and m > n then Q is (m x m) and R is (n x n). In this case this.P = Q (R, 0)^T

If squareR is true then R is (r x r) invertible.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
double residual(vpMatrix M1, vpMatrix M2)
return (M1 - M2).frobeniusNorm();
int main()
vpMatrix A(4,3);
A[0][0] = 1/1.; A[0][1] = 1/2.; A[0][2] = 1/2.;
A[1][0] = 1/5.; A[1][1] = 1/3.; A[1][2] = 1/3.;
A[2][0] = 1/6.; A[2][1] = 1/4.; A[2][2] = 1/4.;
A[3][0] = 1/7.; A[3][1] = 1/5.; A[3][2] = 1/5.;
// A is rank (4x3) but rank 2
// Economic QR (Q 4x3, R 3x3)
vpMatrix Q, R, P;
int r = A.qrPivot(Q, R, P);
std::cout << "A rank: " << r << std::endl;
std::cout << "Residual: " << residual(A*P, Q*R) << std::endl;
// Full QR (Q 4x4, R 3x3)
r = A.qrPivot(Q, R, P, true);
std::cout << "QRPivot Residual: " <<
residual(A*P, Q.extract(0, 0, 4, 3)*R) << std::endl;
// Using permutation matrix: keep only non-null part of R
Q.resize(4, r, false); // Q is 4 x 2
R = R.extract(0, 0, r, 3)*P.t(); // R is 2 x 3
std::cout << "Full QRPivot Residual: " <<
residual(A, Q*R) << std::endl;
See also

Definition at line 549 of file vpMatrix_qr.cpp.

References vpException::badValue, vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::fatalError, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpLinProg::colReduction(), vpLinProg::rowReduction(), and vpMatrix::solveByQR().

◆ reshape()

void vpArray2D< double >::reshape ( unsigned int  nrows,
unsigned int  ncols 

◆ resize()

void vpArray2D< double >::resize ( unsigned int  nrows,
unsigned int  ncols,
bool  flagNullify = true,
bool  recopy_ = true 

Set the size of the array and initialize all the values to zero.

nrows: number of rows.
ncols: number of column.
flagNullify: if true, then the array is re-initialized to 0 after resize. If false, the initial values from the common part of the array (common part between old and new version of the array) are kept. Default value is true.
recopy_: if true, will perform an explicit recopy of the old data if needed and if flagNullify is set to false.
testArray2D.cpp, testMatrix.cpp, testMatrixConditionNumber.cpp, testMatrixDeterminant.cpp, testMatrixInitialization.cpp, testMatrixInverse.cpp, testMatrixPseudoInverse.cpp, and testSvd.cpp.

Definition at line 305 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::dsize, vpException::memoryAllocationError, vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpMatrix::diag(), vpMatrix::eye(), vpMatrix::init(), vpMatrix::operator,(), vpMatrix::operator<<(), vpMatrix::operator=(), vpMatrix::stack(), and vpMatrix::svdOpenCV().

◆ row()

vpRowVector vpMatrix::row ( unsigned int  i)
This method is deprecated. You should rather use getRow(). More precisely, the following code:
unsigned int row_index = ...;
... = L.row(row_index);

should be replaced with:

... = L.getRow(row_index - 1);
Notice row(1) is the 0th row. This function returns the i-th row of the matrix.
i: Index of the row to extract noting that row index start at 1 to get the first row.

Definition at line 5706 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::getCols().

Referenced by vpMatrix::expm().

◆ save()

static bool vpArray2D< double >::save ( const std::string &  filename,
const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
bool  binary = false,
const char *  header = "" 

Save a matrix to a file.

filename: Absolute file name.
A: Array to be saved.
binary: If true the matrix is saved in a binary file, else a text file.
header: Optional line that will be saved at the beginning of the file.
Returns true if success.

Warning : If you save the matrix as in a text file the precision is less than if you save it in a binary file.

See also

Definition at line 738 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< Type >::getRows().

◆ saveMatrix()

static bool vpMatrix::saveMatrix ( const std::string &  filename,
const vpArray2D< double > &  M,
bool  binary = false,
const char *  header = "" 

Save a matrix to a file. This function overloads vpArray2D::load().

filename: absolute file name.
M: matrix to be saved.
binary: If true the matrix is save in a binary file, else a text file.
header: optional line that will be saved at the beginning of the file.
Returns true if no problem appends.

Warning : If you save the matrix as in a text file the precision is less than if you save it in a binary file.


Definition at line 727 of file vpMatrix.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::save().

Referenced by vpDot2::defineDots().

◆ saveMatrixYAML()

static bool vpMatrix::saveMatrixYAML ( const std::string &  filename,
const vpArray2D< double > &  M,
const char *  header = "" 

Save a matrix in a YAML-formatted file. This function overloads vpArray2D::saveYAML().

filename: absolute file name.
M: matrix to be saved in the file.
header: optional lines that will be saved at the beginning of the file. Should be YAML-formatted and will adapt to the indentation if any.
Returns true if success.

Definition at line 745 of file vpMatrix.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::saveYAML().

◆ saveYAML()

static bool vpArray2D< double >::saveYAML ( const std::string &  filename,
const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
const char *  header = "" 

Save an array in a YAML-formatted file.

filename: absolute file name.
A: array to be saved in the file.
header: optional lines that will be saved at the beginning of the file. Should be YAML-formatted and will adapt to the indentation if any.
Returns true if success.

Here is an example of outputs.

vpArray2D::saveYAML("matrix.yml", M, "example: a YAML-formatted header");
vpArray2D::saveYAML("matrixIndent.yml", M, "example:\n - a YAML-formatted
header\n - with inner indentation");

Content of matrix.yml:

example: a YAML-formatted header
rows: 3
cols: 4
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 0, 0]

Content of matrixIndent.yml:

- a YAML-formatted header
- with inner indentation
rows: 3
cols: 4
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
- [0, 0, 0, 0]
See also
tutorial-chessboard-pose.cpp, tutorial-franka-acquire-calib-data.cpp, and tutorial-hand-eye-calibration.cpp.

Definition at line 831 of file vpArray2D.h.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), and vpArray2D< Type >::getRows().

◆ setIdentity()

void vpMatrix::setIdentity ( const double &  val = 1.0)
You should rather use diag(const double &)
You should rather use diag(const double &)

Set the matrix diagonal elements to val. More generally set M[i][i] = val.

Definition at line 5747 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Referenced by vpVelocityTwistMatrix::init(), vpColVector::rows(), and vpServo::secondaryTask().

◆ size()

◆ solveByQR() [1/2]

void vpMatrix::solveByQR ( const vpColVector b,
vpColVector x 
) const

Solve a linear system Ax = b using QR Decomposition.

Non destructive wrt. A and b.

b: Vector b
x: Vector x
If Ax = b does not have a solution, this method does not return the least-square minimizer. Use solveBySVD() to get this vector.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 4.64;
A[0][1] = 0.288;
A[0][2] = -0.384;
A[1][0] = 0.288;
A[1][1] = 7.3296;
A[1][2] = 2.2272;
A[2][0] = -0.384;
A[2][1] = 2.2272;
A[2][2] = 6.0304;
vpColVector X(3), B(3);
B[0] = 1;
B[1] = 2;
B[2] = 3;
A.solveByQR(B, X);
// Obtained values of X
// X[0] = 0.2468;
// X[1] = 0.120782;
// X[2] = 0.468587;
std::cout << "X:\n" << X << std::endl;
See also

Definition at line 804 of file vpMatrix_qr.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpMatrix::extract(), vpMatrix::inverseTriangular(), vpMatrix::qrPivot(), and vpMatrix::t().

Referenced by vpMatrix::solveByQR(), and vpQuadProg::solveSVDorQR().

◆ solveByQR() [2/2]

vpColVector vpMatrix::solveByQR ( const vpColVector b) const

Solve a linear system Ax = b using QR Decomposition.

Non destructive wrt. A and B.

b: Vector b
Vector x
If Ax = b does not have a solution, this method does not return the least-square minimizer. Use solveBySVD() to get this vector.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 4.64;
A[0][1] = 0.288;
A[0][2] = -0.384;
A[1][0] = 0.288;
A[1][1] = 7.3296;
A[1][2] = 2.2272;
A[2][0] = -0.384;
A[2][1] = 2.2272;
A[2][2] = 6.0304;
vpColVector X(3), B(3);
B[0] = 1;
B[1] = 2;
B[2] = 3;
X = A.solveByQR(B);
// Obtained values of X
// X[0] = 0.2468;
// X[1] = 0.120782;
// X[2] = 0.468587;
std::cout << "X:\n" << X << std::endl;
See also

Definition at line 856 of file vpMatrix_qr.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, and vpMatrix::solveByQR().

◆ solveBySVD() [1/2]

void vpMatrix::solveBySVD ( const vpColVector b,
vpColVector x 
) const

Solve a linear system $ A X = B $ using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

Non destructive wrt. A and B.

b: Vector $ B $.
x: Vector $ X $.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 4.64;
A[0][1] = 0.288;
A[0][2] = -0.384;
A[1][0] = 0.288;
A[1][1] = 7.3296;
A[1][2] = 2.2272;
A[2][0] = -0.384;
A[2][1] = 2.2272;
A[2][2] = 6.0304;
vpColVector X(3), B(3);
B[0] = 1;
B[1] = 2;
B[2] = 3;
A.solveBySVD(B, X);
// Obtained values of X
// X[0] = 0.2468;
// X[1] = 0.120782;
// X[2] = 0.468587;
std::cout << "X:\n" << X << std::endl;
See also
solveBySVD(const vpColVector &)
quadprog.cpp, and quadprog_eq.cpp.

Definition at line 1943 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::pseudoInverse().

Referenced by vpQuadProg::solveByProjection(), vpMatrix::solveBySVD(), vpQuadProg::solveQPe(), and vpQuadProg::solveSVDorQR().

◆ solveBySVD() [2/2]

vpColVector vpMatrix::solveBySVD ( const vpColVector B) const

Solve a linear system $ A X = B $ using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

Non destructive wrt. A and B.

B: Vector $ B $.
Vector $ X $.

Here an example:

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix A(3,3);
A[0][0] = 4.64;
A[0][1] = 0.288;
A[0][2] = -0.384;
A[1][0] = 0.288;
A[1][1] = 7.3296;
A[1][2] = 2.2272;
A[2][0] = -0.384;
A[2][1] = 2.2272;
A[2][2] = 6.0304;
vpColVector X(3), B(3);
B[0] = 1;
B[1] = 2;
B[2] = 3;
X = A.solveBySVD(B);
// Obtained values of X
// X[0] = 0.2468;
// X[1] = 0.120782;
// X[2] = 0.468587;
std::cout << "X:\n" << X << std::endl;
See also
solveBySVD(const vpColVector &, vpColVector &)

Definition at line 1994 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, and vpMatrix::solveBySVD().

◆ stack() [1/9]

◆ stack() [2/9]

void vpMatrix::stack ( const vpRowVector r)

Stack row vector r at the end of the current matrix, or copy if the matrix has no dimensions: this = [ this r ]^T.

Here an example for a robot velocity log :

for(unsigned int i = 0;i<100;i++)
robot.getVelocity(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, v);

Definition at line 4831 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, vpArray2D< double >::size(), and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ stack() [3/9]

void vpMatrix::stack ( const vpColVector c)

Stack column vector c at the right of the current matrix, or copy if the matrix has no dimensions: this = [ this c ].

Here an example for a robot velocity log matrix:

for(unsigned int i = 0; i<100;i++)
robot.getVelocity(vpRobot::ARTICULAR_FRAME, v);

Here the log matrix has size 6 rows by 100 columns.

Definition at line 4871 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs, and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ stack() [4/9]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::stack ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B 

Stack matrix B to the end of matrix A and return the resulting matrix [ A B ]^T

A: Upper matrix.
B: Lower matrix.
Stacked matrix [ A B ]^T
A and B must have the same number of columns.

Definition at line 4254 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::stack().

◆ stack() [5/9]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::stack ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpRowVector r 

Stack row vector r to matrix A and return the resulting matrix [ A r ]^T

A: Upper matrix.
r: Lower row vector.
Stacked matrix [ A r ]^T
A and r must have the same number of columns.

Definition at line 4318 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::stack().

◆ stack() [6/9]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::stack ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpColVector c 

Stack column vector c to matrix A and return the resulting matrix [ A c ]

A: Left matrix.
c: Right column vector.
Stacked matrix [ A c ]
A and c must have the same number of rows.

Definition at line 4357 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::stack().

◆ stack() [7/9]

void vpMatrix::stack ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpMatrix C 

Stack matrix B to the end of matrix A and return the resulting matrix in C.

A: Upper matrix.
B: Lower matrix.
C: Stacked matrix C = [ A B ]^T
A and B must have the same number of columns. A and C, B and C must be two different objects.

Definition at line 4274 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpArray2D< Type >::size().

◆ stack() [8/9]

void vpMatrix::stack ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpRowVector r,
vpMatrix C 

Stack row vector r to the end of matrix A and return the resulting matrix in C.

A: Upper matrix.
r: Lower row vector.
C: Stacked matrix C = [ A r ]^T
A and r must have the same number of columns. A and C must be two different objects.

Definition at line 4337 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, and vpMatrix::stack().

◆ stack() [9/9]

void vpMatrix::stack ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpColVector c,
vpMatrix C 

Stack column vector c to the end of matrix A and return the resulting matrix in C.

A: Left matrix.
c: Right column vector.
C: Stacked matrix C = [ A c ]
A and c must have the same number of rows. A and C must be two different objects.

Definition at line 4376 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, and vpMatrix::stack().

◆ stackColumns() [1/2]

void vpMatrix::stackColumns ( vpColVector out)

◆ stackColumns() [2/2]

vpColVector vpMatrix::stackColumns ( )

Stacks columns of a matrix in a vector.

a vpColVector.

Definition at line 1754 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ stackMatrices() [1/7]

vp_deprecated void vpMatrix::stackMatrices ( const vpMatrix A)
You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A)

Definition at line 765 of file vpMatrix.h.

◆ stackMatrices() [2/7]

static vp_deprecated vpMatrix vpMatrix::stackMatrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B 
You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)

Definition at line 770 of file vpMatrix.h.

◆ stackMatrices() [3/7]

static vp_deprecated void vpMatrix::stackMatrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpMatrix C 
You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)

Definition at line 775 of file vpMatrix.h.

References operator*().

◆ stackMatrices() [4/7]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::stackMatrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpRowVector B 
You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)

Definition at line 5684 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::stack().

◆ stackMatrices() [5/7]

void vpMatrix::stackMatrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpRowVector B,
vpMatrix C 
You should rather use stack(const vpMatrix &A, const vpRowVector &B, vpMatrix &C)

Definition at line 5686 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpMatrix::stack().

◆ stackMatrices() [6/7]

vpMatrix vpMatrix::stackMatrices ( const vpColVector A,
const vpColVector B 
You should rather use vpColVector::stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B)

Definition at line 5674 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpColVector::stack().

◆ stackMatrices() [7/7]

void vpMatrix::stackMatrices ( const vpColVector A,
const vpColVector B,
vpColVector C 
You should rather use vpColVector::stack(const vpColVector &A, const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &C)

Definition at line 5679 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpColVector::stack().

◆ stackRows() [1/2]

void vpMatrix::stackRows ( vpRowVector out)

◆ stackRows() [2/2]

vpRowVector vpMatrix::stackRows ( )

Stacks rows of a matrix in a vector.

a vpRowVector.

Definition at line 1776 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

◆ sub2Matrices() [1/2]

void vpMatrix::sub2Matrices ( const vpMatrix A,
const vpMatrix B,
vpMatrix C 

Operation C = A - B.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new matrix won't be allocated for every use of the function (speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

vpException::dimensionErrorIf A and B matrices have not the same size.
See also

Definition at line 1487 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpMatrix::operator-().

◆ sub2Matrices() [2/2]

void vpMatrix::sub2Matrices ( const vpColVector A,
const vpColVector B,
vpColVector C 
This function is provided for compat with previous releases. You should rather use the functionalities provided in vpColVector class.

Operation C = A - B on column vectors.

The result is placed in the third parameter C and not returned. A new vector won't be allocated for every use of the function (speed gain if used many times with the same result matrix size).

vpException::dimensionErrorIf A and B vectors have not the same size.
See also

Definition at line 1454 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::colNum, vpException::dimensionError, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpColVector::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< Type >::rowPtrs.

◆ sum()

double vpMatrix::sum ( ) const

Return the sum of all the $a_{ij}$ elements of the matrix.

Value of $\sum a_{ij}$

Definition at line 1587 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpMatrix::expm(), and vpColVector::resize().

◆ sumSquare()

double vpMatrix::sumSquare ( ) const

Return the sum square of all the $A_{ij}$ elements of the matrix $A(m, n)$.

The value $\sum A_{ij}^{2}$.

Definition at line 5568 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< double >::rowNum, and vpArray2D< double >::rowPtrs.

Referenced by vpColVector::resize().

◆ svd()

void vpMatrix::svd ( vpColVector w,
vpMatrix V 

Matrix singular value decomposition (SVD).

This function calls the first following function that is available:

If none of these previous 3rd parties is installed, we use by default svdLapack() with a Lapack built-in version.

Given matrix $M$, this function computes it singular value decomposition such as

\[ M = U \Sigma V^{\top} \]

This method is destructive wrt. to the matrix $ M $ to decompose. You should make a COPY of that matrix if needed.
w: Vector of singular values: $ \Sigma = diag(w) $.
V: Matrix $ V $.
Matrix $ U $.
The singular values are ordered in decreasing fashion in w. It means that the highest singular value is in w[0].

Here an example of SVD decomposition of a non square Matrix M.

#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(3,2);
M[0][0] = 1; M[0][1] = 6;
M[1][0] = 2; M[1][1] = 8;
M[2][0] = 0.5; M[2][1] = 9;
vpMatrix V, Sigma, U = M;
U.svd(w, V);
// Construct the diagonal matrix from the singular values
// Reconstruct the initial matrix using the decomposition
vpMatrix Mrec = U * Sigma * V.t();
// Here, Mrec is obtained equal to the initial value of M
// Mrec[0][0] = 1; Mrec[0][1] = 6;
// Mrec[1][0] = 2; Mrec[1][1] = 8;
// Mrec[2][0] = 0.5; Mrec[2][1] = 9;
std::cout << "Reconstructed M matrix: \n" << Mrec << std::endl;
See also
svdLapack(), svdEigen3(), svdOpenCV(), svdGsl()

Definition at line 2066 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpException::fatalError, vpMatrix::svdEigen3(), vpMatrix::svdGsl(), vpMatrix::svdLapack(), and vpMatrix::svdOpenCV().

Referenced by vpHomography::computeDisplacement(), vpMatrix::cond(), vpHomography::DLT(), vpMbtFaceDepthNormal::estimatePlaneEquationSVD(), vpMatrix::inducedL2Norm(), vpMatrix::kernel(), and vpMatrix::svdEigen3().

◆ svdEigen3()

void vpMatrix::svdEigen3 ( vpColVector w,
vpMatrix V 

Singular value decomposition (SVD) using Eigen3 3rd party.

Given matrix $M$, this function computes it singular value decomposition such as

\[ M = U \Sigma V^{\top} \]

This method is destructive wrt. to the matrix $ M $ to decompose. You should make a COPY of that matrix if needed.
w: Vector of singular values: $ \Sigma = diag(w) $.
V: Matrix $ V $.
Matrix $ U $.
The singular values are ordered in decreasing fashion in w. It means that the highest singular value is in w[0].

Here an example of SVD decomposition of a non square Matrix M.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(3,2);
M[0][0] = 1;
M[1][0] = 2;
M[2][0] = 0.5;
M[0][1] = 6;
M[1][1] = 8 ;
M[2][1] = 9 ;
vpMatrix Mrec;
vpMatrix Sigma;
M.svdEigen3(w, V);
// Here M is modified and is now equal to U
// Construct the diagonal matrix from the singular values
// Reconstruct the initial matrix M using the decomposition
Mrec = M * Sigma * V.t();
// Here, Mrec is obtained equal to the initial value of M
// Mrec[0][0] = 1;
// Mrec[1][0] = 2;
// Mrec[2][0] = 0.5;
// Mrec[0][1] = 6;
// Mrec[1][1] = 8 ;
// Mrec[2][1] = 9 ;
std::cout << "Reconstructed M matrix: \n" << Mrec << std::endl;
See also
svd(), svdLapack(), svdOpenCV(), svdGsl()

Definition at line 455 of file vpMatrix_svd.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpColVector::resize(), vpArray2D< Type >::size(), and vpMatrix::svd().

Referenced by vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), and vpMatrix::svd().

◆ svdGsl()

void vpMatrix::svdGsl ( vpColVector w,
vpMatrix V 

Singular value decomposition (SVD) using GSL 3rd party.

Given matrix $M$, this function computes it singular value decomposition such as

\[ M = U \Sigma V^{\top} \]

This method is destructive wrt. to the matrix $ M $ to decompose. You should make a COPY of that matrix if needed.
w: Vector of singular values: $ \Sigma = diag(w) $.
V: Matrix $ V $.
Matrix $ U $.
The singular values are ordered in decreasing fashion in w. It means that the highest singular value is in w[0].

Here an example of SVD decomposition of a non square Matrix M.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(3,2);
M[0][0] = 1;
M[1][0] = 2;
M[2][0] = 0.5;
M[0][1] = 6;
M[1][1] = 8 ;
M[2][1] = 9 ;
vpMatrix Mrec;
vpMatrix Sigma;
M.svdGsl(w, V);
// Here M is modified and is now equal to U
// Construct the diagonal matrix from the singular values
// Reconstruct the initial matrix M using the decomposition
Mrec = M * Sigma * V.t();
// Here, Mrec is obtained equal to the initial value of M
// Mrec[0][0] = 1;
// Mrec[1][0] = 2;
// Mrec[2][0] = 0.5;
// Mrec[0][1] = 6;
// Mrec[1][1] = 8 ;
// Mrec[2][1] = 9 ;
std::cout << "Reconstructed M matrix: \n" << Mrec << std::endl;
See also
svd(), svdEigen3(), svdOpenCV(), svdLapack()

Definition at line 350 of file vpMatrix_svd.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpColVector::resize().

Referenced by vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), and vpMatrix::svd().

◆ svdLapack()

void vpMatrix::svdLapack ( vpColVector w,
vpMatrix V 

Singular value decomposition (SVD) using Lapack 3rd party.

Given matrix $M$, this function computes it singular value decomposition such as

\[ M = U \Sigma V^{\top} \]

This method is destructive wrt. to the matrix $ M $ to decompose. You should make a COPY of that matrix if needed.
w: Vector of singular values: $ \Sigma = diag(w) $.
V: Matrix $ V $.
Matrix $ U $.
The singular values are ordered in decreasing fashion in w. It means that the highest singular value is in w[0].

Here an example of SVD decomposition of a non square Matrix M.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(3,2);
M[0][0] = 1;
M[1][0] = 2;
M[2][0] = 0.5;
M[0][1] = 6;
M[1][1] = 8 ;
M[2][1] = 9 ;
vpMatrix Mrec;
vpMatrix Sigma;
M.svdLapack(w, V);
// Here M is modified and is now equal to U
// Construct the diagonal matrix from the singular values
// Reconstruct the initial matrix M using the decomposition
Mrec = M * Sigma * V.t();
// Here, Mrec is obtained equal to the initial value of M
// Mrec[0][0] = 1;
// Mrec[1][0] = 2;
// Mrec[2][0] = 0.5;
// Mrec[0][1] = 6;
// Mrec[1][1] = 8 ;
// Mrec[2][1] = 9 ;
std::cout << "Reconstructed M matrix: \n" << Mrec << std::endl;
See also
svd(), svdEigen3(), svdOpenCV(), svdGsl()

Definition at line 241 of file vpMatrix_svd.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::data, vpException::fatalError, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpColVector::resize(), and vpMatrix::transpose().

Referenced by vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), and vpMatrix::svd().

◆ svdOpenCV()

void vpMatrix::svdOpenCV ( vpColVector w,
vpMatrix V 

Singular value decomposition (SVD) using OpenCV 3rd party.

Given matrix $M$, this function computes it singular value decomposition such as

\[ M = U \Sigma V^{\top} \]

This method is destructive wrt. to the matrix $ M $ to decompose. You should make a COPY of that matrix if needed.
w: Vector of singular values: $ \Sigma = diag(w) $.
V: Matrix $ V $.
Matrix $ U $.
The singular values are ordered in decreasing fashion in w. It means that the highest singular value is in w[0].

Here an example of SVD decomposition of a non square Matrix M.

#include <visp3/core/vpColVector.h>
#include <visp3/core/vpMatrix.h>
int main()
vpMatrix M(3,2);
M[0][0] = 1;
M[1][0] = 2;
M[2][0] = 0.5;
M[0][1] = 6;
M[1][1] = 8 ;
M[2][1] = 9 ;
vpMatrix Mrec;
vpMatrix Sigma;
M.svdOpenCV(w, V);
// Here M is modified and is now equal to U
// Construct the diagonal matrix from the singular values
// Reconstruct the initial matrix M using the decomposition
Mrec = M * Sigma * V.t();
// Here, Mrec is obtained equal to the initial value of M
// Mrec[0][0] = 1;
// Mrec[1][0] = 2;
// Mrec[2][0] = 0.5;
// Mrec[0][1] = 6;
// Mrec[1][1] = 8 ;
// Mrec[2][1] = 9 ;
std::cout << "Reconstructed M matrix: \n" << Mrec << std::endl;
See also
svd(), svdEigen3(), svdLapack(), svdGsl()

Definition at line 154 of file vpMatrix_svd.cpp.

References vpArray2D< double >::data, vpArray2D< Type >::data, vpArray2D< double >::getCols(), vpArray2D< double >::getRows(), vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), vpArray2D< double >::resize(), vpColVector::resize(), and vpMatrix::transpose().

Referenced by vpMatrix::pseudoInverse(), and vpMatrix::svd().

◆ t()

◆ transpose() [1/2]

◆ transpose() [2/2]

void vpMatrix::transpose ( vpMatrix At) const

Compute At the transpose of the matrix.

At(output) : Resulting transpose matrix.
See also

Definition at line 529 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpCPUFeatures::checkAVX(), vpArray2D< double >::colNum, vpArray2D< Type >::resize(), and vpArray2D< double >::rowNum.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator*()

vpMatrix operator* ( const double &  x,
const vpMatrix B 

Allow to multiply a scalar by a matrix.

Definition at line 1611 of file vpMatrix.cpp.

References vpArray2D< Type >::getCols(), vpArray2D< Type >::getRows(), and vpArray2D< Type >::resize().

◆ vpGEMM()

void vpGEMM ( const vpArray2D< double > &  A,
const vpArray2D< double > &  B,
const double &  alpha,
const vpArray2D< double > &  C,
const double &  beta,
vpArray2D< double > &  D,
const unsigned int &  ops = 0 

This function performs generalized matrix multiplication: D = alpha*op(A)*op(B) + beta*op(C), where op(X) is X or X^T. Operation on A, B and C matrices is described by enumeration vpGEMMmethod().

For example, to compute D = alpha*A^T*B^T+beta*C we need to call :

vpGEMM(A, B, alpha, C, beta, D, VP_GEMM_A_T + VP_GEMM_B_T);

If C is not used, vpGEMM must be called using an empty array null. Thus to compute D = alpha*A^T*B, we have to call:

vpGEMM(A, B, alpha, null, 0, D, VP_GEMM_B_T);
vpException::incorrectMatrixSizeErrorif the sizes of the matrices do not allow the operations.
A: An array that could be a vpMatrix.
B: An array that could be a vpMatrix.
alpha: A scalar.
C: An array that could be a vpMatrix.
beta: A scalar.
D: The resulting array that could be a vpMatrix.
ops: A scalar describing operation applied on the matrices. Possible values are the one defined in vpGEMMmethod(): VP_GEMM_A_T, VP_GEMM_B_T, VP_GEMM_C_T.

Definition at line 393 of file vpGEMM.h.

References vpException::functionNotImplementedError.

◆ vpGEMMmethod

enum vpGEMMmethod

Enumeration of the operations applied on matrices in vpGEMM() function.

Operations are :

  • VP_GEMM_A_T to use the transpose matrix of A instead of the matrix A
  • VP_GEMM_B_T to use the transpose matrix of B instead of the matrix B
  • VP_GEMM_C_T to use the transpose matrix of C instead of the matrix C

Definition at line 57 of file vpGEMM.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ colNum

unsigned int vpArray2D< double >::colNum

Number of columns in the array.

Definition at line 137 of file vpArray2D.h.

Referenced by vpMatrix::AAt(), vpMatrix::AtA(), vpColVector::clear(), vpMatrix::detByLU(), vpMatrix::detByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::detByLUGsl(), vpMatrix::detByLULapack(), vpMatrix::detByLUOpenCV(), vpMatrix::diag(), vpMatrix::eigenValues(), vpMatrix::expm(), vpMatrix::eye(), vpMatrix::getDiag(), vpMatrix::getRow(), vpColVector::hadamard(), vpMatrix::hadamard(), vpMatrix::infinityNorm(), vpSubColVector::init(), vpSubRowVector::init(), init(), vpRowVector::insert(), vpMatrix::insert(), vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyLapack(), vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyOpenCV(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUGsl(), vpMatrix::inverseByLULapack(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUOpenCV(), vpMatrix::inverseByQRLapack(), vpMatrix::inverseTriangular(), vpRotationMatrix::operator*(), vpRowVector::operator*(), vpMatrix::operator*(), vpRotationMatrix::operator*=(), vpRowVector::operator*=(), vpMatrix::operator*=(), vpRowVector::operator+(), vpRowVector::operator+=(), vpMatrix::operator+=(), vpRowVector::operator,(), vpMatrix::operator,(), vpRowVector::operator-(), vpRowVector::operator-=(), vpMatrix::operator-=(), vpRowVector::operator/(), vpMatrix::operator/(), vpRowVector::operator/=(), vpMatrix::operator/=(), vpMatrix::operator<<(), vpColVector::operator<<(), vpSubRowVector::operator=(), operator=(), vpRowVector::operator=(), vpColVector::operator=(), vpMatrix::operator=(), vpRowVector::operator==(), vpColVector::operator==(), vpMatrix::qr(), vpMatrix::qrPivot(), vpRowVector::reshape(), vpMatrix::setIdentity(), vpMatrix::solveByQR(), vpMatrix::solveBySVD(), vpMatrix::stack(), vpRowVector::stack(), vpMatrix::stackColumns(), vpMatrix::stackRows(), vpRowVector::sum(), vpMatrix::sum(), vpRowVector::sumSquare(), vpMatrix::sumSquare(), vpRowVector::t(), vpMatrix::transpose(), vpColVector::vpColVector(), vpMatrix::vpMatrix(), and vpRowVector::vpRowVector().

◆ data

double * vpArray2D< double >::data

Address of the first element of the data array.

testArray2D.cpp, testDisplacement.cpp, testEigenConversion.cpp, testImageFilter.cpp, testMatrix.cpp, testTranslationVector.cpp, and tutorial-matlab.cpp.

Definition at line 145 of file vpArray2D.h.

Referenced by vpMatrix::AtA(), vpQuaternionVector::buildFrom(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::buildFrom(), vpThetaUVector::buildFrom(), vpRzyzVector::buildFrom(), vpRxyzVector::buildFrom(), vpRzyxVector::buildFrom(), vpSubColVector::checkParentStatus(), vpSubRowVector::checkParentStatus(), checkParentStatus(), vpColVector::clear(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::convert(), vpMatrix::detByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::detByLUOpenCV(), vpMatrix::expm(), vpThetaUVector::extract(), vpMatrix::frobeniusNorm(), vpMatrix::getRow(), vpThetaUVector::getTheta(), vpThetaUVector::getU(), vpColVector::hadamard(), vpMatrix::hadamard(), vpSubColVector::init(), vpSubRowVector::init(), init(), vpColVector::insert(), vpMatrix::insert(), vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyOpenCV(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUOpenCV(), vpTranslationVector::operator*(), vpRowVector::operator*(), vpHomography::operator*(), vpColVector::operator*(), vpMatrix::operator*(), vpRotationVector::operator,(), vpTranslationVector::operator,(), vpRotationMatrix::operator,(), vpRowVector::operator,(), vpColVector::operator,(), vpTranslationVector::operator-(), vpRowVector::operator-(), vpColVector::operator-(), vpTranslationVector::operator/(), vpRowVector::operator/(), vpHomography::operator/(), vpColVector::operator/(), vpHomography::operator/=(), vpRotationVector::operator<<(), vpTranslationVector::operator<<(), vpRotationMatrix::operator<<(), vpRowVector::operator<<(), vpColVector::operator<<(), vpSubColVector::operator=(), vpSubRowVector::operator=(), vpQuaternionVector::operator=(), vpTranslationVector::operator=(), vpRotationMatrix::operator=(), vpRxyzVector::operator=(), vpRzyzVector::operator=(), vpRzyxVector::operator=(), vpRowVector::operator=(), vpThetaUVector::operator=(), vpColVector::operator=(), vpMatrix::operator=(), vpRowVector::operator==(), vpColVector::operator==(), vpColVector::operator[](), vpMatrix::qr(), vpMatrix::qrPivot(), vpRowVector::reshape(), vpColVector::reshape(), vpQuaternionVector::set(), vpMatrix::stack(), vpMatrix::stackRows(), vpColVector::sum(), vpColVector::sumSquare(), vpMatrix::svdEigen3(), vpMatrix::svdGsl(), vpMatrix::svdLapack(), vpMatrix::svdOpenCV(), vpRotationVector::t(), vpTranslationVector::t(), vpPoseVector::t(), vpRowVector::t(), vpColVector::t(), vpRotationVector::toStdVector(), vpRowVector::toStdVector(), vpColVector::toStdVector(), vpColVector::vpColVector(), vpMatrix::vpMatrix(), vpRowVector::vpRowVector(), vpQuaternionVector::w(), vpQuaternionVector::x(), vpQuaternionVector::y(), vpQuaternionVector::z(), vpSubColVector::~vpSubColVector(), ~vpSubMatrix(), and vpSubRowVector::~vpSubRowVector().

◆ dsize

◆ parent

vpMatrix* vpSubMatrix::parent

Definition at line 76 of file vpSubMatrix.h.

Referenced by checkParentStatus(), init(), and operator=().

◆ pColNum

unsigned int vpSubMatrix::pColNum

Definition at line 75 of file vpSubMatrix.h.

Referenced by checkParentStatus(), init(), and operator=().

◆ pRowNum

unsigned int vpSubMatrix::pRowNum

Definition at line 74 of file vpSubMatrix.h.

Referenced by checkParentStatus(), init(), and operator=().

◆ rowNum

unsigned int vpArray2D< double >::rowNum

Number of rows in the array.

Definition at line 135 of file vpArray2D.h.

Referenced by vpMatrix::AAt(), vpMatrix::AtA(), vpColVector::clear(), vpMatrix::detByLU(), vpMatrix::detByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::detByLUGsl(), vpMatrix::detByLULapack(), vpMatrix::detByLUOpenCV(), vpMatrix::diag(), vpMatrix::eigenValues(), vpMatrix::expm(), vpColVector::extract(), vpMatrix::eye(), vpMatrix::getCol(), vpMatrix::getDiag(), vpMatrix::getRow(), vpColVector::hadamard(), vpMatrix::hadamard(), vpColVector::infinityNorm(), vpMatrix::infinityNorm(), vpSubColVector::init(), vpSubRowVector::init(), init(), vpMatrix::insert(), vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyLapack(), vpMatrix::inverseByCholeskyOpenCV(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUEigen3(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUGsl(), vpMatrix::inverseByLULapack(), vpMatrix::inverseByLUOpenCV(), vpMatrix::inverseByQRLapack(), vpMatrix::inverseTriangular(), vpTranslationVector::operator*(), vpRotationMatrix::operator*(), vpHomogeneousMatrix::operator*(), vpColVector::operator*(), vpMatrix::operator*(), vpTranslationVector::operator*=(), vpRotationMatrix::operator*=(), vpColVector::operator*=(), vpMatrix::operator*=(), vpColVector::operator+(), vpColVector::operator+=(), vpMatrix::operator+=(), vpColVector::operator,(), vpColVector::operator-(), vpColVector::operator-=(), vpMatrix::operator-=(), vpColVector::operator/(), vpMatrix::operator/(), vpTranslationVector::operator/=(), vpColVector::operator/=(), vpMatrix::operator/=(), vpMatrix::operator<<(), vpColVector::operator<<(), vpSubColVector::operator=(), vpSubRowVector::operator=(), operator=(), vpTranslationVector::operator=(), vpRowVector::operator=(), vpColVector::operator=(), vpMatrix::operator=(), vpRowVector::operator==(), vpColVector::operator==(), vpMatrix::qr(), vpMatrix::qrPivot(), vpColVector::reshape(), vpMatrix::setIdentity(), vpMatrix::stack(), vpColVector::stack(), vpMatrix::stackColumns(), vpMatrix::stackRows(), vpColVector::sum(), vpMatrix::sum(), vpRotationVector::sumSquare(), vpTranslationVector::sumSquare(), vpColVector::sumSquare(), vpMatrix::sumSquare(), vpTranslationVector::t(), vpPoseVector::t(), vpColVector::t(), vpMatrix::transpose(), vpColVector::vpColVector(), vpMatrix::vpMatrix(), and vpRowVector::vpRowVector().

◆ rowPtrs