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Visual Servoing Platform
version 3.0.0
This is the complete list of members for vpRobotBiclops, including all inherited members.
areJointLimitsAvailable | vpRobot | protected |
ARTICULAR_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
CAMERA_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
cMe_ | vpBiclops | protected |
computeMGD(const vpColVector &q, vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMc) const | vpBiclops | |
computeMGD(const vpColVector &q) const | vpBiclops | |
computeMGD(const vpColVector &q, vpPoseVector &fvc) const | vpBiclops | |
defaultPositioningVelocity | vpRobotBiclops | static |
DenavitHartenbergModel enum name | vpBiclops | |
DH1 enum value | vpBiclops | |
DH2 enum value | vpBiclops | |
dh_model_ | vpBiclops | protected |
eJe | vpRobot | protected |
eJeAvailable | vpRobot | protected |
fJe | vpRobot | protected |
fJeAvailable | vpRobot | protected |
get_cMe(vpHomogeneousMatrix &_cMe) const | vpRobotBiclops | |
vpBiclops::get_cMe() const | vpBiclops | inline |
get_cVe(vpVelocityTwistMatrix &_cVe) const | vpRobotBiclops | |
get_eJe(vpMatrix &_eJe) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |
vpBiclops::get_eJe(const vpColVector &q, vpMatrix &eJe) const | vpBiclops | |
get_fJe(vpMatrix &_fJe) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |
vpBiclops::get_fJe(const vpColVector &q, vpMatrix &fJe) const | vpBiclops | |
get_fMc(const vpColVector &q, vpHomogeneousMatrix &fMc) const | vpBiclops | |
get_fMc(const vpColVector &q, vpPoseVector &fvc) const | vpBiclops | |
get_fMc(const vpColVector &q) const | vpBiclops | |
get_fMe(const vpColVector &q) const | vpBiclops | |
getDenavitHartenbergModel() const | vpBiclops | inline |
getDisplacement(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &d) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |
getMaxRotationVelocity(void) const | vpRobot | |
getMaxTranslationVelocity(void) const | vpRobot | |
getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &q) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |
vpRobot::getPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame) | vpRobot | |
getPositioningVelocity(void) | vpRobotBiclops | |
getRobotFrame(void) const | vpRobot | inlineprotected |
getRobotState(void) const | vpRobot | inlinevirtual |
getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, vpColVector &q_dot) | vpRobotBiclops | |
getVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame) | vpRobotBiclops | |
h | vpBiclops | static |
init(void) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |
maxRotationVelocity | vpRobot | protected |
maxRotationVelocityDefault | vpRobot | protectedstatic |
maxTranslationVelocity | vpRobot | protected |
maxTranslationVelocityDefault | vpRobot | protectedstatic |
MIXT_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
nDof | vpRobot | protected |
ndof | vpBiclops | static |
operator=(const vpRobot &robot) | vpRobot | |
panJointLimit | vpBiclops | static |
qmax | vpRobot | protected |
qmin | vpRobot | protected |
readPositionFile(const char *filename, vpColVector &q) | vpRobotBiclops | |
REFERENCE_FRAME enum value | vpRobot | |
saturateVelocities(const vpColVector &v_in, const vpColVector &v_max, bool verbose=false) | vpRobot | static |
set_cMe() | vpBiclops | |
set_cMe(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMe) | vpBiclops | inline |
setConfigFile(const char *filename="/usr/share/BiclopsDefault.cfg") | vpRobotBiclops | |
setDenavitHartenbergModel(vpBiclops::DenavitHartenbergModel m=vpBiclops::DH1) | vpBiclops | inline |
setMaxRotationVelocity(const double maxVr) | vpRobot | |
setMaxTranslationVelocity(const double maxVt) | vpRobot | |
setPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &q) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |
setPosition(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const double &q1, const double &q2) | vpRobotBiclops | |
setPosition(const char *filename) | vpRobotBiclops | |
setPositioningVelocity(const double velocity) | vpRobotBiclops | |
setRobotFrame(vpRobot::vpControlFrameType newFrame) | vpRobot | protected |
setRobotState(const vpRobot::vpRobotStateType newState) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |
setVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &q_dot) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |
setVerbose(bool verbose) | vpRobot | inline |
speedLimit | vpBiclops | static |
STATE_ACCELERATION_CONTROL enum value | vpRobot | |
STATE_POSITION_CONTROL enum value | vpRobot | |
STATE_STOP enum value | vpRobot | |
STATE_VELOCITY_CONTROL enum value | vpRobot | |
stopMotion() | vpRobotBiclops | |
tiltJointLimit | vpBiclops | static |
verbose_ | vpRobot | protected |
vpBiclops(void) | vpBiclops | |
vpControlFrameType enum name | vpRobot | |
vpRobot(void) | vpRobot | |
vpRobot(const vpRobot &robot) | vpRobot | |
vpRobotBiclops(void) | vpRobotBiclops | |
vpRobotBiclops(const char *filename) | vpRobotBiclops | |
vpRobotBiclopsSpeedControlLoop(void *arg) | vpRobotBiclops | static |
vpRobotStateType enum name | vpRobot | |
~vpBiclops() | vpBiclops | inlinevirtual |
~vpRobot() | vpRobot | virtual |
~vpRobotBiclops(void) | vpRobotBiclops | virtual |