Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.0.0
This is the complete list of members for vpServo, including all inherited members.
addFeature(vpBasicFeature &s, vpBasicFeature &s_star, const unsigned int select=vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL) | vpServo | |
addFeature(vpBasicFeature &s, const unsigned int select=vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL) | vpServo | |
ALL enum value | vpServo | |
computeControlLaw() | vpServo | |
computeControlLaw(double t) | vpServo | |
computeControlLaw(double t, const vpColVector &e_dot_init) | vpServo | |
computeError() | vpServo | |
computeInteractionMatrix() | vpServo | |
computeProjectionOperators() | vpServo | protected |
CONTROLLER enum value | vpServo | |
CURRENT enum value | vpServo | |
cVe | vpServo | protected |
cVf | vpServo | protected |
DESIRED enum value | vpServo | |
desiredFeatureList | vpServo | |
dim_task | vpServo | protected |
e | vpServo | |
e1 | vpServo | |
e1_initial | vpServo | protected |
eJe | vpServo | protected |
error | vpServo | |
ERROR_VECTOR enum value | vpServo | |
errorComputed | vpServo | protected |
EYEINHAND_CAMERA enum value | vpServo | |
EYEINHAND_L_cVe_eJe enum value | vpServo | |
EYETOHAND_L_cVe_eJe enum value | vpServo | |
EYETOHAND_L_cVf_fJe enum value | vpServo | |
EYETOHAND_L_cVf_fVe_eJe enum value | vpServo | |
FEATURE_CURRENT enum value | vpServo | |
FEATURE_DESIRED enum value | vpServo | |
featureList | vpServo | |
featureSelectionList | vpServo | |
fJe | vpServo | protected |
forceInteractionMatrixComputation | vpServo | protected |
fVe | vpServo | protected |
GAIN enum value | vpServo | |
get_cVe() const | vpServo | inline |
get_cVf() const | vpServo | inline |
get_eJe() const | vpServo | inline |
get_fJe() const | vpServo | inline |
get_fVe() const | vpServo | inline |
getDimension() const | vpServo | |
getError() const | vpServo | inline |
getI_WpW() const | vpServo | |
getInteractionMatrix() const | vpServo | inline |
getLargeP() const | vpServo | |
getServoType() const | vpServo | inline |
getTaskJacobian() const | vpServo | |
getTaskJacobianPseudoInverse() const | vpServo | |
getTaskRank() const | vpServo | |
getTaskSingularValues() const | vpServo | inline |
getWpW() const | vpServo | |
I_WpW | vpServo | protected |
init() | vpServo | protected |
init_cVe | vpServo | protected |
init_cVf | vpServo | protected |
init_eJe | vpServo | protected |
init_fJe | vpServo | protected |
init_fVe | vpServo | protected |
INTERACTION_MATRIX enum value | vpServo | |
interactionMatrixComputed | vpServo | protected |
interactionMatrixType | vpServo | |
inversionType | vpServo | |
J1 | vpServo | |
J1p | vpServo | |
kill() | vpServo | |
L | vpServo | |
lambda | vpServo | |
MEAN enum value | vpServo | |
MINIMUM enum value | vpServo | |
mu | vpServo | protected |
NONE enum value | vpServo | |
P | vpServo | protected |
print(const vpServo::vpServoPrintType display_level=ALL, std::ostream &os=std::cout) | vpServo | |
PSEUDO_INVERSE enum value | vpServo | |
q_dot | vpServo | |
rankJ1 | vpServo | |
s | vpServo | |
secondaryTask(const vpColVector &de2dt, const bool &useLargeProjectionOperator=false) | vpServo | |
secondaryTask(const vpColVector &e2, const vpColVector &de2dt, const bool &useLargeProjectionOperator=false) | vpServo | |
secondaryTaskJointLimitAvoidance(const vpColVector &q, const vpColVector &dq, const vpColVector &jointMin, const vpColVector &jointMax, const double &rho=0.1, const double &rho1=0.3, const double &lambda_tune=0.7) const | vpServo | |
servoType | vpServo | |
set_cVe(const vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVe_) | vpServo | inline |
set_cVe(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMe) | vpServo | inline |
set_cVf(const vpVelocityTwistMatrix &cVf_) | vpServo | inline |
set_cVf(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMf) | vpServo | inline |
set_eJe(const vpMatrix &eJe_) | vpServo | inline |
set_fJe(const vpMatrix &fJe_) | vpServo | inline |
set_fVe(const vpVelocityTwistMatrix &fVe_) | vpServo | inline |
set_fVe(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMe) | vpServo | inline |
setForceInteractionMatrixComputation(bool force_computation) | vpServo | inline |
setInteractionMatrixType(const vpServoIteractionMatrixType &interactionMatrixType, const vpServoInversionType &interactionMatrixInversion=PSEUDO_INVERSE) | vpServo | |
setLambda(double c) | vpServo | inline |
setLambda(const double gain_at_zero, const double gain_at_infinity, const double slope_at_zero) | vpServo | inline |
setLambda(const vpAdaptiveGain &l) | vpServo | inline |
setMu(double mu_) | vpServo | inline |
setServo(const vpServoType &servo_type) | vpServo | |
signInteractionMatrix | vpServo | |
sStar | vpServo | |
sv | vpServo | protected |
taskWasKilled | vpServo | protected |
testInitialization() | vpServo | |
testUpdated() | vpServo | |
TRANSPOSE enum value | vpServo | |
USER_DEFINED enum value | vpServo | |
v | vpServo | |
vpServo() | vpServo | |
vpServo(vpServoType servoType) | vpServo | |
vpServoInversionType enum name | vpServo | |
vpServoIteractionMatrixType enum name | vpServo | |
vpServoPrintType enum name | vpServo | |
vpServoType enum name | vpServo | |
WpW | vpServo | protected |
~vpServo() | vpServo | virtual |