Visual Servoing Platform  version 3.0.0
1 /****************************************************************************
2  *
3  * This file is part of the ViSP software.
4  * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2015 by Inria. All rights reserved.
5  *
6  * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * ("GPL") version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9  * See the file LICENSE.txt at the root directory of this source
10  * distribution for additional information about the GNU GPL.
11  *
12  * For using ViSP with software that can not be combined with the GNU
13  * GPL, please contact Inria about acquiring a ViSP Professional
14  * Edition License.
15  *
16  * See for more information.
17  *
18  * This software was developed at:
19  * Inria Rennes - Bretagne Atlantique
20  * Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu
21  * 35042 Rennes Cedex
22  * France
23  *
24  * If you have questions regarding the use of this file, please contact
25  * Inria at
26  *
27  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
29  *
30  * Description:
31  *
32  * Authors:
33  * Jean-Luc CORRE
34  *
35  *****************************************************************************/
37 #ifndef vpCgiconstants_H
38 #define vpCgiconstants_H
40 #include <visp3/core/vpConfig.h>
44 /* errors */
45 #define NO_ERROR 0
46 #define ENOTCGCL 1
47 #define ENOTCGOP 2
48 #define ENOTVSOP 3
49 #define ENOTVSAC 4
50 #define ENOTOPOP 5
51 #define EVSIDINV 10
52 #define ENOWSTYP 11
53 #define EMAXVSOP 12
54 #define EVSNOTOP 13
55 #define EVSISACT 14
56 #define EVSNTACT 15
57 #define EINQALTL 16
58 #define EBADRCTD 20
59 #define EBDVIEWP 21
60 #define ECLIPTOL 22
61 #define ECLIPTOS 23
62 #define EVDCSDIL 24
63 #define EBTBUNDL 30
64 #define EBBDTBDI 31
65 #define EBTUNDEF 32
66 #define EBADLINX 33
67 #define EBDWIDTH 34
68 #define ECINDXLZ 35
69 #define EBADCOLX 36
70 #define EBADMRKX 37
71 #define EBADSIZE 38
72 #define EBADFABX 39
73 #define EPATARTL 40
74 #define EPATSZTS 41
75 #define ESTYLLEZ 42
76 #define ENOPATNX 43
77 #define EPATITOL 44
78 #define EBADTXTX 45
79 #define EBDCHRIX 46
80 #define ETXTFLIN 47
81 #define ECEXFOOR 48
82 #define ECHHTLEZ 49
83 #define ECHRUPVZ 50
84 #define ECOLRNGE 51
85 #define ENMPTSTL 60
86 #define EPLMTWPT 61
87 #define EPLMTHPT 62
88 #define EGPLISFL 63
89 #define EARCPNCI 64
90 #define EARCPNEL 65
91 #define ECELLATS 66
92 #define ECELLPOS 67
93 #define ECELLTLS 68
94 #define EVALOVWS 69
95 #define EPXNOTCR 70
96 #define EINDNOEX 80
97 #define EINDINIT 81
98 #define EINDALIN 82
99 #define EINASAEX 83
100 #define EINAIIMP 84
101 #define EINNTASD 85
102 #define EINTRNEX 86
103 #define EINNECHO 87
104 #define EINECHON 88
105 #define EINEINCP 89
106 #define EINERVWS 90
107 #define EINETNSU 91
108 #define EINENOTO 92
109 #define EIAEVNEN 93
110 #define EINEVNEN 94
111 #define EBADDATA 95
112 #define ESTRSIZE 96
113 #define EINQOVFL 97
114 #define EINNTRQE 98
115 #define EINNTRSE 99
116 #define EINNTQUE 100
117 #define EMEMSPAC 110
118 #define ENOTCSTD 111
119 #define ENOTCCPW 112
120 #define EFILACC 113
121 #define ECGIWIN 114
123 /* devices */
124 #define BW1DD 1
125 #define BW2DD 2
126 #define CG1DD 3
127 #define BWPIXWINDD 4
128 #define CGPIXWINDD 5
129 #define GP1DD 6
130 #define CG2DD 7
131 #define CG4DD 8
132 #define PIXWINDD 9
134 #define VWSURF_NEWFLG 1
135 #define _CGI_KEYBORDS 1
136 #define _CGI_LOCATORS 4
137 #define _CGI_STROKES 3
138 #define _CGI_VALUATRS 3
139 #define _CGI_CHOICES 3
140 #define _CGI_PICKS 3
141 #define MAXVWS 5
142 #define MAXTRIG 6
143 #define MAXASSOC 5
144 #define MAXEVENTS 1024
146 /* limits */
147 #define MAXAESSIZE 10 /* maximum number of AES table entries */
148 #define MAXNUMPATS 50 /* maximum number of pattern table entries */
149 #define MAXPATSIZE 256 /* maximum pattern size */
151 #define MAXPTS 1024 /* maximum number of pts per polygon */
152 #define MAXCHAR 256 /* maximum number of chars in a string */
154 #define OUTFUNS 67 /* number of output functions */
155 #define INFUNS 22 /* number of input functions */
157 /* attributes */
159 /* fonts */
160 #define ROMAN 0
161 #define GREEK 1
162 #define SCRIPT 2
163 #define OLDENGLISH 3
164 #define STICK 4
165 #define SYMBOLS 5
167 #define DEVNAMESIZE 20
168 /* Warning: Because of the ; separators,
169  * do not use the following macro unless it is surrounded with { }s.
170  * Beware interactions with if-else and ?: constructs.
171  */
172 #define NORMAL_VWSURF(dev,surf) \
173  dev.screenname[0] = '\0'; \
174  dev.windowname[0] = '\0'; \
175  dev.windowfd = 0; \
176  dev.retained = 0; \
177  dev.dd = surf; \
178  dev.cmapsize = 0; \
179  dev.cmapname[0] ='\0'; \
180  dev.flags = 0; \
181  dev.ptr= '\0' ;
184 #endif
185 #endif