ViSP  2.10.0
2 #include <visp/vpDisplayGDI.h>
3 #include <visp/vpDisplayOpenCV.h>
4 #include <visp/vpDisplayX.h>
5 #include <visp/vpFeatureBuilder.h>
6 #include <visp/vpServo.h>
7 #include <visp/vpSimulatorAfma6.h>
9 void display_trajectory(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, std::vector<vpPoint> &point,
10  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam);
12 void display_trajectory(const vpImage<unsigned char> &I, std::vector<vpPoint> &point,
13  const vpHomogeneousMatrix &cMo, const vpCameraParameters &cam)
14 {
15  unsigned int thickness = 3;
16  static std::vector<vpImagePoint> traj[4];
17  vpImagePoint cog;
18  for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++) {
19  // Project the point at the given camera position
20  point[i].project(cMo);
21  vpMeterPixelConversion::convertPoint(cam, point[i].get_x(), point[i].get_y(), cog);
22  traj[i].push_back(cog);
23  }
24  for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++) {
25  for (unsigned int j=1; j<traj[i].size(); j++) {
26  vpDisplay::displayLine(I, traj[i][j-1], traj[i][j], vpColor::green, thickness);
27  }
28  }
29 }
31 int main()
32 {
33 #if defined(VISP_HAVE_PTHREAD)
34  try {
35  vpHomogeneousMatrix cdMo(0, 0, 0.75, 0, 0, 0);
36  vpHomogeneousMatrix cMo(-0.15, 0.1, 1., vpMath::rad(-10), vpMath::rad(10), vpMath::rad(50));
38  /*
39  Top view of the world frame, the camera frame and the object frame
41  world, also robot base frame :
42  w_y
43  /|\
44  |
45  w_x <--
47  object :
48  o_y
49  /|\
50  |
51  o_x <--
54  camera :
55  c_y
56  /|\
57  |
58  c_x <--
60  */
61  vpHomogeneousMatrix wMo(0, 0, 1., 0, 0, 0);
63  std::vector<vpPoint> point(4) ;
64  point[0].setWorldCoordinates(-0.1,-0.1, 0);
65  point[1].setWorldCoordinates( 0.1,-0.1, 0);
66  point[2].setWorldCoordinates( 0.1, 0.1, 0);
67  point[3].setWorldCoordinates(-0.1, 0.1, 0);
69  vpServo task ;
72  task.setLambda(0.5);
74  vpFeaturePoint p[4], pd[4] ;
75  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
76  point[i].track(cdMo);
77  vpFeatureBuilder::create(pd[i], point[i]);
78  point[i].track(cMo);
79  vpFeatureBuilder::create(p[i], point[i]);
80  task.addFeature(p[i], pd[i]);
81  }
83  vpSimulatorAfma6 robot(true);
84  robot.setVerbose(true);
86  // Get the default joint limits
87  vpColVector qmin = robot.getJointMin();
88  vpColVector qmax = robot.getJointMax();
90  std::cout << "Robot joint limits: " << std::endl;
91  for (unsigned int i=0; i< 3; i ++)
92  std::cout << "Joint " << i << ": min " << qmin[i] << " max " << qmax[i] << " (m)" << std::endl;
93  for (unsigned int i=3; i< qmin.size(); i ++)
94  std::cout << "Joint " << i << ": min " << vpMath::deg(qmin[i]) << " max " << vpMath::deg(qmax[i]) << " (deg)" << std::endl;
99  robot.set_fMo(wMo);
100  bool ret = true;
102  ret =
103  #endif
104  robot.initialiseCameraRelativeToObject(cMo);
105  if (ret == false)
106  return 0; // Not able to set the position
107  robot.setDesiredCameraPosition(cdMo);
109  vpImage<unsigned char> Iint(480, 640, 255);
110 #if defined(VISP_HAVE_X11)
111  vpDisplayX displayInt(Iint, 700, 0, "Internal view");
112 #elif defined(VISP_HAVE_GDI)
113  vpDisplayGDI displayInt(Iint, 700, 0, "Internal view");
114 #elif defined(VISP_HAVE_OPENCV)
115  vpDisplayOpenCV displayInt(Iint, 700, 0, "Internal view");
116 #else
117  std::cout << "No image viewer is available..." << std::endl;
118 #endif
120  vpCameraParameters cam(840, 840, Iint.getWidth()/2, Iint.getHeight()/2);
121  robot.setCameraParameters(cam);
123  bool start = true;
124  for ( ; ; )
125  {
126  cMo = robot.get_cMo();
128  for (unsigned int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++) {
129  point[i].track(cMo);
130  vpFeatureBuilder::create(p[i], point[i]);
131  }
133  vpDisplay::display(Iint);
134  robot.getInternalView(Iint);
135  if (!start) {
136  display_trajectory(Iint, point, cMo, cam);
137  vpDisplay::displayText(Iint, 40, 120, "Click to stop the servo...", vpColor::red);
138  }
139  vpDisplay::flush(Iint);
141  vpColVector v = task.computeControlLaw();
144  // A click to exit
145  if (vpDisplay::getClick(Iint, false))
146  break;
148  if (start) {
149  start = false;
150  v = 0;
152  vpDisplay::displayText(Iint, 40, 120, "Click to start the servo...", vpColor::blue);
153  vpDisplay::flush(Iint);
154  vpDisplay::getClick(Iint);
155  }
157  vpTime::wait(1000*robot.getSamplingTime());
158  }
159  task.kill();
160  }
161  catch(vpException e) {
162  std::cout << "Catch an exception: " << e << std::endl;
163  }
164 #endif
165 }
The object displayed at the desired position is the same than the scene object defined in vpSceneObje...
Perspective projection without distortion model.
unsigned int getWidth() const
Definition: vpImage.h:161
double getSamplingTime() const
The class provides a data structure for the homogeneous matrices as well as a set of operations on th...
void setVerbose(bool verbose)
Definition: vpRobot.h:158
A 40cm by 40cm plate with 4 points at coordinates (-0.1,-0.1,0), (0.1,-0.1,0), (0.1,0.1,0), (0.1,0.1,0). Each point is represented by a circle with 2cm radius.
static void convertPoint(const vpCameraParameters &cam, const double &x, const double &y, double &u, double &v)
Point coordinates conversion from normalized coordinates in meter to pixel coordinates ...
Display for windows using GDI (available on any windows 32 platform).
Definition: vpDisplayGDI.h:132
static void displayText(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I, const vpImagePoint &ip, const std::string &s, const vpColor &color)
Definition: vpDisplay.cpp:887
Define the X11 console to display images.
Definition: vpDisplayX.h:152
void addFeature(vpBasicFeature &s, vpBasicFeature &s_star, const unsigned int select=vpBasicFeature::FEATURE_ALL)
Definition: vpServo.cpp:449
error that can be emited by ViSP classes.
Definition: vpException.h:76
Class that defines a 2D point visual feature which is composed by two parameters that are the cartes...
static int wait(double t0, double t)
Definition: vpTime.cpp:149
static const vpColor green
Definition: vpColor.h:170
static void flush(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
Definition: vpDisplay.cpp:2232
virtual vpRobotStateType setRobotState(const vpRobot::vpRobotStateType newState)
Definition: vpRobot.cpp:205
static const vpColor red
Definition: vpColor.h:167
unsigned int size() const
Definition: vpColVector.h:204
void kill()
Definition: vpServo.cpp:189
Initialize the velocity controller.
Definition: vpRobot.h:70
vpColVector computeControlLaw()
Definition: vpServo.cpp:902
static void display(const vpImage< unsigned char > &I)
Definition: vpDisplay.cpp:210
The vpDisplayOpenCV allows to display image using the opencv library.
Generic class defining intrinsic camera parameters.
void setLambda(double c)
Definition: vpServo.h:370
Simulator of Irisa's gantry robot named Afma6.
void setInteractionMatrixType(const vpServoIteractionMatrixType &interactionMatrixType, const vpServoInversionType &interactionMatrixInversion=PSEUDO_INVERSE)
Definition: vpServo.cpp:522
static double rad(double deg)
Definition: vpMath.h:100
static double deg(double rad)
Definition: vpMath.h:93
Class that provides a data structure for the column vectors as well as a set of operations on these v...
Definition: vpColVector.h:72
unsigned int getHeight() const
Definition: vpImage.h:152
virtual bool getClick(bool blocking=true)=0
Class that defines a 2D point in an image. This class is useful for image processing and stores only ...
Definition: vpImagePoint.h:93
virtual void displayLine(const vpImagePoint &ip1, const vpImagePoint &ip2, const vpColor &color, unsigned int thickness=1)=0
static void create(vpFeaturePoint &s, const vpCameraParameters &cam, const vpDot &d)
void setServo(const vpServoType &servo_type)
Definition: vpServo.cpp:220
void setVelocity(const vpRobot::vpControlFrameType frame, const vpColVector &v)
static const vpColor blue
Definition: vpColor.h:173