Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.1.0
This page introduces the user to the way to track objects in images.
Tutorial: Blob tracking
This tutorial introduces blob tracking and detection.
Tutorial: Keypoint tracking
This tutorial focuses on keypoint tracking using Kanade-Lucas-Tomasi feature tracker.
Tutorial: Moving-edges tracking
This tutorial focuses on line and ellipse tracking using moving-edges.
Tutorial: Markerless model-based tracking
This tutorial focuses on model-based trackers using either edges, keypoints or and hybrid scheme that uses edges and keypoints.
Tutorial: Markerless model-based tracking with stereo cameras
This tutorial focuses on model-based trackers using stereo cameras.
Tutorial: Markerless generic model-based tracking
This tutorial focuses on generic model-based trackers.
Tutorial: Markerless model-based tracker CAD model editor - GSoC 2017 project
This tutorial presents the project done during the GSoC 2017: two Blender plugins to import/export .cao model file and a Qt-based .cao editor.
Tutorial: Template tracking
This tutorial focuses on template trackers based on image registration approaches.
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