ViSP  2.8.0
vpHomography Member List

This is the complete list of members for vpHomography, including all inherited members.

AAt() const vpMatrix
AAt(vpMatrix &B) const vpMatrix
add2Matrices(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)vpMatrixstatic
add2WeightedMatrices(const vpMatrix &A, const double &wA, const vpMatrix &B, const double &wB, vpMatrix &C)vpMatrixstatic
AtA() const vpMatrix
AtA(vpMatrix &B) const vpMatrix
build(vpHomography &aHb, const vpHomogeneousMatrix &aMb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomographystatic
buildFrom(const vpRotationMatrix &aRb, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
buildFrom(const vpThetaUVector &tu, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
buildFrom(const vpPoseVector &arb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
buildFrom(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &aMb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
column(const unsigned int j)vpMatrix
computeCovarianceMatrix(const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &x, const vpColVector &b)vpMatrixstatic
computeCovarianceMatrix(const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &x, const vpColVector &b, const vpMatrix &w)vpMatrixstatic
computeDisplacement(vpRotationMatrix &aRb, vpTranslationVector &atb, vpColVector &n)vpHomography
computeDisplacement(const vpColVector &nd, vpRotationMatrix &aRb, vpTranslationVector &atb, vpColVector &n)vpHomography
computeDisplacement(const vpHomography &aHb, const vpColVector &nd, vpRotationMatrix &aRb, vpTranslationVector &atb, vpColVector &n)vpHomographystatic
computeDisplacement(const vpHomography &aHb, vpRotationMatrix &aRb, vpTranslationVector &atb, vpColVector &n)vpHomographystatic
computeDisplacement(const vpMatrix &H, const double x, const double y, std::list< vpRotationMatrix > &vR, std::list< vpTranslationVector > &vT, std::list< vpColVector > &vN)vpHomographystatic
computeDisplacement(unsigned int nbpoint, vpPoint *c1P, vpPoint *c2P, vpPlane &oN, vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mc1, vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, int userobust)vpHomographystatic
computeDisplacement(unsigned int nbpoint, vpPoint *c1P, vpPoint *c2P, vpPlane *oN, vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mc1, vpHomogeneousMatrix &c1Mo, int userobust)vpHomographystatic
computeDisplacement(const vpMatrix H, const double x, const double y, vpList< vpRotationMatrix > &vR, vpList< vpTranslationVector > &vT, vpList< vpColVector > &vN)vpHomographystatic
computeResidual(vpColVector &x, vpColVector &M, vpColVector &d)vpHomographystatic
computeRotation(unsigned int nbpoint, vpPoint *c1P, vpPoint *c2P, vpHomogeneousMatrix &c2Mc1, int userobust)vpHomographystatic
computeTransformation(vpColVector &x, unsigned int *ind, vpColVector &M)vpHomographystatic
cppPrint(std::ostream &os, const char *matrixName=NULL, bool octet=false)vpMatrix
createDiagonalMatrix(const vpColVector &A, vpMatrix &DA)vpMatrixstatic
degenerateConfiguration(vpColVector &x, unsigned int *ind)vpHomographystatic
degenerateConfiguration(vpColVector &x, unsigned int *ind, double threshold_area)vpHomographystatic
det(vpDetMethod method=LU_DECOMPOSITION) const vpMatrix
diag(const vpColVector &A)vpMatrix
DLT(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, vpHomography &aHb)vpHomographystatic
eigenValues(vpColVector &evalue, vpMatrix &evector)vpMatrix
euclideanNorm() const vpMatrix
eye(unsigned int n)vpMatrix
eye(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)vpMatrix
getCols() const vpMatrixinline
getMaxValue() const vpMatrix
getMinValue() const vpMatrix
getRows() const vpMatrixinline
HartleyDenormalization(vpHomography &aHbn, vpHomography &aHb, double xg1, double yg1, double coef1, double xg2, double yg2, double coef2)vpHomographystatic
HartleyDLT(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, vpHomography &aHb)vpHomographystatic
HartleyNormalization(unsigned int n, double *x, double *y, double *xn, double *yn, double &xg, double &yg, double &coef)vpHomographystatic
HLM(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, bool isplan, vpHomography &aHb)vpHomographystatic
infinityNorm() const vpMatrix
vpMatrix::init(const vpMatrix &m, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols)vpMatrix
vpMatrix::insert(const vpMatrix &A, const unsigned int r, const unsigned int c)vpMatrix
vpMatrix::insert(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, const unsigned int r, const unsigned int c)vpMatrixstatic
vpMatrix::insert(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C, const unsigned int r, const unsigned int c)vpMatrixstatic
inverse() const vpHomography
inverse(vpHomography &Hi) const vpHomography
inverseByCholesky() const vpMatrix
inverseByCholeskyLapack() const vpMatrix
inverseByLU() const vpMatrix
inverseByQR() const vpMatrix
inverseByQRLapack() const vpMatrix
juxtaposeMatrices(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)vpMatrixstatic
juxtaposeMatrices(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)vpMatrixstatic
kernel(vpMatrix &KerA, double svThreshold=1e-6)vpMatrix
kron(const vpMatrix &m1, vpMatrix &out)vpMatrix
kron(const vpMatrix &m1)vpMatrix
kron(const vpMatrix &m1, const vpMatrix &m2, vpMatrix &out)vpMatrixstatic
kron(const vpMatrix &m1, const vpMatrix &m2)vpMatrixstatic
load(std::ifstream &f)vpHomography
loadMatrix(const char *filename, vpMatrix &M, const bool binary=false, char *Header=NULL)vpMatrixstatic
loadMatrix(std::string filename, vpMatrix &M, const bool binary=false, char *Header=NULL)vpMatrixinlinestatic
LU_DECOMPOSITION enum valuevpMatrix
maplePrint(std::ostream &os)vpMatrix
matlabPrint(std::ostream &os)vpMatrix
mult2Matrices(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)vpMatrixstatic
multMatrixVector(const vpMatrix &A, const vpColVector &b, vpColVector &c)vpMatrixstatic
negateMatrix(const vpMatrix &A, vpMatrix &C)vpMatrixstatic
operator*(const vpHomography &H) const vpHomography
operator*(const double &v) const vpHomography
vpMatrix::operator*(const vpMatrix &B) const vpMatrix
vpMatrix::operator*(const vpColVector &b) const vpMatrix
vpMatrix::operator*(const vpTranslationVector &b) const vpMatrix
vpMatrix::operator*(const double x) const vpMatrix
vpMatrix::operator*(const double &x, const vpMatrix &B)vpMatrixrelated
operator*=(const double x)vpMatrix
operator+(const vpMatrix &B) const vpMatrix
operator+=(const vpMatrix &B)vpMatrix
operator+=(const double x)vpMatrix
operator-(const vpMatrix &B) const vpMatrix
operator-() const vpMatrix
operator-=(const vpMatrix &B)vpMatrix
operator-=(const double x)vpMatrix
operator/(const double &v) const vpHomography
vpMatrix::operator/(const double x) const vpMatrix
operator/=(double x)vpMatrix
operator<<(double *)vpMatrix
operator=(const vpMatrix &B)vpMatrix
operator=(const double x)vpMatrix
operator[](unsigned int n)vpMatrixinline
operator[](unsigned int n) const vpMatrixinline
vpMatrix::print(std::ostream &s, unsigned int length, char const *intro=0)vpMatrix
pseudoInverse(double svThreshold=1e-6) const vpMatrix
pseudoInverse(vpMatrix &Ap, double svThreshold=1e-6) const vpMatrix
pseudoInverse(vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold=1e-6) const vpMatrix
pseudoInverse(vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold, vpMatrix &ImA, vpMatrix &ImAt) const vpMatrix
pseudoInverse(vpMatrix &Ap, vpColVector &sv, double svThreshold, vpMatrix &ImA, vpMatrix &ImAt, vpMatrix &kerA) const vpMatrix
ransac(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, vpHomography &aHb, int consensus=1000, double threshold=1e-6)vpHomographystatic
ransac(unsigned int n, double *xb, double *yb, double *xa, double *ya, vpHomography &aHb, vpColVector &inliers, double &residual, int consensus=1000, double epsilon=1e-6, double areaThreshold=0.0)vpHomographystatic
resize(const unsigned int nrows, const unsigned int ncols, const bool nullify=true)vpMatrix
row(const unsigned int i)vpMatrix
save(std::ofstream &f) const vpHomography
saveMatrix(const char *filename, const vpMatrix &M, const bool binary=false, const char *Header="")vpMatrixstatic
saveMatrix(std::string filename, const vpMatrix &M, const bool binary=false, const char *Header="")vpMatrixinlinestatic
setIdentity(const double &val=1.0)vpMatrix
skew(const vpTranslationVector &t, vpMatrix &M)vpMatrixrelated
solveBySVD(const vpColVector &B, vpColVector &x) const vpMatrix
solveBySVD(const vpColVector &B) const vpMatrix
stackColumns(vpColVector &out)vpMatrix
stackMatrices(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B)vpMatrixstatic
stackMatrices(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)vpMatrixstatic
stackMatrices(const vpMatrix &A)vpMatrix
stackRows(vpRowVector &out)vpMatrix
sub2Matrices(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, vpMatrix &C)vpMatrixstatic
sumSquare() const vpMatrix
svd(vpColVector &w, vpMatrix &v)vpMatrix
t() const vpMatrix
transpose() const vpMatrix
transpose(vpMatrix &C) const vpMatrix
vpDetMethod enum namevpMatrix
vpGEMM(const vpMatrix &A, const vpMatrix &B, const double &alpha, const vpMatrix &C, const double &beta, vpMatrix &D, const unsigned int &ops=0)vpMatrixrelated
vpGEMMmethod enum namevpMatrixrelated
vpHomography(const vpHomography &aMb)vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpHomogeneousMatrix &aMb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpRotationMatrix &aRb, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpThetaUVector &tu, const vpTranslationVector &atb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
vpHomography(const vpPoseVector &arb, const vpPlane &bP)vpHomography
vpMatrix(unsigned int r, unsigned int c)vpMatrix
vpMatrix(const vpMatrix &m, unsigned int r, unsigned int c, unsigned int nrows, unsigned int ncols)vpMatrix
vpMatrix(const vpMatrix &m)vpMatrix